Student Impressions – Croatia

Hello my name is Nino. I’m student from Croatia and member of Erasmus+ team. Last week I was in Bulgaria. The time we spent there was beautiful. We were visiting , , Knezha, Brenitsa... most of that time we spent in school in Brenitsa. In school we saw traditional Bulgarian dances, songs and we ate traditional Bulgarian food. Also we played some games like football, table tennis, chess, basketball. Also we talk about bullying and films about bullying problems we watched in our schools. I tried to learn about culture of all 5 countries which takes part in Erasmus and I hanged out mostly with students from Portugal. I didn’t have problems with communication and also it was very easy to speak with Bulgarians because I can understand them on my language. Last two days we spent in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Sofia was stunning and I really liked it. I think Erasmus is great thing because we can learn about culture of other countries, we can reduce some problems like bullying, and we can learn to take care about our country or city because in Bulgaria I saw some things which shocked me and now I respect more things i have because I know some peoples there have a lot less than me. And at the and i’m very happy to be part of Erasmus. Nino Ljubas, 8th grade

Bulgaria was really fun, it had a lot of fun activities and places visited. I especially loved the panorama in Pleven which was stunning and realistic. I really love history so I enjoyed that part where the guidee was talking about Bulgarian fight for freedom against the Ottoman Empire with the help of the Russians. The cave „Eyes of the God“ was really cool and fun to climb around. But the most fun time I had were deffinetly the games like table tennis and football. Although I love table tennis the football tournement was the best and most anticipated part of my time in Bulgaria. Luckily France wasn't apart of this Erasmus+ or othervise it would have been a lot more sweatier tournament. Our time in Sofia was great we had a great time in the city, we saw a lot of monuments that were beautifull, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was just beautiful and really grand. Overall, I really loved my time in Bulgaria and something that inspired me is that despite the poverty of the Bulgarian people they all seem so happy and nice, as if they have everything in the world. Roko Tojčić, 8th grade



Bulgaria is nice country with beautiful environment. For me, it was great experience. It was well organised and fun and food was delicious. Sport games were great idea because we(pupils) can spend more time together. Pleven and Sofia are beautiful cities. I hope I will come back again and see it one more time.

Jakov Medvidović, 8th grade

Erasmus + project, experience in Bulgaria


The trip to Bulgaria wasn't very short as we thought it will be but we have thankfully made it safe. The first night at the hotel was good, we packed ourselves, put the things that we needed in the right place and went to sleep.


In the morning we went on breakfast, we met our new friends from other countries and ate. After that we all went to our rooms to get ready for the trip to Bulgarian school. While entering in the yard we saw many people with Portugal, Bulgarian, Italian, Croatian and Lithuanian flags. It was very nice to see them happily waving with flags. While entering in the school we had to take a peace of bread, put it into honey and than dip it into traditional Bulgarian spice. We went around the school to see where will we spend most of our time. The school is old-fashioned but it is interesting too! After that we went to one class that was dedicated to all Erasmus+ teachers and children that took part in this project. Everybody sat on their chair in front of every chair there was a name and surname of the pupil and the teacher. We sat there and talked. We played games and hung around. Then we had lunch at the school canteen that was a chance in wich we could know eachother better. We had much un in canteen, we learnt the traditional Bulgarian dances, we were talking jokes etc. When it all finished we went back to the hotel to have dinner. We ate our dinner, some of us stayed a bit more outside of the hotel and hung around, played games and talked jokes.


Wednesday was a very fun day, we went to the cave "The eyes of God", we went to Pleven to the Panorama, we went to Panorama mall and after that we went around the town to see what is the town like. We had some free time when we went to the hotel and than had dinner.


We were suposed to play football on this day, but because of weather conditions we had to switch the sports from friday and thursday. We played table tennis, chess and other board games, we had a lot of fun while playing it. We went to Knezha to visit the mayor and to see the town. We went back to the hotel and had some free time. After that we went to the Hibrid restoraunt, had fun, danced, talked etc.


At the friday we played football with forgein countries. Croatian team won on penalties. After that we played basketball, volleyball, and badminton. After that we had lunch at the canteen, we visited Zoo at Knezha. We planned the next meeting, recived certificates and than travelled back to had free time and had dinner.


We went to Sofia in the morning. When we got there we visited the temple monument"St. Alexander Nevsky, we went to visit the Parlament, the National theater "Ivan Vazov", the National parlament of Culture. Then we had lunch and free time in the city. After finishing all that we went to our new hotel, had fun, dinner and sayed goodbye to our friends because we had to leave early in the morning.


The day when we had to say goodbye to Bulgaria. I personally had a lot of fun travelling and meeting new places and people. When we came to Croatia we went to our teacher's parents so we can have a lunch. The food was excellent, the atfosmere and everything was great in our homeland. We went around Bilje to see where did our teacher spend his childhood the place is quiet and comfortable and there is so much nature. In fact everything was great.

Nikša Lubina, 7th grade