Brighton & Hove Schools’ Forum Notes of the meeting held on Monday 5 December 2016 Room 181, Present: School Members

Early Years and Primary Schools Peter Freeman (PF) (Chair) Governor, Coombe Rd Primary School

Special Schools Gayle Adam (GA) Interim Executive Headteacher of the CDP Federation & Headteacher of Patcham House School Jill Sawyer (JS) Governor - Downs View School

Secondary Schools James Kilmartin (JK) Headteacher, Cardinal Newman Catholic School Derek Swindells (DS) Governor,

Academy Member Sue Collins (SC) Director of Finance, Aldridge Community Academy

Non-School Members Roopal Patel (RP) PVI Early Years Representative Paul Shellard (PS) Teacher Unions Representative

Observers Viv Warren (VW) Early Years Representative Nigel Lecky (NL) Governor from Brunswick Primary School

Local Authority Andy Moore (AM) Principal Accountant, Health, Adults, Families, Children and Learning Finance Chris Lambert (CL) Clerk to Forum Jo Lyons (JL) Assistant Director, Education & Skills Richard Barker (RB) Head of School Organisation Education & Skills Steve Williams (SW) Accountant, Health, Adults, Families, Children and Learning Finance Roger Snell (RS) Schools Traded Services Manager, Education & Skills


Ian Keating (IK) Governor, St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Emma Lake (EL) Executive Headteacher, Hangleton Primary School and Benfield Primary School Louise Hoten (LH) Head of Finance, Health, Adults, F, C & Learning William Deighan (WD) Headteacher, Varndean School, (Vice Chair & Chair of SBWG) Fran Morrison (FM) Headteacher, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Representative of the Roman Catholic Diocese Damien Jordan (DJ) Headteacher, Fairlight Primary School Rebecca Conroy (RC) Assistant Principal, City College, (16-19 Colleges Rep) Julie Plumstead (JP) Headteacher, Tarnerland Nursery School Liz McCullough (LM) Headteacher – Brighton & Hove Pupil Referral Unit Giovanni Franceschi (GF) Headteacher, Downs Junior School 1 of 4

No. Item Action 1. Welcome and apologies

1.1 PF welcomed the group and noted the apologies as above.

2. Minutes of last meetings (10 October and 1 November 2016) and matters arising 10 October 2.1 The accuracy of the minutes was agreed. Actions: all actioned or in hand. 5.4 Anna Czepil will attend the next AC governors group in the Spring term.

2.2 6.2 – following the meeting, JL had discussion with EL regarding the funding assigned to the Behaviour and Attendance Partnership. JL drew EL’s attention to funding that she had received.

2.3 9.1 Apprenticeship Levy – awaiting further update. No decision yet. To return to January meeting. RB

2.4 1 November The accuracy of the minutes was agreed. Actions: all actioned / in hand.

3. Schools Block Working Group (SBWG) from 14/11/16 (WD) – RB feed back 3.1 RB/AM reported back to the Forum on the meeting held on 14 November.

3.2 National Funding Formula – there is no news. Central Government have promised to release it before Christmas. There is expected to be a three month consultation period.

Funding pro-forma - 3.3 The next SBWG is on the 9 January, one week before the next Forum meeting. The Forum to consult on January 16 and submit report on January 20.

3.4 AM confirmed that there was discussion for criteria of the growth fund; there will probably not be new schools.

4. ToR working party verbal update (RB)

4.1 RB reported on the work undertaken by the working party. The working party confirmed that they were satisfied with the proportion of representation provided by the Forum’s Terms of Reference. It was requested that the breakdown of pupil representation was outlined for Forum members on a regular basis. It was requested RB add reference to Diocese representation in the proportionate split of pupils RB represented.

4.2 The working party considered that the block voting approach was no longer suitable and having considered what other method is used in 2 of 4

statistical neighbour authorities proposed that the Forum consider changing to a system of a single vote for each member. The Forum agreed this proposal and requested RB to produce revised TOR for discussion and agreement at the March Forum. RB

5. Budgetary pressures and challenges (RB)

5.1 RB delivered a draft presentation for information and comment prior to an event with Headteachers and Business Managers at the end of January.

5.2 It was noted that the EFA have recently quoted that they anticipate £1bn savings to be found in back office efficiencies by schools and MATs. The Forum welcomed the comprehensive coverage of financial pressures that was provided in the presentation and offered some suggestions for future editions; RB confirmed the LA’s intention to share RB it with Forum members in advance of the session with school leaders.

6.0 Services to Schools Update (Roger Snell)

6.1 RS gave background and context.

6.2 5.1 should state 2017, not 2016 – RS to correct. RS

6.3 Clarification was sought about how charges linked to pupil numbers and RS explained that many costs did have an element linked to pupil numbers but this was not universal due to the nature of the services provided.

7. Updated work plan (RB)

7.1 The two work plans were presented to the Forum and were accepted with no changes.

8. Contingency Fund 2015/16 report (RB)

8.1 RB introduced the report on the use of the Contingency Fund.

8.2 Clarification was provided that when the budget was underspent the remaining budget was re-allocated, along with any other unspent funding.

8.3 The Forum noted the report’s information.

9. AOB

9.1 Early Years Funding (SW): On 2 December the government published a response to the Early Years Funding Consultation that was launched in August. Free entitlement for 3 – 4 year olds is increasing. There will be another consultation in December and January, a meeting with the Early Years Funding Group, and then a report to the Schools Forum in January. SW

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9.2 School Meals Contract (RB) It is expected that invitations to tender will be issued in late January Following a consultation exercise with schools currently using the service there is confidence that the council knows what is needed to be delivered and the tendering process reflects this. More details will be provided when the necessary documentation has been completed. The RB contract will come into effect in September 2017.

9.3 A brief discussion took place about the information released by central government on 1 December regarding school funding. A more detailed analysis of this will come to the next Schools Forum meeting. RB

Next Meeting: Monday 17 January 2017, 4 – 6, G91, Hove Town Hall, with a pre-meet from 3:30

2017 Meetings: 16 January, G91 HTH 13 March, G91 HTH 19 June, G91 HTH 9 October, G91 HTH 27 November, G91 HTH – please note new date for this meeting

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