180-Degree Rule, 183 3D Studio Max, 53, 120 Aarseth, Espen, 120
Index 180-degree rule, 183 Biofeedback, 116, 231 – 233 3D Studio Max, 53, 120 Bittorrent, 258 Blizzcon, 184 Aarseth, Espen, 120, 213, 264, 307 Bolter, Jay, 180, 262 Academy of Machinima Arts and Sciences Brecht, Berthold, 47, 159– 160, 198 – 200 (AMAS), viii, 28, 39, 131 Bundespr ü fstelle f ü r jugendgef ä hrdende Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Medien (BPjM), 258 39 Adaptation, 156, 301, 311, 317 Cameron, James, 79 Adobe Premiere , 45 – 46, 133 Carmack, John, 6 – 7, 10, 305 Adorno, Theodor, 159, 168 Character animation, 61, 65, 74, 100, 104. Agamben, Giorgio, 160 – 163, 168 – 169 See also Puppets Animation (traditional), 34, 57, 65, 83 – 84, Crosby, Chris (aka NoSkill), 8 114, 127 Cinema v é rit é , 13, 189 Anime, 37, 73, 149, 190, 331 Cinematography, 75 – 79, 82, 84 – 85, 88, 132, Anymation, 34, 114 160, 163, 182, 187, 207, 250 Arcade (games), 119, 162, 249 Clockwork Orange (fi lm), 227 Arcangel, Cory, 115, 123 Comedy (genre), 27, 144, 148, 190 Aristotle 160, 199, 303 Compositing (rendering), 4, 6, 16, 21, 77, 80, Artifi cial Intelligence (AI), 81, 97, 128, 186, 85, 205 266 – 268, 291 Condon, Brody, 115, 123, 303 Auslander, Phil, 117, 127 – 128, 133, Constructive play, 246 – 247. See also Piaget, 139 Jean Convergence, 38, 253, 302, 331 Baron Soosdon, 3, 17 – 18, 20 Convergence culture, 38, 241 Benjamin, Walter, 160 Copyright, 169, 316 – 317, 321 – 329 Bal á zs, B é la, 177, 179, 181 Cross-media, 302, 305. See also Transmedia Baran, Stanley, 260 – 262 Cut-scene, 120, 160, 191, 262, 267– 270, Battlefi eld (game series), 31 293 Bazin, Andr é , 199 – 201, 207 Cyberfeminism, 278 Beck, Dave, 315 – 331 Cyborg, 80, 210, 278, 304 342 Index Dance.
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