Impact of solar activity on changes in region,


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Address Hellenic Open University, School of Sciences and Technology Tsamadou 13-15 & Ag. Andreou, 26222 Patra, Greece

Abstract: The scope of this work is to study the role that the solar plays in terrestrial weather. For this reason we study the effect of the solar activity on the climate changes in Greece. In the current work we look for possible correlation between the solar activity data spanning the years from 1975 to 2000 and the meteorological data from two weather stations based inside the city of Athens, Greece (New Philadelphia) and in greater Athens in the north of (Tatoi area). We examine the annual variations of the average values of six meteorological parameters: temperature, atmospheric pressure, direction and intensity of wind, rainfall and relative air humidity. The solar data include decade variations, within the above period, of the , mean number between two solar cycles, magnetic cycle influence, and solar UV driving of climate ( flux).

Keywords: Climate changes, indicators, solar activity

1. Introduction etc), are magnetically driven. Therefore a better understanding of the - system requires a good The Sun, the only of our planetary system, is the knowledge of the Sun's from the solar main source of supply for Earth. The Sun is a core to the corona and , as well as the unique laboratory of magnetized plasmas. Intense magnetic field’s evolution on timescales from minutes outflows of ionized particles, mostly and to millennia. in the interplanetary space, form the solar The Sun’s magnetic variability is thought to contribute wind. An increase in solar activity (for a simplified to the global through three mechanisms picture this implies more ) is accompanied by (Figure 1): (i) Variations in the total solar irradiance an increase in the . In turn the solar wind (TSI, integrated over all wavelengths ) can cause forms the heliosphere in which Earth and the rest of changes in the energy input into the Earth’s our planets bathe. A more active solar wind and . We mention here that the near-UV, stronger magnetic field reduces the cosmic rays visible, and near-IR irradiance can directly affect the striking the Earth's atmosphere. The ionizing solar Earth’s radiative balance and surface temperature. particles enter the , and They constitute ≈ 99% of the Sun’s total radiative upper atmosphere, producing , magnetic-storms output and penetrate the terrestrial atmosphere to the and other phenomena known as . These , reaching the surface; (ii) Variations of the changes in the solar radiative output have an impact on solar UV irradiance, can alter chemical and physical the terrestrial energy balance and can affect the processes in the Earth’s upper atmosphere chemistry of the . (stratospheric chemistry) . Changes in the stratosphere Observations and theory indicate that the Sun is provide indirect climate effect, since the latter is variable on all time scales, from seconds to centuries coupled to the troposphere; (iii) Changes in low cloud depending on the time-scale of interest. The most cover can be induced by the solar cosmic ray flux common cycle of the solar variability is the ≈11.1 yr reaching Earth, modulated by cyclic variations of the cycle (the average value of 9–13 years), or sunspot Sun’s open magnetic flux (e.g. Marsh and Svensmark, cycle. This is the periodicity between successive 2000). manifestations of the solar activity. When the inversion Solar irradiance is expected to follow the 11-year solar of polarization of the polar magnetic field on the Sun is activity cycle. Krivova et al. 2009 for example have considered the period of variability has a 22-year found that it varies by about 0.1% during the cycle. period. That is because the magnetic field of the Sun Almost 31% of the incident solar is reflected reverses during each sunspot cycle, so the magnetic back into space, 20% of which is absorbed by the lower poles have the same charge (positive/negative) after atmosphere, and 49% is absorbed by the surface and two reversals. There are longer periods than these oceans (Kiehl and Trenberth, 1997). spanning 80–100 years. TSI measurements exist since 1978. They are in a All , relevant to the terrestrial climate ‘patch-form’ since they were taken with different (e.g. solar irradiance variations, coronal mass ejections instruments each with its own calibration, resulting in different scientific conclusions. The sunspot number is several spacecraft is also used as a proxy of UV used as a proxy for the solar irradiance (e.g. Lean et al., irradiance (e.g. Viereck and Puga, 1999). 1995). The third mechanism is affecting the terrestrial climate indirectly as well. Galactic cosmic ray (GCR) flux is suggested to affect tropospheric temperature via cloud- cover variations (low clouds have a strong cooling effect on climate). The physical mechanism is the following: GCR particles are essentially the source of ionization in the troposphere above 1 km. Changes in ionization affect the abundance of aerosols that serve as the nuclei of condensation for cloud formation. GCR flux varies inversely with solar activity. Reliable estimate of the evolution of the Sun’s magnetic field, modulating cosmic rays, exist since 1868 (e.g. Solanki et al., 2000). This solar variable is measured directly with sufficient quality by Neutron Monitors since 1953. The data missing are reconstructed by converting Figure 1. Monthly averages of different proxies of the the open magnetic flux and neutron monitor data into solar magnetic activity. The color code describes the cosmic-ray flux. Krivova and Solanki, 2004 have found variables: Irradiance, sunspot number, radio flux at that the two quantities follow each other closely up to 10.7 cm indicating the UV-irradiance, solar activity in 1985, and diverge strongly after that. the form of flares. Data compiled from data taken from Data interpretation indicates significant contribution of literature (e.g. Solanki and Krivova, 2003). the solar variability to climate change is significant and that the temperature trend since 1980 can be large and About 15 Wm−2 (~1%) of the solar UV-radiation is upward on a time-scale of decades to centuries (e.g. absorbed by the terrestrial atmosphere. UV-radiation Solanki and Fligge, 1999). Reconstruction models such does not affect directly the climate as it is not supposed as PCMOD and ACRIM (e.g. Lockwood 2008) to reach the Earth’s surface. Its effect is through the estimate that the solar contribution to global warming coupling of the stratosphere with the troposphere: UV is negligible since 1980. The Intergovernmental Panel radiation photo-dissociates molecular creating for Climate Change (IPCC) 2007 claims that the solar the ozone layer (Haigh et al. 2004). Ozone resides contribution to climate change is negligible since 1950. primarily in the stratosphere controlling the deposition However Scafetta (2009) suggested that IPCC 2007 of the in the stratosphere. Variations in the could be using wrong solar data as well as models ozone amount alter the altitudinal temperature gradient which underestimate several climate mechanisms. from the troposphere to the stratosphere, and the Taking into account the entire range of possible total latitudinal temperature gradient in the stratosphere solar irradiance (TSI) composite since 1980, from the equator to the poles. the author finds that the solar contribution to climate UV irradiance changes by up to 10% in the 150–300 change ranges from a slight cooling to a significant nm range and by an amount greater than 50% at shorter warming, which can be as large as 65% of the total wavelengths, including the Ly-α emission line near observed global warming. 121.6 nm (e.g. Krivova et al. 2009 and references Global temperature fall slightly after 1950 until the therein). It is more variable than TSI by an order of mid-1970s, and has risen sharply since, and particularly magnitude or so. It contributes significantly to the after 1985. This warming has been attributed to human changes in TSI (15% of the TSI cycle, Lean et al., activity by several authors (e.g., Mitchell et al., 2001). 1997). Krivova, and Solanki 2004 find that the average Solar irradiance seems to have decreased slightly in 11 year UV irradiance has a very similar form to the this period. A correlation between the cosmic-ray TSI between 1856 and 1999. However the relative intensity and the coverage of low-lying clouds over a change is greater for the UV irradiance. has been suggested by Marsh and There is a linear correlation between the annual mean Svensmark (2000). Correlation between variations in irradiance and the radio flux of the Sun at 10.7 cm. solar irradiance and low cloud cover (affected through Solar flares or coronal mass ejections, can trigger the atmospheric circulation) seems to be stronger than shock waves which leave signatures in radio the correlation between galactic cosmic rays and low spectrograms in the metric range (corona) up to the clouds. Kristjánsson et al., (2002) and (2004) kilometric range (interplanetary medium) as they demonstrated a large negative correlation between total propagate in the solar corona or in the interplanetary solar irradiance and low cloud cover for the whole medium. The F10.7 index is used as a proxy for the UV period 1983–1999, with no discrepancies after 1994. and EUV spectral irradiance, which varies day by day This implies that any positive correlation between GCR since it depends on the number of active regions on the flux and low cloud cover would be coincidental. They Sun. This proxy shows the solar influence on terrestrial argue that it is of no significance for the present global parameters such as the temperature at a given warming anyway, since solar irradiance appears to be atmospheric layer. Radio data are taken daily since almost constant over the last 50 years. Lockwood et al., 1947. Mg II core-to-wing ratio obtained on-board of (1999) assumed that GCR flux has decreased significantly over the 20th century (i.e. the solar magnetic field increased) although the results were statistical parameters as indicators of the climate challenged by Richardson et al. (2002), who found no change: the annually averaged value of each significant trends for either sunspots, GCR flux or the meteorological parameter; the error on the mean interplanetary magnetic field over the past 50 years. (standard deviation); the skewness; the kurtosis of the However positive trends in sunspot number and annual distribution of each of the above six magnetic field do seem to exist. Marsh and Svensmark, meteorological parameters. (2000) suggested that GCR flux increase resulted in the decrease of low cloud cover by more than 8%, 2. Methodology accounting for a significant fraction of the observed global warming. Solar data span two 11- year solar cycles from 1975 up to 2005. The plot of all solar proxies is added for comparison at the end of every meteorological parameter graph. It is adapted from Solanki et al., 2006. The solar variables plotted are from top to bottom the TSI, F10.7 cm index as an indicator of the UV-irradiance, the magnitude solar flux, and the mean sunspot number. Not plotted here is the GCR flux, for which we remind the reader that this flux demonstrates an almost inversed behavior to the solar activity. All meteorological data used in this work come from the Hellenic National Meteorological Service (EMY). Those data come from two stations on the Attiki area, one in Athens city (Nea Filadelfeia) and one in the northern of Athens (Tatoi area). The data cover 45 years from 1956 to 2001. For this work, as the solar Figure 2. Land temperature of Northern data cover the period after 1975, the data covering the Hemisphere () and solar cycle length years 1956-1975 are ignored. Each station measures 6 (inverted, pluses). meteorological parameters: temperature (oC), Both time series are smoothed with a (1 2 2 atmospheric pressure (mm Hg), wind direction (o, with 2 1) filter weightings. Reproduction from 0o to the north), wind force (knot), relative humidity Friis-Christensen and Lassen (1991) by (%) and precipitation (mm). For all data a point is Haigh, 2007. measured every 3 hours (starting from midnight) except precipitation which is a 12 hours average. For To sum up the role that the Sun plays on the climate is all meteorological parameters the following statistical being a subject of intense debate. Reconstruction parameters are calculated for all years: average value, models are based also on stellar observations, attempt standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis (see to describe the past solar behavior on the terrestrial Savvidou et al., these proceedings, for an explanation climate with contradicting results. Solar data suffer on these parameters). from bad quality in the past years (uncertainties in historical data of TSI for example) and of different 3. Results and Discussion instrument calibration in the satellite era. However there is a current need to distinguish between natural 3.1 Impact of solar activity on average annual values and anthropogenic causes of climate change. Therefore of meteorological parameters the study of the effect of the solar variability on the terrestrial climate is to the forefront of meteorological Figures 3-8 show from bottom to top the evolution of research. There is statistical evidence for solar four solar parameters: mean sunspot number, magnetic influence on various meteorological parameters on flux, radio flux, and solar irradiance over time for the all timescales (eg. see Fig. 2). However extracting years 1975-2003. The four solar parameters show a the signal from the noise in a naturally highly cyclic variability with 3 maxima at about 1980, 1991 variable system remains a key problem. and 2002 and three minima at about 1975, 1986 and In the current research work we present preliminary 1997. results from the effect of the parameters of the solar Our simple analysis, although preliminary, does not activity on climate in Attica, Greece. We use several suggest a correlation between the four solar parameters meteorological parameters from two weather stations and the average annual values of the six meteorological based inside the city of Athens, Greece (New parameters of the two stations in Athens area. Philadelphia) and in the greater Athens in the north of Attica (Tatoi area). The solar variables studied are the TSI, UV-solar irradiance, cosmic ray flux and sunspot number, averaged over the 11-year solar cycle spanning the years from 1975 to 2000. The meteorological parameters are the temperature, atmospheric pressure, direction and force of wind, relative air humidity and precipitation. We use several 20 )

) Tatoi

Tatoi m NF 0.8 NF C o m ( ( e n r

18 o i u t t a a t r i

e 0.4 p i p

16 c m e r e P T l l a a u 14 u 0 n n n n A A e e g

12 g a a r r e e -0.4 v v A A 10

Figure 6. Average annual values of precipitation for the Figure 3. Average annual values of temperature for the two stations in Athens area and values of the four solar two stations in Athens area and values of the four solar parameters studied here. parameters studied here.

300 ) ) Tatoi o

Tatoi ( g NF NF 1016 H n o m i t m c (

200 e r e i r D u s

1014 d s n i e r

100 W P l l a a u u

1012 n n n n A A 0 e e g g a a r 1010 r e e v v A A -100

Figure 4. Average annual values of atmospheric Figure 7. Average annual values of wind direction for pressure for the two statiosn in Athens area and of the the two stations in Athens area and of the four solar four solar parameters studied here. parameters studied here. )

80 Tatoi t )

Tatoi NF o

% 8 NF n ( k ( y t i e d c i r

4 o m F 60 u H d . n l i e

0 W R l l a a u u n n n 40 n -4 A A e e g g a a r r

-8 e e v v A A 20 Figure 8. Average annual values of wind force for the Figure 5. Average annual values of relative humidity two stations in Athens area and values of the four solar for the two stations in Athens area and of the four solar parameters studied here. parameters studied here. 3.2 Impact of solar activity on annual standard ) deviation, skewness and kurtosis of meteorological Tatoi % parameters NF ( y t i d Current bibliography studies the impact of solar 20 i m activity on global climate and data suggest a potential u H

influence (eg. Haigh 2007). However results have been . l controversial. In the previous section we found that e R there is no obvious correlation between the four solar l

16 a parameters and the average value of the six u n meteorological parameters in Athens area. The next n step is to look if there is a correlation between the four A f solar parameters and the statistical characteristics of the o 12 V

six meteorological parameters. Figures 9-14 show the E evolution of the four solar parameters in time and the D T standard deviation of the annual values of the six S meteorological parameters; figures 15-20 the evolution of the same parameters and the skewness of annual data of the six parameters; figures 21-26 the same Figure 11. Average annual standard deviation of correlations using the kurtosis of the same data. relative humidity for the two stations in Athens area and of the four solar parameters studied here. 10 ) Tatoi ) C m

NF o Tatoi ( NF m e (

r 4 n u t o i a t r a e

8 t i p p i m c e

2 e T r l P a l u a n u

6 n n A n f

0 A o f v o e V d E T S 4 D T

-2 S

Figure 9. Average annual standard deviation of temperature for the two stations in Athens area and of Figure 12. Average annual standard deviation of the four solar parameters studied here. precipitation for the two stations in Athens area and values of the four solar parameters studied here. )

Tatoi 7 g

200 ) H

NF o

Tatoi (

m NF n m o ( i t e c r

6 e r u i s D s e d

r 100 n i P

5 l W a l u a n u n n n A f 4 A o f

0 o V V E E D D T T 3 S S

Figure 10. Average annual standard deviation of Figure 13. Average annual standard deviation of wind atmospheric pressure for the two stations in Athens direction for the two stations in Athens area and of the area and values of the four solar parameters studied four solar parameters studied here. here. 0.4

Tatoi y t i 8 ) NF t d

Tatoi i o NF n m k u ( 0 H e . c l

4 r e o R F l a d -0.4 u n i n n 0 W A l a f o u

n -0.8 s n s e A n -4 f o w e V

-1.2 k E S D T

-8 S Figure 17. Annual skewness of relative humidity for Figure 14. Average annual standard deviation of wind the two stations in Athens area and of the four solar force for the two stations in Athens area and values of parameters studied here. the four solar parameters studied here.

Tatoi n

NF o i t

Tatoi e 15 a r

NF t i 0.4 u t p i a r c e e r p 10 P m l

0 e a T u l n a

5 n u A n f -0.4 n o A f s o 0 s e s n s e

-0.8 w e n k w -5 S e k S -1.2 Figure 18. Annual skewness of precipitation for the Figure 15. Annual skewness of temperature or the two two stations in Athens area and values of the four solar stations in Athens area and of the four solar parameters parameters studied here. studied here. n Tatoi o i

NF t Tatoi c NF e

0.5 e 2 r r i u D s s d e n r 0 i P W l l a

0 a u u n n n

-0.5 n A A f f o o s s s s e -2 -1 e n n w e w k e k S

-1.5 S

Figure 19. Annual skewness of wind direction for the Figure 16. Annual skewness of atmospheric pressure two stations in Athens area and of the four solar for the two stations in Athens area and values of the parameters studied here. four solar parameters studied here. Tatoi Tatoi y e NF t

NF i 2 c r d

-0.8 i o F m u d H n i . 1 l W e l R a l u a n -1.2 u n n n 0 A f A o f o s s s i e s n

-1 o t w r e

-1.6 u k K S

Figure 20. Annual skewness of wind force for the two Figure 23. Annual kurtosis of relative humidity for the stations in Athens area and of the four solar parameters two stations in Athens area and of the four solar studied here. parameters studied here.

400 Tatoi Tatoi n e NF

NF r o

-0.4 i u t t a a t r i e p i p 200 c e -0.8 m r e P T l l a a u u n n

-1.2 0 n n A A f f o o s s i i

-1.6 s s o o t t

-200 r r u u K K -2

Figure 21. Annual kurtosis of temperature for the two Figure 24. Annual kurtosis of precipitation for the two stations in Athens area and of the four solar stations in Athens area and values of the four solar parameters studied here. parameters studied here.

Tatoi n Tatoi NF 10 o NF i t e c

1 r e u r i s D s e d r n P i

0 l W a 0 l u a n u n n A n f A

-1 o f s o i s s

-10 i o t s r o t u -2 r K u K

Figure 25. Annual kurtosis of wind direction for the Figure 22. Annual kurtosis of atmospheric pressure for two stations in Athens area and of the four solar the two stations in Athens area and values of the four parameters studied here. solar parameters studied here. Tatoi proxies TSI, UV-irradiance, F10.7 index, sunspot

NF 4 e

c number, cosmic-ray flux/low cloud cover. r

o Another characteristic of meteorological data is the F evolution of extreme values. The possible correlation d n

i of that characteristic with solar activity will also be

W examined. l

0 a u

n 3. Conclusions n A

f In the current paper we present preliminary results of o

s the effect that the solar variables-indicators of the solar i

s activity have on climate characteristics in Attica, o

-4 t

r Greece. u

K The solar variables used were TSI, UV-solar irradiance, cosmic ray flux and sunspot number, averaged over two 11-year solar cycle spanning the years from 1975 to 2000. Meteorological parameters Figure 26. Annual kurtosis of wind force for the two include temperature, atmospheric pressure, direction stations in Athens area and of the four solar parameters and force of wind, relative air humidity and studied here. precipitation data taken from two weather stations, one inside the city (Nea Filadelfeia) and one some Similarly, as in the case of annual average values and kilometers outside the city, in the northern region of solar proxies of solar activity are not correlated in an Attica (Tatoi). obvious manner. However, this is only a partial study, Although Sun has the potential to affect climate we focused only in the greater Athens area. The have found no particular trend between each set of correlations are probably altered due to urban and parameters. However we suggest that this result is semi-urban conditions of the examined area. probably due to urban conditions. Our future work will Next step is to do a more sophisticated analysis which include data from other stations in Greece (from the will include extracting the data from noise, use National Meteorological Service) from the north to the appropriate smoothing and simulating average south (islands) together with analyzed solar variables temperature changes in Greece in response to climate (TSI, UV-irradiance, F10.7 index, sunspot number, forcings with for example an 1-D Energy Balance cosmic-ray flux/low cloud cover). Model (EBM). We will also use more meteorological stations scattered all over Greece and the solar activity


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