NATIONAL NATIONAL Office holdsth 7 Waso Robe Jewelries, over K300 mln donated to donation ceremony Eternal Peace Pagoda construction PAGE-3 PAGE-3

Vol. VI, No. 121, 1st Waning of Wagaung 1381 ME Friday, 16 August 2019 debates Public Accounts Report, approves 4th Bill Amending Union Judiciary Law

THE 12th-day meeting of the Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session was held at Pyidaungsu Hluttaw meeting hall yesterday.

Hluttaw discusses Joint Pub- lic Accounts Committee re- port 11/2019

The first agenda of the day was Hluttaw representatives discuss- ing Joint Public Accounts Com- mittee report 11/2019 about the findings on Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Union Budget Law. U Kyaw Htwe of Yangon Re- gion constituency 8, U Tin Tun Naing of Seikkyi-Khanaungto constituency, Daw Khin Soe Soe Kyi of Pyay constituency, U Ba Myo Thein of constituency 5, U Khin Cho of Hlaingbwe constituency, Naw Hla Hla Soe of Yangon Region constituency 10, Daw Shwe Shwe Sein Latt of Bago Region constit- uency 3, Daw Cho Cho of Ottwin Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session is being convened in Nay Pyi Taw on 15 August 2019. PHOTO: MNA constituency, U Tun Tun Oo of Mandalay Region constituency nounced that Hluttaw represent- President to sign into law. Bill Amending the Constitution President. 2, U Khin Win of Magway Region atives remaining to discuss the Therefore the bill was deem for the second time. Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speak- constituency 2, U Yan Lin of Kyai- report will do so in the following to be approved by Pyidaungsu Following this Pyidaungsu er then sought the decision of klat constituency, Naw Chris Tun Hluttaw meetings. Hluttaw and an announcement Hluttaw Speaker announced for the Hluttaw to approve the bill @ Dr Arr Kar Moe of Kayin State was made of putting the matter Hluttaw representatives who paragraph by paragraph. An constituency 7, U Myint Kyi of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw ap- on record. want to discuss the report to announcement was made that Katha constituency, Dr Khun Win proves the Fourth Bill register their names. amendments to the bill will be Thaung of Kachin State constit- Amending the Union Judi- Joint Committee report on made according to decisions of uency 11, U Win Htut of Pyapon ciary Law 2nd Bill Amending the Con- Land Confiscation Bill ap- the Hluttaw on the remark of the constituency, U Mya Min Swe of stitution proved President and will be returned Magway Region constituency 9, Next, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw to President according to Py- Dr Win Myint of Bago Region Speaker informed the Hluttaw Secretary of Joint Commit- As a final agenda of the idaungsu Hluttaw rule. constituency 11 and Daw Wint that Amyotha Hluttaw started tee to Scrutinize the Second Bill day Joint Bill Committee Joint The 13th-day meeting of Sec- War Tun of Shadaw constituency the discussion on the Fourth Bill Amending the Constitution Dr Secretary Dr Myat Nyana Soe ond Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 13th discussed the report. Amending the Union Judiciary Myat Nyana Soe then read and tabled a motion to approve by regular session will convene on 19 After the discussion Py- Law and the bill agreed by the explained the committee report paragraph the Land Confiscation August.— Mawsi, Hmwe Kyu Zin idaungsu Hluttaw Speaker an- two Hluttaws were sent to the and findings on scrutinizing the Bill returned with remarks of the (Translated by Zaw Min)


NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL ULA/AA support- Union Minister U Min AA, TNLA, MNDAA Farm tractors to be ers taken to court Thu meets GAD staff of attack on DSTA in sold by installment in for assisting AA Mandalay Region Pyin Oo Lwin, other Bago Region areas in Nawnghkio PAGE-2 PAGE-5 PAGE-4 PAGE-6 16 AUGUST 2019 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill Committee holds meeting

PYIDAUNGSU Hluttaw Joint Joint Public Accounts Commit- Bill Committee held a meeting tee U Tun Aung (a) U Tun Tun at its office in Nay Pyi Taw yes- Hein, Deputy Chairmen, secre- terday. The committee discussed tary, joint secretary and mem- 2019-2020 Union Budget Bill and bers of the Joint Bill Committee, National Planning Bill for 2019- Vice Chairman and Secretary of 2020 financial year sent by the Joint Public Accounts Commit- Union Government. tee and officials from Ministry The meeting was attend- of Planning and Finance, Office ed by Deputy Speaker of Py- of the Union Attornet-General idaungsu Hluttaw and Chairman and the Hluttaw office.—MNA Members of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill Committee meet in Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s Office in Nay Pyi Taw of the Joint Bill Committee and (Translated by TTN) yesterday. PHOTO: MNA

Pyithu Hluttaw committee checks government’s pledges

THE Government’s Guarantees, and pledges made during the Pledges and Undertakings Vet- first to twelfth regular sessions ting Committee of the Pyithu of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw. He Hluttaw held a coordination also asked them to brief on their meeting with officials from ongoing processes. Union-level institutions, the 29 Next, the committee mem- union ministries and 12 state/ bers discussed on the approved regional government offices in motions and pledges that the Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. ministries have completed, are Firstly, committee secretary still in process or yet to begin. U Zone Teint asked the minis- They then responded to expla- tries to provide the committee nations from the various minis- with documents and photos of tries.—MNA (Translated by Government’s Guarantees, Pledges and Undertakings Vetting Committee of the Pyithu Hluttaw holds at the the completed approved motions Zaw Htet Oo) coordination meeting in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA

Parliamentary committee meets government officials GOVERNMENT’S Guarantees, motions and pledges that were Pledges and Undertakings approved during 12th regular Vetting Committee of Amyo- meetings of second Amyotha tha Hluttaw held second—day Hluttaw and asked the officials coordination meeting with the relevant questions. officials from Union Ministries The meeting was also at the Amyotha Hluttaw build- attended by Secretary of the ing in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. committee U Kyaw Ni Naing, During the meeting, Commit- committee members, and offi- tee’s Chairman U Thein Swe cials from the ministries and Government’s Guarantees, Pledges and Undertakings Vetting Committee of Amyotha Hluttaw Chairman made an opening remark. The Amyotha Hluttaw office.—MNA U Thein Swe delivers the opening speech at the meeting in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA committee members discussed (Translated by TTN)

ULA/AA supporters taken to court for assisting AA NINE members of the United AA on 7 April without acquiring collected funds for the ULA/AA gathering Rakhine workers in certain performances. In addi- League of Arakan ULA/AA are permission from relevant au- headquarters, purchased drone Singapore on April 2017 and held tion, the Arakan Association Sin- facing criminal charges for vio- thorities. In addition, they also cameras, computers and other anniversaries for the formation of gapore (AASG) was established lating Sections 50 (j) and 52 (a) of persuaded Rakhine workers in technology from Singapore and the ULA/AA and events concern- in 2011 and appointed Hein Zaw The Counter-Terrorism Law for Singapore to donate money for delivered them to AA family mem- ing the supposed fall of Rakhine as its Chairman and Aye Myat establishing ULA/AA groups and the AA group. Myanmar police bers and supporters in monaster- sovereignty. Tun Myat Naing Mon as Vice-Chairman earlier providing support to said group arrested the deported Aung Myat ies of MraukU, Kyauktaw, Pon- would also deliver live speeches in April this year in a 17-member engaged in acts threatening the Kyaw and related members on 12 nagyun and Minbya townships. via Skype at these events. One of group. They persuaded Rakhine rule of law, according to Myanmar July for interrogation. Aung Myat Kyaw also opened the events in 2017 was attended by workers in Singapore to donate to Police Force. According to MPF, the Singa- the website to assist the leader of the Thai-based ULA/ the ULA/AA. For these reasons, The suspects include the pore-based ULA/AA group was ULA/AA and formed a WhatsApp AA group Aye Tun (a) Tun Min Aung Myat Kyaw and eight other former leader of the Singa- established in 2015 and Aung group named Blooded Brother Naing, Kyaw Han from the AA related suspects have been sued pore-based ULA/AA group, Aung Myat Kyaw, who is also the young- and a Viber group named ULA/ group, and a few Rakhine writers at the Yangon Western District Myat Kyaw (a) Tun Aung Naing, er brother of AA leader Tun Myat AA World to provide news in real from Myanmar who proceeded Court. Police are continuing in- and were deported by the Singa- Naing, joined the group a year lat- time. Their group also persuaded to organize and gather support vestigations for additional co-con- porean Ministry of Home Affairs er together with three other men and recruited people to join AA for the group there. They also spirators.—MNA on 10 July for organizing a 10th identified as Tun Aye, Than Htun and sent them to the AA head- ridiculed the Union government Anniversary event for the ULA/ Naing and Soe Soe . Their group quarters in Laiza. They began and Tatmadaw of Myanmar in (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo) 16 AUGUST 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Amyotha Hluttaw Office holds 7th Waso Robe donation ceremony

AMYOTHA HLUTTAW Office The ceremony was attend- held 7th Waso Robe Donation ed by Nant Kyin Kyi, wife of Ceremony at the Hluttaw Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker, Building in Nay Pyi Taw yes- Deputy Speaker of Amyotha terday. Hluttaw U Aye Tha Aung and At the ceremony, the con- families of the staff of the of- gregation received the Five fice. —MNA Precepts from Sayadaw Ab- hidhaja Maha Rattha Guru (Translated by GNLM) Dr Bhaddanta Kavisara of the Maha Withutarama Zegon Monastery in Pyinmana. Following the recitation Deputy Speaker of Amyotha of Parittas by the Members of Hluttaw U Aye Tha Aung offers Waso robe to Sayadaw the Sangha, the congregation at the 7th Waso Robe donation presented the offertories in- ceremony in Nay Pyi Taw cluding robes to the Members yesterday. PHOTO: MNA of Sangha. Jewelries, over K300 mln donated to Eternal Peace Pagoda construction

A SIXTH ceremony to donate Before the donation ses- cash for construction of the sion, the Union Minister pre- Eternal Peace Pagoda, which sented offertories to the Sayad- is under construction in Nay aw. Pyi Taw, was held at the Wizaya Afterwards, 25 donors pre- Mingalar Dhamma Thabin Hall sented jewelries and over K300 at the KabaAye Hill in Yangon Million for the construction of yesterday. the pagoda through the Union The ceremony launched Minister, Yangon Region Hlut- with the congregation led by taw deputy speaker and officials. Union Minister for Religious The ceremony came to an Affairs and Culture Thura U end with a sermon by Sayadaw Aung Ko receiving the Nine Ashin Sanda Dika. —MNA Union Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture Thura U Aung Ko accepts cash donation for the construction Precepts from Sayadaw Ashin of the Eternal Peace Pagoda at the ceremony in Yangon yesterday. PHOTO: MNA Sanda Dika. (Translated by TTN) SWRR Minister receives Indian Amb, ARMAC separately

DR WIN MYAT AYE, Union Min- ister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, held separate meetings with Indian Ambas- sador Mr Saurabh Kumar and a delegation from the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC) at his ministry yes- terday. During the meeting with the Ambassador, they discussed how India’s government is cooperat- ing with the Ministry of Industry to conduct industrial skill-related courses to local residents in Pa- Union Minister Dr Win Myat Aye separately meets with Indian Ambassador Mr Saurabh Kumar and a delegation from the ASEAN Regional Mine kokku and Myingyan, organizing Action Center (ARMAC) in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA similar short-term and long- term courses in Rakhine State, develop Rakhine State with a WRR’s assistance in future ing aid and rehabilitation assis- the resettlement phase of the and the implementation of the budget of US$5 million per year. projects, the ministry’s current tance to landmine victims, and national-level strategy to close five-year collaboration project During the meeting with awareness campaigns on the cooperating with ARMAC on down IDP camps. —MNA between Myanmar and India to ARMAC, they discussed MoS- dangers of landmines, provid- landmine-related tasks during (Translated by Zaw Htet 16 AUGUST 2019 4 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR AA, TNLA, MNDAA attack on DSTA in Pyin Oo Lwin, other areas in Nawnghkio

Vehicles destroyed by AA, TNLA and MNDAA near Asia World Toll Gate Nawnghkio Township on 15 August 2019. Gote Twin Police Station in Nawnghkio Township was destroyed in the PHOTO: OFFICE OF THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF attack. PHOTO: OFFICE OF THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF

Gote Twin Bridge in Nawnghkio Township was sabotaged on 15 August 2019. PHOTO: OFFICE OF THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF DEFENCE SERVICES

DEFENCE Services Technolo- Police Force lost 17 small arms, inspection gate with rocket pro- rockets connected with wires to and Myanmar Police Force, the gy Academy (DSTA) in Pyin Oo six magazines, 1,312 bullets, a pelled grenades (RPGs); Gote a battery prepared by AA/TNLA/ incident was AA/TNLA/MNDAA Lwin, Mandalay Region, Pyin narcotic detector, a chemical de- Twin Police Station in Nawng- MNDAA were found on the east conducting attacks and sabotage Oo Lwin toll gate, Gote Twin tector and four Walkie Talkies. hkio Township, Nawnghkio toll side of Pyin Oo Lwin-Lashio to threaten the rule of law in re- Police Station in Nawnghkio Three cars were destroyed and gate and a battalion headquar- Road east of DSTA. sponse to the seizure of drugs Township, Nawnghkio toll gate, the floor of Gote Twin Bridge was ters were fired on simultane- There were armed engage- and drug making accessories a narcotic inspection gate and sabotaged, preventing vehicle ously by a combined AA, TNLA ment with Tatmadaw columns worth more than K16 billion a battalion headquarters came traffic over the bridge. and MNDAA armed group at near Nawnghkio narcotic inspec- in Kutkai Township in 25 July; under small and heavy arm fire In the incident DSTA in about 5:30 am, and the Tatmad- tion gate and Gote Twin Police seizure of drugs worth about by a combined AA, TNLA and Pyin Oo Lwin was fired on by aw troops returned fire. Station. Of the wounded, five in- K 5 billion, ammunitions and MNDAA armed group at about 107 mm rockets from the east of As soon as the incident oc- nocent civilians and one police related accessories in Rakhine 5:30 am yesterday morning. Due the academy on the east side of curred, Tatmadaw columns rein- personnel were being treated at State Yathedaung Township in 8 to the attack two innocent civil- Pyin Oo Lwin-Lashio road; two forced Gote Twin Police Station, Pyin Oo Lwin People’s Hospital. August; mounting casualties and ians and three policemen were AA/TNLA/MNDAA personnel in Nawnghkio toll gate and Asia According to news released military losses of AA in Rakhine killed, 10 innocent civilians and civilian clothes on a car fired on World toll gate. While clearing by Office of the Command- State.—MNA two policemen wounded. The Asia World Toll Gate and narcotic the area six Type 63 107 mm er-in-Chief of Defence Services (Translated by Zaw Min) 16 AUGUST 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 5 Union Minister U Min Thu meets GAD staff of Mandalay Region

THE Union Minister for the Of- to form a committee to oversee fice of the Union Government, the capacity building of the in- U Min Thu, met with staff of the stitute and also have plans to Mandalay Region General Ad- send staff members on training ministration Department at the courses abroad. He said their first regional cabinet’s meeting hall plan in that regard was to send a yesterday. hundred gazetted government Firstly, the Deputy Direc- employees on two-week or three- tor-General of the Mandalay week training courses to Japan Region GAD, U Myint Lwin, ex- in five batches. plained about their processes Proposed plans for next and performances. The Union three months Minister then delivered a speech. The Union Minister said his GAD’s history ministry had already approved The Union Minister said the four work programmes for Myanmar had passed through their third three-month period. six forms of government admin- The first programme was for the istrations since achieving inde- GAD to compile a comprehensive pendence yet the main mecha- electoral roll to ensure all eligible nism behind them had always voters could cast their ballot in been the GAD. He said the in- the 2020 General Elections. cumbent government has formu- Union Minister for the Office of the Union Government, U Min Thu, speaks with staff of Mandalay Region The second programme was lated the Myanmar Sustainable General Administration Department in Mandalay yesterday. PHOTO: MNA to complete the cases accepted Development Plan (MSDP) to by the Committee for Scrutinizing establish a Democratic Federal any necessary amendments to step towards that has been taken statement as ‘Building a good ad- Confiscated Farmlands and Oth- Republic. existing laws, bylaws, rules, reg- in the form of the One State-One ministrative mechanism centred er Lands in the allotted time peri- The MSDP had three pillars ulations and directives in order Township Project, which was on the people’ said the Union od. The third programme was to and the first goal of Pillar I was to be relevant to present times, linked with the MSDP. Minister. He said the GAD was improve the quality of OSS offices, peace, national reconciliation, said the Union Minister, adding The Union Minister said the main department that could reduce unnecessary procedures security and good governance, that they would form the Regu- they were arranging a second instil coexistence and harmony and implement a mobile OSS ser- said the Union Minister. He said latory Review Unit in the first workshop in late August to follow among society, as well as pre- vice. The fourth programme was the GAD was transferred to the step towards that aim. up on implementing the three venting conflicts early on. to provide basic training for ward/ Ministry of Office of the Union He said the second aim was aforementioned aims. He said The Union Minister said village level clerks and to produce Government in December last to reform the administrative the second workshop would GAD staff need to be skilled to and distribute a similar level staff year to achieve that purpose. system and they have already focus on reducing restrictions the highest calibre as they have manual. Three aims of GAD formed the Managerial Reform to pave the way for reforms, been tasked with not only ad- The Union Minister urged He said the GAD has des- Unit for that purpose. He said emergence of a transparent ad- ministrating public affairs, but GAD staff to participate in the ignated three prioritized aims it would draft and publish ad- ministrative system and service also liaising between the differ- reforms and perform their du- in a workshop aiming towards ministrative manuals from the system, and drawing up long- ent government departments. ties with enthusiasm and honesty decentralization, emergence of a village-level to the district-level. term and short-term projects for He said this was why they were while putting the interest of the good public-centred administra- The third aim, said the Un- effective regional development putting the project to upgrade the people first. He then cordially tive system, and development of ion Minister, was implementing projects. Institute of Development Admin- greeted the GAD staff in attend- skilled human resources. people-centred regional develop- Vision of the GAD istration as a top priority. ance.—MNA (Translated by The first aim was to make ment projects. He said the first The GAD had set its vision He said they were planning Zaw Htet Oo)

Newsletter: African Swine Fever

1. Twelve pigs in Wan New village, Panseng village-tract, Mongla Township, a. Be extra vigilant in the biosecurity of pig farms. Special Area 4, Kengtung District, Shan State, died of a suspicious swine-re- b. Regularly spray pesticide on pig farms and disinfect slaughterhouses. lated disease between the 1st to 6th of August, 2019. The Livestock Breeding c. Do not feed domestic pigs leftovers with pork from restaurants. & Veterinary Department acquired samples from the deceased pigs on 9th d. Do not use equipment from other farms and restrict personnel entry. August and performed lab tests using real time RT-PCR technology on them e. Rear pigs of the same age group together and ensure quality humidity and in Yangon and Mandalay’s veterinary diagnostic laboratories. The results breeze. showed the cause to be a strain of the African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV). f. Purchase pigs from safe, reliable farms. Separate the pigs with those of 2. ASFV causes high death rates among domesticated and wild pigs and currently your own farm until you are sure they are free of the virus. has no antibiotics or cure. If the onset of the virus is confirmed, the validated g. Do not purchase pigs and pork-related products (e.g. pork jerky, bacon, farm has to be stamped out to prevent it from spreading, along with spraying sausages) from affected countries that have been illegally imported into pesticides and restricting the export of pigs and their related products from Myanmar. the affected area. ASFV began spreading in China on 3rd August, 2019 and h. Prevent wild pigs and domesticated ones from coming into contact. has lead authorities to dispose of 1,160,000 pigs. Similarly, Mongolia had to i. Do not dispose the carcass of pigs which have died from infection into dispose of 3,115 pigs after the virus spread on 15th January this year and Viet rivers or lakes. Nam had to dispose of 3,700,000 pigs since 19th February. Thus, the virus has j. If wild and domesticate pigs in your area suddenly die of unexplained caused untold losses to the pig farming businesses. However, the virus cannot causes, immediately contact your local administrator, Livestock Breeding be transmitted to humans. & Veterinary Department or the Myanmar Livestock Federation. 3. The Livestock Breeding & Veterinary Department has been cooperating with k. Cooperate with relevant departments and organizations in implementing regional organizations and sends reports to the World Organization for Animal preventive measures and medical examinations. Health (OIE). Livestock Breeding & Veterinary Department 4. We urge areas unaffected by ASFV to take the following precautions in order Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation to prevent its spread: (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo) 16 AUGUST 2019 6 LOCAL NEWS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Farm tractors to be sold by installment in Bago Region UNDER the agricultural devel- ACTING CHIEF EDITOR opment program of the Ministry Aye Min Soe of Agriculture, Livestock and Ir- [email protected] rigation, the Agricultural Mecha- SENIOR EDITORIAL CONSULTANT nization Department (AMD) will Kyaw Myaing sell farm tractors to be paid in installments, in cooperation with SENIOR TRANSLATORS Zaw Min a private company. Zaw Htet Oo SONALIKA tractors and ac- Win Ko Ko Aung cessories handed over tractors to

INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR farmers during a ceremony held Ye Htut Tin, on 15 August at No12 Station of [email protected] Agricultural Mechanization De- partment in Nyaunglebin Town- LOCAL NEWS EDITORS Tun Tun Naing (Editor), ship in Bago Region. [email protected] The ceremony was attend- Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor), ed by Bago Region Agriculture, [email protected] Livestock and Irrigation Minis- TRANSLATORS ter U Aung Zaw Naing, Regional Hay Mar Tin Win, Hluttaw representative U Nyi Nyi Bago Region argiculatural officials observe tractors at the handing-over ceremony on 15 August at No.12 Ei Myat Mon Agricultural Mechanization Department camp in Nyaunglebin Township. PHOTO: YE MYANMAR Htway, Agricultural Mechaniza- Kyaw Zin Lin Kyaw Zin Tun tion Department Deputy Direc- The Minister and officials handed worth K 34.5 million each. Local glebin townships. To qualify to tor-General U Ko Ko Maung and over the tractors and accessories farmers have to provide a 10 per purchase tractors with install- REPORTER Director U Shwe Win, Township to the local farmers, who made cent down payment, and the re- ment payments, a farmer must Nyein Nyein Ei, [email protected] Administrator U Normine Hla their purchases using the install- maining purchase price will be own up to a 10-acre farm. The Aye Yamon Oo Kyi and officials from related de- ment system. paid in seven equal installments department has sold 258 tractors partments, along with Farmers Twenty-four SONALIKA over 3 years. to local farmers using installment PHOTOGRAPHER Choice Tractor Co, Ltd Direc- tractors have been sold to local The tractors were sold to payments in Bago Region.—Ye Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar tor U Naing Oo and company farmers using installment pay- local farmers from Shwegyin, Myanmar (Nyaunglebin) COMPUTER TEAM officials, as well as local farmers. ments. The 90 HP tractors are Daik U, Waw, Minhla and Nyaun- (Translated by Hay Mar) Thein Ngwe, Zaw Zaw Aung, Ye Naing Soe, Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win, th Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe GAP mango stall to be opened at 105 mile trade zone

EDITORIAL SECTION prepare for producing GAP fruits no export of white pumpkin from (+95) (01)8604529, Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305 demanded by China and other the gate this week, according to countries,” said an officer from the wholesale fruits and vegeta- CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION the Agriculture Department. bles suppliers. San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532, Hotline - 09 974424114 The decision to open the sale Mango producers are con- center was successfully discussed tinuing their efforts to boost ADVERTISING & MARKETING during a coordination meeting production of a top-quality ( +95) (01) 8604530, held on 10 August by the Agri- standardized mango and related Hotline - 09 974424848 [email protected] cultural Department under the products, seeking new market [email protected] Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock opportunities. Roughly, there are and Irrigation at the Traders’ As- 250,000 acres of mango planta- Printed and published at the Global New Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at PHOTO: SALAI PHAN RO HTAN (IPRD) sociation Hall, Muse-Namhkam tions throughout the country and No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan border gate. 200,000 acres of plantations can Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light A sale center for mangos grown “The GAP mango sale In the period of 24-30 April, yield about 700,000 tons of man- of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. using the Good Agricultural center will allow smooth export border merchants exported about goes. Myanmar’s mangoes are 00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629. Practices-GAP will be opened of the fruit to China. By opening 2,300 tons of mangos to China sent mainly to China and India, [email protected] on the fruit stalls ground at the a GAP stall at the 105th Mile trade from the Muse gate, which also followed by Bangladesh, Thailand, 105th Mile trade zone in Muse in zone in Muse, we will be able to handled the export of over 13,000 Korea, Singapore and Japan.— Shan State (North), according grab a share in the market for tons of watermelons and 66.5 tons Salai Phan Ro Htan (IPRD) to the Agriculture Department. GAP fruits, which can help us of cucumbers, however, there was (Translated by Hay Mar)

Safety of Monywa university scientific research center to be checked

THE Building Department will the authorities to demolish the to the university on 28 February, to build the university building. check the safety of the Monywa building. For the moment, we 2014,” said Dr Zaw Win, when he They don’t have any idea about university scientific research have to move the classrooms to inspected the building on 15 Au- the foundation. They just built center so that further actions new buildings. The project was gust. “Initially, the ministry will based on their master plan,” said can be taken, said Dr Zaw Win, begun five years ago, so it is not form a team to check the build- Rector Dr Thura Oo. the Minister for Social Affairs of possible to ask the company to ing’s condition, and then report To date, the scientific re- Write for us Sagaing Regional government. take responsibility for the ren- to the Union Ministry. If we have search center has not been des-

We appreciate your feedback and “The Building Department will ovations. The building was con- to renovate the building, we will ignated as a dangerous building. contributions. If you have any comments check the physical quality of the structed by Yangon based Capital perform the repairs. The building So, it is still possible to use the or would like to submit editorials, analyses or reports please email building. We will continue to do Development Company. was constructed with the designs research center and classrooms. [email protected] things, depending upon the as- According to the contract, outsourced,” said Dr Thura Oo, The building is being used for in- with your name and title. Due to limitation of space we are only sessment of the department. At the guarantee period agreed to the Rector of Monywa University. struction in six subjects—chem- able to publish “Letter to the Editor” least, we have to do the reno- in the contract is only for two to “In 2013, thirteen classrooms istry, physics, zoology, botany, ge- that do not exceed 500 words. Should you submit a text longer than 500 words vation, I think. If it is declared three years. The building was and seven teachers’ dormitories ology and Geography.— Myo Win please be aware that your letter will be to be a dangerous building, we constructed at a cost of K 620 were built. The Building depart- Tun (Monywa) (Translated by edited. have to seek permission from million in 2013, and handed over ment had drawn up a master plan Hay Mar) 16 AUGUST 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR LOCAL BUSINESS 7 Alibaba suppliers purchase jade at Mandalay Yadanar Mall

SUPPLIERS for Alibaba have “Now, sellers can generate purchased jade at Mandalay Ya- money in a day. They purchase danar Mall located on the corner raw materials, make the finished of 78th and 34th Streets. products in the afternoon, and The mall is crowded with sell them in the evening”, he jewellery buyers and sellers af- noted. ter 4 pm, and traders run their “I like Myanmar’s jade. This businesses in the morning and is the second time that I came to afternoon at Maha Aungmye purchase directly. I have learnt jewellery market, and then how Myanmar appraises jade. I continue operating at the jade purchased jade products, includ- night market in Mandalay Ya- ing bracelets, sculpture and jew- danar Mall. ellery”, said Mr Liu Yang, CEO “The direct purchases by of Paktrade Co, Ltd, who came the big traders helps develop to purchase jade from China. the finished jewellery market. Chinese traders are often Therefore, the Yadanar Mall seen in the jewellery market. night market was expanded. So Jade is most in demand, and it does not harm the Maha Aung- the traders also buy ruby and Jade jewelleries displayed on the jewellery market in Mandalay Yadanar Mall in Mandalay. mye jewellery market, Yadanar PHOTO: KHINE SET WAI sapphire products. The mar- Mall was created to operate at ket is packed with over 300 night”, said U Thein Win, secre- lished following meetings on the lery market and attracting more ism sector and set up firm mar- Chinese, 50 foreigners and lo- tary of Mandalay Yadanar Mall. country’s increasing revenues, traders and Alibaba suppliers. It kets for locally produced jade cal traders.—Khine Set Wai The night market was estab- development of the local jewel- will also help increase the tour- and jewellery. (Translated by Ei Myat Mon) Agro export value exceeds $2.8 bln, as of 2 August Yangon Region gov’t to invite Myanmar’s exports of agricul- tural products between 1 Oc- investors for tober, 2018 and 2 August in the New Yangon current fiscal year increased to over US$2.8 billion from $2.53 project billion in the corresponding pe- riod of the 2017-2018 FY, accord- By Nyein Nyein ing to trade figures released by the Ministry of Commerce. YANGON Region is preparing In the exports sector, the to attract investors for the New agriculture industry had the Yangon City development pro- highest performance, along ject, said U Phyo Min Thein, with the natural gas sector. Yangon Region Chief Minister. The chief items of export in “New Yangon Devel- the agricultural sector are rice opment Company Limited and broken rice, pulses, corn, (NYDC) will stand as the mas- and rubber. ter developer for the New Yan- Fruits and vegetables, ses- gon City development project. ame, dried tea leaves, sugar, We are preparing to attract and other agro products are investors”, said U Phyo Min also exported to other coun- Thein. tries. China Communications Myanmar agro products and Construction Company are primarily exported to Chi- (CCCC) is calculating project Farmers unloading harvested corn from a vehicle at a local market in NyaungU. na, Singapore, Malaysia, the costs. PHOTO : KO HTEIN (NGATHAYAUK) Philippines, Bangladesh, In- “Upon the results of the dia, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. the quality of the fruits, said Additionally, the country meet production targets, said project cost estimation, we will However, the export market an official from the Myanmar requires specific export plans an official from the Agriculture call for tenders to invite inves- remains uncertain due to un- Fruit, Flower and Vegetable for each agro product, as they Department. tors”, he said. steady global demand. producer and exporter associ- are currently exported to exter- The Commerce Ministry is “We are planning the land Myanmar is faced with ation (MFVP). nal markets based upon supply working to help farmers deal compensation for farmers, as slower access to market in- According to the Myanmar and demand. with challenges, such as high 80 per cent of the farmlands formation, sometimes caus- Rice Federation, quality control Contract farming systems, input costs, procurement of have been acquired for the ing obstacles in the market. and food safety are key to the including regional and state ag- pedigree seeds, high cultiva- project. We will relocate those Moreover, the country has poor promotion of exports. There- riculture departments, export- tion costs, and erratic weather displaced farmers on urban logistics and warehouse infra- fore, improved agricultural ers, traders and some grower conditions.—Ko Htet lands”, he added. The NYDC structure, thereby degrading practices need to be developed. groups, are required in order to (Translated by EMM) is 100-per cent owned by the Yangon Regional Government. Its vision is to develop the Yan- gon Myanmar’s “Productive City, Livable City”, and create an estimated 2 million jobs. Call Thin Thin May, 09251022355,09974424848 (Translated by Ei Myat Mon) 16 AUGUST 2019 16 AUGUST 2019 8 OPINION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR ARTICLE 9

Stop plastic crisis Republic of the Union of Myanmar Office of the President What trigger the landslides? Order 36/2019 before it gets 15th Waxing of Wagaung, 1381 ME By Khin Maung Myint 15 August, 2019 worse FEW days ago, there become blocked or closed due to was a very fatal land- collapsed pavement or debris. If Appointment of Deputy slide at Thaè Phyu landslide or debris flow danger MONG several challenges that the world is facing A Gone village in Paung is imminent, quickly move away Minister today due to environmental pollution, air pollution township, Mon State. According from the path of the slide. Getting and plastic pollution crises should be tackled as soon to the latest reports as at 1813 out of the path of a debris flow is In accordance with the provisions stated in article 234 Aas possible. hrs., 11 August, the death toll had your best protection. Move to the section (a) (d) of the Constitution of the Republic of the Union World Environment Day operated under the theme, “Beat reached nearly 70, and the search nearest high ground in a direction of Myanmar and section 16 (b) sub-section (9) of the Union Plastic Pollution” for 2018 and “Beat Air Pollution” for 2019, is still going on. This could be the away from the path. If rocks and Government Law, Dr Min Ye Paing Hein has been appointed highlighting the two crises we are experiencing today, and worst landslides in our country. debris are approaching, run for the as Deputy Minister for Industry. ringing alarm bells throughout the world. Landslides used to occur in the nearest shelter and take cover, if With increasing populations in cities, wastes, including mountainous regions, especially in possible, under a desk, table, or Sd/ plastics thrown away by people, have damaged the beauty of the Kachin, Chin and Shan states. other piece of sturdy furniture. Win Myint the environment and health of the people, and have caused There may be some other places, After a landslide or debris President flooding when it blocks drain channels. but as I have no time to research, I flow - Stay away from the site. Republic of the Union of Myanmar Also, a lack of systematic garbage management has result- may have missed something here. Flooding or additional slides may ed in people throwing plastics and other waste on roads and As my intention is to write about occur after a landslide or mud- in rivers. Additionally, the incineration of plastics and other the causes behind the landslides flow. Check for injured or trapped waste has caused air pollution. This shows that the lack of and how to protect them, the loca- people near the affected area, if a garbage management system is leading directly to air and tions may not count much. it is possible to do so without en- Appointment of water pollution in Myanmar. tering the path of the landslide or We have witnessed how What is a landslide? mudflow. Listen to the radio or Ambassador agreed on floods in cities are entirely A landslide is a geological pro- TV for emergency information. with the right man made, with plastic clog- cess where the gravity caused the Report broken utility lines to the The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar has ging street drains. Poorly masses of earth and debris to fall appropriate authorities. agreed to the appointment of Mrs. Marinela Milcheva Petkova as solutions and maintained drains and plas- down the slopes of hills or moun- Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of tics have been contributing tains. They can be devastating if Photo shows an aerial view of the deadly landslide area in Paung Township. PHOTO: KO ZAW MIN Conclusion Bulgaria to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar with residence by putting to the accumulation of water they take place in populated ar- As discussed above, land- in Hanoi. on roads after heavy rain- eas. Debris flows, also known as tors are often responsible for their of landslide. Land-use zoning, pro- slides are the results of depletion Mrs. Marinela Milcheva Petkova was born in Pleven, Bulgaria them into ac- falls. mudslides, are a common type of occurrence, but precipitation often fessional inspections, and proper of protective vegetations on the in 1976. From 1995 to 2001, she studied Political Science and obtained A recent survey has fast-moving landslide that tends to plays a major role in failure. Ex- Whatever the cause of the design can reduce many landslide slopes, which deprived the pro- a Master’s Degree from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. tion, we, policy set alarm bells ringing in flow in channels. Landslides are cess weight from accumulation problems but evacuation is often tections and exposed the slopes to She also earned a Diploma from Institute for Political and Economic Myanmar, noting that the caused by disturbances in the nat- of rain or snow may stress weak the only way to protect lives from the onslaught of the rains, strong Studies, Georgetown University, Washington DC, the United States makers, pro- Ayeyawady River is suffer- ural stability of a slope. They can slopes to failure. Almost every landslides, they are linked a debris flow or other fast-moving winds and seismic activities, such of America in 1999. She joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ducers and the ing from extreme plastic accompany heavy rains or follow landslide has multiple causes. In landslide. Never ignore an evacu- as earthquakes. In most countries, Bulgaria in 2002. She has served in various capacities at the Ministry pollution. droughts, earthquakes, or volcan- addition to erosion from water- to the deteriorating climatic ation order. slopes that pose risks to people of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, and Bulgarian Embassies in the people, can The new research, ic eruptions. Mudslides develop ways, glaciers and waves, earth- Before intense storms and and properties are protected United States of America and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. conducted by Fauna and when water rapidly accumulates in quakes and volcanic eruptions can rainfalls - Assume that steep against landslides by a proce- Currently, she has been serving as Ambassador of Bulgaria to Viet stop plastic Flora International (FFI) the ground and results in a surge cause landslides. Human activities conditions, so, the real culprit slopes and areas burned by wild- dure called slope protection. This Nam since January 2019. She speaks English and Russian. She is in collaboration with Thant of water-saturated rock, earth, and can also contribute to landslides. fires are vulnerable to landslides involve various means: covering married and has two children.—MNA pollution be- Myanmar, revealed that 119 debris. Mudslides usually start on Fierce winds, flooding, downpours is the climate change and debris flows. Learn whether the slopes with concrete mem- tons of plastic wastes are en- steep slopes and can be activated and freezing snowstorms blast landslides or debris flows have branes to protect them against fore it becomes tering the Ayeyawady River by natural disasters. Areas where away at the earth's surface over occurred previously in your area. erosions, growing soil retaining every day. wildfires or human modification of time, weathering away the former some landslides require lengthy struck village in this case, it is quite Contact local authorities about type of grass, afforestations, pro- worse. To tackle the plastic cri- the land have destroyed vegetation stability of the land, and setting rain and saturated slopes, a debris evident that the area immediately in emergency and evacuation plans. tections against wildfires on the sis, region and state govern- on slopes are particularly vulnera- the stage for collapse. Weather, flow can start on a dry slope after front of hill slope where the landslide Develop emergency and evacu- slopes, etc. The general popula- Invitation to young ments are being urged to ble to landslides during and after geology, gravity and time all acting only a few minutes of intense rain. occurred was devoid of protective ation plans for your family and tions living in the risk areas should actively participate in the heavy rains. together can prove catastrophic “Intense” rain means a burst of vegetations. The vegetations on hill business. Develop an emergency also be educated to be aware of writers for Sunday “National Level Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan- The landslide hazard causes when the earth finally gives way, rain at a fast rate, about half an slopes can protect landslides from communication plan in case family the causes of landslides, and how 2018-2030” of the Union Government. severe loss of life, injury, damage unleashing a sudden, fatal sweep, inch in an hour. With debris flows, occurring to a certain extent. One members are separated. If you live to protect themselves. Rapid re- Special This is required to reduce the use of plastics as much as to property, destruction of com- whether by slide or descent. the rate matters more than total of the causes of landslides is modi- in an area vulnerable to landslides, sponse teams should be trained we can, to produce renewable products that can substitute for munication networks and loss of Debris and mud flows caused rainfall. fication of the land. consider leaving it if possible. and always be on the alert during The Global New Light of Myanmar is accepting submissions plastics, and to raise awareness among the people about the precious soil and land. Although by landslides are rivers of rock, During intense storms and the incident prone seasons. of poetry, opinion, articles, essays and short stories from dangers posed by plastics. Also, taking actions against those the occurrence of landslides is earth, and other debris saturated What areas are at risk? The health hazards associated rainfall - Listen to the radio or Whatever the cause of the young people for its weekly Sunday Next Generation who violate the laws and damage the surroundings is another declining all over the world due with water. They develop during Some areas are more likely with landslides and mudflows watch TV for warnings about in- landslides, they are linked to the Platform. Interested candidates can send their work to the way to save our environment. to greater scientific understanding intense rainfall, runoff, or rapid to experience landslides or mud- Rapidly moving water and tense rainfall or for information deteriorating climatic conditions, Global New Light of Myanmar at No. 150, Nga Htat Kyee To do that, it is necessary to adopt rules and regulations. and public awareness, in many snowmelt, changing the earth into flows, including: areas where wild- debris can lead to trauma in peo- and instructions from local offi- so, the real culprit is the climate Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, in person, or by email Meanwhile, our country should develop a long-term plan areas the mounting pressure of a flowing river of mud and sludge. fires or human modification of the ple, broken electrical, water, gas, cials. Be aware of any sudden in- change, which in turn is induced to [email protected] with the following to respond to environmental challenges, and to seek ways for population at the base of slopes, They can flow rapidly, striking with land have destroyed vegetation; and sewage lines that can result crease or decrease in water level by human activities. Thus humans information: (1) Sector you wish to be included in (poetry, promoting the use of renewable energy. canyons and unstable borders of little or no warning at avalanche areas where landslides have oc- in injury or illness; and disrupted on a stream or creek that might are to be blamed. opinion, etc.), (2) Own name and (if different) your penname, Another challenge comes with rising sea levels threatening plateau have led to an increase in speeds, faster than a person can curred before; steep slopes and roadways and railways that can indicate debris flow upstream. A References:- coastal areas that might become submerged. Now is the time dangers due to landslides. Land- run. They can travel many miles areas at the bottom of slopes or endanger motorists and disrupt trickle of flowing mud may precede 1. Landslides & Debris Flow, fact (3) Your level of education, (4) Name of your School/College/ our country should draw up plans, in preparation for saving slides are universal phenomena, from their source, growing in size canyons; slopes that have been transport and access to health a larger flow. Look for tilted trees, sheet, University, (5) A written note of declaration that the submitted coastal areas from rising sea levels. but more than being ‘natural haz- as they pick up trees, boulders, altered for construction of build- care. telephone poles, fences, or walls, 2. Essay on Landslides: Factors, piece is your original work and has not been submitted to All in all, with the right solutions and by putting them into ards’, they are induced by human cars and other materials in their ings and roads; channels along a and for new holes or bare spots Types and Methods - any other news or magazine publishing houses, (6) A color action, we, policy makers, producers and the people, can stop activity. paths. stream or river; and areas where What you can do to protect on hillsides. Listen for rumbling Article shared by DK Sinha photo of the submitter, (7) Copy of your NRC card, (8) Contact plastic pollution before it becomes worse. When a wildfire burns a slope, surface runoff is directed. yourself ? sounds that might indicate an ap- 3. Landslides and mudslides- fact information (email address, mobile number, etc.).— Editorial What cause the landslides? it increases the chance of debris From the news photos and How to protect yourself or proaching landslide or mudflow. sheet, Department, The Global New Light of Myanmar A variety of contributing fac- flows for several years. Although video footages from the disaster your property depends on the type Be alert when driving. Roads may 16 AUGUST 2019 10 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Myeik-Taninthayi-Bokpyin road reopens as floodwaters recede Discussion for Chinese help in contract farming in Kyaikmaraw

DISCUSSIONS are being held water, lacking agricultural water, with a Chinese contract farming and there is also a lack of land for company to assist in the growing growing seasonal crops. of rice in over 100 acres of land Further, local people could in Kyaikmaraw Township, Mon not grow paddy on the land be- State, according to the Myanmar cause they do not have enough Rice Federation (MRF). technology, as well as there being At the invitation of the Mon a lack of good seeds, lack of local State government Chief Minister Labour and insufficient agricul- six months ago, the CEO of MRF tural loans. grew the rice under the contract “We have already invited and farming system on over 100 acres negotiated with the Chinese. Dur- TANINTHAYI Township exceed- Pyidaungsu Road is no longer arranged for smaller vehicles to of farm land as a pilot project. But ing the negotiations, they con- ed its 24-feet danger mark when flooded and can be driven on nor- be towed by FAW cars to the dry they faced many difficulties, noted ducted field inspection trips. We water levels reached as high as mally. parts of the road while military officials. have tried to put the land under 26.6 feet between 6 to 12 August Similarly, the Taninthayi-Bok- personnel, police officers and “Six months ago we dis- cultivation of the crops. Currently, but gradually receded beginning pyin road sections near mileposts firefighters assisted civilians and cussed matters with the chief we started our contract farming on 13 August, reaching 22.8 feet 834 and 835 reached water levels motorcycles with motorboats and minster, to use their farm land. system. The Chinese experts yesterday. The local road de- safe for larger vehicles to safely rafts. —Nan Thar Yi, Htein Win Our company planted the pad- supported us and provided tech- partment announced that the travel through yesterday. Local (IPRD) dy on over 100 acres of land as nological assistance,” he added. Myeik-Taninthayi section of the Hluttaw representatives have (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo) a pilot project. They have faced The CEO from MRF has many difficulties, even though grown monsoon paddy as a pilot they received assistance from project. Myanmar cultivates 134 16 K10000 the Chinese experts. In fact, the species of paddy across the coun- land could not be used on a com- try. A total of 17 million acres of counterfeit mercial-scale. MRF alone could land are being placed under cul- currency not implement the project,” said tivation--15 million acres of land U Sein Win Hlaing, the chairman for monsoon paddy and over 2 notes seized in of MRF. million acres of land for summer Currently, difficulties include paddy.—Aye Yamone Thingangyun the land being saturated with salt- (Translated by Hay Mar)

LOCAL authorities in Thingang- yun Township seized 16 K10000 counterfeit notes from a man yesterday. Cattle vaccinated in flood- Following an information that the suspect namely Maung hit areas in Kayin State San Htay is shopping with coun- terfeit notes at the Yanaung Ward Bazaar, local authorities brought him to the administra- tive office and inspected him. —Ye Min Tun (IPRD) (Translated by GNLM) Drugs seized in four townships

A TEAM comprised of local anti-drug squad and Nawnghkio Police Station stopped and searched a police force in Myitkyina searched a vehicle on the motorcycle and found 1,120 stimulant tables and Myitkyina-Mogaung Road on 14 August and seized K36,000. 3,800 stimulant tables. The team arrested Kyaw Win Htwe who was Action has been taken against Daw Tin Tin Soe, driving the motorcycle and Soe Min Lay who was the driver of the car, under the Narcotic Drugs and on the motorcycle. A veterinarian vaccinates a domesticated bovine in a village in Hpa-an Psychotropic Substances Law. On 29 July, Tatmadaw troops inspected a house Township. PHOTO: SAW MYO MIN THEIN (IPRD) On 13th August, a combined team comprised of with underground 300 m north of Manyonmaw Vil- lage in Kutkai Townsihip. During the search, they found 518,000 stimulant tablets, five kilos of ICE, 3 MOBILE teams from the Vet- the vaccination teams. kilos of low-grade opium, 20 kilos of Vanillin powder, erinary Department launched The Kayin State Livestock 16 litres of Dichloromethane, 2.45 litres of Propylene a vaccination programme yes- Breeding and Veterinary Depart- Glycol, 20 kilos of dye powder and accessories used terday in Kayin State, as the ment distributed 200 bags of feed in making drugs hidden in the hunderground. flooding which began in early provided by its head office in Nay Similarly, the troops seized 100,000 stimulant August receded. Pyi Taw for cattle remaining in tablets hidden in a bush near Manyonmaw Village Some cattle displayed weak- flood-hit areas.—Saw Myo Min on 20 July and 90,500 stimulant tables hidden in a ness due to the lack of sufficient Thein (IPRD) hold tent near the same village on 31st July. —Ko Ye nutrition and illness brought on (Translated by GNLM) to the severe weather, according (Translated by GNLM) 16 AUGUST 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR SCIENCE & ENVIRONMENT 11 60% of spent nuclear NEWS In fuel in Japan to be BRIEF Greta Thunberg: the stored in metal casks world’s youthful climate conscience TOKYO — Over 60 per cent of ing the spent fuel in pools. some 15,200 tons of spent nuclear But keeping them in dry STOCKHOLM — Swedish fuel in Japan could be stored in cask storage facilities, which climate activist and global star metal casks in the future as the do not need water or electric- Greta Thunberg understood cli- cooling pools that currently keep ity to keep spent nuclear fuel mate change at an early age and them are filling up, a Kyodo News cooled, will only be a temporary has rallied youths around the survey showed Wednesday. solution. world and parents to her cause, The survey into the plans of Analysts say it remains un- Casks to store spent nuclear fuel. PHOTO: KYODO NEWS sparking criticism along the way. utilities revealed the potential certain whether the waste will In less than a year the now volume, at a time when each be taken out for reprocessing worried that the use of dry casks fuel is included, 69 per cent will 16-year-old’s humble “climate company is looking at dry casks and recycling as planned amid would lead to prolonged storage be occupied. strike” has become a global to boost storage capacity of the technical difficulties and linger- of the radioactive material. The 10 utilities’ plans for fu- movement and set her up as a ever-increasing highly radioac- ing safety concerns following Currently, the fuel storage ture storage of spent fuel using potential 2019 Nobel Peace Prize tive by-product of nuclear power the 2011 Fukushima nuclear capacity of 10 utilities owning dry casks showed that their com- laureate. As her strict climate generation. crisis. commercial nuclear reactors bined capacity could increase by ethos prevents her from flying They believe the leak-tight Residents near the storage totals 25,500 tons, with 60 per up to 10,000 tons in the future. she is preparing to travel to the canisters will be safer than stor- sites of spent nuclear fuel are cent already filled up. If unspent —Kyodo News New York UN Climate Summit on September 23 by sailboat. Thunberg’s climate struggle 29 US states and cities sue Trump over climate protections began quietly in August 2018 when she skipped school for the first three weeks, and then on LOS ANGELES — A coalition of his predecessor Barack Obama, tion Agency to work on a less Sacramento Tuesday. Fridays to spend the day outside 22 US states and seven cities on including the Clean Power Plan, stringent replacement, known “It’s anything but clean, and Sweden’s parliament with a Tuesday sued President Donald which called for cuts to green- as the Affordable Clean Energy it’s anything but clean energy. sign labelled “School strike for Trump’s administration to block house gas emissions from power (ACE) rule. “This administration President Trump’s attempt to gut climate”. Swedish media, at the it from easing restrictions on plants. has decided to repeal the Clean our nation’s Clean Power Plan time occupied by upcoming coal-burning power plants. Finalized in 2015, it was put Power Plan and replace it with a is just the wrong way to go,” he parliamentary elections, didn’t Trump has set about system- on hold by the Supreme Court toothless substitute,” said Cali- added. The ACE rule would al- pay much attention to the atically dismantling environmen- and the White House has or- fornia attorney-general Xavier low states to set their own stand- young girl’s message, but only at tal regulations put in place by dered the Environment Protec- Becerra at a news conference in ards for existing coal-fired power first.—AFP plants, rather than follow a single federal standard. US researchers It foresees a far less ambi- decode genetic tious overall reduction of power influence over sector carbon dioxide emissions behavior through by 2030 than the regulation it machine learning would replace. Tuesday’s challenge argues LOS ANGELES — Researchers that it violates the EPA’s duty un- at University of Utah Health der the Obama-era Clean Air Act are using machine learning to to address carbon pollution from draw links between genetic power plants, and artificially nar- controls that shape incremental rows the EPA’s authority. steps of instinctive and learned The lawsuit, filed in the behaviors, according to a study United States Court of Appeals published in Cell Reports on in Washington, could end up at Tuesday. the Supreme Court. “Patterns of complex behav- California governor Gavin ior, like searching for food, are Newsom said the Trump admin- composed of sequences that feel New regulations drawn up under the Trump administration would entail a far less ambitious overall reduction istration was “in the short-term random, spontaneous and free,” of power sector carbon dioxide emissions by 2030. PHOTO: AFP business.”—AFP said Christopher Gregg, assistant professor in Neurobiology and Anatomy at University of Utah Health and senior author of the NASA descends on Icelandic lava field to prepare for Mars study. “Using machine learning, we are finding discrete sequenc- THE LAMBAHRAUN LAVA ond biggest glacier, Langjokull, which has been exploring Mars ing how to drive Mars rovers,” es that are reproduced more fre- FIELD (Islande) — To prepare was chosen as a stand-in for the since 2012 in search of signs of said Adam Deslauriers, man- quently than you would expect for the next mission to Mars in Red Planet’s surface. ancient life and making prepa- ager of space and education, at by chance and these sequences 2020, NASA has taken to the lava For three weeks, 15 scien- rations for human exploration. Canada’s Mission Control Space are rooted in biology,” he said. fields of Iceland to get its new tists and engineers sent by the Experts say that Iceland, a Services. The research team is robotic space explorer ready for US space agency descended on volcanic island in the middle of The company has been venturing into the new territory the job. the site, 100 kilometres (62 miles) the North Atlantic, is in many commissioned by NASA to test of behavioral sequencing. “We With its black basalt sand, from the capital, Reykjavik, last ways reminiscent of the fourth a rover prototype as part of the are trying to understand the wind-swept dunes and craggy month to develop a prototype. planet from the Sun. SAND-E (Semi-Autonomous architecture of complex behavior peaks, the Lambahraun lava It will aim to continue the “It’s a very good analogue Navigation for Detrital Environ- and how genetics shape these field at the foot of Iceland’s sec- work of the “Curiosity” rover, for Mars exploration and learn- ments) project.—AFP patterns,” said Gregg.—Xinhua 16 AUGUST 2019 12 ECONOMY / ADVERTISEMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR S Korea aims to be economic powerhouse despite Japan export controls

SEOUL — South Korean Presi- manufacturers of semiconduc- Moon also highlighted his dent Moon Jae In said Thursday tor-related materials to seek ap- government’s efforts to help that the country aims to become proval each time before shipping keep a dialogue going between an economic powerhouse de- to Seoul. North Korea and the United spite Japan’s tightened export While showing concerns States. controls, as he spoke at an event about Japan’s export controls, “In spite of a series of wor- marking the end of Japanese he also called for cooperation rying actions taken by North Ko- colonial rule 74 years ago. with the country, especially in rea recently, the momentum for Moon, in his speech, em- facilitating peace and prosperity dialogue remains unshaken,” he phasized that the normal flow in the East Asia region. said, adding that Seoul is com- of trade could be disrupted if “Better late than never. If mitted to denuclearization and a country uses its comparative Japan chooses the path of dia- bringing about peace on the Ko- South Korean President Moon Jae In speaks on 15 August, 2019, at an advantage in a sector, referring logue and cooperation, we will rean Peninsula during his term event marking the end of Japanese colonial rule 74 years ago. PHOTO: to Japan’s move that requires gladly join hands,” Moon said. as president.—Kyodo News KYODO NEWS

Hong Kong announces relief measures Remittances from overseas to boost economy amid protests Filipinos reach 16.3 bln US

that we have just announced, dollars in H1 2019 trying to tackle the current economic difficulties and the MANILA — Personal remittanc- to 2.5 billion US dollars from 2.6 upcoming economic headwind, es or the money sent home by billion US dollars in June 2018. (are) not related to the political overseas Filipinos (OFs) totaled From January to June 2019, difficulties that we are facing,” 16.3 billion US dollars in the first Diokno said cash remittances Chan told reporters, while ad- half of 2019, a 2.9 per cent growth, from OFs coursed through banks mitting that the ongoing protests from the 15.8 billion US dollars recorded a 3.2 per cent growth to have taken a toll, particularly on recorded in the same period in reach 14.6 billion US dollars from the retail, tourism and hospital- 2018, the country’s central bank 14.2 billion US dollars in the same ity industries. said on Thursday. period last year. “The upcoming economic Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Cash remittances sent by situation is indeed very chal- (BSP) Governor Benjamin Dio- land-based workers rose by 1.8 lenging. Tension between the kno said personal remittances percent year-on-year to 11.4 bil- US and China, no matter on the from land-based workers with lion US dollars, and transfers trade front or on technology work contracts of one year or from sea-based workers grew Anti-government protests in Hong Kong forced airport authorities to side, is escalating. Apart from more grew by 1.8 per cent to 12.4 by 8.7 per cent year-on-year to 3.2 suspend flights. PHOTO: AFP the US, the chance of a hard billion US dollars in H1 2019 from billion US dollars, Diokno added. Brexit is also heightened. 12.2 billion US dollars in the first By source, the BSP said the HONG KONG — Hong Kong’s housing rental bonuses — were The economic activities half in 2018. United States registered the government announced on expected to boost the economy within Asia also are slowing Similarly, he said person- highest share of overall remit- Thursday a string of relief by 0.3 per cent. down. These external head- al remittances from sea-based tances from January to June 2019 measures to tackle the economic Financial Secretary Paul winds are indeed strong,” he workers and land-based work- at 36.4 per cent. It was followed by downturn worsened by ongoing Chan said the territory is suf- said. ers with short-term contracts Saudi Arabia, Singapore, United protests against an extradition fering from both external and The full year economic increased by 8.8 per cent to 3.5 Arab Emirates, and Britain. bill. internal hardships as most growth was being down-tuned billion US dollars in H1 2019 from The Philippine government Concessions worth a total of economic indicators showed a from earlier estimate of 2-3 per 3.2 billion US dollars in the same estimates the number of OFs at HK$19.1 billion (US$2.44 billion) weakening trend, while stress- cent, to 0-1 per cent, Chan said. period in 2018. 12 million, accounting for nearly — ranging from government ing that the relief measures are Legislative approval or law However, on a monthly basis, one-tenth of the country’s pop- fee waivers and public market not aimed at easing domestic amendments are needed for Diokno said the amount of per- ulation. The central bank sees rental deductions to increased political tensions. some of the measures to take sonal remittances in June 2019 remittances growing by 3 percent income tax rebates and public “The economic measures effect.—Kyodo News decreased slightly by 2.7 per cent this year.—Xinhua

Notice for Change of Pesticides Trade Name Notice for Change of Pesticides Trade Name The foreign manufacturer Optimus Agri-Tech Pte., Ltd. will import and distribute The foreign manufacturer Chrysalis Crop Pte., Ltd. will import and distribute the the following insecticides registered in Myanmar Pesticide Registration Board following insecticides registered in Myanmar Pesticide Registration Board Changing Changing trading name- trading name- Old Trade New Trade Old Trade New Trade No. A.I Reg: Type Reg: No. No. A.I Reg: Type Reg: No. Name Name Name Name KTK Paung KTK Paung Evo Paung Evo Taung Pyrazosulfuron Pyrazosulfuron 1 Thae Pin Thae Sa Provisional P2017-3482 1 Thae Pa Lae Thu Let Swel Provisional 2015-2892 ethyl 0.04% ethyl 0.04% Kaung Pa Lae Par Kaung 4G 4G It is therefore announced to come and reject within 14 days to joint Secretary, It is therefore announced to come and reject within 14 days to joint Secretary, Myanmar Pesticide Registration Board, Plant Protection Division, West Gyogone, Myanmar Pesticide Registration Board, Plant Protection Division, West Gyogone, Insein in wishing to make any objection in respect of the said changing trading Insein in wishing to make any objection in respect of the said changing trading name of insecticide. name of insecticide. Address - Myanmar Kaung Thu Kha Co., Ltd. Address- Evogro Co., Ltd. No. (95-A), Kyaik Wine Pagoda Road, 8th mile. Mayangone Township. No. (95-A), Kyaik Wine Pagoda Road, 8th mile. Mayangone Township, Yangon Region. Yangon Region. 16 AUGUST 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR BUSINESS /ADVERTISEMENT 13 Singapore firm charged with supplying alcohol to N Korea

SINGAPORE — A Singa- son in North Korea through fied shipping documents to porean firm was charged the Chinese city of Dalian, export alcohol and tobacco. Thursday with supplying which is near their border, The UN Security large amounts of alcohol the charges said. Council has adopted sanc- to North Korea in violation The company faces a tions in response to the of UN sanctions, the latest fine of up to Sg$1.0 million North’s ballistic missile case of illicit trade between (US$719,000) if convicted. and nuclear tests, while the countries. Last year, the US Singapore has introduced SINSMS Pte Ltd, an Treasury Department ac- laws to enforce them and in affiliate of a Chinese com- cused the Singapore firm 2017 suspended trade ties pany, illicitly shipped wines and the Chinese compa- with the North. FILE PHOTO: The company faces a fine of up to Sg$1.0 million (US$719,000) if and spirits worth about ny, Dalian Sun Moon Star There have been sev- convicted. PHOTO: AFP Sg$665,000 (US$480,000) International Logistics eral cases in recent years of to the North four times in Trading Co Ltd, of having companies and individuals supplying luxury goods, role in an attempt to smug- of two charges, but it was 2016 and 2017, according to “worked together to facil- in the city-state allegedly including jewellery and gle Soviet-era weapons and cleared of one count on charge sheets. itate illicit shipments to supplying banned goods watches, to North Korea. fighter jets from Cuba to appeal and had its fine re- The shipments were North Korea”. to the North. In October, In 2016, a shipping firm the North. The company duced, local media report- sent to an unidentified per- It said they used falsi- two men were charged with in the city was fined for its was initially found guilty ed. —AFP

CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE M.V OCEAN PROBE VOY. NO. (021N/S) M.V ENDEAVOUR STRAIT M.V LADY LILLY Consignees of cargo carried on M.V OCEAN Consignees of cargo carried on M.V ENDEAVOUR Consignees of cargo carried on M.V LADY LILLY PROBE VOY. NO. (021N/S) are hereby notified that STRAIT VOY. NO. (1634) are hereby notified that the VOY. NO. (1904316) are hereby notified that the vessel the vessel will be arriving on 16-8-2019 and cargo will vessel will be arriving on 16-8-2019 and cargo will be will be arriving on 16-8-2019 and cargo will be discharged be discharged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lie discharged into the premises of M.I.T.T-4 where it will into the premises of IBTT where it will lie at the at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. from the Vessel. from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. the Claims Day. the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY AGENT FOR: M/S CONTINENTAL SHIPPING AGENT FOR: M/S CHUN AN INTERNATIONAL AGENT FOR: M/S BEN LINE AGENCIES LINE PTE LTD LOGISTICS CO, LTD. SINGAPORE PTE, LTD Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301928 Phone No: 2301928

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The Global New Light of Myanmar #150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar. BOOK NOW! +95 9 974424848 Ph - 01 8604530, Fax - 01 8604533 [email protected] 16 AUGUST 2019 14 WORLD THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Russia releases French banker from jail into house arrest

MOSCOW — A Moscow court favour of Delpal’s appeal against frauded Russia’s Vostochny Bank on Thursday released French last month’s decision to extend of 2.5 billion rubles (US$38.7 mil- banker Philippe Delpal from jail his detention by another three lion) — charges they deny as into house arrest, days before a months. fabricated by a competitor. summit between the Russian and Delpal was released in the Speaking during Thursday’s French presidents. courtroom, an AFP correspond- hearing, Delpal rejected the alle- Delpal, a senior executive in ent there said. gations and promised he would investment firm Baring Vostok, The surprise decision came not leave Russia if released from was arrested in February togeth- ahead of talks between Russian detention during the investiga- er with company chief Michael President Vladimir Putin and tion. The arrest of French banker Philippe Delpal raised serious concerns Calvey and other suspects. his French counterpart Emma- “I am not implicated in this among foreign investors in Russia. PHOTO AFP The arrests raised serious nuel Macron, who are meeting alleged crime,“ he said. “My life concerns among foreign inves- at a seaside retreat in southern is in Moscow, fleeing is not an rest follows a similar decision companies. tors in Russia. France on Monday. option because it will seem like for Calvey, a longtime investor in Delpal has lived in Russia Judge Anatoly Korolev in The case alleges that Calvey, I recognise my guilt.” Russia whose fund gave a head- with his wife and two children for the Moscow City court ruled in Delpal, and other suspects de- His release into house ar- start to some of the country’s top the last 15 years.. —AFP

EU water bombers join Greek firemen to douse island wildfire Mexican court orders govt to ATHENS — Greece deployed for a third day. Firefighters managed to The EU’s Copernicus emer- detail medical Thursday nearly 400 firefighters “We are more optimistic to- contain the fire in a ravine near gency management service has backed by EU firebombers to day because the winds have died the village of Platana, backed by calculated that at least 2,300 hec- marijuana rules try to put out a massive wildfire down,” Yiorgos Kostopoulos, civil nearly 100 vehicles, nine helicop- tares (nearly 5,700 acres) have on the island of Evia burning protection supervisor for Evia, ters and 12 planes, including two been lost to the fire. MEXICO CITY — The Mexican through a pristine pine forest told state TV ERT. from Italy and one from Spain. Local community head Dim- Supreme Court ordered the gov- “We are doing whatever we itris Yiannoutsos told web TV ernment to come up with rules can to create additional fire de- Open there was “total destruc- surrounding the use of medi- fences near the village,” Kost- tion” in the forest but admitted cal marijuana Wednesday after opoulos said as an earth mover that with the fire still active, of- granting a child permission to dug a trench behind him. ficials were “unable to fully esti- use a drug derived from cannabis The wildfire has caused in- mate the extent of the damage.” to treat epilepsy. estimable damage to the local The fire broke out in the ear- The Ministry of Health has 550-hectare mountain wildlife ly hours of Tuesday on Greece’s 180 business days to establish sanctuary of Agrilitsa. second-largest island, prompting regulations around the therapeu- It could take another two the evacuation of four villages tic use of cannabis and its deriva- days to extinguish the flames, a including Platana. tives, the country’s top court said fire department spokesman told EU Humanitarian Com- in a statement. Mexico’s Con- Thema radio. missioner Christos Stylianides gress approved the use of mari- “My shed was burned, there on Wednesday called the mobi- juana for medicinal purposes in are no more trees for resin col- lisation of Greek forces “exem- 2017 after a two-year fight, and Firefighters managed to contain the fire in a ravine near the village lection, so apart from my house, plary” after emergency crews President Andres Manuel Lopez of Platana, backed by nearly 100 vehicles, nine helicopters and nine I have nothing else,” a local res- managed to save inhabited areas. Obrador, who took office late last planes. PHOTO: AFP ident told state TV ERT —AFP year, has said he would consid- er legalizing certain drugs. His government, however, revoked a Libya capital flights suspended after deadly rocket fire decision that authorized the sale of 38 cannabis-derived products, such as dietary supplements, TRIPOLI— Flights from the Lib- iga is a former military airbase of last month, urged “authorities for the attacking forces to halt drinks and cosmetics, to be sold yan capital’s sole functioning air- that has been used by civilian in Tripoli to cease using the air- immediately their targeting of in pharmacies. The court said the port were suspended Thursday traffic since Tripoli international port for military purposes and it”.—AFP agency should have issued the after deadly overnight rocket fire, airport suffered severe damage rules within 180 days after the a spokesman for the country’s during fighting in 2014. original decree legalizing medi- unity government said. Mitiga is in a zone under cal marijuana came into effect in Moustafa al-Mejii of the Trip- the control of forces loyal to the June 2017, and since they hadn’t, oli-based Government of National GNA and has often been targeted, the child had been forced to seek Accord (GNA) said Wednesday leading to repeated suspensions permission from authorities to night’s rocket fire “killed a guard of flights. use a cannabis oil. “With the ab- and wounded several security Haftar’s self-styled Libyan sence of norms to regulate the agents tasked with protecting the National Army launched an offen- use of therapeutic use of canna- airport”. sive in April to seize Tripoli from bis, it is impossible for the claim- The attack was carried GNA forces. It has encountered ant to access treatment related out by “the militias of (military stiff resistance, resulting in stale- to this substance,“ the court said. strongman Khalifa) Haftar from mate in the capital’s southern The Ministry of Health respond- their positions south of Tripoli”, outskirts. ed in a statement, saying it would he told AFP, adding that flights to United Nations envoy Ghas- “fully comply” with the ruling and Mitiga were being diverted. san Salame, in a report to the Grounded planes sit on the tarmac at Mitiga International Airport near added it would ensure the child’s Located east of Tripoli, Mit- UN Security Council at the end the Libyan capital Tripoli. PHOTO: AFP treatment.—AFP 16 AUGUST 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR ASIA 15 India’s Modi hails ‘path-breaking’ Kashmir move China ‘will not sit by’ if HK NEW DELHI — Indian Prime the new government, Article crisis worsens: Minister Narendra Modi hailed 370 has become history. And in on Thursday his “path-break- both houses of parliament, two- Chinese envoy ing” move to strip Kashmir of thirds of the members supported its autonomy, as his Pakistani this step,” said Modi, 68. LONDON — China will not “sit by counterpart warned of possible “The old arrangement in and watch” and is ready to “quell “ethnic cleansing”. Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh the unrest swiftly” if the crisis in Parts of Kashmir that India encouraged corruption and nep- Hong Kong becomes “uncontrol- controls — it is split with arch-ri- otism, as well as injustice when lable”, China’s ambassador to val Pakistan — have been under it came to rights of women, chil- London said on Thursday. lockdown since 4 August, with dren, (low-caste) Dalits, tribal “If the situation deteriorates freedom of movement restricted communities,” he said. further into unrest uncontrollable and phones and the internet cut. “Their dreams get new by the SAR (Special Administra- A day later, New Delhi wings.” tive Region) government, then scrapped Article 370 in the Indi- the central government will not an constitution that had granted Indian PM Narendra Modi said the decision in Kashmir was one of Extra troops sit by and watch,” Liu Xiaoming Kashmir special status, splitting several ‘path-breaking’ moves. PHOTO: AFP Fearing unrest over India’s said in a televised press confer- the state of Jammu and Kashmir latest move, tens of thousands ence. in two and downgrading them to was one of several “path-break- tragic former Himalayan king- of extra Indian troops have been “We have enough solutions union territories. ing” moves by his newly re-elect- dom, where tens of thousands deployed to Kashmir — joining and enough power to quell the In a speech from the ram- ed administration. He said “fresh have died in the past 30 years. 500,000 already there — turning unrest swiftly,” he said. parts of the historic Red Fort in thinking” was needed after sev- “We do not believe in cre- parts of the main city of Srinagar Images taken by AFP earlier Delhi for Indian Independence en decades of failure to ensure ating problems or prolonging into a fortress of roadblocks and on Thursday showed thousands Day, Modi said that the decision harmony in the picturesque but them. In less than 70 days of barbed wire.—AFP of Chinese military personnel waving red flags and parading at a sports stadium in the city of Prior experience mandatory for climbing Mt. Everest, Nepal says Shenzhen, just across the border from Hong Kong. Dozens of ar- moured personnel carriers and KATHMANDU—Having come produce proof of having climbed The provision is expected spokesman of the Ministry of supply trucks were also parked under intense criticism for a peak in Nepal that is over to put to a halt a worrying trend Tourism. nearby. “We hope this will end nine deaths on Mt. Everest 6,500 meters tall,” Ghanashy- of wealthy climbers literally A 57-page report submitted in an orderly way. In the mean- last climbing season, Nepal am Upadhyaya, chief of the buying trips to the top of the by the panel says climbers will time we are fully prepared for the said Wednesday that inexperi- five-member panel, told Kyodo 8,848-meter peak, putting lives also have to produce proof of worst,” Liu said. He also protest- enced climbers will no longer News. of guides and support staff at being free of any illness, include ed against “foreign interference” be issued permits to climb the This provision is among a risk. provisions for search and rescue in the Hong Kong protests and world’s highest mountain. slew of measures recommended “Climbing regulations in their insurance policy, and urged British Prime Minister “For climbing Mt. Everest Wednesday by a panel constitut- will be revised according to hire one experienced Nepali Boris Johnson’s government to or any other peak taller than ed by the government in June these recommendations,” guide to accompany the climb- handle the issue with “great cau- 8,000 meters, a climber must to make climbing safer. said Upadhyaya, who is also er to the top.—Kyodo News tion”.—AFP

Many South Koreans rally against Japanese gov’t on Liberation Day

SEOUL — Many South Kore- export control measures and of the 74th Liberation Day, which The anniversary came Abe before I die. I need your ans rallied Thursday against the its stance regarding issues of marks the end of Japanese co- as tensions between the two support.” Japanese government’s recent wartime history on the occasion lonial rule. neighbors are escalating af- Lee Chun Sik, 95, the sole ter Japanese Prime Minister survivor among four plaintiffs Shinzo Abe’s administration who won a case against Japan’s tightened export controls on Nippon Steel Corp., told Kyodo Seoul following a string of News that Abe’s government is South Korean court rulings “very rude” as it has insisted last year ordering compensa- that Japan will not make com- tion for wartime labor. pensation. In front of the Seoul City From Japan, supporters of Hall, hundreds of South Kore- plaintiffs and members of labor an citizens joined a rally in the unions took part in the rally, morning. where Lee came in a wheel- Many of them, amid heavy chair. Afterward, the partici- rain, loudly chanted, “Abe pants marched from the Seoul should stop economic retali- City Hall to the Japanese Em- ation and Japan should make bassy, holding photographs of compensation in accordance deceased plaintiffs and others. with the rulings by the Supreme At night, more than 10,000 Court.” citizens of all ages gathered at At the rally, Yang Geum Gwanghwamun Square in the Deuk, 89, who won a wartime center of Seoul, with a large labor compensation case number of them raising plac- against Mitsubishi Heavy In- ards saying, “No Abe.” South dustries Ltd., said through a Koreans also joined a candle Yang Geum Deuk (front row left) and Lee Chun Sik (R) at a rally against the Japanese government in Seoul microphone, “My wish is to light rally to protest against Abe. on 15 August, 2019. PHOTO: KYODO NEWS hear a word of apology from —Kyodo News 16 AUGUST 2019 16 SPORT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR AFF Women’s Championship: Myanmar to play Indonesia today

THE Myanmar national wom- Win Thu Moe said that his team he said. en’s football team will play a has practiced for two months. Cambodia head coach Meas Group B match in the AFF The team must compete as best Samoeun said that all matches Women’s Championship 2019 it can, since the team has new against Myanmar, Viet Nam against the Indonesia women’s players and is aiming to reach and Indonesia will be difficult. team today at the Institute of the Finals match. The team will “But we will do our best. We Physical Education Stadium in debut against the Cambodia have prepared by playing in- Chonburi, Thailand. team for the first time, though ternational friendly matches”, Myanmar was placed in the Indonesia and Viet Nam he added. Group B of the tourney, togeth- teams are former competitors Viet Nam head coach Mai er with Viet Nam, Cambodia who have played against each Duc Chung said that the tour- and Indonesia, while host Thai- other many times. ney is important for women’s land is in Group A, along with Indonesia head coach Rully football in all South East Asian the Philippines, Singapore, Ti- Nere also said that his team countries. mor-Leste and Malaysia. has practiced for six weeks. “Our team had trained in The press conference for “Our group will be tough as Japan in preparation for the the Championship was held on we face the World FIFA ranked tourney. Myanmar, Thailand 14 August in Chonburi, Thai- high level teams, Myanmar and the Philippines teams are land, and head coaches of both and Viet Nam. We are here for powerhouses in ASEAN. We will Myanmar women’s team head coach U Win Thu Moe speaking at a press teams described their prepara- a couple of weeks to prepare play all teams with the best of conference ahead of AFF Women’s Championship 2019 in Chonburi, Thailand. PHOTO: MFF tions, plus their feelings about for the tourney, and already respect,” he added the tourney. were tested while playing two Today’s match: Myanmar vs on Thailand’s channel Mycujoo video/fa-thailand?id=72733.— Myanmar head coach U of Thailand’s football clubs,” Indonesia will be live streamed on the link Lynn Thit (Tgi) Football: Ozil, Kolasinac in contention for Arsenal return

LONDON — Arsenal manager However, Emery confirmed Unai Emery will have Mesut Ozil both had returned to training and Sead Kolasinac available for this week and could feature Burnley’s visit to the Emirates at the weekend. “Yes, 100 per on Saturday (Aug 17) after the cent,” said the Spanish coach pair missed last weekend’s trip when asked if Ozil and Kolasinac to Newcastle over security fears. were mentally ready to return. Ozil and Kolasinac were “Their mentality is focused caught in an attempted car-jack- on us, for training and the match. ing in London last month. “My focus is to be positive CCTV footage showed Ko- and think the players are 100 lasinac leaping from the vehicle per cent with their mind here.” to confront the knife-wielding Police confirmed on Sunday raiders while Ozil remained in- that two men had been charged side the car with his with newly- with a public order offence in wed wife Amine Gulse, a former connection to the two players. Miss Turkey. Arsenal then with- Reports suggested the men Sagaing United’s midfielder Myo Min Phyo (red) jumps in the air, vies for the ball against Southern Myanmar drew the pair for the Gunners were arrested after becoming FC’s player during previous match of Myanmar National Leauge. PHOTO: MNL opening Premier League game involved in an altercation with of the season on Tyneside due security staff outside Ozil’s to “further security incidents.” house.—AFP Sagaing’s midfielder Myo Min Phyo to miss match against Dagon FC

MIDFIELDER of Sagaing Unit- ing to the Myanmar National to-air channel. After playing 20 ed Myo Min Phyo will miss away League. matches in the Myanmar Na- match against Dagon FC on 17 He has played 19 matches tional League, Sagaing United August as part of Week-21 of the out of 20 for his team, and has is standing in the 7th place with MPT Myanmar National League shown brilliant skills, scoring two 27 points from seven wins, six 2019 at Thuwunna Stadium in goals so far. draws, and seven losses. Yangon. When the two teams met Meanwhile, Dagon FC, Youth midfielder Myo Min last, Sagaing United had beaten which is trying to jump from rel- Phyo will not play in the match as Dagon FC by 3-0. egation zone, with the 14 points he faces a match ban on account The match between Sagaing from four wins, two draws, and A video clip accompanying the story showed Bosnian defender of getting three yellow cards in United and Dagon FC will be fourteen losses.—Lynn Thit Kolasinac, who was a passenger, outside the vehicle and confronting the previous matches, accord- shown on Fortune TV, a free- (Tgi) the attackers. PHOTO: AFP