The Quill -- February 10, 1970 Roger Williams University

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The Quill -- February 10, 1970 Roger Williams University Roger Williams University DOCS@RWU The Quill Student Publications 2-10-1970 The Quill -- February 10, 1970 Roger Williams University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation Roger Williams University, "The Quill -- February 10, 1970" (1970). The Quill. Paper 122. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at DOCS@RWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Quill by an authorized administrator of DOCS@RWU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ui - Without the '[freas . what is speech; without apeech . what i8 freedom; without freedom . what is Zife1 VOL. IX, No. 15 PUBLISHED FOR AND BY THE STUDENTS February 10, 1970 A New Program In Providenre Commencement Ecology Today Executive Training For Women Plans Seminar on Water Pollution One of the major reasons for Dormatories that Providence the recent failure of the secre­ could not provide. As an altern­ At Columbia University tarial program introduced on the ative the appeal of the city and Underway Boston - A second all-day retary of the Interior on water Providence campus this Fall was its merit will be used to develop A group of Seniors and Fa­ that the college was trying to the program. The in city appeal Seminar on Water Pollution for pollution matters. culty has been meeting for sev­ College Students will be held at The Seminar is designed to en­ sell a dead program. As a result of the ·college being that the eral weeks mapping out plans the professional studies division colleg is close to the downtown McMillin Hall, Columbia Univer- courge youth to speak out on for this year's Commencement, sity, Saturday University, Satur- what they think is right and is thinking about introducing a business area and therefore a the first one at which Bacca­ new program under the title of work-study program could be day, February 21. The Seminar wrong about pollution cleanup laureate degrees will be award­ will begin at ~:30 a.m. and con- efforts. executive training for woman. established. The girls would ed. Girls who enroll in this program work 20-25 hours in businesses tinue until 4:00 p.m. The Sem- At Boston Seminar scores of will take the same courses as such as travel agencies and de­ The Committee met with Dr. inar is sponsored by the Student students had comments to make men with the possible addition partment stores. The wages they Gauvey on February 3 and re­ . Council On Pollution and the and questions to ask about the of shorthand and _typing. A sec­ receive could be applied to their ceived a very favorable r.esponse Environment (SCOPE) with as- water polJution program. ond alternative or possible in­ tuition and expenses. This ex­ to many of their recommenda­ sistance from the Federal Water In announcing the February clusion to this program would perience would also give the stu­ tions and suggestions. Pollution Control Administration. 21 Seminar at Columbia, Sec- Students in the Greater New retary Walter J. Hickel said, possibly be Business Education. dent the on-the-job training vi­ One of the proposals is that York area will get a chance to ' "SCOPE is being organized both The girls would take the core tal to a professional studies col­ this year's Commencement be course in the professional divi­ lege. something different from the state their piece as to what they nationallyand regionaJJy to pro­ sion and the education courses A third reason for its failure traditional stereotyped cere­ think of the nation's environ- vide youth with a voice in the mental problems. decisions on environmental prob- at RIC or URI extension until was that it was instituted in the mony. It would be a total envir­ such time that Roger Williams summer to late in the academic onment concept - lights, sound, Up for grabs also will be four lems affecting their homes and places on the Northeast Regional the nation as a a whole. Ow· en­ could develop its own Business year to attract possible candi­ participation, etc. The Commit­ Student Council on Pollution and vironment is suffering from Education courses. dates. As a result the profession­ tee is also considering various A second short coming was al studies division will begin speakers, academic hoods for BA the Environment (SCOPE). At years of neglect. It is suffering the Boston Seminar, beld in De- from our affluent high standard also cited as being that the sec­ shortly an intensive campaign in degree candidates, and a larger cember.,, ~.~&'•. 'It --IS · <M!P-~ro retarial program lacked appeal the high schools of Rhode Island size diploma. Commencement -ot-lMng:· chose the following to represent involve our youth in this battle to the individual student. It to recruit students iuterested in will be held on June 4 at 10 a.m. them on (SCOPE): Richard Be- for clean water." boasted Social Facilities and such a program. on the Bristol Campus. dard of Maine; Robert Buehl of Lester M. Klashman, FWPCA The Commencement Commit­ Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute; Northeast Regional Director, tee hopes that, through the Quill, David Burmaster, Massachusetts said, "This Seminar is intended Antioch To Admit all students, faculty, administra­ Institute of Technology; Mark for the student. They'll do the tors, and Trustees will be kept Kahan of Columbia University talking, we'll do the listening." High Risk Students informed of the plans now being and Staff Sheehan, University of McMillin Hall 011 the Columbia formulated. Anyone with any Massachusetts. campus is conveniently located Yellow Springs, Ohio - (I.P.) black and white, and the design ideas is urged to contact mem­ Regional SCOPE will elect one on Broadway adjacent to tbe - Antioch College's board of of educational programs that are bers of the committee. of the group to serve on a Na- Campus Gate, just north of trustees agreed recently that the appropriate to the needs and in­ tional SCOPE to advise the Sec- 116th Street, New York City. college must change its educa­ terests of such students. Seniors on the committee are Bill Knight, Chairman, Gary Di­ tional program to meet the needs Other suggestions ranged from of - and increase the number of opening extension campuses Orio, Ron Martel, Fred Imondi, - high-risk students, both black where Antioch students could Marvin Lax, Joe Cerilli, Bob Leaver, Tom Rose, Meta Hau­ Inner College Developed and white. work and residents of neighbor­ pert, Lenny Berk, Neil Kaufman The bQard endorsed the over­ ing communities could earn as­ all directions of proposals from sociate degrees, to establishing and James Dorenkott. Sopho­ At University_of Conn. the Afro-American Studies In­ an institute that would study the mores are Elaine Bassjs and stitute (AASI) and Antioch problems of all minority groups-. Judy Edson. Faculty members Stoors, Conn. - (I.P.) - An of the experiment will be worked are Mr. Doherty, Mrs. Fol'Sytll, Program for Interracial Educa­ The board asked Antioch Pres­ experimental effort •to approach out by trial and error over the Miss Theriault, Mrs. Walsh, Mr. tion ( APIE). ident Dixon and the college the ideal of a community of current academic year, a num­ Given new educational oppor­ council to prepare a plan at the Grandgeorge and Mrs. Spencer. scholars, where teaching and ber of concrete developments can tunities, an AASI spokesman earliest possible moment, mov­ learning are an intimate experi­ be (lescribed at this paint. said that the Institute, which ing in the direction indicated by ence, has been launched at the First, there are 50 students has been under scrutiny by the the proposals of AASI and APIE. Richard Moses University of Connecticut this enrolled in the "College" with Department of Health, Educa- · Trustees agreed that the board year by a group of serious-mind­ 2 full-time faculty members. For tion and Welfare because of al­ would support President Dixon ed faculty and students. seminars and special projects, leged discriminatory practices, in seeking sufficient time from New Head Librarian Identified as the Inner College, 25 other faculty have indicated "can change." HEW so that AASI and its I have arrived, and will be the program is a response by their willingness to participate. In a formal resolution, trustees _ dormitory could comply with the happy to handle any matters re­ the Council of Instruction to one During the first year it will be said, ''We endorse these meas­ open admissions principle. lated io Library services and of several proposals directed to­ possible but not necessarily man­ ures because of their importance The AAS! and APIE argued materials; i.e., books, periodicals, ward an improved learning ex­ datory, for each student member in their own right and because that although Antioch has ad­ newspapers, etc. perience. of the Inner•College to take 12 of our belief that they are cru­ mitted a significant number of These proposals stemmed from credits of work in a relatively In order to ascertain require­ cially important in the develop­ non-white students in the past a belief shared by a large num­ unstructured program. ment of the college." four years, it failed to make any ments for audio visual services, ber of students and facutly that Thus, it would be possible for Antioch President James P. significant program changes to please direct all requests for the traditional curriculum struc­ an undergraduate to take two Dixon called the board resolu­ accommodate these students. audio visual materials to me at ture tends to be restrictive. The independent studies courses car­ tion "creative," pointing out that Many black students take AASI ex.
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