An Overview of the Osiris-Rex Asteroid Sample Return Mission
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43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2012) 2491.pdf AN OVERVIEW OF THE OSIRIS-REX ASTEROID SAMPLE RETURN MISSION. D. S. Lauretta1 and The OSIRIS-REx Team, 1OSIRIS-REx Principal Investigator, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 85721, USA, [email protected]. Introduction: NASA selected the OSIRIS-REx terize its geologic and dynamic history and provide Asteroid Sample Return Mission as the third New context for the returned samples. Frontiers mission in May, 2011. The mission name is 3. Document the texture, morphology, geochemis- an acronym that captures the scientific objectives: Ori- try, and spectral properties of the regolith at the sam- gins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, pling site in situ at scales down to the sub-centimeter. and Security‒Regolith Explorer. OSIRIS-REx will 4. Measure the Yarkovsky effect on a potentially thoroughly characterize near-Earth asteroid (101955) hazardous asteroid and constrain the asteroid proper- 1999 RQ36. This asteroid is both the most accessible ties that contribute to this effect. carbonaceous asteroid and the most potentially hazard- 5. Characterize the integrated global properties of a ous asteroid known. Knowledge of its nature is funda- primitive carbonaceous asteroid to allow for direct mental to understanding planet formation and the comparison with ground based telescopic data of the origin of life. Only by understanding the organic chem- entire asteroid population. istry and geochemistry of an asteroid sample can this Target Asteroid: OSIRIS-REx will return samples knowledge be acquired. from a primitive body that represents the objects that OSIRIS-REx brings together all of the pieces es- may have brought prebiotic seeds of life and volatiles sential for a successful asteroid sample return mission– to Earth. The most plausible sources of these com- The University of Arizona’s (Tucson, AZ) leadership pounds are primitive asteroids and comets. Recent ob- in planetary science and experience operating the Mars servations show that many B-type asteroids in the main Phoenix Lander; Lockheed Martin’s (Denver, CO) belt are currently releasing volatiles and appear to be unique experience in sample-return mission develop- transitional between asteroids and comets. Little is ment and operations; NASA Goddard Space Flight known about this enigmatic asteroid class. The B-type Center’s (Greenbelt, MD) expertise in project man- contains many significant objects, including (2) Pallas, agement, systems engineering, safety and mission as- the second largest main-belt asteroid, and the extinct surance, and visible-near infrared spectroscopy; comets 107P/Wilson-Harrington and (3200) Phaethon. KinetX’s (Tempe, AZ) experience with spacecraft nav- Based on these data, the OSIRIS-REx team concluded igation; and Arizona State University’s (Tempe, AZ) that a B-type asteroid is the most exciting target for a knowledge of thermal emission spectrometers. The New Frontiers sample-return mission. Canadian Space Agency is providing a laser altimeter The OSIRIS-REx team’s exhaustive study of can- [1], building on the strong relationship established dur- didate asteroids that met mission planning and science ing the Phoenix Mars mission. In addition, MIT and objectives resulted in the selection of 1999 RQ36 as Harvard College Observatory are providing an imaging the most scientifically exciting and accessible target. X-ray spectrometer as a Student Collaboration Exper- 1999 RQ36 rises to the top of the list of potential sam- iment. The science team includes members from the ple-return targets based on both its high science value United States, Canada, France, Germany, Great Brit- and its extensive characterization by ground- and ain, and Italy. space-based telescopes, which greatly reduce the risk Science: OSIRIS-REx’s detailed characterization for proximity operations planning. 1999 RQ36 was of 1999 RQ36 and return of pristine samples will sig- discovered in September 1999 by the LINEAR survey nificantly enhance our understanding of the initial and is an Apollo NEO with a semi-major axis of 1.126 stages of planet formation and the sources of organics AU. Observations of 1999 RQ36 were performed by that may have ultimately led to the origin of life. Bod- team members using ground-based telescopes [2] the ies from the main asteroid belt are believed to be the Spitzer Space Telescope [3] the Arecibo Planetary dominant source of primordial terrestrial organics and Radar System [4], and other assets. These data strongly water. OSIRIS-REx has five mission objectives: support the presence of abundant regolith, comprised 1. Return and analyze a sample of pristine carbona- of fine gravel (4-8 mm), ideal for sampling. 1999 ceous asteroid regolith in an amount sufficient to study RQ36 comes within 0.003 AU of the Earth and has the the nature, history, and distribution of its constituent highest impact probability of any known asteroid [5]. minerals and organic material. 1999 RQ36 is a B-type asteroid characterized by a 2. Map the global properties, chemistry, and miner- linear, featureless spectrum with bluish to neutral alogy of a primitive carbonaceous asteroid to charac- slope. Spectral analysis suggests that the most likely 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2012) 2491.pdf meteorite analogs for 1999 RQ36 are the CI or CM spectral maps (20-m resolution), and local spectral meteorites [6]. Near-infrared spectroscopic data show information of the sample site (0.08 – 2-m resolution). evidence of a thermal tail longward of 2 µm, suggest- OVIRS spectra will be used to identify volatile- and ing a very low albedo (0.035 ± 0.015) that is consistent organic- rich regions of RQ36’s surface and guide with a carbonaceous surface. Thermal infrared data sample-site selection. show that there is no observable dust or gas in the The OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer proximity of RQ36. Light-curve observations give a (OTES) is a Fourier-transform-interferometer, point rotational period of 4.2968 ± 0.0018 hours [2]. The spectrometer (8-mrad FOV) that collects hyperspectral lightcurve displays no evidence of satellites in orbit thermal infrared data over the spectral range from 4 – about 1999 RQ36. The rotation period and axial ratio 50 µm with a spectral resolution of 10 cm-1. OTES imply a minimum density of 0.7 g/cm3 for a rubble provides full-disk RQ36 spectral data, global spectral pile. Based on other asteroids in the C spectral com- maps, and local sample site spectral information. plex (of which the B-type is a member), the team esti- The Regolith X-ray Imaging Spectrometer mates a bulk density of 1.4 ± 0.7 g/cm3. Dynamical (REXIS) Student Collaboration Experiment is a joint and spectral analysis suggest that 1999 RQ36 may be a venture of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and liberated member of the Polana asteroid family [7]. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. REXIS Science Implementation: OSIRIS-REx delivers its significantly enhances OSIRIS-REx by obtaining a science using five instruments and radio science along global X-ray map of elemental abundance on 1999 with the Touch-And-Go Sample Acquisition Mecha- RQ36. nism (TAGSAM). All of the instruments and data Radio Science will determine the mass of 1999 analysis techniques have direct heritage from flown RQ36 and estimate the mass distribution to 2nd degree planetary missions. and order, with limits on the 4th degree and order dis- TAGSAM is an elegantly simple device that satis- tribution. Knowing the mass estimate and shape model, fies all sample-acquisition requirements. TAGSAM the team will compute the bulk density and apparent consists of two major components, a sampler head and porosity of 1999 RQ36. These data are obtained by an articulated positioning arm. The head acquires the combining radiometric tracking data with optical ob- bulk sample by releasing a jet of high-purity N2 gas servations, supplemented by OLA altimetry data. To- that “fluidizes” the regolith into the collection cham- gether, this information constrains the internal struc- ber. The articulated arm, which is similar to, but longer ture. Most importantly, the gravity field knowledge than, the Stardust aerogel deployment arm, positions provides information on regolith mobility and identi- the head for collection, brings it back for visual docu- fies areas of significant regolith pooling. mentation, and places it in the Stardust-heritage Sam- Mission Implementation: The OSIRIS-REx mis- ple Return Capsule (SRC). sion employs a methodical, phased approach to ensure The OSIRIS-REx Camera Suite (OCAMS) is com- success in meeting the mission’s science requirements. posed of three cameras. PolyCam provides long-range OSIRIS-REx launches in September 2016, with a 1999 RQ36 acquisition and high-resolution imaging of backup launch period occurring one year later. Sam- 1999 RQ36’s surface. MapCam supports optical navi- pling occurs in 2020. The departure burn from 1999 gation during proximity-operations, global mapping, RQ36 occurs in March 2021. On September 24, 2023, and sample-site reconnaissance. SamCam performs the SRC lands at the Utah Test and Training Range sample-site characterization and sample-acquisition (UTTR). Stardust heritage procedures are followed to documentation. transport the SRC to Johnson Space Center, where the The OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter (OLA) provides samples are removed and delivered to the OSIRIS-REx high-resolution topographical information [1]. OLA’s curation facility. After a six-month preliminary exami- high-energy laser transmitter is used for ranging from nation period the mission will produce a catalog of the 1–7.5 km that supports Radio Science and provides returned sample, allowing the worldwide community scaling information for images and spectral spots. to request samples for detailed analysis. OLA’s low-energy transmitter is used for rapid ranging References: [1] Dickinson et al. (2012) LPS XLIII. and LIDAR imaging at 500 m to 1 km, providing a [2] Hergenrother et al. (2012) LPS XLIII. [3] Emery J. global topographic map of RQ36 as well as local maps P.