... . -" ... WEATHER EXCLUSIVE Cloudy I I' Rep.Schwengel High 60 I Reports From I Washington . We.kend - Snow owon SeeP... ! Serving Til. State University of, and the People of Iowa Citl! "'Eiha6l1shed In 18i!8 Five Cents a Cupy AssoClalecJ l'Te 5 ~lIsed Wlrll ana Wlrepnolfl' Unlll'd f'r!'.· lnlernalJon 11 Lea ed Wire fa 'a City. Iowa. fbui'S&y. Mar h 19. 19M ~oo Drama Students To Attend SUI's 1/magination ' 59'

980 Votes C!6st I I. - N.Y• .Actor , ' • Strasberg T6"Speak ,tates 005t tWednesday, ~ ..~'~~~~~m"~!~~~~~~: in All-Campus Elec· election. Marilyn LaPlante. A2. axes .tlons .. said Larry Krueger, C3. Sioux City. is the ncw president; To Present Plays, 40wa City, Elections Committee Janet Moeller, A2. Durant, is in· Consider Set Design .chairman. There was a wide var· termurals chairman; San dra lation In voter turnout from one Leake, A3, Burlington, vice·presi· Lee Strasberg, actor, director, ..organization to another, he s!lid. dent; Donna Gullickson, A3, Gales· and present artistic of New York's Actors' Studio, will be ~d returns in general differed burg, III ., secretary; and Kay • the guest speaker at "Imagination • considerably from last year. Armstrong, A2, Martelle, is trea· , The highest number of votes was surer. '59", SUI's second annual drama conference to be held Friday and dor members of the Board of Stu· Five dormitories .I.cted of· Saturday at the University Theatre. ,dent Publications, Inc. 1444 stu· ficor. Tuesday and Wtdntlday. ver I ldents elected Judy Jones, A3, Mo· Curritr Hall and WHtlawn .I.ct· Strasberg will speak Saturday • Ion Jine, Ill., and Janet Gilchrist, A2, .d tIM coming y.ar'. officors evening to the more than 200 drama Denison, to, the two year terms Wedntlday, whil. .I.ctlon. .t students from 22 Midwest colleges 'arid Walter Barbee, A3, Spirit Ruth W.rclell Hou .. and 8eth and universities expected to attend ------,.------.!.------­ 'Lake" to the l-year term, Last Wollman Hou •• w.re hold Tutl- the conference. I".al' 240 more students voted for day. Strasberg's directing career in· ...... A Board members. M H cludes Theatre Guild productions U.s. Redstone Income, Sales "''I'OK M.ucIt c8r~ OU" In- of the Pulitzer prize play "Men in '(, The second largest number 01 nounced tlMl,. offlc.1'S Tu.sday White," "The Outward Room," votes cast was for Union Board .Vlning.t I St. Pltrick·.. D.y "Johnny Johnson" and "The Fifth 'members from Liberal Arts, A p.rty. Th.I,. .Iectlon. had been Column." Among his independent Missiles Go Taxes Hiked, total of 1,117 votes elected Tom hold I.. t wMk. productions are "All the Living" Flie~inger, A2, Eldora, Tom Ob· Elected president of Currier and "The Country Girl." linger, A3, Grand Junction, Bar· Hall was Judith Russell, A3, Ana· Strasberg's talk will conclude the Not Business bara Bjornstad, A2, Spencer, Linda mosa. Miriam Shelden, AS, Nor· 2-day conference which will bring To Germany .Brown, A2, Oskaloosa, Peg New· wich, N.Y., was named vice·presi. college speech and drama students ell, A3, Altoona and John Stoy, A3, dent. to the SUI campus to discuss prob. Claim Berlin Crisis CigoreHe, Liquor, Ga. Waterloo. Currier also elected: Sarah lems and ideas in dramatic pre· Not Reason For Move hl'his number was 279 more voters Beatty, A2, Sigourney, secretary; sentations. Taxes Raised t II!I last year. Ruth Ann James, P3, Spirit Lake, Ev.nta IChecJultci Includl demo WASHINGTON !UPI) - The • Only " Commercl stucltnts treasurer; and Myrna , A2, on.tr.tion 'IItrcl", .nd p.nel Army announced WednesdaY It I W S1JlNGTON ( P) Whet for their ,..,...ltIItltlVH University City, Mo., and Julie dilCulllon. In dirtdlnt .nd u'· will send a Redstone missile group tat ov rmnent are plan. ,.. the Union I_d. They electtcl Kennedy, AI, Farley, student coun. Ing. I' w.1I " the prtltt1,.tion to Germany next month. It said ..MIl ... Llnt.U, C3, 8.".ncIorl, of four l·.ct pl.ys. School. pro- the move has been plann d for to load more than $1 y, -~ ill Sutt cil representatives. - I en. A3. Red Olk. ItIIting pllY. will be the Univ.,.. some lime, however. in "rell sed -President of the Liberal Arts Margaret Wessel, N3, Waverly, ,Ity.f Mluourl, Columbl.; Uni. The announcement apparently on their citllen. Con- "Wor class for 1960 is Lloyd Hum· was named president of Westlawn. verslty of Wlleon.ln. ~dllOl1; was framed ' with the idea of jlbreys, AS, , with the high. Jean Johnson, N3, Northwood, was PlrlOns C.II'II" Felrfl.ld; .nd squelching speculation that thc umers are in for the heaviest est number of votes of the 312 elected vice· president. SUI. B rlin crisis was the reason for blow. which were cast. Vice·presldent Is Other officers are: Mary Ellen This year's sessions will also con· dispatching the unit to Germa~. M8r~ret Ladd, A3, Iowa City, Sentman, N3, Iowa City, secretary; sider aspects of scene deSign, with Th. figure on .t.t. Inc ...... The Redstone is one of the first lMleretary Judy Clark, AS, Cedar Jane Acheson, N3. Des Moines, original se~ designs to be displayed now .PPrOYed It' pttMIi"l, ch ..f· and Treasurer Ralph (Vall treasurer; Linda Lear, N3, Web· by visiting students. U.S. ballistic missiles, and has a t:,"$ comparatively short range of 200 Iy in tho form of sta" Inc ..... W~fI, '. As, Marshalltown. There ster City, student council; Jean "Imagin"tion '59" is a {ollow·up miles. and ••1.. '.It•• , WII 1''''''''' ~er'e 69 more votes this year for Elsesser, N3, Mendola, III., social of last year's "Imagination '58" Wtdn.scI.y . senior officers than last. chairman; Camilla Danielson, N3, which attracted young actors {rom . The missiles will be handled by , ,.he newly elected president of Newell, publicity chairman; Karen 24. colleges In se~en states, and tbe 46th Artillery Group, now at This does not fully m asure the ~iated Women Students is Kay Warness, N3, Canton, S.D., activo featured Harold Clurman, Broad· Ft. Sill, Okla. It will be the second impact of immln nt tax boo ts on lAInd, A3., Dixon, III. A total of ities chairman; Viola Claussen, N3, war dir~tor, all speaker. Redstone group in West Germany. the national pock lbook, however. flii. Coeds voted in the election. Letts, PRN manager; SylVia Floer· , Michael Kelly, G; . Iowa City. Is The first unit was put in place Hundred. of cJt)', evant)' aod oth· last summer, QiIR~ J: Cherry, A3, Cincinnati, cbinger, N3, Marengo, aS$istant chairman of the "Imagmation '59" er local boost. are In PI' parlltion , Qt!jo. ?lJ~ new vice.presiden{; l'RN manager. plantUn8.!eem~ee, and RIchard The announcement said the and Congr i likely to live ~tBepass, 'M., Ferguson, secre· Newly electeCornell College, Mt. Ver. the group. /Is tbeil' representatives to SUI ", ington m tin, arranged by the St C Ill.' Nancy Denton A2 Maywood non, The Army said the 650 officers Tax Foundation, Inc., New York , Mel. tho record Rae Jean C3, Webste; . Des Moines; and men comprising the unit would ~:~A :~rs Ill.; Tud~r, THEY ALL htd • hand in it. MId tho blarn.y stone WII found, Irvin FIber. E4, Morlvia, hold. tho pril' Other states may raise taxes turnout ftf' the .Iection II 121 City' and Mary Downing A3, Ken· Iowa Stale College, Ames: Parsons sail from Brooklyn Army Termin· too, conferenc official said, but neb~nk, Me, • ' College, Fairfi~ld ; Wartburg Col· al. N.Y. The equipment was sch· whil. oth.r .nllino.rs rtlch for the granit. ston •• NllIt ,t.p: hid. It f,.om tho IIW .tudenl •. thlc' survey embraced mo t of those llI!t. of ."...lIlm.toly 150 ""nt- Marcia Fennema, A2, Mount Ayr, lege, Waverly; ~entr~1 Colle~e, eduled to leave from Beaumont, , - DIlly Iowan Phot •. with big budget and big financial Ate" y.ted. The new pre.leIen, was chosen to head Beth Wellman Fayette, Mo. ; UniversIty of MIS' Tex, headaches. Omitted were many ... the group i5 Sybil Norton, Al, House for the coming year. Sher. souri, Colu~bla, M? ; Carleton Col· whose legisJature do not meet this "'ncer; tIM ylc.·prHI"'t Sha.... ritt Hutchison, A2, Jefferson, will lege, Northfield, Mann.; Minnesota Id year or whose fiscal pla.n were .. Thentberry, Al. I.w. City; serve as vice.president. S~te Teac~ers ~oUege, St. Cloud, Bill Wou Raise Engineers Find Blarney Stone rated uncertain . ..,.n Smith, i. FrtllwNn Y M' Other oUicers named are: Marcia Mmn.; UniversIty of Nebraska, H•• vy ""pMsls on ..I" t .... "/fer ~ Conni. Pillmore, A3. Keen Al Marshalltown secre. Lincoln, Neb.; University of South Iowa Income Tax Iy MA'RLENE JORGENSEN Th. gr.du.t. stud.nt. had not Bela Pi all-engine ring honorary Dele ..... tn., I. flnMIa dYlrmM, tary.' Elai~e Hochstetler' C2 Ka. Dakota, Vermillion, 5.0,; and Uni· w•• noted ••Ither by ur... " . St.ff Writtr pl.nn.d to hid. tho .tone In the fraternity aW'lrd, and the Theta _rei /ftcr..... In s'ate rat•• It' , l;Qwn, Men was a new organiza· lona: treasurer; and K~y Acker. versity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 75-80 Per Ce'nt E"ginMring 8uildlng u"tll Thurs· ~ in. All Campus Elections this men elected were Susan Chandler, It took 200 hundred miles, two Tau prole sional fraternity award by boesh in ci,erette, Ilquor/ dlY. but the ..niol'l progr"ltd ...... MId ~ ftclse Iftle, re.r. '1" vot~rs from the organi· men elected were Sue Chandler, UNFAIR EXCHANGE? DES MOINES I.fI - A bill to sleepless nights, and many frantic will be given to an out landing more quickly than they had 'J(' .11Md dlrtdfy .t the C"'SUmet'. .satinn ~lected 'rom Ayers, A2, Iowa Al, Downers Grove, Ill.; Susan HAVANA (Upn - Fidel Castro, implement part of a t6,785,000 a calculations, bul the SUI engineers pected, Fr.tw.1I said. The stone enl;!ineering student. Chi Ep ilon Ply, president; Jim Howe, EI. Foster, A2, Farmington; Margar. offering to cooperate with the U.S. year tax increase package to cov· honorary CIvil engineerIng fratern· Several states weighed Income w.. hidd.n whll. tho ..nlors few ~a Carlos, Cal., vice·president; ete Lubke, A3, Highland Park, 111.; Tr'ea$ury nei>&rttnent in the depor. er state expenses in the next bien· finally managed to climb a night spont flv. hour. s.. rehing for • ity will give an award to the out· tax hikes and a were prepar· N~ Scheonfelder, AI, Oakdale, and Nancy Gastineau, Nl, Keokuk. lation of American narcOtic tra'· nium was recommended for pas· of stairs to the blarney stone. clu. It Hill •. standing civil engineering udent . ing for increased rates on real and and John Kohnke, E4, Maude McBroom House will be fickers to tile United 'States: sage by the House Ways and The seniors found the stone in Other engineering tudents who personal property. "cr~tary; The search for the blarney stone ~~~n, treasurer. Student Council headed by Linda Stone, A3, Des ·'1 do not see how !be United Means Committee Wednesday. a cage on the second Ooor of the have made outstanding scholastic But most state ,overnors and i part or traditional Mecca Week contributions will receive keys . ppre~tl\Uves from Town Men Moines, Beverly Wendbausen, A3, States is atking us to deport The measure, to be introduced Engineering Building about 6:30 activities when law students try legislatures are avoiding new taxe. ~ Charlel L, (Latry) Da)" A3, American gangsters _ which we as a committee bill, will propose They will include council members on business, The taxpayer fl'ClLJPS Grime., Brad Smith, AI, Pawnee will be glad' to do _ but does not an increase from 75 to 80 per p.m. Wednesday. The stone was to outguess the engineers. Both of the A sociated Students of En· aid the slates "don't want to kill 1\oc~, Kan" and Russ Roskens, (Conlim,ed On Page 6) -say anything about deporting Cu. cent In the individual income tax triumphantly carried uptown and claim St. Patrick as their patron gineering and governing board and saint. the goose that lays the golden Ct; Spencer. ban gangsters and war criminals rate. then hidden from their traditional slaff members of " Iowa Transit," egg" and fear that hi&her rates . 'flJetre were 140 voters in the Elections- in refuge there." Chairman Conrad Ossian CR· rivals, the law students. The blarney stone will be pre· monthly student magazine spon· wiU drive industry out and discour­ , ' ' Stanton) of the Ways and Means sented at a smoker in the Engin· sored by the college of engineering. age new business from coming in. ~ I.. Committee said the measure will Th. 17th clu •• which provtd to eering Lounge today at 7 p.m. ------'rt.r Canadian Conference- .; ... , produce an estimated $2,200,000 1M tho la .. on., was found in W... The Mecca Queen and St. Pat will . /' ,,'. per year, Liberty. tI said, "StMI i. made be elected at the smoker and an· --' :Cj.,. The committee also is working In'o many shIpe. a. w. have .11 nounced at the Mecca Ball Fri· Ike Signs Hawaii Bill With _ .• M ·11 Tt , .I It :, I ,". on a measure to increase the ...n. Some plinted orlng. with day evening. A beard judging contest was held t'.,k e c~ l acml an a s· i 0 ay.i~a/~~:~~w~~~m:~f~~~f~ ~o::·y::!;:":~ I~!":,.~';~.for Wednesday night, and winners will . , . . , . , , ,:, • in about $1. 795,000 annu~y . Os· The engineer·detectives quickly be announced at the smoker. Priz· IGreat Satisfaction,' 6 Pens .onAWA (UPI) - British Prime \ cellor Konrad Adenauer 1O.a brief talks ' With Eisenhower wltb the sian said, found the granite stone between es will be given for the most hand· ~er 'Harold ,¥acmillan won stopo~er here before .gomg. to sOI.id backing oC the three NATO Already on the House calendar two orange pieces of steel in the some, most original, heavie , light· WASHINGTON (UP[l - Presi· the Honolulu Advertiser and chair· Pin.ectlan IUpport Wednesday for Washmgton to confer WIth 'Else.n· alhes. is a bill to increase the state cig· Engineering Building. ' est, and ugliest beards. All prizes dent Eisenhower Igned the msn of the . Hawaiian Statehood tatl ~I~n to "thin out" m.ilItal')' hower, ~ritish . offic~als . !>elieved the arette tax one cent a package, The searcJI,' which began Mon. for the winners have been donated Hawaiian statehood ' bill With Comlllission. who was present Cor ~ In central Europe anil pre· The British Prime Minister said Prime Minister. VI.lt to Moscow which would produce an estimated day, took the engineers Crom the by Remington Rand. "great atisfaction" Wednesday. the ceremony, Wed to uU President Eisenhower he undertook the swing through and policy taJks with allied lead· $2 790 000 annually . Entinterillf stu.nt~ with out· His action cleared the way for the Other pens went to Quinn In ~~ Idea In talks begln~lng In the major capitals of the free ers WOUld, lead ,to an. East·West Thi~ is one of 'four alternative ~~gL~~~l'i~t~\I~~~~\ ~~~d~~a~: "."dln•• chel"tlc r.cord. will Hawaiians to complete the job and. Hawllii and to Frank Hewlett, ~! .. nslQl1 today, , world to "consolidate and confirm foreign ministers meetln' In Ge· plans suggested by Gov. HersChel Black Angel tombstone 'at an Iowa receive .w.rd. ., ,he unok.r add a 50th tar to the flag. Wa$hington correspondent of the ili.~Plomatic sources said Cana· the united will of the Western nev~, beginning about May 11 and Loveless for raising the necessary City cemelery, and tlJe Towa ((ity tonl,ht .t 1__ M.mori.1 Union. Immediately after the relatively Honolulu Star Bulletin. A fifth dIaD Pnlntler John Diefenbaker world" against the Soviet Union lastlOg four ,to six weell~, . money to finance his proposed Sewage Plant. Richard MaurI.'.\', E4, The Pi Tau Sigma mechanical simple White HOUSe c remany, was reserved for the National ~.~ ~Is Government's support on Germany and other major East· ,If the fortll,n ministers sessions budget of $170 million a year, rowa City, organized the search. engineering honorary fraternily the President dispatched a cable· Archives here .nd four were set tt: MacinJllan' bid to persuade W~st differences. are productive, a summit confer· Ossian said the committee has aside for presentation to Congres­ J!liienl\Qwer of the need for some Macmillan was understood to be ence probably would follow In July. no plans fOf' any additional tax Charles Fretwell, G, Keokuk, one award will be given t~ .a mechan· gram notifyihg Hawa iian Territor· ical . engineering senior. An elec· sional statebood supporter•. UftUtltlon on both Ea.t and' West plugging for a summit conference MKmllIM Mid en his .rrlvAi increase bl\ls unless it turns out of the gradUate students .who belp· ial Gov. William F. Quinn thaL the mllit I i Ge hi,.. lay cIIM1wU itt ... _ .t ed hide the sLone, said the stone trical engineering junior will reo tatehood bill was law. Tbe Hawaiian statehood bill, ary orees n rmany, on the belief, based on his recent • 23 "'.. thor I that appropriations are substan· was actually only put in its hiding ceive the award of Eta Kappa Nu, Hawaii' citizen now mu t ap­ climaxing a 4O-year battle in Con­ , 1ft WuhI",tett. the United trip to Moscow, that there was no : •• m... tN: :; h 7'''; tlally above the governors rec· place late Tuesday night. He said electrical engineering honorary fra · prove latehood and elect tate gress, was the second approved ..... w.. ,..portM to be will· use negotiating with anyone less ~~~ ":vIII ... held t~ .: commendations. he had been keeping the stone in ternity. and federal officials. 1\10 t observ· by Mr. Eisenhower in less than a ..., .. tII,cUIi with Rut". MInt than Khrushchev in the Commu· :'.r~ Such "w'.", I"",":'~.i ----- the trunk of his car so the senior A freshman will receive the Tau er expected the proces to be year. He signed the Alaskan state­ ...... mlllt.rile4 UM ht e.n- nlst hierarchy. n...... l.t'- ..." __0 c'-'" 1._ ATLAS MISSILE FIRED ------hood bill last summer and on Jan. ... • ~ I.a I .. - I .... -...... "- ..,- "'" E N RAL I engineers would not stumble onto completed next [aU. .... a. """ IT t can .. tl.d n The Berlin crisis will be the main said; , CAP CA AVE , Fa. loft - it accidentally. 3, 1959 proclaimed the huge n0rth­ - .- ..n".1 .."I.lMtIt .. G.... Issue In the Washington talks. The Brlfl." Prime Minister said A fire-belchin, I Atlas m I s sile ______Stan Kenton Mr. Ei ..nhower said H.w.lI'. ern territory as the first new mem­ ~ "..w...... Macmillan and Eisenhower were there werll"very wide difCerencea" sporting a shiny new warhead .xpected overwhelming vote In ber of the Union since 1912. .:IJacmlllan, taltin, over ailing expected to dovetail their Ideas on between the ~mmunist world and surged skyward Wednesday night RADIO DIPLOMAS Concert Tonight favor of .t.tehood "will .~ The quntten ... new fill .. U.s., Sec:retary of State John Foe· what measures to lake to counter the West. Bllt he said that before on the start of a 15,000 m.p.h. LONDON (I.fI) - Moscow radio • trate .now to tho wwld tM vi· s.. ...", • 51th at.r .. the .... pullel' NIle all travelin, envoy Khrushcbev's May rr ultlma~um to he went to MOICow and be,an his flIeht test through the fringes of promises diplomas for diligent lis· Stan Kenton and his orchestra 'ellty of the princl...... free­ field wat Ittll up In the Mr. '* ~odd peace, discussed the Ber· the West to get out of Berlin, talks with Western leaders, "!bere space. teners to its Arabic lectures on will present a concert of progreso dom and ..H~".tion - Basic oq law provides for tho upon ... IUu.(lon with Dlefenbaker In Informed sources said Canada was no aa1br.nce that these elif. Atlas, the intercontinental bal· communism . Arab ears are invil· sive j~zz a~ the SUI Union tolliiht principle. which this cbanies to take effect OIl the Jul,y .n erfort to cement the Welt's welcomed MacmIllan's proposals ferences WOUld be settled by neao- listie missile tbat soon will ed to tune in for exaf!tination at 8. , , a.tiCNI 'WAI ""'..t.d 172 yean 4 foUowiq the admission of • " ltand I,alnlt Ruula and pave the for some form of limited disen· tJatJons rather than by unilateral In brass as the booster for huge questions ' April 'r1 and, sll)lft Mos." Kenton recently receive4 the c..... , state. The .-.tar nag becomes w., for. IUmmit meetln., ga,ement as the first step toward action." . satellites and later for the first -cow, tile proper answers mlilled in ' Dow.lJbeat aw~d for best band of --'The -President. signed the state­ official lhl.a ,ear on Independence , \ ~.m1I11.n reported on his talks settlement of the German crisis. "It Is IIdW pnerally acee~ man ill space, blasted out a will be rewarded wltb certj(j~ates1't~e ' y~ar' :1' bood bill at 9:21 a.m. , using nine Day, and It appeared unlikely that • Frencll Premier Charles de The sources said Macmlllan that there IftUIt be neaoUaUons this tall ot fire as It climbed through of graduation from Radio Univer· Tickets" are 01J sale at the Union pens for the chore, He gave one 'Hawaii could be admitted be[ore ,Gaulle .~ W.. t German ChaD· would ,0 Into the more detailed .ummer," he ..Id. the clouds at 8 p,m, (CST), sity, .' Lobby Desk at ,1.75, to Lorris P. Thurston, publisher o( that elate. ScHr'engel ORPoses foyalty ~\

Pate 2 THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 195' Iowa City, Iowa Oath; Plans New Mehaffey Bill Tlul Dally 10lOOn Is written and edited by atudents and Is governed by a board of five student trustees elected by EDITOR'S NOTE: Representa • senUy under consideration. A .... 1fuIknt body and four facully tnutea appointed by the president of the University. Tlte Daily Iowan', tive Fred Schwe"..1 reports to draft of this legislation has been ecUtorfaI policy, tMe/ore. " flOC on e:rptalfon of SUI administration policy or opinion. In any particular. the people on Congre.. ionel is­ sent to each of the post offices in the First District so that the sues in the following article views and opinions of the postal written exclusively for The employees can be incorporated Shrak-Box Rumor Confirmed Daily Iowan. into the bill when it is introduced. Residents of Eastern Iowa have It is my opinion that the Loy· a vital interest in the flood control The United States Government announced William Feller, c11ief alty Oath in the National Defense projects along the Mississippi. I yesterday that its scientists have constructed science adviser to the Education Act serves no useful am working with the flood conlrol and successfully tested the world's first Shrak­ govElrnment, assured purpose and I have introduccd a associations to see that' all of everybody that the bill to have this section eliminated these projects get adequate 'atlen­ Box. from the Act. The requirement of lion . These projects have some The Defense Department has released Shrak-Box is ninety­ a loyalty oath does not prevent of the highest benefil·cost ratios official pictures of the Shrak-Box; however, five per cent "clean." any disloyal person from taking in the country aq4 it is impb~ tant •. .t, .~. ,-- " details of how it oper- Feller' said: "Scien­ it and then proceeding in . his to carryon an order.ly PJ;'ogram usual manner against the public of leve~ COI1Struction. .~ ates are still top tists are' at work now I' intercst. On the other hand, it secret. improving the Shrak­ One of the gravcst issues facing tends to alienate the loyal citizen every tax payer is the matter of At the White House Box. The present becallse the requirement shows inflation. I am giving a great deal the President deliver­ Shrak-Box kills only a certain lack oC conridence in of attention to causes and control ed a special message adults. It causes ex­ the student and the educational of inflation. In the near' future, I to the nation. The cruciating pain in system of which he is a part. 1 will have some statements con· sincerely hope that the oath is cerning my feelings, and hope to President praised our childn;n. From a eliminated from the Act. have some recommendations to scientists for their scientific viewpoint, There are several bills which I be considered by the Congress. . know-how and em­ the r e is nothing am sponsoring this session, and I In the meantime, I plan to work phasized the import­ wrong with this, but, am continuing research through for a balanced budget and to vote . ant role the Shrnk­ for humanitarian reas­ my team of research assistants to reduce Government expendi· at SUI to provide the basis for tures wherever possible without Box will play in main­ ons, wc are working other bills which 1 plan to intro· impairing our national security. taining world peace. on a way to kill the duce later. , The President said: children instantan- " Several of my bills deal with '>Ill !:A "Peace-loving people eously." The President the collection and refund of taxes r on motor fu els. I feel that the b '7.S)" , of the free world ev­ Late in the day, the President appointed I:<{ '51(j States and the Federal Govern· erywhere should re­ a four-man delegation to an International ment duplicate a lot of admin· 111,1 .wi joice at this achieve­ Shrnk-Box Commission. They "vill discuss istrative processes and iI changes ~ ~1'a ment. This is proof of ways to control the Shrak-Bo>. in case Russia were made to permit the state to 1in", • what peace - loving coHect federal gasoline taxes and \ It .eni,1 har. one too. II) people can do; the make the refunds to farmers and 11;~'/ No success is expected. others for non·highway use of ~'i .//; Shrak-Box is the most gasoline, we could save the tax­ Happy With The Past J?l41 destructive military -+c=l-ER :g,-oe~ payers quite a bit of money. I Optimistic For Future @I'~ T\f6 w.... &tl'.... ~N PD£rc::", I .~ll weapon ever made. hflve introduced a bill which will • 1.'1 Although the Navy, permit the states to act as agents By JERRY KIRKPATRICK 'Gosh, No -It's Not Mine' 2<,1} J for the Federal Government in editor L1l ~ the Air Force, and the collection of these taxes. .' f,. the Coast Guard are EDitOR'S NOTE: This I. 'tile firth OFFklAL DAIL Y BULLETI'~ '~ ~J"'-.;;JI:":' -JJ Another bill would authorize In a sertes 01 sixteen artlcl" about. famous SUI educators honored in UAR Finds Strings , ~t: '. JJ' all claiming credit for the states to make the federal ....,7'"i ~ q, . >\'On the " .. mini of units .t Hillcrest. Between Shrak·Box development of the gas tax refund at the same time Dormitory. Attached To Aid ~ Unlversity '4/I'~ Shrak-Box, it is generally agreed that this ,that the state refund is made. You have no doubt enjoyed the 1- r:...o,I , • 1 t • I American scientific breakthrough resulted Both bills would save time and facilities at the Iowa Memorial The From Soviet Union l,(~ ~ Calendar llf1~J from the work of three top American scien­ collection expense. Union. You, also, no doubt, have ~1I~~1C1.i 01 Iv)) In this same area, I have intro· enjoyed the Homecoming Cestivi· By J. M. ROBERTS -::: 'I u·L:/ tists-Willy Luftwaffe, Dieter Hauserscbmidt, duced a bill to permit the smaH ties and even invited your par· Associated Pren News Analyst THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1'5. ~ W1J und Werner Von Rot. independent oil jobbers to delay ents to Iowa City to see the pa· Lines All day - Drama Conference ;;1 ;'.1 President Gamal Abdel Nasser Immediately after the announcement was paying the federal tax on gasoline rade and participatE! in the merri· "fmagination '59" - Univer~i~ i ment. of the United Arab Republic is Thcatre.. I '~• .wr1(,' read to Congress, Senator Spore (R-Iowa) until he actually sells the gaso· By BILL SCHUSTER learning the true value of Krem· line. Under present regulations, You probably have not, how­ 8 p.m. - SprlOg Dance ConcW; '1:1 told newsmen that Russia is five years behind he has to pay the tax when he ever, stopped to think about the THE lin protestations that its economic - Experimental Theatre. I ; 'A us in Shrak-Box development. At the same buys it, UlUS tying up much of his men behind these two projects or has postooned for a month its pro· aid for underdeveloped countries 8 p.m. - CPC COllcert - Stan ·:!,., is given without political strings. time, Congressman Schlaunk (D-Obio) stated operating capital and at the same posed renarning of lowa State Col· Kenton - Iowa Memorial Unio,q. ·· , Nasser found the strings in· Friday, March 20 I' flatly that Russia is out front in the Shrak-Box time causing him to suffer the lege. ;no; loss from .shrinkage and spillage. visible until he started disagree· All Day - Drama Conference 'IT ' race. He ordered an investigation. I'm sure that STII students would ing with something the Soviet "Imagination '59" - UniversitY IJI J have also introduced legisla· be very happy to suggest an ap- Union wants. Mrs. Schlaunk and two teen-age Schlaullks tion to provide for the further and Theatre. 'l~~~ will serve on the investigating committee. Now he has joined John Foster 8 p.m. School of R e ligion~, ~ improved uses of agricultural and Dltiles and Marshall Tito on, the turc: Dr. Gregory Zilboorg ' -:-: forest products. It is my opinion \ Communist list of public enemies. Macbride Audit?rium. .q J;.~';f . that the same scientific approach ./I. ARE, P:::;':E~TlO"S 8 p.m. - SPl'lDg Dance Concert farce . More people Cor Dffice For many years, ever since which has given us more and - Experimental Theatre t than vqte Britain and France I replaced But Put The Violins better products in greater a&un­ 'Turkish rule of the Middle East 8 p.m. - Student Art Guild rr'i:T dance can also develop more .. with a group or states lacking the scnts Two Film Classics " 11 'De· I ways of using the products and IOWA CITY RESIDENTS are power to stand alone, Egypt, moniaco Nell' Arte" and "~ h thus permit us to decrease our . SUI Easter Concert: ' Almost, But Not Quite protesting proposed new sidewalkS. Saudi Arabia and Iraq have been Great Adventure" - Shamba~ ;1, surpluses. Solving the surplus Auditorium. • ' , They probably think that as bad in competition for Arab leader· problem and learning to live with ship. Primarily it was a personal Saturday, Marco. 21 " JJ 'I o 0 0 Quietly To Sleep a condition as the city keeps the our agricultural abundance is one competition among the kings. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. - "The ProB} of our most pressing needs. sidewalks in, tax·payers are bet­ lem Drinker in Industry" Conf'er!l<-l Of special interest to the people ter of[ walking in the streets, any­ Cairo had the widely powerful Dally* Iowan* Review* rest of *the singers.* In *"is one, Only well* after * the pain * threshold Moslem University ; Arabia had ence - Senate Chamber, ~Id ·· in the Iowa City area, I am draft- "I way. Capitol. . By JOHN A. GOODSON the orchestra always wO~)8.nd sig· had been reacbed, could order be ing a new bill to authorize a new Mecra, the spiritual center of Is· nalled its victory with a

? • Pige 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-lowl City, 1l,-ThursdlY, M.r. I', 1'59 MWMW~WMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMW $ ~ ~ AA ~ a\.llQethe !~ fAot" mn· wear in Iowa City i~ ~ -only the finest C Moore Captures Ti'tl e With K.O. !. ! i Whitc:bOOk'smen's wear i Featherweight Evashevski ~ I SOlIdi. d .. buC;~.lL[_ • Younkin-On A Limb 3 Hawks To Enter ~ • ClIY, Iowa ~ Fight Stopped Blasts Ogiego ~WMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMW Maior League Outlook NCAA Gym Meet EWER After Round -13 A very blunt coach Forest Eva- Men's Store shevski Tuesday night said that By DON FORSYTHE The the gymna tic m et was being 21 s. eli ..... the success of Iowa's foot bali team St.H Writer held, Easter Gifts For You Cuts Above Eyes Cost depends greatly on whether Mitch Iowa will end three representa­ Jllinois, the winner of la t year's Bassey's Crown Ogiego, Don Horn and Willie Flem­ By LOU YOUNKIN tives, Bill Buck, Marshall Claus title, i again regarded as the ing are eligible for the 1959 season. favorite. Charles Pond, the IIli­ By BOB MYERS Sports Editor and Larry Snyder, to the NCAA Associated Press Sports Writer Evashevski was especially criti­ gymna lies meet to be held in noi coach, predicted Big Ten and cal of Ogiego. The coach said, eAA titles for his team this ye r. LOS ANGELES Lf) - Sharpshoot­ Berkeley, Calif., Friday and Sat­ any belt of "Ogiego has a great chance in tile ThIs 111 the cond or a 18-part series on .ach or the major I I.ue basebaU urday, The lllini wept to the Big Ten FREE! ing Davey Moore brought the world teams. featherweight title back to the next two seasons, but he hasn'l Coach Dick Holzaepfel say. title by over 40 poin . $2.50 value with pur­ United States Wednesday night convinced us he's serious about re­ 011 paper the Detroit Tigers seem to have one of the stronge t teams "We are taking the minimum Holm pfel thinks Penn State will when he stopped Hogan (Kid ) Bas­ gai ning his eligibility. in the . On the playing field , however, it is a horse of number of mOD with whom w be a strong conlender for the learn chase of any dress wool sey of Nigeria after 13 cruel rounds "If his attitude is reflected by a different color. The perennial darkhorses have swiftly faded out of hope to score a maximum number title. The Penn Stat squad is ex­ pected to pick up pomt in two slack at regular price. of fighting. tile way he's been mis~ing classes contention every year despite their " paper power ." of points. We would probably take lately, then we certainly can't bend several more men if the meet were events, flying rings and rope cllmb, Bassey's manager, George Bid­ The 1959 seas all may prove different as far as the Molor City club is $12.95 to $17.95 dies of England, called up to ref­ the rules of the University's aca­ to be held in the Midwest." that ar not Included in Big Ten concerned. The Tigers have been known for years to be one of the eree Tommy Hart between the 13th demic program just to obtain more • Buck Side Ho .... Champ competition. and 14th rounds and asked him to athletic competition for him." most lenient of teams and tIlat type of management seems to have Buck is the defending NCAA stop the match because Bassey • • carried over onto the playing field . champion on the side horse. In Red Sox 14, Indians 7 was blinded from his own blood . Evashevski said the second Manager Bill Norman, who took the reins from benevolent Jack the Big Ten meet two weeks ago TUC ON, Ariz . l.4'I - Scoring Goes As Knockout annual football game between the Tighe in midseeson list year, says he is d.termined to make the he look the side horse and parallel seven runs in tho seventh inning, bar tiUes. It goes into the record as a 13th varsity and the alumni will be Tigers live up to their nickname and mike the "fat cats" charge I the 80 ton Red Sox clobbered the round knockout, although the chal­ Saturday, May 9. Buck has been hampered this 14-7 Wednesday . 'r" , thing of the Plst. week by a jammed finger and tills b~:;, lenger Crom Springfield, Ohio, was ror their ninth victory in 10 exhi­ DON'T LET THE PRICE never able to floor the gallant lit­ I think Norman will succeed and I pick Detroit to finish second to may hinder his attempt to defend bitions. '>11 rA the side horse crown. b·) ?l tle champion. the Yankees in the 1959 pennant race. Botton ...... 310020 UO-14 21 3 Mar hall Claus will compete in Cleveland ...... 200 U' 000- 7 • 3 FOOL YOU! Bassey weighed 125 and Moore In 1958 the Tigers won 77 games and lost the same number for a Bows[1 ..ld . Kid), 1 and Pale)" uJ- ~ . '{ ~ (J Patterson the all-around events as will Buck. h.J .h'1 125'~ for the nationally televised fifth place finish - 15 games behind the champion Yanks. Detroit's 1958 lIvan 7; SlIa:man, {cLllh S, Heman Many people I I thaL low bout, scheduled for 15 rounds. Holzaepf I regards tIlese two as 7, Lar), • and Brown. Nar Ion" W­ quality 15 synonymou with "I\l~hg edition was weak in the following positions; bo.. II Id. L. - MeLI h having good chances to finish Hom.. run. Bc:¥ton .. Gr~n 2. Dent· low price, It ju l Isn't SO . Our 1,,))?;. Referee Tommy Hart and Judge Wi'll FigHt l. The left side of the infield. , sinee traded ID Cleve­ among the top ten in all-around ert, ConlOlo; CI.v~laf\d. CoIO\·! to. tremendous volume allows lIS Mushy Callahan, under the 10 Other 0 ...... - Rain, "f .mill land, was tried at both and third base with little success. Reno competition. to make Ie on each ham­ 111',.j'/ points per round scoring, had the burger In ord r to II mor . 25-year-old Moore, the No, 1 con­ Bertoia and Ron Samford, now Washington Senators, were two other Sophomore Larry Snyder will Ij 'Il? Brian London represent Iowa in the trampoline NATIONAL AA U BASKET- fact. ,)')",1 lender, ahead going into the 14th failures to plug the infield gaps. Ossif Virgil and Inman (Coot> Veal , still 125 to 119, Judge George Latka competition. He finished fifth in BALL TOUR AMENT J .IM (Lf) - had Moore in front, 125-121. The NEW Y 0 R K World the Big Ten moet. At Denver "W~ Associated Press had Moore in beavyweight champion Floyd Pat­ StiHer Competition Second Round ~~ J front, 128-123, terson of New York will defend Trampoline competition will b(' U.S. Marines 63, Scattle 62 It was the third time in the 26- his crown against former British stiffer in the NCAA i( only b('cau e U.S. Army All-Stars 88, Akron, year old Bassey's career that he ruler Brian London at Las Vegas many of the Big Ten's beller tram- (Ohio l Goodyear Wingfoot 71 was beaten because of cuts, but April 21. polinists will compete. Several Baton Rougc 97. Milwaukee 85 he preserved his record of having The Associated Press learned combine trampoline competition Bartlesville 82 , Louisville 76 Dorothy & Bill O'Brien South on 211 I'sity ~"" $ e never been counted out, Wednesday hight British promoter with diving and were engaged in Peoria I III .> 106, McPher on I Owner. on the way to t". airport f t . /~ t..: 1 California Rules Harry Levene announced it offi­ t_h_e_B_I_g_T_e_n_s_w_i_m_m__ in_ g_m__ ee_t_w __ he_ n__ C_ K_p_n_.1 __59____ ~::====~~~~~~~~======~~~~~==~~~~ ndar lITl~,1 But under California rules, if a cially. Levene is a close friend of 01 I",,) fighter is ahead and his opponent Cus D'Amato, Patterson's man­ ,I J',J,I/ quits because of cuts, it goes as ager. KALINE HOEFT KUENN LARY 19, 19S., '~!n BREMERS ~.. a knocl

I Lakeside Lab Giant Egypt Rally HonorS. Edward S. ·Rose NYI- Ike Nominates Vltlmins .very hy i. I lioN News D'igest l . wly of life - Our vllull Ire Iraq; Rebels 'A·s IMartyrs greeter - SAVE a. you TRAQE Irish President O'Kelly Gets Schedules with u. - use .VITAMINS, feel Taylor Successor Standing Ovation In Congress CAIRO (UPIl - A quarter of a (In Moscow, the offiCial Com- better, enjoy your"lf more, per. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Con- within the memory of Vlterln million Egyptians Wednesday munist party newspaper Pravda heps live longer. W. luggest our tions, beginning Aug. 15, 1955. jammed Alexandria's Liberation repeated Khrushchev's pledge that Formulation MULTIPLE VITA· WASHINGTON (UPI) - Gen. gre.. welcomed Seen Thome. obMrver•. Two Sessions MINS, vitlmin" minerll. Ind .1 Lyman L . Lemnitzer, a qualified White was named Air Force Chief O'Kelly, vl.lbly Iffected by the Square to honor the Iraqi "mar- D'Kelly, the smiling Irish Pre.i­ Iiv.r .xtrlct. parachutist who helped "sell" the oC Staff July I, 1957, succeeciing eppleuM, whiltlll Ind cheers, The Iowa Lakeside Laboratory. tyrs" of the Mosul Rebellion and the Soviet Union would continue original foreign aid program to Twining when he became chair­ dent, Wednesday with In wetton Iddre.Md the Senltor, Repre­ a biological station located on the pledge full support to President to carry out its economic obli­ thet ...med to shlke the reften Nasser in the fi ght against "com- gations to the United Arab Repub­ Congress, was named by President man of the Joint Chiefs. IIntativ.. end other oHicll1 vi.l­ west shore of Lake Okoboji in DRUG SHOP Eisenhower Wednesday to succeed of the Clpitol. tor. In both Enlliish and Glllic. munist imperialism" in the Middle lic.> 109 S. Dubuque St. northwest Iowa will be open for Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor as Army AI the 76-Yllr-old Irish Chief O,Kelly Ind mlny of his audi East. The Alexandria rally was organ- Chief o( Starr, of Stlte Irrived It the jlmmed ence wore gl'lln carnation •• two 5-week sessions this summer, The rally coincided with new ized by the National Union, the At the same time, the President Quiz Broker House chlmber te .cldrell e joint He wid Ir.llnd wanted to tlke the SUI Extension Division has an­ evidence of a widening of the only political party permitted in To Sell Items Quickly, nominated Air Force Gen. Nathan llsion of Congre", members, Plrt In _rid eHairs by ""ek­ nounced. breach between Nasser and the the United Arab Republic, It was employee. end 1I.llerlttl roll to ing to creet a better climate for Soviet Union. I F. Twining for reappointment as The first session will be June 15- The semi-official Middle East attended by Government, profes- Use A n Dwan Want Ad Cbairman o( the Joint Chiefs of give him a reception rivlling eny internetlonal understanding," On Payoffs July 17, and the second, July 20- News Agency, in a dispatch in. s_i=on=a=l=a=n=d=r=el=lg=io=u=s=le=a=de=r=s=, ======:=.:======::;:;;' • Stafr. Twining has held the post August 21. formed sources said was author, . ,- since Aug. 15, 1957. Urge Passage Of Bill To Create Scenic Planned for students and teach­ ized by Nasser himsell, charged Adm. Arleigh A. Burke we. To Unions - Highway Along Iowa Side Of Mississippi ers of zoology, botany, and biology, Russia with trying to "subject the neminetecl for re..,.,ointment to DES MOINES fAIt - A bill to create a commission to plan construc­ the laboratory program is designed entire Arab area to communism." e two-YH' term u Chief of WASHINGTON, - (uPIl - A tion oC a scenic highway along the Mississippi River was recommended to supplement formal class work The dispatch marked the Iirst Let 'UNIQUE Brighten N...,el Operltlonl. Gen. Thome. California insurance broker refused for passage Wednesday by the House Committee on State Planning and by giving students an opportunity direct attack on Russi a in the split D. White wu chosen for another to tell Senate invesligatars Wednes­ Development. to study t he many varieties of growing out of the anti-Communist two yUrt 15 Air Force Chief of day whether he made secret pay­ The to-member commission would be known as the Mississippi natural plant and animal life in revolt against Premier Kassem of StIH. the Okoboji area. Iraq last week. Nasser made no Your Easter Holidays! offs in cash and stock to Chicago River Parkway Planning Commission. It would be empowered to draft Students can receive university mention of Moscow in his speeches White House Press Secretary labor leaders who threw union plans and study a proposed route along the Iowa side of the river for James C. Hagerty said in announc· business his way. credit (or work undertaken at the last week denouncing the red-sup- a road designed to take advantage of the natural scenery. ported Kasscm regime. ing the nominations that Taylor At the same time, a petite blonde laboratory. A parkway running all the way from the GuIC of Mexico to the head­ SUI, I_I State College, Ind Premier Khrushchev's state· Fashionable clothes are clean clothes. For had informed Defense Secretary from Duluth told house members waters oC the Mississippi in Minnesota has been proposed by groups Iowa Stlte Teacher. ColI ..e, ments. the nows agency said, that fresh, clean feeling Easter morning, Neil H. McElroy he did not want that "skunk bombs" were tossed interested in conserving the scenic beauty of the river. hIVe cooperlted in furnishing proved beyond a doubt that the to be reappointed when his present into the dress shop where she you'll ¥font your clothes cleaned by the flculty members to supervi" the Arab Communist parties are taking term as Army Chief expires June works during an unsuccessful The Iowa segment would follow the river from Iowa's southern field work .tudy program. orders from Moscow." . 'Gentle Clean' process ot Unique Cleaners. 30. union drive to organize its em· border to its northern boundary, Robert L. King, professor of The agency accused Khrushchev Dial 3663 for prompt and courteous service Hagerty said Taylor definitely ployes. Proponents of the plan say there is no time to lose in getting the project under way because private interests are rapidly acquiring and zoology at SUI, is the director of of making "an about face" and or drop in and see us. was not dropped because he op· "We hid I terrible time get­ the Lakeside Laboratory. Other closing to public access many of the most beautiful areas along the reneging on promises of non-inter­ posed cuts in the size of the Army. ting the odor out_lpIcielly SUI faculty on the laboratory staff ference and peaceful co-existence All the military chiefs have ex· from the bridel gown.," wid stream. are Richard V. Bovbjerg, associate between countries of different so­ Mrs. Mae Strlnd, In IIliltlnt SAME DAY SERVICE ON REQURS'l' pressed some reservations about I ' F d T Se professor of zoology, Norman E. cial regimes." It said Khrushchev the President·s new military bud· buyer It MeuricI'. Women', EI vis VOice oun · 0 Be cret Weapon; Williams, instructor of zoology, and had promised Nasser in Moscow get. but Taylor has been the most Shop. She Hid the Ilwrnlk.rs Rock In Roll Record Scares Pesky Seagulls Robert L. HulbarY, associate pro- last year to support Arab unity BROWN'S outspoken. should pI" I llbor reform bill LONDDN (UPI) _ Elvll _ of its men to Holland to re. fessor of botany. Dean Bruce E. under Nasser's leadership but now to prevent .uch thlngl. According to Senators who heard Presley'. rock 'n roll lillting II cord the cry of I gull in diltrllS. Mahan, of the SUI Extension Divi- attacked Arab nationalism and him, he told Congress earlier this The Rackets Commlttee witness not for the birds, it WIS reported The oHIc1al took I tape record. sion is the dean of the laboratory. unity. UNIQUE CLEANERS ' year that the Army could not carry was Harland R. Maris of Pied­ Wectnesdey. er, which hId been ulld to re- A series of six to eight lectures out its assigned missions with the mont, Calif. He side-stepped ques· In faet, it hIS proved e new cord a children's Christmu perty by noted men in the field have been I • I I b 216 E. College Dial 3663 rorces alloted it by the President. scheduled. Mahan said that a list nternahona C U tions by taking refuge before the IIcret w.. pon in scerlnll oH "a- at hi. home where one of Pres- Mr. Eisenhower plans a 55,000· Fifth Amendment but was unable gull. which hIve become I flying ley's recording. WI. played, of papers published about studies', To Hear Van Dyke man cut in Army and Marine to escape a longue-lashing by hezerd et Stelnll, ntar the Lon- In the first tryout, the gull dis- made at the laboratory is also be- Corps strength. angry committee members. don Ilrport, ecconling to the tre •• call failed to rllstle a fea- ing compiled in recognition of the The International Club will hold But Taylor hed been expected Chairman John L. McClellan Deily Exprell. ther, But when Presley's voIce anniversary. About 300-400 papers its monthly meeting Friday at 7:30 for .om. time to .tep down It CD-Ark.) told Maris, President The newlPIper .Iid the minis- unexpectedly boomed out of the have been published, he added. p.m. at the International Center. the end of hll term. Lemnit:rer, of Chicago's Dearborn Insurance try of supply found out ebout loudspeeker: "Rockl Roll'" The The entire .shore of one section Vernon Van Dyke, professor of ".w Army Vice Chief of StaH, Agency. that he was just as Elvll' effect on gulll when it .ont gull • . took oH in a hurry. of the lake IS controlled by the political SCience, will speak on ..nerally WII. ....arded .. the "Reprehensible" as the gangsters laboratory and serves as a natural some aspects o[ international prob- l most likely successor. and racketeers who had pleaded Kentuck',Is Governor Chandler Refuses collecting and experimental ground lems. 1 for the work of the students and Lcmnitzer. 59, a native of the possible self·incrimination. Another feature of the evening coal town of Honesdale, Pa., grad­ McClellen and Sen_ Kul E. National Guard Troops To Coal Area stafr. will be a humorous skit by club Uated from West Point in 1920 and Mundt (R-S_D.) incited the Oc­ PIKEVILLE, Ky. (uPI) - Gov. A. B. \Happy) Chandler Wednes- Equipment for the field work as members On the recent Interna­ rose gradually through the officer cidental Life Insurlnce Co. of day declined a request to send Kentucky National Guard troops to keep wei las for the laboratory work is tional Festival at SUI. ranks. Lo. Angelll, which underwrote order in a United Mine Workers Union strike in the southeastern Ken- providedStudents at maythe station.register for one Club members and others who Early in World War II he ac­ IIveral Chic,go union _Ifue tucky coal fields. . t t d .. d companied Gen. Mark Clark on a planl to .ever relltlon. with Robert Holcomb, Pikeville, president of the Pike County Independ- feesM bo~for each~e MInionU~OM. will T~flonbe $40 a:.:.:r~e~l~n~e~re~s~e~~ar~e~l~n~v~~~~to~a~t~~~n~d~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~cret submarine mission to North M.ris. ent Coal Operators' Association, said new violence occurred in the coal and a labor.tory fee of $2 a week Africa to pave the way for the The Committee heard testimony Allied invasion there. Later he flelds Wednesday and urged the Governor to send National Guard troops will be charged for independent earlier that Occidental paid Dear­ and additional State Police into the area. investigators. ~rved with Gen. George S. Pat­ born nearly $500,000 in excessive In a telegram to the Governor, Holcomb charged that, "Roving A few scholarships and stipends ton !s 7th Army invasion of Sicily. brokerage fees on the welfare When he was 51 years old, Lem­ funds of three Teamster locals and mobs of UMWA thugs have taken over Pike County," and the Associa- are awarded each year to qualified nitzer was aSSigned the lIth air­ a unit of the Restaurant Workers tion's member mines have been instructed to close until further notice. persons. Applications for these • borne division at Fort Campbell, Union . He Curther charged that there was a "complete breakdown of law should be made before April 15 . ut soft! What taste from Ky. To prepare for it, he took a Chief Counsel Robert F. Ken­ enforcement in the county" and that "several persons have been as- Courses to be offered this sum- basic airborne training course at saulted and their lives threatened." mer include fi eld biology, aquatic nedy said evidence indicated that ______=-_-.,... ______ecology, plant taxonomy. proto- Fort Benning, Ga., and qualified four officials of the two unions yonder IFILTER-BLEND I· .· zoology, morphology of plant re­ as a parachutist. were secret stockholders in the . T,he quiet, . scholarly officer is production, morphology of algae, brokerage firm and thus profited and helminthology. credited. with being one of the fath­ on the Union insurance business. ers of the Foreign Aid Program Dulles 'Has last Treatment He named the union officials as NEPOTISM POSSIBILITIES (or ·this country's European allies. Vice President James Blakely of NEW DELHI (LfI)- Under nor· H~ helped sell the original program the Restaurant Workers, Vice mal Jegal conditions most of In­ til Congress. President John T. O'Brien of the Will Delay Decision On' Job dia's civil servants can have an . T.ylo, will have completed Teamsters and Teamsters Frank WASHINGTON mPH - Secre· pital Friday before going to Camp added wife or so. For the 98 per four yelrl II Army Chief of StaH Brown and Frank Vacey. tary of State Dulles completed a David. cent earning less than $105 per 'M June 30. I n two daYI of helrillt., I lengthy course of cancer radiation White told newsmen Dulles was month, special government per· B\lrke has served two two-year group of Dearborn oHidall di.­ treatments Wednesday. He will making no specific future plans un­ mission is not needed in such terms as Chief o( Naval Opera- claimed Iny knowl.dge of union aHiliation. In the com pIny. await a medical verdict before til the doctors complete their ob­ cases as a Moslem taking more They .Iid they could not uplaln deCiding whether to carryon in servations. He said it was assumed than one wife as permitted by the the medical men would be able Koran and Indian law or a mar­ Fire Chief Dolezal referencII to "PlY-outs" end his vital Cabinet post. "silent .harll" of .tock which The 71-year-old Secretary under­ to reach some conclusions about ried man legally marrying his Resigns Position tumed up In Marls' correspond· went the 19th massive dose of X­ the effect of the radiation therapy. brother'S widow. ence file. rays at Walter Reed Army Medical r======. Iowa City Fire Chief At Dolezal, Kennedy then called up Maris Center. He expects to leave the ~ : head of the fire department here and told him "it all comes down hospital this weekend and then re­ MORE I for the past 10 years, has resigned to you." But Maris would not say cuperate further at his home here. ~i6 position, effective April 1. whether the union officials had Later, he wilI seek further rest in WOMEN IN s~ ,Dolezal's successor will be secret ownership in the company, warm climate at a "place yet to fl named by the city manager from whether he had to make that ar­ bc decided. WHITE a an elieible list compiled from the rangement to get the union busi­ rj Dulles was expected to make J:es~lts or civil service examina­ ness or whether Occidental paid ,his fateful decision early nen weal" tions. The only man now eligible him inflated brokerage rates be­ month. By then doctors were ex­ is Verrial J. Shimon, first assistant cause he "had to take care of pected to have some idea whether ~hief. union officials." the radiation treatments have had TIR, .,. Dolezal is a veteran of 36 years any effect in arresting Dulles' experience with the Iowa City de­ abdominal cancer. partment having joined in 1923 II Students Wi II Ask State Department Press Officer 'when horse drawn equipment was Lincoln White said the Secretary still in use. He became chief in Higher Salaries would "continue to be available 1949 after serving briefly as assist­ for consultation with the Presi­ CLINIC... ., ..,., .. ' .,...... ant chief. For Faculty, StaH dent" during the rest oC his stay Three SUI student representa· at Walter Reed, and during his tives will attend a session of the later recuperative period. Iowa Legislature today and will Dulles has been keeping in close talk to legislators about increasing touch with international develop. the salaries of University faculty ments all during his hospital stay. and starr members. Bob Downer, President Eisenhower and top Th. ~ womeft . ~ on comfort, SUI 'DAMES Book Club will meet A2, Newton, head of the student State pepartment officials have IIIPerb fit, 10", weir. !!!! 100d looks! So, tOJlilht at 8 at the home of Mrs. Commission on Legislative Affairs visited him frequently and he has pturally, they choose the 9!!!!£ sho., Wlllfllm ' Clements, 11~5 Ceymour said Wednesday. been briefed daily by telephone. 'uutifully mfted from fine. soft Ave. A review on "Brotherhood of Downer said Len Flander. L3, The alling Secretary was not Evil" will be given by Mrs. Loren Iowa City, student body president expected to attend the meetirig of 'eathers with lenulne Goodyear welts! HanVnond.. , ' and Ann Peterson, Al, Hampton, Mr. Eisenhower and British Prime Sizes 3~ to 12, MM to t $8.95 to $1Q.95 .. • '" • will accompany him to Des Moines . Minister Macmillan at the Presi­ NEWMAN CLUB Graduate The trip is an attempt to demon­ dential mountain retreat at Camp Chapter will meet tonight at 8 strate student interest in faculty David, Md.. this weekend, But in the Catholic Student Center. The salaries and is not a real effort to ITS WHATS UP FRONT THAT' COUNT8 Macml11an and British Foreign discussion will feature Donald Mc­ lobby, said Downer. It is being Minister Selwyn Lloyd were ex­ Donald, editor of The Catholic made at this. lime because the issue This filter, be It e'er so pur. and white Messenger, the Davenport diocese is currently before the legislature, pected to visit Dull~s at the bos- weekly newspaper. McDonald will but formal action has not yet been Must needs gIve flavor too, full clear and bright disclJ88 a recent sympOsium he taken. He said he expected some Else would the trustIng .moker, filled with hope attended on "Religion in a Free formal action by the legislature Don't Get Married Again be daahed, dejected be ••• and mope. Soc1ety." The meeting is open to before April 30, which is the date the public'. the legislature adjourns. • • • w.UI •• l .e.I.. ..r e... ,I... BrIdal 1 ....1.... In~I\.U.n.. An- The student group is trying to n ...... I., I ..,rl ... d •• , .. , ••. And thus we come to Winston's obvious truth • • • W •• dln, Hob, Tha." Y••• 01 ••, AL'HA KAPPA PSI, professional show the legislature that students W •• dl., PlIoto., W •• dl., 1'1 ...... , It's what's up front that counts- and 'tis, forsooth commerce society, will meet to­ are concerned about increased sal· We.dl., C..... , MI.ta .Dd MI ... d In that the fin. tobaccos, In the .nd nIght 1It 7:30 in Conference Room aries for teachers and other Uni­ Nut•• Ar. by exclusive proc•• s-Fllter-Blend­ Oile of the Iowa Memorial Union. versity problems. Downer said he HALL'S niDAL SHOP TIie speaker will be from Rath tbought it would be an effective 127 South Dubuque Become the tastl.st ta.t. that e'er hath played Picking Co. student action. Acros. your dancing ta.te.bud., man or maid I ~WMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWM~ have you tried Be ye not .Iow, therefore, to te.t the wit low Of what w ••ay: that Wln.ton, friend, I. If; cod our new ~ M HEY -GALS! .~ For that with .v'ry .mok. ye do delay student's ~ IA\.OC ~ V. are not gath'rlng rOlebudl while ye mayl ~ Sklrt3, Berllludtu lind Blouses IU distinctive IU om men', wear. ~ enu? ~ . Stop in! ~ Bob I WWtcbQo1c'Jmea·• .., I "We are aclvertiud 6y OUr looillg frl.IIJ, ..." Koser's MIN. NIN'" VI, 'A'" III. AC' V. IC, ... restaurant ~~= 1111. D ....q .. I I ~WMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWM~ • , 195'_ ' ••• 3

:k' ,: t ) THE DAILY IOWAN-low. City, 1• •-T1turscI.y , MM. 1f, ltS9-P.,. 5 FIRE RED Bill Would Require r • Ends Tonlte • BERLIN (~) -I{ you want to ' P I· Tell ft t ,.....4t 'DESIGNING WOMAN' I • Ends Tonite • f· h C· . C . I ~ E 0 Ice 0 a raten S 01 Jail, Nine Killed Ig tire 111 ommum t·ru east DE 101 E ~ All amend. Out IHouse Committee Tables Bill HOW DOWN AT BOOT HILL' "FRANKENSTEIN, 1970" "FROM HELL IT CAME" Germany you'vc got to be :1 trul" nwnt which would require an ar. "DOORS OPEN 1: 15 P.M." blue Red. A law publi. hed this resting officer to call thc p:1rents In Car-Train week requires a loyalty pledge to j( he arl'estl'ODS, e,'en of tb m Girl Scout T~~:e IT.1f;'/ J gi\'t' arre tt'd per.-on a chance to was a r ret e d Wl.'dnesday on wa , in I'ffcct, killl.'d by the Ho loine ch rged that th mSAA r turning hom from a m ling. call an attorney immediately after cbarges of kidnaping tlJe husband School Committee Wl'dnesday. rul for conducting , imming were killed Wednesda arternoon HAVE YOU SEEN arrest. The bill now goes back to of a childhood playmate who was Commitl I' Chairman Ray Cun­ m ts do no conform with national in a collision ~t 'l'en II lalion the Houst' fOI' consideration of the liMY UNCLE" YET? amt'ndment. his pri on pen pal. ningham I R-Ame ) said a motion rule and tlJa! a Clinton High THE - Coleman commented that child· It all happen witlJin 24 hour of to tabl an amendment Lo the bill School wimm r wa allowl'd to F ren unwisely try 10 keep their Birnbaum's release Crom Waupun, carried, and under rule of parlia· compete although hi eligibility ns in the c.ar A parents from knowing about the Wis., Statl.' Pri. on, on parole. mentary prcel'dure th bill went was challl'ngcd. B Mr. Hulot Iarrests of the childrt'n. JACK PALANCE U Police aid Birnbaum, 28, of La with the amendment. Cunningham aid a subcommit· L "The children would be belter AN!TA EKBERG o I off iI they let the parent know Cros e, Wis., promptly went aboul It would take a two-third vote recomm nded Wedn y lhat rUGR PATRICK U when they arc in trouble," said grabbing Poul J . Scott, 26, also of of Ihe committee or a majority th bill be indl'finit Iy po !paned. S Sen. Andf(l\\ Frommelt tD·Du· La Crosse. Scott i the hu band of vote of the Hou e to revi\'e the Rep. David St nley /R·Mu. ca· buque ). He added that the right o( Birnbaum' childhood playmate, measure. Howe" r. Rcp. Bernard tine) oCfered an am ndm nl, how. ays! an arrested person to make a call lier, which would imply h ve r • Celilia Wei hecker Scott, 2~. trs. Balch (R·Waterlool on of th to an altorn y "has bel'n negated quirl'd the two organization to in Iowa by third-degree and strong· sponsor of the bill, said no at­ Scott wrote to Birnbaum in prison ubmit their con titutions, by· arm tactics." tempt al uch a mo\'c is contem­ before shc marril'd. plated. law ,rul and regulation to the Then bl'gan a wild two·state Proponents oC til bill have been Board oC Public lnstruction for ap­ pro v I. , ~I.' trip, temporarily ended when critical of th Iowa High School " Scott's car ran out of gas, but re­ Athletic n. and Iowa Girl High Th amendment would ha\'e for· J 1st IOWA CITY SHOWING School Athletic Union, which now bldd n any public high school to sumed when Birnbaum tol a "THE YEAR'S MOST conducl interscholastic athletic participate in eith l' as. celation f.:..". "TATI ENTERS COMEDY - t second auto, police aid. Scott said program. .~. HALL OF fAME!" ~ EXCITING FILM" Birnbaum constantly threatened to They contend the two organiza­ ••, ..~~/~ _NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE : -Cook, World T%gre", Sutt kill Scott over jealou y of Mrs, tions should be required [Q na.e ::);.< LAURENCE OLIVIER Scott. lhl'ir books auditl.'d by statl' ac· I countants and l'hould hi.' upervi ed 'I·~~LE·JJ.. ( __ 0..._...... _ ~~ ~-t , IcHAi» ENTERTAINMENT FOR RENT KIDDIESI From 1 to 1001 \\ (olot\,Um by SPECIAL COMEDY CARTOON NEW MAGNAVOX STEREO @ TECHNICOlOR DIY, Week, M01'Ith I SHOW from 1 :00 to 3:00 p.m. ~ This Saturday Matinee BRILLIANT!~ TIIC illcr(:(jrill€! Jill/Ill/llrlt!lllf 'Iere I I.> /l11I:lllmU:ntllll ] All Admissions - 2Sc t/I


BOLD IN ITS CASTING ... BOLDER IN THE TELLING! HERE ARE THE MANY FACES OF LOVE - - THE TENDER ... THE SAVAGE .. , THE STRANGE ... REVEALED WITH A RARE AND STUNNING FORCE ! SHOWS· 1:311 • 3:25 • 5:25 • 7:25 ~ 9:20 • "Feature Prices This Attraction 9:35 P .M." Adults Week·Day Matinees-7Sc Nlte •• All Day Sunday-fOe AND Children-25c


_ ,1\ WElar HIUlR CLADYS COOPER· CATHLEEN NES81 IT JlllUYUllR, ROO "'Ill» ,AUOII£Y OAr 1011 Doors Open , 1:15 P.M ..... ,. Pa,. '-TJiE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, la.-Thursday, Mar. 19. 19S9 No Defense H~/q;FJ .Work, Success Of tto~a'-;om" Rehabilitation Against ICBM, By ELIZABETH DAVID ' giv.n a thorough medical .xami· A young man whose brain was in.' nation. Ev.ry possibl. attempt is jured in an auto accident was left made to restor. him to the best U.S. Warned with uncoordinated hand and leg h.alth possibl •. movements. After help and train· The client is then evaluated in HUSBANDS, ANYONE? CmCAGO, lUPIl The army's ing he now works as a radio and terms of education, experience, and top researcher said today the Unit· I television serviceman in Chi cago. interests. Both counselor and client It hl\8 heen alleged that coed. go to colleg«, ror the sole pu~ ed Stales has "absolutely no de A 4O·year·old man, who had been think through the occupational of finding husbands. Thi is, of course, an infamous canard, ~ under psychiatric treatment for a goals for the client and decide what fense" against an intercontinental I give rair wlOrning that, small and spongy I\.t! [ am, allYbody severe anxiety complex for seven services will be needed to achieve ballistic missile. who says suoh a dastardly thing when I am around years, was placed in a job as junior these goals. ba4 betta He said, however, he didn't think accountant last month. Before reo If it is decided the client should be prepared ror a sound thrashingl Russia had an anli·missile missile, habilitation, anxiety had prevented have trade school training, th e Girls go to college for precisely the same re!I8Ons all men d,l either. hlm £rom making siplpll! decisions, state agency will pay all tuition, if to brolOden their horizons, to lengthen their vistas, to drink _ Lt. Gen. Arthur G. Trudeau, Ar· such ¥ turning right or left at a the counselor represents a state crossing. . agency, Muthard said. the fount or wisdom. But if, by pure chance, while" PI • my Chiet of Research and Develop· Recoverl.. of both men w.re Muthard emphasized that physi· engaged in these meritorious pursuits, a likely lookjng h~b&nd ment. said the best prospective U. mMl~ pouibl. throu,b)th. Stat. cal disabilities result in emotional should pop 'into view, why, what's wrong with th.,r Ell! S. counter weapon won't be ready VecatlOl\~1 Rfhabilitation i C.nt.r changes in the disabled person. 'What's wrong with that? Counseling the client about his for operational use before 1965 un· heft· I,' i ,fa The question now arises, what should a girl look (or ill I ~ning for rehabilitation coun· feelings toward his disability is one less the "powers that be" give a seling is provided at SUI under the of the functions fulfilled by the reo htl bond? A great deal has been written on this subject. Some green light (or the speed-up in its Rehabilitation Counseling Graduate habilitation counselor. suy character is most important, some y oockgroumJ, IIOIIlI development. Prderarn which was Slarted in 1956. Wh.n the training I. ov.r, the say IOppeurllllce, some slOY education. All are Wl'9ng. Trudeau, appearin, at the an· Acoording to John E. Muthard, co­ r.habilitation couns"or will h.lp The most im portant thing - bar non«" - in a husband is bealih. nual convention of the National ordinator of the program, grants the cli.nt obtain a job. Association of Broadcast.rs, .aid are available from the U.S. Depart· Waldo Hansen, counselor for the Though he be handsome 1\8 Apollo and rich 118 CrOO8Ul wW the best hope. to fight off any ment of Health. Education and Wei· Rehabilitation Center here, said in good is he if be just lies around lOll day accumullOting bed.oreii ICBM attack r •• t on the army's fare to qualified students who wish placing the disabled person, the reo proposed Nik.·Z.u., an anti. to 'prepare for a career in rehabili· habilitation counselor never appeals } IntereontlMntal ml.sll •• T tation work. to the sympathy of the employer. Trudeau tol d newsmen a new ra· 'Lefs Brighten 'iJ p is Lea ( } T~GETHERNESS AT THE IOWAN .•. could be the word when S·month·old Linda Younkin sh_. up t. The demand for rehabilitation Rather, the handicapped person is dar warning line now under cont· counselors is twice the supply, Mut· trained to compete with able per· • struction in Canada won't protect glv~ dad Lou a ha~d at the s~s d.sk. H.r fath.r r.ports Linda is a gr.at h.lp, and w. apolotlz. for omitting h.r name In the r.c.nt list of staH members. -Daily Iowan Photo. hard explained, and the state sons for a particular job. The ed States has "absolutely no de· a&encies expect to triple their staffs handicapped person wants to feel attack. Tn order [or the Strategic within the next few years. This that he is filling a real need in Air Command to have a 10 minute means that (rom 3,400 to 4,000 addi· whatever job he is doing, Hansen warning of oncoming attack, he ll tional counselors wiU be needed. explained. said, any warning system "would Ike Reported liT ough Most professional opportunities The taxpayer gains from the pro· have to dctect an ICBM 2,400 miles for graduates in rehabilitation gram along with the di sabled per· distant." counseling are with state agencies, sons, because a large percentage Trudeau said it is "not safe" to " . public and private agencies, mental of rehabilitated persons become assume Russia does not have an hospitals and prisons, Muthard self·supporting, Muthard explained. anti·missile missile, but he added On Berlin Amid Threats stated, Seventy-five thousand persons that he did not believe it has one. I ( '10 ~ Case8lare referred to the rehabiJi· were rehabilitated throughout the The army r ••• arch chi.f .ald WASHINGTON (~ - PreSident tatioll agencies by the Department nation in 1957-58. Another 150,000 The very fi rst thing to do upon meetil1g a man is to ~ Am.rican weapon. in Europe Eisenhower was reported Wednes· MOSCOW (UPI) - Pr.mier of Public Welfare, various health persons were referred to state now hav. "atomic capabllitle." day night to be advocating a * * * sure he is sound of wind and limb. Before he hili) a chanee to Khrushchev W..... sday called agencies; · and by the social secur· agencies. Muthard explained that sweet-talk you, slap a thermometer in his mouth, roll biU biI if th. Presld.nt .0 directs, H. tough negotiating attitude toward East GermQn's ity program. About 20 to 30 per about an equal number are taken .xpr.... d a wish, how.v.r, for' W.stern and olher for.ign cor· eyelids, yank out his tongue, rap his patella, palpate his thol'&x, Russia as the best way to solve respondents to a rare open press cent lIt:e self,.referred. care of by private agencies. lon,.r ran9. w.apons in our Eu­ a ~k him straighten out a. horseshoe with hill teeth. If he the Berlin crisis while promoting com-rene. in the Kr.mlin to· .W~on · a cli.nt i. ref.rred to In Iowa, 1,132 persons were reo to ropean ars.nal. Specifically. the German unity. Threaten War the rehabilitation couns.lor, he Is habilitated during the last year. fnils these simple tes!i3, phone for an ambulance and p 011 • U.S. n•• d. interm.diat. rang. day. The g.neral expectations This word on the White House w.r. that tn. Soviet leader would , the next prosPect. . mlnU•• on the contin.nt, h•• aid. attitude circulated as Mr. Eisen· Ove~ Berlin '.' In his speech, Trudeau said the use tn. occasion to reply to If, however, he turns out to be physically fit, proceed to. the hower prepared for the arrival President Eisenhower's s' ate· army's electronics needs have In· Thursday of British Prime Minister BERLIN (uPIl - Communist second most important requirement in a husband. I refer to II. m.nt on B.rlin. Fulbright Says Administration creased lO·fold since World War Macmillan. They'lI have a four· East Berlin Mayor Friedr:ich Ebert a sense or humor. and probably will show "another The pr.ss conf.rence w:1I be wa rncd President Eisenhower Wed· 10·fold increase by 1970. day round o[ talks aimed at co· A man who can't take a. joke is a man to be avoided. ordinating Western stra tegy. only the second to be held in nesday that if war broke out over n.. Improvements in prospect, he Moscow by Khrushch.v since Ia the Berlin issue, atomic bombs are scyeml sim ple tests to find out whether your Pl'Ollpect Cl6ll said, include high capacity power Top Administration officials Unaware Of Soviet Challenge w.re cheered by Macmillan'. assumed supreme I.adership_ It would destroy U.S. cities and take take a joke or not. You can, for exnmple, SIt1!!ll hi!! tinls. Or burn sources using direct electrical con· will coincide with the arrival in a "countless toll" of lives. WASffiNGTON IA'I - Sen. J . curity will be mad. public later. his "Mad" comics. Or steal his switchblade. Or tum Iooee f\ia version form nuclear energy, solar statement in Ottawa about a the U.S. of British Prim. Mini" The Communist official made' the William Fulbright {D·Ark.l said McElroy emphasIzed importance pet raccoon. Or shave hi head. '. energy, or fossil fuels. need "to combine firm principiIS t.r Macmillan for talks with Mr. warnings in an article in the- of. Wednesday the Eisenhower Ad· of the modernization efforts when with r.adin.. s to negotiate." After each of these good-natured pranks, laugh gaily .nd (5.. story page 1). Eis.nhow.r on the " cold war." fielal East German Communist ministration's approach to foreign he spoke briefly with newsmen shout" April Fool I" If be replies, "But this is l"ebruaiy om. This Macmillan view coincided party newspaper Neues Deutsc/l' aip. indicates it is " unaware of during a recess. New Type with Mr. Eisenhower's expressed r.adine.. to Itt.nd such a top land replying to Mr. EisenhDw~ i s the depth and scope of the Soviet teenth," or something equally churlish, eros him I1ff your liit determination to stand firm in level parl.y thi, summ.r - pro· Monday night speech on Berlin and challlmge." Communist-Led and giye thanks you found out in time. Western Berlin until the Soviets vid.d d.velopm.nts justified a summit talks. Fulbright, chairman of the Sen· But if he laughs silverly and calls you "Little minx I" put bid promi .. of succen. In tn. front page articl•• n· ate Foreign Relations Committee, offer major concessions toward the Riot In Paris to the next te:Jt. Find out whether he i kindly. . Atlas Fired goal of German unity. In advance of Macmillan's ar­ titled' "On EI ..nhow.rs Speech," introduced the new nearly $4' bil· Despite Macmillan's words, some Ebert relectld' the President'. lion (oreign aid authorization, at The quick t way to 8Ilcertain his kindliness is, of ~ to CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.,­ rival, officials stressed that Mr. PARIS (UPI) - Club·swinging suspicion persisted that the Bri· stand that the U.S . .ha. a .. rlgrw the Administration's request. look at the cigarette he smokes. it mild? it c1ementT (UPIl- An Intercontinental Atlas riot police clashed In tile student Is Is Ia ii , tish leader might try to press Mr. Eisenhower wanted some advance with a tapered "dunce cap" nose to b. in WKt Betlt," >~,. )'~l lf.~ 1M he told the Senate he r eo quarter Wednesday night with humane? Does it minister tenderly to the peycheT DQes '1$ , , Eisenhower too hard and too fast, signs of Soviet readiness to make cone thundered off Wednesday on protect It, r1l1ht~ ,+Mr..;,,! .:'\ .:~' "my right .to support it in more than 200 Communists and coddle the synapses? Is it a good companion? 18 it genial? ) ...:' , ; in the Administration opinion, con~essions - not a crisis con· The Communist• .'· .. mnxQ ;; ,IIj~ ld or in part, and to offer left-wingers who hurled milk a 4,~ · mile Clight test of the new fercnce full of propaganda charges. bright and friendly and full of dulcet ple3l:iure from coekei-01r warhead protector design. along a path of meeting Soviet threats by AmehriCan ,:'r~ebranilil" o/11lenClmEmts as may seem appro. bottles and stones. till the heart of darkness? . ,~.Io.) views. The new nose cone, which would Macmillan, however, was under· to break thr'o~ ,, ~ Wlls~ /Q!lTlinl;ib )?r.iate." .. Two policemen were injured and Is it, in short, Philip Morris? ..' .. 1)' ., house a hydrogen warhead if tbe Macmillan was viewed as put· stood to favor a summit meeting the, e;vent ' of 'Red: in~er(i!re~cll' ~~ 't,*' HOu.. For.i"n Affairs taken to a hospital. Fifty or the f Atlas were fired in anger, was ting more emphasis on the value even if foreign ministers failed to the city's Jifellnes,· ' :-N~' : ted with blunt, rounded, nose ist Leader, Party Central. Cqm,. 1$1.', billion sou,ht for military \ I' . cones. But informed sources here warrant. to avoid a shooting war over Ber· from around a wrestling area And now, having found a man who i kindly and he<hy ao!1j .I;, t.rei,n aid, so that mod.mba· where a meeting was scheduled said there is no standard Atlas Mr. Eisenhow.r expr.ssed I lin, British informants said. mittee Secretary Albert oord ~b, tlOll of NATO and other fri.ndly to protest " interference with hu· blessed with a sen.'l6 or humor, the only thing that remai1)S"~ : '" , cone yet. warned in a speech released' We(!· nesday that "whoevCf'. !rtes,' -to fore" would not be held up. man rights." make Slire he will always earn a htllld~ome living. That, · fortQ~ , The SO·foot Atlas broke loose break through will be broken.', I. Fulbright called attention to The meeting, sponsored by left· nately, is CIlIIy. Just enroll him in engineering. It~. _810":' Crom its steel mooring clamp at Mayor Ebert noted. that Mr . . Ri. President Eisenhower's recent reo ist organizations and the "League 7:59 p.m. and rose smoothly from Accuse Ike 0,' 'Pulling Rug' • • • senhower has said , that the U.s. ma~ks that the foreign aid pro· of Human Rights," had been ban· the battery of spotlights which ned by police earlier, but more For filter smoke,. the Philip ltlorri. Companll malt" M.rf. brightly illuminated the launch· ould not be the iust to' ~reak Itllm is the &ame one Congress From Under Civil Rights the peace. " ~ authorized last year. than 200 persons showed up any· ooro, the cigarette with beller "makin'II." New Im,;,-olled ing stand. way. filter aTUi good riell flavor. Soli pack or Ifip.top box. A lot . WASHINGTON, (uPIl - Con· Th. lib.rals' attack on Mr. Ei· Ebert said that the Soviet .... "There is no evidence that the It disappeared for a few seconds ~Uhl . in a cloud bank, then for ged gressional liberals accused Presi· ..nhow.r'. r.versal of position in of March 2, i" which Mosc_ Administration is now or ever will through the 4O-mile an hour wind dent Eisenhower Wednesday of the Titl. III controversy came conditionally agreed to an lalt· be. willing to urge the American Plan New Dutch Auto until it entered a denser layer of "pulling the rug" from under the during the sam. h.aring at which West foreign mini.ters mMfintJ people to take in one notch on F USC . overcast 35 seconds after blastoff. drive for a new Civil Rights law Thurmond t.stifi.d and in similar had glv.n Mr. Eir.:e~er , "~ oUf belt to .deal with a Soviet or •• onsumphon Shirts and Dry Cleaning . It was visible for a total of only with "guts." hearings before the Hous. Ju· hope of agreem.nt on ..eti.~ chall~flge ,wllsch confronts us in NEW YORK 111'1 - A representa· - 80 seconds, but its engines were They were aroused by the Ad· dlclary Subcommltt••. tions of "" bit """011' a ~ ~silllS, arms, and just downright tive of the DAF Auto Works of IN BY 9 a.m. "j t.r ba.i • ." '.. produce," Fulbright Holland said Wednesday plans are supposed to burn 'for more than ministration's wiLhdrawal of sup­ At the Senate hearing, Sen . John ~pljcity tp,t three minutes. port for a proposal to allow the A. Carroll m-Colo.) said Mr . Ei· "This hope it shared by. ,.!~,~ said.,:.' , being made to begin selling the men of good will, lncludin. ....A " The House Fores'gn Affal'rs Com· Netherlands-built car in the United OUT BY' J.. It was believeQ tile air force Attorney General to seek Federal senhower has "pulled the rug out ~ . 4 p.tt, t,",',l would attempt to recover the nose Court injunctions to prevent de· from under" those wanting "effectJ American people," the . East B~F.J1n mlttee' heard Secretary of Defense States with an eventual goal of cone after it plunges back to nials of any civil rights. This was ive' legislation. Mayor wrote. '. I ,.;) H. MoElroy and Gen . Nathan 20,000 to 30,000 units annually. earth, heatcd a ficry red upon reo included in the controversial Title "Let's face it," he remarked. "They could never understl!nd . Twining, chairman of the Joint J . Soeten , general North Amer· LAUNDRY AND ~: I~ ' ,' ' entering the Earth's atmosphere. III section of the Administration's "We're not going to get Title III" why anyone .wapls to bring' about ClthHs of Staff, read in public ican sales manager of OAF , said 1957 bill, but Congress rejected it without the President's support. an.. atorm . 'c war b.ecause . 'of ,8 ,de. brief" prepared statements sup- he was in the process of negotiat· DRY CLEANING I t ed f t f W B iiin lng contracts. then. He made his comment to Sen. ~I I ariz t~e~ CI YldO d' ., est , !!r.• po . 'I the mUitary part of the He estimated the auto would sell Open 7 I.m. te • p..... • t t Elections- The attack came as Sen. J. Jacob K. Javits (R·N.Y.l who was n, a war a .wou . ~s r.oY, l)O mutua security program. Then f d $ "Aero•• from P.arson." • 315 •• MettNt Thurmond (D·S.C.), appearing testifying in favor of Mr. Eisen· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~:0~r~u~n~~~~1,~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Continu ed From Page 1) before the Senat. constitutional hower's seven·point Civil Rights America and take .a countieS', t~1 Closed doors its hearings on the r rights .ubcommIH•• , open.d the program. of lives among their. residents." . bill. South's formal drive against Iny Javits replied that the Presi­ Ebert said the Western . sectOrs ' Chairman Thomas E. Morgan Davenport, was elected vice·presi· MW Civil Rights I.gislation. dent's program would make a " sig· of Berlin must be made \nto a de· (D·Pa.) told Mwsinen some of nificant contribution." But he militarized "Free City'! as " , the t"tl_., of the military dent. He condemned bills offered by agreed that something similar to pO$ed by the . dli~ !Ita. "dynamit•. " H. seid Myrna Pushor, A2, Clear Lake, both liberals and by Senate Dem· was named secretary, and Janet Title III was "the heart . . . the '.. ,""anscrlpt for ... cratic Leader Lyndon B. Johnson key" to meaningful Civil IUghts Schepers, AI, Lost Nation, was of Texas, who is seeking Senate legislation. • ,~ I ,IS! elected treasurer. Student Council ... approval o( a compromise pro­ 'STUD, , I ~ ·Javlts .ald h. would person· representative elected is Donna Me· posal. , I' INTERNATIONAL Chesney, AI, Wapello. ally off.r it as an amendment Floor chairmen for the coming Thurmond, the only southerner to to any bill which r.ach.d the FESTIVAL year are: Judy CroCt, A3, Norwalk ; filibuster against the 1957 Civil Senat. floor without such a pro­ Rights Bill, said Johnson's propos· vision. PICTURES Lynne Goodwin, AI, Westmont, Ill. ; Availabl. at Mary Christiansen, A3, Durant; al for a Federal Conciliation In the House, Chairman Emanu· Agency in racial disputes " is the and Charlotte Mercer, NI, Canton, el Celler m·N.Y.l of a "oulle Ju· most superfluous, the most totally diciary Subcommittee conSidering 'I· YOUNG'S STUDIO lll. I,' fl' I ' AVE unnecessary agency anyone could Civil Rights legislation, accused think of." :... CIi.tom P~nlshlng NO SECRETS Mr. Eisenhower of "throwing in the DeM In Our Own Darkroom He branded as "viciously anti· towel" on Title III . He said it HONOLULU (UPll - Rear Adm. southern . .. a conqu~ed province should be the "guts" of any Civil Benjamin E. Moore, revealing that bill" A measure by Sen. Paul Doug· Rights proposal. Russian l;ubmarines and surface las (D·lll.l. Among other things, ships had been snooping the length the Doualas proposal would offer sesThe from Subcommittee the Jewish Warheard Veterans, witnes· ib~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!=~!~~:~~~~ ON "GAS! of the United States Pacific bar· Federal aid to schools which deseg· the Women's lnternational League rler: regate. Thurmond said , this pro­ for Peace and Freedom and the "They know what we're doing posal apparently was "based on National Fraternal Council of and what's more important, they the beUef that briber, will ac· Churches testify in support of Cel· know that we know they are complish what force and bayonets I~s biU, which includes a version snooping and patrolling the entire failed to secure." of Title Ill. length of the Pacific barrier." I 9 students! IOWA'S FINEST • • • REG.

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