Damian Green: Foreigners could run UK police forces within years

The UK could have its first foreign police commissioner within years rather than decades, policing minister Damian Green has said.

Thinner blue line: newly qualified police officers at the Peel Centre in Hendon, north London Photo: PA

By Peter Dominiczak

8:54AM GMT 30 Jan 2013

The Government has announced that foreign chief constables could be brought in to lead forces and a fast-track scheme for business leaders and former Army officers could halve the time taken to reach the top job from the current 20 to 25 years.

The move could see officers leading police forces in their 30s, instead of in their 40s.

Theresa May, the Home Secretary, will also unveil plans to change the law to enable candidates such as American “supercop” Bill Bratton, the former head of the New York Police, to fight crime in the UK.

Mr Bratton, who was blocked from applying for the role of Commissioner two years ago amid objections that his appointment would have torn up the convention that British citizens should police their own communities, has indicated that he would be interested in leading London’s force. Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme Mr Green that that the UK will have a foreign chief constable or commissioner in “years rather than decades”.

He compared the situation to the appointment of Mark Carney, a Canadian, as the Governor of the Bank of England.

“If five years ago you’d said, ‘Can you envisage the governor of the Bank of England talking to you in a Canadian accent?’ we would have thought, ‘That’s a bit odd’,” Mr Green said.

“But actually Mark Carney is, I am told, the best central banker in the world and it’s great that he’s going to apply those talents in this country and the same will be true of senior policemen around the world as well.”

Mr Green said that allowing foreigners to lead British police forces will allow UK forces to become “even better in the future”.

“It will happen,” he said. “We’re consulting on how best to do it but I think bringing in new talent so that our very, very good police service becomes even better in the future is absolutely essential to continue the reform that has successfully led to a fall in crime in this country.”

The Government reforms would also end the requirement for officers to work their way up from the lowest ranks, and seek to recruit more graduates and former Army officers.

There were reports that had wanted Mr Bratton to take over as Met Police Commissioner following the resignation of Sir Paul Stephenson over the phone hacking scandal.

Mr Bratton was credited with cutting crime in New York with his “zero tolerance” approach to crime, including minor offences, when he was in charge of America’s two largest police departments in New York and Los Angeles, as well as in Boston.

Derek Barnett, president of the Police Superintendents’ Association, said: “The Home Secretary’s proposals send out a very strong message that the senior leadership of the police service isn’t valued or trusted or else she wouldn’t be wanting to bring in foreign police chiefs.

“Bringing people in at superintendent level, inexperienced, unqualified, will bring some risks with them

“You don’t reach the senior ranks of the police service by sitting in the classroom for 15 to 16 months.” © Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2013