With wishes for a Chag Kasher v’Sameach!


Thursday, April 18th Bedikat Chametz (search for chametz) after 8:40 PM

Friday, April 19th (Erev Pesach) Shacharit 6:15 AM Followed by the Bechorim (learning and meal for the first born)

Public burning of Chametz in the BIAV parking lot 9:00-11:00 AM Last time to eat Chametz 11:04 AM Latest time to burn and nullify chametz 12:11 PM

Don’t forget to light an extra flame or yahrzeit candle.

Mincha followed by Maariv 7:40 PM *Candle Lighting 7:44 PM Make Kiddush after 8:41 PM Chatzot (Halachic Midnight) 1:18 AM

Shabbat, April 20th: 1st Day Pesach Shacharit 9:30 AM Mincha//Maariv 7:25 PM **Candle lighting from an existing flame and 2nd Seder kiddush not before 8:42 PM Remember to eat at home before Mincha Chatzot (Halachic Midnight) 1:18 AM

Sunday, April 21st 2nd Day Pesach Shacharit 9:30 AM Mincha/Torah Study/Maariv 7:40 PM

Havdalah/Yom Tov ends after 8:43 PM

*Blessings for candle lighting Baruch ata ado___ eloheinu melech haolam asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel v’yom tov. Baruch ata ado___ eloheinu melech haolam she’hechiyanu v’kiyemanu v’higianu la’zman hazeh.

** ...l’hadlik ner shel yom tov ...she’hechiyanu...



Monday, April 22nd: Chol Hamoed I Shacharit 8:00 AM Mincha/Maariv 7:45 PM

Tuesday, April 23rd: Chol Hamoed II Shacharit 8:00 AM Mincha/Maariv 7:45 PM

Wednesday, April 24th: Chol Hamoed lll Shacharit 8:00 AM Mincha/Maariv 7:45 PM

Thursday, April 25th: Chol Hamoed IV / Erev Yom Tov Shacharit 8:00 AM Don’t forget to light an extra flame or yahrzeit candle.

Remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin!

Mincha/Maariv 7:45 PM ***Candle Lighting 7:50 PM

Friday, April 26th: Shevi’i shel Pesach (7th day)/Erev Shabbat Shacharit 9:00 AM Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv 7:45 PM ****Candle Lighting 7:51 PM

Shabbat, April 27th: Acharon shel Pesach (8th day) Shacharit 9:00 AM Yizkor not before 10:45 AM Mincha/Torah Study/Maariv 7:30 PM Remember to eat Seudah Shlishit at home before Mincha

Yom Tov Ends 8:50 PM

Earliest Time to Eat Chametz 9:20 PM

*** … l’hadlik ner shel yom tov (She’hechiyanu is not recited) ****… l’hadlik ner shel shabbat v’yom tov. (She’hechiyanu is not recited) (She’hechiyanu is not recited)



The Sale of Chametz: One should attempt to use up as much of one’s chametz as possible before Pesach. However, if a significant amount remains in one’s possession as Pesach approaches, that chametz can be sold to a non-Jew in order to avoid the financial loss that would result by disposing of it.

The mechanics of the sale are as follows: one gives Power of Attorney over his/her chametz to the rabbi by filling out the attached form and returning it to Rabbi Rockoff in person at which time one makes a “kinyan” to formally appoint the Rabbi to sell his/her chametz. Rabbi Rockoff will then arrange for all the chametz in his charge to be sold to a non-Jew.

Please see Rabbi Rockoff’s schedule on the next to last page, and fill out the attached form in advance. If you cannot make it to BIAV in person, please contact Rabbi Rockoff to make individual arrangements.

Maot Chitim: There is an ancient custom to give charity before Pesach to see that all Jews have their Holiday needs taken care of. As opposed to Matanot Le’evyonim, which can easily be taken care of on the day of Purim, Maot Chitim are collected in advance of Pesach to allow for proper distribution of funds. Please your check in to Rabbi Rockoff or the BIAV office as soon as possible, and make them out to the “Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund”, with a memo of “Maot Chitim”. The money will be distributed both locally and in Israel.

Bedikat Chametz – The Search (Thursday evening, April 18th): The final search for chametz should commence as soon as possible after 8:40 PM. With the exception of chametz to be consumed on Thursday evening and Friday morning, all chametz that you intend to sell should be put away in an area designated for chametz storage. It is customary to set out ten pieces of chametz in order to make sure you “find” something in your search.

Before beginning the search, the following blessing is recited: Barukh ata ado___, elokeinu melekh ha’olam, asher kid’shanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu al bi’ur chameitz. Blessed… who has commanded us regarding the elimination of chameitz.

A comprehensive room-to-room search should follow; checking to make sure that no chametz has been left behind. Traditionally, the search is done by candlelight; one may use a flashlight as well to assist the search. Any chametz that is found during the search is carefully set aside for disposal the following morning.

Bittul (Nullification of) Chametz Part I (Thursday evening, April 18th) Upon completing the search for chametz, the following declaration is made: “Any chametz or leaven that is in my possession, that I have not seen, have not destroyed and do not know about, shall be annulled and considered ownerless like the dust of the earth.”

Fast of the First-Born (Friday, April 19th): In recognition of the fact that our first-borns were spared, every Jewish male first-born is required to either fast or participate in a (festive meal celebrating a mitzvah). A siyum (completion of a Talmudic tractate) and Seudat Mitzvah for first-borns will take place at BIAV on Friday morning, immediately following minyan.



Biur (Elimination of) Chametz (Friday morning, April 19th, before 12:11 PM) Any chametz discovered during the previous night’s search must be disposed of (preferably by burning) on Friday morning. There will be a public burning of chametz in the BIAV parking lot on Friday morning, April 19th, from 9:00-11:00 AM.

Important Note: You may use the dumpster at BIAV until 11:30 PM on Thursday evening, as a special pickup has been arranged. Other chametz that is not burned and you are not selling, including garbage, may no longer be in your possession after 12:11 PM on Friday. You may dispose in a public dumpster or flush down the toilet.

Bittul (Nullification of) Chametz—Part II (Friday morning, April 19th) On Friday, April 19th, chametz may be eaten no later than 11:04 AM. After completing the eating and burning of all chametz, the following declaration is made: “Any chametz or leaven that is still in my possession, whether I have seen it or not, whether I have destroyed it or not, shall be annulled and considered ownerless like the dust of the earth.”

Tevilat Keilim The Community Mikvah at K.I. is available during regular office hours. Please contact the K.I. office at 913-642-1880 for use.

Pesach Product Information:

Please note that BIAV has available copies of the cRc and OU Guides to that contain valuable information with regards to kosher for Passover products (medicines, makeup, toiletries, pet foods, and all other food products for Passover use) as well as for kashering your kitchen for Passover. We purchased enough copies for each family to use one for reference and they are available in the shul office. You may also access them online at and Please also consult the Star K Guide at

For additional questions, please contact Rabbi Rockoff: [email protected]

Reminder that Quinoa is kosher for Passover but does require Passover certification. More information in OU guide as well as at


Kitchen Areas and Appliances:

Ovens: Self-cleaning ovens must be run through one self-cleaning cycle. No additional cleaning necessary, before or after.

Regular ovens must be cleaned thoroughly, preferably with a caustic oven cleaner, and all dirt and rust substance removed. Discoloration alone need not be removed. The oven should then be allowed to sit unused for 24 hours. The oven should then be set to the highest temperature and allowed to burn for one hour. The racks should be removed prior to kashering, cleaned in the same manner, and put back in the oven for the kashering process.

For continuous cleaning ovens follow same procedure as for regular ovens.

A microwave oven should not be used for chametz in the 24 hours before kashering. It should be cleaned well, and a bowl (clean non-Pesach) filled with water should be boiled (15-30 minutes) until the inside of the microwave fills with steam. The tray inside the microwave should not be used throughout Pesach and should be removed before kashering begins.

Microwave\Convection ovens must be kashered as both a microwave and regular oven.


Stove Tops: Clean the burners, grates, pans and the oven top. Put a (clean, non-Pesach) teakettle or pot (partially filled with some liquid) on top of the burners, and turn the fire on high. This will spread the intense heat directly over the area which needs to be kashered. Gas burners should be left on for 15 minutes; electric burners should be left on for 5 minutes. The area between the burners should be covered with a special Pesach stove cover, or with aluminum foil (preferably heavy duty). If you are concerned that covering this area will damage the oven by trapping heat, it need not be covered; however, nothing should be placed down on this area during Pesach. A stove with a glass range-top should be kashered by cleaning the surface thoroughly and turning the burners on ‘high’ for 10 minutes. The area between the burners should preferably be covered. Where this is not feasible, boiling water should be poured on the area, but that area should not be used during Pesach.

Kitchen Sinks: Sinks with a metal interior should not be used with heat for 24 hours before kashering. Clean thoroughly and dry. Boiling hot water should then be poured over the entire sink.

Sinks with an enamel or porcelain interior, cannot be kashered for Pesach. They should be covered with contact paper, aluminum foil, or a special Pesach sink insert.

The faucet and spout should be cleaned thoroughly; drain inserts should be replaced for Pesach.

Refrigerators\Freezers: Remove all racks, shelves and drawers. Clean thoroughly to ensure there is no chametz adhering to any surfaces. No surface covering is necessary, though many have the practice to do so

Pantries & Cabinets: These areas must be cleaned well but need not be covered. All chametz must be removed and placed in a designated area to be stored away for Pesach.


(1) Formica and ceramic tile surfaces can not be kashered and should be covered throughout Pesach.

(2) Granite\Marble\Corian can be kashered via the pouring of boiling water on all surface areas. Please use extreme caution if using this method.

Kitchen\Dining Room Tables: Tabletops used year-round should be cleaned thoroughly and kept covered with a tablecloth over Pesach.

High Chairs: Cleaned thoroughly (including the seat). The plastic tray should be covered with contact paper or the like (caution: plastic wrap is a choking hazard)

Dishwashers: It is not recommended to kasher dishwashers for Pesach.

Electric Mixers\Food Processors: Because of the difficulty in cleaning and kashering the small parts, these appliances should be cleaned and stored away over Pesach.

Hot Water Urns (metal): Ideally, one should have a special one for Pesach. If necessary, a large quantity of water should be brought to boil in the urn and then discarded, with some of the water being poured out through the spout, and boiling water should be poured on the outside surface as well. See the cRc guide for guidelines as to when no koshering is necessary.

Trash Receptacles: Trash cans should be cleaned out thoroughly, and used vacuum bags should be thrown out before Pesach.



*Important Note: New metal or glass utensils must always be immersed in a mikvah (“toveled”) prior to use.

Silverware: Spoons and forks can be kashered (if clean) after 24 hours of non-use through hag’ala (See ‘Kashering through Hag’ala section below)

Knives: Preferably separate Pesach knives should be used. Where necessary, knives without a serrated blade may be kashered through hag’ala. Knives with wooden or plastic handles should not be kashered.

Kiddush Cup: If washed with chametz dishes\sponge, should be kashered through hag’ala.

China, Stoneware, Ceramic, Plastic: These materials cannot be kashered and may not be used on Pesach (if used previously for year-round.)

Glassware: Oven glassware (pyrex, corningware, etc.) cannot be kashered for Pesach. Drinking Glasses: There is a method for koshering glasses that are only used for cold liquids in a case of great need. Contact the Rabbi for guidance. Where glasses are readily available and inexpensive, one should purchase special glasses for Pesach.

Pots & Pot Covers: Pots and their covers may be kashered through hag’ala (in a larger pot).

Pans: Pans (not coated, including frying pans) can only be kashered with a blowtorch or by placing them inside an oven for an entire self-cleaning cycle.

*Important Note: Pots and pans with a Teflon (or other non-stick) coating cannot be kashered for Pesach.

Dish Towels & Tablecloths: Provided that no food residue remains, fabric tablecloths and dish towels can be laundered and used for Pesach. Vinyl tablecloths used year-round should not be used on Pesach.


The most common method of Kashering is Kashering through Hag’ala, detailed here. For other methods, please consult the cRc or OU guides or ask Rabbi Rockoff.

Metal utensils can be kashered for Pesach using a method known as hag’ala (immersing in boiling water). All parts of the vessel (including handles) must be immersed, though not necessarily all at once (unlike immersion in a mikvah). Utensils must be cleaned thoroughly before undergoing hag’ala.

Important Note: If a utensil has a space between the body and the handle – or even if there is a loose connection at the joint – it must be disassembled and cleansed of residue buildup prior to kashering. If this is not possible, then that vessel cannot be kashered.

Wait 24 hours after the vessel was last used. Fill a clean pot – any pot (even a chametz pot) which has not been used in the previous 24 hours – to the top with hot water. Heat until it boils and large bubbles appear. Place the object to be kashered in a net or mesh bag and immerse it in the boiling water for several seconds until the item is completely submerged. After removal from the boiling water, the vessel should be rinsed off in cold water. Important Note: Be aware that the kashering pot may need to be covered between immersions in order to return the water to a rolling boil.



Rabbi Rockoff will be available to arrange for selling Chametz. The procedure is that a "kinyan," a formal act of acquisition/ authorization is performed that authorizes the Rabbi to sell your Chametz. This must be done in person.

Rabbi will be available:

Mondays & Wednesdays, after Maariv— 8:00—8:30 PM April 8, 10, 15, 17

Tuesday & Thursday mornings, 9:30 AM—12 noon April 4, 9, 11, 16

Sunday morning after minyan, 9:15 AM April 7

Or by appointment

Donations for Maot Chitim may also be made at these times or at any other time to the office.

See the next page for the Chametz Authorization Power of Attorney form.


Delegation of Power of Attorney For Sale of Chametz (Leavened Products)

I, ______, the undersigned, hereby authorize Rabbi Daniel Rockoff of Congregation Beth Israel Abraham & Voliner, 9900 Antioch Rd, Overland Park, KS 66212, to act on my behalf to sell 1) all chametz possessed by me (knowingly, or unknowingly) as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic law (e.g. doubt of chametz, and chametz mixtures), 2) any chametz that adheres to the surface of pans, pots, or cooking and usable utensils or mixtures thereof.

Home 1 Address: ______


Where in the home will this Chametz be found? Kitchen _____ Garage _____ Basement _____ Bathroom _____ Other ______

What is the approximate value of the Chametz? ______

Home 2 Address (if applicable)

______approx. value______

Business Address (if applicable)

______approx. value______

Rabbi Rockoff has the full right to sell and lease by transactions, as he deems fit, for such time that he believes necessary as explained in the general authorization contract to sell the Chametz.

Also, I hereby give the said Rabbi Rockoff full power and authority to appoint a substitute with full power to sell and/ or lease as provided herein. The above given power is in conformity with all Torah and Rabbinic regulations and laws, and in accordance with the laws of the State of Kansas and the United States of America, in certification of which I hereby affix my signature on this ______day of ______, 2019.


Print Name______


______I will be home for Pesach

______I will be away for Pesach. Time zone in which you will be located: ______

The key to my home will be left with:

Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______