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by Laurence R. Young and Lawrence Stark

Prepared under Contract No. NAS 2-1372 by BIOSYSTEMS, INC. Cambridge, Mass. for






By Laurence R. Young and Lawrence Stark

Distribution of this report is provided in the interest of informationexchange. Responsibility for the contents resides in the author or organization that prepared it.

Prepared under Contract No. NAS 2-1372 by BIOSYSTEMS,INC. Cambridge,Mass.



For sale by the Office of Technical Services, Deportment of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230 -- Price $6.00


Recentdevelopments in mathematical models for the humanmanual control system are reviewed and evaluated as part of a study of the field of biological control systems. Application of control models for investigation of the "finestructure'' is stressed, rather than human engineering aspects.Evidence for andagainst discrete models of' the human operator is presentedand a number of such models are compared.The aclap.tive characteristics of the operator and two basic modelling approaches are presentedand several models 1-eviewed. Detailed discussion is Includedon correlation of manualresponse characteristics and physio- logical data for muscle,leading to models Lnor the posturalcontrol and voluntary control system interactions.



Summary I

I. Introduction 3 11. PhysiologicalBackground of the PeripheralAdaptive Mechanism 9 111. Dynamic Characteristics of the Motor Coordination System in Man 29 IV. TransientResponse Dynamics of' the Motor Coordination System in Man 45 V. Discrete Models for Manual Tracking 67 VI. AdaptiveCharacteristics of ManualTracking 99

Bibliography 1-39 Figures 149


As part of a critical review of the entire ffeld of biologicalcontrol systems, this report deals with recentdevelopments in the area of manualcontrol. It is concerned with systems analysis models for manualcontrol, and the attempts to more fully explain the biological operationthrough servoanalysis and computer simulation.

The report does Rot deal with the ''human engineering" aspects of manualcontrol, such as display-control conlpatability or system equalization.The enphasis is on recent (post 1957) development of more sophisticated mathematical models to describe and perhaps explain some of the "finestructure" ir? control of manualresponses. These models fall prfmarily into the basic research catagory rather than as guidelines for man- integration.

A number of models dealing with discrete aspects of human response are reviewedand evaluated. The research of Bekey, Lemay andWestcott, Young, Navas, Elkind, Raoult andNaslin, and Pew is examined in detail, andseveral cautionarycomments are includedconcerning the limitations of sampled data models. The adaptive characteristics of manualtracking are also explored in some detail, and the current state of hypothesesabout the adaptivemechanism is investigated. Recentexperiments pertaining to adaptation to input, controlledelement and tasks areconsidered, as well as

thequestion of limits of controllabilityand measures of adaptation."Model reference" and ''error pattern recognition" classes of adaptivemodels are introduced, and the relevant work of Knoopand Fu, Raoult andEikind is discussed.

The third major area treated in the report is the development of mathematical modelscorrelating pilysiological

evfdenceon muscle and musclespindles with manual response

to a variety of visualand force inputs and eye-hand

coordination.The work of Starkand his coworkers is reviewedin detail, leading to models of the motorcontrol

system showing the interaction of' the postural and voluntarycontrol systems.



Theaspects of manualcontrol discussed in this report are concerned with a description of the characteristics of the human operator in a control task. Ingeneral the human is involvedin visual-manual tracking,in which his task is tomanipulate a manual control stick in accordance with inputinformation presented to him through a visual display.

Of all the biologicalcontrol systems considered in this review, the manualcontrol system has been the subject of the most intensivestudy by investigators from the fields of psychologyand engineering. The reason Tor this attention stems from the practical importance of understanding the role of the human operatorin a closed loop control task. Thus,driving an automobile,controlling the position of a milling machine,aiming an anti-aircraft gun, or landing an

3 airplane on the deck of an aircraft carrier, are all importantpractical situations in which the visual-manual control characteristics of the human operator are of crucialimportance to the successfulperformance of the man-machine system.

Theinterests of psychologistsin the manual trackingprobletn dates back many years to the early studies of reaction tines and simple tracking.The contribution of engineers,and in particular control engineers, dates to World War 11, inconnection 141th studjes of the abillties of a gunner to operate as part of a fast fire-control system. The first Zenuineuse of servomechanismtheory to describe the hurnmoperator was by Tustinin 1944 (77 ), when he described the input-outputrelationship of a man 3.n terms of llnear operatorsand ar, additive"remnant" of noise at the operator'soutput. Using the developingnotions of servomechanlsrnsynthesis, and in particular "proportional plusderivative" compensation, Sobczyk and Philips (65 ) determined the optimum"aiding Constant'' for lead compensation for use by the human operatorin controlling the positionand velocity of a gun.

4 Following the war a numberof independent thorough investigations were carried out to determine the "quasi-linear" models of the human operator in a tracking loop.The block diagram of Fig. 1 is representative of the form assumedfor all these investigations.The

quasi-lineardescriptions may be defined as the "best fit" linearmodel of the human operator for a given control task, in which the form of the inputsignal and the nature of the controlledprocess are specified. For differentinput spectra or controlledprocess or task specifications, the model takes on a differentthough still linearrepresentation, thereby accounting for the name quasi-linear.Since these modelsdo not account for

all the manualoutput motion of the human operator, usually a remnant term is added toaccount for the output "noise"not correlated with the inputsignal. Most of the quasi-linearmodels may be cast in the form

Ke-tdS(TLs + 1) H(S) = (TNs + 1) (TIS + 1)

Thisexpression represents the quasi-lineardescribing function of the human operator from observed error as aninput to displacement of the control stick as the


L output.The gain K and the lead and lag time constants TL and TI, are generallyconsidered to be varied according to the control task to yield satisfactory closed loop response. td represents a pure delay time and Tn3 the short neuromuscular delay.

The work of Russell (57 ), Hall ( 20 ) , Krendel ( 36 ) , andElkind (12 ), usinglinear identlfication techniques, led to quasi-linear models v~lfdfor a variety of input spectraand control system dynamics.These models and their implications were reviewed in detail by IkRuer and Krenclel in 195'7 ( 40 ). More 1-ecently Ytleri(lan (62 ) and Acla~ns ( 2 ) have added to the 1iLerature on quasi- linearmodels.

As the quasi-linearapproaches to t-tumn operator modelint3reached satisfactoyy results in the late 1950ts, reseai:cil attention shifteci to several other phases of manualcontrol. The emphasis in this report will be on those aspectswhich have been most intensivelystudied in the perlod 1959-1964, andwhich seem Inost relevant to the centralcontrol problem.

The first of these newer areas is the physiological approach to modeling the neurologicaland neurormscular systems underlginc; mnmlcontrol. 11-1 secbions I1

6 through IV a mathematical model is presented to account for observedbehavioral tracking characteristics and mechanicalimpedance properties of the arm. This model, based on the research of Stark and his coworkers,includes relevantbiophysical. relations pertaining to the nerves andmuscles.

A second area of great interest has been the "finestructure" of the operator'sresponse. Whereas the quasi-linearmodels matched the average gainand phase lag sufficiently well, they were unable to describe the detailed transientresponses or deterministic inputs or the discr-ete nature of human trackingmovements. Some of the older ideas concerning the psychological refractory period havebeen revived to stimulate severaldifferent sanipled-data and discretenonlinear models for visual-nianualtracking. These models are reviewed andcompared inSection V.

The ability of human beings to change their characteristics dependingupon the task inputand the dynamics of the controlledelement has longbeen noted with interest. With the recentactivity in adaptive systems by automaticcontrol specialists a parellel effort has beenobserved in descriptions of the

7 adaptive characteristics of the human operator. These descriptionsand the attempts at adaptivemodels are reviewedin Section VI.


Mechanism Motor Control

Two mechanismswhich play an important role in manualcontrol and in providing the manual control system with its adaptivecapability are the postural control system andthe voluntary control syatern.

'The postura:. system is a i'eedbaclcsystem whlch functions Lo maintainthe posture gr position of the body ancl its lirrlbs. It is essentj-ally a position servDloop with position sensors, motor elements,and sone data proces::i.nI;. Thepostural se~:~vosystern is control- led by hixher cenbers which providereference inputs ancl whichcontrol the parameters of sone of the elements of this sysbeln as sl-lolwn in Fi~gre2.

Thevoluntary control system provides the 1nechan:ism for executin!:skilled preclse move;nents. It 'GOO is composed of sensovy, motor andcomputational components. It is quri.I;e different Prom the postural control system, however, in tilat its controller is thouzht to be Open-loOp andsampled-data, executing pre-programmed cor,trol movements.These rnovernents are proprioceptively

9 open-loopin the sense that the posturalcontrol system appearsto be at least partially disabled when voluntary controlmovements are beingexecuted. is obtainedfrom a variety of sensors,including joint positionreceptors and the visual system, but the informationobtained from these feedbackelements must be processed by highercenters before efi'ectlngmovement. An importantpart of the control of the voluntary move- ments is the predictivesystem which is able to extract informationto predict the future coux'seof events frorn signalsand responses. It is this predictive ability which is responsible for some of the inputadaptive properties of rnanualcontrol systems.

Variable TODO~OKY"of the Neurological Control Syvst em

In this section some experimental responses which may correspond to three states of tile neurological controlrnechanisn are discussed ( 66 ). A general model for certain aspectsof movementand posturalcoor- dination is introduced.

A subjectinstructed to rotate a handleback and forth as rapidly as possible,produced a recordof handleangle as a functionof time, similar to the top

10 line of Fig. 3. During the high velocityportion of the movement, the antagonists(opposing muscles) were quiterelaxed and limp. Because of this inactivity,in spite of marked stretching of theantagonists by the agonists(contracting muscles), it is concluded that the stretchreflex was inoperative.Either the afferent feedbackfrom the musclespindle was markedly reduced, or more likely it was functionallyineffective in ex- citing the alpha motor neurons (final common path). Figure 4a shows a simplified block diagram or the situakion. It is importantto note: (a) the back-to-back pair ofcontrol systems (agonlst-antagonist) that are always present in movementand represent the inabilityof muscleto push; (b) the open-loop mode that permits the high frequencyoscillation; and (c) the pre-programmed set of alternatingcontractions sent down from the brain.

Subsequentlyin the experiment, the subjectperformed successivemovements again, this time underinstructisn toprevent deflection of his hand by randominput dis- turbances.Only secondarily was he to oscillate his hand at as high a frequency as possible. (As a result of these factors the frequency of oscillation is slowed as shown in the middle recording of Fig. 3.) Figure 4b shows the nature of the neurological

11 organization of this mode of operation.The essential features.are: (a) the musclespindle system acting as a high-gainlength regulator; (b) the resultant increasedstiFfness or sprlngconstant of bothagonists andantagonists; (c) the sharing of the aipha-tfiotor

neuron(rina.1 common pathway) by this len,ytth regulator and the cortico-spinalinput.

It might be well to inention that the diffuse anatomicalorganization or the garmw input makes it a highlyinappropriate follow-up servosystem. In fact, ft is not used for this functionbut for postural tone andend-of-movement darnping andclamping.

Finally the subJect was asked to imagine a pointer rnovingback and forth and to track this itnaginarypointer, and attemptto oscillate his hand as fast as possible.

Thearrangeemer~t of the neurologicala.pparatue is shown in pig. 4c. 'l'he position of afferent inforrrlatiorl .reeds back to a visual-motor crientationcomplex that is postulated ts existin the brain.The oscillation is markedlyslowed, perhaps, because of the necessity to transmitand process all through the imagery of the mentaltracking process. This is shown in the bottomrecording of Fig. 3.

12 r-

That the gamma-spindle system may be utilized in

this mode of operation at the end of eachhigh velocity portion of the oscillation is indicated by an experiment

performed by Stark andRushworth (73 ). The gamma gain controls to the spindles were blockedwith procaine producingthe so-called cerebellar syndrome of hypotonia, astenia, taxia, overshooting,rebound, dysmetria and

postural drift. Skilledvoluntary movements were still possible with attention. However,when sinusoidal tracing was beingperformed, similar in principle to mentaltracking, errors were made in a particularfashion. Occasionally at the end of the highvelocity portion of thesinusoid, the pencilhand would continue in the tangentialdirection. This indicates that the damping

and clampingfunctions of the lengthregulator (spindle)

wouldnormally be active in the precisetermination of a high velocity movement.

In summary, experimentaldefinition has been attemptedfor a facet of the complexneurological control system for movement: the ability tochange the topology of the multiloopneural system- This introductory

material points up the interactionand indeed competition between the posturalservo-loop (stretch reflex) and

%he proprioceptivelyopen-loop voluntary control of the musculature.

13 -A Q.uantitative Model

While the generalmodel may be useful in conceptualizing the physiology of the spinaland peripheralmechanism, it should clearly be supplemented by a quantitativemodel (33 ). The BIOSIM program, providing for the simulation of a generalclass of dynamicalsystems from speclfications of their block

diagram represe;ltation, has beenused for this appltcation. It is runon a 7690 digital conputer andcontains its own Fortran-likecompiler for ease of communicationbetween user and program.

The expandedand modified form of the block diagsans

of' Fig. 4 for closed-loopoperation of the postural musculature system andopen-loop operation of the voluntarycontrol system is shown ir, Fig. 5 ( 3 >. In oneexperiment the subject isinstracted to hold his arms

fairly tense and 50 mintain this Fositiondespite possibledeflecting forces. A force of 5 kg lasting 0.2 sec is applied. The subject'sarm is deflected and then returns to its desired position after a slight overshoot. The BIOSIM analogbehave;; as s11or.i~in Figc 6. Tensing of the lnuscles is inotieled by inserting a bias signalusfng SPE 6 and SPE' 7 (SeeTable 1.).

14 Table 1, Definitions of Special Functions

~ SPECIAL FUNCTION( SPE) DEFINITION "~__ . . . .~ ". .. . SPE 6 and SPE 7 MuscleTone 0.001 u - 1( t) SPE a


SPE 10 Disturbing Force = 5[u-I(t-0.2)] SP.E 2 and SPE 3 Notused for thls experiment

" Thedisturbing force whose time function is shown, is applied by means of SPE 10. As the hand is deflected from its zeroposition the error signal of the stretched muscleincreases and the error signal of the slackened musciedecreases. When the disturbingforce ceases, these signals, by operating on their respectivemuscles, drive the hand back to its zeroposition with a slight overshoot.The initial biasing, hamd position,distupbing force,and error signals are shown as time functionsin Pig. 6, andindicate a qualitativeand rough quantitative agreement with the experiment. In Pig. 6, a2 represents input to musclewhich restrains initial motion; a 3 representsinput to muscleslackened by initialmotion; 6 representsdeflection of the arm in degrees; and the dashed line indicates the bias level.

BIOSIM analog results are enccuraging and indicate that furtherdevelopment in the directions of (a) better definitionof the physicalelements of the control system,

(b) moreaccurate descriptions of system topology;and

(c) furthercomparison with experiment, might increase ourunderstanding of this complex systemo

16 r .-

MusclePhysiology: BIOSIM Model

Muscle is unique in convertingchemical energy

directlyinto mechanical work. Limitationin the rate of this conversionacts as an apparentviscosity which plays a rolein the over-alldyr,amics of movement.This sectionsummarizes the physiologicalevidence relating to this conversionand the s3.mplif'iedmathematical model usedin BIOSIM (69).

Thedynamic characteristics of a maximally

stimulatedshortening muscle can be summarized by an

exponentialrelationship between the load on a muscle

and the maximum velocity of shortening, as shown by the dashed curve in 3ig. 7 r'rom Fennand Marsh (15 ). In 1938, Hill (23 ) showed in a thermodynamicstudy of

muscle that the force-velocltyrelationship could be

approximatedvery closely by the equation

(v + b)(P + a) = (Po + a)b = constant

VJhere a and b are constants that are dependenton the particularmuscle, P is load force, v is shortening velocity, and P is leoxetrictension. When experiments 0 were exterided to lengthenfng, as well as shorteningmuscle, Hill's equation failed. Katz (31)found a steeplinear relationship between muscle opposition force and lengthen-

ingvelocity, as seen -in the Gashed line of Fig. 8a. Ten years later, Wilkie (81) repeated Hill's experiments for

the shorteningmuscle in the human arm by using subjects directed to exert maximalvoluntary effort. His results fit Hill's equation after correction for the inertia of thz arm. These data were mostuseful in our approximation of a musclemodel for digital computersimulation with BIOSIM.

Using BIOSIM aninvestigation of the behavior of a completeagonist-antagonist muscle system was undertaken (69). Simple straight line approximations to the physio- logicalmodel were adequate for this work. With the use of the parametersin Wilkie's paperand measurements on human subjects, estimates of ? (maximum isometric force) o and vo (maximurn velocity with noload) were made. Theslope of the straight linerepresenting lengthening, BL, is made six times greater than that for shortening, Bs as shown in Fig. 8b. Thefollowing parameters were selected:

P = lOOkg 0 v = 0.01 m/sec 0 SL = -&lo4 kg-sec*/tn 4 kg-sec 2 Bs = -10 lm

18 Forcevelocity relationships beyond the initial velocities pose a problem. If a muscle is shortened at a velocity greater than that at which it is capable of shortening Stself, it exerts no force.Thus P is zero for velocities greater than v When a muscle is stretched 0 . more rapidly than its criticalstretching velocity, several things may happen. A pheno;nenon called 11 slipping" or "yielding" occurs first. Hill ( 22 ) wrote: "Under a load rather greater than it can bear an active musclelengthens slowly, under a considerably greater load it 'gives' or 'slips.' We can regard the first process as 'reversible'in the thernodynamic sense, the second as largely irreversible 'I1.

Katzfound (31 ) that contractilestructures of a muscle may be damaged if its velocity of lengthening is increased rapidly while the inuscle is active.Normally the Golgitendon organ (a tension-sensing device) reflexly causes the muscleto relax before this damage occurs.

It is expected that simulation will seldomoperate in the critical region.Thus a compromisebetween com- pleterelaxation and increased. resistance caused by slip- ping is used. For velocities of lengtheningwhich are greater than critical, the BIOSIIvI model saturates at 2P as shown in Fig.8b. When a rnuscle is stimulated at

half maximum, we assume that the activemuscle has the same length,but only one-half the cross-section area, as the fullyactivated muscle. Therefore the force

output,proportional to cross-section area, 5s halved while

the maximum velocity of shortening,proportional to musclelength, remains constant. These relationships

betweenforce and velocity i.r, a half-activatedmuscle may be obtained by applying the Po and vo values for a.= 0.5 to ouroriginal approximations, that is, straight-

linerelationship and B = 6B The resultantrelation- L s . ships are shown in Fig.8b and expressed in Eqs. (2) atd (3)

- -U Fmuscle = u(P, -E BLv) 6 < V

Fmuscle =a

VO = aP, v< - - Fmuscle 6

Figure 9 illustrates a model experimentconducted on the 709 computer (69 >.'The model response in displacement

20 has a shape similar to that of a plot of the same variables for frog musclein the Fennand Marsh experiments. The dead time in the physiologicalstudies is the time taken for, the muscleisometric force to buildup to the static frictionin the loadforce. A comparison of velocityversus time in the modelwith Wilkie!s data was also obtained.

Theasymmetrical characteristics become very important insmoothly terminating a rapid voluntarymovement. The asymmetry increasesthe effective damping over that of a possiblesymmetrical relationship. Addition of the posturalsystem (muscle spindle and afferent Peedback) as shown by the middle x.ecording of FiE. 3 further increases man's power of rapidly damping hismotion.

Therefore, an examination of the musclespindle is in order.

PIuscleSpindle Phgsiol-oay: BIOSIM Model

Themuscle spindle receptor is a differential length receptorfound in parallel with contractile fibers of muscles of many species as first demonstrated by Pulton andPi-Suner ( 17 ). Its importancein human motor coordination is great, sinceita positional feedback characteristics are basic to the stretchreflex. It may

21 also send.kinesthetiCinformation to higher centers to .helpcontrol complex motor coordination tasks. A model of this mechanism has beenformulated as one component in the more complete model of human motorcoordination.

The spindle is connectedin parallel with the muscle contractile fibres as shown in Fig.lOa and its direct mechanical effect on the muscle is negligible.The inertial forces resulting from accelerating the mass of

muscle may be neglectedin comparison with elastic forces for the low accelerationsinvolved. Thus, we canconsider

the length of the muscle, Xm, to be aninput produced either through the alphaefferent nerve or throughstretch

by external forces. Theafferent nerve carries information concerning the lengthof the nuclear bag to the central nervous systen. Continuoussignals representing short term average pulsefrequency are usedin our model. The

gamma efferentnerve excites the contractileelement, or

intrafusal fiber, of the spindle. It is anotherinput

that may bias the outputof the nuclear bag or may,

perhaps,act indirectly as aninput that might control movement; this follow-upservo configuration has been suggested by Merton (44 ) and Roberts, This input is simplified. in our model to a changein length of the intrafusal fibe?, Xx , and added to Xm (Fig. lob). The

22 dynamics of this input may have to be consideredmore explicitlyupon investigation of coordinatedmovements

through this input.

Theresponse of the spindle receptor to a stepinput

ofstretch, as found by Lippold,Nicholls and Redfearn (38) (Fig. lla) shows approximately 400 percentovershoot; this differentialeffect is called the "phasicresponse". After approximately 200 msec the output settles down to its steady-statevalue; the steady-stateresponse is called the "tonicresponse". They alsofound good evidence to

sgggest that the phasicresponse is causedentirely by mechanicalfactors and that the mechanical-to-electrical transducer is a no-memory device. Tllis informationhas beenincorporated into our model.

The transferfunction ror the mechanicalinodel or Fig. lob is of the form

'SB 01s + 1) - = H(S) = Gm Yn (T2S + 1)(T 3 S + 1) Table 2 summarizes the rough estimates of the springconstants and damping tonus of the spindle receptor model, based onphysiological evidence and analysis of transientand steady state responses.



~~ KF 0.1 newton/m 0.1 newton/m KB 0.4 newton/m 0.5 newton/?n K~ 1.5 newton/m 1.3 newton/m BF 0.015 newtonsec/m 0.5 newtonsec/m BB 0.015 newtonsec/m 2.9 newtonsec/m

24 Inspection of Gyanit's data ( 19 ) shown inFig. 11b reveals that the tonicinput-output characteristic of the spindlereceptor is somewhat parabolic.Furthermore, other curves show that the tonicgain increases with increased gamma bias (Xu ). A squaringoperator Fits these data quite well (Ffg. I2a).The increased slope at Xa2, as compared with Xyl shows the increased small- signalgain for anincrease of gamma bias. Thisreconciles the opposingviews of Granit who claimed the gamma input is aninput bias level,and Hunt and Kuffler (27)(28) who f.elt it had a role in maintaining sensitivity of the spindleto stretch. Bothfunctions are subsumed in our model. Negativesignals cannot be generated by the transducer;thus, a saturation at zero is insertedbefore the squarer (Fig. 12a). Also, there is anupper limit to the number ofimpulses that can be carried by the spindleefferent nerve; an upper limit saturationprovides this limit.

An asymptoticBode plot of H(s) inFig. 12b illustrates the approximatefrequency response of the model to small signalsin normal operating ranges of bias. Note that between 7-18 radiansper second the response is to musclevelocity. In this range the spindlereceptor shouldcause viscous damping effects on the over-all system rather than spring effects. A sinusoidalanalysis of the stretch receptors in the frog's extensor longitus digitus, IV muscle was undertaken by Houk, Sanchez, and Wells ( 25 j. A samplerecord of their work is shown inFig. 1%. Figure l3.b illustrates the amplitude vs. frequencyplot and the phase vs. frequencyplot. Although their data are crude first runs, the break frequencies of roughasymptotes drawn on the gainplot of Fig. l3b were used to form a tentative transfer function

with K = 27 pulses per second/tnm. By .assumptionand calculation similar to thoseaboye, the valuesin Table 2 for the frog were obtained. These flndings,although crude, lend supportto the modeland provide some feeling for the functionalsignificance of the anatomicalstructure of spindle receptors.

Gamma Ratio

The spindlesystem has a differentiating action over animportant part of the frequency range; 1/2 - 3 cps. Since it is in the feedback path of the proprioceptive

26 stretch reflex, or posturalservomechanism loop, this obviously acts as a dampingelement in movement. It can be shown that inordinary movements the muscle apparent viscosity is of importance only in a region of lesser interest; below 0.25 cps.The muscle damping is the result of asymmetrical energyconversion saturation andthus has, stl-ictly speaking,no restricted frequency range.

However, the spindle is an ideal dampingelement and the gamma bias which sets its activitylevel and gain Is well suited to modify the system dampingon command in an adaptive fashion.

Boyd ( 7 ) andMatthews have found another typeof spindle receptor lacking the nuclear bag. Thus, the dashpot is missingand a quitedifferent dynamical situationresults. The lntrafusal muscle fiber without a nuclear bag, but with anafferent receptor is innervated by a dii'ferent gamma efferent motor fiber type; the gamma-two fiber.dhile this has notbeen worked out quantitatively, it is clear that the gamma-two is more like a puregain element as opposed to the gamma-one which operates as a differentiator.Thus, by altering the gamma ratio, gamma-one activity divided by gamma-twa activity, the dampingcan be altered independently of the loop gain. This permits evenmore powerful control of overalldynamics and damping, and similarly is evenmore suited for the adaptive role.


The posturaland the voluntarycontrol systems which are important to the manualcontrol system are reviewedutilizing various anatomico-physiological data and currentservoanalytical investigation in order to present a relatively simple analytical model of the system.



The behavioral characterlstics of the human motor coordination system should be quantitatively defined before testing ourmodel. The methodsdiscussed in this sectionrepresent attempts to accomplish this quantitative definition for steady-state behavior.

Linearity is a reasonableapproximation in many aspectsof this system, as certaincontrol experiments show, and thusfrequency response data may be usedfor analysis.

Experimentsin this sectlonfndfcate the presenceof a sampling system similar to the one present in the eye tracking system. In the eye movement system the muscles are so powerful with respect to the mechanicalcharacter- istics of the eyeball that the limitingdynamics are the neurol-ogicalcontrol dynamics. With the hand,however, inertia of the forearm, the requirement for fuller activation of the musclesand the resultant apparant viscosity of the muscles all limit system bandwidth. Thus, the sampled-data phenomena that are clearlyseen In eye movements are partly obscured in manual control behavior. Experiments

In an effort to develop 8 system modelwhich fits the well-knowninput-output data and clarifies anatomical, phsyiologicaland neurological facts, Stark et al. (71 ) studiedrotation of the wrist inan awake, cooperative human subject.In the first series of experiments wrist movement is limited to pronationand aupination by means of theappara.tus illustrated in Fig. 14. The pointerserves as inputsignal. The subject is instructed to keep the indicatoron th.e handle j.n coincldence with movement of the pofnter. The instantaneouspositions of both pointerand handle indicator are recorded.

Predictableinput experiment. Figure 15 illustrates the sinusoidalpattern of the inputpointer in thfs experiment.The dynamic characteristics of the hand durlng a steady state predictableexperiment is obtained by measuringgain 2nd phase lac; from the recordings.These analyses of' gainand phase lag are based onaverage response. The variability of phase lag does not becorne large except at frequencies which are on the limit of' the ability of the human motor coordination system. Complex inputexperiment. The :input shown in Fig. 15 is completelypredictable, and provides little usefulinformation about the basic neurologicalcontrol system. It is therefore important to usean unpredictable input. A stochastic signal may be approximated by adding a number of non-low-harmonically related sinusoids to form a fairly complexinput slgnal. This signal is not ananalytic function to the predictionapparatus of the

hurcan operatinginstantaneously on the pointer movement.

Only the sum of a snla11 number of these sinusoids, three, if they are relatively prrlne to each other, are required to make the predictionapparatus of' the subjectinadequate. This was demonstratedin early experimentswhich showed

no reductionin phase lag or amplitude error with considerablepractice, and Indeed knowledge of the structure of the inputsignal by the subject.Verification for this interestingphysiological result Is contained in the analysissection under the discussion of Pig. 23.

Both the singleinput frequency of interest,and its conlponent of the output were recorded, as shown in Fig. 16. Thephase lag betweenchannels three andfour has two components:one due to the subject,another, to the pointerservo and filter. The phase lag due to the pointerservo and filter were eliminated by calibration. Thepointer and handle servomechanisms contain a summingnetwork, an electronic , a , and a controlledrotational element attached to the servo- motor shaft. This rotationalelement is a pointeron oneservo, and a handleon the other. Each servo has positionand velocity feedback, and these two parameters a.s well as the gain are individuallyadjustable. The "stickdynamics" were controllablethrough these adjustments.

The dynamics of the handle servoinechanism were adjusted eo that the subjectrotated the handleagainst a spring force of 1 inch-ounce-secondper radian. The

stlffness was an importantfactor limiting the subjects' response. It was notfrequency-dependent, however, and therefore did notchange the form of the Bode plot. The viscousfriction was a much smaller factor,even though frequency-dependent. It did notcontribute as much torque as the stiffness until the Ereqgency reached 15 cps. Thefrequency responses of both servos were obtainedin the usualmanner, and neither limited the experiment or experimentalaccuracy.

PredictableinDut and transient experiment. The response of a subject to a suddenly applied sinusoidalinput signal from the pointer goes through t!Iree successive phases. In the upperrecording of Fig. 17 the movement of the pointer is displayed, and on the lower recording, the movement by the subject.The first of the three phases is a reaction the delay,and is the periodbetween numbers 1 and 2 along the time axisin Fig. 17. When the subject finally makes a movement and enters into the second, or "neurologicalresponse" phase, shownbetween numbers 2 and 3 along the time a.xisin Fig. 17, he genel-ally starts in the properdirecticn to catch up with the pointer.Sometimes the initial movement of the subject is in Lhe oppositedirection, but the subject sooncorrects himself and attempts to follow the pointer. movement. For a varlable period of time lasting approximately 0.5 to 1.0 secondsduring this neurological response phase, there is a phase lag in the subject's f'o1lowLngmoveulent as well 2s an alnp1il;ude dlfference, Eenerallyresulting j.n a Ta.irlysizeable error. The subject, however,sogn predicts the Tuture course of a simple sinusoidalmotion and 5.s able to phase-advanceand correct hlls following movement so that he eventually synchronizes his response with the input signal, as shown to the right of number 3 along the titne axis in Fig. 17. It is this third or "predictedresponse" phase of operation

33 which is the steady-state response of a subject to a simplepredictable input. Rarely does it take a subject longerthan a second or +,wo to get intophase three and remain there.

UnDredictahleinput exDeriment. In order to prolong the "neurologicalphase" and eliminate prediction, experiments of' the unpredictablesignal input type were performed.The top recording of Fig. 18 shows the sum voltage of the three ir,putsinusoids, as theyappeared at theposition feedback of' the signal inputpointer. The waveform 3s seen by the human eye across the stretch of graphpaper, comprising 20 seconds of time, shows certainregularities. However, to the subject who is concentrating on themotion of the pointer,attempting to remainin coincidence by moving the har,dle --loaded with moderateviscosity and stiffness--,and having only instantaneous knowledge of pointerposition, the sigfial in the toprecording appears quiteunpredictable.

The second recording of plg. 18 shows the total output of the subjectin following this complex input signal and it is seen to resemble the form of the input with some degree of precision.

34 Thecomponents or theinput and output which were analyzed are shown in the remainder of this figure.

The third recordingrepresents one frequency component of input.The bottom recording is obtained from the total output by passing it through a narrowbandpass filter set tothe single Frequency of the inputsignal to be studied. ,;ith the data obtained from the simplifiedinput andoutput, gain and phase lap; paralrleters between input andoutput were determinedexactly 3s I.n the steady- state response to a predictable input. '!Pilus thepi-ediction apparatus of Lile human subjecb is preventel,'! I'roin the physiology of the neurologi.ca1 response.

Linearity. An ec:r; portion o.? the min exper.imentalclesien is 3 study 0:' the varliatfotl in subjectperformance over the ratye of inputamplitudes.

To utilize linear system analyels a check 31'3 th.e linearity of thesubject over the x7anges of' amplitudes of' the ex- periment is required.The experiment of Fig. 19 shows the effect of differentinput amplitudes. Again, the four recordings are labeled as they were in the previous figure.The central frequency component of the unpredicta- ble input was mixed at three pointeramplitude levels, &loo, 25O, and Oo; thecentral frequency component of the outputobtained In each of these conditions is demonstrated

35 .. . . .

inFig. 19. Notice the presence of the retnnantresponse, due to subjectmotion which transiently shocks the filter.

This is most apparentin the 0' recordins,and its amplitude is considerably smaller than the signalobtained undernormal experimental conditions.

Experimental data justifying the linearapproach are displayedin Fig. 20, linearitycontrol experiment. This is a plot of the outputamplitude in degreesversus the inputamplitude in degrees, for three frequencies commonly usedin the experiments. These frequencies were the centralfreqcencies of a complexunpredictable input for three different sets of input triads of frequencles.Notice that the subject'sresponse at any onefrequency is linear over a very wide range of input amplitude.The difrerences in slopes for the three

frequenciesindicate some of the Informationobtained in the Rode plot of the subject; it is easier for the subject to follow 0.6 cpsthan 1 cps,and easier to follow 1 cps than 2.5 cps.Hence., his gain is higher at 0.6 cpsthan at one of these higher fpequencies.The data usedin the experiment of Fig. 20 were obtained froin experiments designed to eliminatetrend effects. A rough estimate of the variance of this type of experiment is indicated by

the scatter of the points in this figure. Freewheelingexperiment. One furthertype of experimental mode remains to be described.In this situation the pointer is not used as aninput signal, butthe subgect is asked to osclllate the handleback andforth as rapidly as possible w.itiz val-ying an!pl.itudes of oscil.lationbeing requested.

Figure 21 shows a. set of Prcewheeling mode experi- ments of thetype mentioned in khe introductionto this section.These illustrate an interesting fact concerning the human motorcoomlination system. Theupper recording shows a set of oscillations with a mean frequency:dhich is quitehigh. This was obtaineci by asking the subject to rotate thehandle as Past as possible,picking a comfortableamplitude of swing. It was noted that tile subject always let his muscles go quite lax when this experiment. This i-lleans tkmt tlle systcln rllight well be opeyating as an open loop bang-ban:.; control syste!lI.

In t!le secondrecording, ttle subject was requested 'io oscillate as rapidly as he could,provided always that his hand was stifi' enouzhto be able to receive a blcw without beit-!z deflected very much .L"rom its c3urse. In this condition, the subject !.:ept his ar.;onistand antac;onist contractedazainst each ot;hs?r to a considerable degree.

37 TheI-owest recording of this figure indicates still anotherand very interesting operating mode.The subject is told to keep the frequency as high as possible,in the node of' the first part of the i"5gure.However, he is instructed to imagine the pointercscillating back and forth as fast as he canpossibly track it and is thenin- structed to track this imaglna-ry poiRter. Theoscillation is ma=lkec!ly slowed. Perhapsbecause of the necessZty to transmitand process all controlsignals through the imagery of the mentaltyacking process.

FrequencyResponse Analysis

Experiment. A large number of frequencies were arrangedin random order and the tpackingresponses of fairly well traine6subjects wel-e studied. At each frequency the responses to both predictableand unpredicta- ble inputs were obtained.

Theratio of the amplitude of the centralfrequency component of the unpredlztable input to the smplitudes of the outerF'requency components -;!as either 1.C, C.5, or 3.0; 0 -1". corresponding tc; f 10 , ->', and 0 c) respectively.Gain andphase lag analysis of the experiments as done Inrnecii- ately f'olloi.7ing each ~:n. In addition a set oi' freewheelingexperiments was performed; these represent

limits 07 the physicalcapacity of the hand inany

Analysis. The basicrelationships which will be

displayed are thoseof gain and phase lag as functions Of frequency. A compositeBode plot is shown in Pig. 22. The response to the predictable input has a gain of' one f'Qr almost the entire range of frequenciesstudied. At

approximately three cycles per second the gaindecreases somer6lha.t until the end or the range. Hoivever, the data are somewhatscattered in this high r'reyuencyend of' the behavioralrange of the subject.

To delineatefurther the actualfrequency rcinge of

the mechanical behavior of the human hand in this experi- ment,condition one of the freewheelingexperiment is alsoplotted on Fig. 22. There is, of course,no

"gain"value possible for this freewheeling,because there is no physical inputsignal to the system; therefore, the amplitude is plotted on Fig. 22 inmagnitude figures relative to the driven responses. It can be seen that an almostvertical line becomes less steep at low freewheeling oscillationamplitudes, and this lineapparently represents

39 the maximum performance of the handin amplitude and frequency.

The curveshowing the response to anunpredicted signalover this range of frequencies is markedly different from the other two. Thisunpredicted response shows a gain of one up to 1 cpsand then a, gradualreduction at a minus 1 slope with increasingfrequency except for two suggestivepeaks at approximately 1 cpsand 3 cps. There is a large area beyond 1 cps between the gain curves of predictedand unpredicted responses. This region representsincreased performance of the systen due to the predictionoperation which enables the subject to correct phase and gain error in his response, and so reduce the totalerror.

InFig. 23 are shown the phase data as a function of frequencycorresponding to the gain data ofFig. 22. Theupper curve shows the pliase response to the predicted signal input. Thephase changes from 0 0 to a slight phaseadvance. Above 1 cps, while the mean phasepelation- shipcontinues to be one of slight phasea.dvance, the scatter of the phaseincreases markedly. Thecone-shaped limits at the high frequencyend of' the uppercurve are crude variance limits of this phasebehavior in the predicted experiments.

40 The lower curvein Fig. 20 represents the phase relationshipobtained with anunpredictable signal input. Severalinteresting points are seenin this phaseplot; for one, the phase lag is steadily increasing with frequency,an increase more rapidthan is possible for a minimum phase lag system having the gain characteristics of Fig. 19. Thismeans the human servo has a non- minlmum phase lag element or elements, when investigated as a linearservo. Another aspect of the phasecurve is its several peaks andnotches, showing irregularities corresponding to peaks of the gaincurve and conflrming the presence of these features in the gaincurve.

Figures 24 and 25 show the gainand phase plots of' the unpredictableexperiment for two ainplitucles of the centralTrequency coinponents of the input triad. The txo gainand the t'do phase 1a.S curves are very sirnilar, notonly in their generalpatterns but also in much detail. There are small butsignificant differences between the responses to the twoamplitudes; however, these differences in the gainand in the phasecurves are similar indirection. For example, the high frequency peakin the gaincurve or' the 5' amplitude is at a lower r'requencythan the high frequencypeak of the 2 10' amplitudegain curve. It can be seen that the phase

41 crossoverfrequency is at a lower frequency in the 2 5' phasecurve than in the $- 10' phasecurve. These correla- tions show the data to be consistent withinthemselves and srlggest that the detailed features are reliable observations.

Theeffect of amplitudechange demonstrates the presence of some nonlinearitiesin the systen. This is similar to the experimentreported by Stark andBaker (68) wherein the transf'erfunction characteristics of the pupil servo control system were changecland the frequencyof thehigh gainoscillation which represented its resonantpeak was shifted in a parallel manner.

Figure 26 is a polarplot of gain and phase data from the unpredictableexperiment. This plot of gain as a function of phase lag has frequency as a monotonicallyincreasinf; function clockwise around the curve.


Thedynaxic characteristics of the hurnan motor coordinationsystem diyfer depeizding upon the physiological state. By usingcomplex inputs the predictiveapparatus is eliminatedand steady-state experimentscan be used to study the neurologicalresponse. A series of linearity

42 andother control experiments elucidate the limitations andadequacies of the methods. Some of the features shown are resonant peaks near 1 and 3 cpsand both minimum andnon-minimum phase elements.




Themethodsdiscussed in this sectionrepresent attempts to quantitatively define the transient dynamics of the motorcoordination system in man. A new hypothesis Is suggestedwhich separates adaptation into two components: (1) a perlpheral adaptationinvolving gainsettings and dynamiccontrol of the peripheral posturalcontrol system, and (2) a centralprediction of inputcharacteristics and a pre-f'itting of ballistic command signalsfor compensation.

A study of the time domainbehavior in tnis section exposes the intermittentcharacteristics of manualcontr31 behavior.Further, it permits demonstration of the time-varyingand adaptive nature of the movement control system. r'irst, the importance of the predictionopepator is shown. Next, interactionsbetween the eye andhand con.tro1mechanism are seen to be intricate.Xechanical disturbanceimpulse responses defining the postural control system are demonstrated to be fitted by quasi-linear second-order system models, while responses to visualinputs, involvingan interaction between the voluntarycontrol sy- stem and the posturalservo,are more complex.

45 Most quantitativedescriptions of huynan motor coordination rely extensivelyupon frequency response data bothbecause it is possible in thosesteady-state experi- ments to maintain the control Eystem in a quasi-stationary andquasi-linear state, andbecause of the power of analytic mathematicalmethods in the frequencydormin. The aim, however, is notonly to approximate accurately behavioral characteristics of' the systemby sone analyticalexpression butalso to determine the underlyingneurological and physiologica.1mechanisms which compose human movement control. For this purpose the time domainshows more clearlyand rapidly the changingcharacteristics of the movement control system underdifferent experimental operatingconditions. Also, certain interesting dis- continuous or sarnpled-dataproperties become apparent when vie-decl in the time domain.The experimental results referred to in this section are all based on the results of Stark, Houk, Okabe and Willis at M.I.T.


Theexperimental apparatus was designed to handle transientvisual and mechanical inputs, to quantitate the steady tension level and to record both responses in the form of wrist rotation and angle of horizontalgaze of the eyes.Predictability of the targetposition wa.s controlled and eyeand wrist movements were

46 compared inorder to ascertain their respective roles in visual-motortracking, With the use of visualand mechanicalimpulses it was possibleto compare the voluntarilycontrolled movement to the subsequentdamping. Thisfollowing phase was shown similar to the position regulationresponse to mechanicalimpulse disturbances.


Themethod of studying the rotation of the wrist of an awake cooperativesubject has been described in the previoussection. Certain modifications were made in the apparatus as shown inFig. 27. Accordingly a mirror galvanometer was employed f'or visualtarget generation, having a frequencyresponse flat to 80 cps when set for criticaldamping and being linear over a range of f 25'. A wide range of stimulicould thus be employed.

A furtheraddition to the apparatus was a mechanical pendulumwhose position was monitoredby another potentio- meter, inaddition to the onemeasuring the responseof the subjectand the rotation of the wrist. It delivered impulses of torqueto the handle shaft andthus to tbe subject I s. wrist.

47 Traveland rebound angles, length and weight of the pendulum,and elasticity of impactdetermine the input energyinjected into the system.

For measuringvoluntary tension, the height of the

mercurycolumn controlled by a sphygnornanonetercuff attachedto the forearm was used.

A numberof experiments comparing eye andhand movement were performed.Direction of gaze or' the subject was monitored by a pair of lamps andphotocells connected in

a bridge so as to producean output voltage proportional

to differential area of the scleraeon either side of the iris. The method has beendescribed in a recentpaper on eye trackingmovements (74 ).


Square wave experiments. The importance of su-ffi- cientlycontrolling those characteristics of the input signalwhich make it either predictable or unpredictable has been experimentallydemonstrated for both the hand and the eye trackingcontrol system(71)(74). The following experiments were designed to study these inputcharacteris- tics and some of the interactions between hand and eye movement.

48 Theexperimental records .such as those of Pig. 28 show a subjectresponding to anunpredictable step change in target position.In addition to time functions as shown inFig. 28, several otherdisplays of system behavior were obtaified.These include sequential patterns of res- ponse times as in Fig. 29, histograms of response times in Fig. 30 andmedian response times as a function of frequency of inputsquare wave inFig. 31.

When the steps are unpredictable or when the period between steps is apparentlytoo long for predictions to be attempted, response times show anaverage value of approximately 0.25 seconds (Figs. 28a, 28b, 30a, 30b). If the time intervalbetween target jumps is reduced and if dynamicalcharacteristics of the mechanical system "(muscles, loads, apparatus)" perrnit rapid followingmovements, then the responsesoften show effects of prediction. Predictioncan be observed most sfinplyas a diminution of individualresponse times as inPigs. %by 23cand 28f, as well as in the medianresponse times shown inFig. 3C)c.

A negativeresponse tine sometimes occurs if the subjectanticipates the target jump.Furthermore the negativeresponse time may be large enough to permit the subject to arrive at the new target locationbefore

49 the target does, even after allowing for time of actual movements; this is termed "overprediction". The

sequentialpattern of response times in .Pig. 29 shows that there is noconsistent trend effect (after initial transient) in these changingresponse times but rather anirregular series of delays (positiveresponse times), reduceddelays and slight anticipations (predictions), and larger anticipations(over predictions). The dependenceof median response time onfrequency of repetitivesquare wave pattern is shown in Fig. 31. Prediction is the rule at the higherfrequencies. Eventually at a certain point, the dynamics of the wrist andunloaded apparatus prevent accurate determination of response time even with the use of derivative of it?put

andoutput as demonstratedin Fig. 28d.

Observation of the subject's eyes during hand tracking indicated that eye movementsoccurred when the hand is tracking a squarewave target motion with a frequency of 1.3 cpsand an amplitude of 2 10' or -+o 20 . However, the hand is still able to track at 2.5 cgs, while the eye appearsstationary. It; appeared thac the hand egsten couldoperate in a higherfrequency range than the eye movement system, suggesting tha,t eye tracking is not a pre-requisitefor hand tracking. Eye-hand comparisons. The eye muscles have considerable power with respect to their constant load, the eyeball, and show faster rise times than handthe when tracking rapidly alternating signals as shown in Fig. 32. Examples of eye and hand responses both recorded simultaneously to irregular steps and slower regular steps are also illustrated in Fig. 32. For these inputs the eye has shorter response times than the hand.At moderate frequencies (0.7 to 1.0 cps) the hand develops prediction faster and to a greater extent than the eye.At higher frquencies (1.2 cps) the hand shows considerable prediction, while the median eye response time beginsto lag (see Fig. ~OC,31 and 32~).

At low frequencies there is some correlation evident between eye and hand response timesas is shown in Fig.32. However, at high frequencies, the eye may spontaneously stop moving without noticeably interfering with hand tracking, as clearly demonstrated in Fig. 33. The target swing was 2 20' in this experiment. The triangular points in Fig. 31 are data from wrist tracking movements while the eye was held stationary, again showing hand movement independent of eye tracking movement under these experi- mental conditions. On the other hand, hand movement clearly and consistently seems to aid the eye tracking movement control system. Figure 33b shows a typical example of improved eye movement performance when hand tracking occurs. Similarly, deterioration of performance is noted when hand trackingis stopped a6 the result of an instruction to the subject.

Imsulse resDonse exseriments. Experiments were performed In order to attempt to quantitate the mechanical state of the position control system of the wristand the ability of the voluntary tracking system to reproduce impulses ofvisual target; motion.

The mechanical system of the pendulum, apparatus and forearm for these impulse response experiments are represented in the mobility analogof Fig. 34. With the use of equivalent second order SySteLSfor the apparatus and the wrist with all elements in parallel, subtraction of the equivalent admittance valuesof the machine from the respective values of the total pesponseis permitted.

The mechanical impulse response(hm(t)) of the wrist seems to be well fittedby a simple underdamped secondsr-dep equation as shown by the examples in Fig.35. Approximate values found for the equivalent mechanical parametersof wrist rotation are: inertia: J = -0.5 x newton-meters- -1 second2-radians ; viscosity, B = 1.5 x newton-meters- second-radian-';and elasticity, K = 2.0 x newton- meters-radiang1. The negativevalue for Inertia Is the result of subtracting two larger valuesand Is not believedto be significant.

The characteristics of the response(hv(t)) of the wrlst toan impulse of visual target movements are more complex, as shown in Fig. 35b. It is postulated that hv(t) has two phases: the first, consisting of the time delay and the first overshoot, is considered a visually driven response. After a transitionperiod, the second or"follow-up" movement, hf(t), is consideredto be controlled by the posturalreflex loop attempting to bring the hand to rest. Thus it is only this second portion, hf(t), that is comparableto the mechanical response.However, only 30% of the hv(t) records yielded hf(t) portions that could be reasonablydescribed by a secondorder fit, andeven these data show considerable scatter.

Effects of tension on immlse resoonses.Striking effects were obtainedin freewheeling experiments as shown in Fig. 36 with change in subject set, especially with change intension set tocontrol expected impulse disturbances that occurredrandomly. In order to further

53 quantify the behavior of the controlmechanism for movementand posture, the impulseexperiments were conducted at a variety of levels of tension.Five differentlevels of tensionproduced smoothly graded responsecharacteristics from most relaxed to most tense states.

The most striking effects were the decrease in

amplitude of h (t), the mechanicalimpulse response m with tension; this was accompanied by anincrease in ringingfrequency as can be seen by comparing Figs. 35a and 35c. Similareffects were shown inseveral hundredexperiments on about six subjects.Figure 37 shcws a plotof the variation of the equivalentmechanical parameters J, B and K as a functionof tension. K is a

strongfunction of voluntarytension, while B increases only slightly with increasein tension; as before, values of J are small, the results of subtracting two large values,and are notbelieved to be significant.

The poles of the equivalentsecond order system are at S = -8 -+ j ud where 'd and ud are the real and imaginarycomponents of the complex poles. The effect of tension .on the system is shown in Fig. 38 by the locus of upper half planepoles. The principaleffects of an


.. ... increasein voluntary tension on the hm(t) equivalent secondorder system are anincrease in absolute bandwidth and a slight decreasein damping constant. When J, B

and K parameters are determined for hf(t) portionsof h,(t) and the poleconfiguration computed it is seen that the pole path as a functionof tension is rather

similar for hf(t) and h (t) (Fig. 38). Considerable m scatter in h (t) polescan be noted.The principal f correlation of the hf(t) equivalentsecond order system with increasein voluntary tension is increase in absolutebandwidth.

As discussedabove the response hv(t) of the eye- forearmrotation system to a visualimpulse is considerably morecomplex than the response h(t)to a mechanical impulse,and only the "follow-up"portion hf(t) was compared to the mechanicalresponse. Nevertheless, for bothvisual and mechanlcalresponse, Figs. 35b and 35d

show that the same qualitativechanges appear with

increase in tension. When the hv(t) curves are parameterized as to (a) numberof ringing cycles;

(b) average ringingfrequency; (e) amplituderatio; and (d) time delay, all as a functionof tension, it can be noted (see Fig. 39) that similar changes (b), or lack of change (a) and (d), occur with both hm(t) and hv(t)

responses.Time delay is, ofcourse, zero for hm(t).


L Little change in amplitude or shape of the initial portion of hv(t) or in the time delayis seen as a function of tension. It was felt that unpredictable changes of target position were not fully accomplished in this experiment, because the target pulse was always of constant width, amplitude and duration. With the removal of these restrictions interesting phenomena appeared relating to earlier studies on psychological refractory period and to sampled data approaches to these neurological control systems.

SamDled data characteristics. Recent studies have suggested that the eye movement tracking system can be treated as a sampled data system(84 ). For present purposes it is sufficient to realize that the discrete nature of sampled data systemsis similar to the notion of a refractory period, a common phenomenonin neuro- physiology. Other discontinuous control systems such as quantized systems have properties in common with sampled data systems, and indeed the hand movement system demon- strates characteristicsof quantization as well.

When slowly movingramps are used as input target signals, and the subject tracksthis input with a device that offers very small mechanical impedance, a response similar to thatof Fig. 40 occurs. The output response consists of step-like changesin position which occur with irregular intervals and amplitudes. The output signal rotary motion transducer hadan effectively infinite resolution, and neither friction nor any other component of the mechanical impedanceof the transducerwas of sufficient magnitude to playan important role in the dynamics of the system. Early studies utilizing this input suggested that theknown sampled-data properties of the eye tracking system were possibly relatedto these steplikeresponses butrecent experimentshave failed to confirm this conjecture(50)

When pulses of varying widthare used as input target signals and are presented irregularly in time, a response similar to that shown In Fig. 41a is obtained. Delays of approximately 150-250 msec before the rapid response motions occurfor both leading and trailing edgesof the ir.put target motlon. This delay in response has several componentsin addition to nerve conduction time and is scmetimes called the psychological refractory period. When a pulse of extremely narrow widthis supplied unpredictably as an input target motion,a normal delay occurs before the response movement to the leadingof edge

57 the input motion, as shown in Fig. 41b. However, the response motionto the trailing edgeof the input motion has a much prolonged delay,400 msec in the case illustrat- ed in Fig. 41b. This prolonged delay can be accounted for as a normal refractory period that starts after the initial response motion, rather than being triggeredby the trailing edge of the input target. This behavior would be characteristic of a type of sampled-data system. Con- trast this widened response to a short pulse with the rather narrow responsesof Figs. 35b and 35d. Here the pulse is unpredictable only in timeof' occurrence. The subject knows that any disturbance would be a short pulse and accordingly pre-programmed a double sequence of movements to match the short pulse when triggeredby the appearance of a disturbance. Similar evidence has been shown for the eye movement control system.

For a motor coordination sampled-data system with the transient responses shown inFigs. 40 and 41, the frequency responseto wide bandwidth inputs demonstrated a peak at one-half the sampling frequency, (orat approxi- mately 2-3 cps for sampling intervals0.16 to 0.25 secs), as well as an absence of coherent tracking characteristics at frequencies greater than this peaking frequency. There exists very little experimental data that clearly support the occurrence of this suggestedpeaking frequency, since most of these experimentshave used input bandwidths with either much lower frequencies than 3 cps or else too little power at these higher frequencies to obtain effectiveresponses necessary to demonstrate the peak. Bekey ( 6 ) in the mostcomplete study of sampled-data properties of the manualtracking control system, was able to show peaking at samplingfrequencies only in

spectral curvesof error. However, Stark, Iida, and Willis ( 71) have described steady-state frequencyresponse experiments that were not limited by these undesirable inputspectrum characteristics and showed clear peaks in gain in the 2-3 cpsregion.

This clearlydefined peak in the responsespectrum supports the transient data and the idea that the human motorcoordination system can be treated as a sampled-data control system. The variousdiscrete models based on these observations are reviewedin Section V.


Processingretinal information is clearly an early operationin hand tracking a visual target. This same information is necessary for eye movement control. Comparisonand contrast of the eye movement control

59 system with the manual control system shows some surprising results.

First, the manual system can track rapidly alternating target movementsof a repetitive predictable nature to an octave or two higher frequency than the eye,in spite of the much lower bandwidthof the output elements. The hand has a natural frequency,cJn = 40 radians/second while the eyeball has a natural frequency,W = 240 radians/ second. Evidently the control and predictive apparatus for manual controlis more effective than thatfor eye movement control.

Second, eye movementis not necessary far hand movement in spite of the rather large amplitude,2 10' and 2 20°, tracking signals In the experiments. Clearly, focal fixationof the target is not requiredfor the order of accuracy obtained in these experiments.

Conversely, the physical movementof the hand appears to reinforce the target signal input to the eye movement system so that adequate eye tracking may occur in borderline regions if the handis tracking and may not occurif the hand is still. This evidence supports the contentian that manual control dynamics are of concern here, and not some limitation secondary to eye movement control.Of course,

60 visual processing is still an integral part of the experl- mental conditions; it could, of course, be eliminated by proprioceptive tracking, one hand passively movedand the other tracking this motion, or perhaps by auditory input signals.

The neurological control systemfor motor coordination has been discussed in terms of two signals competingfor control of the output elements. These output motop elements are the "final common path"of Sherrington ( 63 ), the alpha motor neurons and the muscles they control. The first of the competing signalsis that carried by the feedback path of the position control system, the Ia afferent neurons from the spindle receptor system. The second of the competingsignals is that carried by the corticospinal pathways subserving voluntary movement.

The two typesof Impulse inputs presumably test the state of the shared control of the alpha motor neuron.The mechanical impulse response,h(t), has no associated time delay and thus tests the gain and dynamlcsof the postural or position servoloop. As such it is similar to the classical tendon jerk of the clinical neurological examination. Recently this system has been studied by simulation techniques ( 26 ) and the representation here

61 includes two important non-linear dynamical systems, plus time delaysfor nerve impulse conduction anda variety of saturatlon and asymmetrical elements. That this can be adequately represented by an undamped, linear second order system is indeed a tribute to the power of these simple analytic tools. The apparent spring constant of the hand is determined by the gainof the positlon servo, since restoring forceis proportional to displace- ment error, An Important non-linearity of the spindle is an increase in slopeof the Input-output curve with increased input, eitherby external stretch or by gamma motor neuron stimulationof the intra fusal fibere( 26). As a consequence lncreased spring constant1s predicted in the experiment with Increasing tension.

The visual Impulse response,hv(t), appears to be

8 time-delayed pre-programmed control signal, probably corticospinal In route, whichis followed by a return to the postural control systemwith dynamics predictable by the h (t) experiments. hf(t) and h (t) havea similar m m dependence on tension. Evidence for the ballistic pre-pro' grammed input comes partlyfxm the marked disparity between the second order modelof the postural system and the initial portionsof the h,(t). More striking are

62 the results obtained when the durationof the pulse is made unpredictable as in the sampled-data experiments. Here a clear refractory periodof about 200 milliseconds is demonstrated, certainly unrelated tothe second order dynamic a.

In the freewheeling experiment the competition between the voluntary control and the postural servomechanism is Illustrated. With increase in mental tension while the subject la awaiting a random disturbance, the fre- quency of oscillation in successive movementsis markedly diminished; the continual activationof the postural servo means that antagonists areof course active, and degrade performance. However, little evidence for reduction in amplitude of voluntary trackingor for increase in response time is noted in these somewhat predictable

impulse experiment8.

The sampled-data experiments are rather convincing on the basis of the prolonged pulse response, peak the In frequency response,and the irregular positional corrections for slow ramps. The results are especially relevant to the problemof eye and hand interaction. It has been firmly established thatthe response to unpredictable Inputsby the eye tracking control system can be well predicted by a sampled-datamodel (83). However,such phenomena as the irregular multiple step responsesto a slow ramp are independent of visual tracking.Further, the sampled-data control system for the eye appears to be both position and velocity control while the manualtracking sampled-data seems to be only a positioncontrol system; thus indicating rather different origins of the control signals to these two complex motoroutputs.

One point of Interest is the distribution of response times for hand trackingof unpredictable targets (Fig. 3Oa); a narrow quasi-gaussian distribution with a mean of 0.24 msec. This indicates that the sampling times are not clockdriven, but rather Inputsynchronized; with some randomdeviations from mean response time ( 86). If they were clock driven one would expect a rather square distributionfrom one sampling time to two sampling times with perhaps some additionalrandom variation around this squaredistribution. The clockdriven distribution predicted by Wescott and Lemay ( 37) is clearly not foundunder the experimentalconditions reviewed here.

64 Since the visual systemis part of the tracking situation, the controlof eye movementsand hand movements were studiedby comparing simultaneous measure- ments. It was seen that while the load dynamics of the eyeball were less restricting than the inertia, viscosity, and elastic resistances of the wrist, the hand was better able to follow repetitive square wave patternsat high frequencies (1.5 to 2.5 cps) because ofits wider band- width control apparztus. Further, it was apparent that eye movement did not aid hand movement, but rather that hand movement helped eye movement at high frequencies.

Mechanical impulse responses, h(t), testing the. m postural control system, were compared with visual impulse responses, hv(t), testing the voluntary tracking system. The formeris well approximated by an equivalent second order underdamped system. The latter has two components, a visually driven initial response aand follow-up portion, hf(t); only the hf(t) is at all able tobe approximated by a similar underdamped second order system.

On changing steady background levels to tension both hm(t) and h (t) show dynamical changes in the direction f of increased bandwidth with increased tension. Finally,certain experimental evidence for sampled- data properties of the hand movement system is put forward.


Although the presence of intermittent behavior in manual tracking has been noted for many years, it is only recently that a concerted effort has been made to develop discrete models for the human operator. The motivation for this research has been three-fold. First, the research In quasi-linear models has reached the point where the gross characteristics are quite adequately described for a wide variety of tasks, and attention can be focused on the fine structure of tracking. Second, the widespread use of analog and digital computers permits real time simulationof models that mightbe too complex for analysis. Finally, the development and dissemination of the theoryof sampled-data systems and the associated use of the Z-transform, originally developed for digital computer techniques, has enabled engineersto treat many discrete systems ona simple analytical basis.

Although many types of experiments have been brought to bear in forming the case for discretesampled'data or models for manual tracking, mostof them can be reduced to one of two closely related sets of observations. The first of these is the presence of intermittent corrections by the operator in trackinga continuous signal. Most of these corrections are separatedby intervals of 0.2 to 0.6 seconds, indicating that at leasta portion of the operator's output results froma discrete process leading to sudden ballistic movements. The result of this intermittencyis to provide output energy in the frequency range of 1-2 cps, and peaksin this range are observed in Fourier analysis andpower density spectra ( 6 ) Notice that quasi-linear models can contain at their output only those frequency components present at their input, and therefore this "sampling energy"is included as part of the remnant.

The second bodyof evidence concerns the gsscholoaical refractory geriod, which describes the inabilityof the human operator to make two successive responsesto discrete stimuli in an interval less than this refractory period of approximately 1/2 second. This behavior suggests a sampled-data model, which can process sensory information or'perform output only at certain periodic intervals. Notice that for any quasi-linear model the response to successive stimuli would be the superposition of responses to each individual stimulus, and could never match the refractory delay.

The assumption ofa discrete model does not imply that there are no continuous portions of the response.It

68 merely requires.that some portion of the response or its derivatives be determinedby a discontinuous operator. This point is emphasized in the early articleby Hick ( 21 ):

It is suggested that the notion of discontinuity in the human operator may usefully refer to changes in the characteristics of his behaviour, not necessarily sudden, but such as to indicate separate pointsbe- tween domains where different continuous functionsare reasonably applicable. For instance, a characterisa- tion which shows periods of constancy interspersed with periods of changemay be placed in this class.

Historically, the first sampled-data modelfor manual tracking to be developed and testedwas by Ward ( 79). This model, as redrawn by Bekey ( 6 ) is shown in Fig.42. Al- though this model contains sampling circuitsof 0.5 sec period and a hold circuit, both of whichare common to all later models, it does not perform very well quantitatively in matching either timeor frequency domaindata.

Bekey'sModel Manual Tracking

Bekey, in his sampled data model, recognized that the specification of the type of hold circuit following the sampler is of great importance. (A zero order hold -TS (1 - e ) keeps the-output signal constant between samples. A first order hold (1 + =)(l - e-Ts) 1 Is S updates the output at each sample instantand imparts to it a rate equalto the average input rate over the last interval. See Fig. 43.) His proposed model of the human operator trackinga random input in a compensatory loop is shown in Fig. 44. KE represents the simple gain of the external controlled element,K is the operator gain and TN the neuromuscular time constantas used in quasi-linear models. The switch represents the sampler, which takes an instantaneous sampleof the error every T seconds and transmits it to the hold circuit.

Using only the frequency domain characteristics as a criterion, Bekey found that the first order was hold more appropriate thana zero order or modifiedfirst order. With a first order hold hewzs able to reproduce the "sampling peak" in the error spectra and still give a low frequency fit which approximates that of the quasi-linearmodels.

An example of the fit to the experimentaldata for the spectral densityof the operator's responseis shown in Fig. 45. The continuous model isa simple quasi-linear one of the form in which the gain K delay Dc and lag time constant f HE' C ape adjusted fora best fit with the power spectrum. The discrete model sampling period(T) was selected to be twice the frequencyof the peak in the experimental spectrum, and the delay (D,) was chosen so that the sum ofDs and the effective delayof the hold circuitwas made equal to the continuous model delay,Dca

In the example shown in Fig.45, it is seen clearly that the sampled-data model approachesthe continuous model spectra and that both aregood fits to the datafor frequencies below 5 rad/sec. Between 5 and 10 rad/sec, however, only the sampled model exhibitsa ''sampling peak" to matchthe relative increase in actual output power. Notice that this range is at frequencies generally considered too high for true manual tracking, even though hand movement may show frequency components that high.

For the record shown the sampling period was chosen = as T 0.33 seconds to match the peak at 1.5 cps.DS was required to be -0.06 seconds to keep the total delay equal to D C The existence of negative Ds implies, strictly speaking, a predictive mechanism to overcome the delay inherent in a first order hold. A probable explanation is "......

that the velocity estimate, ain first orderhold, based on the difference between the two last samples,is not a correct description. Since velocity canbe sensed directly, it is likely thata more recent sampleof velocity is used to compute response rate, thus implying less delayin the hold circuitand eliminating any requirement for a pure predictor.

The chief value in Bekey's modelis the demonstration that a sampled-data model naturally accountsfor the peak in output spectra and thatit yields low frequency fits which areas good as the continuous quasi-linear models. The limitations on the model are thatit was used to match only those resultsfor which itwas designed. Thus the locationof the peak is forced to be matchedby selection of T. Quantitative evaluationof the model in the time domain and in responsea variety to of deterministic inputs would have been very valuable.

Lemav and Westcott "Velocity Triangle" Model

At about the same time that Bekey was developinga sampled data model based on the intermittency in continuous tracking, workers in England were investigating discrete models starting with the psychological refractory period and the shapeof the manual step responseas a basis. Lemay and Westcott (37 ), following the workof Wilde and Westcott (80 ), proposed a discrete model based on the step response,and extended it to cover the caseof tracking a continuous random input. They observed that the fundamental "ballistic movement"of quick hand move- ments is in the form of a velocity triangle. Such a dynamic shape could easily resultfrom a programmed force of full positive followed by full negative, acting on the pure inertia of the arm. A straightforward means of simulating such a step response, consisting of a pair of parabolas yielding the correct magnitudeof hand movement, is shown in Fig. 46 (37). It is interesting to observe that sucha response is the time optimal onefor the situation of limited available force.

To incorporate the velocity triangle concept and I account for reaction time and refractory time, the discrete model of Fig. 47 ( 37) was developed. This model uses two asynchronous samplersof the same period to produce the desired reaction time and velocity triangle hand movement. "The muscle mechanism"is merely the positive-negative force program shown previously in Fig. 46. This model produces responses to step inputs which approximate those producedby the human operator. The step response can be madeto overshoot slightly and

73 return to zero, as oftenobserved in human responses,

simply by increasing the gainof the samplers aboveunity,

Incomparing this model with other sampled data

models, it should be noted that the samplers are"free running"and are in no way synchronizedto the occurrence

of a step input. As a result, the reaction time shown by the model is uniformly distributed over the rangebetween oneand two samplingperiods. As the authorspoint out the actual distribution of human reaction times is not uniformbut rather peaks about an averagevalue. Other

studies show this average value to be approximately

0.3 seconds. (See Fig. 30, for example.)

As a reasonable test oftheirmodel developed for step inputs, Lemay andWestcott proceeded to compare their model with the human response in tracking a continuous randominput signal, similar to the type used by Bekey,

Elkindand others. As might be expectedfrom previous attempts to match bothstep responses and continuous responses with the same model, the straightforwardattempt failed. The step responsemodel introduced too much phase lag for the continuoustracking. The authorsthen reasoned that in tracking a continuoussignal the human operator is able to make use of the error velocity as well as errorposition, thereby introducing lead into the

74 system and reducing the apparent phase lagof the response. They therefore modified their modelby the addition of the lead network preceding the sampled data modelas shown in Fig. 48 (37 ). The best correspondence between model and human operator outputs were obtained with the following valuesof proportional and derivative gains:

a = 0.2 b = 0.52

These values of a and b, which indicate that the human operator relies heavily on errorrate in programming his "basic hand movement", are notin agreement with the values which would be producedby an optimum controller as Lemay and Westcott point out.It is also worth noting that for this task of controlling a simple gain typeof plant the quasilinear studies show that the human adopts very little lead and approaches a pure integrator plus delay (40 ). It can only be assumed that the necessity for lead, whichLemay and Westcott attribute to the ability of the human to predict the signalin a continuous case, is indeed necessary to overcome the excessfve delay resulting from straightforward transferof a step response type sampled data model.

With the lead network predictor the discrete modelfor tracking continuous inputs achieves87% correlation with

75 the actual outputIn one case quotedby Lemay and Westcotte of more interest, however,is the abilityOf this model incorporating the velocity triangle concept to match the operator's output velocity in such a tracking task. Figure 49 is anexample of the good correspondence between operator and model velocity( 37

The Lemay and Westcott model ashas its most signifi- cant contribution the demonstration of the ability of a sampled data model to reproduce someof the more significant aspectsof the human operator's tracking in -both response to discrete inputs and continuous tracking; a task whichhas presented workers in the field with some difficulty for many years. The details of their model, especially the use oftwo asynchronous samplersto achieve the desired output waveform, and the simple introduction of a predictor network, seemed somewhat artificial.

Younp!s Model for Eve Movements

Although not directly bearing on the problem of discrete models for manual control, the sampled data model proposed by Young for human eye tracking movements is introduced at this point becauseof its roleas a basis for manual control modelsto be discussed below(83 ). In the visual control system the taskof the servomechanism is to point the central axisof the eye atthe target of interest and follow the moving targetso as to maintain the image on the central portionof the retina. It has long beer, recognized that there are two different typesof eye movements used in this tracking movement.The saccadic movements are the rapid jerks which toserve bring the eye quickly onto target and reduce position errors. There also exists pursuit movements, which are slow smooth movements presumably usedto allow the eye to follow slowly moving targets and maintain zero velocity error. The intermittent nature of eye movement tracking is more readily apparent than in the ofcase manual track- ing. Since the momentof inertia and effective friction of the eyeball is very small in comparison to the powerful muscles which turnit in its orbit, all abrupt ! changes in force level are immediately made apparentby relative discontinuities in eye positionor velocity. Furthermore, since the "plantdynamics'' and effective mechanical impedance of the load are unchangedin the normal course of events, the underlying control logicin the eye movement servomechanismis more easily explored.

77 The evidencefor discontinuous control in the eye movement system is similar to tha% which has been discovered and proposedas evidence for discontinuous control of manual tracking. The psychological refractory period is observed in eye movements, wherein the system response to a target pulse of less than0.2 seconds duration Is a pair of equal and opposite saccades separated by at least 0.2 seconds. An equivalent phenomenon apparently occurs in pursuit trackingas well, since experiments with constant target acceleration indicate that the eye velocity changes in rather discrete jumps at 0.2 sec intervals with position. The ''sampling peak" referred to by Bekey in manual trackingis also even more noticeable in the eye movement frequency responseto a random continuous input. A marked peak in gain of the eye movement system appears in the vicinftyof 2.5 cps, which is consistent wfth a sampled data system operating with a sampling period of 0.2 see. When the eye movement system is operated in an effective open loop tracking situation the sampling characteristic of the systemis made very evident. The open loop response to a step input is a staircase of equal amplitude saccadic jumps separated by approximately0.2 sec tntervals. The Young model for eye tracking movementsis based on a 0.2 sec sampling period and the assumption twoof separate systems in the forwardloop; the smooth pursuit system acting as a velocity tracker and the rapid saccadic system acting as a position servo. The model is shown in Fig. 50 (86 ). The limiter and saturation element in the pursuit loop reflect the observation that 0 0 pursuit movements only operate between1 /sec and 25 /sec. For greater velocity errors the eye movement system uses a series of rapid saccadic movements. Use of a discrete hold for rate estimation is a mathematical convenience rather than any reflection of the actual calculation of error rate.

This model correctly predicts the principal character- istics of eye movements both in terms of frequency response and transient response to deterministic inputs. In addition the validity of the modelis supported by its ability to predict the experimental findingsfor tracking under conditions in which the effective visual feedbackis varied aver a wide range. The stability of the eye move- ment system as this feedback is varied is also correctly predicted by the basic sampled data model.

The principal influenceof Young's model as it effects manual control research was to encourage other investigators

79 to look for the equivalent of a "pursuit loop" for velocity tracking in the hand response.

Navas'"Motor-SamDlina" Model Manual Tracking

Building on the background of the Bekey, Lemay and Westcott, and Young models principally, Navas conducted an investigation of the nature of intermittency in manual tracking (47). One of his major pointsof investigation centered about the questionof whether the discrete nature of the operator's output was the result of a regularP or almost regular sampling phenomenonor whether it resulted from a quantization phenomenonir. which a discrete event took place each timeerror the exceeded a quantization level. The other central theme was a search for a velocity sampling path similarto the pursult path descrlbedin Young's eye movement monitor. In his model Navas incorporates muchof the Stark-Houk model for the motor coordination system discussed in some detail earlier, and leans heavilyon the physiological evidence for sampling in the motor coordination system. The experimental investigation conducted by Navas covered both frequency responsefor tracking of continuous inputs and investigation of transient responses to deterministic inputs. His most interesting results were in the area of

80 transientresponses. The task he dealt with was essentfal-

ly a pursuit task, with bothinput and response displayed, in which the subject was instructed to try to reproduce the input, rather than merely minimize the error or rms error as is generally the situation. He was thenable to conduct limited open loo^ experimentsin which the subject's response was displayedbut also moved the target byan equal distance so that the displayed errorbetween responseand target was unchanged by the response. Figure 51 ( 47) shows the experimental set up for doing openloop tests (g = 1). The set up of Fig. 51a is similar to that used by Young and Stark (86 ). In Fig. 51b the situation is furtherbroken down into two inputs to

the human operator, k2 representing the pursuittracking branchand kl/s representing the compensatorybranch,

Includingan assumed integration in the centralnervous system.Using this openloop configuration Navas was able toexplore the basic stepresponse of theforward loop of

the manualcontrol system by puttingin low frequency square wave inputs. Some of the results are shown in Fig. 52 (47 ). Theopen loop response to a step input, correspondingto a constanterror observation, Is a rather regular staircase of "basic responsemotions". These basic notions resemble the velocitytriangle, double parabolic movements described by Lemay and Westcott. The period

81 separating the initiation of successive "saccadic" movements is approximately 0.4 seconds,and, just as in the case of the eye movement system, lendsstrong backing

to the intermittencyhypothesis for manual tracking.

The second set of interestingexperiments performed

by Navas investigate the ability of the human operator to

follow a constantvelocity target with a simple gain as the

plantdynamics. Among Navas' conclusions were the follow- ing: 1) Little evidence for sampling is seen when the input is predictable,such as a triangular wave, however, the samplingphenomena is quiteapparent for unpredictable

constant velocity inputs. The sampling rate of approxi- mately 2.5 cps is fairly independent of ramp velocity, thereby supporting the theory of a samplingintermittency

as opposed to a quantizationphenomenon. 2) A velocity servo, equivalent to the pursuitloop in the eye movement control system, was notapparent. Navas ba.sed this conclusionon a single series of experimentsin which no interpolation was notedbetween samples. Examples of suchtracking are shown in Fig. 53 ( 47). It should be pointedout, however, that inorder to bring out this discrete type of trackingwithout any smooth interpolation between the basic handmovements, Navas had to add consider- able frictionand inertia to his control stick. With a control stick which was primarilyspring restrained, Navas achieved the results shown in Fig.54 (47 ) for tracking in similar type inputs. This tracking shows considerable smooth interpolation and constant velocity segments between the basic double parabola type relative discontinuities, and are similar to the results generally found. Since the presence or absence of a pursuit tracking typeof velocity servo seems dependent uponthe force-displacement mechanical impedance of the control stick, rather than reflecting any basic logic in the central nervous system, it is difficult to accept Navas' conclusion that no velocity servo exists, and consequently his development of a model on that basis.

The sampled data model proposedby Navas is shown in Fig. 55 (47 ). Note that this modelis hypothesized primarily for pursuittrackiflg although most of the features follow automatically for the compensatory tracking case. The sampling is not free running, butis triggered by the first error exceeding the dead zone,as in the caseof the Young eye movement model, but in oppositionto the Lemay and Westcott model. The sampling rate is to be variable and adaptive although the mechanismfor this variability is not specified. The sampling takes place in the motor end of the tracking system andis associated with the opening and closing of the proprioceptive loop at the alpha motor neuron. The model acts to clamp the arm in position to the proprioceptive loop except for brief periodicsampling intervals when the requiredcorrective signal,alpha, is sampled.Following the appropriate correctivemovements the spindle feedback is restored and the arm is clamped to a new position. The role of the

centralnervous system is represented by the delay 'td2s e and the integration kl/s. Themodel exhibits increasinggain over a range of frequenciesabove

0.5 cps, which is ingeneral agreement with resultsfound for pursuittracking, allowing a certain amount, of

prediction of the i nput.

Thevarious latencies involved in the model are tabulated below:

Visuallatencies t = 40 milliseconds. dl Implicitcentral nervous system and alpha motor neuron delay times - 165 milliseconds. Conduction time td2= 15 milliseconds. Contraction time t = 30 milliseconds. d3 Total delay for basic movementand response total = 250 milliseconds.

The switch at the alpha motor neuron is assumed to be connectedto ground, opening the proprioceptive loop for 20 millisecondsevery 250 milliseconds. The model doesnot lend itself to a simplesampled data analysis.

84 The model proposed by Navas describes in a qualitative manner the pulse and step responsesunder both closed loopand open loop conditions of pursuittracking. It also describes the idealized ramp responses, which show nointerpolation, and offers a fairly good qualitative approximationto observed frequency responses including

the appropriate spectral peak at about 1,5 cps. The averagesampling rate of 3 per second is approximately the same as that arrived at by most other investigators. His case for rulingout of quantizationin favor of sampling is well documented, however, the evidencefor the lack of any velocity servoeven in the case of pursuittracking of unpredictableinputs is questionable. His efforts at correlating some of the moreinteresting servoanalytic test techniques with advances that have been made in the controldescriptions of the basic muscularmotor coordination system are quiteinteresting and represent effort in an area that has been largely overlooked

in the bridge between the engineersand psychologists on one side and the physiologistson the other.

Elkind'sChannel Discrete Model

Elkind et al. ( 13 ) haveproposed a sampled data model for the human controller based onfeatures of the Young eye movement model and the Lemay-Westcottmanual

L tracking model. It includes the two channel, pursuit- saccadic control logic proposedby Young for eye movements, as well as the velocity triangle force program for rapid hand movements proposed in the Lemay-Westcott model. The Elkind model, as shown in Fig. 56 ( 13) should match many of the time and frequency domain characteristics of manual trackingof continuous signals, and includes the mechanisnfor human adaptation to a varietyof controlled element transfer functions. The proposed model is based on the following character- istics:

1) Primary Derception velocity as well as displacement. Velocity sensing is indicated by the differentiation in the upper, pursuit loopof the flow chart. Although this pure differentiation without any low pass filtering may leadto spurious noise, itis presented for simplicity. It replaces the somewhat arbitrary discrete rate estimation usedby Young.

2) Intermittency manual tracking movements. Breaks in otherwise continuous recordsand peaks in the frequency I’esponse, are evidence of sampling and represented by the pair of synchronous samplers, one sampling error and the other samplingerror rate. The difference between the average delay time of approximately c

0.15 secondsfound in continuous tracking, and the

samplinginterval of approximately 0.3 to 0.4 seconds

suggested by the sampling peak in the frequencyresponse, is accounted for by a sonewhat arbitrary mechanism in the model. By separating the reaction time (0.15 sec) from the refractoryperiod, which includes the reaction

time plus the time taken for a movement to be completed

(0.3 sec), the model is capable of describingboth the short initialreaction and long intersample period durlngactive tracking. The sampling interval is assumed

to be 0.15 secondsprior to the initiation of any movement

by the controllor, and 0.30 seconds after he has initiated a response,assuming a movement time of 0.15 seconds.Note

that this mechanism still doesnot account for the dis- crepancy between step responsereaction times (approximately 0.3 - 0.4 seconds) and delays foundin continuous tracking (0.15 seconds), the same problemwhich caused Lemay andWestcott as well as many otherinvestigators considerableconcern.

3) Existence a smoothpursuit as well as a fast saccadic_channel in the outwt of the human controller.

Just as had beendescribed in the discussionof Navas' work, Elkind et al. searchedfor the existence of a pursuitchannel giving smooth output motions of approxi- mately constantvelocity, similar to the smooth eye movements system. Unlike Navas, however, they found that such pursuit movements do existin general andare an essential part of the manual control mechanism. Figures 57 and 58 show the recordsof hand tracking of ramps and a parabola respectively(13 ). In both cases the hand response includes constant velocity segmentsas well as sudden saccadic-like jumps, and the outputs bear considerable resemblanceto those cited by Young for the eye movemen$s. Elkind et al. point out that with a pursuit channel the modelis given the capability of memory.

4) Force propram. The Elkind model includes the basic work of the Lemay-Westcott model including a force program for the fundamental rapid human hand movements. The force program part of the Elkind model achieves the same double parabola wave formas Lemay and Westcott propose for simple gain dynamics, without requiring the feed foward path or the second sampler. Since the basic force program need not always be one resulting in a velocity triangle, but may resultin velocity pulsesor doublets for cases in which the controlled elementis of higher order than pure gain, the Elkind model includes the flexibility of changing the force programby adjustment of the parameters and k The muscle and hand kf1 f2.

'88 dynamics are assumed to correspond to pure inertia. The cross branches k and k are included to allow mP rs the human controller logic to provide compensation for different controlled element dynamics,by introducing effective lead or lag. When the samples of error (e*) drive the pursuit loop to the branch k the effect is of rs' * an integration; whereas if samples oferror rate (e ) are used to drive the saccadic branch through cross coupling kmp, the effect is one of differentiation.

The model discussed above appears to be a promising attempt to describe much of the "fine structure" observed in manual control responses for continuous tracking. It includes the special features of the Young eye movement model and the Lemay-Westcott hand movement model, and overcomes some of the unnecessary artifices used in each. The Elkind model remains to be simulatedto verify its ability to correctly pre- dict or describe a wide variety of human responses. There are, however, two major drawbacks in its present form. The specification of a pairof samplers which are presum- ably free running and which change their sampling period as a function of system activity, appears to be arbitrary and needlessly complex. Although it does produce a range of reaction times distributed between0.15 and 0.30 seconds, the same result could be achieved a bysampler assumed synchronized with the input, and additive noiseon the sampling period. Secondly the existence of the adjustable direct and cross coupling gains, kp, ks, k and krS, as mP well as the gain adjustments in the force program portion of the model, provide such great kf1 and kf.2, flexibility in the programas to permit the matching of almost any arbitrary desired responseby suitable selection of these six gains. Althoughall of these branches may very well exist, until some setof rules is suggested for the way in which they should be adjusted, the presence of that many variable gains tends to weaken the model.

Rauolt Is Samoled Data Model Human Tracking

In his doctoral dissertation in France, Rauolt came to the same conclusionsas a number of the American investigators over the years concerning the quasi-linear model for continuous tracking (56 ) (w ). Hie quasi-linear model for the total openloop transfer function, from error to responseis

The human operatoris assigned the 0.1 second delay time and the ability to introduce leador lag as well as variable gain in order to keep the overall open loop transfer function as given above. This approximation is assumed valid over the rangeof input frequencies0 - 1.2 cps; for high input frequencies the only changeis an increase in the open loop gain, from5 to 9.

These approximations, while valid to first order are quite rough in comparison to the experimental results obtained by Elkind for variation in phase and gain lag as a function of input frequency( 12). Similarly the study of dependence of operator transfer function on controlled element dynamics does not contributemore than previously foundby Russell, Hall and others(5'()(20).

Raoult and Naslinare led to the hypothesisof a discontinuous model for manual tracking by observationof the discontinuities in the tracking of continuous input signals and alsoby the characteristics of the operator remnant, which includes frequencies other than those present in the input. Just as Bekey had done, they required that their sampled data model approach the characteristics of' the continuous models for the lower frequencies. In their model, shown inFig. 59 (56 ) continuous lead or prediction is given by the lead term T1p. (p is taken as the Laplace operator andis in all respects equivalent to s in this work.) The sampler is

0. characterized by two parameters, Te and Te is the conventional sampling period,or interval between successive samples and 8 is the sampling duration, or period during which the sampler remains closed. Note that this is not the sameas the impulse modulator assumed by the other authors, unless 0 equals zero. Kh is the variable human operator gain and p in the denominator represents the desired integrationtaking place in the central nervous system. The block W(p) is the general continuous compensation block whichis introduced to compensate for any dynamics in the external plant,K2. W(p) is cast in the following cannonical form developed by Naslln

and represents a general polynomial denominator. The total open loop gain, Kh K2 , is designated as Ke.

Raoult recognized the variabilityof the sampling rate, and commented uponits possible correlation with error magnitude, but did not include this variability in the simulation. Typical parameters taken in their simulation are the following

T = 0.4 seconds, corresponding to the average e interval between samples e=" Te - 0.08 seconds, the supposed durationof 5 each sample, whichis greater than the retinal persistence time a = 1.9

The Nyquist diagram corresponding to these choices of parameters is shown In Fig. 60 (56 ). The heavy line is of little Interest, whereas the lighter line almost parallel to the imaginary axis represents the Nyquist diagram of the sampled open loop model. Note that the curve crosses the real axis atfi/2 or approximately 5 radians per second. Input frequencies above half the sampling rate cannot be resolved unambiguously at the output.

The ability of this model to reproduce the time characteristics of the human operator tracking continuous input signalsis shown by the sample record in Fig. 61 (56 ). The general characteristics of the response are quite convincing, however, Raoult presents no detailed spectral analysisor correlations to quantify the ability of his model to match the experimental outputs.

Pew's Discrete Switching Model

The experimental situation investigated by Pewis shown in Fig.62 (54 ) (55 ). The presence of the two

93 positioncontroller forces the operator to act in a discretemanner, either commanding full acceleration left orright in the compensatorytracking task. At first glance

this situation might appear to be far removedfrom the case of continuoustracking discussed thus far, butin reality it is found that when the control elements 2 dynamics are l/s or higher,the performance of the human operatorclosely approaches that of a bang-bang control system (32). The control law for a bang-bang controller is entirelydetermined by the switchinglines on the phaseplane (for a first or secondorder system) or the switchingplanes in state spacefor higher order systems. These switching planes indicate at what values oferror and its derivatives the controldirection is reversed. A typicalrecord of operatorperformance in attemptingto reduce the error and error rate tozero from an initial condition is shown in Fig. 63 (54 ). As seen both in the time record of error and error rate and in the phaseplane, the operator brings the error to a low value in twomajor positive and negative control phases,and then lim,it cyclesabout the origin with a periodof between 0.4 and 0.6 seconds. An illustration of the phase plane switchinglocus found for a typical operator is shown in Fig. 64 (54 ). These switching lines

94 are not those that an optimum controller would exhibit, the latter passing throughthe origin and leading to double parabolic responses. The fact that the switching. lines run from upper leftto lower right indicates that the operator is including lead compensation and switches earlier when the velocity is high. The separation of the two parts of the locus may be attributed to a dead time, and leads inevitably to a stable limit cycle as the operator switchesback and forth between the two switching points.

This additional information complements the material described above on sampled data modelsfor the human operator. It is an independent method of exhibiting lead, and its indication of a stable limit cycle lends support to the notion ofthe psychological refractory period and its associated minimum delay time between discrete output changes.


A note of caution is introduced at this point concerning the general validityand application of introducing sampling to account fora variety of phenomena. A satisfactory continuous modelis not converted into a satisfactory sampled data modelby the simple expedient

95 of adding a sampleand hold circuit.The error in such a procedure is illustrated by the slight digression taken by Kohlhaas in his thesis (35 ). Figure 65 (35 ) illustrates the insertion of a sample and T second 1 hold circuit in the openloop following the continuous transfer function representation which was found to approximately describe the operator'sresponse with second order controldynamics. The open loop transfer function for this model exhibits considerable excess phase lag, and is notconsistent with the stable performancefound in practice. Thesimpliest explanation is that the phase lag implicit in the use of a sampleand holdoperation causes the difficultyand that the sampler shouldnot merely havebeen placed as anafterthought to the continuousmodel.

Theconclusion to be drawnfrom the proliferation of sampled data models described in these sections is that they do succeedin describing some of the fine structure phenomena of human tracking which couldnot be described by continuous models, and at the same time satisfactorily predict all thosecharacteristics which the quasi-linear models described. Thedisadvantage of the sampled data models relates primarily to their complexityin comparison to the continuous models. For many applications, particularly those in which low pass filtering in the controlledelement smooths out the high frequencysampling noise, it is quite difficult to tell the differencebetween the outputs of the continuousand sampled data models,and consequently for all practical purposesone might as well use the continuousmodel.

However, for thosesituations in which high frequency response is important, or if one is interested in the basicunderlying physiological mechanism, the "fine

structure'' of discretenessshould not be ignored. It is undeniable that somemanner of discreteprocessing exists

in the human controller. That this discreteprocess is governed by a samplingclock rather than a quantization phenomenon seems apparent now. It is also apparent that a simple single frequencyclock, either free running or synchronizedto the input, is not a fullycorrect description, as witness the wide variability in sampling periodsand the relatively wide "sampling peak" in the frequencydomain. Whether this variability is merely "biologicalnoise" or represents somemanner of adaptive control in which the sampling rate is increased as the difficulty of the task increases,remains to be investigated.

97 Preliminary reports on an extensive study of the

spectral characteristics of the human operator by McRuer, Krendeland Graham ( 43 ) fail to reveal any significant,stationary sampling peak. Whether the inputconditions and lengths of runscould have caused the variablesampling period to spread out the spectral peakuntil unrecognizable remains to be seen in examinationof the fullreport of the study. If the

sampling peak is shown really notto exist, but is merely an artifact of the variousinvestigators' methods, thenone of the majorexperimental foundations of the sampled data models will have beendestroyed.

Anothervery important question relating to the samplingmodels concerns the correctposition for the sampler. The Bekey,Young and Elkind modelsplace it just after the summing point, the Lemay-Westcottand Raoultmodels place it in the centralprocessor after some lead, and the Navas modelplaces it at the motor end.Although this question may be ofmore interest to physiologiststhan to engineers, it remains a challenging onein any consideration of sampled data modelsfor the human controller. VI. ADAPTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF MANUAL TRACKING


Some of the various classesof adaptation which areof importance in biological servomechanismsare shown in Fig66 (75). Of the three classesof adaptation called out in the schematic diagram, input and task adaptation will specifically be consideredas important aspectsof the human operator in hisrole as a manual controller. By input adaptationis meant the process whereby the controller adopts a different control "policy"OF control loss appro- priate to the characteristics of the input. In its most obvious forms this involves the recognitionof repeatable patterns in the input, with the resultant changeof control from compensatory to preconnitive tracking. Adaptation to the statistical characteristicsof the input also fallsin this class.

The task adaDtatlon processes include adaptation to changes in controlled element gainor controlled element dynamics, as well as instructions and constraints concerning the required level of performance.

Biolonical adaDtatlOn is restricted to primarily sensory phenomena, andis not considered in detail in the 99 discussionof manual tracking. A fourthclass of adaptation, which may be moreproperly called learning, involves the development of skills, which may be shown as changesin the toDology of the modelInput operator, rather than simple

changes in his control law.


The simplest form of inputadaptation is the ability of the human operatorto recognize periodic input signals, or even periodiccomponents in the input signal, and use the predictivenature of these signalsto synchronize his response. The human operatorresponse to a singlesinusoid hidden innoise, shows gainand phase lag as indicated by the quasi-lineardescribing functions for closed loop tracking. When the sinusoid is presented by itself however, the human "lockson" and tracks almost perfectly. The two time tracings of Fig.67(62)indicate the closedloop response expectedof compensatory tracking and the synchronous response,also known as precognitivetracking. The ability of the human to detect the presenoe of a predictable signal in an Inputconsisting of signal plus noise has been treated by detectiontheory (76 ). Little quantitative work has beendiyected to the problemof how trackingbehavior is affected by the presence of strongperiodic components in a

100 random input signal. As a practical matter, most input signals encountered in usual tracking tasks ahave large predictable portion plus some additive noise.

A second major characteristicof the input to which the human adaptsis the bandwidthof the Input signal. Using a series of input spectra containing frequencies from zero to a given cut-off frequency, Elkind( 12 ) evaluated the parametersof human operator quasi-linear describing functions. He found that the human operator reacted differently in tracking low frequency inputs he than did in tracking the more difficult high frequency inputs.Specifl- cally, the gain term was notably reducedas the input frequency cut-off increased, and the amountof lag was also reduced. The break-Frequency of the proportional plus integral term increasedfor higher frequency inputs. This parameter adjustmentis quite in accord with the adjustments a control engineer would adopt under changesof input frequencies. For low frequency inputs,a "tight" tracking loop can be achievedby using high gain and almost pure integration a8 the control law. For higher Input frequencies however sucha control law introduces excessive phase-lag, especially since the high frequency responsewas necessarily reducedto avoid instability. Therefore, when the input frequencyIs high (0.4 to 2.4 radians per second)

101 the operator adjustshis transfer function by accentuating the high frequency response through change in lag break frequency, and reduceshis relative gain at low frequencies.

AdaDtationControlled Element Gain

It is well known that the human operator adjusts his own gain in accordance with the ofgain the controlled ele- ment to achieve a desired open loop and closed loop level of perfopmance. Thus in a sportscar a small deflection of the steering wheel will result ain fairly large rotation of the front wheels and rateof turn, while ina large sedan the same deflection of the steering wheel will typi- cally result in a much smaller front wheel deflectionand rate of turn, representing two different levelsof controlled element gain. Nevertheless the driver is capable of adjusting his own gain (from error in headingor position to steering wheel displacement)to achieve acceptable levels of control far both automobiles. This is not to imply thatan optimum level of control element gaindoes not exist, for it most certainlydoes ( 4 ). The operator so -is, however, capableof adjusting his level of gain "that the totai oDen loop mln is close to an optimal level. This adjustment of operator gain does not happen in only such obvious situations but mayalso be required continuouslyin

102 the same task. For example in riding a motorcycle, thegain from handlebar deflection to "roll angle"of the motorcycle varies with thespeed, and the rider must make considerably more energetic movements to maintain his balance low at speeds than could be permitted at high speeds. This adap- tation to change in control element gainis of course below the level of consciousness and comes quite naturally to the rider.

In the situations described above the operator has a great variety of external cues to indicate the controlled element gain. Recently experiments were conducted in which the controlled element gain was suddenly switched in the course of tracking with no external cues provided to the oper- ator (85). He had only the resultant change in tracking performance to indicate to him that a change in his own gain or polarity was required. A typical example of a step response following such a gain increaseis shown in Figure 68. The controlled element gain for this compensa- tory tracking task was nearly doubled between the first and second steps shown. In the subject's response to the step input following the gain increase he first shows a consider- able overshoot, as would be expected, and then returns the error to zero with oneor two subsequent rapid movementsof approximately the right magnitude, indicatingan adaptation to the new gain level followingthe first significant hand movement. Responses to subsequentsteps at the new level of gain show almost perfect adaptation. Raoult, inhis thesis (56) finds step response adaptations very similar to those of Figure 68. To investigate the operator's ability to adapt to sudden changes in gain and/or polarityof the controlled element, Younget. al. experimented with such sudden switches under conditionsof compensatory trackingof low frequency continuous random input. Figure69 shows the process of adaptation toa sudden reversalof the polarity of a simple gain control. Notice that this polarity reversal converts the stable closed loop system into an unstable positive feedback system until the human operator adapts by changing his own control polarity. The upper tracing ofFigure 69 showing the input signal (the smooth, dark curve) and the subject's response indicates that for a period of approximately0.5 seconds following the control reversal the subject's responsewas divergent, moving away from the input and increasingthe error. Fol- lowing 0.5 seconds the adaptation to the new polarity brought the error quickly to zero and tracking continuedas accur- ately as before the transition. The second tracing shows that during this first0.5 seconds the subject continued to

104 track as though the controlled element had remained in its original atate. The error (third tracing) typically shows a divergence witha fast returnto zero and then continued smaller magnitude. To remove the influenceof variations in Input signal at thetime of transition, the averageof many error waveformswas calculated for each of these tran- sitions. Average error waveforms for the polarity reversals are shown in Figure 70. Notice that the error has been detected, identified, andis being reduced within0.5 seconds of the transitionon the average,and tracking performance Is almost normal within one second following the polarity reversal. Typical time records for sudden gain increase, gain decrease and polarity reversal with gain increaseare shown in Figure7la, b and c respectively. In Figure "la, the gain increase causes the closed loop system to begin to break into oscillation whichis quickly damped after approximately one full cycle. The sudden gain decrease, resulting in a very sluggish system, produces a small amplitude error whichis not cancelled outfor sever- al seconds, as seen in Figure 7lb. The combinationof gain increase and polarity reversal, which would be expected to result in an unstable response, shows manyof the charac- teristics of the adaptation to the polarity reversal and to the gain increaseseparately. In Figure 7lc the response immediately followingthe transition is the beginning of an exponential divergence. The polarity correction is followed by oscillatory behavior similar to case the of a simple gain increase. Notice that for the example shownin Figure 7lc the error is substantially reducedin the firsttwo seconds, but some small oscillatory behavioris seen throughout the remainder of the record.

The conclusion from these studies (in whichsubjects the were well trained on all tracking conditions and expected some sort of control element change although not knowing exactly what or when) is that the major control adaptation generally occurred0.4 to 0.8 seconds followinga controlled element change. The resulting error is usually reduced to its asymptotic levelin the following one to three seconds.

There is some evidence from examinationof the time waveforms in thefine structure of the adaptation process to indicate that the operator adjusts firsthis polarity and second his gain on the basisof sequential samples ofthe error. It is to be emphasized that the extremely rapid adaptation times shown in these experimentsare probably valid only for the ideal laboratory conditions. In a prac- tical situation, in which changesin controlled element gain, polarity or dynamics are most unusual, it is highly unlikely that such rapid adaptation would be observed.


. . .." .. AdaDtationControlled Element mnamics

In addition to adjusting his gain, the human operator is capable of introducing a significant amount of dynamic cornpeneation when necessary to eaualizethe dynamics of the controlled element. Considering the pure time delay as inherent in the human transfer function and unchangeable, the natureof this equalizationis to maintain the open loop transfer function, including both human operator and controlled element, in the formof approximately a simple integration plus dead time. Gain is adjusted to yielda gain crossover frequency of the order of one cycle per second with damping constantof 0.3 - 0.6. The operator's equalization and gain adjustment ability is reflected in the following lead-lag term introduced by McRuer and Krendel to summarfze many investigations:

By increasing TL the operator can generate lead and compensate for controlled element lagsor dead times, or to increase the system bandwidth. By generating increased lag through an increase in TI , the operator can "tighten" his low frequency response and filter out high frequency

" noise. K, the operator gain, may be adjusted to achieve the desired compromise betweenfast "tight" response and stability. The form of model proposed by McRuer and Krendel showing the human operator's equalization abilityis reproduced in Fig. 72 (42). They separate the overall reaction time into componentsfor visual latency, central processing, synaptic and conduction delay, and kinesthetic reaction time. The neuromuscular system including both kinesthetic and proprioceptive feedback accounts for the "neuromuscular lag" (l/TNS + 1). This model with K adjusted to yield overall system phase margin between 40 and 80 degrees, leads to human operator models more closely approximating well designed servomechanisms, than the criterion of 60 to 110 degrees phase margin previously put forward by the same authors( 42).

In their earlier review, based on the ofwork Russell ( 57), Hall ( a),Tustin ( 78), Goodyear Aircraft ( IS), and the Franklin Institute, McRuer and Krendel showed that the operator could detect and compensate for the insertion of a simple lag in the controlled element when the lag time constantwas greater than 0.05 seconds. As the lag time constant increasedto greater than two secondsJ it appeared as a pure integration, and the operator produced sufficient lead to cancel his own internal lag.

108 An extension of the quasilinear studies to determine the human operator transfer functionsfor use with controlled element dynamicsof second and third orderwas carried out by Adams and Bergeron ( 2 ). Using an analog computer model reference technique to track the parameters of the human operator, they measured operator transfer functions for eight different dynamics, first, second and third order, in a single-axis compensatory tracking task with a continuous random input. Theydid not include an explicit dead time in their analog model,for the pilot but rather expressed itas

KIT(l + -K2 s) Y (s) = z P (T + s)2

Their convention is retained here even thoughit uses the symbol T for frequency, rather than time. They trackedthe parameters K1, and K2. The results for one of their test subjectsis shown in Table3 ( 2 ). In their notation for the single-axis task, D Is the disturbance or the input, E is the displayed error, & is the pilot output, going into the controlled element dynamics, and 0 is the system output. In some cases the measurements were openloop measurements "across the pilot'' ( s/< ) and in other cases they were closed loop measurements from system input to pilot output( 6 /D). In the caseof the open loop transfer function calculations, the closed loop (e/D) damping constant and 180° phase frequency are provided in the table,as well as the location of real roots where they exist for the closed loop. The man-machine closed loop system response amplitude ratio and phase angle for these dynamics are shown in Figs. 73 and 74 ( 2 ). It can be seen rrom the table or the closed loopBode plots that as the controlled element dynamics go from pure gain to first order lag to pure integration the pilot increases his leadti:ne constant to counter the effect and leaves the closedloop response almost unchanged. Further lag introduced into the controlled element (as in the damped second order system) results in somewhat greater closed loop phase lag and the first indication of a resonance in the closed loop amplitude ratio. For controlled element dynamics of the various second crder systems, the third order system and the pure double integration the effect on the closed loop is to decrease the relative damping constant and the natural frequency. The bandwidth of the closed loop system is thus reduced by higher order systems than first order. Furthermore the existence of large peaks in the amplitude ratio with accompanying increase in phase lag, particularly for the pure acceleration ( 10/s2) indicates

110 a considerableoscillation in the frequencyrange

0.5 to 1.0 cps. It should be noted with referenceto the section of this reporton sampled data models, that these frequencyresponses were presumablycalculated on the basis of the three modelreference parameters and the closedloop dynamics, and were nottaken from spectral analysis;therefore the lack of the "sampling peak" in the amplituderatio is notsurprising.

A trackingrecord with pureacceleration control is shown in Fig. 75 ( 2 ). Two featuresare of special interest here. In the secondtrace showing displayed error notice the existence of the periodiccomponent of the error, at much higher frequency than any component of the input. The average frequencyof these oscillations is 0.6 to 0.8 cps, and is presumably a pilot inducedclosed looposcillation. Also ofinterest is the third line, the pilotoutput ( 6 ). Althoughengaged in a continuous tracking task the pilot rarely moves his control stick in a smoothcontinuous fashion, but rather jerks it rapidlyfrom one extreme to another. This discontinuous pilot behavior when confronted with higher orderdynamics has beennoted by others,and leads to the hypothesis that when a great deal of phase lead is necessary the human operatoroperates in a bang-bangcontrol fashion rather than as a continuouscontroller.

111 A possible explanation for this bang-bang behavior when the controlled elementhas excessive lag is that for proper system operation the operator must keep in mind the first and second time integralsof his response. To perform these integrations with continuous control requires memory of the length of time and the amplitudeof his control responses, whereas witha pure bang-bang controller the operatoris required only to rememberthe length of time in each position, with the amplitude variation removed. On this basis it should be expected that when sufficient operator leadis required he should be able to perform better witha bang-bang controller than with a continuous controller. Kilpatrick performed these experiments and found that this was indeed the case.

A schematic of his experimental situationis shown in Fig. 76 (32 ). When the controlled element dynamics 2 10 were 1O/s or there was no significant SW3+ 1)' difference between the two typesof controllers. With a very difficult controlled element requiring more lead 2 (1O/s (s + l)), the average mean square error for the linear controller was50s higher than thatfor the real controller. (Difference in means significant at the 5$ level.) Since the input noise was filtered with break frequencies at0.2 to 0.5 radjsec, the resulting input was quite challenging andled to large errorsfor both controls. The difference in the basic behavioris therefore more clearly seen in the caseof zero input,in which the operatoris merely tracking his own response and causing self induced oscillations. The subject's response and error is shown for the relay controller in Fig.77a and for the continuous controller in Fig.77b (32 ). Notice that even though the operator uses the continuous controller ina more or less bang-bang fashion, heis able to use the bang-bang controller in a Dulse control fashion to achieve considerably lower error and avoid the self oscillation. The frequency of the self oscillation found with the continuous controllerIs approximately

0.25 C~S.

Even more interesting than the steady state equaliza- tion introduced by the operatorfor any given controlled element dynamics,is the adaptation processby which he changes his control law when confronted witha change in controlled element. In an extension of the experiments described above for sudden changes in gain and polarity, Elkind et al. permitted the controlled element dynamics to change as well, among pure gain, single integration and double integration. In the tracking record shown in Fig. 78 ( 13) the operator was suddenly confronted with the introductionof a double integration at the same time as a controlled element polarity reversal and gain increase. The polarity reversal was detected and corrected in approximately one second, after which followeda period of damped oscillation lastingfor as long as twenty seconds. Although one to two cycles of oscillatory behavior were noted as a result of a simple gain increase,the extended oscillation must be attributedto the operator's delay in achieving the correct lead equalization and proper gain for the new double integration. The oscillationis of frequency 0.5 to 0.7 cps, which is approximately the 180' phase angle frequencyfor the system with reaction time delay, residual control integration, and external double integration.

A tracking record showing operator adaptation to sudden change in controlled element dynamics taken under situations more closely approximatinga realistic emergency is shown in Fig. 79 (58). The result is taken from a testof the pilot's ability to control in the pitch of axis a moving flight simulator when the auxilfary pitch damping system suddenly failed. The effect on the controlled element was to greatly decrease the effective damping constantof the second order dynamics while leaving the undamped natural frequency constant. The damping constant prior to the simulated failure was approximately5 = 0.3 resulting in an scceptable pilot rating. Following the

114 damper failure the effective damping was reduced to approximately 5 = 0.04, which was rated unacceptable in the steady state. The tracking record shows several evaluation steps by the pilot to determine the "feel" of the pitch loop, and then approximately25 seconds of tracking a low frequency random input.At the time the damper failed, the closed loop man-machine system went into unstable oscillation, and continued a wild oscillation of approximately one cycle per secondfor more than 18 seconds. During the unstable period the pilot was undergoing peak pitching angular accelerationsas high 2 as 60'/sec . When the errors were finally reduced, the steady-state tracking was considerably poorer than that with the pitch damper in the loop, but nevertheless did show pilot adaptation.

Evidence from several aircraft accident reports indicated that control system failures in the formof gain changes, stability augmentation failuresor polarity reversals, have caused the aircraft to lose controland crash, even though a pilot mightbe capable of controlling under these unexpected conditions. Planes are found crashed with the controls "hard over" in the wrong direction, indicating that the pilot did not recognize the nature of the change in the controlled element, didand not assume the corr.ect adaptive procedure early enough. Since such failures most often happen on take-off, with very little time to test the response, isit not surprising that the human operator adaptive characteristics described above are not immediately called into play in such unexpected circumstances (11 ).

As shown in the tracking recordsof Young and Elkind above, the human adaptation process can be very rapid under ideal conditions. To achieve the most rapid adaptation the operator should be thoroughly trained on the controlled elements both prior to and following the switch and should be operatingon only one control loop at a time. He should be presented with sufficiently challenging input to call forth a continual seriesof basic responses and thereby quickly identify any changes in control characteristics by the resultant change in error pattern. Early detection and adaptation is aided by the use of a pursuit display, which allows immediate identifi- cation of changes in response characteristics, andalso by the use ofa secondary signal, suchas a tone or warning light, which alerts the operator to the change in conditions.

116 LimitsControllabilits

Although the abilityof the human operatorto adapt to a wide variety of controlled element dynamics, as discussed above, gives him great versatility, is it nevertheless of considerable interestto determine the limits of controlled element dynamics to which the human operator can adapt for satisfactory closed loop performance. It has long been recognized that some limitation exists in the human's ability to generate sufficient lead to overcome the lag inherentin a control element described by more than two integrations. External filtering of the input or output to the operator, in terms of auickenlnq or aided trackinq, has been widely used to assist the operator in generating the lead.

Estimated limits of controlled element dynamics which can be successfully controlledby the human operator may be derived from the general quasilinear model discussed above, in which the operatoris permitted the introduction of a single lead term (TLS + 1). With no lag terms present,as TL increases the operator describing function approaches thatof a reaction time plus pure differentiation. The highest lead time constant published in the literatureis TL = 5, (40 ) although the maximum single lead time constant selected in a recent report by Jex et al.( 3O), places the highest valueof TL at about 2.0 seconds. Smith investigated the limit of controllability using an unstable second order control. systemof the form

With $ negative and less than one, the transient response of the controlled element to an impulseis a divergent oscillation. As 5 becomes more negative the envelope of the response becomes more divergent, and therefore more difficult to control. Similarly larger values of un corresponding to more rapid oscillations, increase the difficulty of control. At several values of negative damping, Smith experimented to rind the maximum natural frequency of the controlled element whichstill peymitted the operator to maintain adequate control, which was arbitrarily defined as the ability to maintain the system error within selected boundsfor a two minute run. His results are shown in Table 4 ( 61).). Figure 80 ( 64 ) shows the expected limitsof controllability as predicted on the basis of the quasilinear model by Jex et al. and as revised on the basis of Smith's data. Thearea

118 representing controlled elements with dynamics below and to the right ofthe heavy lines are assumed controllable and above and to the left uncontrollable. The dotted lines represent hypothetical mode switching lines.It is assumed that when the divergent oscillationis clear enough the operator can recognize the sinusoidal form and switch from compensatory tracking to quasi-precognitive tracking, thereby greatly reducing his reaction time and increasing his effective lead. Jex et al. would place this response mode switching line at5, = -0.2 saying that for more negative damping the response becomes quasi-precognitive, whereas Smith's data would place this line at approximately = -0.5. It is seen that sn for both the pure compensatory and quasi-precognitive data, Smith found the operator capable of generating more lead than would be Indicatedby the simple single lead term of the McRuer and Krendel form of the model. On the basis of the operator's input-output characteristics with the f = -0.7 controlled element dynamics, Smith found the following describing function: 111111111111 111111111111111111 I II I II I I 111111III I II I I II I I II I Ill 11111111111111 111 IIII I 11111I 111 I Ill 1.1111.111111 11.111111111 111

This operator model results a instable closed loop system for the controlled element under investigation, although one with comparatively low phase marginof 14 degrees. For the other data point, at = -0.35 and w = 7.2, sn n which resultsin a great deal of oscillatory response, it is necessary to assume that the operatorhas recognized this oscillatory behavior and switches a toform of quasi-precognitive tracking which enables him to reduce his reaction time delay from 0.15 seconds to 0.02 seconds, resulting once again in a phase margin of 14 degrees.

It is of importance to note that in the operator transfer function describedby Smith it was necessary to assign two lead terms, indicating that the operatoris somewhat sensitive to error acceleration,as well as velocity. These findings appear to be substantiated by the investigations of Fujii(16 ).

Learning and PerceDtion: Compensatorv, Pursuitand Precognitive Tracking

The human operator can assume different control characteristics according tothe nature of the information display, as well as the controlled element or task. In the compensatory display situation, which has received the greatest attention, the subject observes only the error between input and response.Any

120 separation of input from response must be accomplished by the operator through observationof the statistical characteristics of the error, knowledgeof his own past output, or pattern recognition applied to the error. In the pursuit task, input, response and error are displayed explicitly and give the operator greater opportunity to observehis own response and recognize characteristics of the input. For relatively simple tasks with ''easy" controlled element dynamics and random input, there is no important difference in performance between the compensatory and pursuit displays(8 ). For tasks involving difficult input signalsor controlled element dynamics requiring significant operator lead, the superiority of the pursuit display has been established (60). The explicit input information ina pursuit display permits the operatorto make predictions about the input and therefore establish the necessary lead required for stable closed loop performance. In precogni- tive tracking the "display"is assumed to show the entire future course of the input, whether this future course is directly exhibited or is stored in the subject's memory as a result of repeated observationof the same input. Synchronous tracking of a sinusoidal input as described above is a simple exampleof precognitive tracking.

121 Since it has been well established that the existence of the finite reaction time 0.1of to 0.3 seconds is one ?of the major limitations to the human operator's ability in compensatory tracking, other toRoloaica1confimrations must be assumed to explain his enhanced performance in pursuit or precognitive tracking. Krendel and McRuer indicate three representations for the human operator corresponding to these three different display conditions in Fig. 81 (36 ). In the compensatory situation the operator observes only the error. In the pursuit situation he has performance blocks acting on error, input and response, although itis established that the response block is probably not used for anything except perhaps controlled element adaptation. The precognitive situation is represented by a "stored program" of response which is triggered by the appropriate input in the synchro- nous generator. Elkind's describing functions(12 ) support such a topologyby showing the reduced phase lag for pursuit tracking as compared to compensatory tracking and demonstrating that this difference can be described by a lead term (Y ) acting on the input. Pi Krendel and McRuer hypothesized a model for skill development based on "successive organizationsof perception" (SOP) In which It is assumed that the operator passes through all three topological phases shown in 81Fig. in learning ang tracking task. First,regardless of the display modality the operator, they claim, beginsby concentrating on the error. As he recognizes certain characteristics of' his response and becomes awareof the predictability of the input, heuses this information to behave as though he were in a pursuit tracking situation. Note that any input signal other than white noise will have some predictability even if isit not a periodic signal. Any input correlation function other than an impulse at zero indicates that the positionof the input or its derivativesmay be partially predicted at some future time based on its current position and derivative. Finally, when periodicor otherwise predictable inputs are recognized and learned, the subject begins to respond with well practiced movements and is effectively tsacking precognitively. An example of this internal topographical re- arrangement was seen in the discussionof Smith's results on the limitsof controllability.

It is clear that the simple caseof compensatory tracking, although amenable to mathematical modeling, is not representativeof most realistic human tracking situations. Consider for example the role of a pilot trying to keephis plane straight and level In the I

presence of wind gusts. Under zero visibility conditions, referring only tohis artificial horizon, he might be considered in a compensatory loop. However, he is familiar enough with the responseof the plane to control inputs to be able to separate the disturbance from the control responses, and thereforeis effectively ina pursuit situation. The effects of other inputs to the operator including his tactile and vestibular sensations in response to acceleration give him further cues (sometimes erroneous) to the control corrections required.

Although pursuit tracking and multiple input control involve more difficult mathematical description, it is hoped that they will receive attention thein future, especiallyas the newer methodsof for multi-input control becomes more widely known(45 ).

Measures of AdaDtation

The above discussion has used primarily steady state measurements to demonstrate that the human adapts from one situation to another, but sheds little lighton the nature of the adaptation process. The measurements show that he changes from one state to another (adapts) but do they not show how he performs this adaptation, what information he uses, or how rapidly the adaptationis performed.

124 None of the attempts to measurethe dynamic characteristics of this adaptation process have been completely successful, although theyhave served to place boundson the process. There is a fundamental problem inany attempt to identify the time varying characteristicsof a control system without the useof special test inputs.

To observe the dynamicsof the adaptation to changes in forcing function display modality and controlled element dynamics, Sheridan automatically calculated the operator's gain and phase at each of five forcing function frequencies (61). Because the filters for performing the frequency analysis themselves have a rather long response time, the operator's characteristics could only be measured every fifteen seconds, thereby settinga lower limit of time resolution that could be observed in the adaptation process. He found that adaptation to change from pursuit to compensatory display change in controlled element dynamicsor input adaptation to a predictable or random input took place within30 seconds, or within two measurement points. Itis felt that because of the time limitationof the analysis method the results merely put an upper bound of15 to 30 seconds on this adaptation process but did not accurately reflect the adaptation times. For longer adaptation processes, however, Y

such as in 11 learning" a totally new response pattern, the operator's characteristics continue to change over a period of several minutes andare so indicated by Sheridan's method.

An example of the type of results foundby Sheridan is shown in Fig. 82 (62 ). In this case the display was changed from compensatory to pursuit at time zero. The operator's characteristicsare shown in the complex plane for four test frequencies, at each of six test points. The test point zero was for the compensatory display, and shows a gain of slightly less than one and a phase lag increasing with frequency up to nearlygoo = 0.93 at the highest frequency 5 cps). During the minute following the transitionto pursuit display the operator increases his gain and decreases his phase lag, especially at the higher two frequencies. This reflects the increased amountof lead possible with the pursuit display, and shows that this leadis developed gradually over the first45 to 60 seconds.

Several attempts have been made to construct rapid and stable analog computer techniquesfor real time parameter adjusting or ''parameter tracking" to follow the dynamics of the human operator adaptive process. Ornstein ( 52) has proposed a technique based on the analog computer

1.26 determination of the coefficientsof a linear differential equation describing the human. The"model reference" adaptive control system developedby Osburn and Whitaker ( 53) at M.I.T. has been used to have the "model" track the pilot's behavior, rather than forcing the unknown control system to conform toa desired model. The mechanization of this technique,as used by Adams and Bergeron is shown in Fig.83 ( 2 ), in which the filter characteristics for each parameter should be selected to give a steepeet descent correctionof the analog pilot, forcing it to approach the characteristics of the actual pilot. In all of these methodsa compromise must be struck between stabilityof the parameter tracking and speed of response. Since the operator's response includes a remnant term, which may be consideredas output noise, and since the model chosen may not be the most appropriate, attempts to adjust parameters based on every occurrence of an error between the analog pilot and the actual pilot will naturally cause the system to oscillate or diverge. Although tracking of single parameters may be accomplished quite rapidly, it remains be to seen whether such gains can be made rapid enoughto track the complex gain, polarity and equalization changes which occurso rapidly in the human operator under certain conditions. Returning to the measureof the adaptive character- istics through the frequency response, Elkindet al. ( 14 ) have developed a multiple regression analysis techniquefor rapid identification of time varying linear systems, and applied it to the human pilot adaptation problem.For reasonable confidence levels,and under the types of low frequency inputs used in human tracking, this technique can give a plot of amplitude ratio and phase every five seconds, whichis considerably faster than that used by Sheridan. An example of the useof this technique is shown in Fig. 84 ( 13). The Bode plots are of the human operator input-output characteristics before and following -4 +8 a change in controlled element dynamics from 2 to 7 , at tine to. The required adaptation should consist ofa reversal In phase by 180' and a reduction in amplitude ratio of 6db . Prior to the transition low frequency phase is at about -180' and low frequency amplitude ratio at about +gdb with some low frequency lead as required for stabilizationof the acceleration control (upper diagram). In the middle diagram, taken from three to eight Eeconds following the transition, isit seen that the polarity reversalby the humanhas already taken place, with the phaselag changed to zero degrees, but that the gain has been over-compensated. Finally, in the lower portion of the figure, from8 to 13 seconds following

128 the transition itis seen that the amplitude ratiois restored to approximately 6db below its pre-transition curve, and the adaptationis nearly complete. This measurement technique shows great promise in understanding the nature of the human operator adaptive mechanism, particularly for complex transitions in which the time domain records do not clearly show the changes in the control law.

The primary limitation on the use of frequency analysis and parameter tracking in someof the very rapid human adaptation processesis clearly oneof response time. For this reason a return to time domain analysis is indicated. Individual tracings of operator's response or system error may not agive clear indication of the adaptation process because of the dnterfering effects of the input, or operator response uncorrelated with the input or the adaptation process. The useof average response computation, which has provenso popular in the field of electrophysiology, may be used satisfactorily for bringing out those features which are consistentin almost all occurrencesof a particular type of adaptation. Some of these average wave forms wereshown in the discussion of adaptation to gain changes,and another set is shown in Fig. 85a,b, c ( 85 ) . The average waveforms shown were eachtaken from twenty transitions of controlled element gainunder pursuit tracking. The upper tracing is for

a simple polarity reversal, the middle for a reversal increase and the lowerfor a reversal decrease.Notice that they all show the beginningof a divergence as a resultof the polaritychange, and that the reversal pointoccurs first for the reversal increase,next for the straight reversal and latest Of all for the reversal decrease,indicating that it is perhaps the extentof the divergencewhich alerts the subjectto the requirement for polarity reversal. Other characteristicssuch as the oscillatory behavior associated with a gain increase and the slowadjustment characteristic of a gain decrease are also brought forth quite clearly in the average waveforms,although they are less obvious in the individual time records.

The use of rapididentification techniques, even if not "real time" identification, made possiblethrough inspection of time domain resultsshould not be overlooked when the identificationproblem presents a serious time restriction.

Models for Human AdaDtive Tracking

A "model" is a mathematicaldescription of a processcapable of making accuratepredictions about the behavior of the process under situations which had not previouslybeen tested. As of this time thereare no publishedsuccessful models for the adaptive characteristics of the human operator. The descriptionsput forth either describe the end states reached by the human operator, without indicating the means by which the adaptive process takes place, or they fall into the catagory of verygeneral "schematic" models. These schematic models all recognize the extreme complexityof the problemof quantitative description of the human adaptive processand offer instead a set of guidelines, hypotheses and constraints to be considered in the actual task ofbuilding a detailed model.

The studyof adaptive control, currently of great interest among the controlengineers is, nevertheless, a relativelyrecent topic. Electromechanical adaptive control systems, developed primarily foraircraft, aerospace and chemicalprocessing applications, are still relatively primitivein their performancein comparison to the human operator adaptive ability. It is no surprise therefore that we are unableto model the human operator adaptive characteristics using the currenttechniques of automatic control. This section will therefore be devoted to those schematic models which appear most reasonable, and. which cannot be either proved or disproved at this time. 3

There are two different classes of models which may

be usedto describe the adaptiveprocess in compensatory tracking; the "modelreference" and the ''errorpattern recognition"models. Figure 86 shows the basicelements of the modelreference approach to description of human adaptive tracking. All of the dottedlines correspond to hypothetical paths in the adaptive process, whereas the solid lines correspondto the conventionalclosed loop control diagram. The heart of this scheme is the box labeled ''modelof controlled element" which represents the operator'sconcept of what the outputshould be doing based on the response he has given it. The difference between this expectedoutput and the expected input(deduced from any knowledge of the error statistics or repeatable input)results in an expected change in the error (dl). When this expectedchange is compared with the actualchange in error observed on the display (G), a deviation between the model of the processand the actualprocess is indicated. The "deviation filter" rejects insignificantdeviations but passes "important"deviations between what happenedand what was expectedon to the "adaptive controloperator". This blockproduces changes in the operator'scontrol law tocompensate for assumed changesin the controlledelement, and simultaneously updates the operator'shypothetical model for the controlled element. An errorpattern recognition type of model, as illustrated in Fig. 87 is based on the premise that the onlyinformation used by the operator in performing his adaptation is the displayed error. In the "error pattern recognitionlogic" the operatorpresumably sifts the present and past errorsearching for predictable componentsor other significanterror characteristics. Discovery of a repeti- tive pattern, possibly by a processsuch as autocorrelation of the error,would enable the operatorto form a stored program response. Such a storedprogram could then be triggered inprecognitive tracking, thereby bypassing the inherent operatorreaction time. Examination of error characteristics might be usedto detect changes in the controlled element as reflected inchanged closed

loopperformance. A divergenterror, growing increasingly large withoutchanging sign, might be a characteristic of

positivefeedback and cause the operatorto change the sign of his control law. Regularoscillation of the error might indicate the needfor the operator to reduce his gain and perhaps introduce somedynamic compensation. Conversely a "sluggish" system inwhich the errorapproaches zero very slowlyfrom some initial condition could be interpreted by the parameter adjustmentlogic to indicate the requirementfor increased operator gain. This type of error pattern recognition model assumesno kinesthetic or proprioceptive feedback about the operator's response.

A recentpaper by Knoopand Fu (34 ) proposesan adaptivemodel based on the model reference scheme. Theirnon-adaptive model for the human operator, as shown in Fig. 88 (34 ), includes a model of the plant to enable the operator to "look ahead" in programming his basic responsemovements. In this respect it bears a great similarity to the Wilde and Westcott-Lemay models described eerlier . The model is based on the use of fixed lengthcontrol intervals containing "saccadic" type basic responsemovements. The system performance is presumably evaluated at the end of each of these control intervals, which are I1 workingperiods'' as opposed to the samplingperiods in the sampled data models.Their schematic block diagram for the adaptivecontrol process includes the useof the same plantmodel mentioned earlier, with dif- ferencesbetween the actualplant and model plant results beingused to identify and modify the process, as in

Fig. 89 ( 36 1

A more detailed schematic model for the human operator including his adaptive capabilities was proposed by Raoult. An adaptation of his block diagram is given in Fig. 90 (56 ). The lower half of the diagram consists of the model for compensatorytracking. The error, magnified by an opticaldisplay gain (K ) is detectedoptically, as a represented by the low-pass filter Oe(s)and the visual

thresholdblock. The error and error rate are detected by the eye, anderror acceleration is assumedcalculated by differentiation of error rate. Thesethree quantities

are weighted by the constants a, b, and c in the

''command computer".The desired basicresponse movement is thensampled every T seconds a duration of e for seconds,multiplied by the operator'sgain K and 8 ec integra'cedto yield the desired step command to the muscles.

Thecontrollor is assumed to operate with localkinesthetic

feedbackfrom the actual arm displacementback to the

muscles,and the controlledelement output is fed back

to the input summing point. A hierarchyof auxiliary organs is hypothesizedto describe the operator's adaptive

characteristics. At the top of this heirarchy is the "decisioncenter''. The decision center chooses between conventionaltracking or generation of commands based on programsstored in memory. In the case of the predictable

signal,detected and stored in memory, the decisioncenter

opens the ''switches'' A and A to permit the ''release 0.15' 2 expectedresponse'' to trigger the desired outputfroa the memory.The "correlation memory" is usedfor adjustment of tracking parameters based onminimization of mean absolute erroror mean squareerror of the overall system. The adjustment of parameters is based on spectral analysis of

the input and error.The parameters which may be adjusted are the filter time constants (b/a and c/a), the time between samples (T,) and duration of each sample (e), the operator'sgain (Kec/Ki) and the gainand time constantof the muscleloop.

This schematic diagram contains elements ofboth the modelreference and errorpattern recognition classes, and contains, in common with Elkind's model (13 ), the possibility of adaptation at the force generatingend of the human controller. The concept of adaptive control throughvarying the sampling rate, with higher sampling frequencycalled for when the error rates increase, has been proposed by several investigatorsbut still lacks experimentalverification.

Summary AdaDtive Characteristics

Theexperimental studies and control descriptions of the human operator in recent years have extended the knowledge of adaptive behaviorin manual tracking from vaguegeneralities to quantitative descriptions. A con- siderable amount of data has been gathered on the ability of the human to adapt tochanges in Input spectra, controlled elementgain, polarity and dynamics, display modality, and the limits of controllability under a variety of situations. These resultshave indicated a greater adaptationversatility than expected from some earlier descriptions,but have also pointed out some of the restricted conditionsunder’which the rapid human adaptation may be expected to be demonstrated.

When it comes to explaining how the human manages his remarkable adaptation abilities, very little real progress has been made. Improvement in the techniques for dynamicmeasurement of the adaptiveprocess have beenhelpful in this regard but still fall shortof what is requiredto observe the changein control law. Primarily as a result of the measurementlimitation and the lack of sufficientknowledge about adaptive control systems in general, the developmentof models for.human adaptive control has been limited to the very general“schematic models” at this time.


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146 87. Young, L.R. and L. Stark. Variable feedback experi- mentstesting a sampled data model for eye tracking movements. Institute of Electricaland Electronics EngineersTrans. on Human Factorsin Electronics, HFE-4 :38-51 , 1963. TABLE 3 Third test of Pilot E bisturbance breakfrequency, 1 radian/seg

a characteristics Root- Measured gains D nean- lesi Transfer function Oscillatory square error, teal roots volts f - s = 0.89(1 + 0.lls) 1 4.5 0.6 D (1+ 0.2242

6 - l(1 + 0.83s) 2 6 5 ” 1.1 (1+ 0.16~)~

6 0.64(1 + 0.21s) 3 7 1-5 -= 1.0 (1+ 0.14~)~

6 1.3(1 + 0.67s) 4 3 2 -s 0.54 -1.26 .7 S I E (1+ 0.33~)~ 10 6 0.6(1 + 0.4s) 5 5 2 -L .40 .2.5, -7.78 1.2 s(s + 2.5) E (1+ 0.2s)2

6 6.5 5.5 2= 0.%(1 + 0.83s) .37 .1.24,-10.: 1.6 E (1+ O.l5S)2

2 = 0.42(1 + 0.84s) 7 9.5 8 .40 .1.41, -1.71 2.0 E (1 + 0.1OS)2

2 = 0.86(1+ 0.71s) 8 7 5 1.18, 0.g6 -0.60 1.6 - E (1 + 0.14~)~





Figure 1. Compensatory (attop) and pursuitclosed loop manual trackingsystems: schematic displays and functional blockdiagrams. (Krendel E McRuer, 1960) PREDICTION OF - -INPUT WAVEFORM VISUAL TRACKING E TASK NATURE INPUT (UNPREDICTABLE) - I VISUAL ALPHA S.D.CONTROL EXTERNAL L MOTOR __f MUSCLES DISPLAY SIGNALS -CONTROL + LOAD - NEURON i d





Fig. 2. Simplified Block Diagram for Movement Control


(DEGREES1 - 20

- " "' I ----- I ..",a__,_ln

TlYE ISEC) Figure 3. Freewheelingexperiment. (Stark, 1961) MUSCLE SPINDLE 1-1 1-1 AND AFFERENT 1- "_ "_ FEEDBACK



Fig. 4a. Rapid-succession movements: freewheeling.(Stark, 1961)






Fig. 4b. Positionservocontrol set primarily to counteractload disturbances. (Stark, 1961)






Fig.4c. Mental tracking mode configuration.(Stark, 1961) 151 r"""""-"""""""""" I YUSCLE SPINDLE AND AFFERENT FEEDBACI 7 MUSCLE I , TONE I 1 I I I I I L ""_"""""""""""""" J I

~"""""""_"""""""" I

Fig. 5 BIOSIM blockdiagram of a simplemotor coordination system.

2 Constants: I = 1/10 kg-m2 ; k = 0.0014 -, * k' = 0.014 m; rad rad

4 = 0.01 meter; the initial condition on theintegraters is zero.

(Atwood et al., 1961) t"--SPE 6 B SPE 7

""" /


SPE IO t 1 5kg I I I I I I 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I .o 1.2 1.4 TIME (SECONDS)

Fig. 6 BIOSIM outputs (Atwood et al., 1961) 0.5


0.3 J 0.1

0.1 0.6 ” .os

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 SECS,

Figure 7. Comparison of BIOSIM model with Fennand Marsh experiments. The plots show strain inmuscle vs time. Solidlines represent data from the BIOSIM model; dashed lines show the similar shapeobtained by Fenn and Marsh, when normalizedstretch and time are corrected to the physiological scale of man. (Thecorrections are suggested by Hill.) The parameternoted on the curves is the normalizedload, Fload Fiso

(Stark, Houk, Willis andElkind, 1962) Figure 8a. Comparison of BIOSIM model with experiment. The solid curve shows the force-velocity relationship of the BIOSIM model; the dashed curve, the force-velocity relation- ship of frog muscle as obtained by Katz. Po = = For frog muscle 0.1 kg, v 0 4 cm/sec. (Stark, Houk, Willis, and Elkind, 1962)

.~ I I -0.5 -0.17 0.5 0 f m V NORMALIZED VELOCITY

Figure 8b. Force-velocity relationship of BIOSIM model. (a= 1, maximal stimulation; a = 0.5, half-maximal stimulation.) (Stark, Houk, Willis and Elkind, 1962) t- I '1

Figure 9. Experiment performed with the BIOSIM model. Fm is the totalforce exerted by the muscle, x Is the muscledisplacement, v is musclevelocity, excitation is maximal. The time t was necessaryfor the model to overcome inertiiand reach constantvelocity. (Stark, Houk, WilLis and Elkind, 1962) ALPHA EFFERENT NERVE




Fig. 10 (a) Diagramshowing a simplifiedmuscle with one of its in- parallel spindle receptors removedfrom the muscle for ease of illustration. (b)Mechanical model of a spindlereceptor. Inputs are X, (lengthof the muscle) and X (artificial lengthcaused by an input to the intrafusar fiber); the output is XSB (length of the nuclear bag). (Houk and Stark, 1962)

157 30

0 0


0 0 0 0. - 0 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0

I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 OO IO0 200 300 400 5 00 6 00 700 e 00 9 00 TIME IN MSEC

Figure Ila. The response of thespindle receptor to a stepinput of stretch. (Houk & Stark,1962)


Figure llb. The tonicinput-output characteristic of thespindle receptor. (Granit, 1958) MECHANICALTRANSFER FUNCTION NONLINEARITY TO PREVENT - NEGATIVE SIGNALS - x


Fig. 12a. Complete blockdiagram of the spindle receptor model. Inputs are muscle length and length that is due to gamma inputand to intrafusal fiber; output is average number of pulses per second.

Fig. 12b. Asymptotic Bode plots of thegain and phase character- istics of H(S), the transfer function of the mechanical part of the spindle receptor model. (Houk and Stark, 1962) .. . .

Fig. l3a. Response of spindlereceptor to sinusoidal drive. Length of vertical lines in top record is proportional to interval between successive nerve pulses from spindle;peak-to-peak change ininstantaneous frequency, -40 pps. Bottom record shows sinusoidal component of spindle stretch, the input (frequency ~0.03cps). (Houk, Sanchez & Wells, 1962) 0 a W -I W av) I a

0.001 0.01 0.I 1.0 IO FREQUENCY (CPS)

Fig- 13b Frequency response of a frog spindlereceptor. Rough asymptoteshave been drawn on the gain Curve. (Houk, Sanchez & Wells, 1962)


Fig. 14 (Stark,Iida and Willis, 1961)



OUTPUT drgrrrr "10


Fig- 15 (Stark,Iida and Willis, 1961)




Fig. 16 (Stark, Iida and Willis, 1961)




+I 0-



Fig. 17 (Stark,Iida and Willis, 19611 1.63 UNPREDICTABLE INPUTEXPERIMENT










Fig. 19 (Stark, .Iida and Willis, 1961) LINEARITYCONTROL EXPER I M E NT

ul 0 0.6 cps 0) fl 1.0 cps 0,t 0) 0 2.5 cps V


Fig. 20 (Stark,Iida and Willis, 1961) FREE WHEELING EXPERIMENT



FREQUENCYIN CPS Fig. 22 (Stark, Iida & Willis, 1961)

0 UNPREDICTABLE INPUT Amplitude of central frequency * 5’ -607 0 PREDICTABLE INPUT /


6o PHASE LAG (degrees 1 ‘.\


1201 ,401 9 I80‘“1 200

220 I I I \ , 5 I 2 3 4 5678910 FREQUENCYIN CPS Fig. 23 (Stark, Iida & Willis, 1961) FREQUENCYRESPONSE GAIN DATA UNPREDICTABLEINPUT

0 Amplitudeof central frequency _+ 5' P ,I II II 3100

0.1 ' 1 I 1 1 1 0.2 0.5 I .o 2.0 5.0 10.0 FREQUENCY IN CPS Fig. 24 (Stark; Iida & Willis, 1961) FREQUENCYRESPONSE PHASE DATA

UNPREDICTABLEINPUT 0 Amplitudeof centralfrequency 5' II It II P ,I f 100 :::I :::I - 20












220 .5 1 2 3 4 5 678910 FREQUENCY IN CPS Fig. 25 (Stark, Iida & Willis,

168 UNPREDICTABLE INPUT 0 Amplitude of central frequencyf 5O A I1I1 I1 " f 100

-270" I

Fig. 26 (Stark, Iida & Willis, 1961)






. - "" TIME ISECI IC1 Figure 28. Time function records of angular target position and angular wrist handleposition: (a) random steps(b) regular square waves at 0.5 cps (c) regularsquare waves at 0.9cps (d) regular square waves at 2.5 cps, here the bottom trace has both target and handle angular velocity super- imposed. (Houk etal., 1962) - -0.1 EYE 0 9 HAND x

0.2 - I 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

TRIAL -c Figure 29. Sequential order of response time delays for both the eye and the hand in simultaneously recorded experiment with input at 0.5 cycles per second. (Okabe etal., 1962b) 1"

1.2 cp

WSWNSE TIME EIAY ISECI Figure 30. Histograms of response time delays for hand andeye (a) random target (b) regular square waves at 0.5 cps (c) regular square waves at 1.2 cps . (Okabe et a1. , 1962a)

Figwe 31. Dependence of median response time delays upon input square wave. Solid line shows wrist tracking;broken line eye tracking. (Okabe et al., 1962a) "


Figure32. Time functionof target,, eye andhand, positionfor two frequenciesof input square wave. (a) 0.5cps (b) for random targetposition steps (c) 2.5cps. (Okabe et al. , 1962a) SOUARE-WAVE 8 EYE INPUT


Figure 33. Time func tion of targe , eye andhand position:(a) shows eyetracking movement sequencespontaneously halting with no apparent effect on hand tracking. (b) shows poor toabsent eye tracking whenhand is still and marked improvement ofeye tracking in association with hand tracking. (Okabe et al., 1962a) LCM ARM F-

Figure 34. Mobilityanalog of mechanicalparameters of apparatus andhand under experimentalconditions. (Okabe et al., 1962b) Figure 35. Mechanical(a) and (c); and visual, (b) and (d) , impulseexperiments at two levels of tension. (a) and (b) relaxed;(c) and (d)tense. (Okabe et al. 1962b) MAXIMUM FREQUENCY + 20 WITHOUT 0 CONSTRAINT

(DEGREES) - 20


(DEGREES) - 20


Fig. 36 Freewheelingor succession movement experiment.In (a) subject was instructed to oscillate as fast as possible;antagonist muscle went quitelax. In (b) lower trace, subject was instructedprimarily to minimizedisturbance emor due to possible injected mechanical im- pulse and secondarily to oscillate at the same amplitude as rapidly as possible;antagonist muscles always maintained considerable tone, thusposition control system slowed oscillation. (Stark, Iida & bJilliS, 1961) b H.R RA.W x Y.0

(u 0 X I Y


X e 0 I I I I I 30 35 40 45 50 55 MM Hg

Figure 37. Mechanical parameters of hand as functions of tension. JH is rotational inertia in newton-meters-second2- radians-1; BH is viscosity in newton-meters-second- radian-'. and KH spring constant in newton-meter- radian-'.) (Okabe et al., 1962b) 45



P t 25


3 10 5 RADIANS "7" "7"

Fig,, 38 Root locus of the positivepole of a complex pair fitted to h,(t) and hf(t). The scales are imaginaryfrequency ad and real frequency in radian-seconds''. (Okabe eta>. , 1962b) L


Figure 39. Parameters of visual and mechanical impulses as function of tension. (Okabe et al. , 1962b) TIME - 1-20 SECONDS -1

Figure 40. Discontinuouschange of hand position toslow target ramps. (Stark, Okabe, & Willis,1962)

" "



Figure 41. Response to pulsesshowing time delays and refractoryperiod when pulsewidths are unpredictable.(Stark, Okabe & Willis, 1962)

180 HUMANOPERATOR MODEL p """"""""_ """""7

Figure 42. Sampled-DataModel after Ward.(Bekey thesis)

181 .. "



n 4 -t U


t \ \ \



Figure 43. Zero andFirst Order Hold Circuits.(5ekeythesis)

182 Figura 44. ProposedSampled-Data Model of the Human Operaton(Bekey thesis)

I 0.6 0.8 1 2 3 456 810 20 FREQUENCY (RAD/SEC)

Figure 45. Comparison of Experimentaland Analytical Values of Output Power SpectralDensity (Bekey, IFAC)

184 JL GATE 0 T/2 '\i OT 3


GATE 4 -1 R

b C

I I 1

I I I sampler 2 I I I 1 I

memory loop


L ' sampler 1 - hold 1 - delay 1

R muscle mechanism - 1. li - * sampler 2 * hold 2 - delay 2

Figure 47. The sampled-datamodel. (Lernay G Westcott , 1962)

186 sampled-datamodel

withdelay derived C t from the operator's

response to step inputs

Figure 48. Model withpredictor. (Lemay & Westcott , 1962)

Figure 49. Operatorand model velocity outputs. (Lemay G Westcott,1962) ~POSlllCU""-.- L

Figure 50. Sampled data model for eyetracking movements (Young & Stark, 1963)

188 In put Display ErrorDisplay Input - Handle Position Human Qi QO


d ” G

Figure 51. Open Loop (a) Simple Model (b) More generalblock diagram. (Navas,1963) Figure 52. Open loopresponses, handle loaded with friction and inertia.Step responses. Vertical scale 4'/div., horizontalscale 0.5 sec/div.except c and d, 50 msec/div.(Navas, 1963)

...... _ - ......

...... - .f .....-. i...... ! ...;.-+...;.:.. ,.::r:.!+..i-.:... .

Figure 53. Responses to randomlikecombinations of ramps. Inertia and friction added. Input scale 6O/div. Output scale 4O/div. Time in secondsindicated. (Navas, 1963)

"""- """- II """" "__ "" ......

.I.-:...... 4: . : .;. '. .. .: ...:...... : ...... :...... 1 ...... i. . -r-. :

Figure 54. Furtherresponses to randomlikecombinations of ramps. Input scale 6O/div. Output scale 10°/div. Time in secondsindicated. (Navas, 1963) DEAD ZONE



Figure 55. Proposedmodel for pursuittracking of unpredictable inputs . (Navas , 196 3 GAINS a LEAD FORCE HAND CONTROLLED SAMPLER COMPEN.DELAY MEMORY PROGRAM DYNAMICS ELEMENT

Figure 56. Proposedhand tracking model. (Elkind,Kelly, & Payne, 1964) RESPONSE INPUT ERROR I I W W W cI1 W W 0 n n n 303 202 303


0 c 7- 2 cm



2t cm


2t cm



Figure 58. Records of hand tracking of a parabola. (Elkind,Kelly, E, Payne, 1964) I I I

I I f-"""" I


Figure 59. Raoult'ssampled data model for manualtracking. (Raoult , 1962 ) & = O!GS

&=lS a 49 4 I h 5- 23


Figure 60. Nyquist diagram for Raoult's model. (Raoult , 1962 1

1.97 Figure 61. Comparison of Raoult's model output (Y,) with human response (Y) intracking pseudo random input (X). ( Raoult , 1962 )


Figure 62. Blockdiagram of manuallyoperated relay controlsystem. (Pew, 1964) (a) hrdisplacement cu a function of time; (b)

error velocity as a function of time; (c) emr vdocity as a

function of wmr diaplaccment. +a t

Figure63. Graphic records of operator performance on a slngle trial of the experiment. (Pew, 1964)

Figure64. Illustration of a phase-planeswitching locus which may be used to predict an operator'sswitching performance. ( Pew, 1964) Figure 65. Blockdiagram of sampled-datamodel for onechannel (Kohlhaas, 1962) "PRECOGNITIVE" INPUT b Disturbance PR ED1 CTOR I E". I 1 I I Input Error Output s - e -. CONTROLLED - r ELEMENT ADAPTIVE ~ ~~ -_i CONTROLLER 1 Other Senses


Figure 66. Various classes of adaptation of importancein biologicalservomechanisms. (Stark & Young, 1963) 'FORCING FUNCTION

Figure 67. Typical parts of a closed loop response (at top) and a synchronousresponse to a simple sinusoid. (Krendel E McRuer 1960)




Figure 68. Step responsebefore and after a gainincrease. (Young,Green, Elkind E Kelly,1964) RESPONSE CHANNEL






Figure 69. Time tracingwith polarity reversal. (young, Green, Elkind E Kelly, 1964)






I I 1 I I I 1 I 0.1 I 2 3 4 TIME IN SECONDS

Figure 70. Average error waveform with polarityreversal. (Young,Green, Elkind & Kelly, 1964) L 2 " f

Figure71 a,b,c Typical time recordsfor suddeugain increase, gain decrease and polarity reversal with gain increase. (Young , Green,Elkind, E Kelly1964)

206 Figure 72. McRuer & Krendel Model of Human Operator. (McRuer & Krendel 1962) \

I .1 .5 1 5 10

w, radian/sec Figure 73. Closed-loopfrequency response with pilot E. The curves are identified by the dynamics of the simulatedclosed-loop equations. (Adams E Bergeron, 1963)

208 3





225O .I .5 1 5 10

w, radian/sec Figure 74. Closed-loopfrequency response with pilot E. The curves are identified by the dynamicsof the simulatedclosed loop equations. (Adams E Bergeron , 1963) 10

Disturbance, volts

- 10 10

Displayed error, 0 volts

-10 10

Pilot, volts 0

- 10 10

- 10 The 1 sec Figure 75. A tracking record withpure acceleration control. Dynamics 1O/s2 (Adams & Bergeron, 1963)


Figure 76. BlockDiagram of thecontrol loop. (Kilpatrick, 1964)

210 Figure 77a & b. Operator error andresponse - 10 s2(s + 1) a) Bang-bangcontrol. b) Continuouscontrol. (Kilpatrick,1964)




*O 1 SECOND4 Figure 78. Trackingrecord for Y,(s) = K/S 2 showingsaccadic movements. At t Y (s) changed from +2 to -8/s2 oc (Elkind, Kelly and Payne, 1964)

212 I-

-+ +IO SEC DEFLECTION, I L I2 ER -'0 E-"- STAB as, DEG 5





18 SEC +I+ Aircraft response.

Figure 79. Time histories of typical pitch-damper failure. (Sadoff, 1962)


VISUAL FEEDBACK VISUAL I a. Conlpensatory 'situation representing the initial phase of the progression seqnence.

I r------!


b. Pursuitsituation representing the second phase of the progression sequence.


c Open outer loop representing the synchrorious phase of the progression seqnencc.

Figure8la,b,c. Three representations for the human operator corresponding to three different display conditions.(Krendel E McRuer, 1960) .. .

Figure 82. Samplemedian characteristicsof human operator systemsfollowing change in display from compen- satory to pursuit(0,1,2,3,4,5 are at 0,7*5,15, 30,45,60 sec after change; 6 is averagefor next minute (Shepidan , 1962 1


Kl-r (+: .) ANALOG-PI LOT FORM, 2 k+SI

Figure 83. Blockdiagram of test equipment. (Adams E Bergeron,1963)

216 PHASE ARdb '1 DEGREES -5-+ to 0 PHASE

- 180

-12 - 235

AR db 6t ARr

-12. -6 i



6 PHASE AR db t +8+ t +I3 DEGREES 0 .O t 0

I /8 1/2 2 4 w rad/sec

Figure 84. Bode plotsof human controllerdescribing functionsobtained from successive five secondsamples of error and stick signals beforeand after a change in Yc(s) from -4/s2 to +0/s2. (Elkind,Kelly. E Payne, 1964) ...... :.... :!.#;;r>.,z;>u 1..,- ...... "... E ..... -IA€



I 1 1 I I 0.1 I 2 3 4 TIME IN SECONDS Figure 85a,b,c. Average error waveforms withdifferent types of transition. (Young,Green, Elkind E Kelly, 1964)




Figure 86. "Model Reference" model for human adaptive tracking.

I 1 I I


Figure 87. Errorpattern recognition model for human adaptive tracking. Figure 88. Proposedblock diagram of the human operator. (Knoop E Fu, 1964)




Figure 89. Blockdiagram of proposedsystem including adaptive mechanism.(Knoop E Fu, 1964)

220 I I I I


X I “y ’I I


Figure 90. Raoult’sschematic model for human adaptive tracking. (Raoult , 1962)