12th European Conference on Medical Law


„European Integration on Health Care“ on 29 June 2018 in the Federal Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection Radetzkystraße 2, 1030

10:00 am - Opening – Welcoming of Participants Prof. Dr. Alfred Radner, President, Vienna Karin Kadenbach, Abg. EUP , Vienna Dr. Michael Ludwig, Mayor of Vienna Dr. Othmar Karas, Abg. EUP Brussels, Vienna Dr. Thomas Gebhart, Parl. State Secretary, Federal Mag. Beate Hartinger-Klein, Federal Ministry of Health, (requested) in the Federal Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs,

H.E. Dr. Vasilka Poposka Trenevska, Health and Consumer Protection Ambassador of Macedonia, Vienna (requested)

10:30 am - „European Assessment of Health Technologies? State of Play oft he Proposal for a European HTA-Regulation“ MMag. Dr. Martin Meißnitzer, Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions, European Representation, Brussels

11:00 am - „Influence of the on national health and social legislation“ Dr. Günther Danner, European Representation of the German Social Security, Brussels

11:30 am - „BREXIT and the implications for health policy“ Dr. Roland Jopp, Federal Ministry of Health, Berlin

12:00 am - „Deregulatory Initiatives of the EU with regard to the liberal professions, in particular the doctors - state of development"“ RA Annabel Seebohm, LL.M., Standing Committee of European Doctors, (CPME), Brussels

12:30 am - „Tasks and powers of the data protection supervisory authority under the GDPR and the Austrian Data Protection Act“ Dr. Matthias Schmidl, Deputy Head of the Data Protection Authority, Vienna

12:45 am - L U N C H

13:30 am - „The Doctor and Data Protection - From Cybercrime to Data Breach Considering the GDPR“ Andreas Reinthaler, Senator of the European Board of Trade, Vienna Gerhard Ulmer, Akad.gepr.Vers.Math., Managing Director Ärzteservice, Vienna

14:00 am - „The rights of the doctor are the best assurance of patient rights“ RA Dr. Maria-Luise Plank, Gillhofer and Plank Lawyers GesBR, Vienna

14:45 am - „The Impact of the New Anti-Corruption Law in Germany - A look beyond the „box“ of §§ 299a and 299b StGB“ Charlotte Guckenmus, Lawyer, Frankfurt / Main

15.15 am - C O F F E E B R E A K

15:45 am - „Legal Aspects of Telemedicine - A Comparison and Germany“ Peter Kalb, Legal Advisor, Bavarian State Medical Association, Munich SR Dr. Leopold Michael Marzi, Southeast European Commissioner of the EGMR, Head of Department in the Medical Directorate of the AKH Vienna

16:45 am - „Does efficacy have to be proven? - Background and implementation status of the German Therapeutic Alergea Regulation after ten years“ Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwarz, Center for Public Health of the Medical

Reception of the Mayor of Vienna Dr. Michael Ludwig at 20 o'clock

10er Marie Ottakringerstraße 222-224, 1160 Wien the oldest Viennese „Heuriger“ Endstation U3 und Straßenbahnlinie 2

Prof. Dr. Alfred Radner HR MR Univ.-Prof. DDr. Hans Erich Diemath RA Matthias Teichner President Vice President – Vienna - Salzburg Vice President – Hamburg

REGISTRATION - 0043 / (0)732 / 24 68-7146 Registration by Mail – [email protected]

Conference Fee: € 390,00 (VAT-free). After having paid the registration fee you will receive an invoice.

For members of the "Austrian Society for Medical Law" , the Green Cross, the " German Society for Law and Policy in Health Care" and the "German Society for Medical Law" , as well as for Attorney trainees and members of the Association of court-appointed experts reduced this price to 10%. In justified cases, special arrangements are available on request.

If you register by fax or e-mail ([email protected]) please send this registration form by 22 of June, 2018. Hotel reservations are supported by Wien Hotels & Info 01 24 555 or [email protected]

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□ Suggestions as to when future events should be held: Weekday: MON □ TUES □ WED □ THURS □ FRI □ SAT □ When should they begin: morning. □ afternoon □ evening

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Europäische Gesellschaft für Medizinrecht, Altenbergerstraße 52, 1. OG, 4040 Linz, Tel: 0043 732 2468 3790, Fax: 0043 732 2468 7146, Email: [email protected]