MEN'S / MENS RETAIL BUSINESS BB uu yyee rr ss DD uu bb MM ii ll aa nn aa SS tt rroo nn gg SS ee aa ss oo nn WWhhiillee bbrraannddss iinncclluuddiinngg GGuuccccii,, BBootttteeggaa VVeenneettaa aanndd SSaallvvaattoorree FF ee rr rraa gg aa mmoo hh aa vv ee oo pp tt ee dd ffoo rr cc oo ee dd ss hh oo ww ss dd uu rr ii nn gg MMii ll aa nn FF aa ss hh ii oo nn WWee ee kk ,, mmaakkiinngg ffoorr aa lliigghhtteerr mmeenn''ss ccaalleennddaarr iinn MMiillaann,, rreettaaiilleerrss ffeelltt aa rriicchh ss ee aa ss oo nn wwaa ss dd ee ll ii vvee rree dd ..


5 Standout Trends From Pre-Fall 2018


MM I L A NN —— Retailers felt Men’s Fashion Week hit the mark, despite the changing — and shrinking — calendar.

Bruce Pask, men’s fashion director at Bergdorf Goodman and Neiman Marcus, said that while and , for ““ TThhee AAll ii eennii sstt ”” NNeeww YYoorr kk PPrreemmii ee rr ee PPaarr tt yy example, have moved to the city’s women’s fashion week and were noticeably absent, “Milan was a strong season filled with great showroom appointments and some very memorable shows. It was a very rich season, especially following a very 1 of 11 successful Pitti Uomo.”

Mario Grauso, president of Holt Renfrew, concurred. “Milan was quick and easy. over-delivered and everyone else felt consistent and business as usual,” he observed.

The city, according to Karen Vernet, director of men’s fashion at Printemps, “remains a strong fashion week for both established brands like Prada and Dolce & Gabbana, and up-and-coming ones like Palm Angels and Sunnei, even if we expected a stronger presence of new designers and brands. We also missed having shows from key men’s players like Moncler and Salvatore Ferragamo.”

Among the main trends, retailers said, were: CCaammiillllaa aanndd MMaarrcc PPrree--FFaallll 22001188 • great outerwear;

• corduroy and updated British traditional men’s wear patterns such as tartan, houndstooth and Prince of Wales;

• textured surfaces and velvet;

• fluid tailoring, and

• military details and a rich color palette.

Here, a roundup of the Milan highlights from retailers:

DDaavviidd AAqquuiilliinnaa,, hheeaadd ooff mmeenn’’ss wweeaarr bbuuyyiinngg aatt HHaarrvveeyy NN i c h o l s :

FF AA VV OO RR I TT EE CC OO LL LL EE CC TT I OO NN SS : Brunello Cucinelli was superb this TThhee KKoooopplleess MMeenn’’ss FFaallll 22001188 season. They are definitely leading the way within the sartorial Italian world, making this product category feel modern and relevant. Within the world of tailoring, we thought Cifonelli was also great with their sharp suiting and beautiful fabrications. FF RR EE EE AA LL EE RR TT SS && NN EE WWSS LL EE TT TT EE RR SS

Palm Angels was also a highlight as we think it will be great for Enter your email address SS I IGG NN UU PP our market. A really strong, identifiable aesthetic. Finally, my PP RR I IVV AA CC YY PP OO LL I ICC YY personal favorite was Prada, especially since she [Miuccia Prada] was referencing some great concepts from their past. SS OO CC I I AA L L SS TT UU DD I I EE SS

TT OO PP TT RR EE NN DD SS : The products and trends in Milan are so diverse that everyone can translate what has been seen in a different light. With more than 70 looks at Emporio and 100 at Dolce & Gabbana, you can now find a multitude of trends within a singular brand. For us, we are moving away from underlying trends but a key takeaway this season is the use of bolder textures with cord, suede, shearling, velvet and tartan being dominant within a variety of brands. There was also a little bit of 2 of 11 a “Midwest Americana” undertone floating about. Whether this materializes in the stores is another thing.

MMUUSSTT--HHAAVVEE IITTEEMM:: With it being the autumn collections showing, the outerwear has been great. Particularly at if you’re after a bolder statement.

BB EE SS TT VV EE NN UU EE : The Palm Angels basement was raw and stripped back with a phenomenal sound system, which made it feel like For men’s fall 2018, @giuseppe elements from streetwear, spo the ceiling was caving in. A great change from the regular and rock ‘n’ roll. Pictured here ar from the collection, featur format. rhinestones, and silver hardw to see a roundup of from Milan’s men’s fall 2018 show TT AA LL EE NN TT SS CC OO UU TT I NN GG : Sulvam is definitely a brand to keep your @@ w w w w d d eye on. Breaking News: @louisvuitton's men's artistic director @mrkimjones is leaving the French SS ii mmoo nn LL oo nn gg ll aa nn dd ,, gg ee nn ee rr aa ll mmee rr cc hh aa nn dd ii ss ee mmaa nn aa gg ee rr ff oo rr mmee nn’’ss fashion house after nearly 7 years. Jones joined Louis Vuitton in 2011, following a three year tenure wweeaarr aanndd ssppoorrttss aatt HHaarrrrooddss:: as creative director of British luxury goods brand Alfred Dunhill. Jones is to exit Louis Vuitton after showing his fall 2018 collection for the brand in FF AA VV OO RR I TT EE CC OO LL LL EE CC TT I OO NN SS : We always look forward to Milan Paris on Thursday. Read the full exclusive story on and this season it didn’t disappoint. My favorite collections for Link in bio. #wwdnews #wwdfashion fall 2018 were Ermenegildo for the modern-day utility aesthetic and beautiful composition of fabrics such as cord, leather and the most beautiful cashmere; Neil Barrett for his take on the modern male wardrobe from everyday suiting with his unique twist, to redefining a tuxedo look and presenting every style of outerwear one could possibly need — this was a collection which all will find something to suit; finally, Fendi for offsetting practical pieces with playful styling — jackets emblazoned with the iconic logo both externally and internally, as well as their incorporation of heritage fabrics on outerwear and suits. Fendi also played with length and weight, tailoring was either oversize and flared, or cropped and slim, whilst outerwear was heavy and structural with knee-length wool peacoats, as well as fluid with flowing silk parkas.

TT OO PP TT RR EE NN DD SS : Across Milan, it was great to see fabrics get inventive. Mohair and cord suits at Ermenegildo Zegna, unstructured leather trousers at Neil Barrett. While velvet appeared almost everywhere and in day as well as the best evening looks of Milan. Fall 2018 was very much all or nothing when it came to patterns and colors, which were worn from head to toe. Ralph Lauren had a series of full houndstooth looks which included shirting, suits and coats, whilst Neil Barrett matched geometric shirts with coordinating ties and suits, and as always Dolce & Gabbana did not shy away from geometric, bold patterns as a full suiting look. The inspiration of the great outdoors was undeniable this season, fall 2018 is all about at least the appearance of practical dressing in preparation for the 3 of 11 elements, from chunky laced hiking boots to military style utilitarian outerwear, which was mostly belted or heavily zipped. Fabric continues to be functional and Prada used their iconic nylon to showcase this change at the forefront of the collection.

MMUUSSTT--HHAAVVEE IITTEEMM:: For me, hiking boots will be a must. For fall, new outerwear is paramount, and I very much love the belted greatcoat styles that we saw at most shows: clean lined in navy and one in a rich heritage fabric or plaid are on my list. Corduroy is back, softer and more supple than ever; it was great to see this applied to suiting and outerwear.

BB EE SS TT VV EE NN UU EE :: The best venue of Milan was at Prada where the show was located at the Prada Warehouse, which is situation alongside the Fondazione. Within the venue, you were surrounded by carts and boxes splashed with the Prada logo, which was pretty apt given the collection was a deep dive into the house’s archives.

BBrruuccee PPaasskk ,, mmeenn’’ss ffaasshhiioonn ddiirreeccttoorr,, BB eerrggddoorrff GG ooooddmmaann aanndd NNeeiimmaann MMaarrccuuss::

FF AA VV OO RR I TT EE CC OO LL LL EE CC TT I OO NN SS : Prada showed new interpretations and volumes using the house’s iconic black tech nylon, reasserting the brand’s long history of fabric innovation that is so prevalent now. Printing archive graphics on nylon in surf- style shorts and camp shirts was a fresh, bold statement. Isaia, Santoni and Kiton all had dynamic, effective presentations with great new introductions.

TT RR EE NN DD SS : Velvet, for sure; tartan; Western was a slight undercurrent, and performance in general, across all categories including tailoring, also vis-à-vis Miuccia Prada’s reassertion of her ownership of tech nylon as a fashion statement is really pivotal. Corduroy continues from last fall, seeing it in more wearable ways rather than strictly on the runway. There’s definitely a bit of uniform/utility around with olive drab, military detailing like epaulets, envelope pockets. Interestingly, there are some really strong, viable color messages, which isn’t always the case for men’s, including burgundy and rust.

MM U S T - HH A V E I T E MM : Anything in Prada’s black tech nylon. What a great time to assert the brand’s iconic performance fabric.

BB EE SS TT VV EE NN UU EE : I loved the Prada warehouse and would like to also give a special mention to Fendi. They rounded out the week with one of the most enjoyable, effective shows of late with a 4 of 11 clever baggage claim setting, perfect to highlight their leather goods, with models walking by and pulling their pieces off as they proceeded. It was smart and entertaining and was a great background for terrific ready-to-wear with their iconic logo and new print.

RRooooppaall PPaatteell,, sseenniioorr vviiccee pprreessiiddeenntt,, ffaasshhiioonn ddiirreeccttoorr,, SSaakkss FFiifftthh AAvveennuuee::

FF AA VV OO RR I TT EE CC OO LL LL EE CC TT I OO NN SS : Prada. The collection was a great collaboration of fashion, function and design. The return of signature Prada nylon and Prada sport feels right for today’s man; linear; clean, and chic. Fendi’s collection was made for the jet-set and global traveler, which is so much of how everyone is living today. Then — it’s a Versace moment. The iconic Versace print feels very right for what’s taking place in fashion right now. The eclectic mix of tartan plaids…and this mix of collegiate with street, Donatella [Versace] really was embracing the heritage of the house. It feels fresh and modern again. Palm Angels — Francesco Ragazzi is really coming into his own.

TT RR EE NN DD SS : There’s a real return to tailoring, real luxurious plays on suiting. Plays on corduroy and velvet felt directional and new. Loved the plaids this season; there was a plaid for every occasion, from checks to herringbone and houndstooth. Military dressing was also a favorite…and the idea of utility and uniformity in a completely different way. There was also a lot of great knitwear on the runway this season.

MM U S T - HH A V E I T E MM : You definitely need something in plaid this season, whether it’s a great jacket or a great suit.

BB EE SS TT VV EE NN UU EE :: The Prada warehouse.

SS AA YY BB YY EE - BB YY EE TT OO : Drop-crotch pants. Really digging the new cargo shape that we’d like to see a little bit more of this season.

LL eeee GG oolldduupp,, mmeenn’’ss wweeaa rr bbuuyyeerr aa tt BB rr oowwnnss FFaa sshh iioonn::

FF AA VV OO RR I TT EE CC OO LL LL EE CC TT I OO NN SS : Undercover, and Prada.

TT OO PP TT RR EE NN DD SS : The Nineties is still the biggest overarching trend — oversize garments and blown out proportions were everywhere.


BB EE SS TT VV EE NN UU EE :: Prada’s logo filled warehouse set-up.

BBeenn HHuurrrreenn,, mmeenn’’ss ddeessiiggnneerr bbuuyyeerr aatt SSeellffrriiddggeess:: 5 of 11 FF AA VV OO RR I TT EE CC OO LL LL EE CC TT I OO NN SS : Prada was astounding this season. To have so many iconic references to the brand’s history was a real treat. We all left that show knowing we had witnessed something special.

TT OO PP TT RR EE NN DD SS : This season in Milan it was all about fabrications. From cord and velvet at Versace to the triumphant return of nylon at Prada.

MMUUSSTT--HHAAVVEE IITTEEMM:: Prada split archive shirts

BB EE SS TT VV EE NN UU EE : Without question, Versace.

TT AA LL EE NN TT SS CC OO UU TT I NN GG : Isabel Benenato has been a mainstay brand as part of Selfridges’ avant-garde offer and we were pleased to see her first show as part of the MFW schedule.

SS AA YY BB YY EE - BB YY EE TT OO : Brands showcased their signature DNA through archive prints and iconic references rather than using obvious logos.

JJ uu ss tt ii nn BB ee rr kk oo wwii tt zz ,, BB ll oo oo mmii nn gg dd aa ll ee’’ss mmee nn’’ss ff aa ss hh ii oo nn dd ii rr ee cc tt oo rr ::

FF AA VV OO RR I TT EE CC OO LL LL EE CC TT I OO NN SS : Ermenegildo Zegna; Fendi; Versace; Marni, and Prada.

TT RR EE NN DD SS : A key message of the season: self-reflection and self- reference. From Versace’s fun run through many of the house codes like tartan and baroque prints, to Prada’s remix of some of their greatest hits from black nylon to the printed camp shirts, to Neil Barrett’s focus on minimalism, using one’s own history as a source of inspiration was a common theme.

Another is a return to classic men’s wear patterns, especially those with a certain British heritage. From bold tartans — like those seen at Versace — to houndstooth and Prince of Wales — like those at Brunello Cucinelli and Ralph Lauren — takes on plaid have proliferated. Corduroy, a common fabric pairing back to these country fabrics, has been likewise omnipresent.

The third big story we are seeing that will be key for Bloomingdale’s is the vast approach to cold-weather dressing. From the incredible variety of shearling outerwear to the inventive updates to puffers and down jackets, our customer will be covered should next winter in the Northeast look anything like this one. We’re also excited about the hiker concurrent theme of alpine boots and sneaker-hiker hybrids to finish off the look. Compelling, yet also very practical.

MM U S T - HH A V E I T E MM : Anything plaid, especially when remixed 6 of 11 or restyled in a new way. That could mean heritage tailoring fabrics done in a softer silhouette or bold tartans updated with an element of sport.

BB EE SS TT VV EE NN UU EE : The Spinola Mansion, home of the Società del Giardino, and the venue for the Versace show. With its giant chandeliers and ornate interiors, it was a perfect fit for a brand that is not afraid to embrace the over-the-top.

SS AA YY BB YY EE - BB YY EE TT OO : If we’re seeing anything this season, it’s more about how do you interpret something from the past and make it feel new again. Instead, perhaps it’s time to say hello to something in your closet that you haven’t in a while, and pick up something new that will make that item feel fresh.

RRiiccccaarrddoo TToorrttaattoo,, TTssuumm’’ss ffaasshhiioonn ddiirreeccttoorr ffoorr mmeenn’’ss wweeaarr aa nn dd ee -- cc oo mmmmee rr cc ee ::

FF AA VV OO RR I TT EE CC OO LL LL EE CC TT I OO NN SS : Dolce & Gabbana; Ermenegildo Zegna Couture; Versace, and Fendi

TT RR EE NN DD SS : Everybody is doing sneakers with chunky soles inspired by Balenciaga’s Triple S Sneaker.

MMUUSSTT--HHAAVVEE IITTEEMM:: The Versace “Chain Reaction” sneaker, the Versace velvet puffer; the embroidered parka by Dolce & Gabbana; Giorgio Armani’s extra-wide pants and military boots, as well as the Fendi mink fur cradle, which is definitely the cult accessory of the season.

BB EE SS TT VV EE NN UU EE :: I think that in Milan there is a lack of great venues. But I liked the location of the Ermenegildo Zegna Couture show, which was held inside the Bocconi University, and the airport-inspired installation at Fendi.

SS AA YY BB YY EE - BB YY EE TT OO : I think that the traditional blazers with constructed shoulders are over, as well as classic topcoats, which are definitely not functional. I’m sorry that scarves have disappeared from collections.

BBrriiaann SSiitt,, bbuuyyeerr,, mmeenn’’ss ddeessiiggnneerr ccoolllleeccttiioonnss aatt HHuuddssoonn’’ss BB aa yy :

FF AA VV OO RR I TT EE CC OO LL LL EE CC TT I OO NN SS : Marni, Ermenegildo Zegna, Isabel Benenato, and MSGM.

TT OO PP TT RR EE NN DD SS : Fluid tailoring — as noticeable in Isabel Benenato and Sartorial Monk — is a continuing trend perpetuating the idea of relaxed sartorial dressing. Also the convergence of streetwear and tailoring as seen with MSGM. 7 of 11 MMUUSSTT--HHAAVVEE IITTEEMM:: Exaggerated plaid duster coat as seen in Fendi, Marni and MSGM.

TT AA LL EE NN TT SS CC OO UU TT I NN GG : Isabel Benenato and Sartorial Monk

KKaarreenn VVeerrnneett,, ddiirreeccttoorr ooff mmeenn’’ss ffaasshhiioonn aatt PPrriinntteemmppss::

FF AA VV OO RR I TT EE CC OO LL LL EE CC TT I OO NN SS : Versace — it was maybe the best show the brand has had in the last few years. Dolce & Gabbana and Moschino were also strong.

TT OO PP TT RR EE NN DD SS : Beautiful wools and a color explosion mixed with different variations of blacks, beautiful coats, reinvented tartan, and a return to authentic, vintage-inspired elements like , corduroy, leather tops and bottoms, and cowboy codes (boots, hats, fringes).

MMUUSSTT--HHAAVVEE IITTEEMMSS:: Shoes are more and more the key touch of the global look.

MMaarriioo GGrraauussoo,, pprreessiiddeenntt,, HHoolltt RReennffrreeww::

FF AA VV OO RR I TT EE CC OO LL LL EE CC TT I OO NN SS : Prada, which was an incredible retooling of its historic nylon and triangle logo. The oversize shapes and the fresh take on core elements layered over one another really shifted your interest in things you have in your closet and what you may need to add. We loved the empty triangles on several classic bags and the rebirth of Linea Rossa.

TT OO PP TT RR EE NN DD SS : Oversize outerwear. Pop overs and quilted shirts. Man purse. Nylon. Showing women’s in your men’s show.

MMUUSSTT--HHAAVVEE IITTEEMMSS:: The varsity scarf and plaid quilted shirt jacket from Versace. Anything Prada nylon. Cucinelli vicuña blazer. Zegna down pop over.

TToomm KKaalleennddeerriiaann,, ee xx ee cc uu tt ii vv ee vv ii cc ee pp rr ee ss ii dd ee nn tt ,, BB aa rr nn ee yy ss NNee ww YY oo r kk :

FF AA VV OO RR I TT EE CC OO LL LL EE CC TT I OO NN SS : Hands down, Nina-Maria Nitsche delivered a men’s collection that will inspire men to dress with her vision. She clearly defined modern luxury. I haven’t been this excited in a long time where the designer connected all the important elements of this venerable brand.

She carved a wardrobe of super luxurious pieces that are modern for day or evening. This collection is clearly a game changer for Brioni.

TT RR EE NN DD SS : Loving the sumptuous oversize raglan coats in strong checks and plaids often in cashmere or wool blends that are as 8 of 11 light as they are with character. John Vizzone at Cifonelli showed our favorite patterned coats that are chic and memorable.

MMUUSSTT--HHAAVVEE IITTEEMMSS:: Turtlenecks of all textures and gauges, fine and chunky, are a must have item for fall 2018. They complete the looks with plushness and texture from cotton/cashmere corduroy blazers to velvet and tweeds. Fioroni, the master of cashmere from Umbria, creates qualities of pill- proof cashmere turtlenecks that are weightless yet with great character.

BB EE SS TT VV EE NN UU EE :: The wow moment was in Florence at the opening of the Gucci Garden; a brilliant showcase of all things that embody the best of Gucci. This is the perfect retail entertainment for all visitors, both Gucci aficionados as well as first-time lookers of the brand. Alessandro Michele crafted an emporium that offers something for everyone and with whimsy as well as respect for heritage with an archival museum, retail shop and restaurant.

SS AA YY BB YY EE - BB YY EE TT OO : Heavy outerwear that weighs you down is now a thing of the past. Herno showed the lightest cloth ever developed in a 5 Denier weight with 100 percent down minus the feathers and quills. These are coats that feel like you’re wearing air yet have the highest performance to keep you warm.

CCaannddiiccee FFrraaggiiss,, bbuuyyiinngg aanndd mmeerrcchhaannddiissiinngg ddiirreeccttoorr,, FF aa r f ee t cc hh

FF AA VV OO RR I TT EE CC OO LL LL EE CC TT I OO NN SS : In spite of the shorter show schedule this season, the Milan collections were very strong. Versace showed such a diverse collection this season, including wearable statement pieces, which stay true to the brand’s DNA. I loved what Prada did reworking nylon, especially in its accessories line — it’s a material we are seeing throughout many collections this season.

TT RR EE NN DD SS : We have seen streetwear go from strength to strength over the last few seasons, but now we are seeing it really evolve in a much more refined way. For example, layering fine knit turtlenecks under hoodies, paired with more tailored pieces. We are even seeing more historically classic brands adopting elements of streetwear pieces along with a continued focus on technical outerwear. We saw this at Ermenegildo Zegna this season.

MMUUSSTT--HHAAVVEE IITTEEMMSS:: Hiking boots styles featured across fall 2018 collections such as Neil Barrett, Marcelo Burlon County of 9 of 11 Milan and MSGM. Co-ords also ran throughout many collections — either matching jacket, shirt or trousers. From casual monochromatic looks at No. 21, Sunnei and MSGM to more statement or printed versions at Versace, Neil Barrett and Marcelo Burlon County of Milan.

SS AA YY BB YY EE - BB YY EE TT OO : Backpacks and rather embrace belt bags, crossbody and handheld shapes seen at Fendi, Giorgio Armani, MSGM and No. 21.

BB EE SS TT VV EE NN UU EE :: My favorite venue by far was the “Prada Warehouse,” by the Fondazione, where Prada showed their latest collection.

Ermenegildo Zegna Prada Versace

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MMoorree FFrroomm OOuurr BBrraannddss

FF OOOOTT WWEE AA RR NNEE WWSS FFAAI IRRCCHHI ILLDD LLI IVVEE VV AA RR I IEE TT YY BB GG RR TThheerree aarree OOnnllyy 1100 PPaaiirrss ooff TThhii 22001188 WWWWDD DDiiggiittaall BBeeaauutt yy FFoorr CCaappiittooll CChhrriissttiiaann MMuussiicc GGrroouu TThhee mmoosstt eexxcciittiinngg tthhiinngg aabboouu ss SShhooee SSuurrggeeoonn CCuussttoomm AAiirr JJ uu mm pp EElleevvaatteess BBrraadd OO’’DDoonnnneellll,, HH tt TTii mm CCooookk’’ss pprroommii ssee tt hhaatt AA oorrddaann 44 —— aanndd YYoouu CCaann BBuuyy aa uu dd ss oo nn PP l aa cc hh yy ppppllee wwiillll ‘‘ffiixx’’ iiPPhhoonnee tthhrroottttlliinn PPaaiirr TToonniigghhtt gg

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