Minutes of the Meeting of Stanton St John Parish Council held on Monday 20th February 2017 at 7.30 pm in the village hall.

Present: Gina Moore (in the chair), Andrew Clark, David Stern, Anne Purse (County Councillor) for part, John Walsh (District Councillor) for part, Clare Massey (Clerk).

124. Apologies David Polgreen, Alex Smith

125. Declarations of interest in Agenda items - None

126. Approve and sign minutes of meetings held on Monday 16th January 2017. These were accepted as a true record of the meeting and duly approved and signed off by the Chair.

127. PUBLIC FORUM A member of the public noted the item for road noise and agreed it is very marked in the village and surrounding areas even on the top of . They felt that the villages affected should club together. A comment on the signage for Rectory Farm requested traffic should not be directed along Shepherd’s Pit Road. The application for a cabin at Rectory Farm was raised and concerns were raised that they ensure this did not displace anything else which could overspill into the field behind. SODC have now agreed to cooperate with OCC in their proposal for a single unitary authority because the government have made it clear only larger unitary authorities will be approved. The next draft of SODC local plan will come out at the end of March. OCC are working with the owners of Quarry to resolve issues such as mud on the road. OCC are hopeful that a single unitary authority would save enough money to give some back to services and will help make it clearer who is in charge of which service. The Council budget has been set and adult services and social care budgets will have to be cut along with others. The Children’s Centre in Wheatley has secured a large grant from OCC. They are hoping to share a manager with the centre in . The church in Wheatley has given the centre umbrella charitable status.

128. Matters arising from last meeting Damage to wall on Pound Lane – The area steward has been asked to contact the company again. A40 road noise – A model letter had been drafted and was discussed. A few changes would be made including mentioning other villages affected and talking about impact on residents. 22 Middle Road – The owners have discussed their plans with SODC, no further action needed

129. Planning 129.1 Planning Applications received: i) P17/S0061/A Proposed Signage Rectory Farm Pound Lane Stanton St John OX33 1HF. This is a routine readmission and was approved. ii) P17/S0184/AG Erection of proposed cabin. Rectory Farm Pound Lane Stanton St John OX33 1HF. There was concern about the drawings and plans submitted in the application. The site plan is incorrect and out of date because it doesn’t show the bund, vegetation, accommodation or correct yard boundaries. The drawings are very sketch like and not felt to be sufficient. It isn’t clear if the new cabin would displace an existing building.

129.2 Planning Decisions to be noted: P16/S3289/HH Proposed Part First Floor Front Elevation Extension under Hipped Dormer Roof. Replace extg 225mm brick wall at Porch with 300mm cavity wall. 18 Courtfield Road Stanton St John OXFORD OX33 1HA - REFUSED

129.3 Planning Decisions pending: None

130. Finance 130.1 Applications for routine subscriptions and donations: CPRE membership £36.00 All agreed to keep at same level

130.2 Accounts for payment: Clerks Pay 11th January to 15th February (5 weeks) £476.50 Clerks expenses £0 Unpaid cheque fee £6.00 Dog Bin Emptying Oct-Dec 16 £37.68

130.3 Receipts – (included in balances below) Big Lottery Grant for play area £10,000

130.4 Balances at bank Current Account as at 31 January 2017 £31,650.93 Deposit Account as at 1st January 2017 £9,409.70

130.5 Quarterly Review of finances – Spend is under budget.

131. Neighbourhood Plan The group are meeting regularly and will plan a public meeting to present the approach to the Neighbourhood Plan and make it clear what the village will need to do. One of the first steps will be a questionnaire and which questions should be asked will be discussed at the public meeting. The group have heard from a representative from Woodcote who have recently done their plan.

132. Village Hall 132.1 Committee proposals – Nothing heard regarding time requirements 132.2 Quotes for asbestos removal – No quotes received 132.3 Grass cutting quote – All agreed to use the same company as last year as the quote has remained the same. All agreed to an early cut before work starts on the play area. 132.4 Update on play area project – Plan is to start early March.

133. Village wall repairs Areas which need repair need identifying ACTION – Gina to discuss with David Polgreen The top of the pavement between the Church and Wynburgh needs clearing and siding out. ACTION – Clerk to get quote from BGG

134. Safety improvements on B4027 VAS signs – A quote has been given for the pole but it is shared with Forest Hill with Shotover’s poles so unclear which portion is for which council. All agreed when the quote is separated out that payment could be made up to £500. Village signs – Awaiting new quote

135. Bus service Update – None given

136. Correspondence Received i) The High Sheriff of – request for a meeting to discuss carers in Oxfordshire ii) OALC members update – circulated on email iii) Wheatley Newsletter Feb/ Mar 2017 – circulated on email iv) Police Monthly update – circulated on email

Dates of Meetings SSJ Parish Council Meeting – 20th March 2017, 7:30pm, Village Hall. SSJ Parish Council Meeting –10th April 2017, 7:30pm, Village Hall.