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March 1978 Daily Egyptian 1978

3-6-1978 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 06, 1978 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1978 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1978 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 9Wuresand~tures 'lJaily'Egyptian &uhtmlllbDs~ ------~) .., Daft ~ air for awhile. be said. Then it began un honestly say be'. added md ,." F=m1 I!., ...... pulsating n!d around the eGcfeI as it to my ~.. ,and be'. also lltab!JitJ ,.. TaUt to Robert "ZeQ" Davidson of slowly moved oIr in the northwestern me. Zeb $ gOllD8 be my me.t _ mat· Anna for wry IonR and We subject of Hz.' didn't __ it' to E---(_""__ ter what happc!Dl." "stan" Is bound to come up one way or '-Y'" ...... ,.'" What bas happened til Shari ill the another, It'. a bit slirprising. too. Or. J. ~Ieft HYnek. tbe UFO Ieclmical time siDee she tint met the o.~ I because you'd have to !9ok long and IIdviscw OIl "Close Encounters," does Is that she .... east some of dIe~"" I bard 10 fDld a more down~ guy, research) or anyplace .t that time films oflhil decade. including "Jaws" In ract. it'. precisely this earthy 'cause I thought people laughed at.fOU and "Close Eocounten 01 the Tbird Anna quality that bas landed Zelle and!lis ~~~ ~ l::,:T,'uiet- I to!U my Kincf' for Steven Spielberg. wire Myra Jan bit puts in some 01 the "y_. _Uy ..... _.t _ ...... 1. .. Myra A fne-IaDce c:asting dincttr wile I biggest films 01 the past few yean, in· _...... - "' .. -. WIU_ avoids Hollywood. she Is in demand clLlCling an appearance in that m-.-t ua' Je. said of their encounter. "It'. like as Zelle ~ "her eatras t­ encounter earthy 01 films, "CJoee Eocounters 01 being bypnotized. I never even thought duot look like extras.' Her ~. the Tbird Kind. .. about a camera or aaythiDg like that." to 111M! "rea' peGpIe." often· fna the •.• The roles seemed 10 be"in the stars" "We duo't make up ftOl'1eS. We don't area nevb, where 4 film Is beins sbat used D.l lor Zeke ar,d Myra Jan, espec:iaUy in drink. We duo" dope. We're of sound on loc:aIion. This Is bow __ fauad her light of what bappeaed to Ihem lII!YeraJ mint!': You might not blink I am, but most ,"'U-Im~d disc:ov." (My Gal­ years ago at tMir aecluded bome ill she ts." Zelle said "'... a smile. fey. the little kid W'hc.e Ioob 01 ...... rural Anna.. "But _'!'re Ch~lans .nd we're add so muc:h to "CIo8e Encoun...... UFOfihn It w. a SUII11DeI' ni~ in 1m. The • religious -.; t-.: ta~ things 1)fttt1 muc:h Listening to • UIge the DavidIoIw o'clock TV atlOW didn t interest Myra .. they CC!IIle. Were not too afraid of have of Shari being interviewed. if. Jean.. 80 she went out mid sat on the many things. Now I don't believe ill lit- ~t IOShepickdoes.UP. why she ill 80 pod at back pordl of the large white rarm- ~green••• _ • .!'::-. butl-t.,~ know one &bing 00'", style boule &he and Zeke lived in .t that -- - ...... ,,,.,.... ". lib 10 deal with the people in the time. The big sc:reen1lQrdl sits on lop Zelle 1v.J encountem stars before, communities." Shari said, noting that 01. bill that ewer ..... the ill ali- bw Dl":el" ones that mOYed around in Hollywood ofleD !--- that ..... need wtUc:b aerved • their ~ a7.d his backyard. 1be kind of stars he and to"go in first and' t;ik to ~" .. bone pasture. And OIl that summer Myra Jean are IROI'e familiar with are stead· fII just rushing in with the night there w. a tittle breeze out OIl ::....ones tlW make movies dI1d TV c~~~ her bun _ ...-a..t- .- • sue- the porch Circulating the muggy Wor""- with "" ____ D_ ....--o Roy ... :. and waDr.ed ac:roes ill.the driwwa110 Ml ~Robert RedfGrd befere. Bat Story, wfIic:A ... r' .. "AU8cIl 011 pasture. My __ were raisia jadt! it ~ CIIDIe as a P'M& 8UI'prDe ~ Tenw. ,. .. , '11oo1red lip and there it was!" ~ ~ J:::!:. ~ The Dmdsons IIaWty _ eeea.ioa. He weal back and .... up Myra G- W !do P mg .. _-" ...... , ___" doae Shari fa... too. Ja faD fII ~ Jeea. and the two watcl1ed whet 1My • or;-. .8 _ epper...... ~ they set up a easting session in AmIa for desc:ribe __ object ahdped like "two tbat _abe d like to put them 1ft the "The Bad .New." sequel saucers let 1Ogether" for IDCII1I than. . m;accepted. and - that tim "Breaking Traiuiag-" Shari came .ad baIf-bour. -'--t __~ ~ interviewed ewer _ boys. As a result, Robert '''Zeke'' DlvIdsCIn looks out "It was about S or _ feet in the air, ---. ~ not ~Iy ...,..,.. their contact 1ft another ·'Starr." this one named Jeff, 0W!t the valley where he ..w a shaped IDle an oval. It ,".ID" a bright • the movie ~ !!he has ~. eotued Zelle and Myra Jean's IiwL UFO. He ca be heenI letling of It white. It wasn't. pey. (1'. what I'd dose~ friend of the Davidsons Chosen for a main role in the film. in "CIoISe Encounten of the Third caD • greyisb-wbite porcelaiD: ZeIre _''They' 't like ZeIt" .left Star became a regular member of Kind." (Staff photo by Marc said. Shari 'old~ in=-" when:~ the famous film bMebaU team. In the Gelalsinf) 'lbe object appeared to bang in the was Yisiting =Anna in the raU or 19'16. "1 temtinued on Page 2) ~----features----~~~-~------

•• .,. 0 •••• "., •••• ",., ••• '1 .. : •. , • >.-y .... : ••-- .. " ... ,..,.- ... ~ .... ,....,.:...... "f': .. ,... ,. .... ,. ,< ., •••.•• Zeke's UFO~ 'encounter· heard in Spiellierg film

(ContirNed frarn Page 1) eluding Ricl'w'd r.reyfwIs. about hia I8teIt eecauel. Jeff and the -.eam ven­ Anna encounter .. u.e, ..ited to shoot tured to J .... to shooC the aptl~itJed the "eonterence mom" a'lefte in the "Bad News Bears Go To Japan. • This rum. 'Ibis .. the scene whet'e the Air rllm. wbic:it stan Tony Curtis • ,the Force meets the people who've _ the team '. COM:b. should be out aome time UFOs and tells lbem probably I.ate this spring. tbe7'" 8eetI • prbaJe can lid. "'trteea-year~ Jeff tlaI sUmed a Myra Jean .... Zelle lit next to ...."1eer C'1IIItract with Paramoun& Roberts B&oAom In this aaference th8 should insure his film career for room scene. Bloaaom w.. tbe Ilom. time to c:ome. For· aU his mustacbioed countrY ItoryUUer who travelina. eontract:s. and hob1Jobbing stood up and talked about seeing rib stars lib Curtis, William Devane. Bigfoot ance. WheIt BIouom Is standing Borgnint!, the from Emest girls ~ !e!'~ ~b~. "'~I IUs fi1"It fift or ''Cbartie's Angels" and the east from Sll( tiIIeI lhere .. a ,...,t1lll ~ f1l the "Happy Days;' Jeff is complete.,. Davidsons sitting next tL, him. dowa-to~ "You a.-e us four OC' five ~im_ there," Zeb, who is guiding Jdf's career, ea­ Zelle said. ''Of course, probolt,1y what courages this. you were doing .... lookibf a& Dt'!'7fuss "Agents are trying to get him &0 sip or BIoaam." up with them, but if he does. he'U have ZeU's ad-lib mad& the final version to move to california. If he did. theY 01 the film, • tribute to IUs per. could pt him on 'Happy and dit· Days' formance. siDc:e 8pie1berS recorded fereal parts... be eould make two OC' man, auch storieS during the course of S3OGO a week out there. But we aU think the film and didn't ... them. It is heard it's 8dviseable &0 let him have a normal an the soundtrxk at the end fJl the coo­ childhood here, 1f=t stiU be WOI'king his lereac:e room scene. wa.. r. up iD films.·' Zelle said. 'Ib! picture portioD fJl him telling the 0' Ita ... as Paramount keeps IUs eon­ < ttGr7 WM DOt U!II!d. ~. It doesa', -----futures ----...... tract. we re just IJOinI to let him go OIl ..... to bother him, ...... with a DOnnal way-al-life. going to Spielberg's AD Art Department Faculty Art Exhibit is OR dis~tIu'ougb March IS "To be in .. of films. I school with regular kids while still believe I'd work for nothing." he said. in the MitcbeD Gallery 01 the Home Economics .. • malting .. or two flbn. a year. He'll be ablt! to survive the 'Freddie Primes' Although both he and his wife are in­ MONDAY and aU that kiDd fJl deal." volved in a real1!State busiaesa with Jerrs "star" 3iaI'US .... quite obvious their daughter and SOIl-in~, they plan A junior recital will be presented at I p.m. in the Old Baptist F·lUDdation last faU whee Zelle toot him clown to to get even more involved with the Building. Ed Re, will perform an the stringbass. . visit Shari an the "Ja¥s II" set ill movies in the future. Myra Jeen. who Southern Illinois Concert Associations presentA a cIiDJIer and c:oncm. FIoridL While they wert!' eatiol at a has worked as an assistant to Shari. featuring world • eoc w.aed Pianist Michael Ponti. n.e eoacert will be at • restaurant on the way down. ~ said DOW prefers the cutiDg end. p.m. in Shryock Auditorium. The produetioa is for atudents only. The ad­ it seemed like "almost an hour before Zelle is still interested in working in mission r..e for the dinner and concert is .... The admission fee for the eon­ '"' could eat because kids and even front f1l the camera. cert Gilly is SLSo. The buffet will be 8eI'Y.ed between • p.m. ad • p.m. in waitresses were ~ around talking Haft they ever s.!eIl the UFO agam? the Student Center Old MaiD Room. o· and asking Jeff for autographs." '''l'htft's many a night ru get up aad Placement and proftcienc:y testintl wm be held from • a.m. until 12: 3) "It'. amazing bow they recognize walk to the windoW about 9 o·etoet. just p.m. Mooder and Wedneaday at Wooc& HaD Wing B, Room aM. someone who's had a major part." Zelle to look out in the field and see if it'. SGAC 'I·ideo presents "History of the lIeatJes. Part n:' _nd Chapter VI said. "Now me. I dan't have that there ..ain," Zelle said. fJl "Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe:' at 7 p.m. &lid I: 30 p.m. aU trouble." AIthougb he hasn't had any impulses wee& in the Student Center Video Lounge. There is no admission fee. "He will someday. I'm helpin' him," to pile his mashed potatoes into strange Jeff kids. (The two are c:anstaatly shapes, he is quick to point up the irony TtJESDAY c:lowning around.) of strange forces at work. ZeIre and Myra Jean have had their "If I hadn't seen what I seen out here, The Cinematheque preaeatatioa 01 "Rancho Notorious," starring moments. though. It isn't t!Verybody I wouldn·t have this little card ill my Marlene Deitrich as the owner f1l an outlaw hideout, wiD be pn!IM!I\~...t at 7 who has had Steven Spielberg walk up ..tlet lOday," be said. referrinl to bis p':m. and t p.m. ill the Student Center Auditorium. 'ntis offbeat westera fA to tbeIIl and NY, "1.eke. ad~b that Screea Acrors' Guild card. 'hate, murder and rewnge," also stars ArthIR" ~ and Me.! Ferrer. UFO story." Ironic, but not as surprising as you The admISSion fee is SL 161' d liked to fainted, If Zelle recalls. "I might thinIt. once you've met this Celebrity Series presents "West Side Story" at • p.m. in Shryock wasn't pIannin' an that. I was just a energetic, rriendly li+1Mr~k" who Auditorium. Tbe admission fee is S3 for stucients and .. for the public. ~ little "tnt si~ blel'e filliD' in. describes himself as "just a country 'nckets are available at the Student Center Tick« Offtee. He dieM't nero bow me. (To thiI day, 00,. from Anna." A GrNt Books Exhibit will be "-Id from 7 p.m. until t: 30 p.m. in lht" ZeIrc doeso" !mow how Spielberg found The "down-home" side 01 Zeke~1 per­ Wham Faeulty l.ounge. ~ his D8me.) He just starlf'd firing at sonality is obVIOUS wben. just fooling me with t.hoIIe cameras. That scared around about the UFO, be says, .'. wish WEDNESDAY the bell outa me._'" ZeIre fagures they'd eomv back. I'd leU tbern little Center Stage presents the Greek tragedy, "lIedN," at • p.m. in St~ SpielberS might have overheard him green ~ to "" a.e aDOdIft' Center BaUroom D. Tbe sbow wiD nm from Wednesday through Friday. telling some other extras and actors. in- parL .• Tickets for the publk: and studetIts are SUO. ... . A Student Senate Meeting will be beld at 1 p.m. in the Student Center M' ... Room ~atbeque ~ ''Shadow of a Doubt," at 7p.m. and 'p.m. in the Student Center Auditorium. Playwright ThorntOIl Wilder eoiJaborated ~th Alfred HildlcGcll OIl the screenplay 01 this thriller ~ ",!nc~ CJ:Iarl~, ~ psycbopatb c: Merry Widow Murderer," who moves 1ft WI~. his SISter • tmSUSpeC:ting middJe-Amerieaa famu'Y &0 evade the autbllrit... Jc:J..~ Cottoo stan. The admiIIIIioa fee II $L I, . 'ftIVII8DAY . . 'Ib! Southena Olineis Dental SodetJ meeting will be held from ...m. un- til 5 p.m. in Student Center Ballroom D. ' . The "Harlem GIobetraUerS" will perform • 1:. p.... fa the Arena. Tictet.a are an sale at the AnIDa and the Student CeDter•. "Gordon's B~ue G..-Caneert. " IpCIDIOftft by Mobilizatka otVoIunteer Effort (MOVE), wiD perform from I: 30 p.m. UDtiIll:. p.m ... the SWdeat Center Roman Roam. The CIIIIlCIIrt .. free. "'Ib! KiD& fJl ...... G ....." will be pn!IIeId.ed by Cinentatbeque ., ..." ..... (8IIIIf ...... , ..... CWMIiIII. p.m. ad • p.lD. ill the Sludeat eeaa. &:ditorium. Bruce DIn and Jaek Niebollan ... M two brotben III ...-dI 01 the ...... "Amerieaa Daily F.gyptian Dram." TheJ .eII. to pIu a big. ...-,1IUIkiaIdMI lit ~ CUJ. "the ...... ~ that laM immortal .... ,..,...... "...... , 1ft .. JIIInWIIIM .... ~ ~. __ SIIIIInIIY ...... ,. UnI_ ...... ,.··'Ibe~ .... a . - ~ ...... ,., lit' ..,..,...... ~.c:o.-...... ~ J'lUDAY ...... a...I-cIIII ...... c.r- ...... IIIIIIIL

'Ibe IIethodi8t a..t'DeU ChW will ..e in emeert ••p.m. in 1he0l4 aa,. ~fIII"~ ____ """" 1M FOIIDdatian IkIiJdiaI. Tbe eanductor will be QaarIa Taylor.. ..,.,. . ~fI_""'''''''''''''''iIhId.''' Cinematheque preseat. • Dea. MartiB-.k~t'J· Lew.. comedJ...... ~,-- ...... '''''' .. enr .... "Hollywood OC' Bust." • I p.lD. ill the ~ ee... Auditoriwa.. AlUla ...... ,.. fIII.:-""'~. en.: ___ ....,. IIatIII 1ft c- .;" EkberI .., ...... "l"beN is .. admilr.ian ~!. ~j: J ; ...... ~ ...... 'L ...... M...... GfIIaIr. -----features------

Anna Olswanger, graduate student In theater and Playwrlghtlng, por_ trays the tormeuted Medea If'. the play of the same Mme. She Is surrounded and grteyed for by Maria Jaskot, Katherine Roufston and Lenora Crabtree. all Undergraduates in theater. (Staff photo bv Brent Cramer) 'Medea' portrays women's struggles ., illite Wa. IJome and her identity. tradgedy, O'Connor said. ''The chorus interaction between the characters. 8hIIeM Writer It Is ill II« SlrUIIfe to repin these lakes the role 01 the audience, having the The use 01 linked c:baiDs in costuming .. 'Medea' .. about the reIationshlp that the auc'.JenCe witneSSeS her ecta of same thouJdIts and reactions. ,•. she symbolizes the oppressed slate of betweea men and women, especially YioIeDce ad rap. O'CGaDer explained. expIaiDed. The chorua bath comforts ttomen. accordiaa 10 O·COIUIOI'. "The about a woman's Beard! for her OWD Medea nnct. her ideatit7 in wMt O'eon­ Medea and fipts for her. They pray for womeu are slaves 10 whlltotber'...... identity and the strua1e to determine Der· deoIcribed • a "dramatic and her when she lens of her plana to murder 01 them ill," she said. her OWD desttny," O'CGanar. eaJcI Jan ~ way"' which Includes the her children but they're ~ to o'Coonor. a graduate ill the Master of directt • ~ the Greek tradgedy. murder of her two c:biIdreIl. SlOp her vengeance, 0 ConDOr ex­ FiDe Arts Theater program, is diredinrI "Maa" will be presented at I:. ,. 'Medea' bas • lot to say about plained. the Center Stage production for her p.m. MardI ft, 10, 11, in BaUroom D ~ women who have no identity," o'Connor Making tbe classical play relevant to thesis. "My job was to remain faithfuJ to the Student Ceat6. stressed. "It'. abaut everyone who has today was one of O'Connor's objectives. the play while interpreting it. The Based OIl the ancient myth of Jason ever said. I am somebody. let me find Medea was written by Greek playwright challenge was to make it realistic, and the GGiden F'leece. "Medea" is • out Who." o'Connor ~ the audience Euripides over 7llOO years ago. "It is Greek, and reif!vant." O'Connor said. ....y centered around revqe. Princess wiD be able to identify with Medea still popular today," O'Connor Medea falls in love with • Greek berG. because her struggle for identity is tI1eoriUd. "because of it's drama and "Medea" is the fifth Center Stage Jason. She returns to:he city of Corinth universal, realism." production of t:" season. Each with him wbere she hBI two childreB and 11u'oughout th..'! play there are many Blending traditional elements of Production is cochJinated and staged conforms to G,.. ciYitizatiClll. Juan ways of looki".g at Medea, o'Connor Greek theater with contemporary under the direction of the technical and . thea ciesertll her to marry a king's said. She explained tbe audience wiD element:.. was another of O'Connor's administrative staff of the Student daughter. Medea feels a sense ~ lee Meciea as a scornful, c:ursing WClIDIIft tasks. She explained that the traditional Center. . abandonment and betrayal which leads aft well as. ftt")' lender one. elements are reflected in costuming • Tickets are available at the Central her to her revenge. E-verytbina that w. There are interactions between Medt>a make-up and stage sets. The COIl­ Ticket Office in the .)ludent Center and important to ber is IcJst. her' lover, her and the "ehorua" throughoUt Ihe llemporary elements are evident in the the Theatre Department Box Office..

Dally EgyptifA MIIrd\ 6. mI. Pegt ! "" < 1 ..,.1 ;"~.f'.U -,\",J 1 .h' . commentary -

Solar energy: Something new under the sun?

When completed In 1979, Carbondale's federal IqU8f'e feet d .,.. collectors. plans .Iso ~ • building will use IOIar energy. BesIdeS the 8,000 . cawentklnBl heettnv system, Pro Solar project W1se• investment in future

Miscor.c:eptlons are cln:uhting regarding the new "solarized" ~ing in 11 East Coast st..at8. President /. oil and coal prices have risen andnaturaJ gas buil~iIg unde>r construction ID CArh,.ndale that local carter hopes bl lee 2.5 million American solar homes supplies bave dwindled, tbe solar technology of the news ma ia have reported will be powered by "solar by 1985. 1'!tIf!!'8Y." 'as has beeIt revivri. Sciomtists DOW IcY.. forward to Sixty peru; • q.' tht' heating and CGOling, and 100 the u1ti~ ..U! ID ~. f!IIergy systmu-.-photr.voUa:c The futuristic structure erroneously bas been percent of the /lot water needs of the CArbondale unit cells. Tbese experimental device" can ...'Onvert identified both as ""ty han" and "the first federal Will be ~ated by the solar procesa that basically sunlight directly to electricity. Phd.o-cells bave no office in the na tiOll ~ utilize soU..:. enet'JO'." and is transfers !.cID energy tc beat ci'.JCts or an air c0n­ moving parts. are quiet. extremely reliable, euy to thought by many to be a creation of space age ditioning machine propeUed by warm air. A con­ operate-and very expensive. Before tM ex· technol~y. It is ncme or these. YeDuonal backup system Pso wiD be instaUed. But, perimental cells can be used, ~ energy ~ Siup'" , may see the glass pao.>Ied edirlCe as an the alien system with 8,iIlO square feet of solar must rise anci t.~ cost of pooto.cells must. dr'JP archil_.ural dinosaur c:ompar.. ble to fallout coUec:tors. buge glass ~Is, and its 2O.00&tallon d"astic:alJ:,y . shelters. and Edsel or Howard Hughes' plywood air­ beat storage taIIb. fa DOt just "something new UDder craft. It is, again. none of these. the sun." The new building on South University AventL~ Is In 1877 an Iron IIllar beater was used to warm a FNeraI pilot projects like the Carbondak unit may simply CArbondale's $3.25 million sliee of Coogress' bouse and a year il'ter a solar printing prer.a Will> in­ bring to light new methods of receiving solar energy multibillion dollat !'flergy pie. Anci Ws free-almost. troduced a~ the Parb; F..xhibition. Frank Shuman built and may belp pave the way 'or a reducUon in CCIIIt of It is not "<:ity ball," Rather. it i. a.\ federal project and operalt.!d a four-acre solar system plant in the Dhotovoltaic cells in the future. The ('.arbondale and eventuaUy will boo..'C! silt federal It&~ its DOW early 1900II and pioneered a 5S-borsepower solar pump ladlity wiD undergo constant evaluation, as Is now ~read throughout the CAr!loodaJe area. including the ('Ill the banks Of the Nit. River. The solar water-­ happening at tbe federal building in Sagin..3'. U.S. Departments of Agriculture. Treasury, Social beating business was thriving if' America during the &!conly, and Health. EdUCJltion and Welfare. mid-l920s and Honeywt!lI t'eCeived;ts first .,.ttonl for a SoLn energy Is not a panacea for America's energy And, it is not the "first federal office in the ft to llI:u .. ""'r flat-plate Cflllt.'ctor in 1942. DeE'ds. Sunlight win probably always be "free" but utilize.~r ~." A!J'eady a similar buildirg is When completed in April 1979, Cl.rbondale's 35,000- the machinery to convert bgh\ into PO"" will always operating m Sagmaw. Mich .. and a ,bird is slated for foot stnaetun wiD be neUbel" a ftinosaur DOl' • operation in Manchester, N.H. In fact. the federal have a price tag. Congress bas a:': O!d t1"5pODSibly by technological Taj Mahal. It ill simply a &C!.-u- pilot a1!oeating our tax dol'ars into the pm'ate develop­ government was obligated in IWS for over 110 b;llion project. Wasllington fa investing our tax doIlan. into m~ of solar technotogy. Carbondale fa for­ in grants to owners of motels, bc!rJI'5, office buildings. the future as it seeks an alternative tu our threatening And schools, hospitals add other pubuc buildings in a tunate to become OM of the first benefsciaries of dependence on coal and nuclear IOUl'CeS for eoerv Washington's wisdom. program to promote sola!' heating and cooling units in needs. No one can sincerely argue that our extendt.d the construction industry. An additionaJ $7.5 million reliance on coal, {Jetroleum or nuclear resources is wall cut from that year's pie for builde!-. of sub­ anything less than dangerous to our nation's health -Hal Powers diVisions and apartment. to indt;,ce construction of and economy. Student Writer Con Reliance on solar· energy premature

The ~ erisis_ It ranks (oday as. raUyin,g cry \Ising such a system now. in its primitive .iewktp­ designed prima.;.y to develop tecbnologies as emotional as "Remember the Maine" of eo years meat stage. presents taxpayers with an a.1ded 11).';­ rather tban to explore solutions to eaerl1 ago_ pense of dubIOUS merit. problems." As the Maine cry sank us int, an m~.ised war, so EYeD if the system bvea up to expectations. and h' Aoswft's Uve to be l'ound to eliminate wasted can blindly following "energy ~'. ideas create the IUD keeps shining. the east to operate the systrftl energy. For example. at SIU. students who live at more problema than are solved. wiD be $6 to rz per one million BTUs, ac:eording \0 Evergreen Terrace say that air eoaditioning must bfo J:at such a danger may exist with carbondale's ptarmPrS. Conventional bealing and cooling will coet run even on mildly warm ,1&ys. No replacemer:c $3.25 million federal offICe bllilding. The building, ac­ $&37. acr'f!eIIS exist to allow .1pefting :he Iarg. terrace t"CJrding to the federal government, will '1IIf' i.'lIe latest With tlIis lllaa"1linal ~::lgS, planDeN estimlll~, it doors. wbidl would eooI the apartments naturally. energy Lltving devices. will take 15 years to pay off the cost of the ...tded Political expediency r.counted fur the deeision to The biggest restore of the plans Is ~ solar S)'5tem ~:",'em. These are fJgUn!ll giYeD by propollefttS or!M plar.. It taMS no account 01 the very real,)OSSibility build at least one prW..Al In Northem Illinois. rather neat the buiJtling in winter and eGOt it in summer. thAD in Southern n:mcis. which drastically would Planners point out the system will eventualJ) pay for the experimental equipment wiD not ".metinG as planracd. nor that recent fickle weather will DOf. COD­ .,." reduced butJng bills. Sucb decisions made in ::~~tioa. a ~ eonvaational system will tenns tenns tinue to blot out skies. politk.11 ,.ather than economic con­ tribute to W8<;(e of energy ft'SOUI'eeS. One dislikes questioning a projeet that bas .. its in­ The high cost of SlIpp08ediy foee solar energy Is And eoor.ruction of nuc:1eIr power facilities COD­ r.ntwn the popular, even patriotic. idea of saving simple. It ts.kM O)ftventionally~ electricity tin~ !G jag as politieiana deal.ith unfounded fears cIisappeariDg fouil !uei But dose questioaing to operate the ineffscient solar &ySQ!m lit a level that of residents finding • bomb ia their backyards. reveals Ihortcomiags. will heat or eooI a builtting containing .~ The government finds it DeCeIS8r1 to have • Rea r rutkiD, ill Science Digest. rec:etltly Tbere are .~Iesa other examples of the failure "backup," conventional system inatalJed. 'Ibis alone the issue at solar energy for hcmes, a mucb more to ~ with ~"'er'J[Y waste in ~I terms. 'nIe tells the story of systems depeading OIl the IUD for tried syst.... than large office buiJdiIIgs. "hardw~ !lpprcalCh' of prematurely P,­ enetgy-too mucb 100 IOCIII. "Energy Pioneerint. envil'UlllMtltal. banner­ ataUil. a .1OIar heating system Ia GOt getting at UI8 The simple fact is that teclmoJogy for ....:at beatinI ~ing, ~ chance to be the talk 0( the block­ root of tIM ",.oolem. . and cooling bas DDt advanced eaougb to use 8S a yes. Frutkin said 01 solar energy. "Reasoaable 1be S\8l h\ aU likelihood wilt sliD be there when pnmary energy souree. Breeder ~ fuslOll return OIl investment? Not ..ucla and DOt yet." t.dI~~ ,"'1In!8 out bow to barDea it. For DO¥. power and IOIar eDern .,,·1CbeduIed by the Energy The omc:e of 'I'ecbnoIofD" Asaeameat. aa advisory are other ways to attack the pr'Obleo. ReaeatdI and ~JIIIbl"'..t Adininilltratioa for in­ ,...,.. to ~ reeentl) rliticir4!d the federal ~ iIdo .,..,.. 8yltema ~ in the lO"'i~'a a~ to t.N enersY aboI1age .. -Gree Stamur UIiDI • '...,..., ...... ~ appreach. •• Sladea& WrJet> • l 1 ~. hue 4 DeIty ~ MIrdt .. 19JI ----~records~=------Starship< still·coIi.jUrilt'g up tribal magic

By One iEtk... perfect1J justified ill letting ewryOody. ftIOUgh to bring lears w the eyes 01 EMert I ... ~ kict ill &eng ideas. but why do tV1e:f do whatever's left of the coUective hippie non-ofi~, '81." Balin gets "Crazy spirit. Maybe the headbancb are gone. hut. Fftling'" cooking with an unnpected The .oices are mixed with a the Jt>fferson Stal"l'bif. ie "..iU makinl vocal flcJurish OIl the line "000. tumin' bomotJf!DClWl feel during mOlt of this tribal music. This is especially evidenl lite a wheel, ., but Slick or Kanmer could MIIg. the balance giving it almact :t live OIl the dIorusI:& 01 the songs of their write a better song, Same way with feel. On the ending c:horus, it sounds aew album. "Earth." ~~ blending 01 "Love To 10 Good," e5l*ially the lyrics. like In erybody lint to overdub their the voices of . Paul !l.anmer, the spiritual father of CaYorite yoca.l embellishment. Balin and run !1O!ds a special gets in a great :.iwIt. magic. "Pete Seers plays some greet bess Sometimes, and this song is a very These three musicians. wOO were the lines on "Ear1h."_..10 he's forgiven for good example, Johnny Barbata is just a DIAo*-t for the origiDal Jefferson Air­ CMtrdubbing moog syn1heSizer worthy little bit too subdued on the drums. ~. =-;.~ aged JP'8Cefuli'; into the d a Sid and Marty Krafft soundtradt on While it'. tr:.e the Stanhip or Airplane '701. Their ''new'' band. whicb bas been "Skateboard" and "All 1111_ Long.·,:,,_ have never had a real (orceful arum- together since 1!r14, tends to sound a ltUIe bit slick, where the 'Plane were a the Starship o:oncept. is CCIRIpicuow:!"J ::wt'1: :::n~,: ::"a! ~r:!: UttJe bit funky, but they are taJeated and abaent OIl this album. He does have wtJUld break tradition and try it. A little (or. His syntJ-.esizer plr ing on urly inventive.. IJ hand in wri~ the album's belIt song, bit of Keith "oon craziness on"AU Nile "Show Yourself"' shows that Sliek ean "All Nile Long,' which captures the fee! Lu:lg" would be nice. Starship relealleS was pri.nitive, but iII­ stiD reaDy wail. A song to America of aome of Starship'. best earlier work Pete Sear!' DlafS some ~reat bass teresting. He and Craill Chaquico pJay (they probably speU it witMui a "k" sucbas "Million" from the "" lines OIl "earth; ~ially on "AU some great rhyth!.n guitar on these days), it'll an update and ex­ album. Nite Long" and "Love Too Good." so "Skateboard" tbou~h. Chaquico'. pansioa of an e~!'lier Slick-David Beginning with ~ exqUisite Kant­ he's forgiven for overduhbing moog p1ayin§ throughout tbe album is sr.nootb, Cn;.:~. eoliaboraticJa called "'liNit Are ner chording. the Vl'T!les are png-smg SYnthesizer worthy of " Sid and Marty yet r' -CIlUooing. ':"r~ir Names!" from Crosby's first solo witb Kantner's yoice riding just on the Krom soundtrack"" "Skateboard" and " AU ... ole Long" begins with the ~bum ..>if features bite-the-band lyrics edge of the Iraix. When Gracie's voice "AII ';ite Lo"ll" wonts "If .mly the music '.'7OUld kef!II 011 Utat Ilft'dle RCA. OCC8SionaUy sweUs out of the gang to This again raises questions about playin'." We can only hope so muclt for Speaking or democracy. the band is mm W!UI Paul's OIl io';.!s anthem. ii's what the heck Kantner is layiog bact. the Starship. ~~ess noise hurts Lightfoot release :, Tam \Ai.?,' 1be !'laic,. .,.,.....:,;..!Dl WIth "EndJ&!IS and whiclt as a result eomes :JUt IOUD- Aaeda&e EdI&8rlal Pap Edit.. Wino" is thl!t it is overprodl..-rl. aa if ding likl' a jukP box rehash of "Bring It . GCII'doa LighUJof. ~ effort Is It --=~ led sta:- ar.ct e&-producer On Home to Me." milutoae ill his career, But this stoM is Li:~Uor" to the miXIng l_~-d and Ud of Forttmalely. someone of Lightfoot's Jocatedamiledown lhewrong NOl~, and all. the ~ notSeS that can be ad- talent can't step into a recording studio 'less Lightfoot turns around and heads ded kilO .• song. But tbry remain just and produce an album that is a lotallOl'llS . • tile right direction, "EncBess Wire" that--tl

By Sntl EIUa electrifying live show. PrfJdIlCed by Lew Futterman lind Tom All«1a&e Edi...... Page Edi_ From his beginnings lD 1965 ,11th the W-erm~n (Futterman has produced archetypal garage band, the Amboy Nugent :'Q8 ,~ince the Tooth. Fang and Ted N~ent is a good example of what Dukes, to tod~y. Nugent has pIa)~ his Claw eral, "Double U ....e Gonzo!" w a all good little punk rockers should grow musk the only way he kDOW1l how to­ good representati"!' 0{ latter.y live up to be. bard and heavy. U anyone bas paid his Nugent. When the Boomtown Rats, Vibrators, dues on Ute way national stanVJl1\. The production is probably :lOt :;s good Pistols tired w and Sex 01 the world get 01 Ted Nugent cet"tainly bas, During the as it l'OUld have' been. but it d mucb being outragtOOS just for the sake of late 1900'S and early 1!r10's, NU(t:ent better tban the horrible-sounding being outrageous, thPy !IhouJd take a gigged at a reportedly incredible rate of "Survival of the Fittest Live," which look at the Mot«' City Madman. • the ~~eot and the Amboy Dukes oldest punk-rock~~ CJi them at'l in IWO. "SurviVal of the This, in f'SiIeIICe, Is what Mr. ,~ "lIM U1tte Richard 'MIS wUh his pianO Fittnt." while it had some great ~ :0 teD aU the critics who ~ In the 'Slr., Ted I\Iugent is with his momenta. espechilly on the cut I!:in ." being • throwback and guitar in 191O's-outrageouS. arn-gant. "Prodigal lUa." sounded like it bad monotonous metal monster-I( you don't Incredible. boastful. and 'ull of beea recorded OIl • $25 Monkey Ward like my music. you caD IUsa my amp! I unrestrained energy," Cassette player at the back of the ~ Wlnt to play aorr.. IOddamn rock audiwnum. D' roll; and ityou C8I1't bIIdl it. you can "Gonzo!" has no such glaring go home and tista to your Barry 150 times a year. Side B keer.,. the high energy Jevel During Nugent's lean yeara he was tecbnicaJ flaws. Taken from concerts in JOing with a good version 01 Nugent's Manilow and CarJ,41ters records! Nashville, Seattle, Tnas and Nugent acta III!cimIclouBly outrageous reconIir-4l 11 obscure and CMlmerciaUy greatest rocker, "The Great White I.IIIlIIICCeAfui albums for the Maio­ Massachusetla ill 1!r16 and '77, N.... t·. Buffalo. .. But "HibematiOll'· is a..... and bas fun doang it. while Enslilb punks lift music maka you wanna jump lUX' are YerJ eoeaaous of their byped-up stream. PoIydor and Diac:reet labels. seyell minutes t04 long and His Ioin·doth bu:ttet outfits, attempta to shout right fram ~ GIl!"'ing track­ ·'StraJllZlehoMi" OIl Side C Iad:a the outrageous irM~, .. Just What the Dctor Ordered." Side A ''Tooth, Fang ~ Claw," Jr.ade lD 1974, lhatter glass balls with SClftming ::~ that was so appealing OIl tbe gUitar notes. and his bammily­ also features M. new Nugent 8OIIp, one is the best N..,ent studio 1)), and of whicb-h"ian.k Me, Clank Me": is a "Gonzo'" is prroably his best lift ef­ publicized guitar duels witb other But despite these flaws. .. Gftn. ..!" guitarists like ,,'ranlt Marino of fitting sequel to the equally overt ••., ang fort. And although there ., no way that Dang Sweet Pcontang." helps ~ that Nugent is the Lattit aft Mahogany Rusb are part of Nucent's Richard of Lib • live Nugt'nt alb-an eonvey the ,eteend- . The first side fini!!hes up with the title nx-k guitar. Ric,'wm Yisual antics :IV'.l 11tunderin' Ted does cut. "GOIIZO" ----the best one-word with hi.'l ~ano in the '50's, Ted Nugent is when he'. OIl stage, 1m; first live let for On "Gonzo," Nugenlsbaws be still bas with his ,,11itar ill the 1970's-outrageous, Epie definitely bunts ...-.ub the raw the fastest rmgers 01 any Il-,jtarist in the desuipticJa of Nugent and his mUSIC ih.t &n'OIJ8I, . incredible, boastful. and run 01 energy .ut honest heavy mt! rock Midwest (espec:iaUy on . 'The Great I could e~ eome up .ttb-and aa old unres".taifIed energy. Whiw Buffalo" and "Storm troopill' ") Amboy INke.Dumber written by blues U.. Nugent is 'amow tor. "(ionzo .. 'I'banks to Runm"", Dog Records for _ beyond a doubt that Tf'd Nugeut • 'ld un still take his auc'..ien0ef>5 to the . great Bi, Joe William... uBabJ Please abe use of the albums. ~ at his best whetI br" perfutming his puIl_oI exc:iten.ent ar.d enthusiasm. DoIl't Go."

:'l Dally IE9YPtIIn. MIrdI " 19M, Page S 111& - ! 1 ']JojnIJiL LOUNGE MENS NIGHT All Ni«ht Monday r------, speed. roil Drinks 'Sc J Betfr40c & 65c

In order .0 be fair ond not discriminate. we ore having 0 ladies' night each Thursday nl:~ht. S23I. Ma'n


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~~r"""-C£t.::a'D~~iii§. I LIVE A LITTLE I ~ FOR FREE! ; rr. MONDAYS TUESDAJ -WEDNESDAYS ~ Leaping Dragon Home Writing I ~ I'oetry" Smoke Horticulture the Short S(~ry ~ a 7 ...... MIuourI..... 7:H ...... Air. Blel •• R.... 111 ...... M...... R.... ~ Emergency Medical Care Weaving Without a Loom Libertarianism '" - 7 ...... "line Rm. 7 pm. Activity Rm. C 7 pm. K...... Rm. ; Beginning Guitar Advanced Hatha Yoga Still Phowgraphy 7 ...... Ohio..... S:H Davl.. Gym...... 114 7 ...... Activity .... A _ Hatha Yoga Lifestyle Dancing Will eM_ to MonMys 7 ..... hvl.. Gym. Rm. 114 U,.... B•• MucIdy .... Priciples7,...... of _1lI0IIAquariology ..... Astrology and Occult Thought 7...... lIneR ....

!!!n$DAJS OfDAY . Beginning Embroidery Ie Crewel Lifestyle Dancing 7 ...... 1 ...... • ...... Mu4dy ...... Foreign Celr Repair ....lth.oo4 & JUQ" ROOM to lie onnouncecl. Video Production Beekeeping •...... cantactMe" I.-very 7:...... K ...... ~ Ananda Marga Meditatf.,n Bowling 6:...... 0111 .RIISCHOOL ofRce for Il\fo. 4ft S. University Marital Effectiveness Training '01' Info. cell N6-2311. 0.t.114 01' 115 -----Ilevvs------

...... t ......

JACK DANIELS ACTIOf; chief revising ancl MIX Peace Corps, VISTA 60¢

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Havfr. Trouble Flncllng RENTERS INSURANCE! Coli us. we will Insu,.. most ,..,.. fets. except those whol'veln mobile homes

Euripides' shocking tragedy 0/ a worn an's struggle with violent passion.

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, ;;. ; .•~ i... • -,'S' ..' . J 6; ... It .* ! ... , . E~ .... ----f~mr~------Music jun,ior wins opera prize ...... ,,,.~ .,...... RandaU BIadt. junior ill IlUllIe prrfonna.:e ..t w1tb _bit*- of beo'lI(I an open! ... has WOIII the first place pi" Ie of .. aDd the honor of bftn(r the k-annd !IOIoisI WIth the Spria&fieJd. MOo. Sym~ March IS-I.. Black competed in the SpringfiIPId Symphony CompetitioD along with sill(lf'l'$ from 1ft! states CIG Jan. • ill Springfield. lAo. Bblc:t said. ..".. ill the biMelt t'venl in my cereeI' yet. but a lot of credit s- to my two ~ eo«hes Burt KapfI and Margaret Sunmons." 80tft are faculty mem­ bers of the Sc:bool of MUIic. Black. a aatiw 01 Carbondale.. said. ". staI1ed IbI&iDI wIleD 1-a ~om .... at CarboDdal~ * * cinematheque presents * * in the a:~.: G:: I!... " "I realI)' !!Iljoyed the feeliDg I_ .n- I _ oa suse perfGrmir;" lor the audieGce." B18dt -M, Vinuoso pianist scheduled to play for dinner series -Glasses Made And Fitted Michael Ponti. ('onei,lered ,.-_~----. .. FILMS INCORPORATED eRepairsAnd "'astRepla~(!nts =~I=~'!'rrartist at tbe- third C-J:lf::=Student iDinnu C~'llt'ert Srries at I p.m. MClDday ill Shr;d AuciitorilllL. TonIght.t 7 & t '1." -Complete Selection 0/ Charuterized as • "super­ Stu4ent Center Auclltorlulft virtuoso·' and. 'duzlinI pianist." Fashion Frames Pont. bas ItI8de over lixty albums sil'Ce 1_. ~dudinc lhe ~ ·.rorbof Tchaikonky. ~bin. and -Call For Appointment Rachmaninoff. PocIti. who "S WOIII __ or the RESULTS YOU e .Evening Hours Available nwet important ~ «_petitions in the wwld. is a familiar eO musical cente-;, throcsblMi_ the CAN SEEI world. After bis N..-:- va debco1 ill - Prescrtptions Filled 1972. Time magazine considered PocIti to be !be IDCI8t IICCOIIIpliIbed pianist 10 appear iD yean. -Duplicate Le·nses The Sludent Dinner Concert Start your new health progra consists 01 a dinner at the Student Cen~r Old Main Room. folloftd by today. Spring break is two a cla~iC81 concert at Sbryock Audilormm. weeks away. Look good and/eel New Location: The "'dIet me!J1I for the Ponti good by eating healthy and di_ ctGCftt. betiIIIImIJ at • p.IA •• IS tossed IIId gelatin said. Yank_ exercising with us. 218 S. III. Ave. Pot Roast of Beef Jardinere, oren Phone: ,..t-7M5 browned potatoa. baked aquub. bma lIN•. apple lIbGrtal .... c:herry pie. hoi. rolls aDd but... aDd a choiC'! 01 Deftl'llle. Stop in today at '11v. Wfet wiD be aened betften JERI LYNN FIGURE SALON 6 p.m. 8Dd I p.m., tonowed by tile Ponti eaoeert at Shryock. ~ U2W.Main at 8 p.m. 457-2119 Tideta fw lhe cllIIMJr concert are avatlabe81 theStadent Cf'rter tjqet oft ice. The buffet and _eft price. for students on;,. is ... Concert prk"t' alone for students Is tuo; die buffetl., price is 11.15. '!be final '!0Mert of the Ierift. The John Bias Ccm..1rt. wiD ,.... CIG Manda,. April I .. OLYMPUS S!.~LE

Monday r~ite is Italian Nite Olympus is proud to present its 1978lmeup at of fine photographic products. THE BENCH AD the Spaghetti A factory representative Will be present to answer any questions you you can eat serv~-d with may have. salad & garlic bread$Z.9S lasagna Dinner $2.95 Veal Parmesan $1.95 Mon. -Thurs_ Chef $pa':i,.,J :Steak & lobsM $7.'i ~ wJl~1 Pri~.rate Party PHOTO DEPARTMI.:NT I $49.8121 '


'"'" "''' COUI'( 11 L'M"_ ·R"O~iuna11111 .. 11111 :.::1Sliin CO ... _N.CU.'·0111 ...... "" liil PlU'.IIPI\, ..lI UI1BlK 1I11t'8·II•• I ',. iaN In Itl. ..•• .... I" .... FROSTSNG '101 " ~~ CAr. 89° WI'" TMhl COUPOtf ~ 0111 C;OY~" Pall c ... " ..... IX· 19;;, .,.... lJ,,. ... $1 HIfTY ." • u;;;;;;;;;;;.;;=:Jj:J TRASH BAGS •~ ---_Sit ._.It It: 20CTBOX '1" • ...... 12 •• _IJUII...... , ii :a.a ...... IS' . ,,,,,HWATICATFISH.. PAn.....•. LEGSOrTHIGHS__ ... L .... WITK ..... C;OUPOIII ...." - ._...... --Ll'l-',---iii". . ==I~ STEAKS .L.. '1" BREAST •••••••••••~ •~~~ I GOUPOIII P... CI/ITO.... Ill· ~ .... ., ...... 1'Il ~ • Welne, L "'"0"''' Ric.. SARAN rl.::. ::::.d-~JI:;"'-:ljF.,1fi2jiibL;:- .... 1·jOy ~ ~-~~.INI~ g~~ ttt

tA ..."_ ' ~ I cou_w.~~!COUI'O.L PI. ...... "'I~ lIIJP'I'Wr,W­ "'" ...... " ...INCH· ... U ..IT 2 DOZ. 89 I MUNGRY JACK ~ INSTANT POT AlOES •••• lIUr..... ' DII

MOCk"NEW MeAT' nST Sat~"y.~rChl1.1'7' -' ••m.-4 p.m.

Students who plan ta take the New MCA T this Spring are eligible to take the Mock New MCAT. This all .day session will simulate actual test conditions, and the test will be comparable '0 'he new test format. Tests will be scored and results made available to participants. There is no fee for this test, but pr.registrafion is required.

Come t., Room 211, Wheeler Hall by Mar· ch 10 to sign up for the test. No one will be admitted on March 11 without the yellow Viewpoints on dor.m life vary admission form...... MidlM .... Sponsored tty 8i.Im& wn..r BlU Aift', a Jeftior ill fiDanee. MEDPI!P thinb Jiving ill a dorm can be a School of Medicine hassllP whrn it comes to studyiJII. But Em_ 1W-ynoIda. a tunior ill slu-e 1OOoiClC)', ttoi:!~ thIIt Iw \'IOUId studY more Ii be lived ill a donn rather thM his tniIe'r eourt. Their eoaflieting opinions , . ilIustn1te the UIc:k of IIgr'eeIneIIl lIIat arlSt'd wbeo intPrVieWi.~ audmts 011 lh" .ooct and b.s JIOIrU of Jiving in a I -nnitory _ oppoeed to ~.:::, ::e::. BrOWD Hall, summed up his rwlin(;f "Y aayiJII. ". might I&IIrft IiYi::I<'" ~ N eam.,.., • but with lea peP"JIe...... I a- • studying -ud >Of ...... ,'. • MONDAY ~ But Reynolds. liN at ".. Panatanl Trader ec.t. 4iugreeI. • Ravioli & Salad "I think I'd study n...-re IiYinc ill • • (All you con eot) $2.251 dorm-for _ thing. I'd spend lea • :::~~ommutiOg and ...biq • Despite feeling tile IP'- Is • TUESDAY always greener 011 the otber side of ·• i .:ampul. ItuMoa are aot • Fish, Fries & Salad • MCeSSanIy ~ with UIeir • hYing fllcilitiel -S _ to be ill • :• (All r:'1U con eo') $2.25i • • • or • • 8eel& Salad $2.ooi • • • WEDNESDAY ~ • • Mostaccioli & Salad $2 25'i • (All you con ;vij .: ·• • • • • THURSDAY • • • and ..• Foot-Lorr!g Meatball Sandwich : • • wiSelad • or $2.25i Water • • • Deluxe Hamburger, Fries : • •: & Salad • $1.951 60ei • 2M W. Col"". c...... : : COf]lpiete luncheon & Dinn&r Menus : . . Fin. S.Ie«lon of WI".. THI AMllllCAN TAP : I Full S.i-vlc.llar ' ' .1.LIIII...... :} 4 Open Mon-'Sat 11-11 !~n ~ 10 -' •••••••• ! •••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••• ---features----­ CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY CO. !Jaha'i new year: . Announces New Store Hours

aiDe doers IDd ainf prdeaI. ftMPA Is 0 familiar name In thiS com­ ..;::::nis.,:::.,"::~ ... munity. Folks around here halle counted on IiIAPA auto ports and supplies fr.,r yeors. ~~~.~o:r-"""'" The Bab...,'is de not IOIidl IIIOIIeY And now you have new store hours fo maktl to fund :.!.eir DJ-.'"!!'eJI and only picking up tho,e top quality poris even lhOl'e aecept money f... UIe faltlt front fellow BaIIa'is. conven/er?t. "1m the faith. Ue amount you lift • not iatport8dl. it is UIe splnt in wtllcIt you live It," Knc ~ MON·fRI 7:30-':00 As ihe local spiritual ldIi.._blies deal with the atfain !If the BaDa'is SAT 7:30-4:00 ill Heft IOWII, the IVttioDal spiritual _bly eoontinates UIe IIdlVitJes of aU the Baba'il in _ country. So from now .,n you can pick-up your NAPA OfJto $o:pplies on Saturday afternoon; ane! stili get the same friedly service and ~uallty products that NAPA Is famous for. c.. SOIII~. ,(lit GR.$ After all, we've been 0 leader In the c.u-;.:s~ =:..JYS automotive Industry for over fifty years. And rOIlY"'" "'~"..._.. II'flD'.... I 1Ito1o,11If<_

.."-.,,..,.~, .... : C'" OF'lCe, mE ,.to I!Y .V'GNa rJ'lI1U·~

A lnlvt'l.. udy __ ill EncJand tltstle University and aD ~D wbid .iII emphasize the t;niversity Center. are also teehuiques of expository and ldIeduled. trritin(! is bemtr offered Students wiD ead their studies bv die School 01 T«hnI«:aI QIreers with a visit to the Central UU _UD", ft .. June 15 to July 7. PoI)tedatie aI Loncian and UIe Students wili reeeil.'e dIn!e eredit VnMnity of London. The Student Dinner Concert Series• .,1 • b.ilet dinner ia the hours opportu.1it)' to study .. UIe Registratloe dNdJiDe Is April I Stadent Center Old Roo ... (ReatauranU, .nd a cla.sical UniWnnty

,.. ...~1 ... __ ."·t:,~~ __ ,w...... - ...-..-...- ...... ,-­ ...... "'.... _-_...... _ -- -_...... ~".- -'---~=~-;i. ~;:: t-:::-::... . ",:.. h_ 1ft dIP ..-w:1 ~- ~~= n..u.... "'s__ .... IfFOIIf 'IOU IUY AHY AUOIO...... VIOIO 011 ~ MUSIC 1,..~ ...... C"OIer_"' ...... _'" ...... 11 -_ --_ 1QI.P":cHT ANYWHEIIf. CHKII AYON ... MONI'I1O DKOtIA" ~W'IiM"nI:~.~,...... law WITH CAMPUS AUINO ___ "_~_illlIw... [",h .:avpo _____---- ...... -__ Mt-ttM oe1OMlY" ..UIIf .PAIm'!tIft'I own """- ..... -"' You'"'' Glad You Did' Stort...... ,...... , .... ewtHy $100 _ MIl. v.., .....1 ...... ~-.- na•• ,...... NlloIIf/9br.. .. IIU~"" ... ,...... own "-'-: • d _ '-de< ---I ...... I.e?,.....,.. m..-,...... ,....- _' ..... f ~ftor .... \·to&Id~ .. tMc.~...... STERFO REPAIRS­ MOW ...... ~ldhr,..."..,.....-dtol ...... J'~,., GUARANTEED. Olel parta _ Fot rnformo__--"'...... (hc'[,.i"' .. t ... ~... IC'JP.dIf> returned. Professional fij:!lin _&'A~ .IO.... AIIOU ... .·ommun.. .IIt .... ~ twt _ .....f'd .... tMn.tI.t~~ =~icl.r::.~ Nalder .--...... a .... (· ..._tlwd ~ 'n ... Adwft'ta"~'" EfficleltC* I. 2 .• 3 W. 11\ac'...... m ... ftl1IrIltrnfIt.... t .. ~"1IW'tII S73IAClJI SplIt ...... an... _urlIt .... ~" ..... nt ,....,..... ___ mIM'. ,--.....- M ...... K.O.A. KAMPGROUNDS NEAR W1th:s..-..-, Smokey Mountaina. Anl.tant 'tYfttpdlllltWlftn.._ ... __Iooa'...... ,."""""' STEREO COMPONENtS A~COftdi-.. rranager-man and wt~ leam. ~ Waltto~~ ... 'n.II.ldYt"I1L"1n!tt'..nI'dm ..... ' .... ,h F.c.... -pI,... PlIO IOU* IOUIPMINT Fv\Iy '-'""" =.a=:nr!t ~n:: 2()e,r. to.o~ OfF lIST C.... TV ...... ALL MAJOR BRANDS Mc. ..._ ...... ;..~=-~.;:s (w 0...... ""'" "... .. o'1lnstfttlfl.., ... - All GURANTEED ChaftooIpills phon~ number. K.O.A. Kam- ~ n."' ..... ~ PI"" ...... "" ~_'f 'Ttarw- (II' f'~ 0.,.•...• noti.'., ... ~ ...ct ".... . AHOm ,:.~~G. f>icecJa .... , SOUND nUlM INGIHlIIIS VI.... Clost TO CAMPUS 174lClll ,.",n' Ibni ..... 1iI:n - 7 .,...... ,...... PI"" FOf inIor-"on.tap by da, PMONI: J4t.41U (I...... r", rtvu S ....ft't"ft 0." .• ~ P"' ..".,. P'"' do, The Wall Stre.t Quods ,,,,~lW!W.~ .. ~.;·1~,· 4n"'fth pt'f ...1 ..... 1207S.Wolt 11 __ oreall 457-4121 .\fn....twfv....ftClo~If\:..,..rnanftPt'fW Coino,.t ...... ,11 IT'...rr to tnr r .. appI.. AbtP for OfFICE HOURS: '!'W'''''''''~nt1~ ..... ,t ...... n''''"'''".fll Moo>...... Fri.• tos ...... ltoo.o two .. ..td1f..-..u& ~ til II. lei ("Oft'I' Sot. "·3 ... "",. ;"".(~ "'ltwl'W'l"'l""~ ~...... I. (a:c.'lrM"d adYI"ntMlllt ..... br paid I'It ad Hou _ \. .. "t'r r,cPJtt hw- • .b~ .,.r~ .. " ....,Ib _ , ... t»n.hrd ~1t TWO BEDROOM HOUSE In IHlNG"1II SNCIAL l'i«thwest. aYlliJabie immrdiatel'l...... cYCU1u. fOUR 15)[7 INTER1'lATIONAL wnM....atAIIOf ..... -. ~e =I!?'ite~!'= :m Mag Slotted w~ls. $150 or best ~bo4ae b'lUIIUD4!r~. after. RidI-5o&2Il&1. ...•• 1aV1CI I1S3Aalll 3It88b115 ... ONE DAY • OUT THE NEXT. IOUTHIIIN ILLINOIS Mobile Hon8s 8ICYQlCO. CARBONDALE IbM. two let N. R.LINOtS ~. tI01IIe utilities fumilMd. Min 10 C"DALI ::.~ per mentb. fi87-m8 ar 54t- 83I2OBdl3IIC NA1IONAL.ANI( B8517B--117C ,....7121 Roon.'.... S'PA~OUS SUNNY 3-bedroom ::e:J:~0IIlh. Small peta 'urnWled bouse-5 miD rrom B31116Bc1l5 ~~iet IOCatiaa-~ 12:1(56 FRONT AND rear Pf'ta.SI.~IieI. tShae) tw-6T.Jl, wk. 41iH174. ~iso'~~~~ 3841'delll 8l117BcllSC FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED CA~ NDALE MOan.!: HOMES 10 share two bedroom traih!r M '!'V hom" 10 No ~ has .. : rent. private kit. ~C K. can ~1051. ~~I~att~SJ~ ~= 378JBelll 836M8cID 11f-I-RD--R-OO-M-M-AT-E-SEEDED fer 3 bedroom ~ In Mur­ fOR ENT . ~ .. per lD(IIIill. can IIR- Apartments 37MBe11l

..W 1OWtIIMOUV API. FOIIU,ASf 21011M. MANY fJ(TWA$ I YII. UASf IlfQ4.lIIIfO NOPfTS ~"Al.n.....un ROOMMATE NEEDED TO share 1970 OLDS VISTA Crui1Ier wa~ ni(;~ boo.J... Clea... mature powt>r lUId air $450.00. 457-4855. .a.ible. p.m., ~ 3I12Aa1l6 mr. c."n an. , TV RENTAL $IS month. 3I03Be1l3 c Free , ~MlLcn ISTATES t=;;;ta~~ Radio. 213 S. Parts & ServicM W~.N ftr\ -·DOUBLE Wiele L"SDER SEW MANAGEMENT. NOW II£NTING FOIl _E111 Jack and ihU A1exarRr. Used and SUMMEII. ~AU. :m:~~.:.moatb. __ Uliid mrutil parts. Rouor!'s Radiator ·AlI ...... homM ~ central _ allZBe1l4 and Salvage Yllrd. 1212 N. :IIOtb and 011 ore eIKtnc. Street, MuJphysbcn. fi87-t051. ·2 a..- 83704Abl24C ·lIedoIced _Ior_ 3RD ROOMMATE NEED£-' f';""3 bedroom house to MIJ!I)I:'·dIoco. VW ENGINE REPAIR and :!:nOll~ed 3810BellS B3'7P'..oAbl24C .--. ~ _. _. IrOIh CARIONDAU picIt up. ancIlawn_. CARBONDALE ARE", 1~1 FEMALE ROOMMATE TO mare MINI-WARE"""SES USED AJ~TO AND tr'Ul'k IIIU1s eleelric.. washer. dryer. cernr.. .pl. Onp bloc:ll from campu•. INDfY1DUIU.I1OIIAGf ~=~~ Era RoacL 6'1-4131...... No _ required. &17.2482. QUiet. can 529-1313. B3'l178c 111 ..9BellS UNITS AYAILAKI B3'1I6Ahl2IC ... 114P11t.o Mob... Homes ~~l~:~ Duplex.. ... 117 ... .0 S7828clll bd ...... 0 1975. MOB\U: HOME, 14X85. ONE B~DRooM DUPLEX Furnished. ne--. tclIIditiM . .-.00.00. ------_. tr.. iler. E¥l!!rytbin, furnished 11.12 ntPlll.o ~ 687-1616 .Utel' 6:;;0 p.ID- .... _ya"__ acn I BEDROOM IOXSO MOBILE I'iOw. Fur­ ~t ..tndly~ 10 minut«s ~ast rotII .0 I HOMES. Available cf~__ .No~= "." sa S'I'l'IAellt fOIl SUlt.Mllt & fALL ..... nished. air-eondi1ioninp.. trash +.-y ...... AP~ ...... ~AU. ~~~. SlOO per IIICIOIb. fFFlClfMCY .. ,120 funy t.ftCeCI & ~I.h'" ,~ MINUTES FROM CAMPUS...... • IEOIIC)Otjl '125 '165 83'lI6BclU c,' ~ALfTY SEAFOOD AT cambria. Move hi _. IIlart rent 'or your MCUrlty 21101lOOM ".. ..".0 CAMBRIA. IOX50. AIR CON­ M~h I. J.bdnn. unfunushed w­ ~~':~~t.~1 D.TION. carpet...... ce. ;e,pl,iC.lnces. 1180.00. no pet •. S'13IIAf1l5 t I~MOeIUMOMIS lOw.5O ,100 115-4431. .15 82'177Bc115 ~7~1~.~~ Kent Realty. 710...., E. Main Cdai. NEW MAMIY A C-~f. Newr I,.,. tIS $110 B35C!Bn 1I1C (Behind Johr.'. Pancak. House) 12d2 .., ,liS MOBILE HOME LCT far rent. :~ J:'': ~~~.~~: ,:a.eo ,lIO 'I- I calh Mt.4ID JmAf112 ~~ prdeo ..-ce. to to = AUIlfHfALS AU Ale aha" Wan\-.d Rent FUIN. WItH ntASIt B3'I7IBc llS PIClI·Uf' AllIN. lION" CALL lOYAL ~unALS 4SJ... ft ....( ..~ OPININGS SlU-C ~ ,.,...... 125'11. ,q~. Rum and Coke 604 Clifticalc-.•.D ...... t_ .... ta.....-~ ...... s_ t ~ IIIirIoIs...... IIrOInint ond .... Miller Cans 404 ....-. lit .... spectoIty of paychIotry. Cutaft Sill le. ,. pIIcatIona IDe DonoId I. ~. rues "'-D.• ~"~ ~. CIInIcwlc-. SKID CITY BLUES BANDc=:r ...... 111...... -. ...c-a.. otfI&oe of ",*"t WClflt ... ~ ~ ...... lm·JI3"19 ...... tt.Wa...... ~...... -"--~ ...... CutoIfU1Sf,..- ~ IDe Dr. ~ W. White, ~. ....--.StvdMI WCIfIt ... '-ldel

. BUSINESS ~ OPPORruNITJES . .-..... ~. 3:' &~~~i!t IUd k-~...... bIe rata. Me ... Ilot DaUl Brothers 345SEU! RJDERS WANTED MIlD _N AiIOInIONt CALL US /IwS ...... ¥OIl ItrcIUgI\ thIs.­ ~--...~ .. gIW you CIIIn'IPIefIe c:cun.f11llJ 01 MY dUration. Monda)·'s word puzzle bftore ...... ~.

Speeialiat offen STUDENT PA}>~P.s. EX- ~~.~ ~~Hr:l~l:! head ~old patients PERlE.'IIcro in nery format.. iUUY ~W3-':' "Free ~w~~ The l,everagea MMed" ..;alt-Ma:-:' money to sneeze ______35'1_lEl_17 453-G4I .. Jim .'A23I. 3ImPlll MALES WHO-ARE amrioua UVWId _men. Free treatment in lIIOI 1111 ael-DAU IX.... fi:Z301~~=~= 01' MMl. (even~u lODAnaNAlUOIAND

MOBILE HOME UN· ". LAUDEIIDAI.!. fLA. fOe SPItING _AI( 1ICIUNOTn' $70.00- R2tiabie.~r;::~ 451 ...14- .:='~= B37I5E114

ATTENTION GRADUATE ~ENTS. Gn(I/Is;. _~~ WHO NOSE? DrawiDI~~~ty. D-KH: BmIEUIC THE D.E. CLASSIFIEOS MJGHT HAVE *'!•.... well ... h .... sports ,.'._cl..,-~ . ",...... -a-.. _-, ...... \r:,. qoJu k, . HarriSon promotes' Tro,tier spirit' . turrency xchonge_t..'1_ By fIH v• .-...... :Il 9perUE4iMr '.~k! CdSh.d 1>..... ~oC. ~ Scm.. of ttle ,,_te.t ill .~ ....,. ke •• ,... =r ::r' :e.-=..... :.., I'8lizto wtle. to retire anet their· "crWy'~ ~ ..... ~ lalter years are biPlWtted by riminishillll skiUs and In sym­ c~ w...... "'"- ..... jalby, Then they are ofWn liVeD meeninglfSS jobs in the organizatiGD and !hey simply fact. _ay. Tn Ham- has a¥1lidN dlat mishap. ~ was a popular per­ form« for the Harl«n Globetrotters * :~no~:': !tili': he 0M"e poaesaed, 10 tie retind .. a player. But he did IIGt Itep Into obsc:urity . Harrison has MeG • public ..... ' ations .. xeeutl~ for th.. (. ~I"rs the past four years aJ> "'!!prods murb 01 his time traveling arouad the roU1ltry promotiag the same spirit he exhibited while he was a player. He enjoys ,.-ayin« doIIe to the teem that bas b«..l the care of his life ffW a quarter of a century. "I doII't ... the tNm play very much, but I catdt up with them periodinlly," says KarriJoa. who was in Southern Dlinois Jast wfell promoting the appearance of Ute Gk>betrot~rsaI1:30 p.m. 11Iunday allte Arena "I like 10 keep ahfta'!t of how well the rookies are ~. ") lilte to sIIool the bull witb the players and som .. times J might be called OIl 10 play if 5OmfOlte is sid: or calll makeo il. But 1 doll' play mUl.·h any more. The '-d says 'go.' bul the legs say ...., , •• Harrison's trav"'. taR him to future Globetrot.u playina sites. Tex Hamson; publicist for the Hartem GtotJe.­ bul he detests the tenn. "advance trotters. spins. baske1be11 during his visit to 51 U man." he ..ctures a~ advance man as someone in a tiref'1)i«e IUit, last week. The Glob.. Ullet s will ..,..... at 7:30 pm. carrying a brief~ and spoubng Thunday at the Arena.· (Staff photO by Brent facts and figurs frum a press Cremer) rel.. a5t!. Harrison, who dresses casually and earries 110 briefcase. With NBA finally l'ftleitiD(l the II dNd. UCLA 110 longer wiM titles iatereltt. and salary IeftIs tIIat __ l:kes to think his methods of "ery YNf. promotiGD are much IJICII'e effeclM. predicted for it , f«O. it is ltelll The Harlem Globetrotters drfy "I do my job clfferftllly lllaa lOIfte to impolllible Jerr ...... Globetrotten the IIIlturai order of tbinp. They of the IftYioua publieity men," he to attract the eI'ftIm 01 the crop _II,. break attendance reearda amonl rollege slars. How ..ver...... if aaytbiD(l, they haw BOt Jet MMI... I Ca.--a I" .... Army I!~ • :~~~~::r:".taft°w~ tIarnIna says tfte team Slid .... I'ftICbed their peat as 8D a.traction. I be better to haw a real 1M involved in the bidding. Hanisoo tbi'" 1"1 day wiD liner Globetrotter as JUblirist. The media "We offered $l.S millioD to CiIIIM. were getting tired 01 the re(Ildar Kareem Abclul-Jabbar, but that "WIleD • flnt' start. p1ayinl I advance mea who warbd out of a couIdD'l matda the other oIfers he ..'t tbil* we wauJd be able tAl last Jll'etIII kit. got:' Ham- poilU out. "At _ Ibis long." he admits, "w. _ I "I am the Sec:retary 01 State 01 tbe tim.... had our pid: 01 the top blKt doD't ltunk _ wiD 4!'Ver bit our peak. players in the eountry. but it is IIGt Thislb~ jU!I Reps ,.uinl biuer ~~~rsG~O::::;S-ngs~~ Ibat easy _. We bave to 10 out and and biger. We haw become an ltewr filld in a JII'etIII kit. MOIII ad­ bid like anyorae ehe. AlMriean instllut~biag t. vanee mm are camlllftripJ and I "w.. do still attract the plaYft'S people look for BIllluan,. or don't want to he rommert'ial. U I who kloll .. the ion(l4!'Vity JII'O*ms IfIIWlmualJy. had this job out of a preu kit, in the NBA and think I.y aMIId play "I tbink a bie part 01 It Is that .... !'d quit." - kJnger for us. , he fact that .. traftt _'re JtiD G-rated. EverytiJne _ Promotion is not Harrt..l's 0Il1y all around the t'l!UIIII"y and abroad lterferm lour tbiap are loiag to duly WItb the Globem'll,,",I'S. He also also is a IeIling poult. W. still Ifl happea: we're going to me_ theIl can be _n at bukPtbaU arenas good players, although they are DOt Jaugh. we'l~ going to make people • througtHlUt ttIP country _I~ the tbe best." foraet their problems and the peopI.e t. lalent in the collegiate ranks juf.t as Sports dynaslies usually do IIGt are goiDlto 1ft .. do as mudlwi:b a the scouts in the !liatioaa~ Bast.dball last fOr'4!'Ver. The Yankee dynasty balfttball as a moaRJ caD witb a A.~tiOlldo. died once. 'I'M Bolton Celtie dynasty Ite-t." \. ,- - .- ~.~ f~- XtrUa~ . PIZZARIA II Thar. hal bMtI a new Train"" Site designated by the 21ST General Hospital. St. LouiS. Mo.. In Southern IJI;nois, W. nMd ~ and w~ wltfl or wi'l1ou' p.--ious military experience DELIYERY SPECIAL to become enlisted members of the Army Reserve. " tOll don', w I the purchase of any have one of the skills listed IMIow. LETS TALK TRAINING ...... ,22 Chic,go Style Pizza UClNSID ,.aC1lCAL MURIIS 3 seven ounce eans of Oly NUttSlS AID'-I * IftUSt show ..... pt'oof of ... upon .,Ivery ONItAn~ IIOOM lIeM ji·.~:fllCH ~PA~AL~.APY Liye.Entertainmentin th~.i,iWaria IPICIALIST LA.lICH

JIM BRUNO ';In oddI.;~ -to .... skills listed above. _ also nMd Don't forget 25c drafts-~ price ..mixed drinks PHYSICI"~ and REGISTFREO NURSES to become com­ $1.50 pitchers ~ m;slloned otfke,... • -'011 further ...... It lie -.nett .. '11-"''''' ...... AM __ 1_ PM. ~ thnt 'rNey. Happy Hour 4-8 Daily BAR SPECIAlS SOc Bacardl Rum Otympia 35c $2. 00 Canadian Lord CaMnt Michelob 45c $2.50 Clwtstlan P.c..t.r: Branciv GordInsGm Hamand~5pec'.aI $1.25 J1m8eam~ Arandis Tequila Try our Dart Board Passpolf Scotch Srnimdt Vodka .. Happy Hour 4 .. 8 daily OLY with !andwich STARDUST .Bar & Billiards A ...... I ·~BA'LL TOURNAMENr ...... " First Prize $25 $2 Entry Oly drafts 25~

.... S. Illinois Ave. (next to the Music Box)

~+++++++++)t. HANGAR9! TRY US IN THE AfT{RNOON + ~ 60e SPEEDRAIL + 40eDRAnS ~ ----...... -,t w.tI...... - $2.00 .. OL PITCHERS + ... __ I ...... w.-..OIII f--...... r..., ...... ~ ...... -_ ..... hIq ~ ...... Oo& atll2fB!9i er...,'_.f_,....-...... ftOIaIIIII FLNESTSTEREOSOUNDS ~ r.-wOllllyo-t."' "..,...-.-..... TELEVISION I £0 FASHI[ONEO I _...... ~ HAPPY HOUR 1I-1DAILY • ,I'j_I LIVE MUSIC W:;:SUN NIGHT~ t 500 E. Wolnut FRIDA Y AFTERNOONS "+ .- otWolI 7C + ...... + .+ + ~~ + ~~'O,; C~r~ndol" sports------SIU's basKetball style brought Smith to' Carbondale

ByJ.W.ea..... CIIey IIhouId have remdted me a l~ S&8ff "'rtw strvager.'· In the end, physiral and mental Since he eame to S1U SmUt. bas exhaustion took ita toll ... the 1977-78 distinguished himself _ a fiDe shooter basketball SaJukis lIS u..- ended the and a (IOOd defeMive player. St"aSOll with a 7H9 hiss to Dr8ke in the Smitbshot 44 pernnt Oft t01 of m field first round 01 the MVC tournament. goal tries this ye8r after shooting 46 Walking from radio booth to radio pereent from the field as a freshman Oft booth. the same seesoD poat-mar1em zj af S4 field losls. His 82 aaisla thia c:oouJd be beard. "DO matter' what the year were second 10 Wayne Abrams' record says.. it was a team with remarkable ebaracter. ,. high of 11' a.iIlS. A tftlm has DO more charac:ter thaD do ''On offenae, I feel that 1 have to be an the individuala it is composed of. Barry offensive threat." Smith said. "I have to Smith is one of the players who lends make tile defenae respect me and let sucb strength to the teem. them !mow that I caD "urt them-that Tht> H:opbomore from Eldorado has ~~~.. the IJuikk ~me for Gary experienced as many .... and downs 85 did this year's SahWs. Smith's primary olfensrve weapan Is .. Smith's college career started OIl • the jumps&ot, the mechaDics of which is high note. He was recruited by S}8I: ,. delicate proceM. Durilll OM Uklay illinoiS State. Indiana State, Bradley stretch emc.... ~' four =~ University and aeveral division U Smith temporanly lelst his . schools, iDcJudiDl Evansville. tDuc:b. Smith says that his decisiGft to eome to '" really doD' knew what balJl)elJed. I Carbondale was reached on the basis 01 think a lot of it is r. _ of c:onliiienN: 1 style. tried not to panic,l ecause if you do. you .. ! llIlW SlU play several times when I start c:banging YOUI' shot and then you're wasa senior in bigh !!O:'hool," Smith said. really ia trouble. ,. "I W:ro the way tbe team played and I thought my talents would fit in weD with tt 11'''. predi, tably enou,h, the SlU's style of play. Although tho! team Bradley game at Ute Arena that Smith hascharlr,1!'d SOO1eowhatsiore theft. we're came ..t 01 his MOOtinI slump. still a pretty deliberate team." Another stnJItA fac:el .. Smith's 01- ~.mith says he had notions of going to I'ensive galr,c • bis free CIrmr ~. BI'lIdley, where his older brother Dennis On the)'Me" Smith shot 12 percent from was a four-year member of Joe StoteU's the free thnJw line. tops in the MVC. Tbe basketball 'Braves. He abandoned that efficient free-throw shootinl af Smith idea because be dida't want 10 compete and junior guard MiitOll Huggins was a against his brother. major factor ill the bome-eourt vidory "Dennis aad I are about the same over Indiana Sta~ and the nNId wiJIB height. If I went to Bradley I was afraid SeIukJ BarTY SmIth dr'hIes to the besket dUrIng St U's "VIn ewer St, war Wichiu. aod Qoe'..gbtorL ..e'd be cnmpeting for the same lc:4Iis. Smittt. primarily known for his outside shootlng, led the Of: the other end of the court, Smith is position," S'Dith explained. ". think that MVC in free-fhroW Ihooting petotilf8ge In lifting Stu to. 17-10 eonsidered one af the best defensive would put tuo much 01 a stram on both af recm:I, (Staff photo by Narc Galassini) . the hIanl. a honar whieb the us." =-hum... EJdorado linda bas ita ..-R'e# Not 5lIJ")Jrisin8Iy. Smith bas bad much "Sometimes I feel tile I'm beinI succ:esa in lames against Bradley. picked ." Smith saW jokiagly. "We ~ __ ~~ the two reams clashed Jan. 1 at to UCLA and • stan 1-rdiD« David ~ MemGriaI FieIc:IhouIe. Smith Greemrood. At Indiana State r bad to Larry Bird and at 8nIdIey I drew ~"::C~t::: r~te~ er Phegley. Here I was against Rick seven rebounds 11''' a team Ngh and his e. Luckily we don't play thad much !our allfiists 11''' orJe shy of am high. 5:man-to-man. At the ~, Feb. 23. Smiba collected ". really ckIe't eonsider myself an 14 points on eeven af 11 Ihota from tile exc:eUent defmsi.. player. Ita 'ar as field. c:overiDg a team's best. I'm really not IeeID well '" always to lllay against that quick CII' that loud af • leaper. I Bradley ," Smith noted. hI may get up a ha.. 10 try and good position and little more against them-l feel like I aet haVl' something to prove, like maybe :'id.~ tbent .... wide opea." Smith Martial arts clubs designed for sport" self..defense By.,.., .... distaore, in tbF.1IQIIdits prevail over kidls from far awa,. ~Wrtaer Realizing that karate is a. f~ ~ iia!'.ting. Omeare said. '-rtIe brutality of combat tJhoukI not be ~phasiIed. He said tbIt it is _ at af coatroI_ well __ ol- There you are, strollillR through the Re-...tion Buildir., .... ha~ upon a IfOIIP ,,f pajama-c:lad people goinl through arm~ anotiona and yeJJiJ1I quite loudly fensi.. and defensive IDDd eI tbJt.•. ii' what seems to be a foreign tongue. . CornpetitiGn in lsshiDryu is ~ that hl other forms 01 karate. Formal exerclseII .')ne '~iliar with the club sports at stU mir6ht easily realize that it II one GI the tnowa as )(atas are scond us_ll1 OIl a ane-to-ten basis mU£b like 1YJIUI8Stic:a • fiw~ Sit' I.Il8I1iaI arts clubs durirw one of ita muetinp. emphuizina proper form. Ranging from the sporting-oriented to the wlf-defenae oriented, the judo. karate, In order 10 better team the a,.,.. Omeara mid traditkJnal patterns are taught and Isshin~ karate. the martial arts and the seJf-def_cIt1t. aD af{~ practice and performed. Sparrin, is abo doae ill taumaments. A half of a point is given for ~ lostnri:ion '.J tbeoir partic:ular disciplines. blow that Is potentially Iande>J (actual PUDdung is dik'OUl'aged). The winner • ";,exllmpleof a club that is oriented lOWards the lIpOIting'endof thucs is toe judo decidt'd wben be scores twoCOlll«l.1liw blows, wbiclt will earn him a puint. club. Jurio. acc:ording to club president cathy Schweizer, is a Japanese word which AIJ suggested b,. its Dame, the self~ club is c:mtered on ..achina techniques of self~ . ..Jef! 'orby. U.. club instructor, said that the club ::n.:~~=~ way" and is based OIl the acquisition of maximum effkierq'wi!h emphDizes physical fibIeSS .. weD as self-defense skiD aquisition..· SHe said thilt judo. which is an OiyraiJie aport. Is uniqu.e from the other martial Tbe Korean art af HallkidD, whicb mf'anS ....ay of harmonious power "Is taua!lt to arts in that it can be practiced as hard .. ane wants WIthout seriously hurtinl an help tile students learn tecbniques of how to prot'!let ~Yelii. Fori»,. said that opponent. HapkidD is a c:ombinatial af Ihe Korean karate form T•• KwOll Do. and some Members of the club at StU learn the techniques. terminology, fundamentals and th . techniques. , overall style of Kodokan Judo. A judo matell called a Shi iaIta thne minutes or ~ teaches a high degree of coneentratlM that clears tbe mind and ImtJJ one of the COO'Ipetitors scores a point. ScorinI a point is ~ ~ t'ither cleanly lets the body react, Forby said. HUdded that the yelling done by those in his class is throwing your OIpJl'1llenl or cnntrollinl bim ... the mal for a ~ period 01 time. done to distract opponents and also to provide additional adrenalin flow to help Schweizer said that members compete in area meets and added ht a general achieve malC!dlum performance. studies c:oune is offeftd at SIU which is taught by the club sponsor, C.C. Franklin. The cluh, like othu clubs hi karate. affen different eoIGr belts for each advancllll The I5shinryu Karate Club represent.I a eooglomeration of brate Ityles pnlC:" degree GI proClCieQc:y until one achieves bIaclr ~It statua. The club plans to travel to .jced on the island of Okinawa. Martial arts arigiDated in (]aiDa and moved tbiou(lb Cape Girardeau"" a Musa QuaD tCJUl'"D8mt!nt April 2'1. Korea. Okinawa. and Japan into otlwr parts of the world. Aa the styles ,...ed from The Karate Club teaches the Japanese disctpline of SIlo To ~'O. However. eo'. country to country, variGuB style ~ eeew-red reaultiDC III .... cImnitJ of president and instnICtor. Preston Barrett. aid that tile club is 'airi, inac:tiY'e these .,.. The NUOft ,... ita inactivity is the newly formed Martial Arts Club. ~ =::.~cf.';fsmiDryv Karate CIub,~tNt aD It";'.;, karate, Barrett sai4 &hat the martial ar1s club combines Sho To Kan, Tae K'MIII'Do and ~" appearin~ to ..O:~ man, similarities. are aI80 dif__ in eertaia Upel:ta Japanese Kempe Karate into one dub 10 that members ean Ret a welI-nunded pi!I1ainina to r,ae. ~ . . bec:kground of vanous !lyles. 'l1vee black ~t iMtructon, _ ...... Barrett. teach ~ the .- heart... mind method. IaIhiayru IindII diversities ia ita in­ their dilIcipUMa ef kamte to u. students. --.. torpclntiaD ~ local ptWaBoph;.. aad eukure into ita style. Omem-a eonsidenJ bis '"1t offen tile optimum oppartvDity to Me diffeP.l'lt styles," Baraett said 01 1M sty. more ..JI a bani. rathel' dat ..... tty" eI karate. . . : . dub.. He added that at tts Vft"J ..-ce, aD urate is the same. This club ItVM Hard lLar:ate ••s ~ to 80ft karate, lit c:.racterbed .. beinIl men hsted and 11lemtJes:s tile cbaDl~ to eompare, alllt c:antrast. and pcaoibIy dnaIe what they like. gruff with ItMlCel bellllltifl and ript. Soft Urate .. the other band. lellDClOCb and It a.IIo e,IVM !.be u.truttors ., 0IJPCIl1 :.o.uty to pnoI ideas.. flowing, and at times appean aJrnc.t dIianI»-liIIe. . ~tui4 that before thec.~ ... pta lagether, u....u. situation wben lhe Isshinryu style CODC:eIltrata IDtIIe ... c ...... filbtiDI rather lhaa tbal ~ .... tI!:.eal diIi."!ipliDel wen more vr ... ri\o-ala.

PIOI 16. o.tly Egypttan. Man:h" .".