Mixing Device for a Low Pressure EGR System of an Internal Combustion Engine
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(19) & (11) EP 2 317 111 A1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION (43) Date of publication: (51) Int Cl.: 04.05.2011 Bulletin 2011/18 F02M 25/07 (2006.01) (21) Application number: 10189227.1 (22) Date of filing: 28.10.2010 (84) Designated Contracting States: • Dimeo, Alfonso AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB 70033, Corato (IT) GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO • Modeo, Gregorio PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR 74024, Manduria (IT) Designated Extension States: • Musolesi, Stefano BA ME 40122, Bologna (IT) (30) Priority: 28.10.2009 IT BO20090702 (74) Representative: Jorio, Paolo et al STUDIO TORTA S.r.l. (71) Applicant: Magneti Marelli S.p.A. Via Viotti, 9 Corbetta (MI) (IT) 10121 Torino (IT) (72) Inventors: • Bellato, Nazario 40131, Bologna (IT) (54) Mixing device for a low pressure EGR system of an internal combustion engine (57) A mixing device (23) for a low pressure EGR connected to an intake conduit (6); a main butterfly valve system (21) of an internal combustion engine (1); the (28), which is arranged within the first inlet conduit (25) mixing device (23) has: a first inlet conduit (25), which to vary the section of the first inlet conduit (25) itself; and can be connected to an EGR conduit (22); a second inlet a secondary butterfly valve (29), which is arranged within conduit (26), which can be connected to an intake of fresh the second inlet conduit (26) to vary the section of the air from outside; an outlet conduit (27), which can be second inlet conduit (26). 11 A1 1 17 3 EP 2 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 2 317 111 A1 2 Description [0007] According to the present invention, a mixing de- vice for a low pressure EGR system of an internal com- TECHNICAL FIELD bustion engine is provided as disclosed in the appended claims. [0001] The present invention relates to a mixing device 5 for a low pressure EGR system of an internal combustion BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS engine. [0008] The present invention will now be described PRIOR ART with reference to the appended drawings, which illustrate 10 a non-limitative embodiment thereof, in which: [0002] An EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system is often present in modern internal combustion engines, - figure 1 is a diagrammatic view of a supercharged which system feeds part of the exhaust gases produced internal combustion engine provided with an EGR by the combustion into the intake conduit so as to mix system using a mixing device made according to the the exhaust gases with the fresh air in order to uniform 15 present invention; the temperature in each combustion chamber, and con- - figure 2 is a section view of the mixing device in figure sequently reduce the polluting substances present in the 1; exhaust gases which are released into the atmosphere. - figure 3 is a view with parts removed for clarity of an [0003] An EGR system comprises an EGR conduit, actuating device of the mixing device in figure 1; which connects the exhaust conduit to the intake conduit, 20 - figure 4 is a chart illustrating the positions of two but- and a mixing device which is arranged at the intersection terfly valves of the mixing device in figure 1; between the EGR conduit and the intake conduit, and - figure 5 is a perspective view of the mixing device in which has the function of adjusting the mixing of exhaust figure 1; gas from the exhaust conduit with the fresh air present - figures 6 and 7 are two different perspective, explod- in the intake conduit. Typically, the mixing device com- 25 ed views of the mixing device in figure 1; and prises a butterfly valve, which is arranged at the EGR - figure 8 is a perspective view of an insert made of conduit, is actuated by an electrical motor and has the refractory material arranged along a shaft of a main function of varying the section of the EGR conduit to vary butterfly valve of the mixing device in figure 1. the flow of exhaust gases which are introduced into the intake conduit. 30 PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION [0004] The above-described structure of the mixing device has the advantage of being cost-effective and at [0009] In figure 1, numeral 1 indicates as a whole an the same of allowing to rather accurately adjust the ex- internal combustion engine supercharged by a turbo- haust gas flow rate introduced into the intake conduit; charger supercharging system 2. however, the above- described structure of the mixing de- 35 [0010] The internal combustion engine 1 comprises vice does not allow to accurately adjust the exhaust gas four cylinders 3, each of which is connected to an intake flow rate introduced into the intake conduit in all operative manifold 4 by means of at least one respective intake conditions, and in particular when the introduction of a valve (not shown) and to an exhaust manifold 5 by means particularly high exhaust gas flow rate into the intake con- of at least one respective exhaust valve (not shown). The duit is required. Furthermore, the known mixing devices 40 intake manifold 4 receives fresh air (i.e. air coming from have problems of reliability over time, because the elec- the external environment) through an intake conduit 6, trical motor may be subjected to excessive overheating which is provided with an air cleaner 7 and is adjusted caused by the heat coming from the EGR conduit, which by a butterfly valve 8. An intercooler 9 for cooling the in turn is heated by the exhaust gases which flow through intake air is arranged along the intake conduit 6. An ex- the EGR conduit itself, and which indicatively have a tem- 45 haust conduit 10, which feeds the exhaust gases pro- perature of at least 350-400 °C. duced by the combustion to an exhaust system, is con- [0005] US2005145229A1 describes a mixing device nected to the exhaust manifold 5, which exhaust system for a low pressure EGR system of an internal combustion emits the gases produced by the combustion into the engine as described in the preamble of independent atmosphere and normally comprises at least one cata- claim 1. 50 lyzer 11 and at least one silencer (not shown) arranged downstream of the catalyzer 11. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0011] The supercharging system 2 of the internal combustion engine 1 comprises a turbocharger 12 pro- [0006] It is the object of the present invention to provide vided with a turbine 13, which is arranged along the ex- a mixing device for a low pressure EGR system of an 55 haust conduit 10 for rotating at high speed under the bias internal combustion engine, which device is free from the of the exhaust gases expelled from the cylinders 3, and above-described drawbacks, and in particular, is easy a turbocharger 14, which is arranged along the intake and cost-effective to implement. conduit 6 and is mechanically connected to the turbine 2 3 EP 2 317 111 A1 4 13 in order to be rotatably fed by the turbine 13 itself so 25, and a secondary butterfly valve 26, which varies the as to increase the pressure of the air fed into the intake section of the inlet conduit 26 itself, is arranged along the conduit 6. inlet conduit 26. The main valve 28 comprises a butterfly [0012] A bypass conduit 15 is provided along the ex- cap 30 and a shaft 31, which supports the butterfly cap haust conduit 10, which bypass conduit is connected in 5 30 and is rotationally mounted. Similarly, the secondary parallel to the turbine 13 so that the ends thereof are butterfly valve 28 comprises a butterfly cap 32 and a shaft connected upstream and downstream of the turbine 13 33, which supports the butterfly cap 32 and is rotationally itself; a wastegate 16 is arranged along the bypass con- mounted. duit 15, which wastegate is adapted to adjust the exhaust [0017] As shown in figure 3, the mixing device 23 com- gas flow rate through the bypass conduit 15 and is con- 10 prises a common actuating device 34 which controls both trolled by a pneumatic actuator 17. A bypass conduit 18 the main butterfly valve 28 and the secondary butterfly is provided along the intake conduit 6, which bypass con- valve 29. In particular, the common actuating device 34 duit is connected in parallel to the turbocharger 14 so comprises a single common electrical motor 35, which that the ends thereof are connected upstream and down- impresses motion to both butterfly valves 28 and 29, and stream of the turbocharger 14 itself; a Poff valve 19 is 15 a connecting element 36, which establishes a mechani- arranged along the bypass conduit 18, which Poff valve cal connection between the secondary butterfly valve 29 is adapted to adjust the exhaust gases which flow through and the main butterfly valve 28 so that the reciprocal po- the bypass conduit 18 and is controlled by an electrical sitions between the two butterfly valves 28 and 29 are actuator 20. mechanically linked to one another. [0013] The internal combustion engine 1 comprises a 20 [0018] According to a preferred embodiment, the com- low pressure EGR system 21, which recalculates part of mon electrical motor 35 transmits motion to the main but- the exhaust gas present in the exhaust conduit 10 by terfly valve 28 and thus directly controls the position of reintroducing such exhaust gases into the intake conduit the main butterfly valve 28 itself; in turn, the main butterfly 6.