A Story 2021

The Show: This stage play is based on the and Warner Brothers’ 1983 movie “A Christmas Story” and the book “In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash” both written by . The story follows a young Ralphie Parker in his quest for “an official Red Ryder carbine action 200 shot BB gun” complete with “a compass and this thing which tells time built right into the stock”. Ralphie pleads his case to anyone who will listen, even himself, only to hear the infamous words: “You’ll shoot your eye out!” All of the elements from the movie are featured in this show including the leg lamp, the infamous “Oh, Fudge!” scene, the family’s temperamental furnace, and more.

Character List

RALPH (As an adult, the storyteller) – Male, age 50-60 Ralph is the storyteller throughout the show, taking the place of the narrative Voice Over that is prevalent in the movie. While he is a storyteller, the director is not looking for a “voice over” type for the role as there are several opportunities for the actor to break out of the “narrative-only” mode. The Actor must be able to memorize approximately 300 lines, as the character is on stage for a majority of the show.

RALPHIE PARKER – Male, Age 10-15 Ralphie is the epitome of a young boy growing up in the late 1940’s during the Golden Age of radio before the of television. Ralphie is a very complex character and the actor should be able to convey a wide range of emotions that are often present in a young child’s world. And the actor should also be able to memorize a large amount of dialogue.

MOTHER – Female, Age 30-50 Ralphie’s mother is strong, direct, and apparently knows how to break up a fight. She is resourceful, and she is exactly what her family needs at any given time. There are moments throughout the entire script where the actor will have opportunities to break out of the 1940’s stereotype. There are also opportunities for physical comedy in this role as well. Dance experience is not necessary, but a plus.

THE OLD MAN – Male, Age 30-50 The old man is always trying to prove himself. He is a wry and salty character, but has a soft spot in his heart for his family, and will do anything for them. The actor should be able to convey the physical comedy inherent in this role. Dance experience is a plus but not necessary, as there is a tango scene in the show.

RANDY (Ralphie’s Brother) – Male, Age 8-12 Randy is often overlooked by his family, but there are moments where he takes center stage in their lives. The director is looking for younger actors for this role, but comedy timing is a plus.

MISS SHIELDS (Ralphie’s Teacher) – Female, Age 30-50 The character of Miss Shields would be more at home on a melodrama stage. With a histrionic personality, the role of Miss Shields will provide the actor with opportunities for big laughs.

FLICK (Ralphie’s Best Friend) – Male, Age 10-15 Flick is a long time friend of Ralphie’s, and seems to always be the object of Skut Farkas’ wrath. He is a bit of jokester type. Comedic timing is important for the actor playing this part. The actor must be comfortable with a great amount of high energy physicality for this role.

SCHWARTZ (Ralphie’s Friend) – Male or Female, Age 10-15 The character of Schwartz is a typical “smart aleck” type. Schwartz is always instigating trouble, usually at his friends’ expense. Again, comedic timing is a plus for the actor playing this role, as Schwartz, Flick, and Ralphie become somewhat of a comedic trio. Again, a great amount of high energy is required for this role.

ESTHER JANE (Ralphie’s “Girlfriend”) – Female, Age 10-15 While not in the original movie, in this script the role of Esther Jane makes it known that she’s Ralphie’s girlfriend (even though Ralphie doesn’t know it yet). There are definitely several opportunities for comedic moments in the script for this role.

HELEN WEATHERS (Ralphie’s Fellow Student) – Female, Age 10-15 Helen is the typical “know it all” type of student. Helen also possesses the ability to stand up for herself in a way that would make Skut Farkas tremble.

SKUT FARKAS (The Bully) – Male or Female, Age 15-17 When Skut Farkas laughs, everyone hides! Skut Farkas does not know when he’s pushed someone too far. He is the stereotypical bully, and as such, receives his due at the hands of Ralphie. Stage combat experience is a plus for this actor, since there is a fight scene between Skut and Ralphie toward the end of the show.

SANTA CLAUS (Department Store Santa Claus) – Male, Age 40-60 The role of Santa Claus is a department store “Santa” who is getting tired of the never-ending sea of children asking for presents. The actor playing Santa Claus needs to have a sense of comedic timing as well, since there are many opportunities in the script for big laughs.



Please review this Fact Sheet carefully to make sure you can commit yourself to the times and dates for both rehearsal and performance. Too many rehearsal conflicts – especially those previously not indicated on your audition form – will preclude you from being in the show. Performance conflicts can in NO WAY be accommodated.

A Christmas Story 2021 Performance Run: December 3, 4, 5; December 10, 11, 12; December 17, 18, 19.

Rehearsal Space(s): TBD

REHEARSALS “A Christmas Story” will be rehearsing Mondays through Thursdays beginning September 13 and will start promptly at 6:30pm. It is the intent of the director to not have rehearsals during Thanksgiving week. Our rehearsal spaces may vary and will be determined at a later date. However, all rehearsals will take place in Visalia. For the first few weeks, rehearsals typically last until 8:30pm. From approximately the 6th or 7th week of rehearsals through tech week, rehearsals can last as long as 9:30pm (especially during tech week). Please plan on late nights during tech week. There will be several younger actors cast in this show. With that in mind, if you are a student and you are cast in this show, please ensure that all schoolwork, tests, etc are kept up during this production. Please indicate ANY evening conflicts (church, school, work, etc) on the audition form.

STAGE COMBAT REHEARSALS If you are cast in a role that requires stage combat training, there will be four separate rehearsals scheduled during the normal Monday-Thursday rehearsal times. Please list any conflicts on your audition form.

PERFORMANCES “A Christmas Story” will be playing at the Ice House Theater December 3,4,5; December 10,11,12; December 17,18,19. Call times for most actors will be one hour before curtain unless additional time is needed to run a fight or if special attention is needed for make up.

ABSENCES NOT MENTIONED IN CONFLICTS SECTION OF YOUR APPLICATION If you are cast for this show, you will receive a rehearsal schedule and you will be expected to attend the rehearsals for which you are scheduled. When an actor misses rehearsal it affects not only the actor’s performance, but his or her fellow actors as well. Time is of the essence during rehearsal times and rehearsals are unproductive when actors miss. However, the director understands that unforeseen circumstances such as illness or work related issues come up from time to time. Therefore, if you are cast for this show you have three “free passes”. Meaning you can miss rehearsal three times for any reason as long as you notify the director prior to the start of rehearsal. After this, absences (regardless of reason) will begin to be accrued. More than five total absences (including the “free passes”) may result in the re-casting of your role.

REHEARSAL SPACE You will be required to treat the rehearsal space with respect and keep it clean. Any cast member found not treating the space with respect may be re-casted.

TEAMWORK In order for a cast and a show to be a success, there must be a positive chemistry between actors. The director strictly adheres to a zero-tolerance policy with regard to “backstage drama”. This type of behavior will not be tolerated in any way, and may result in the re-casting of roles. If cast in this show, you will be required to sign a Cast Contract clearly outlining all expectations and your responsibilities to fellow cast members.

TECH WEEK “A Christmas Story” will require a demanding rehearsal schedule to say the least. While all rehearsal dates are important, there will be NO ACCOMMODATIONS made for missing Tech Week (November 29-December 2). You will be required to sign a Cast Contract committing to rehearsals especially to tech week. Failure to be present at mandatory rehearsal times or missing too many regular rehearsals will result in a re-casting of your role.