The Orchestra- NAME ______PERCUSSION Worksheet Section: ______

1. Percussion instruments are so old that they date back to ______man.

2. There are three possible ways to create a sound on a percussion instrument. They are: (the three S's) ______, ______, or ______.

3. The set of large that can be tuned to specific pitches are called the ______. They change their pitch by the use of a ______. 4. The more the drumhead is tightened the ______the pitch will sound. 5. Like the trombone, the can make a sliding sound called a ______. 6. Timpani were the first and the most important of the percussion to join the orchestra. Classical composers like Haydn and Mozart usually used only two timpani, but the modern orchestra usually uses a set of ______timpani. 7. Except for the timpani, the most common percussion instruments did not join the orchestra until the 1750's (mid 18th century). The seven most frequently used percussion instruments of the orchestra are the: ______

8. The xylophone, ______and ______joined the orchestra in the 19th and 20th centuries. 9. Many people think that drums are always played loudly, but they can also be very effective when played ______. 10. Hard mallets produce (staccato) ______attacks and soft mallets produce (legato) ______attacks on percussion instruments. 11. The bars on a xylophone are made of (compound word) ______and have (tubes) ______under each bar to amplify (make louder) the sound. 12. Another name for the orchestra bells is the ______. It has metal bars made of ______. 13. Cymbals are made of ______. 14. Another name for the gong is a ______. It is played with a ______. 15. Drumheads used to be made of calfskin, but now, most are made of ______. 16. The ______drum is a small drum played with wooden sticks and is easily recognized because of the metal wires stretched across the underside of the drum. It helps the drum produce a long consistent sound called a drum ______. 17. The ______looks like a small piano but sounds like a glockenspiel. 18. The vibraphone looks like the combination of a xylophone and glockenspiel. It has ______bars and it regulates its tone with the use of an electric ______. 19. The chimes are long metal tubes which sound like bells and are played with a small rawhide ______. 20. Woodblocks make only one sound. Although they do NOT have definite pitches, a set of ______can make high and low sounds.

List these instruments according to their type: timpani, gong, xylophone, , triangle, piano, bass drum, celesta, cymbals, chimes, glockenspiel, , temple blocks, marimba, castanets, vibraphone.

Pitched Percussion Non-Pitched Percussion ______