Church of All Nations Iyad Khewis “Eddy” our Christian Tour Guide

Church of the Holy Sepulchre Place of a Skull – Could this be Golgotha All Breakfasts and All Dinners are Included at the 4 Star Hotels, All Excursions & Our English Speaking Christian Tour Guide Included

In His Footsteps Tour Itinerary

February 18, 2022 Friday – Fly out of DFW in the evening on the way to Tel Aviv Israel. This will be a long flight and will arrive in Israel late afternoon on Feb.19. Try to get some sleep on the plane.

February 19, 2022 Saturday – Arrive in Tel Aviv, A bustling city brimming with culture and history, situated on the Israeli Mediterranean coast. At Ben Gurion International Airport, go through immigration, claim luggage, meet our Christian Travel Guide, Eddy, who will lead us to our motorcoach and transfer group to our Mediterranean beachfront hotel, Herod’s. Check in to our Hotel, enjoy a wonderful dinner before retiring for the night’s restful sleep.

February 20, 2022 Sunday – After enjoying a great breakfast we will begin our tour of the Holy Land with a short meander through Jaffa. Our first stop is in the heart of Jaffa’s Old City to visit a beautiful church dedicated to St. Peter’s raising Tabitha from the dead which was reported to have occurred in Jaffa. With roots from the 16th Century, the 19th Century building features an impressive vaulted ceiling, stained glass windows, and marble walls. Next we will visit Mt. Tabor, the site of the Transfiguration of . We will stop for lunch near Mt. Tabor. After lunch, we will visit Cana, the site of the Wedding Feast where Jesus performed his first miracle, turning the water into wine. Proceed to Tiberius for two nights stay at the Sea of Hotel. Check in, enjoy dinner, and reminisce on the day, followed by restful sleep.

February 21, 2022 Monday – After Breakfast, we will go to Nazareth to see the of the Annunciation and the Church of St. Joseph. We will enjoy a boat ride around the and then travel to the Mount of Beatitudes, where Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount. We will visit Tabgha and see the traditional site of the feeding of the 5,000, and St. Peter of Primacy, where Jesus told Peter to feed the sheep. We will visit Capernaum, one of the most important centers of Jesus’s ministry and activity. We are leaving Tiberias after tonight; so please make certain you take all your belongings from the hotel tomorrow morning.

February 22, 2021 Tuesday – This morning begins at the Baptismal Site where you may wish to be baptized in the River Jordan as was Jesus by John the Baptist. We continue to Tel Megiddo overlooking the Jezreel Valley, site of the Battle of Armageddon. After lunch we head south towards . Keep an eye out for Zacchaeus Sycamore Tree. We finish our tour with an enjoyable and restful float in the , known for its healing properties. Check in to our Herod’s Hotel for the rest of the afternoon and evening at the Dead Sea.

Yardenit Baptism Site – Jordan River

February 23, 2022 Wednesday – We start our morning with a cable car ride up to Masada. Then it’s on to Qumran, site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. We’ll have lunch in Bethlehem before seeing the Shepherd’s Field, and the Church of Nativity, the oldest continuously functioning church in the world. Later we arrive in one of the holiest cities in the world Jerusalem and check into the Leonardo Plaza Hotel where we will spend three nights.

February 24, 2022 Thursday – Your time in Jerusalem begins with a visit to the , Afterwards, visit the Church of the Pater Noster, built on the traditional site where Christ taught the Lord’s ; Its name refers to the Our Father Prayer. We continue to the Church of All Nations, built over the rock on which Our Lord prayed the night before He was crucified. Nearby is the Tomb of the Virgin Mary and the Garden of , the site of Christ’s betrayal by Judas. Travel to Mt. Zion and stand in the Upper Room, near the traditional site of the Last Supper (Mark 14). Then, continue to Ein Karem, the birthplace of John the Baptist and the place to which Mary traveled to share her good news with Elizabeth.

February 25, 2022 Friday – This is the most important day and final day of In His Footsteps Tour. Your day begins at St. Stephen’s Gate where St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, was stoned to death. Continue to the Church of St. Anne, marking the place where the parents of the Blessed Mother Lived. Visit the nearby Pools of Bethesda, where Jesus healed the paralytic. Then, follow the Via Dolorosa, the Way of the Cross, walked by Our lord on the way to His Crucifixion; pass by the Ecce Homo Arch, the site where Pontius Pilate presented Our Lord to the Crowds. Next, Visit the Western Wall of the Temple before stopping at the Garden Tomb, the possible site of the garden of Joseph of Arimathea and site of the resurrection of Jesus. Our Tour is now complete with the Taking of Communion at the Garden Tomb.

Wailing Wall Garden Tomb February 26, 2022 Saturday – After Breakfast, Load up our Luggage for the trip back to the U.S.A. Today is a bonus as we have all day to tour some historic sites and a visit to the Holocaust Museum as well as Roman Aqueduct and Theatre at Caesarea, a center of the early Christians where Cornelius became the first Gentile convert to the new covenant by St. Peter; and where Paul was imprisoned before being taken to Rome for Trial. We will have a Farewell Dinner (not included) together for the last time and then will be transferred to Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv to board our plane for our flight back to Texas.

Rev. Johnston Via Delorosa

Mount of Olives Mt. Tabor

Stone of Unction Your Ship on the Sea of Galilee

Dome of the Rock (Temple Mount) Church of the Holy Sepulchre

In His Footsteps 4 Star Hotels

Herod’s Tel Aviv Herod’s Dead Sea

Sea of Galilee Hotel Tiberias Leonardo Plaza Hotel Jerusalem Cost Detail & Host & Company Information:

$2295 Land Portion per person double occupancy; Single Supplement $950

Group Round Trip Airfare $902 per person. Outbound: nonstop DFW to TLV AA0018 Feb 18 9PM arrive TLV Feb 19 6PM.

Return: depart TLV AA0053 11:55 pm Feb 26 arrive Miami 6:50 am Feb 27 connect to AA2808 depart MIA 9:30am arrive DFW 11:39 am. (2hr 40 min. connection time to go through customs)

Group Travel Protection: $189 per person

Guaranteed Departure with 22 people; maximum 52 people.

Tour Cost includes all ground transportation, airport transfers in Israel, all hotels, all the breakfasts and dinners at hotels, English speaking Christian Guide, and roundtrip Airfare on American Airlines.

Not included: Lunches, gratuity for Guide and Driver, travel protection. Host: Rev. Brady Johnston - First United Methodist Church Midlothian Note: There is a lot of walking some on rough terrain and uneven ground and many many Stairs. Comfortable shoes a must. Clothing should be casual, no dress clothes needed. Not necessary to convert any funds to currency of Israel. Be sure to carry several 1’s & 5’s USD. Bring light jacket & rain cap/head cover. Bring Camera, camera batteries, phone charger, electrical adaptor type H. There is free Wi-Fi at hotels & on tour bus. Ladies & Men, Shorts not appropriate for this tour. Bring a Bathing suit for Baptism and floating Dead Sea. Ladies head coverings required in churches.

All components of the in His Footsteps Tour of the Holy Land: Hotels, Bus, Guide, Airfare, Insurance, provided and contracted by Fred & Carol’s Traveltime. Payment Schedule:

Payment #1 is a Deposit of $500 per person by personal check to reserve your place plus the amount for Chubb Group Deluxe Travel Protection is $189 per person and a properly filled out application form AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Payment #2 by August 15, 2021 is $1000 per person. No refunds after August 15 except by covered Insurance claim.

Payment #3 or Final Payment is due November 15, 2021. No Credit Card Payments accepted. Make All Checks Payable to: Fred & Carol’s Traveltime, 811 Sherwood Ct., Midlothian, TX 76065