

 ~Small but visible particles suspended or  Heterogeneous - unevenly mixed floating in a gas or liquid (heterogeneous substance (separation can be seen) mixture)   Homogeneous mixture- evenly mixed Like a snow globe or dust or “shake before using” Chapter 15 substance (no separation can be seen)  the particles are too big to float forever without being stirred  If a sits, the particles will settle  Can be filtered out

Colloids or Colloidal Suspension Blood under a microscope Tyndall Effect

 ~mixture that appears uniform unless under  ~Scattering of light by a or magnification. suspension  Particles are a little larger than the  Both a colloid and a suspension have wavelength of light particles larger than the wavelength of light,  Extremely light particles float almost so when light shines through it should be indefinitely. deflected every which way.  Milk, blood, smoke  This will make the beam of light visible.  These can be separated in a centrifuge

Distillation Tyndall Effect Solutions

is separating substances in a mixture by  Particles are smaller than the wavelength of light. Therefore, it will not scatter light. . A mixture is heated until it is boiling. Different components of the mixture will vaporize at  With solutions, no separation can be seen even under a high powered microscope. different temperature,   Cannot be separated by any filter or by a If you hold the centrifuge. temperature at the  Can be separated by boiling/ melting points. lowest boiling point and collect the vapors  salt water, metal alloys, air Colloid/suspension you can separate a mixture.

1 Particle size Parts of a solution Mass and

- what the substance is dissolved in  In a solution, mass is conserved, however,  Solute- what is being dissolved volume is not.  Water is called the “universal solvent”  That is to say, the mass of a solution = mass of the solute + solvent.  because it dissolves a lot of substances and is very common.  The volume of a solution may not equal the  < 1 nm 1-1000 nm >1000 nm volume of the solute +solvent.  Water solutions are called aqueous.  nm is a nanometer or 1x10-9 m

Example of solutions Solution misconceptions

  Solutions don’t have to be a solid in a liquid. It is easy to think of sand and water (not a  Increasing the mass of the solution and not solution, but it works for the general concept) increasing the volume comparatively will  carbonated water is CO2 dissolved in water, streams have dissolved O in them.  If you mix a liter of sand and a liter of water increase the density. 2 you get…  The solvent doesn’t have to be water or even a  Dissolving solids into water almost always liquid.  A mixture that is more than one liter but less increases the density. than 2 liters.  Alloys (two or more metals) are a solution as is  How much the density increases, depends air. Several things dissolve in oils.  Now this applies to solutions, if you mix 1 L of on how much is dissolved. water with .5 liter of Na2 CO3 the resultant solution is more than 1 L but less than 1.5 L

Gases Liquids Coke v. Diet Coke

  Coke cans sink in water, diet coke floats.  Gases dissolved in water tend to decrease Liquids may increase or decrease the density of  That means a coke can is more dense than water, the density of the solution. the solution dependent on whether they are more or less dense than the solvent. diet coke is less dense.  Again the volume of the solution does NOT  Aluminum is more dense than water, but there is increase anywhere near the volume of the  Rubbing alcohol will decrease the density of a gas + water, but it does increase at a greater water solution, where acetic acid will increase head space, a little air pocket, at the top of the can. rate than the mass. the density of a water solution.  Diet Coke (and all diet beverages) use artificial sweeteners like Nutrasweet.  Nutrasweet is 200x sweeter than sugar, so you need to dissolve less in the solution, making it less dense

2 Other measures of concentration

Name Abbrev. What it is  ~How much solute is present in a solution compared to the solvent. m mol solute/kg solvent 6  Molarity (M)- moles of solute per liter of parts per million ppm g solute/g solvent x 10 solution. M = mol/L parts per billion ppb g solute/g solvent x 109

 2.1 M AgNO3 means 2.1 mol of AgNO3 for fraction x mol solute/mol solution every one liter of solution percent by mass % g solute/g solution x 100 percent by volume % mL solute/mL solvent x100