In Spite of the Wreck and Ruin Left in the of the Air Raids, Britain's Missionary Volunteers Are Courageous

"When the Sirens Sound, We Go to the Best Air-Raid Shelter We Can Find. It May Be a Public One or a Steel One in the Garden"


ELLO, Missionary Volunteers teers in Britain would not like to have ditions. All in all they are a fine lot everywhere ! you think of them as suffering great of brave, calm young people, as you H So you really would like to hardships. Actually, up to August shall see. know how our Missionary Volunteers i8, no one in Britain, except those in You'll want to know what happens are faring in the battle for Britain. certain coastal areas, had any cause when a raid warning comes. Sirens Well, here comes what you are to talk about the hardships of war. sound a rising and falling note, which waiting for, and it ought to be first- Since then air raids have increased, weird sound has led to their being hand information, for this article is but even now the people of the Lon- nicknamed "Wailing Winnies." Any actually being written in an under- don area are still comparatively calm. Missionary Volunteer who is inclined ground shelter while an air raid is In some cases our Missionary Vol- to be a bit more spoilsport than Mis- in progress. unteers have come under fire, and sionary Volunteers should be, will First of all, our Missionary Volun- others have indirectly felt war con- very likely hear the (Turn to page 12) VOL. 88, NO. 47 NOVEMBER 19, 1940 ,L'e tf3 la tic gt Orv-et

HILE the East shivered under I have always wished that I might and England, as well as its great Wthe first snowfall of the season, attend a camp meeting in this conti- African mission field, are still free, a balmy breeze blew in the "Land nent in which David Livingstone and the people are carrying on. of Ten Thousand Lakes," and a warm pioneered the way for the gospel. W. E. Read, president of that divi- sun smiled down on St. Paul, known, Seventy of these gatherings were held sion, told us that our people in Eng- with its twin city, Minneapolis, as the there this year, and 150,000 people land are making a revised version of great flour center of the Western attended. Twenty thousand present the ninety-first psalm these days. As Hemisphere, when the Autumn Coun- was the record for one camp. The the planes zoom overhead, and bombs cil delegates gathered for the first teachers came from the missions and crash, and antiaircraft guns roar, business session. the outschools accompanied by those they read: "He that dwelleth in the Representatives were present from whom they had brought to Jesus. As secret place of the Most High shall five continents and from all forty- those, who were in charge at the abide under the air-raid shelter of the eight States of the United States, as Gitwe meeting looked out over the Almighty. . . . Thou shalt not be well as from every province in Can- hills and valleys bn Sabbath morning, afraid of the bombs by night; nor of ada. Old friends and new friends they could see them coming from the torpedoes by day. . . . Because found pleasant fellowship together as every direction-9,o21 by actual count thou hast made the Lord . . . thy they greeted one another and com- —singing as they journeyed, "Re- habitation; there shall no evil befall pared experiences; then they joined deemed, How I Love to Proclaim It," thee, ... for He shall give His angels in the hymn : "He Hideth My Soul," "Bringing in charge over thee, to keep thee in all "Let us sing a song that will cheer us the Sheaves," and the camp meeting thy ways." by the way, song chosen this year for Nyasaland, And often during the air raids when In a little while we're going home; "In a Little While We're Going it is impossible or impracticable for For the night will end in the everlast- Home." How thrilling it must have them to go into the shelters, they go ing day, In a little while we're going home." been to hear not-long-ago heathen quietly and trustfully to bed and to voicing these familiar songs of Zion. sleep with this prayer upon their lips: The chief purpose of the Autumn And these native converts are true "I will both lay me down in peace, and Council of the General Conference as steel. Some of them are called sleep : for Thou, Lord, only makest Committee, which is held each year, upon to endure fierce persecution me dwell in safety." is to work out the budget for the and severe trials, but their faith does Harvest Ingathering has been fin- next twelve months, and to make ap- not falter. ished in record time with a record propriations from the funds which From South America N. P. Neilsen offering received ; our printing plants come into the Treasury from various brought to the Council greetings from are busy; our colporteurs are busy; sources to the different divisions of "the highest Sabbath school in the our evangelists are preaching to seri- the world field in proportion to their world," more than 16,000 feet above ous capacity audiences; and our food needs. Therefore the Finance and sea level; from the "Sabbath school factory at Watford, which when war Budget Committees have heavy work farthest down south," on the Straits was declared it seemed must surely to do. The Committees on Nomina- of Magellan; from the Amazon coun- close, is working overtime to fill its tions and Distribution of Labor also try, where it seems that a special out- orders. swung into action this first day of pouring of God's Spirit is bringing Yes, over in Northern Europe the the meeting, to consider various items a real Pentecost; and from 32,000 advent believers, too, are singing, "In of policy and personnel. baptized church members, as well as a Little While We're Going Home." The evening session each day was from other thousands who are at- And from Southern Asia, Inter- devoted to reports from the various tendants at Sabbath schools scattered America, China, the Far East—in division presidents who were in at- through the length and breadth of fact, from every corner of this trou- tendance. Exigencies of war made the Neglected Continent. bled old world—comes an echo of the it impossible for three of these to It has been said that South Amer- same glad chorus. come from overseas, but the other nine ica is a country where "there are The high point of the Council world leaders were there, and interest- many crosses, but no Christ." Today, came when the Budget Committee ing, thrilling, and inspiring were the however, the light of the gospel is reported appropriations amounting to they had to tell. Every report shining through the darkness, illumi- $4,600,000, and the presidents of the sounded a note of courage and good nating the way of life not only for divisions, most of them in voices cheer. In face of seemingly insur- the educated, cultured residents of its choked with emotion, expressed their mountable difficulties the work of republics, but for the Indians on the appreciation for the generous amounts God is making steady progress. high Andean plateaus and down in allowed them, and told what urgent the jungles which border the longest calls these funds would enable them . F. WRIGHT brought greetings river in the world. to answer. G from 32,127 baptized members of Here, too, in Argentina, Brazil, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, 0 another Autumn Council closed Southern Africa. He told us that in and Peru, believers in the second ad- —with what song? "In a Little addition to these there are 27,000 vent are singing, "In a Little While S studying in baptismal classes in that We're Going Home." While We're Going Home." field, and in their 910 Sabbath schools The Northern European Division And may each one of us be ready there are more than 6o,000 "black has been disrupted by war, and while for that glad day ! diamonds being mined for the much of their territory is lost to them, Master." a part of Finland, and Sweden

VOL. 88, NO. 47 THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR, NOVEMBER 19, 1940 ONE YEAR, $1.95 Published by the Seventh-day Adventists. Printed every Tuesday by the Review and Herald Publishing Assn., at Takoma Park, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Entered as second-class matter, August 14, 1903, at the post office at Washington, D.C., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. We give "Thee lhatzhi


annual event is be thankful, although some things most lofty, its may not be just as we would wish purpose most them to be. worthy. That its But while we have many blessings celebration often to call forth our gratitude every year, descends into there are certain things which have pleasure-mad .rev- assumed special importance in these elries and orgies strange days in which we are now of indulgence, is living. Of these blessings we should regrettable. No be particularly conscious, and for day, indeed, no them we should be especially grateful. m o m e nt, passes These special blessings are many without its bless- H. m LAN11.111 and diversified. Nevertheless they can The Spirit of Thanksgiving Is a Fine and Commendable ing. How great, be roughly classified under two heads: Thing; Its Theme Is Most Lofty, Its Purpose Most then, are the ac- the prophecies of the Bible and the Worthy cumulated bless- promises of God. ings of an entire "Oh," I hear you say, "I know HANKSGIVING! Joyous, fes- year ! And how full and sincere about them. They are important, all tive occasion ! Happy gather- should be our gratitude! right. And I am thankful for them. Tings of relatives and friends. For we do have much for which But why should I single them out Reunited family circles. The season to be thankful ! We have life. That and place them above all my other of completed harvests and bounteous is much, certainly. We have a de- blessings ?" feasts. A time of looking back, of gree of health, most of us a good Well, why should you? Why should special thought and meditation upon degree. This is another priceless I? Why should anyone? Let us con- the care and blessing which God has blessing. Then we have homes, and sider this point for a moment. bestowed upon us during the year that friends, and hopes, and—yes, accom- For many years Seventh-day Ad- is drawing to a close. One of the plishments, even though they may be ventists have preached with special most colorful and one of the most few and minor. emphasis the teaching of the Bible noble celebrations of the whole year. In addition to these we have many that great trouble and change are com- Thanksgiving ! of the higher and nobler things of ing upon our world. It is not correct The farmer looks back on the com- life, such as a knowledge of the prin- to say any longer that trouble and pleted season. He sees the harvests ciples of honesty, truthfulness, kind- change are coming. Trouble and of his fields and orchards, the increase ness, and the other virtues. When we change are here. Trouble, change, of his herds and flocks, the store of stop to think, and to count our bless- upheaval, destruction—all are with us fruit and vegetables put away for the ings, we are surprised at how many today in their dreadfulness. winter season. He is mindful of the and how great they are. We do, in Life as we have known it in the daily sunshine, the nightly rest, the truest fact, have much for which to past is at an end. Change in the falling shower, the ripening wheat, forms of governments, change in the and the dormant rest of winter. In conduct of governments, change in all these things he sees the kindness the boundaries of governments, and wisdom of an all-wise heavenly change in the lives of the people gov- Father, and in his heart there wells erned—they are all here. an overflowing sense of gratitude. Everywhere great and violent The businessman looks back over changes are sweeping the world, the year's dealings and counts the crushing out the hopes of success that has been his. He notes whole nations, of whole races the amount of his sales, the expan- of people. Violent death is sion of his trade, the difficulties which spreading seemingly every- have been met and overcome. where. War is leaving an And all men, in whatever walk of ever-lengthening and ever- life they may be, take stock of the widening trail of want, suf- health and strength and joys that have fering, confusion, and an- been theirs, and give thanks that the guish. The specter of famine passing days have been so kind to is daily growing and spread- them. ing its fear over a steadily Could there be a finer and more increasing area of the earth's commendable thing than the spirit of surface. Never in the his- Thanksgiving? The theme of this tory of our troubled world PAGE 3 has there been such fear, such de- all is yet to be well—and well in and learn of Me; for I am meek and spair, such dreadful foreboding as God's own way. lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest grips our world today. And what of the promises of God? unto your souls." Matt. II :28, 29. In such a time as this the proph- How marvelously abundant and as- Are not these words of promise ecies of the Bible stand out in bold suring they are ! Let us notice a few something for which to be thankful ? relief as never before. In a world of the most precious. And how scarcely do they scratch the of change and confusion they are Do you fear, as some do, the estab- surface ! Well did the apostle Peter the only things which remain un- lishment of tyranny in a single, world- speak of them as "exceeding great and changed and secure. They are the embracing empire? precious promises." In truth they are "sure word of prophecy" spoken of Then listen to these words of pro- great. In truth they are precious. by the apostle Peter in his second phetic assurance: "In the days of In all their fullness they reach out epistle, "whereunto ye do well that ye these kings shall the God of heaven to every detail of life, and include take heed." set up a kingdom, which shall never everyone, whatever his position may They are the word of God. In be destroyed." Dan. 2:44. be. None can say, "Those words are them is the power of God. Amid Are you distraught and troubled by for others only. They do not apply change they remain unchanged. Amid all the present confusion and dis- to me." confusion they remain clear and tress? For the usual blessings of life and steadfast. Amid darkness they re- "The mountains shall depart, and health, and the necessities of our main as unfaltering beams of light, the hills be removed; but My kindness daily existence, let us continue to be giving direction and meaning to these 'shall not depart from thee, neither truly grateful. new conditions. shall the covenant of My peace be In addition, let us recognize in their While all else is failing, they con- removed, saith the Lord." Isa. 54:1o. place of present importance the spe- tinue steadfast. War, famine, pes- "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: cial blessings which are ours today : tilence, disaster, and the forces which be not dismayed; for I am thy God: the revealed foreknowledge of God are overwhelming all else earthly, found in the prophecies of the Bible, I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help only strengthen their position. Like thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the and the promises of His all-sufficient great landmarks on the horizon, they right hand of My righteousness." help in time of need. point the way through the present Isa. :to. For this confidence amid universal storm to a peaceful and happy day dismay, for this positive and unhesi- "There shall be a time of trouble. soon to come. . And at that time Thy people shall tant leadership amid the confusion of In these times of such universal be delivered, everyone that shall be our present world, and for the hope insecurity and fear, how comforting found written in the book." Dan. and assurance which are ours in the to have one thing in which we can 12:1. promises of God—for these let us confidently place our trust, one truth reverently bow our heads and in full which is without shadow of error, one Do you fear bodily harm? Physical sincerity pray : guide post which is set to be eternally want? "Dear Father in heaven, for these true, one rock of safety which will Take your Bible and read Luke 12: special blessings of leadership and never be moved. 4, 5; also Matthew 5 :It, and 6 :31, 32. help, we give Thee special thanks. In striking detail the prophecies Is sin in your life troubling you? How many and how great are Thy have foretold the very conditions "If we confess our sins, He is mercies ! They bring us light in the which trouble our world today. But faithful and just to forgive us our place of darkness. They furnish us the prophecies do not end with this. sins, and to cleanse us from all un- food in the barren land. Amid panic They are in no perplexity over world righteousness." I John 1:9. and chaos, they remain ever calm and conditions. Instead, they declare with Do the threats and boasts of evil orderly. Though all else may dimin- greater emphasis than ever before men terrify you ? Turn to Revelation ish and fail, they remain bounteous just what the future has in store. 6, and read verses 14 to 17. and sure. And this prophetically revealed fu- Is there a trace of doubt over- "Accept, we pray, this earnest grati- ture is so gloriously bright ! What shadowing your life? Read Ephesians tude. May we ever remain submissive days are coming! Our world will not 3 :20 ; also Hebrews to :39. to Thy gracious leading. May our always stagger under its load of trou- Do you feel the need of a comfort- trembling hands ever be stayed upon ble. Justice is yet to reign. Peace ing, sustaining, indwelling presence the sure rock of Thy word. And may will yet prevail. In that bright day in your daily life? Thy will to save us in Thy coming joy and happiness will be everywhere. "Come unto Me, all ye that labor kingdom be done in all its marvelous In spite of all the current talk of and are heavy laden, and I will give fullness. In Jesus' name, we pray. the beginning of a new dark age, you rest. Take My yoke upon you, Amen."

Atturzn lhanhifiviny


I THANK Thee, Father, that this late- ILLUSTRATION BY THE AUTHOR mown hay Blends thus so sweetly with the dying leaves, It may be in the spring when all is new, Which, moved and rustled by the evening I shall be moved to greater depths of love. wind, When rain is misty on the little leaves, Send forth a fragrance that my very soul And creeks go singing through the fresh- now breathes sprung grass; In ecstasy; and I forget the pain It may be then that I can thank Thee And all the sadness that I know is here, more; And revel in the fragrance of the end But now I worship Thee with all my heart. 774,` Of beauty. And my thoughts of death It is enough, the blue, blue hills of fall, Grow gently comforting. I fear it not. And the white trunk of that bare sycamore. P,-0.1;•%.

PAGE 4 THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR He went through common school, and, to his utter disgust, his father insisted that he attend high school ! And that in a day when only girls That and sissies were interested in higher #. education ! His outbursts of wrath availed him nothing, however. He could have managed a paper route or had a job as errand boy at Benson's' WINNETH grocery. But father would rather have him studying dry Latin, and al- gebra, and physics, than earning good money—a pure waste of time, accord- SOULS ing to his boyish estimate. Then, to add to his misery, his mother arranged for him to take lessons on the fine new organ that sat in state in their fly eanninytan fdwatdi parlor. If Herbert could have looked ahead and seen the use to which he would put that musical knowledge in later years, he might have been more "They that be wise shall —and they that turn many to reconciled to his lot. But at the time shine as the brightness of the righteousness as the stars for- firmament; ever and ever." he thought he was harshly used. Her- bert lived, however, to thank both his parents many times for their firmness and farsightedness in the matter of his education. When he had finished high school, a few of the business houses began to put in the "new-fangled" in- candescent electric lights. Very few private homes had them, and most people doubted that they would ever come into general use. They were too fantastic to even think about. Old grandpappies would slap their knees in derision, and, in high old cracked voices, jeer at the possibility. "Dangerous, too," one of them would shout into the dull ear of a confederate. "I heard tell how them things will bite, or 'shock,' they calls it. Ketch the women usin"em. Have OFF TO COLLEGE to wait fer their men to come to light the lights. A perty kettle of fish !" So with much tut-.tutting and wary S the months passed there came Father jumped at the chance, and prognostications, the oldsters fought a terrible day in the little moved his family, lock, stock, and progress as they have done ever since A soddy on the prairie, when barrel, into the straggling mountain the beginning of time. But to no mother's worst fears were realized. city of Denver, Colorado. There he avail. New inventions came in and Baby Bonnie, an apple-cheeked little erected a building and opened a real- took their place in the changing maid of two, who was her father's estate office. He was a personable drama of life in spite of them. joy and delight, sickened and died. man, and people liked him; so he But Herbert Mann was all excited First she had a stubborn low fever, prospered and made a comfortable about every new thing. And because which mother treated with the simple living for his family. his father was farsighted and saw a home remedies that had always been After the deep solitude of the future in this new-fangled electricity, effective before. Then followed a prairies, the noise of the city seemed he brought home a calendar one day raging fever, and father galloped off thunderous to the Mann family. from the Michigan State University in the night to get a doctor. Before Herbie could not get used to the won- at Ann Arbor. he returned, the baby was dead. ders of the horsecars. He examined "See here, Herb !" he called out To know that she might have been all the subterranean workings of the excitedly, "they teach electrical en- saved if medical help had been more cable cars. He knew by name the gineering at the 'TY as one of their readily available was too much 'for driver of every car in that particu- regular courses. The one who gets the heartbroken father. After the lar part of town, and the horses as in on the ground floor in electricity burial the sad days passed one by one. well. And the men would notice him, and learns all there is to know about Suddenly the dry farm, the soddy and wave at him when they went it, is going to be in demand one of which he had erected with backbreak- whizzing by at the "breathless speed these days, I can tell you !" And ing toil, grew hateful to him. Even of the '90's." Father Mann seemed just as interested the tiny enclosure where the tumble- And so, in the beautiful city of as if he, instead of Herbert, were weeds piled up around the little grave Denver, Herbie became "Herbert" to going to Ann Arbor to take the course seemed to reproach him day and night. his grammar school teachers and in electrical engineering. He was like a mad man. He could "Herb" to his associates. He could But as it happened, even Herbert not work, he could not sleep, he could pitch "fast ones" on the ball diamonds, did not go that year. The depression not eat. and no one "picked on" the wiry, mus- of '93 broke, and the bread lines in Then, like a out of the blue, cular youngster. In the parlance of the big cities lengthened. Mr. Mann's a grizzled old pioneer came along and the day, Herb Mann "packed a wal- real-estate business netted him abso- offered him cash for his holdings. lop," and he was one of the "gang." lutely nothing. But he would not hear NOVEMBER 19, 1940 PAGE 5 of his son's quitting school. He in- interpreted this to be shyness and Already he was picturing what cer- sisted that he go back to the "high" timidity. He had taken her to ice- tain phrases might be. "I have long and take post work, just to keep in cream socials in the basement of the admired you in silence, and now I "trim." But the young man was en- Baptist church, to picnics out at the feel that I must speak," or, "My heart terprising. He went on a search for Epworth League grounds, and to an will go with you, and I will be here work, and got two horses and two occasional band concert. None of waiting when you return—" cows to care for. This enabled him these treats had elicited a comment, At last his valises were stored away to supply the family table with milk favorable or unfavorable, from the in the overhead rack, and the train and cream, and also provided him with young woman, and he was becoming backed out of the station, increasing pocket money for small expenses in- much disturbed by her silence -and in- its speed eastward every minute. The cidental to schoolwork. His father decision. city of Denver had not yet faded from was deeply gratified at the lad's ef- "She will surely say something be- view when, with trembling fingers, forts to help. sides monosyllables, now that I'm he tore open the envelope. There The next year Mr. Mann was still going so far away to college, and in black and white were the words. unable to pay Herbert's expenses at will be gone so long," he told himself But not the words he had expected. the "U." So Herbert worked in a as he prepared to pay his last visit They were cold words, tinkling with wholesale coffee and cereal firm. to the demure Dorothea. There was icicles. She had "given him the mit- They handled some fruits on the side. a concert at Eagle's Hall, and he was ten" in no uncertain terms. He stared His task in the big shipping room was going to take her. at the paper unbelievingly for a long to cart around great manila bags of But though they walked slowly all moment. His spirits sank down to odorous coffee beans from far-off the way home, not by word or by zero, and congealed. Then his fight- Brazil, and tea from India, and huge glance did the adored one indicate that ing blood came up. He dashed away white bags of flour, exuding a puffy she was either glad or sorry that he the tears of disappointment that had powder, from Minneapolis. Then the was going away. filled his eyes, and became once more next summer he handled hundreds of At last, when they parted at her a young university student on his baskets of large blushing peaches from door, she handed him a sealed letter way to Ann Arbor to study electrical the South and the west coast. and begged of him in her soft, musical engineering; but quite suddenly he Every penny of money that he could voice that he refrain from reading it had grown up ! Within half an hour spare went into the savings bank for until he was on the train speeding to- his interest in Dorothea seemed silly school, and by the fall of 1898 he was ward the college. and trivial. He was through with ready to help himself. Also his fa- He put the envelope in his pocket. "women"! They were too fickle ! ther's business had recovered suffi- His heart pounded with joy. Surely Ann Arbor is located in the south- ciently so that he could stand behind in this precious little missive the shy eastern part of the beautiful State him in an emergency. girl had declared her love and adora- of Michigan. It is built on hills, and It so happened that he greatly ad- tion for him in such a way as she the country roundabout is rolling and mired a girl who lived next door. dared not do verbally. picturesque. Nearly every foot of the She was pretty in a doll-like sort of The next morning he could hardly soil is tillable, and the whole coun- way, but seemed to be utterly void wait for the train to pull out of the tryside is checkerboarded with rich, of initiative and ambition. Herbert depot, so that he could read his letter. productive fields, orchards, and - yards. To the north is the valley of the Huron River, and in the heart of the city are the beautiful buildings of the University of Michigan. It was to this city, teeming with college life, that Herbert Mann came, OD of men of gentle grace, his heart still intact, in the year of G God of men of radiant face, our Lord 1898. He had hardly ar- We Jima o97-tee God of men of valiant race, rived until his attention was attracted We thank Thee! by the shouting of a hazing party By GRENVILLE KLEISER down at the foot of the street. Thus God of men of lowly birth, college life burst upon him. Before God of men who till the earth, he knew it, he was a throbbing, vital God of men of sterling worth, part of it. :,,', • ^ c:•-- We thank Thee! Everything seemed strange to the young man that first day, but he made God of men who do and dare, haste to matriculate in the course that God of men who burdens bear, he had chosen. That done, he went God of men who freely share, out to look for a boarding place. We thank Thee! Several blocks from the university campus he found an old-fashioned God of men who light the way, rambling yellow house with a wide God of men who serve today, veranda. Planted in the yard was a God of men who watch and pray, neatly painted sign : "Rooms for Stu- We thank Thee! dents." Investigation proved this place to be satisfactory, and he even God of men who combat wrong, consented to tolerate a roommate in God of men who labor long, order to lessen his rent. A farmer God of men who cheer with song, boy from Flint, who had enrolled in We thank Thee! the agricultural course, shared his quarters. He was a fine young man, God of men who truth proclaim, but awkward and uncouth. Herbert God of men of selfless aim, took it upon himself to acquaint John God of men who love Thy Name, with the intricacies of social life, but We thank Thee! it was labor lost. Table manners and social graces did not interest this son of the soil! (To be continued) PAGE 6 THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR after her marriage to John Saxe. The question was a source of con- tinual strife, which ended first in family division and then in divorce. TA a t Mane "She always wanted to go places," John, had confided to the dean, "and they were expensive places. I could not earn money enough to satisfy her, although I put in extra time at night. #gue3tiatz I honestly tried." "Strange," mused the dean, "that money makes so much difference; but it does. The handling of finances, or By MAY COLE KUHN the mishandling of them, makes or breaks a home." Just then Angelo, the gardener, came scuffing across the lawn, wag- ARCH blew up cold and rainy, write that Rhea understands the value ging his head and talking to himself. that is, cold for west of the of money, and that she will be will- "Come in, Angelo," she called. "It A4 Rockies. Dean Linden's ing to live simply until Sydney can is too wet to work today." porch chair stood unoccupied. The provide her with more of the luxuries The old fellow wiped his feet, dean herself sat inside the house of life; though to tell the truth, our doffed his hat, and took a seat by the huddled on the living-room couch, family has always lived simply. We fire. The dean eyed him curiously. swathed in shawls, while a brisk fire find that we are happier that way. He was evidently disturbed. crackled merrily. In one hand she "Do you know how much money "What is the trouble, Angelo?" she held a thick letter, which she perused we started with? Sixty-five dollars queried. "Isn't the world treating intermittently. Between times she a month ! But we kept out of debt, you right ?" watched the brook at the foot of her saved a little each month, and now "0, yessa," he replied. "Da world hill. we own our home as well as thirty iss good. He treata me fine; buta The stream was racing over its acres of fine land. We have a good dees girla of my Tony, dat Carlotta, rocky bed, widening as each hour car, and we can take a vacation once she maka my worra in da heart. She passed. A contributing branch, really in a while. can spenda da mon lika—wat you say ? a series of waterfalls, added jubilance "Then, too, we have reared four —waterfall !" to the voice of the brook until a veri- children. All of them have either fin- He twiddled his fingers through the table roar ensued; and still the rain ished college or are on the way to air. fell in sheets. graduation. "She spenda so moch mon lika da "We shall have plenty of wild "It is such a comfort to us to learn bottomless pit," he added. "Now flowers this year," she thought. "Last that Rhea will be a good manager why don'ta dees boy catcha da girl year was too dry." Her mind went even if she is talented, and beautiful, like Lisa Buonarotti, who sava da back to the letter. She reread it. and good ! It isn't often that all these mon? She only buy what she needa. "My dear friend: attributes congregate in one little per- She don't letta dat Carlo Petruchi "How lovely of you to write me son. Of course, we have taken her waste da mon on her. I tella you, such fine things about our Sydney's into the family heart, Lady Dean, you spenda friend, Rhea. Of course we think mentally, and will welcome da mon, and it don'ta she is a charming girl, but we spent her, oh, so gladly, next come back. Eef my only a week or so with her and do summer. boy marry weeth dees not know her well. However, we re- "Sydney is working ear- Carlotta, den—w a t ceive repercussions of her personality. nestly. He thinks it is you c a 11? Poverty She seems thoroughly unselfish and rather hard to have to be come in by da door makes no demands on the family treas- at one extreme of the con- and love flya out da ury, which, to tell the truth, is far tinent while Rhea is at the window." from full these days. A boy in medi- other; but it is a test of "So you have your cal school costs money, and we inti- their sincerity in this affair. problems, too !" ejacu- mated to her that he couldn't spend "Thank you again for your letter. lated Dean Linden. "Well, you had a great deal of money on gifts and I wish we could sit down and have a better talk to Carlotta." entertainment right now. Somehow good chat; but this is next best. Angelo threw out his hands help- she seemed to understand our situa- "You know the financial problem lessly. tion. She said, when we casually is one upon which many homes are "Then my son he say I maka da mentioned our circumstances, wrecked. It isn't always the woman's trouble. So I justa say, 'Boy, you " 'Oh well, the best things don't cost fault, but she can usually direct see dat Carlo? He and Lisa have money.' things favorably if she takes the trou- sava da mon already for da car.' But "Of course, we have had a great ble to study and plan. Tony, he don't care. I think dat boy deal of sickness, and with both of "Write when you can, and tell us iss humbug hees brain." our boys in college we are only able more about yourself. Dean Linden laughed. to remember her in simple ways." "Your old friend and schoolmate, "I think you have diagnosed not Dean Linden looked across the "Frances." only his situation, but that of several room toward a little Chinese censer, "H'm-m," said the dean to herself. others," she replied. "But I am afraid and sniffed appreciatively. "The "I ought to know Rhea. I've watched it will take a wiser person than either scent of Maine woods pine," she her for years. She is unselfish; more- you or I to correct the ailment. It mused. "Rhea certainly was thought- over, she has something that will keep would make people happier and life ful to bring me some of that incense her that way—a Christian outlook. easier if girls would be contented with Sydney sent her." I'm sure that she and Sydney will inexpensive pleasures and gifts, and "I want you to share in a bit of make a success of their life together." fewer of them; but most of them my happiness," she had smiled. The Her mind flew back to another girl, live for just the present moment in- dean turned again to her letter. whose propensities for absorbing and stead of looking ahead." "You can imagine what a load it spending money had created an im- Angelo plodded out through the lifts from our hearts to have you possible situation both before and rain toward home. (Turn to page 14) NOVEMBER 19. 1940 PAGE 7 '')01 f Nernemo-et Aw1hy czeatUr ,

By MARVEL BEEM, M.D., F.A.C.S. genitor of the Faithful, the magnificent monarch who walked the ways of every longing. Nothing known to men of his day but he tried for some period of that mad fifty-eight years, and they called F it were necessary for me to give and dusty caravans brought the wealth his reign a reign of peace. He took to a reason for the expression of the of the world to his throne. His retainers himself of all the fascinating women thoughts that I shall transmit to were attired in the most gorgeous of whom he met, no matter whether or not I they were believers in the true God. He you in the next few minutes, I would vestments, and the women of his court be forced to admit the gradual crystal- and his harem were the most beautiful tasted of the pagan worship of these lization of my hopes concerning a few the sunlight had ever shone upon. In daughters of Belial who were his con- simple truths in a world where it is not the stalls beneath his palaces were quar- cubines, and he offered human sacrifice always easy to know truth, and an ever- tered a thousand chariots, and out in the sacred temple area where David increasing consciousness of need on my through the villages and towns, where had humbled himself before Jehovah. own part for the establishment of those his banners flew upon the bastioned And when the end was near and his race truths in my daily life. walls, regiments of men at arms waited, with sin and the devil was on the home Perhaps it is that I am but now ar- his slightest wish their command. Petty stretch, and to even the close observer riving at that time in my sojourn when kings from numerous surrounding prin- would have seemed almost a photofinish, the perspective of twoscore years gives cipalities paid him annual tribute in he set down his memoirs and left • a me cause for sober reflection. Perhaps gold, spices, and slaves, and the most legacy of sage advice that has had no in the swift pyramiding of national and distant nations had heard of his power peer, with the exception of that em- international tragedies in what seems to and his glory. bodied in the sermons of the Man of be the dissolution of the civilization that This man was a dictator; his word Galilee. appeared a few months ago to be more was life or death to those who waited, And in all the multiplicity of words or less permanent, I sense the immi- breathless, for his edicts. Surrounded and admonitions which he gave his sons, nence of divine events in which the whole by oriental splendor, with not an un- the greatest of all, to my mind, is the universe is concerned. Ahead, the beck- gratified whim to chafe his delicate de- clarion warning found in Ecclesiastes. oning light is constantly brighter, but sires, this potentate was withal wise Reechoing from age to age, from cap- there are still about me the ghosts of beyond the discretion of ordinary kings. tivity to captivity, like the 'brass serpent old mistakes, and temptations beset my So great was his fame for clarity of in the wilderness, this phrase is calcu- path, so that I am repeatedly brought vision and understanding of the human lated to resurrect hope in the heart of to the conclusion that it is well to ponder mind that he is called the wisest man the persecuted, to recall to his senses the my ways and consider whether I am still of all history. For three long millen- war lord, to reassure the desolate, and obedient to the heavenly vision or niums his sayings and his advice have been finally to usher in the Messiah ; and these whether I have made me other gods to handed down from generation to genera- few words, like a signature from a worship. tion, and in the bound volume of the broadcast out of the dead silence of an- In retrospect, my conscience is as- best seller of all time, his writings occupy tiquity, burst upon us in profound sailed by a barrage of a thousand search- a central spot, like Orion in the starry solemnity— ing questions. Have I been kind to sky. Not all the persecutions of all the "REMEMBER NOW THY those in need of kindness? Has my despots of history could blot his name CREATOR." thoughtlessness meant long hours of from the scroll of fame. heavy sorrow for those whom Provi- Four years ago last March I stood The days of his youth were gone. Re- dence has placed within the sphere of within the Temple of the Rock on Mount gret lay heavy upon him, and he doubt- my influence? Have I betrayed in the Moriah in Old Jerusalem, sometimes less realized that his penitence could least step those who trust in me, whose called the Mosque of Omar, and saw the never atone for his waywardness, and very souls may hang upon my purposes sunlight filter through the famous so into that last writing went all the and my faithfulness? stained-glass windows upon the spot hope and effort of a man who had at The fact that bursts upon me in vivid where, so many years before, Arunya times forgotten God and who knew the reality today is that time still lingers for the Jebusite had threshed his wheat. ways of sin. I hold no brief for Solo- us to repair the altars of our courage, Here it was that the great David had mon. I think he was a waster and a the mark is still set for us to press to- offered sacrifice to his God, here Abra- tyrant. Out of the oppression of Israel ward, it is not too late to renew our ham had in faith offered his son Isaac, he made gold to be like stones in Jeru- covenant with truth ; the ark may be and here Solomon the magnificent had salem. The kings of the contiguous ter- pitched and ready for the flood, but the built the most fabulously glorious build- ritories were terrified when his legions door of opportunity is not yet. shut. ing of all time. appeared at their gates. But neverthe- Mankind is not in need of bigger and Here stood also the temple restored less when he had wandered far from the better pensions ; armies and governments by Herod, and upon this ancient hill the teachings of the prophets of Israel, he cannot steady the flickering pulse of this blood of the recalcitrant Jews had run knew the way back, and ever before sick generation. What the earth needs down the temple steps like water when him, to save his soul from the utter today is the same thing it needed in the the Roman troops set fire to the sacred blackness of the pit, was the all-powerful days when Cain slew Abel, the thing it edifice. Off to the east I saw the Mount attraction to his God, the urge to "re- needed in the days when Esther was of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemane, member now thy Creator." queen at the court of Ahasuerus, and while below me scarce half a mile was All this took place, mind you, while stood breathless between her people and the brook Kidron. A thousand memories Central Europe was still a wilderness. utter annihilation, the things it needed came rushing in to stir my heart with This was a thousand years before Julius when Pontius Pilate was governor of scenes of the sins and the glories, the Caesar led his Roman cohorts into Gaul Galilee and all the land clamored for the victories and the defeats, of the chosen and subjugated the barbaric German life of one Person to maintain the estab- people of God, all now passed away. tribes; this was two thousand five hun- lished order—it needs men of immovable Shortly we left the Moslem temple and dred years before men dreamed there character who know that faith, hope, and followed our guides to the stables be- was a Western Hemisphere, or that the love are still the signposts on the road neath the floor of the temple area, the earth was a sphere at all ; this was three to Paradise. stalls in which Solomon quartered his thousand years before the world should In my mental search for phrases and . horses and chariots. What ghosts of so totally forget God that the chief oc- words to make more articulate my daily antiquity haunt these musty chambers ! cupation of governments would be the resolutions, I have kept returning for How these vaults used to ring to the amassing of armaments, the beating of some unaccountable reason to the first revelry of the sons of Israel's nobles ! plowshares into swords and of pruning words of the last chapter of Ecclesiastes, What triumphs were celebrated within hooks into spears, lest they be destroyed and constantly my mind slips off into a the walls of this old city! What scan- by neighbor nations. contemplation of their author and his dals were whispered in its secret closets. Attila, Genghis Khan, and even Nero life. There is no other place on earth that were amateurs compared to the war It was almost three thousand years so links the Christian' to the human side lords of our day. When before did the ago that there was born in the Eastern of his faith as this much-besieged, much- sky rain death and multilation on de- Mediterranean world this prince of great destroyed, much-sung, and much-loved fenseless women and children? When power and enormous riches. Upon every city. before did vast nations bow in abject sea and every road merchant armadas He died at fifty-eight, this mighty king, slavery before the edicts of highwaymen leaving behind him a legend that has who pose as their leaders? I have seen An address to the West Los Angeles (Cali- few equals in the annals of mankind. the garments worn by the first Napoleon fornia) Rotary Club. He was at once the preacher and pro- when he was crowned in Notre Dame, PAGE 8 THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR and I have stood at his tomb in the length out of the abyss he cried to God Fostered of Pharaoh's daughter, Invalides in Paris. That was only four- and then sat down and wrote his last And a prince in Egypt ; teen years ago, and even then men did warning to those who should follow In statecraft, priestcraft, lifecra ft, not vision the cumulative terror of these him, "Remember now thy Creator." skilled; intervening years. Communications and When is a man old? Is twenty or Wise in his youth and conscious of his transportation have shrunk this world, twenty-five, or thirty or forty or fifty powers; much as the secret formulas of certain the end of youth? Ask the physician, and Dowered with the patience and the pas- South American head-hunters have he will tell you that it varies with the sion that are genius; shrunk the heads of their captives, until individual. Moses was young at a hun- Ambitious, favored, subtle, sure, and I can push a button in my car at fifty dred and twenty, and Solomon was old swift, miles an hour and hear Gandhi berate at fifty-eight. Someone told me the Already prince in Egypt ! from India, or push another button and other day that he felt that the Christian And later anything he willed. get London or Berlin or Paris with the religion is an old man's religion. I am He mused, and for an infinite moment progress of the second world war. And reminded of a motto on the wall of a All the world passed by him in a mist ; out of all this hopelessness and the fu- schoolmate of mine in the academy, Cities and ships and nations, tility of human effort to stop the in- "Make love in thy youth, and in thine Temples and armies, melted to a mist creasing momentum that would carry us old age attend unto thy salvation." Not and swirled past beneath the stars ; to the ultimate chaos, I hear a voice so. This is not merely an old man's And a faint tumult filled his ear, of from Jerusalem, "Remember now thy religion; it is also a young man's reli- trumpets and the clash of brazen Creator," and it seems to me that the gion. I call you to witness the nobility arms, emphasis is on the word NOW. There of youth in the hall of fame of our The wind and sound of empire; is no tomorrow or yesterday ; there is God. There was Moses in Egypt, long And he felt the mighty pulse of his only now. before the dreary decades in the wilder- own thought and will I have wondered sometimes why it ness with the sheep, or at Sinai, during Transmuted to the tread of marching was that Solomon said, "Remember those busy, stirring days at the court of hosts now thy Creator in the days of thy Pharaoh. Listen ! That shook the granite hills, youth." Perhaps he was trying to undo And saw chained kings cringe by his the mischief of his later years, when he "The world was at his feet, chariots, lion drawn, forsook the God of his father David But overhead the stars! And felt himself on Seti's throne and and went after Ashtoreth and Chemosh, From • Luxor's roof he saw their light crowned with Seti's crown; whose altars built by him polluted the on pillared Karnak fall, And all the iron delight of power was Mount of Olives for generations. The And knew what gods and lines of mon- his. record says that in his youth he served archs alien to his blood For one measureless moment this vision God and championed the ways of right- Kept guard among the shadows there. moved and glittered, eousness, but when he grew older and Upon a temple's roof at Thebes the Rushing by. tasted the fruit of wickedness, he fell young man Moses stood Master of men he knew himself ; he farther and farther from his own teach- In commune with his dreams, thrilled ; ings until he was all but lost, and at A kingdom at his feet, There lay an empire at his feet, But overhead a God." And many a young man like him who seems now to be part and parcel of the ordinary enterprise of this world, will be found the counterpart of Moses when the great decisions of these coming mo- mentous days are made. God will have leaders for His people when the sandals of their feet are dipped in Jordan. He will not desert them to march ungen- eraled around the walls of Jericho. A new Joshua will arise to lead them to the Land of Promise. Who is this Creator? Why, He is the Babe of Bethlehem, He is the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night (even to His wayward people). He is the one who said, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me : for of such is the kingdom of heaven," He is the mighty counselor, He is the fourth man in the fiery furnace. He is the gentle rebuker of the harlot Mary of Magdala, He is the friend of Zaccheus the publican, He is the healer of the blind, He is the one upon whose word the order of the universe depends—this universe whose outer fringe we measure in terms of light-years. And how near is this Creator to us? During the wee sma' hours my telephone rang. -I automatically answered it. A voice at the other end said, "One of our nurses is sick with an acute abdomen. We think it is a pelvic tumor. with a bowel obstruction, and have sent her to another hospital. We wish you would see her there, since it is against regula- tions for us to care for her here.' In a few minutes at the hospital I held the hand of a woman forty-six (how many would say she was old ?), and verified the history and the diagnosis. Forty minutes later we operated and found cancer of the peritoneum ! Two weeks from then I told her of her disease, and that nothing but a miracle could see her through more than a few weeks or months of life. And then I reminded her of her Creator and of the hope which was hers in an ever-present Saviour and soon-coming King. A short while later

P. D. MOREAU. PHOTO The Time of Youth Is a Time of Con- secration and Preparation for Service in' the Master's Vineyard PAGE 9 I prayed with her for the last time, and In the afternoon Marconi Operator Mr. Ismay without comment. Ismay pulled the sheet up over her still lips Bride, earphones clamped on his head, read it, stuffed it in his pocket, told and sightless eyes. was figuring accounts; he did not stop two women about the icebergs, and re- More than once when I was visiting to answer when he heard a near-by liner, sumed his walk. Later, about 7:15 P.M., her in those few weeks the thought the "Californian," calling the "Titanic." the captain requested the return of the flashed through my mind that her plight The "Californian" had some message message, so that it might be posted in might have been mine. How would I about three icebergs ; he didn't bother to the chartroom for the information of have faced it? I wonder. How would take it down. About 1:42 P.M. the rasp- officers. you face it? Do you think, then, that ing spark of those days spoke again In the wireless room, where Philips, you shall escape? To every one of us across the water. It was the "Baltic," first operator, had relieved Bride, the the moment will come when we must warning the "Titanic" of ice on the buzz of the "Californian's" set again stand face to face with the Judge of the steamer track. Bride sent the messages crackled: universe. And yet we go from day to up to the bridge. The bearded master "CALIFORNIAN :" "Say, old man, we are day with this destiny at our very doors of the "Titanic," Captain E. C. Smith, stuck here, surrounded by ice." and forget our God. read the message as he was walking on "TITANIC :" "Shut un. shut up ; keep While I am on this trend, there is a the promenade deck, and handed it to out. I am talking to Cape Race. You thought that I have wanted to express are jamming my signals." for a long time. I hope it has some com- Then a few minutes later—about fort. And it is this—it is not hard to 11:40— die. Most deaths are not attended by MINUTES Out of the dark she came, a vast, dim, much pain. A kindly God has so or- white, monstrous shape, directly in the ganized the human frame that before "Titanic's" path. For a moment Fleet much of suffering ordinarily takes place, doubted his eyes. But she was a deadly the nervous system—that distress-signal READ WITH PROFIT reality. Frantically he telephoned the wiring of the human body—gives out bridge: and refuses to relay the sense of pain "Iceberg right ahead !" to the brain center. Then comes a gen- When we speak of the laws of nature, Bells clanged the first warning in the tle anesthesia—we call it coma—and the do we think of nature as a great machine engine room. Danger! The indicators slumberer progresses to that deep sleep once set to go and regulated by these on the dial faces swung around to from which nought but the resurrection laws? Or do we think of nature as "Stop !" Then "Full speed astern. !" trumpet shall arouse him. The thing a great organism sustained moment by There was a slight shock, a brief that makes dying difficult is the remorse moment by infinite power? Your ideas scraping, a small list to port. Shell ice and regret of the years that have gone. of Christ, of God, and of life will take —slabs and chunks of it—fell on the The thing that makes it easy is the hope on new meaning as you read "Ministry foredeck. Slowly the "Titanic" stopped. of the eternity to come. And the men of Healing," pages 3 9 5-4 1 8. Captain Smith hurried out of his who die hard are the men who have not Can you match the following? cabin. "What has the ship struck?" the latter. This is why Solomon said, 1. Missionary training Murdoch answered, "An iceberg, sir; when he saw the end approaching, "Re- 2. A manifestation of God I have closed the watertight doors." member now thy Creator in the days of 3. The highest of all sciences A few lights switched on in the first thy youth." 4. Christ's first human teacher and second cabins; sleepy passengers But times have changed since Solomon 5. Heaven's appointed source of education peered through porthole glass; some cas- wrote those words; they have changed 6. The essential knowledge ually asked the stewards, "Why have we even in the last ten years. There is a 7. Eternal life stopped ?" mounting incidence of swift death among 8. The laws of nature "I don't know, sir, but I don't sup- us. The story of catastrophes is old to The Scripture, nature, life's experience pose it is anything much." us. The newspapers and the newsreels Life In the smoking room a quorum of have caloused our time and generation. True education gamblers were still sitting round a poker War, pestilence, and famine stalk beside A knowledge of God table. They had felt the slight jar of the migration of fleeing multitudes; and God's instruments the collision and had seen an eighty- still the world rolls on, and God stays The science of soulsaving foot ice mountain glide by the smoking- in His heaven and men and women seek Mother room windows, but the "Titanic" was the pleasures of life and shun the house To know God and Jesus Christ "unsinkable ;" they hadn't bothered to go of mourning. The cocktail lounges and on deck. the amusement centers are filled from Which of the following are true, and But far below in the forward holds dawn to dawn, and Christians move in which are false? and boiler rooms, men could see that the and out in these treacherous, thrilling 1. The continuous round of nature's "Titanic's" hurt was mortal. All six days, and some remember their Creator, activity is an evidence that God placed compartments forward of No. 4 were and some seem to be trying hard to for- within nature an inherent power. open to the sea; in ten seconds the ice- get Him. 2. The beating heart, the throbbing berg's jagged claw had ripped a 300-foot The story of the "unsinkable Titanic," pulse, every nerve and muscle in the liv- slash in the bottom of the great "Ti- written by Hanson W. Baldwin and con- ing organism, is kept in order and activity tanic." densed from Harper's Magazine, illus- by the power of an ever-present God. On deck, in corridor and stateroom. trates what I have in mind. 3. True scientific investigation can ex- life flowed again. Men, women, and The White Star liner "Titanic," the plain creation. children awoke • and questioned • orders largest ship the world had ever known, 4. God's handiwork in nature is not were given to uncover the lifeboats; sailed from Southampton on her maiden God Himself in nature. water rose into the firemen's quarters ; voyage to New York on April 10, 1912. 5. Transformation of character, purity half-dressed stokers streamed up on She was believed to be the safest ship of life, efficiency in service, adherence to deck. But the passengers—most of them afloat; she had double bottoms, and correct principles, all depend upon a right —did not know that the "Titanic" was her hull was divided into sixteen water- knowledge of the natural sciences. sinking. The shock of the collision had tight compartments, which made her, 6. The Creator of all worlds loves been so slight that some were not awak- men thought, unsinkable. She had been those who give themselves to His service ened by it ; the "Titanic" was unsink- built to be, and had been described as, even as He loves His Son. able; the night was too calm, too beau- a gigantic lifeboat. She moved out to sea 7. The work of the worldly school is tiful, to think of death at sea. with 2,201 persons aboard. an effective supplement to the work of In the radio shack the blue spark Occupying the empire bedrooms and the Christian home. danced, calling for assistance: "CQD— suites of the first-class accommodations 8. The company they (the youth) CQD—CQD— ' were many well-known men and women keep, the principles they adopt, the habits The sea was surging into the "Ti- —Colonel John Jacob Astor and his they form, will decide the question of their tanic's" hold. At 12:20 the water burst young bride ; Frank D. Millet, the usefulness here, and of their future, eternal into the seamen's quarters through a painter; H. B. Harris, theatrical man- destiny. collapsed bulkhead. Pumps strained in ager, and Mrs. Harris ; Mr. and Mrs. 9. The parent's first and most impor- the engine rooms, men and machinery Isador Straus ; and J. Bruce Ismay, man- tant work is to feed the child so that it making a futile fight against the sea. aging director of the White Star line. may grow strong. Steadily the water rose. Down in the plain cabins of the steerage 10. Christ lived in a peasant's home, The boats were swung out—slowly; class were 706 immigrants to the land bore household burdens, learned a trade, for the deckhands were late in reach- of promise. wore the garb of a common laborer, and ing their stations, there had been no boat Sunday in mid-Atlantic dawned fair did the part of an obedient son. drill, and many of the crew did not and clear. The purser held services in 11. Life is the manifestation of God know to what boats they were assigned. the saloon in the morning. At 9 A.M. Himself, the source of all life. 12 :30 A.M. The word is passed: a message from the steamer "Caronia" 12. Of all the created beings, man is "Women and children in the boats." sputtered into the wireless shack: the noblest of His created work. Stewards finish waking their passengers "Captain, 'Titanic :' Westbound steam- below; life preservers are tied on; some ers report bergs, growlers, and field ice Learn the following memory gem: men smile at the precaution. "The 'Ti- in 42 degrees N. from 49 degrees to 51 "God has given us His plan for our tanic' is unsinkable." The "Mt. Tem- • degrees W. life, and He desires us to reach the high- ple" starts for the "Titanic ;" the "Car- "Compliments—Barr." est standard of development." (Turn to page 13) PAGE 10 THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR



turn to work. My prayer had not been answered as I wished. Later I found that God had a purpose in not granting my request. Wantect----0 *ma The time of the Chinese Moon Fes- tival had arrived. I was preparing the food for the annual feast when I heard my sister, who was on the porch, say By ESTHER LUM to my father, "Meu Chinn is going to join the Jesus religion! You stop her!" Her loud, angry voice frightened me. Where had she heard that? Surely I had been most secretive about my inten- UR neighbors worship the white foolish for a poor Chinese to send her tions. My father was stunned by this man's god," I said to my sister. children to a private school—private shocking news. Before he had time to 0 "Yes, some Chinese like to imi- schools in Hawaii charge tuition. There answer, I rushed out and said, "How do tate the 'West," she replied; "you are so many public schools that do not you know? Who told you?" go offer your incense before the family cost a cent. Why did she not send them She was so angry that she couldn't altar for your mother's spirit." to the public school? speak. Finally she calmed herself ' We had so many gods—gods of the "You see, I have given my children enough to say, "Today I was sitting at earth, gods of the floods and sky, of the to God. They are going to work for the machine sewing when I felt the pres- trees and flowers. The most important Him. I must send them to the mission ence of someone. Looking up, I saw god was the god of the dead spirits. I school, so that they will learn how to mother. With tears streaming down her worshiped religiously before the little work for God," she explained. cheeks, she said, `Meu Chinn is going family altar every morning. How queer that Chinese woman was. to be a Christian; you had better stop On festival days or holidays we all I had never , seen a Chinese like that her if you can ;' then she vanished." offered chicken, pork, oysters, sweets, before. I began to ask questions. She I knew what that meant, for already and tea to these idols. The lamp was was happy, for now she saw that she I had learned that the devil brings up kept burning before the altar throughout had my curiosity aroused. our loved ones to deceive us. Mother the day. "Wouldn't you like to learn more about had been dead more than a year. The Bible says that a little child shall the Bible?" she asked me. "I am not a child. I am old enough lead them. Yes, a little child led me. It was strange and new to me, but I to know right from wrong! I have The new neighbor's little boy stood answered, "Yes, I would." chosen to be a Christian," I said calmly, • watching me hang the clothes on the Arrangements were made for the Bible but firmly. line. His sweet smile attracted me. worker to come to Mrs. Liu's home to "You can't worship that blue-eyed ", Sonny, what's your name?" give me Bible lessons. After that first man's God!" she yelled at me, and left I asked. study, I was thrilled. How could I the house. He was too bashful to reply, but his wait for one whole week before I should When I returned from church on Sab- mother came to the window and spoke, hear more about the white man's God! bath, my five sisters were waiting "You are early with your wash today." After I had taken one study, I deter- for me. "I must hurry, for I have to go to mined to be a Christian. "Where have you been?" snapped the the school to do the janitor work. Our How was I to keep Sabbath, since I oldest. family is large, and we must all work." was doing janitor work in one of the "I went to church." "I am sewing. Couldn't you make public schools ? I took my troubles to "Can't you realize what you are do- more money sewing than doing janitor Mrs. Liu. ing?" said another. work?" she asked. "You must tell the principal that you "Yes, I know what I am doing. I "I cannot sew, for I never learned. cannot work on Saturday, the seventh, am telling you right now that I am going I left school when I finished the sixth day, which is the Sabbath,' she admon- to be a Christian." grade. You know Chinese girls don't ished me. "First we shall pray that "Get out of this house at once," my need book education. Sewing is taught God will touch his heart. oldest sister said. She then gave me in the seventh grade, but I never went The very next Sabbath I walked two a terrible scolding, which ended by her that far." miles to church instead of going to work. telling me that if I would give up the "When you have time, come over, and Saturday night I was notified not to re- Christian ideas, I could remain at home. I'll teach you to sew," the good Chinese woman said. I found time. Every mo- ment that I could, I would slip into the house next door.. If my older sisters called me, I could hear them, for those little houses are so close together that we could practically hear all our neighbors' conversa- tion. It was not only sewing that this good woman wished to teach me. She told me all about the mis- sion school that her children attended. To me it seemed

"She Told Me All About the Mission School That Her Children Attended" NOVEMBER 19, 1940 PAGE 11 I went to my room and began to gather me back to do the work, and to know The boys read, play games, build elec- my clothes. Where was I Co go? What that my dead spirit would not persecute trical sets, and tease each other in be- should I do? Still I kept on sorting them. tween times. out my clothes. I was so dazed I hardly But the devil does not forget us, for At night we try to sleep wherever we knew what I was doing. My sister came soon after I was baptized, I became ill. can. I have become quite accustomed into the room. Seeing that I was gather- "Now you are being punished because to sleeping on the ground floor, with my ing my clothes, she realized that I had you do not bow to the images," my own junior Missionary Volunteer beside decided to leave rather than give up my sister said. "The gods are angry with me, and almost feel like scorning the church. you." soft bed upstairs. I think I can do with "You leave those things alone. Get My sickness lingered too long. One an hour less of sleep on a hard floor. It out of the house! Get out now!" she day my sister said, "You are no help to is not bad to be tough in some ways ! yelled at me. us. You eat, but you do not work. Go Across from my office window is a I ran out without a thing except one away; then there will be one less mouth tall tower above our food factory. dollar which I had in my pocket. to feed." When the siren has warned us by day, My good neighbor heard all the shout- My good neighbor Mrs. Liu nursed we never run to the shelter. We always ing, and she came out to meet me. me till I was well. Then my new Chris- look at that tower before we go under- "Vre shall go and see the Bible worker. tian friends helped me to find work. ground. Up there stands one of our I know that she can find a home for I was happy, but I felt that I must senior Missionary Volunteers scanning you," said Mrs. Liu. The good Bible prepare to do my part in the Lord's the sky, his ears wide open. Meanwhile, woman did find a place for me. vineyard. What could I do without an all the factory workers carry on with The second Sabbath at church I saw education? I determined to go back to their work. If the lookout man rings a my brother as I was leaving. At first school. Many students were working bell, indicating that enemy planes are ap- I was frightened, but he spoke kindly in homes and going to school. So when proaching, the workers then quickly take to me. He is more sympathetic to- registration day came I went to see the cover. This plan is followed all over the ward me. principal to ask if I could enter the country. It has given rise to a new catch "You come home and do the work. sixth grade. He looked at me, and I phrase: "Look up and carry on !" That is You can keep your Sabbath and do just could tell by his face that he did not a good one for Missionary Volunteers, as you please, if you will only come and have confidence in me. He did not think is it not? We must have ears and eyes do the housework," he said. In the that I would remain in school. alert to God's voice, which warns us of Oriental home the older brother is the That was six years ago. All these the enemy's wiles ; and so long as we boss. I wis homesick and was happy to years I have worked in homes and made keep our eyes and ears open Godward, go back. all my own expenses. Now I am a jun- we can carry on undauntedly with the My sisters told me of how I had wor- ior. How happy I am that God loves task of living for God on earth. ried them. They were afraid that I had even me. Occasionally I visit my sisters A few days ago I was attending a gone off to kill myself. Daily they at home, but it is not my home. God youth's rally in one of our largest looked for my spirit to come and haunt is building a home for me by the sea churches. It was Saturday evening them. They had gone to the Chinese of glass in the land of everlasting hap- about six o'clock, and I was due to speak. temple to ask the priest to go through piness. The siren warning had sounded a few his rituals to find out where I was. He minutes before. As a large gathering took his box of bamboo sticks and shook of our young people were already in the them furiously till some fell out. From On" church enjoying a song service, I thought these he read that I was at a Chinese "Look Up and Carry I would slip round to the front of the home. He told them to go home and (Continued from page 1) church to make sure that nothing dan- burn the candles and incense. He sold gerous was about. A roof-top watcher them some papers that they were to burn latest reproach hurled at him : "Now, John, across the street pointed, as I reached the in the yard. All this would appease the don't be a Wailing Winnie !" Whenever front of the church, to a place in the wrath of the gods—and, incidentally, it the siren goes, the boys call out a laconic, sky about one third of the way down gave him a little extra cash. That priest "There she goes !" Then, if it is at night, from the zenith to the horizon. Sure made a mistake, for I was at an Amer- we slip out of bed and begin to dress enough, an air fight was in progress. ican home. in the dark in old, warm clothes. If I watched with a group of senior Mis- Everything went along smoothly at you methodically placed your clothes sionary Volunteers, and saw a machine home, for they all were happy to have close at hand when you went to bed, come down in flames. It was so thrilling you will have no trouble; but if you that I forgot the time till I heard the did not—then you will learn a lesson. group inside singing the opening hymn : The boys seem to need more lessons "Stand Up for Jesus !" I walked onto , than the girls ! the platform and told the large assembly Sometimes brother cannot find his of Missionary Volunteers what had hap- pants (because he will hang them on the pened, and then we went on with the floor if mother does not watch him!), meeting, though the "all clear" had not or sister cannot find that latest idea of sounded. That shows the spirit of these a woman's loose one-piece suit that zips brave young people. It was perhaps one to in a second. Then father bumps into of the very few Missionary Volunteer the bedpost, the while poor mother tries rallies to be held anywhere in the world to get her family collected decently and with actual fighting going on overhead. calmly. Wonderful how mothers gen- By the way, a large-scale aerial fight erally keep calm and think of everything is the last word in thrills. The machines beforehand! Those who do not are the look like a flock of wheeling, circling, poor, nervous ones, who, mercifully, are screaming sea gulls in a winter's gale. in a pitiful minority. We watched one overhead recently Father marshals us all by night with (though it's not a wise thing to do). the aid of his torch, and off we go good- The machine-gun cartridges fell empty humoredly to the best shelter we can around, reminding us of the terrors and find. By day mother is left to do her tragedies which modern man has brought best without father's help. The shelter on himself. 1. What is charity called? may be a steel one in the garden, in Listen ! Bombs in the distance ! 2. How do we know that angels are in- which case the juniors will most likely Down in this underground shelter I no- terested in the conversion of men? have improvised beds, so that they will tice that all our Missionary Volunteers 3. How was Christ strengthened while not miss too much sleep. Or it may be grow quiet, and there is the slightest suffering in Gethsemane? a public shelter, properly lighted and trace of apprehension in the eyes of the 4. For what must men give account with seating accommodations, where juniors. But in a few seconds it is gone, in the judgment? everybody is friendly and helpful. The and they smile and chatter in their 5. How does Satan deceive so many brave encourage the timid, and the cau- buoyant, happy way. people? tious restrain the foolish, thus setting up Our senior Missionary Volunteers find 6. What role do Satan's agents assume? a balance. In many homes beds for endless avenues for service these days. 7. What is the final destruction of the babies and juniors are made under the Many have voluntarily joined the Gov- wicked called? stairs, or, better still, the whole family ernment Air Raid Precautions Scheme, 8. What does Christ say will befall goes into the basement or cellar, if they and have qualified as "wardens," which those who do not repent? are fortunate enough to have one. means that they patrol a certain beat dur- 9. In what condition was man created? The shelter I am now in is of the ing raids, ready to handle incendiary 10. Before leaving His disciples, what underground zig-zag-trench type, and has bombs, fight fires, render first aid to the command did Christ give them? electric lights and seats. At either end injured, and generally help the population 11. What countercommand did the Jew- there is a room, in which deck chairs in any emergency. I have often seen ish Sanhedrin soon afterward give can be fixed for the grandmas and the these men and women at dead of night them? children. with their steel helmets and gas masks, 12. In what condition are those who com- By day the women and girls knit, sew, patrolling, watching, and marshaling peo- mit sin? or darn (brothers do provide useful ple into shelters. Calmly, efficiently, they (Answers on page 14) work sometimes), and, of course, talk! move about in great danger, risking their PAGE 12 THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR lives in order to serve those in need. "Remember Now Thy existence swimmers struggling in the That is surely the true spirit of the freezing water. The "Titanic" stands on Master. These are days when Christians Creator" end, poised briefly for the plunge. who may not want to take life must, Slowly she slides to her grave—slowly nevertheless, risk themselves to save (Continued from page ro) at first, and then more quickly—quickly others. pathia," with a double watch in her —quickly. Ah ! There is "Winnie," but this time stokeholds, radios, "Coming hard." The 2 :20 A.M. The greatest ship in the she gives a long, sustained note, which CQD changes the course of many ships world has sunk. From the calm, dark we welcome—the "all clear." "There —but not of one; the • operator of the waters, where the floating lifeboats move, she goes !" shout the juniors, and we "Californian," a dozen miles away, has there goes up, in the white wake of her stream out of the earth back to our just put down his earphones and passing, "one long, continuous moan." normal lives in God's fresh air and sun- turned in. shine. 12:45 A.M. Murdoch, eyes tragic, but Listen, my young friend, you and I If all our British Missionary Volun- calm and cool, orders boat No. 7 low- are today afloat upon a more deadly teers could send you a personal message, ered. The women hang back; they don't sea than ever the "Titanic" knew that I know exactly what the sentiment of want to boat ride on an ice-strewn sea ; fateful Sunday in the mid-Atlantic. Our each would be—"Hello, M.V.'s every- the "Titanic" is unsinkable. The men lives move swiftly to their destiny where ! God is with us ! Look- up and encourage them, explain that this is through a night more fraught with carry on !" just a precautionary measure: "We'll menace than that which held the cold, see you again at breakfast." There is green, murderous icebergs. All about little confusion; passengers stream us are the hidden destroyers to send us slowly to the boat deck. In the steerage screaming into the deep. But through the immigrants chatter excitedly. the thickening silence of the darkness A sudden sharp hiss, a streaked flare that surrounds us comes clear and re- against the night. A rocket explodes, assuring the warning—CQD—CQD— and a parachute of white stars lights CQD—from the, sanctuary in heaven, up the icy sea. "Rockets !" The band "Remember, remember, remember, NOW plays ragtime. No. 6 goes over the thy Creator." side. Only twenty-eight people in a life- boat with a capacity of sixty-five. 1:00 A.M. Slowly the water creeps higher; the fore ports of the "Titanic" Address all correspondence to the are dipping into the sea. Rope squeaks Stamp Corner, Youth's Instructor through blocks; lifeboats drop jerkily Takoma Park. D.C. seaward. Through the shouting on the decks comes the sound of the band playing ragtime. Exchange The rockets fling their splendor to- ward the stars. The boats are more Use Commemoratives on Your heavily loaded now, for the passengers Exchange Letters know that the "Titanic" is sinking. (In sending requests to this corner, please Women cling and sob. The great screws give your age—junior or senior—and the size of your collection. Collectors must have at least aft are rising clear of the sea. Half- 500 stamps, with duplicates for trade, before they filled boats are ordered to come along- may enter their names here. To beginners we side the cargo ports and take on more will send FREE a small package of stamps, and passengers, but the ports are never instructions for starting a collection. A penny postcard will start your package on the way.). opened—and the boats are never filled. NATURE CALLS The water rises, and the band plays Roscoe Kelly, Edgecliff Sanatorium, ragtime. Spokane, Washington, (senior, 1,000 1:45 A.M. The foredeck is under The Glider stamps), would appreciate hearing from water, the great stern is lifted high other stamp collectors. He has United toward the bright stars. Below in the MONG the most remarkable of all States stamps, and some foreign. He stokeholds the sweaty firemen keep steam A furred acrobats is the flying pha- promises to answer all letters. up for the flaring lights and the danc- langer of Australia. An attractive ing spark. Stokers slice and shovel as little animal, with a silky fur coat of a water laps about their ankles. Safety grayish-black color on top and white valves pop; the stokers retreat aft, and underneath, the phalanger is noted for the watertight doors clang shut behind its magnificent tail, which any Persian That Stamp Drawer Again them. There are about 660 people in cat might envy. the boats, and 1,500 still on the sinking The creature is rarely seen in the day- ?-1-10DAY we are going to pull open "Titanic." On top of the officers' quarters time, which it spends sleeping in the JL that magic drawer again, and see men work frantically to get the two trees, but as soon as darkness falls it what we can find. In the drawer collapsibles stowed there over the side. begins to feed, "flying" about from tree where the 10-cent packages of stamps In the radio shack, Bride has slipped a to tree in search of fresh young leaves are, we miss some of our accustomed life jacket about Phillips as the first and berries. friends. Albania is gone; and so are operator sits hunched over his key, The animal does not really "fly," but Finland, Poland, Tannu Tuva, Ukrainia, sending. A stoker, grimed with coal, glides, and is the most amazing glider and Wurttemberg. But new faces are mad with fear, steals into the shack and in the animal kingdom. It has a loose making their appearance—Alexandretta, reaches for the life jacket on Phillips' flap of skin which connects its fore and Cook Islands, Falklands, Fiji, Italian back. Bride wheels about and brains hind legs with the flanks of its body. East Africa. And so the picture changes him with a wrench. The band still plays When the limbs are outspread, the loose as world events make some stamps hard —but not ragtime— skin flap is stretched taut, and the ani- to get and others common. "Nearer, my God, to Thee, mal can glide for upwards of 100 yards. In the approval drawer we find many Nearer to Thee—" The long, pendulous tail acts as a rud- new sets. There's the Persia Royal der and balancing organ. Wedding, Liberia Triangles (picturing A few men take up the refrain; oth- When a phalanger wants to "fly" wild animals), Bulgarian Railroads, ers kneel on the slanting decks to pray. from one tree to another, it simply climbs Mexican Centenary of the First Stamp, People are leaping from the decks into to the highest branch of the tree it is British Centenary of the Penny Black, the near-by water—the icy water. A in, then leaps out into space and glides New Zealand Health Stamp for 1939, woman cries, "Oh, save me, save me!" swiftly downward, alighting safely on the Papua 1939 Airpost Commemorative, A man answers, "Good lady, only God trunk of the other tree. When near its etc. One of the most desirable recent can save you now." objective, the phalanger checks its speed additions to the list is the Ceylon George The water creeps over the bridge by a quick and graceful curve upward, VI pictorials from 2 cents to 30 cents, where the "Titanic's" master stands; and makes a clever "landing" on the used, for only 20 cents. heavily he steps out to meet it. tree trunk, to which it clings easily with And of course we find the old stand- 2:17 A.M. "CQ—" The "Virginian" its delicate, fine claws. Then it imme- bys—British colony pictorials. Some of hears a ragged, blurred CQ, then an diately climbs up into the branches. the U. S. Constitution stamps from abrupt stop. The blue spark dances no In the Australian bush the haunts of South and Central America are left, as more. The lights on the ship flicker the phalangers are easily discovered be- well as some World's Fair stamps, and out. cause of the many scratches on the bark the more recent Pan American Union 2:18 A.M. Men run about blackened of the trees where the animals' sharp stamps from the Western Hemisphere. decks, leap into the night, are swept into claws have repeatedly torn the surface Then there are the New Zealand Centen- the sea by the curling wave which licks when "landing" after "flights." nial sets. up the "Titanic's" length. The great On moonlight nights the blurred This isn't an advertisement, but we do stern rises like a squat leviathan. The image of these agile creatures shooting wish to remind you that these sets are forward funnel snaps and crashes into through space is a wonderful sight.— sent out on approval. the sea ; its steel tons hammer out of Ewen K. Patterson. NOVEMBER 19, 1940 PAGE 13 In the practice of medicine the phy- 20-22; 2 Cor. 6:14-18. As a direct an- sician often feels justified in taking care swer to your inquiry, I am quoting from of some cases on Sabbath because they pages 266 and 267 in the book, "Messages eat represent emergencies ; whereas, in the to Young People." Y practice of law the only safe plan seems "I am sorry to see that many youth Questions con9erninq the choice of a to be for the attorney absolutely to refuse who profess religion do not have any vocation a-'d the oc:upational oppor- any position that would involve him in knowledge of a change of heart. There tunities of Seventh-day Adventist youth is no transformation of character. They will be answered from time to time in Sabbath duties. Only a man thoroughly this column. consecrated to the Lord would be able do not realize that it is a solemn thing Send all questions to Your Career, to withstand temptations of this nature to profess to be a Christian. Their life Care Youth's Instructor, Takoma Park, which would arise. is entirely inconsistent with a religious Washington, D.C. T. M. STEEN, Ps .D. frame of mind. If they were of that number who are indeed the sons and Do you think it is advisable for a daughters of God, they would not be Seventh-day Adventist young man to That Money Question filled with nonsense and pleasantry and study law? Is this a suitable profes- trifling; neither would the foolish re- sion for our people? (Continued from page 7) marks and conduct of others awaken the same iii them. A mind that is intent In the study which we made some two "He is a nice old man," thought the upon having the prize, upon securing years ago in regard to the occupations dean, "faithful in his work and kind to heaven, will reject with firm, determined of our Adventist people in the United his family. I don't know what we would purpose every attempt at wit and jest States, we found only a few lawyers. do without him." concerning religious things. However, this should not be interpreted Her mind ran back forty years to the "There is great danger in indifference necessarily as meaning that it is impos- days when she herself was young. upon this subject; no folly is so subtle sible for an Adventist to be a successful 'Nothing expensive," she pondered. as thoughtlessness and levity. On every lawyer. We have several examples in "I hadn't thought about it before. A hand we see youth of a frivolous char- the denomination of devoted Seventh-day book or two ; some flowers. Once it acter. All young people of this class Adventists who have been and still are was just one big beautiful rose, just should be avoided, for they are danger- at the present time successful practicing one! And that arbutus. Hm-m ! I ous. If they profess to be Christians, attorneys. found it pressed in an old music book they are the more to be dreaded. Their One of the reasons why we have so a while ago, a faint fragrance still cling- have been cast in an inferior few Adventist lawyers is that the de- ing to it. Three decades-four? I guess mold ; and it will be far easier for them nomination has not in the past put the girls aren't satisfied with natural, beau- to bring you down to their level than same emphasis on this type of training tiful things any more. Well, I can't for you to bring them un to elevated and that it has on such lines as medicine, solve it all, but I do feel sorry for Tony, ennobling thoughts and a correct course nursing, teaching, the ministry, etc. in with a 'gold digger' trailing him." of action. Let your companions be those the earlier days of the message our lead- Her head sank down on her pillow. who observe decorum in words and de- ers felt that, as occasion demanded, it Once again she was walking underneath portment." was possible to employ lawyers who pine trees, toward a carpet of pink ar- You will find much other helpful com- were not Adventists, but that it was butus flowers. ment in the book "Messages to Young absolutely essential that we train our People," on pages 390, 391, 401-466. own ministers, teachers, nurses, and doc- You will also find it helpful to read the tors. In more recent years, however, it new book by Dr. Belle Wood-Comstock, has become apparent that our institutions entitled, "Is Love Enough?" and conferences cannot employ all our C. LESTER BOND. youth. Our people have come to recog- nize that many of our youth must pre- 0_oun6e1 pare for occupations not directly con- nected with the church; and many who Answers have given study to this matter feel that aotnet it is proper for some of our young men Treasure Trove: to study law. Conducted by the Missionary Volunteer 1. "The bond of perfectness." Col. 3: There is no question but a thor- Department of the General Conference 14. 2. "There is joy in the presence of the angels . . . over one sinner that re- oughly consecrated Seventh-day Advent- Quections concerning young people's problems ist lawyer has unusual opportunities for will be answered in this column under the penteth." Luke 15:10. 3. By an angel. rendering some services to the church supervision of the Young People's Department. Luke 22:43. 4. "Every idle word." The answers are not to be taken as a denomi- Matt. 12 :36. 5. He "is transformed into that cannot be performed by any other national pronouncement, but rather as good, group. In these days when personal and sound advice in harmony with the principles an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14. 6. religious liberty is being restricted in and practices of the church. While each an- "Ministers of righteousness." 2 Cor. swer appears over the signature of an individ- 11:15. 7. The second death. Rev. 20 :14. many lands, it is becoming apparent that ual, it has been carefully considered and ap- consecrated Adventist lawyers may play proved by the Counsel Corner Committee. You 8. They shall all perish. Luke 13 :3. an important role in the closing scenes are cordially invited to write the Counsel Cor- 9. "A little lower than the angels." Ps. ner regarding your problems. When writing, 8:5. 10. "Go ye into all the world, and of this world's history. please sign full name and address, so that a There are still certain perplexities. personal answer may be given if in our judg- preach the gospel to every creature." One is that no arrangement has been ment the question should not be printed. Mark 16:15. 11. They were told not to worked out so far whereby Adventist Neither names nor initials will be attached to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. queries appearing in print, and any confidence Acts 4:18. 12. They are the servants students can be given special opportu- will be fully respected. Address all questions nities in one of the law schools such as to Our Counsel Corner, in care of the Youmes of sin. John 8:34. has been worked out in the case of den- INsTitticrort, lakoma Park, Washington, D.C. Current Events: tistry. Perhaps no such arrangement Should young people who have been can be made unless and until there is a good friends and who have learned to 1. The Victoria Cross, established by sufficient number of applicants to justify love each other marry when their hearts Queen Victoria, is given for military such an arrangement. are not in sympathy with God's word, valor. The George Cross was estab- Another problem is, of course, the fact and they speak lightly of religion al- lished by the king primarily to honor that very few students of law are con- though they are members of the church civilians (not military men) for wartime secrated young men, and an Adventist and even take part in religious services? gallantry. 2. Copra is dried coconut student would find himself surrounded Is love sufficient? Would it be better meat, from which comes coconut oil. by those with no interest in his religious for the one who wants to do right and 3. Westminster Abbey (Church of Eng- beliefs. be a worker for God never to marry land) is a national shrine where Britain's Still another factor that the prospec- than to marry someone who might in- kings are crowned. Westminster Ca- tive Adventist lawyer must take into fluence him to turn from God and the thedral (Roman Catholic) is a modern consideration is the fact that he will truth? Should we not know that the place of worship, built in Byzantine style. necessarily close his office on Sabbath, one we think of marrying is a genuine 4. Singapore, called the "Gibraltar of the which is often a profitable day for attor- Christian before we take this step? East" because of the great British naval neys. Our Adventist lawyers are finding base there. 5. The equinoxes, vernal it perfectly possible to arrange their af- Aside from a person's personal rela- and autumnal, occur when day and night fairs so that they can be free on Sabbath, tionship to God, the choice of a life com- are equal the world over. 6. Thaddeus but they do so at considerable personal panion is the most important decision Kosciusko (1746-1817) was a Polish pa- sacrifice so far as their income is con- that one is called upon to make through- triot and hero whose devotion to liberty cerned. It is perhaps in place to quote out his life experience, since no doubt led him to fight in the American Revo- here a statement made to the writer a that life companion will mold and influ- lution. 7. Secretary of Commerce, and few days ago by one of our leading ence his life more than anything else. Federal Loan Administrator. 8. No. Adventist attorneys. His statement was The Scriptures give us very definite "Trainees," depending on their aptitudes, to the effect that the Adventist youth instruction regarding our friendships. A may be assigned to various branches, planning to be a lawyer must be more few texts applicable to this subject are such as tank, artillery, medical, and en- consecrated that the one who plans to here cited for your information and help : gineer services. 9. The Dominican Re- be a physician. Prov. 4:14, 15; 22:24, 25; 1 :10, 15; 2 : public. 10. 3,879. PAGE 14 THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR 11. How did Jacob and his sons come to NOTE.-"Through Moses, God had given be located in Egypt? Verses 11-16. directions concerning the transmission of Sa&frath 12. What occurred as the time of the de- property. The eldest son received a double Sch&orl liverance of the children of Israel drew near? portion of the father's estate, while the Verses 17-19. younger brothers were to share alike. This 13. Who was born to deliver God's people man thinks that his brother has defrauded from their oppression? How was he edu- him of his inheritance. His own efforts cated? When he was forty years old, with have failed to secure what he regards as what was he impressed? Verses 20-23. his due; but if Christ will interpose, the NOTE.-By rehearsing the story of Moses end will surely be gained. He has heard SENIOR YOUTH in the deliverance of Israel from Egyptian Christ's stirring appeals, and His solemn bondage, Stephen showed his full belief denunciations of the scribes and Pharisees. IX-Stephen's Sermon Before the in the divine appointment and in the If words of such command could be spoken Council work of Moses, embodying, as it did, many to this brother, he would not dare to refuse of the historical facts and principles of the aggrieved man his portion. . . . Jesus ( November 30) the Jewish religion. could have told this man just what was "Moses remained at court until he was right. He knew the right in the case; but LESSON SCRIPTURE : Acts 7 :1-29. forty years of age. His thoughts often the brothers were in a quarrel because both MEMORY VERSE: I Corinthians to :I I. turned upon the abject condition of his were covetous. Christ virtually said, It is LESSON HELP: "Acts of the Apostles," people, and he visited his brethren in their not My work to settle controversies of this pp. 99, I oo. servitude, and encouraged them with the kind. He came for another purpose, to assurance that God would work for their preach the gospel, and thus to arouse men THE LESSON deliverance."-Id., P. 246. to a sense of eternal realities."-"Christ's Object Lessons," pp. 253, 254. 1. What false charge had been made 14 What caused Moses to be reproached against Stephen? Acts 6:11, 13, 14. by one of his own people? Where did he 9. What warning did Jesus give? In what then go to live? Verses 24-29. 2. At the beginning of the trial, what ques- does satisfaction in this life not consist? tion did the high priest ask Stephen? Verse 15. Acts 7:1. 10. In the parable which Jesus gave to il- 3. How did Stephen address the coun:11? JUNIOR lustrate His teaching, what troubled the rich Verse 2, first part. man? Verses 16, 17. IX-Warnings and Instruction; 11. What did he decide to do with his 4. With the history of what patriarch did goods? What did he say to himself? Verses Stephen begin his defense? Where d.d Parable of the Rich Man 18, 19. Abraham live when he was called by God? 12. What did this rich man forget? Verse 2, last part. (November 30) NOTE.-"Stephen began with the history Answer.-"This man had received every- of Abraham because his accusers claime I LESSON SCRIPTURE: Luke 12 :1-21. thing from God. The sun had been per- to be the children of Abraham. He MEMORY VERSE: "Where your treasure mitted to shine upon his land; for its rays showed that Abraham did not receive the is, there will your heart be also." Luke fall on the just and on the unjust. The promise while living, and must, therefore, 12 :34. showers of heaven descend on the evil and be raised from the dead to receive his LESSON HELP: "Christ's Object Les- on the good. The Lord had caused vege- promised inheritance. If he had been per- sons," pp. 252-259. tation to flourish, and the fields to bring mitted to finish his line of argument, he PLACE : Uncertain. forth abundantly. The rich man . . . did would have shown that Christ is the prom- PERSONS : Jesus and His disciples ; a not think of God, from whom all his ised 'seed,' the One through whom the great multitude. mercies had come. He did not realize promise to Abraham will be fulfilled."- that God had made him a steward of His McKibbin. Setting of the Lesson goods, that he might help the needy. . . . The situation of the poor, the orphan, the 5. What was Abraham commanded to do? This lesson seems to be a continuation Verse 3. of the incidents of the last lesson. The widow, the suffering, the afflicted, was people no doubt heard of the severe rebuke brought to this rich man's attention ; there 6. How did he respond to the call of God? were many places in which to bestow his Verse 4. given by Jesus to the scribes and the Pharisees, and the multitude increased in goods. . . . But he closed his heart to the NOTE.-"Abraham's unquestioning obeii- size, and in desire to hear Jesus. cry of the needy."-Id., p. 256. ence is one of the most striking evidences 13. What did God say to the rich man? of faith to be found in all the Bible. . . What question did He ask him? Verse 20. Relying upon the divine promise, without QUESTIONS the least outward assurance of its ful- I. What shows the great interest of the peo- 14. Who are like the foolish rich man? ple in Jesus and His work? Of what did He Verse 21. fillment, he abandoned home and kindred instruct His disciples to beware? Luke 12:1. and native land, and went forth, he knew NOTE.-It is not a sin to have worldly not whither, to follow where God should 2. How fully will all hypocrisy be exposed? possessions. The Lord expects us to be lead."-"Patriarchs and Prophets,- p 126. What is said of words spoken in secret? Verses 2, 3. diligent and saving, so that we may not 7. How much of the Promised Land did only support ourselves, but be able to help Abraham receive? What was foretold re- NOTE.-The expression "proclaimed upon the needy and to give liberally to His garding the experience of his descendants? the housetops" is suggestive of the custom work. The use we make of what we have Verses 5, 6. of the governors of the country districts in this selfish, covetous age is a good test NOTE.-"Abraham had no possession in in Palestine. The public crier ascends a of our Christian experience. " 'So is he the earth, 'no, not so much as to set his high roof, and lifts up his voice in a long- that layeth up treasure for himself, and is foot on.' He possessed great substamse, drawn call upon all faithful subjects to not rich toward God.' The picture is true and he used it to the glory of God and the give ear and obey. He then announces, for all time. You may plan for merely good of his fellow men ; but he did not in a set form, what is the will of their selfish good, you may gather together treas- look upon •this world as his home. The master, and demands obedience thereto. ure, you may build mansions great and Lord had called him to leave his idolatrous 3. Of whom need they not be of aid? high, as did the builders of ancient Baby- countrymen, with the promise of the land What is the worst an enemy can do? Whom lon; but you cannot build wall so high of Canaan as an everlasting possession; should they fear? Verses 4, 5. or gate so strong as to shut out the mes- yet neither he nor his son nor his son's 4. What two illustrations were given to sengers of doom."-Id., pp. 258, 259. son received it. When Abraham desired a show God's care for us? Why need we have burial place for his dead, he had to buy it no fear? Verses 6, 7. of the Canaanites. His sole possession in NOTE.-A farthing represents two dif- the Land of Promise was that rock-hewn ferent Roman brass coins. One is worth tomb in the cave of Machpelah."-Id., p. a cent and a half, and the other, about 169. tour mills. 8. What promise of deliverance was given 5. What is promised to those who confess them? Verse 7. Christ before men? What experience awaits 9. To what patriarchs did Stephen refer in those who deny Him before men? Verses 8, 9. his defense? Verse 8. 6. What terrible warning is given to those Issued by who continually reject every good influence? Review and Herald Publishing Association 10. What caused Joseph to be sold by his Takoma Park, Washington, D.C. brothers? How did God overrule this exne- Verse 10. rience, that His promise might be fulfilled? NOTE.-We have the promise of Jesus, LORA E. CLEMENT EDITOR Verses 9, 10. "Him that cometh to Me I will in no ASSOCIATE EDITORS NOTE.-"Joseph was faithful to God, and wise cast out." John 6:37. It is possible to drive the Spirit from C. L. BOND S. A. WELLMAN his fidelity was a constant testimony to J. E. WEAVER FREDERICK LEE the true faith. It was to quench this us, so that His pleading voice cannot be heard. "Today if ye will hear His voice, This paper does not pay for unsolicited ma- light that Satan worked through the envy terial. Contributions, both prose and poetry, of Joseph's brothers to cause him to be harden not your hearts," for "the sin are always welcomed, and receive every con- sold as a slave in a heathen land. God against the Holy Ghost is the sin of per- sideration; but we do not return manuscript overruled events, however, so that the sistent refusal to respond to the invitation for which return postage is not supplied. knowledge of Himself should be given to to repent."-Mrs. E. G. White, in Review SUBSCRIPTION RATES the people of Egypt. Both in the house and Herald, June 29, 1897. United States and Canada: Yearly subscrip- of Potiphar and in the prison, Joseph re- 7. At what time do the disciples of Jesus tion, $1.95; six months, $1.x5; two to four ceived an education and training that, not need to worry about what they shall copies to one address, one year, each $i.75; in with the fear of God, prepared him for his say? What special help is promised to those clubs of five or more, one year, each $1.70; high position as prime minister of the na- who are brought to trial for their faith? six months, 95 cents. Verses 11, 12. Foreign countries where extra postage is re- tion. From the palace of the Pharaohs his quired: Yearly subscription, $2.55; six months, influence was felt throughout the land, and 8. What request was made of Jesus by one $1.45; two to four copies to one address, one the knowledge of God spread far and of the company? How did He answer it? year, each $2.35; in clubs of five or more, one wide."-Id., p. 332. Verses 13, 14. year, each $2.30; six months, $1.25. NOVEMBER 19, 1940 PAGE 15 ,i3tenin,,,9

OA NEW electric iron holds a pint of O BESIDES electric hotbeds, many farmers O IN the Church of San Nicola, Treviso, water, which, when it turns to steam, are using electrical soil-heating equip- Italy, hangs the first known painting of emerges through small holes near the ment for cold frames and open-soil heat- a person wearing spectacles. It is a point of the iron, dampening the material ing. One Californian prepared open- portrait of Cardinal Ugone which was : before it presses, thereby eliminating the soil heating for one-tenth acre of painted in 1360. necessity of sprinkling or using a damp cucumbers. In forty-one days, the time cloth before pressing. It can also be necessary to mature the crop, he used O IF it were not for a layer of ortrtre used for steaming velvet. 2,400 kilowatt hours of current, which about thirty miles up that surrounds all cost $40; but twice as many cucumbers the earth's atmosphere, the deadly part O AFTER all these years the is were harvested from the heated plot as of the sun's ultraviolet-ray radiation to have a shave. The barber is Dr. from the cold field, and the cucumbers would cause all animal and plant life on Fred W. Hofman, in charge of horti- grown on the heated plot were larger and the earth to wither and die. cultural research at the Virginia Agri- were marketed before the ones on the cultural Experiment Station, who an- unheated plot were ready to pick. O DUTCH dogs and cats will hereafter nounces the development of a fuzzless get a touch of the effects of war—and peach. It has a smooth, waxy com- O PREMIER MUSSOLINI of Italy recently not much else. Food cards are being plexion, is as large as the standard pushed two levers and thereby changed issued for them. Rated by size, dogs varieties, and just as delicious. Also it the course of the Tiber River, a job will receive six to twenty-five pounds of is highly resistant to brown rot, a de- that Julius Caesar planned to do, but dog food a month; cats fare worse, with structive peach disease, and it has a high never accomplished. The levers set off only three pounds a month. degree of frost resistance. The fuzzless a blast of dynamite which changed the peach is the result of forty years of inten- course of the river into a shorter chan— OA NEW German industrial triumph is sive research, and will soon be distrib- nel, eliminating a three-mile horseshoe a mosquitoproof stocking, which is said uted among commercial nurserymen for curve. The old channel will be used to completely baffle the largest and most planting. as a seaplane base—something Caesar vicious mosquitoes in existence. One doubtless never thought of. of the oldest hosiery factories in the O IT may be surprising to those who Reich has been working on insectproof have tried to split a walnut shell with- O BRAZIL, the largest state in South and rainproof numbers for several years ; out a nutcracker that even this substan- America, began as a colony of Portugal, now they announce that they have been tial overcoat is not sufficient covering and it is the only nation in the Western able to split fiber, which, when woven during autumn frosts in California. Hemisphere in which Portuguese is the into hose, resembles silk and is insect- When the temperature reaches the dan- prevailing language. proof. ger point, walnut growers turn on or- chard heaters which are stoked con- O FLORIDA has the longest seacoast of O A MAJOR menace to airplane pilots is tinually with burner oil. Great care is all the States in the United States- not a shell or a bomb or a head-on given to a walnut grove, although it does 2,276 miles. New Hampshire has the collision, but a bird. Feathered fliers not produce in commercial quantities shortest seacoast, with only 14 miles. occasionally crash into an airplane, with until it is at least six years old, and does disastrous results to themselves and great O THE United States Treasury now damage to the plane. With the plane not become full bearing until it is six- holds more than $20,000,000,000 worth teen. After that, given proper soil, cli- traveling 200 miles an hour and a bird of gold, the greatest hoard of the metal speeding 70 miles an hour, the rate at mate, and care, it will produce indef- ever accumulated. initely. In California the first trees, which they will approach each other is planted about seventy years ago, are still approximately 400 feet a second. If the in good condition. bird weighs four pounds, its impact is 10,000 foot-pounds. Impact tests made O THE human eye cannot take the strain in the National Bureau of Standards of modern life. Mankind, and many eUttent EVVII with rubber balls simulating birds, times to a less extent, womankind, is • smashed layers of cellulose acetate half having to take to spectacles. No census an inch thick and tempered glass one has been taken, but it is estimated that and one-fifth inches thick. 15,000,000 people in Britain have faulty GIL sight ; in the United States about 45,000,- O Science, official journal of the Amer- 000 are spectacle wearers; in Germany ican Association for Advancement of there are 18,000,000 ; and in Japan, 20,- Science, announces the discovery that 000,000. On the average the Latin races pantothenic acid turns gray hair dark have better sight. In Britain there is 1. The Victoria Cross and the new in rats. This acid is one of the numer- only a small minority of people over George Cross are both British decorations ous factors of vitamin B, and has re- forty-five who are able to dispense com- for valor. Why might a British soldier, cently been made synthetically by the pletely with glasses. The increasing cited for bravery in the field, expect to be University of Texas, with the result that amount of work and play performed eligible for the first decoration, but not for the first time enough has been avail- with the aid of artificial light has had the second? able to carry forward certain diet experi- its effect on the eyes, which are much 2. Mexico recently offered to exchange ments. For three years- dietitians have more sensitive to the yellow light of its oil for Australia's copra. What is reported that something in vitamin B lamps than to the spectrum blend of copra? has the ability to turn gray hair darker. daylight. 3. Speaking of air raids on London, can The announced experiments have all been you tell the difference between Westmin- on animals, but there have also been O THIRTY miles northwest of Boston, ster Abbey and Westminster Cathedral? some unpublished tests on human beings Massachusetts, stands one of America's 4. Where would you go if you wished which have proved the efficacy of this most famous preparatory schools— to see the "Gibraltar of the East"? product. Groton—where it is said that 90 per 5. What is meant by "equinox"? cent of the students are "pedigreed New 6. In New York a few weeks ago a O A SMALL patch of Ozark Mountain Englanders and New Yorkers." For bridge named for Thaddeus Kosciusko was land in an area once rated by soil con- the first time in the fifty-six years of dedicated. Who was he? servationists as suitable for only a game its existence, Dr. Endicott Peabody, its 7. What two important United States preserve, will yield $3,300 cash this year founder, was absent when this year's Government posts are held by Jesse H. to two energetic Arkansas farmers. session opened. The eighty-three-year- Jones? Lewis Dowell and his 23-year-old son, old headmaster retired last spring. His 8. Will all "trainees" called into service Frank, taking a tip from the Indians who successor is the Reverend John Crocker, under the 1940 military-training act go once roamed these hills, are cultivating a graduate of Groton and Harvard who Into the United States infantry? one of the largest goldseal crops in the has been connected with Princeton for 9. After thirty-five years the United United States, under artificial shade, on the last ten years. Groton's purpose, States recently relinquished control of the one and a fourth acres of their farm. customs of a Latin-American republic which 1-014" essed by Doctor Peabody, is to Goldseal is a medicinal herb used by cult' "manly Christian character, divides an island with another nation. drug manufacturers in standard pre- having and to moral and physical as Name the republic. scriptions. It is native to the Ozarks, well as tw llectual development." The 10. How many years are there between and has been gathered in its wild state January 1, 1940 A.D. and January 1, i?r education ered is classical in ernpha- and marketed for generations. This is 'ous in tone. The school 1940 B.C.? the first effort, however, to cultivate the LIBIllataie austrr: e. (Answers on page 14) plant on a large scale. PAGE 16 THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR

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