Number 277: 1-46 ISSN 1026-051X May 2014 hppt/ ECD57CCC-9EC4-4800-8FD8-8407C2F0D974 CLASSIFICATION OF THE ORDER CNEMIDOLESTIDA (INSECTA: PERLIDEA) WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW TAXA D. S. Aristov A.A. Borissak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya str., 123, Moscow 117997, Russia. E-mail:
[email protected] The order Cnemidolestida (Insecta: Perlidea) is revised. A total of 11 families from the Carboniferous and Permian of Eurasia, North America, and South America and from the Triassic of Europe are included in the order: Cnemidolestidae Hand- lirsch, 1906, Spanioderidae Handlirsch, 1906, Gerapompidae Handlirsch, 1906, Cymenophlebiidae Pruvost, 1919, Emphylopteridae Handlirsch, 1922, Tillyardem- biidae G. Zalessky, 1938, Psoropteridae Carpenter, 1976, Sylvabestiidae Aristov, 2000, Prygidae Aristov et Rasnitsyn, 2014, Neraphidiidae Aristov, fam. n., and Ctenoptilidae Aristov, fam. n. New synonymies are established: Cnemidolestidae = Aetophlebiidae syn. n., = Narkemidae syn. n., = Narkeminidae syn. n.; Emphylopte- ridae = Guloidae syn. n.; and Spanioderidae = Anthraconeuridae syn. n., = Carpente- ropteridae syn. n. The family Cymenophlebiidae and genus Dieconeurites Handlirsch, 1906, previously considered synonyms, are re-established as valid. Two new genera (both from the Permian of Russia) are described in the family Sylvabestiidae: Ivkinus Aristov, gen. n. (type species Mezenalicula conjucta Aristov et Storozhenko, 2011 = Ivkinus conjuctus comb. n.) and Kityakia Aristov, gen. n. (type species Kityakia attrita Aristov, sp. n.); a new combination is proposed: Permula edemskii Aristov et Storozhenko, 2011 = Sojanopermula edemskii (Aristov et Storozhenko, 2011), comb. n. The new genus Anarkemina Aristov, gen. n. (type species Narkemina win- 1 sdoriensis Lewis, 1979 = Anarkemina winsdoriensis comb. n.) is described from the Carboniferous of the United States in the family Cnemidolestidae.