Unit 4 Langham Stables, Langham Lane, Lodsworth, West Sussex, GU28 9BU

Tel: 01798 861 800, E-Mail: [email protected]

Proof of evidence of


in respect of



Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/Y3615/W/16/3151098

Local Authority Ref: 14/P/02109

On behalf of

Effingham Parish Council

The Ecology Co-operation Ltd Registered Office: Greens Court, West Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9NQ Company number: 8905527


PAGE Introduction 3 Proof of Evidence 4 1. Impact upon the Effingham BC Wildlife Corridor (Submission Neighbourhood Plan policy ENP-ENV2) 4 2. Direct Impact upon Thornet Wood Site of Nature Conservation Importance 7 3. Potential impact to Dormice 8 4. Potential impact to Great Crested Newts 10 5. High value of marshy grassland upon construction zone 13

Appendix 1 15 An extract of survey effort as outlined in the 2nd Edition Bat Conservation Trust Guidelines. Appendix 2 16 A copy of the letter by Ross Baker at the Surrey Bat Group and a copy of the data search results. Appendix 3 57 A copy of the letter produced by Derek Finnie Associates Appendix 4 61 Great Crested Newt Habitat Suitability Index Assessment scores for four ponds found to the east of the application site. Appendix 5 62 Marshy Grassland description as identified in the JNCC ‘Handbook for Phase 1 habitat survey’.

2 Introduction

This proof of evidence has been produced by Paul Whitby, a Principal Ecologist with 11 years experience. Paul has a BSc (Hons) degree, is a full member of the Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management (MCIEEM) and is a Chartered Ecologist (CEcol). He also holds Natural England protected species licenses for bats, dormice and great crested newts.

The evidence produced below has been produced following a meeting with representatives of Effingham Parish Council, a visit to Thornet Wood and the application site (though access to the site itself was not provided) on the 14th of March 2017 and to a cluster of ponds to the east of the site on the 30th March 2017 and a review of all ecological information submitted as part of application 14/P/02109.

Figure 1. Locations visited by Paul Whitby on the 14th March highlighted in blue and areas visited on the 30th of March highlighted in red.

3 Proof of Evidence Below, evidence has been provided under five separate categories under which it is felt that this planning application would not comply with planning policy, the Habitats Directive or would otherwise represent a significant and unacceptable impact upon protected species or valuable habitats.

1. Impact upon the Effingham BC Wildlife Corridor (Submission Neighbourhood Plan policy ENP-ENV2).

1. Under policy ENP-ENV2, the Submission Effingham Neighbourhood Plan identifies a useful and highly valuable wildlife corridor designed to link woodlands and other semi-natural habitats to each other. The designated corridors connect SSSIs at Ranmore Common and to the Bookham Commons SSSI sites via stepping stones such as the Great Ridings Wood, Thornet Wood and Effingham Golf Course SNCI sites.

2. The eastern corridor crosses land on the eastern part of Effingham Lodge Farm (Site 3) and the eastern corner of the existing Howard of Effingham School (Site 1) and is designated in ENP-ENV2 as ‘Thornet Wood and land to the north, agricultural land on eastern part of Effingham Lodge Farm and the footpath and hedges along its eastern boundary, the eastern part of the Howard of Effingham playing field and its hedge along Lower Road (which connects to the corridor in Bookham comprising fields east of Manor House Lane, Rolls Farm and hedges, through to Chalk Pit Lane)’.

3. This corridor is highly valuable as a strategy for the Parish, in particular for nocturnal and crepuscular species, including bats, hedgehogs, badgers, and birds such as woodcock, owls and nightjar, which are highly averse to the impacts of artificial light. Importantly this corridor has been designed to avoid any built up areas or potential sources of artificial light. Whilst a bat activity survey was undertaken to establish bat species present using the sites boundaries, crucially this fell well short of the guidelines used at the time as outlined by the Bat Conservation Trust1 (Please see appendix 1 for an extract from these guidelines). For a medium value habitat for bats, this should include ‘one visit per transect each month (Apr-Sep) and automated surveys with 1 location per transect with data collected across 3 consecutive nights’. As no automated surveys were undertaken, this means that later emerging and foraging bat species may have been missed. It should further be noted that this part of the country is very important for a number of Annexe II species of bat.

4. A data search request has been made to the Surrey Bat Group and in Appendix 2 a copy of the covering letter by Ross Baker at the Surrey Bat Group and records for all bat species recorded within a 4x4 km area centred upon a grid reference for the site centre is supplied. The woodland landscape surrounding Effingham (particularly at Bookham Common) has been identified as nationally important due to the assemblage of bat species present, including bechsteins (Myotis bechsteini), whiskered (Myotis

1 Hundt, L (2012) Bat Surveys: Good Practice Guidelines, 2nd edition. Bat Conservation Trust, London.

4 mystacinus), brandts (Myotis brandtii) and alcathoe (Myotis alcathoe), which is a species restricted only to West Sussex, Surrey and Yorkshire in the whole of the UK. The barbastelle bat (Barbastellus barbastellus) has been recorded just outside of the search area both to the east and to the west, whilst to the east near , there is a chalk mine that supports the critically endangered great horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) and bechsteins bat. All three of these bat species are listed as Annexe II species under the Habitats Directive. The Bechsteins Bat is further recorded as a qualifying feature of the Mole Gap to Reigate Escarpment Special Area of Conservation, situated 2.9 km to the east of the site.

5. The layout of the proposal, which sites the main school building, car parking and access road very close to the east boundary of the site clearly undermines the wildlife corridor. The tree line and scrub habitat along this boundary could be used by bats commuting to/from Thornet Wood and there is no clear strategy shown how lighting impacts upon this boundary would be mitigated. It is certainly difficult to see how this is possible with the frontage of the school in such close proximity of this boundary and adequate lighting mitigation may be unachievable. With artificial lighting affecting this boundary, a number of crepuscular and nocturnal species, such as nightjar, bats, hedgehogs and owls will be deterred from using the wildlife corridor. At present, it is felt that the impact upon this corridor cannot be accurately evaluated as an appropriate survey for bats (particularly considering the potential for Annexe II species to be present) has not been carried out according to best practice guidelines.

6. An illustration of the wildlife corridor is provided in the figure below, indicating the approximate area of the corridor (which is 100 metres wide as recommended by Natural England). This demonstrates how badly this wildlife corridor will be severed by this proposal, whilst particularly cutting connectivity between Thornet Wood and the woodland situated on the southern side of Effingham School. Artificial light has the effect of modifying the behaviour of species, which can be tricked into thinking that it is daylight. The effect of this means that some species are fully deterred away from light sources, whilst other species may become active much later after sunset than they otherwise would, reducing the time available to them for foraging. This represents a direct impact upon the wildlife associated with Thornet Wood as per reason for refusal No 3.

5 The 100m wildlife corridor identified under policy ENP-ENV2

Figure 2. The approximate location of the Wildlife Corridor designated under policy ENP-ENV by Effingham Parish Council

6 2. Direct Impact upon Thornet Wood Site of Nature Conservation Importance.

7. In the ‘Position Statement on Ecology’ made by Derek Finnie Associates (see Appendix 3), it is claimed that from a survey undertaken in September 2015 by an un-named ecologist “it is possible that the woodland would fail to meet this [SNCI status] value on floristic grounds alone”.

8. This is a poor conclusion to reach based on a site visit in September, which is a wholly sub-optimal time of the year to assess woodland flora. Many woodland ground flora species flower and die back by June/July (an example being bluebells) and are not visible in September. The suggestion that Thornet Wood is not of Site of Nature Conservation Importance value is therefore unfounded.

th 9. In a site visit on the 14 of March, a number of woodland plant species not identified in the September site visit were recorded, including blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), early purple orchid (Orchis mascula), wood avens (Geum urbanum), bugle (Ajuga reptans), wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca), primrose (Primula vulgaris) and ramsons (Allium ursinum).

10. The Position Statement by Derek Finnie Associates also states that a Phase 1 Habitat survey has been undertaken of Thornet Wood, but no evidence of this has been provided, with the Phase 1 survey report provided in the EIA lacking any reference to a survey of Thornet Wood.

11. Some degree of impact upon Thornet Wood must be considered due to the impact that the development will have upon the species within the wood, including foraging badgers, roosting bats and other species not presently accounted for within the EcIA, such as hedgehogs (a Section 41 species under the 2006 NERC Act). It would seem to make considerably more sense to protect this woodland by planting a significant amount of tree and shrub buffer planting along the edge of the wood, however at present there is no evidence of significant buffer planting or a strategy to offset the impacts upon Thornet Wood. A significant change to the landscaping proposals for the site would therefore need to be considered and justification of whether an adequate degree of buffer planting and mitigation could be incorporated into a revised layout.

7 3. Potential impact to Dormice

th 12. An assessment of Thornet Wood was made during the site visit on the 14 of March 2017. This assessment has shown that this woodland represents a very suitable habitat for dormice, with a very high abundance of hazel (Corylus avellana) and a mixed broadleaf canopy that includes mature ash (Fraxinus excelsior), oak (Quercus spp), hawthorn (Crategous monogyna), blackthorn, silver birch (Betula pendula) and scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in addition to patches of bramble scrub (Rubus fruiticosa) and some honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) also. From this site visit it is also clear that this woodland connects to the proposed development site boundaries for the new school.

13. The Phase 1 Habitat survey produced by Derek Finnie Associates states (in section 3.2.34) that “There is no suitable habitat for this specially protected species within the site “ and “the presence of this species within the site has been discounted”.

14. The statement within the Phase 1 Habitat survey is inaccurate due to the presence of suitable habitat for dormice along the western field boundary bordering Effingham Common Road. From communication with Derek Finnie it is understood that a narrow belt of woodland running through the site centre comprises largely of poplar trees, which are of lesser value for dormice (see figure 2 below). In addition, there is blackthorn scrub that sits adjacent to the wood that is growing into the field where the sports fields are proposed. The report identifies a single record for this species within 2km of the site boundary, however records on the National Biodiversity Network website shows a number of records for this species surrounding Effingham, and West Horsley, of which the most recent record is from 2016 with a number of PTES monitoring sites identified locally.

15. Without question, this habitat should have been surveyed for the potential presence of dormice given the proposal to remove habitat that has the potential to support the species. The removal of dormouse habitat requires an EPS license and it is essential that as part of the determination process information is provided demonstrating the likely presence or absence of this species in accordance with the Dormouse Conservation Handbook produced by English Nature.

16. A Presence/likely absence survey for dormice can be carried out under the English Nature Dormouse Conservation Handbook Guidelines between April and November using nest tubes and/or nest boxes. The removal of suitable dormouse habitat without having conducted an appropriate survey would be committing a wildlife crime in the event that a dormouse population is identified as present. Under the Habitats Directive, the planning authority should have been appropriately informed of all potential impacts upon protected species in order to make an informed planning determination, but it is acknowledged that given the level of impact likely to take place, it would likely be possible for a European Protected Species (EPS) license to be obtained for dormice and for appropriate mitigation measures to be incorporated to the site design. It is therefore strongly suggested that if mindful to

8 approve this development, a dormouse survey should be conditioned, with an EPS license applied for in the event that this species is identified.

Figure 2. Suitable dormouse habitat situated within the site boundaries that would be lost.

9 4. Potential impact to Great Crested Newts

17. A great crested newt survey is referenced in Chapter 9 for the EIA, however no copy of this report is produced in the technical appendix to make an appraisal of this assessment. Very little data is provided within the EIA chapter, but some tabulated information of the survey results was provided by Derek Finnie via email on the 5th of April. Whilst this demonstrates the absence of great crested newts in a pond at the Effingham school, there is no detail of attempts to survey a number of other ponds surrounding the application site, or any effort to identify a population upon the application itself. This could include detailed hand searches of suitable habitat upon the site (particularly the area of marshy grassland) or pitfall trapping, where access to ponds has not been permitted.

18. As the EIA fails to note the presence of numerous other waterbodies within 500 metres of the proposed development site, this weakens the value of the EIA assessment process. Ponds within 500 metres pf the site includes four ponds (three of them very large) on the eastern side of the site and three ponds within Thornet wood.

19. In the Position Statement on Ecology letter by Derek Finnie Associates (see Appendix 3), it is claimed that “95% of a GCN population will be found only within 65 metres of their breeding pond if suitable habitat is present”. This is from very old research (2000) it contrasts strongly with standing guidance such as that provided in English Nature report No 576 ‘An assessment of the efficiency of capture techniques and the value of different habitats for the great crested newt Triturus cristatus’. This report states that “It will almost always be appropriate to actively capture newts 50-100m away” and further that “at distances greater than 100m, there should be careful consideration as to whether attempts to capture newts are necessary or the most effective option to avoid incidental mortality”.

20. A waterbody to the east of the site has been described as having a surface area of 2.5 Ha, however it appears that three separate waterbodies has been measured as a single waterbody (see figure 3 below from MAgiC) and the nearest of these waterbodies measures at 1.17 hectares, making it a large pond and not a lake as suggested. The Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) score suggested in the Position Statement on Ecology letter of 0.26 must be discounted from consideration, as it has been confirmed by Mr Finnie that this score was not based upon a site visit, with only assumed figures based upon an assessment of aerial imagery. A calculation was however made following a site visit on the 30th of March by Paul Whitby, with the four waterbodies present scoring 0.35 (poor), 0.66 (average), 0.53 (below average) and again 0.53 (below average) and a copy of the calculations for this score are provided in Appendix 4.

21. Figure 4 below is an extract from the Natural England Method Statement for EPS license application. Under the template provided by Natural England, this suggests that an offence would be likely for the development given the impacts to habitats within 250 metres of ponds to the east and north of the site.

10 22. It is recommended that a re-appraisal of this pond is made to include presence/absence surveys, or an environmental DNA assessment of this pond and others within 250 metres of the site. eDNA assessments can be made between mid April and the end of June, whilst presence/absence surveys can be made between mid April and mid June. Further, terrestrial hand searches can be made at any time during the active season between mid March and the end of September through hand searches.

23. The presence of a great crested newt population would mean the requirement for a EPS license and the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures to satisfy Natural England. The size of the population present will determine the extent of the mitigation required, with a higher population requiring more extensive mitigation. The marshy grassland habitat in particular within the northern half of the site could be a valuable foraging habitat for amphibians because to the cover provided by reed and sedge tussocks, the higher humidity associated with wetter ground and the higher invertebrate prey populations associated with this habitat. At this point, it is unclear how the present layout of the development could accommodate this mitigation without the need for significant changes.


Figure 3. The area measurement of the pond on the eastern side of the proposed construction zone.

Figure 4. A calculation of the likelihood that an offence would be committed for work undertaken within proximity of a great crested newt breeding pond. Source – The Natural England Method Statement Template for an EPS license application.

12 5. High value of marshy grassland upon construction zone.

24. The Phase 1 habitat survey for the proposal has failed to distinguish accurately the clear difference in the value of grassland habitats present. The whole of the grassland area has been mapped in the Phase 1 Habitat survey from 2014 as ‘Semi-improved grassland’. Under Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) guidelines, this grassland habitat should not have been mapped in this way (this is explained below), though this assessment does not quote any guidelines used to distinguish the habitats present. In conversation with Derek Finnie, it was accepted that this habitat should have been mapped under JNCC habitat code ‘B5- Marshy Grassland’.

25. The Phase 1 survey report by Derek Finnie Associates explains that “Towards the north of the site, there is a change in the grassland, with the sward becoming a lot more open and diverse. Here, common fleabane is locally dominant, although soft rush (Juncus effusus), compact rush (Juncus conglomeratus), hard rush (Juncus inflexus), pendulous sedge (Carex pendula) and glaucous sedge (Carex flacca) are locally frequent”. Importantly, there is a lack of detail here as to the total species composition and it was confirmed that there is not a full species list for this habitat. Marshy grassland can be a highly diverse habitat, with up to 50 species recorded per 2x2m sample (http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-2097). There appears to have been a severe undervaluing in this habitat, which clearly if the JNCC guidelines had been applied would have been mapped as ‘Marshy Grassland’ (JNCC code B5). In Appendix 5 an extract from the JNCC Guidelines is provided, with the relevant text outlined in red for reference confirming the criteria for this habitat.

26. The status of much of the habitat present upon the site as marshy grassland is very important due to the much greater value this habitat is for a variety of flora and fauna, including species such as sneezewort, devils bit scabious (Succisa pratensis), southern marsh orchid (Dactylorhiza praetermissa) and marsh fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) (a S.41 species under the NERC Act), which all have records within Surrey on the National Biodiversity Network Gateway. Without question, this habitat should have been assessed as part of a National Vegetation Classification (NVC) survey with a species list and a detailed habitat classification made. The difference in these grassland structures and characters can clearly be seen from the photographs below (see Figures 5 and 6).

27. As this habitat has not been accurately mapped or described in the Phase 1 report, it has not therefore been appropriately assessed within the EIA, where it is explained that approximately 2.2 hectares of ‘semi- improved’ grassland will be converted into sports pitches. Whilst a mitigation proposal has been made by turf stripping and translocating the topsoil from this habitat, the quality as a marshy grassland will be permanently lost if the wetter soil conditions required are not achieved. This cannot be considered as a ‘negligible’ significance as suggested in section 9.8.9 of the EcIA and at a local level in particular represents a high impact due to the permanent loss of this much more

13 scarce habitat. Without appropriate surveys to detail both the botanical and invertebrate interest present in addition to a correct valuation of this habitat within the EIA, the assessment process for the impact of this development is flawed and the mitigation outlined within the EIA is wholly inadequate.

Figures 5 and 6. The clear contrast visible between the marshy grassland habitat and semi-improved grassland habitat present at the site.

14 Appendix 1. An extract of survey effort as outlined in the 2nd Edition Bat Conservation Trust Guidelines.

15 Appendix 2. A copy of the letter by Ross Baker at the Surrey Bat Group and a copy of the data search results.

Paul Whitby Ecology Co-op Unit 4 Langham Stables Langham Lane Lodsworth GU28 9BU

Ross Baker 4 Locke King Close, WEYBRIDGE, Surrey. KT13 0TA 12 April 2017 01932 842636 [email protected] www.surreybats.org.uk

Dear Paul,

Request for bat records in an area around Effingham

Thank you for your request for a data search of the above area. We have searched a 4 X 4 kilometre area centred upon the supplied grid reference (TQ119541) and have found a number of records which are summarised in the accompanying spread sheet.

Where the quantity is given as “Present” it normally indicates bat droppings, or other definitive evidence of the presence of bats, found at that location. If the quantity is given as "In Flight" it represents a bat detector record.

You will note that the search includes a number of records for the very rare Bechstein’s bat, which is on annex II of the Habitats Directive. These include hibernation and swarming records from a site at Westhumble and capture records during woodland bat surveys in Teazle Wood, and Bookham Common. Work done in Bookham Common during 2016 leads us to believe that this site may support a national important bat assemblage as, apart from Bechstein’s bat it was also found to support breeding populations (indicated by the presence of female bats) of whiskered, Brandt’s and Alcathoe bats. This is one of the very few woodland sites where all three of these small Myotis bats have been found together. The Alcathoe bat was new to science in 2001 and was first reported in the UK in 2010. Since then, apart from a small outlier population in Yorkshire, all of the records for this species to date have been from West Sussex and Surrey. The woodland adjacent to your study site is close to, and connected by linear landscape features with, Bookham Common, and so as there has not yet been any advanced survey work done there it would seem to us reasonable to assume, until proven otherwise, that the same bat species are present.

The other annex II species present in Surrey, barbastelle, does not feature in this search. However they have recently been recorded hibernating in Box Hill fort, just outside your search area to the east, and during a commercial survey for a barn conversion in West Clandon, just outside your search area to the west. Conditions on Bookham Common are suitable for this species and so it is possible that they are present but have not yet been discovered.

Surrey Bat Group works to and supports the best practice outlined in Bat Mitigation Guidelines, English Nature, January 2004 and Bat Surveys – Good Practice Guidelines, The Bat Conservation Trust, third edition January 2016. Records



Grid Taxon Site Ref Quantity Date Method Comment Beech Pipistrellus Avenue, TQ1195 Aural bat Under hanging pipistrellus Effingham 29 70 01-Aug-07 detector tiles Bat Care call from BCT, had Bocketts been found on Plecotus Farm, TQ1565 ground by the auritus 50 1m 09-Aug-12 In hand dog, dead. Eptesicus Bookham TQ1275 Aural bat serotinus Common 63 In flight 25-Aug-02 detector Harp Eptesicus Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic serotinus Common 63 1m 26-Jul-16 Lure Harp Myotis Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic alcathoe Common 63 1f 26-Jul-16 Lure Harp Myotis Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic alcathoe Common 63 1f 05-Aug-16 Lure Harp Myotis Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic bechsteinii Common 63 1m 26-Jul-16 Lure 1 male and 1 Harp female. ID of the Myotis Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic male confirmed brandtii Common 63 2 08-Jun-16 Lure from DNA. Myotis Bookham TQ1275 Aural bat daubentonii Common 63 In flight 25-Aug-02 detector Harp Myotis Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic daubentonii Common 63 2m 08-Jun-16 Lure Harp Myotis Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic mystacinus Common 63 1f 08-Jun-16 Lure Harp Myotis Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic mystacinus Common 63 1f 26-Jul-16 Lure Harp Myotis Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic Both confirmed mystacinus Common 63 2f 05-Aug-16 Lure by DNA testing Harp Myotis Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic nattereri Common 63 1m 08-Jun-16 Lure Harp Myotis Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic nattereri Common 63 1f 05-Aug-16 Lure Harp Nyctalus Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic noctula Common 63 1f 26-Jul-16 Lure Pipistrellus Bookham TQ1275 Aural bat pipistrellus Common 63 In flight 25-Aug-02 detector Harp Pipistrellus Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic 1 male and 2 pipistrellus Common 63 3 08-Jun-16 Lure females Harp Pipistrellus Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic 3 females and a pipistrellus Common 63 4 26-Jul-16 Lure male

18 Harp 2 adult males Pipistrellus Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic and one juvenile pipistrellus Common 63 3 05-Aug-16 Lure female Pipistrellus Bookham TQ1275 Aural bat pygmaeus Common 63 In flight 25-Aug-02 detector Harp Pipistrellus Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic pygmaeus Common 63 2m 08-Jun-16 Lure Harp Pipistrellus Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic pygmaeus Common 63 3m 26-Jul-16 Lure Harp Pipistrellus Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic pygmaeus Common 63 3m 05-Aug-16 Lure Harp Plecotus Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic auritus Common 63 3f 08-Jun-16 Lure Harp Plecotus Bookham TQ1275 Trap/Acoustic auritus Common 63 3f 26-Jul-16 Lure Sunset at 2032, bats seen near Bookham TQ1295 Aural bat bridge after Myotis sp. Common 66 In flight 10-Aug-03 detector 2115. 40 passes in 30 minutes from bridge around Pipistrellus Bookham TQ1295 Aural bat oak canopy and pipistrellus Common 66 In flight 10-Aug-03 detector two hedgerows. Pipistrellus Bookham TQ1295 Aural bat pipistrellus Common 66 In flight 31-Aug-03 detector Pipistrellus Bookham TQ1295 Aural bat pygmaeus Common 66 In flight 31-Aug-03 detector Bat seen foraging in canopy and soft fluttering noises Plecotus Bookham TQ1295 Aural bat heard in auritus Common 66 In flight 10-Aug-03 detector heterodyne. 4 boxes with signs (droppings?) of Plecotus Bookham TQ1295 Dung, droppings bats roosting in auritus Common 66 Present 02-Apr-06 or frass them. Bookham Common, Myotis Mark Oak car TQ1345 Flight Trapping point bechsteinii park 68 1m 20-Jun-09 interception trap TQ13155688. Recorded at Bookham TQ13355672 Common, during Nyctalus Mark Oak car TQ1345 Aural bat Bechstein's noctula park 68 In flight 20-Jun-09 detector survey. Recorded at Bookham TQ13355672 Common, during Pipistrellus Mark Oak car TQ1345 Aural bat Bechstein's pipistrellus park 68 In flight 20-Jun-09 detector survey. Bookham Common, Recorded at Pipistrellus Mark Oak car TQ1345 Aural bat TQ13355672 pygmaeus park 68 In flight 20-Jun-09 detector during

19 Bechstein's survey. Bookham Common, Plecotus Mark Oak car TQ1345 Flight Trapping point auritus park 68 1m 20-Jun-09 interception trap TQ13155688. Recorded at Bookham TQ13355672 Common, during Plecotus Mark Oak car TQ1345 Aural bat Bechstein's sp. park 68 In flight 20-Jun-09 detector survey. Nyctalus Bookham TQ1315 Aural bat noctula Fields 42 In flight 16-Jun-10 detector Pipistrellus Bookham TQ1315 Aural bat pipistrellus Fields 42 In flight 16-Jun-10 detector Found wandering in Burnhams living area of Pipistrellus Road, Little TQ1245 Daytime house, released pipistrellus Bookham 52 2 29-Jun-00 observation outside. Burnhams Pipistrellus Road, Little TQ1245 Dung, droppings NCC exclusion sp. Bookham 52 Present 29-Aug-90 or frass NCC 12-90 Damaged tile to be replaced, bats believed to roost behind it. None seen there Burnhams but one thought Pipistrellus Road, Little TQ1255 Field record / to emerge from sp. Bookham 50 Present 26-Oct-02 observation under soffit. Bats in house. One juvenile of approx 2 weeks reintroduced to roost when Camilla Close, previously Great absent bats Pipistrellus Bookham, TQ1385 seen returning. sp. Surrey 47 Present 24-Jun-97 In hand EN97-02 Roost situated behind cladding under hanging tiles, with access via tiles. Owners fed with smell and droppings but Pipistrellus Camilla Drive, TQ1645 Dung, droppings no threat to sp. W. Humble 21 Present 05-Aug-98 or frass roost. Count not accurate, bats not seen, droppings below hanging tiles, exclusion Pipistrellus Camilla Drive, TQ1675 Dung, droppings demanded by sp. West Humble 20 50 30-Apr-99 or frass owners. B08000 - small number of bats Pipistrellus Camilla Drive, TQ1655 Dung, droppings present <10 - sp. Westhumble 20 Present 21-Jun-00 or frass exclusion.

20 Had problems with bats in house last year, Cannon droppings this Pipistrellus Grove, TQ1555 Field record / year. Exclusion pygmaeus Fetcham 65 80 22-Jun-03 observation required. Bat (female) found on floor of top floor kitchen, which has a door leading out onto the adjacent flat roof. Workmen had apparently removed ceiling tiles and also been out on the roof repairing air con equipment: bat likely disturbed while hibernating in one of the units? No injuries and flying well but weather too cold to release so given to Derek Smith on 8 Feb to hibernate until weather suitable. Contact tel. 01372 370900 (David Hutton). Pipistrellus Cleeve Road, TQ1595 Bat released 21 pipistrellus Leatherhead 72 1 19-Jan-09 In hand Feb 09. Over lake at Nyctalus Cobham Park TQ1175 Aural bat bottom of noctula Estate 81 In flight 13-Jun-15 detector garden Over lake at bottom of garden. Fairly constant activity by several individuals arriving quite late after sunset. Pipistrellus Cobham Park TQ1175 Aural bat Recorded with nathusii Estate 81 In flight 13-Jun-15 detector Batbox Griffin Over lake at end of garden. Fairly constant activity by several individuals Pipistrellus Cobham Park TQ1175 Aural bat arriving quite pipistrellus Estate 81 In flight 13-Jun-15 detector late after sunset. Pipistrellus Cobham Park TQ1175 Aural bat Over lake at end pygmaeus Estate 81 In flight 13-Jun-15 detector of garden

21 Roof in need of Plecotus Cobham Park TQ1175 repair. One bat auritus Estate 81 3 13-Jun-15 At rest seen close up. Playroom planned for loft. Cobham Droppings have Plecotus Road, increased this auritus Fetcham TQ1356 1 10-Nov-93 In hand year. EN93-19 Connicut Lane, Recorded on Eptesicus Polesden TQ1442 Aural bat SM4 left by field serotinus Lacey 5173 In flight 09-Aug-16 detector gate. Connicut Lane, Recorded on Polesden TQ1442 Aural bat SM4 left by field Myotis sp. Lacey 5173 In flight 09-Aug-16 detector gate. Connicut Lane, Recorded on Pipistrellus Polesden TQ1442 Aural bat SM4 left by field pipistrellus Lacey 5173 In flight 09-Aug-16 detector gate. Connicut Most caught in Lane, Harp harp trap just off Pipistrellus Polesden TQ1442 Trap/Acoustic lane at pipistrellus Lacey 5173 1f 18-Aug-16 Lure TQ14419 51748 Connicut Lane, Recorded on Pipistrellus Polesden TQ1442 Aural bat SM4 left by field pygmaeus Lacey 5173 In flight 09-Aug-16 detector gate. Connicut Most caught in Lane, Harp harp trap just off Pipistrellus Polesden TQ1442 Trap/Acoustic lane at pygmaeus Lacey 5173 5 18-Aug-16 Lure TQ14419 51748 Connicut Most caught in Lane, Harp harp trap just off Plecotus Polesden TQ1442 Trap/Acoustic lane at auritus Lacey 5173 1f 18-Aug-16 Lure TQ14419 51748 Female, injured, presumably by cat, found in Cranmore living room. Plecotus Lane, West TQ0795 Died within a auritus Horsley 26 1 15-Aug-03 Indoors few days. Recorded on Pipistrellus Critten Ln, TQ1155 Aural bat Batlogger during pipistrellus Effingham 01 In flight 16-May-16 detector car survey Recorded on Pipistrellus Critten Ln, TQ1155 Aural bat Batlogger during pipistrellus Effingham 05 In flight 16-May-16 detector car survey Recorded on Pipistrellus Critten Ln, TQ1165 Aural bat Batlogger during pipistrellus Effingham 10 In flight 16-May-16 detector car survey There were a few small medium sized bat droppings in one small loft. I excluded BLe and they are not pip droppings, I Dogkennel strongly suspect Green, TQ1175 Dung, droppings they may be Myotis sp. Ranmore 06 Present 01-Dec-09 or frass whiskered.

22 Harp Pipistrellus TQ1485 Trap/Acoustic pipistrellus Wood 13 1f 27-May-16 Lure Harp Pipistrellus TQ1485 Trap/Acoustic pipistrellus Dorking Wood 13 1f 08-Aug-16 Lure Harp Plecotus TQ1485 Trap/Acoustic auritus Dorking Wood 13 1f 27-May-16 Lure Harp Plecotus TQ1485 Trap/Acoustic auritus Dorking Wood 13 1m 08-Aug-16 Lure Down Farm, Myotis Downside, TQ1167 Dung, droppings 50 plus nattereri Cobham 358140 Present 25-Jul-10 or frass droppings found At leat another 10 fresh droppings found since visit on 25/7, but most the contents had been re-arrnged so these Down Farm, droppings may Myotis Downside, TQ1167 Dung, droppings have been from nattereri Cobham 358140 Present 15-Aug-10 or frass a shorter period. Recorded flying Down Farm, over during Nyctalus Downside, TQ1167 Field record / emergence noctula Cobham 358140 In flight 04-Oct-12 observation survey Plenty of activity but no bats seen to emerge from barn. (Not sure how many surveyors were used, where Down Farm, they were Pipistrellus Downside, TQ1167 Aural bat located or time pipistrellus Cobham 358140 In flight 16-Jun-10 detector survey ended). Plenty of activity but again none emerged from barn but details Down Farm, of survey not Pipistrellus Downside, TQ1167 Aural bat provided in pipistrellus Cobham 358140 In flight 13-Jul-10 detector report. At least 3 bats emerged, but survey Down Farm, ambiguous and Pipistrellus Downside, TQ1167 Aural bat more could have pipistrellus Cobham 358140 2 25-Jul-10 detector emerged. At least two bats emerged, but again survey report is ambiguous. One of these bats Down Farm, may have been Pipistrellus Downside, TQ1167 Aural bat a different pipistrellus Cobham 358140 2 15-Aug-10 detector species as no

23 echolocation was recorded. Recorded flying Down Farm, over during Pipistrellus Downside, TQ1167 Field record / emergence pipistrellus Cobham 358140 In flight 30-Sep-12 observation survey Down Farm, Emerged from Pipistrellus Downside, TQ1167 Field record / underneath roof pipistrellus Cobham 358140 1 04-Oct-12 observation tile. Recorded flying Down Farm, over during Pipistrellus Downside, TQ1167 Field record / emergence pipistrellus Cobham 358140 In flight 08-Oct-12 observation survey Down Farm, 18 recent Plecotus Downside, TQ1167 Dung, droppings droppings found sp. Cobham 358140 Present 27-Sep-12 or frass throughout barn. Recorded on Pipistrellus Downside Rd, TQ1075 Aural bat Batlogger during pipistrellus Cobham 81 In flight 16-May-16 detector car survey Recorded on Pipistrellus Downside Rd, TQ1085 Aural bat Batlogger during pipistrellus Cobham 88 In flight 16-May-16 detector car survey Exclusion was being sought due to noise in Pipistrellus Dunley Hill, TQ1025 Field record / room, roost in sp. Ranmore 02 30 09-Jul-98 observation wall. Count made by owner - more bats remained at conclusion of count. Cavity wall insulation Durleston Park required. Owner Eptesicus Drive, TQ1415 Dung, droppings will participate in serotinus Bookham 50 20 28-Jun-07 or frass NBMP. Eastwick Cat victim via Pipistrellus Drive, TQ1375 Wildlife Aid pygmaeus Bookham 55 1 01-Oct-15 In hand Leatherhead Eastwick Volant young Pipistrellus Drive, TQ1385 returned to pygmaeus Bookham 52 1 10-Jul-08 In hand roost, daytime. Roost situated under roof slates, with access via gable apex.Owners are worried about smell and droppings, have Eastwick counted over 50 Pipistrellus Road, Great TQ1385 Dung, droppings bats. NCC to sp. Bookham 47 Present 05-Aug-98 or frass advise Accurate count not made, main concern non- Pipistrellus Elm Corner, TQ0745 Field record / flying babies in pipistrellus Ockham 79 50 30-Jun-02 observation living area. Roost in roof Elm Corner, apex, quantities Vespertilion Ockham, TQ0755 Dung, droppings of droppings idae sp. Surrey 79 Present 03-Apr-95 or frass below whole

24 length of ridge beams. Bats roosting here for at least 12 years. Owner seems to have become more anti-bat over the years, urine and droppings a problem, seeking exclusion. Advice suggesting a partition for roof space and illiminating other entry points. Owner claims to have seen bats in loft space. No bats found on visit only mice. Possible roost site situated between tiles and lining board. Owner wants to do loft conversion.NCC advised work to proceed with caution, and to Vespertilion Forest Road, TQ0975 Field record / halt if bats are idae sp. East Horley 50 Present 23-Apr-88 observation discovered. Roost found,type not known. Timber treatment required.NCC sent advice Vespertilion Forest Road, TQ0975 Field record / regarding idae sp. East Horsley 48 Present 29-Sep-88 observation treatment. Small soprano roost. Part of building being converted from single to double storey but compensation being provided Pipistrellus Fredley Park, TQ1695 Field record / in modified pygmaeus Mickleham 26 17 26-Aug-15 observation structure. Great Wix Wood, Eptesicus Hatchlands TQ0708 Flight serotinus Park 5242 1m 03-Aug-13 interception trap Great Wix Wood, Myotis Hatchlands TQ0708 Flight ID confirmed by alcathoe Park 5242 1f 03-Aug-13 interception trap DNA.

25 Great Wix Wood, Myotis Hatchlands TQ0708 Flight daubentonii Park 5242 1m 03-Aug-13 interception trap Great Wix Wood, Myotis Hatchlands TQ0708 Flight nattereri Park 5242 1f 03-Aug-13 interception trap Great Wix Wood, Plecotus Hatchlands TQ0708 Flight auritus Park 5242 1f 03-Aug-13 interception trap Great Wix Wood, A couple of Eptesicus Hatchlands TQ0713 Aural bat passes recorded serotinus Park 5242 In flight 02-Aug-08 detector in TE. Great Wix Wood, Myotis Hatchlands TQ0713 mystacinus Park 5242 1 02-Aug-08 Unspecified trap Juvenile female Great Wix Both female, Wood, one non Myotis Hatchlands TQ0713 breeding the nattereri Park 5242 2 02-Aug-08 Unspecified trap other lactating. Great Wix Wood, Myotis Hatchlands TQ0713 Flight Both bats were nattereri Park 5242 2f 26-Jun-09 interception trap lactating. Great Wix Wood, Nyctalus Hatchlands TQ0713 Adult male - noctula Park 5242 1 02-Aug-08 Unspecified trap very cross! Great Wix Wood, Passes heard Pipistrellus Hatchlands TQ0713 Aural bat throughout pipistrellus Park 5242 In flight 02-Aug-08 detector survey Great Wix Adult male not Wood, obviously in Pipistrellus Hatchlands TQ0713 breeding pygmaeus Park 5242 1 02-Aug-08 Unspecified trap condition. 3 females, one lactating two non breeding and 2 males one Great Wix of which was Wood, coming into Plecotus Hatchlands TQ0713 breeding auritus Park 5242 5 02-Aug-08 Unspecified trap condition. Great Wix Wood, Caught during Nyctalus Hatchlands TQ0721 Flight woodland bat noctula Park 5254 1m 03-Aug-13 interception trap survey. Great Wix Wood, Caught during Plecotus Hatchlands TQ0721 Flight woodland bat auritus Park 5254 2m 03-Aug-13 interception trap survey. Plecotus Green Dene, E TQ0945 Dung, droppings Small amount of auritus Horsley 11 Present 14-Oct-08 or frass droppings only. Male, died Pipistrellus Green Dene, TQ1015 29/8/07. Sent to pipistrellus East Horsley 21 1 26-Aug-07 In hand VLA

26 Single noctule pass in garden 35 min after sunset (confirmed from FD recording), during emergence survey Green Way, conducted Nyctalus Great TQ1375 Aural bat following roost noctula Bookham 57 In flight 11-May-08 detector inspection. Several bats foraging in garden during emergence survey conducted following roost inspection. First one detected 24 min after sunset. Green Way, Species Pipistrellus Great TQ1375 Aural bat confirmed from pipistrellus Bookham 57 In flight 11-May-08 detector FD recording. Emergence survey conducted following loft inspection to 45 mins after sunset - no bats seen emerging, Green Way, supporting Plecotus Great TQ1375 Dung, droppings likelihood of sp. Bookham 57 Present 11-May-08 or frass long-eared sp. Request to visit Pipistrellus Greenway, TQ1375 Aural bat by interested pipistrellus Bookham 57 11 08-Jul-11 detector owners. Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / nattereri house 83 1 11-Jan-03 observation Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / nattereri house 83 1 06-Jan-07 observation Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / Temperature 11 nattereri house 83 1 24-Feb-07 observation C. Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / nattereri house 83 2 23-Dec-07 observation Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / 9 degrees - very nattereri house 83 1 19-Jan-08 observation mild. Very cold day, Hatchford sub zero outside Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / but still 5C nattereri house 83 3 10-Jan-09 observation inside. Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / nattereri house 83 3 14-Feb-09 observation

27 Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / nattereri house 83 6 19-Dec-09 observation Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / nattereri house 83 4 09-Jan-10 observation Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / Temp 6.5 nattereri house 83 2 13-Feb-10 observation degrees Bitterly cold with Hatchford snow still laying Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / after late Nov nattereri house 83 6 05-Dec-10 observation snowfall. Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / nattereri house 83 5 08-Jan-11 observation Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / nattereri house 83 2 05-Feb-11 observation Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / nattereri house 83 4 04-Feb-12 observation All in bricks Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / In main dome nattereri house 83 1 25-Jan-14 observation slot. 8.9 C. Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / nattereri house 83 1 07-Feb-15 observation Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / Temperature nattereri house 83 2 19-Jan-16 observation 4.5C Hatchford Myotis Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / nattereri house 83 2 18-Feb-16 observation Bat in hole on left hand side of chamber, Hatchford probably Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / another Myotis sp. house 83 1 10-Jan-09 observation Natterer's Hatchford Plecotus Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / auritus house 83 2 Mar-98 observation Hatchford Plecotus Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / auritus house 83 1 20-Feb-99 observation Hatchford Plecotus Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / auritus house 83 2 21-Jan-01 observation Hatchford Plecotus Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / auritus house 83 1 06-Jan-07 observation Hatchford Plecotus Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / auritus house 83 1 09-Jan-10 observation Bitterly cold with snow still laying after late Nov snowfall. Bat Hatchford was hanging Plecotus Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / from ceiling of auritus house 83 1 05-Dec-10 observation dome.

28 Hatchford Plecotus Woods ice- TQ0905 Field record / auritus house 83 1 08-Jan-11 observation No evidence of roost found but a few isolated droppings were found consistant with Long-Eared Bats. A bat was seen by owner on 13-01-98 and owner not to happy with resident. NCC advised that as bat couldn't be Plecotus Heathway, TQ0995 Dung, droppings located it had sp. East Horsley 52 Present 14-Jan-98 or frass probably left. Male - long term Myotis High Street, TQ1654 captive unable mystacinus Dorking 94 1 03-Nov-03 In hand to fly. Found low on churchyard wall, Plecotus High Street, TQ1654 OK when auritus Dorking 95 1 12-Sep-99 7. On wall released Recorded flying Pipistrellus Hilley Field TQ1425 Aural bat over during pipistrellus Lane, Fetcham 64 In flight Jun-16 detector survey Two droppings found on floor of Vespertilion Hogden Lane, TQ1265 Dung, droppings old farm idae sp. Ranmore 07 Present 21-Apr-99 or frass building. Internal inspection. Droppings found in loft. DNA analysis confirmed Brown long- Hogden Lane, eared bat. Plecotus Ranmore TQ1245 Dung, droppings Roost of small auritus Common 07 Present 08-Feb-13 or frass number of bats. Quantity approximate. Roost had moved from dormer window to under roof tiles but Pipistrellus Hole Hill, TQ1364 Field record / exclusion advice pipistrellus Westcott 92 40 27-Jul-04 observation required. Noted flying in Hole Hill, vicinity of Eptesicus Westcott, TQ1364 Field record / building during serotinus Dorking 98 In flight 16-Aug-04 observation EN visit. Noted flying in Hole Hill, vicinity of Nyctalus Westcott, TQ1364 Field record / building during noctula Dorking 98 In flight 16-Aug-04 observation EN visit.

29 Noted flying in Hole Hill, vicinity of Pipistrellus Westcott, TQ1364 Field record / building during pipistrellus Dorking 98 In flight 16-Aug-04 observation EN visit. Minor remedial Hole Hill, building work Pipistrellus Westcott, TQ1364 Field record / about to take pygmaeus Dorking 98 2 16-Aug-04 observation place. Honeysuckle Young in and Pipistrellus Bottom, East TQ0945 Aural bat out of roost at pipistrellus Horsley 03 6 26-Jul-07 detector 20.35 Roost under slates(?). No bats seen, droppings consistent with pips. Not noticed in previous 15 years, owners counted 35 emerging 19/07/1999. Owners now Pipistrellus Hooke Road, TQ0985 Dung, droppings tolerant of bats, sp. East Horsley 48 Present 23-Jul-99 or frass no action. Recorded on Pipistrellus Horsley Rd, TQ1025 Aural bat Batlogger during pipistrellus East Horsley 61 In flight 16-May-16 detector car survey Recorded on Pipistrellus Horsley Rd, TQ1035 Aural bat Batlogger during pipistrellus East Horsley 64 In flight 16-May-16 detector car survey Loft only recently opened up and contains significant accumulation of Plecotus Horsley Road , TQ1045 Dung, droppings droppings.EN 2- auritus Cobham 67 Present 15-Apr-91 or frass 91 Recorded on Pipistrellus Horsley Road, TQ1065 Aural bat Batlogger during pipistrellus Downside 78 In flight 16-May-16 detector car survey Recorded on Pipistrellus Howard Rd, TQ1025 Aural bat Batlogger during pipistrellus East Horsley 59 In flight 16-May-16 detector car survey Aerial installer spotted droppings. No Howard Road, bats at time of Great visit, possible Pipistrellus Bookham, TQ1335 Dung, droppings exclusion. sp. Surrey 41 Present 09-Aug-93 or frass EN93-17 Landbarn Unproductive Pipistrellus Farm, TQ1374 Aural bat NT bat walk in pipistrellus Westcott 98 2 18-May-12 detector cold weather. Bat had hole in tail membrane and open cut on right forearm. Pipistrellus Levett Road, TQ1698 Released pipistrellus Leatherhead 5718 1m 28-Sep-10 In hand 30/10/10.

30 This roost Plecotus TQ1235 Field record / probably lost to auritus Common 56 6 27-Aug-99 observation conversion Little Bookham Flew overhead Nyctalus Road, TQ1265 Aural bat during 45kHz noctula Bookham 45 1 23-Jun-08 detector pip roost visit. Mainly old droppings, not large numbers considering age of property Little Bookham (1550). Timber Plecotus Street, TQ1265 Dung, droppings treatment and sp. Bookham 45 Present 20-Dec-09 or frass loft insulation. 2 babies found in living area, Little Bookham returned to Pipistrellus Street, TQ1265 Aural bat accessible roost pipistrellus Bookham 46 12 23-Jun-08 detector entrance. Little Bookham Recorded flying Nyctalus Street, Little TQ1255 Aural bat over during noctula Bookham 45 In flight Jun-15 detector surveys. Few dozen scattered droppings under and behind hanging tiles (no bats seen using these). Many thousands in cavity of gable, access point Little Bookham between gable Pipistrellus Street, Little TQ1255 Field record / and soffits to pipistrellus Bookham 45 23 Jun-15 observation bargeboards. Little Bookham Recorded flying Pipistrellus Street, Little TQ1255 Aural bat over during pygmaeus Bookham 45 In flight Jun-15 detector surveys. Suspect dozens had been Little Bookham present and a Pipistrellus Street, Little TQ1255 Dung, droppings probable sp. Bookham 45 Present Nov-14 or frass maternity roost. Little Bookham Recorded flying Plecotus Street, Little TQ1255 Aural bat over during sp. Bookham 45 In flight Jun-15 detector surveys. Little Wix Wood, Pipistrellus Hatchlands TQ0733 Two females pipistrellus Park 5244 3 02-Aug-08 Unspecified trap and one male Little Wix Wood, Pipistrellus Hatchlands TQ0733 Flight pipistrellus Park 5244 2f 26-Jun-09 interception trap Little Wix Wood, Single male in Pipistrellus Hatchlands TQ0733 breeding pygmaeus Park 5244 1 02-Aug-08 Unspecified trap condition. Little Wix Wood, Pipistrellus Hatchlands TQ0733 Flight pygmaeus Park 5244 1m 26-Jun-09 interception trap

31 Little Wix Wood, Plecotus Hatchlands TQ0733 Flight auritus Park 5244 3m 26-Jun-09 interception trap Pipistrellus Lynx Hill, East TQ0965 pipistrellus Horsley 34 1 07-Oct-14 In hand Single bat found during installation of Plecotus Manor Close, TQ0925 Field record / insulation. Only auritus East Horsley 31 1 18-Aug-09 observation a few droppings. Meadowbank Recreation Myotis Ground, TQ1664 Aural bat Bat walk for daubentonii Dorking 97 In flight 23-Sep-15 detector local scouts. Meadowbank Recreation Pipistrellus Ground, TQ1664 Aural bat Bat walk for pipistrellus Dorking 97 In flight 23-Sep-15 detector local scouts. Meadowbank Recreation Pipistrellus Ground, TQ1664 Aural bat Bat walk for pygmaeus Dorking 97 In flight 23-Sep-15 detector local scouts. Mount Very small Pipistrellus Pleasant, TQ0795 Dung, droppings number of sp. West Horsley 27 Present 29-Oct-05 or frass droppings in loft. Cat victim via Pipistrellus Murrells Walk, TQ1355 Wildlife Aid, pipistrellus Bookham 55 1 13-Sep-15 In hand Leatherhead Nightingale Plecotus Avenue, West TQ0875 Dung, droppings Owner had seen auritus Horsley 49 Present 09-Dec-06 or frass a single bat. Nightingale Nyctalus Crescent, TQ0885 Aural bat Over fields noctula West Horsley 51 2 27-May-94 detector behind houses Page 95 - two Vespertilion Estate, TQ1535 Reported to bats seen flying idae sp. Leatherhead 37 2 29-Jan-92 recorder off by builders. Droppings found in Well House. (Note well, which is not in use, is reported Vespertilion Norbury Park TQ1026 Dung, droppings as being 120m idae sp. House 5089 Present 21-Jan-13 or frass deep). Recorded flying over Mole Myotis Norbury Park, TQ1655 Aural bat during bat group daubentonii R. Mole 43 In flight 12-May-12 detector event. Recorded flying over Mole Pipistrellus Norbury Park, TQ1655 Aural bat during bat group pipistrellus R. Mole 43 In flight 12-May-12 detector event. Recorded flying over Mole Pipistrellus Norbury Park, TQ1655 Aural bat during bat group pygmaeus R. Mole 43 In flight 12-May-12 detector event. Norbury, Eptesicus Norbury Park TQ1645 Aural bat serotinus Farm 49 In flight 16-Jun-12 detector

32 Recorded flying Norbury, over Mole Myotis Norbury Park TQ1645 Aural bat during bat group daubentonii Farm 49 In flight 12-May-12 detector event. Norbury, Myotis Norbury Park TQ1645 Aural bat daubentonii Farm 49 In flight 16-Jun-12 detector Norbury, Nyctalus Norbury Park TQ1645 Aural bat noctula Farm 49 In flight 16-Jun-12 detector Recorded flying Norbury, over Mole Pipistrellus Norbury Park TQ1645 Aural bat during bat group pipistrellus Farm 49 In flight 12-May-12 detector event. Norbury, Recorded Pipistrellus Norbury Park TQ1645 Aural bat occasionally pipistrellus Farm 49 In flight 16-Jun-12 detector over . Recorded flying Norbury, over Mole Pipistrellus Norbury Park TQ1645 Aural bat during bat group pygmaeus Farm 49 In flight 12-May-12 detector event. Intense activity over River Mole. Probable roost in oak or ash tree (the two are very close together) on Norbury, east bank of Pipistrellus Norbury Park TQ1645 Aural bat river at pygmaeus Farm 49 In flight 16-Jun-12 detector TQ1642255063. Few droppings under roost Northcote position, owner Plecotus Crescent, TQ0835 Field record / seeking auritus West Horsley 48 1 28-Sep-96 observation exclusion Northcote Plecotus Crescent, TQ0835 Field record / auritus West Horsley 5476 1 13-Dec-14 observation Northcote Road, West Bat seen in loft Vespertilion Horsley, TQ0835 Reported to but had gone by idae sp. Surrey 46 Present 26-Jan-03 recorder the time of visit. Norwood Badly injured Pipistrellus Close, TQ1225 lactating female, pipistrellus Effingham 32 1 26-Jun-09 In hand euthanased. Pipistrellus Nutcombe TQ1584 Dung, droppings sp. Lane, Dorking 95 Present 11-Feb-15 or frass Male, no apparent injury, Plecotus Oak Road, TQ1625 died after some auritus Leatherhead 80 1 05-Sep-11 In hand weeks in care. Bat found in lounge of this building used to treat sufferers of post traumatic stress disorder. Finder was Oaklawn bitten and sent Plecotus Road, TQ1545 for post auritus Leatherhead 88 1 24-Aug-11 In hand exposure

33 treatment. Bat in good condition and released on site that evening. Ockham Common Nyctalus (SWTCS) - Bat TQ0765 noctula Box Scheme 83 1 18-Aug-07 Bat Box Check 1f @ Box 004. 1 @ Box 001, 1 @ Box 002, 1 @ Box 003, 2 @ Box 007a, 1 @ Ockham Box 012, 1 @ Common Box 013, 3 @ Pipistrellus (SWTCS) - Bat TQ0765 Box 014, 1 @ pygmaeus Box Scheme 83 11 27-Mar-04 Bat Box Check Box 016. 1m3f @ Box 002, 2 @ Box Ockham 004, 13 @ Box Common 011, 4 @ Box Pipistrellus (SWTCS) - Bat TQ0765 013, 1 @ Box pygmaeus Box Scheme 83 23 09-Sep-04 Bat Box Check 014. 1m2f @ Box 004, 11 @ Box 011, 1 @ Box Ockham 012, 1 @ Box Common 013, 1 @ Box Pipistrellus (SWTCS) - Bat TQ0765 014, 2 @ Box pygmaeus Box Scheme 83 19 02-Sep-06 Bat Box Check 016. 3 @ Box 003a, 2 @ Box 005, 1 Ockham @ Box 006b, 1 Common @ Box 007b, 1 Pipistrellus (SWTCS) - Bat TQ0765 @ Box 008, 6 @ pygmaeus Box Scheme 83 14 18-Aug-07 Bat Box Check Box 011. 1m2f @ Box 011, 2 @ Box Ockham 013. Area Common subject to scrub Pipistrellus (SWTCS) - Bat TQ0765 clearance during pygmaeus Box Scheme 83 5 01-Oct-08 Bat Box Check 2008. 2 @ Box 004, 2 Ockham @ Box 005, 1 @ Common Box 007b, 4 @ Pipistrellus (SWTCS) - Bat TQ0765 Box 010, 2 @ pygmaeus Box Scheme 83 11 01-Aug-15 Bat Box Check Box 012. 1f @ Box 003b, 1m7f @ Box 004, 3 @ Box 006a, 1 @ Box Ockham 006b, 4 @ Box Common 007b, 1 @ Box Pipistrellus (SWTCS) - Bat TQ0765 009, 3 @ Box pygmaeus Box Scheme 83 21 13-Aug-16 Bat Box Check 013. Ockham Common Pipistrellus (SWTCS) - Bat TQ0765 1 @ Box 005, 1 sp. Box Scheme 83 2 11-Jun-02 Bat Box Check @ Box 009. Pipistrellus Ockham TQ0765 1 @ Box 003a, sp. Common 83 6 20-Apr-03 Bat Box Check 1 @ Box 005, 3

34 (SWTCS) - Bat @ Box 007a, 1 Box Scheme @ Box 012. Ockham Common Pipistrellus (SWTCS) - Bat TQ0765 sp. Box Scheme 83 1 27-Mar-04 Bat Box Check 1 @ Box 012. Ockham Common Pipistrellus (SWTCS) - Bat TQ0765 sp. Box Scheme 83 2 09-Sep-04 Bat Box Check 2 @ Box 006b. Survey carried out for Focus Ockham Lane, Design, John Eptesicus Cobham, TQ0925 Field record / Lovelock,0181 serotinus Surrey 81 1 11-Jul-98 observation 941 6622. Found on ground outside house. No obvious injury. Pipistrellus Ockham Lane, TQ0715 Released pygmaeus Ockham 66 1f 09-May-15 In hand 28/05/15. Ockham Rd Pipistrellus North, East TQ0915 Via Wildlife Aid, pipistrellus Horsley 47 1 20-Jul-11 In hand Leatherhead. Invitation by Pipistrellus Ockham Road, TQ0915 Aural bat interested pipistrellus East Horsley 47 123 18-Jul-14 detector owner. Recorded on SM2 located at TQ07777 58308 Myotis Ockham, TQ0765 Aural bat running from daubentonii Bolder Mere 83 In flight 18-May-14 detector 18/5 to 22/5. Recorded flying Myotis Ockham, TQ0765 Aural bat over during daubentonii Bolder Mere 83 In flight 08-Sep-14 detector survey. Recorded on SM2 located at TQ07777 58308 Nyctalus Ockham, TQ0765 Aural bat running from noctula Bolder Mere 83 In flight 18-May-14 detector 18/5 to 22/5. Recorded flying Nyctalus Ockham, TQ0765 Aural bat over during noctula Bolder Mere 83 In flight 18-Aug-14 detector survey. Nyctalus Ockham, TQ0765 Flight Non breeding noctula Bolder Mere 83 1m 08-Sep-14 interception trap male Recorded on SM2 located at TQ07777 58308 Pipistrellus Ockham, TQ0765 Aural bat running from nathusii Bolder Mere 83 In flight 18-May-14 detector 18/5 to 22/5. Recorded flying over during Pipistrellus Ockham, TQ0765 Aural bat survey. Single nathusii Bolder Mere 83 In flight 08-Sep-14 detector pass. Recorded on SM2 located at TQ07777 58308 Pipistrellus Ockham, TQ0765 Aural bat running from pipistrellus Bolder Mere 83 In flight 18-May-14 detector 18/5 to 22/5. Pipistrellus Ockham, TQ0765 Flight pipistrellus Bolder Mere 83 3f 18-Aug-14 interception trap

35 Recorded flying Pipistrellus Ockham, TQ0765 Aural bat over during pipistrellus Bolder Mere 83 In flight 08-Sep-14 detector survey. Recorded flying Pipistrellus Ockham, TQ0765 Aural bat over during pipistrellus Bolder Mere 83 In flight 08-Sep-14 detector survey. Recorded on SM2 located at TQ07777 58308 Pipistrellus Ockham, TQ0765 Aural bat running from pygmaeus Bolder Mere 83 In flight 18-May-14 detector 18/5 to 22/5. Pipistrellus Ockham, TQ0765 Flight 6 males and 2 pygmaeus Bolder Mere 83 8 18-Aug-14 interception trap females Plecotus Ockham, TQ0765 Flight auritus Bolder Mere 83 1f 18-Aug-14 interception trap Post lac female. Loft searched Plecotus Old Lane, TQ0855 Field record / prebuilding auritus Cobham 78 2 08-Jan-98 observation work, bats found 2 bats found between rafter and the chimeny brickwork. Roost is situated in ridge beam, access point not known. Timber treatment needed, owner of ajoining property horrified at bat presence. NCC advised that bats looked to Plecotus Old Lane, TQ0835 Dung, droppings be present year sp. Ockham 78 2 09-Feb-98 or frass round. Bats cou Recorded flying Eptesicus Old Lane, TQ0922 Aural bat over during serotinus Ockham 5715 In flight Jun-15 detector survey Recorded flying Nyctalus Old Lane, TQ0922 Aural bat over during noctula Ockham 5715 In flight Jun-15 detector survey Recorded flying Pipistrellus Old Lane, TQ0922 Aural bat over during pipistrellus Ockham 5715 In flight Jun-15 detector survey Recorded flying Pipistrellus Old Lane, TQ0922 Aural bat over during pygmaeus Ockham 5715 In flight Jun-15 detector survey Feeding roost in Plecotus Old Lane, TQ0922 Dung, droppings lean-to section auritus Ockham 5715 Present Jun-15 or frass of greenhouse Timber treatment/droppi ngs problem. BLE dropping found in 2 loft spaces, denser in E. end. Advise that as Old Lane, owner wishes to Plecotus Ockham, TQ0825 Dung, droppings use W. end of auritus Cobham 78 Present 05-Nov-99 or frass loft to leave light

36 on to diisuade bats. Page 47. Probable roost under gable apex last Pipistrellus Orestan Lane, TQ1085 Field record / summer - sp. Effingham 35 1 23-Jan-97 observation exclusion. Plecotus Oreton Lane, TQ1125 Dung, droppings auritus Effingham 37 Present 01-Sep-05 or frass Owner known to have large bat roost. It has increased in size this summer, now Oxshott Mead, wants exclusion. Vespertilion Leatherhead TQ1635 Field record / NCC advised on idae sp. Road, Oxshott 87 Present 22-Feb-88 observation exclusion. Bat bought in by cat with degloving injury to right leg and tear to right wing. Given anti biotics and Pipistrellus Parkway, TQ1634 released in early pipistrellus Dorking 98 1m 06-May-16 In hand June. Pebble Hill Male, via Pipistrellus Farm Cottage, TQ0845 Wildlife Aid, pipistrellus West Horsley 07 1 20-May-14 In hand released 6/6/14 Small cluster of Plecotus Pilgrims Way, TQ1674 Dung, droppings droppings in SE sp. Westhumble 5159 Present 20-Jan-16 or frass corner of loft. Small number of droppings and Plecotus Pincott Lane, TQ0771 Dung, droppings moth wings in auritus West Horsley 5302 Present 08-Nov-16 or frass barn. Roof replacement in April. Plans to Eptesicus Polesden TQ1365 Dung, droppings improve the serotinus Lacey 22 Present 25-Jan-01 or frass roost Bat seen in Eptesicus Polesden TQ1365 roost during NT serotinus Lacey 22 1 09-Jun-04 At rest training day Well known roost site. 28 present in early 1980s, 1 or 2 from 1994 onwards - Frank Eptesicus Polesden TQ1365 Aural bat Greenaway, serotinus Lacey 22 2 13-Jun-04 detector pers comm. Proposed redecorations. Known serotine roost. Advise reschedule work for Aug/Sep., Eptesicus Polesden TQ1365 Field record / ensure bat exit serotinus Lacey 22 Present 11-Jan-05 observation kept free.

37 Eptesicus Polesden TQ1365 Aural bat Down to 1 bat serotinus Lacey 22 1 07-Jun-06 detector this year! Seen in loft on NE visit re wasp Eptesicus Polesden TQ1365 Daytime nest treatment serotinus Lacey 22 1 07-Aug-07 observation (not near roost) Eptesicus Polesden TQ1365 Field 1 still hanging serotinus Lacey 22 1 11-Jun-08 observation on. Polesden TQ1365 Aural bat 1 pass over Myotis sp. Lacey 22 In flight 09-Jun-04 detector drive area Pipistrellus Polesden TQ1365 Aural bat 5 passes over pipistrellus Lacey 22 In flight 09-Jun-04 detector drive area Emergerged Pipistrellus Polesden TQ1365 Aural bat from N side of pipistrellus Lacey 22 1 07-Jun-06 detector NE wing. Pipistrellus Polesden TQ1365 Aural bat Emerged from N pipistrellus Lacey 22 3 21-Jun-06 detector side of NE wing. Pipistrellus Polesden TQ1365 Aural bat 1 pass over pygmaeus Lacey 22 In flight 09-Jun-04 detector drive area Roof replacement in April. Plans to Plecotus Polesden TQ1365 Dung, droppings improve the auritus Lacey 22 Present 25-Jan-01 or frass roost Plecotus Polesden TQ1365 Aural bat 1 pass over auritus Lacey 22 In flight 09-Jun-04 detector drive area Polesden Plecotus Lacey, nissen TQ1388 Field record / Hanging from auritus hut 5209 1 10-Jan-15 observation lateral beam Polesden Plecotus Lacey, theatre TQ1390 Field record / Hanging from auritus dressing room 5209 1 10-Jan-15 observation ceiling Noise a problem, possible exclusion. Rookery Regular use Pipistrellus Close, TQ1525 Field record / over past 22 pygmaeus Fetcham 53 Present 13-Aug-97 observation years. EN97-04 Row Barns Flew strongly Pipistrellus Way, East TQ0985 when released 2 pipistrellus Horsley 24 1 09-Jul-11 In hand days later. Had concerns about droppings and damage to Pipistrellus Sayers Close, TQ1435 Field record / roof, but soon pygmaeus Fetcham 55 44 20-Aug-07 observation won over. Adult male found in kitchen sink. Released same evening and flew off strongly circling Sole Farm the garden Pipistrellus Road, TQ1285 several times pipistrellus Bookham 49 1 16-Jun-07 Housebound bat whilst hunting. Entered office, Plecotus South Street, TQ1644 released outside auritus Dorking 91 1 04-Apr-07 In hand at dusk. Plecotus South Street, TQ1644 Non flying, no auritus Dorking 92 1 30-Jul-07 In hand teeth, found in

38 car park, died after a few days. Bought in by cat 19 May and taken to Wildlife Aid. Poor condition with Pipistrellus St Paul's Road TQ1684 possible wrist pipistrellus East, Dorking 91 1f 25-May-12 In hand injury. St Teresa's Pipistrellus School, TQ1175 Via Wildlife Aid, pipistrellus Effingham 32 1 14-Jul-11 In hand Leatherhead. Recorded flying over during Nyctalus St. Pauls Road TQ1693 Aural bat emergence noctula East, Dorking 4915 In flight 05-Jul-16 detector survey Pipistrellus St. Pauls Road TQ1693 Field record / Emerged from pipistrellus East, Dorking 4915 7 05-Jul-16 observation NE elevation From under guttering to NE and SE, roof tiles to NE and Pipistrellus St. Pauls Road TQ1693 Field record / hanging tiles to pipistrellus East, Dorking 4915 4 19-Jul-16 observation west. Recorded flying over during Plecotus St. Pauls Road TQ1693 Aural bat emergence auritus East, Dorking 4915 In flight 19-Jul-16 detector survey Scattering of bat droppings found beneath ridge, had been more Surrey during summer Gardens, months.Owners Plecotus Effingham TQ1005 Dung, droppings just needed auritus Junction 62 Present 01-Nov-98 or frass reassuring. Owner rang CAE July 2000 to report that cat Surrey had caught a Gardens, BLE. Not added Plecotus Effingham TQ1005 Reported to to RVRF dated auritus Junction 62 1 Jul-00 recorder 1/11/98. Renamed house - formerly Surrey Coveham, Gardens, visited by Plecotus Effingham TQ1005 Dung, droppings Charlotte Evans, auritus Junction 62 Present 14-Jul-07 or frass 1/11/98 Swanworth Page 48. Old Lane, Norbury droppings - Plecotus Park, TQ1625 Dung, droppings timber auritus Mickleham 30 Present 06-Mar-97 or frass treatment. Caught in harp trap using AT100 playing Eptesicus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight custom loop of serotinus Leatherhead 83 1 13-Jul-14 interception trap calls. Caught in harp Myotis Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight trap at bechsteinii Leatherhead 83 1m 05-Oct-14 interception trap TQ1569658450

39 Caught in harp Myotis Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight trap at daubentonii Leatherhead 83 1f 05-Oct-14 interception trap TQ1573358306 Myotis Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight One male and daubentonii Leatherhead 83 2 10-May-15 interception trap one female Lactating female Myotis Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight in harp trap at daubentonii Leatherhead 83 1f 18-Jul-15 interception trap TQ1569658450. Post lactating female caught in harp trap. ID Myotis Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight confirmed by mystacinus Leatherhead 83 1f 13-Jul-14 interception trap DNA analysis. One lactating the other a parous non- breeder. Both caught near Myotis Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight same spot as mystacinus Leatherhead 83 2f 18-Jul-15 interception trap 2014. Caught in harp Myotis Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight trap at nattereri Leatherhead 83 1f 05-Oct-14 interception trap TQ1569658450 Recorded on SM2 running from 8/6 to 24/6. Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Aural bat Only a few Myotis sp. Leatherhead 83 In flight 15-Jun-14 detector records. Recorded on Nyctalus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Aural bat SM2 running noctula Leatherhead 83 In flight 15-Jun-14 detector from 8/6 to 24/6. Recorded on Pipistrellus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Aural bat SM2 running pipistrellus Leatherhead 83 In flight 15-Jun-14 detector from 8/6 to 24/6. Adult bat caught in mist net, Pipistrellus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight juvenile in harp pipistrellus Leatherhead 83 2m 13-Jul-14 interception trap trap. Pipistrellus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight 3 females, 2 pipistrellus Leatherhead 83 5 24-Aug-14 interception trap males Caught in harp Pipistrellus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight trap at pipistrellus Leatherhead 83 1m 05-Oct-14 interception trap TQ1569658450 Pipistrellus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight Four females pipistrellus Leatherhead 83 5 10-May-15 interception trap and one male. All but one were juveniles. 7 Pipistrellus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight females and 4 pipistrellus Leatherhead 83 12 18-Jul-15 interception trap males. Pipistrellus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 In trap 2, pipistrellus Leatherhead 83 1m 15-Aug-15 Harp Trap TQ15735 58309 Recorded on Pipistrellus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Aural bat SM2 running pygmaeus Leatherhead 83 In flight 15-Jun-14 detector from 8/6 to 24/6. Pipistrellus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight pygmaeus Leatherhead 83 1m 24-Aug-14 interception trap Pipistrellus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight One male and pygmaeus Leatherhead 83 2 10-May-15 interception trap one female Pipistrellus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 In trap 2, pygmaeus Leatherhead 83 1m 15-Aug-15 Harp Trap TQ15735 58309

40 Caught in mist Plecotus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight net with lure auritus Leatherhead 83 1m 13-Jul-14 interception trap playing Mn. Plecotus Teazle Wood, TQ1585 Flight 3 females and 1 auritus Leatherhead 83 4 24-Aug-14 interception trap male Bats in loft and Teazlewood droppings on Pipistrellus Park, TQ1615 Field record / motorbikes - EN pipistrellus Leatherhead 85 Present 02-Jul-03 observation exclusion Repeat of exclusion Teazlewood advice, no new Pipistrellus Park, TQ1625 Field record / visit?. Was sp. Leatherhead 85 Present 01-Jul-04 observation maternity roost. The Berkeleys, Pipistrellus Fetcham, TQ1545 Dung, droppings No action pygmaeus Leatherhead 53 Present 19-Jun-01 or frass needed Householder discovered bats. Some droppings inside roof space, few below entrance in gable under soffit. Not noticed before. Neighbour saw 30 bats leaving roost. Idea that it might be a nursery colony seems to appeal to owners. Reasonably Pipistrellus The Birches, TQ0935 Dung, droppings happy. No sp. East Horsley 42 Present 14-Aug-94 or frass action. Small number of droppings present, odd bats seen in loft over 3/5 years. Problem with small mites which seem Plecotus The Drive, TQ1525 Dung, droppings unrelated to the sp. Fetcham 60 Present 31-Jul-06 or frass bats. No bats at time of visit but owner counted The Glade, 71 two days Pipistrellus Fetcham, TQ1375 Field record / ago. Exclusion sp. Surrey 61 Present 10-Jun-93 observation EN93-07 The Plecotus Highlands, TQ0955 Dung, droppings sp. East Horsley 50 Present 24-Jan-03 or frass The Old Seen on ridge of Plecotus Rectory, TQ1460 Field record / Coach House auritus Ranmore 5059 1 17-Mar-15 observation loft. Owner rand concerned 100+ Vespertilion The Ridgeway, TQ1485 Field record / bats seen idae sp. Fetcham 52 100 12-Jul-90 observation leaving facia

41 board causing mess down windows. Initially wanted exclusion, now has agreed bats can stay. Female, found in staff toilet - Plecotus The Street, TQ0815 released auritus West Horsley 36 1 31-Oct-06 In hand unharmed. Visited to assess potential. Tenant of cottage reports bats emerging from roof last year - sounds like pips. Interesting Vespertilion West Horsley, TQ0895 Reported to barns and idae sp. Surrey 30 Present 24-Feb-07 recorder stately home. Found grounded, handed to staff at Nower Wood, passed on to me. No visible injuries but dead Plecotus West Street, TQ1644 by the time I got auritus Dorking 93 1 14-Sep-04 In hand it home. Recordedf in flight during Eptesicus Westcott TQ1514 Aural bat emergence serotinus Road, Dorking 93 In flight Sep-14 detector survey Recorded in flight during emergence survey. Both WABs and Natterer's Westcott TQ1514 Aural bat thought to be Myotis sp. Road, Dorking 93 In flight Sep-14 detector present. Recordedf in flight during Nyctalus Westcott TQ1514 Aural bat emergence noctula Road, Dorking 93 In flight Sep-14 detector survey Recordedf in flight during Pipistrellus Westcott TQ1514 Aural bat emergence pipistrellus Road, Dorking 93 In flight Jun-14 detector survey At least a dozen emerged, could be more, Pipistrellus Westcott TQ1514 Field record / suspect a pygmaeus Road, Dorking 93 12 Jun-14 observation breeding roost. Pipistrellus Westcott TQ1514 Dung, droppings sp. Road, Dorking 93 Present Jan-14 or frass Plecotus Westcott TQ1514 Aural bat Recordedf in auritus Road, Dorking 93 In flight Sep-14 detector flight during

42 emergence survey Westhumble Myotis (SWT) - Bat TQ1555 30 @ Box 017. nattereri Box Scheme 21 30 24-Sep-16 Bat Box Check Approx count. Westhumble Nyctalus (SWT) - Bat TQ1555 noctula Box Scheme 21 1 17-Oct-10 Bat Box Check 1f @ Box 036. 7m5f @ Box 002, 2 @ Box 008, 1 @ Box 010, 1 @ Box 013, 2 @ Box 014b, 1 @ Box 017, 4 @ Box 028a. Some bats prob Westhumble recorded twice Plecotus (SWT) - Bat TQ1555 as bats flew auritus Box Scheme 21 23 12-Oct-03 Bat Box Check from boxes. Westhumble 10 @ Box 001b, Plecotus (SWT) - Bat TQ1555 1 @ Box 001c, 6 auritus Box Scheme 21 19 17-Sep-06 Bat Box Check @ Box 010. Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 1 16-Dec-94 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 4 28-Jan-95 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 3 Feb-95 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 3 Mar-95 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 1 20-Jan-96 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 3 10-Feb-96 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 1 21-Feb-04 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 1 22-Jan-05 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 1 18-Dec-05 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 1 28-Jan-06 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 1 19-Feb-06 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 1 26-Jan-08 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 2 17-Feb-08 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Flight Harp trap and bechsteinii chalk mine 22 1m 09-May-08 interception trap sonic lure. Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 1 18-Dec-11 observation Count abandoned Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / because of bechsteinii chalk mine 22 1 08-Feb-14 observation flooding. Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / bechsteinii chalk mine 22 1 19-Dec-15 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 3 Mar-85 observation

43 Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 1 Nov-86 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 1 Dec-86 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 6 Jan-87 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 5 28-Feb-87 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 2 21-Mar-87 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 1 Dec-87 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 4 Jan-88 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 4 Feb-88 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 5 Jan-89 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 1 Feb-89 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 2 Feb-90 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 2 Dec-90 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 3 Jan-91 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 6 Feb-91 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 4 Jan-92 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 3 Feb-92 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 4 01-Mar-92 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 2 Dec-92 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 5 17-Jan-93 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 7 06-Feb-93 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 6 28-Feb-93 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 2 Jan-94 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 5 Feb-94 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 6 16-Dec-94 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 12 28-Jan-95 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 11 Feb-95 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 6 Mar-95 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 3 Dec-95 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 12 20-Jan-96 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 13 10-Feb-96 observation

44 Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 5 Dec-96 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 6 25-Jan-97 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 6 15-Feb-97 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 6 21-Dec-97 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 9 17-Jan-98 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 10 16-Jan-99 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 8 14-Feb-99 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 6 12-Feb-00 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 4 22-Dec-01 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 7 26-Jan-02 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 3 23-Feb-02 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 2 22-Dec-02 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 3 18-Jan-03 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 3 22-Feb-03 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 6 20-Dec-03 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 7 10-Jan-04 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 5 21-Feb-04 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 10 19-Dec-04 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 13 22-Jan-05 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 11 20-Feb-05 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 5 18-Dec-05 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 9 28-Jan-06 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 16 19-Feb-06 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 7 17-Dec-06 observation Weather had been mild, but very stormy, Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / worst winds daubentonii chalk mine 22 10 20-Jan-07 observation since 1990. Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 13 18-Feb-07 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 5 22-Dec-07 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 12 26-Jan-08 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 12 17-Feb-08 observation

45 Harp trap and sonic lure. All had emerged from mine the frontage of which is often used during the Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Flight summer as a daubentonii chalk mine 22 6m 09-May-08 interception trap male roost. Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 12 20-Dec-08 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 10 24-Jan-09 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 16 22-Feb-09 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 9 23-Jan-10 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 6 21-Feb-10 observation Caught in G5 trap in entrance - roosting in highest part of roof. (Entrance Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Flight repaired earlier daubentonii chalk mine 22 20 10-Jul-10 interception trap in day). Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 8 18-Dec-10 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 6 23-Jan-11 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 11 19-Feb-11 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 5 18-Dec-11 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 12 21-Jan-12 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 10 18-Feb-12 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 16 22-Dec-12 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 11 26-Jan-13 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 1 21-Dec-13 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 6 11-Jan-14 observation Count abandoned Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / because of daubentonii chalk mine 22 9 08-Feb-14 observation flooding. Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 11 20-Dec-14 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 14 17-Jan-15 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 11 28-Feb-15 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 8 19-Dec-15 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 5 16-Jan-16 observation

46 Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 7 19-Feb-16 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 5 17-Dec-16 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 5 14-Jan-17 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / daubentonii chalk mine 22 3 18-Feb-17 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Flight Harp trap and mystacinus chalk mine 22 1m 09-May-08 interception trap sonic lure. Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 01-Mar-92 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 17-Jan-93 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 06-Feb-93 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 3 28-Feb-93 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 21-Nov-93 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 3 28-Jan-95 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 20-Jan-96 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 4 10-Feb-96 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 25-Jan-97 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 15-Feb-97 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 14-Feb-99 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 12-Feb-00 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 Dec-86 observation

47 Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 Jan-87 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 Jan-92 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 Feb-92 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 Jan-94 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 Feb-94 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 16-Dec-94 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 Mar-95 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 Dec-95 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 Dec-96 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 21-Dec-97 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 17-Jan-98 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 20-Dec-03 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 10-Jan-04 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 3 21-Feb-04 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 28-Jan-06 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / mystacinus/ chalk mine 22 2 19-Feb-06 observation

48 brandtii/alc athoe Weather had Myotis been mild, but mystacinus/ very stormy, brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / worst winds athoe chalk mine 22 1 20-Jan-07 observation since 1990. Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 18-Feb-07 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 3 22-Dec-07 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 26-Jan-08 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 17-Feb-08 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 20-Dec-08 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 24-Jan-09 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 22-Feb-09 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 21-Feb-10 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 23-Jan-11 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 19-Feb-11 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 4 18-Dec-11 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 21-Jan-12 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 18-Feb-12 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / mystacinus/ chalk mine 22 2 22-Dec-12 observation

49 brandtii/alc athoe Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 6 26-Jan-13 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 21-Dec-13 observation Myotis Count mystacinus/ abandoned brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / because of athoe chalk mine 22 1 08-Feb-14 observation flooding. Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 3 19-Dec-15 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 16-Jan-16 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 5 19-Feb-16 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 17-Dec-16 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 2 14-Jan-17 observation Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii/alc Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / athoe chalk mine 22 1 18-Feb-17 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 14 Mar-85 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 2 Dec-86 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 8 Jan-87 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 7 28-Feb-87 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 6 21-Mar-87 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 9 Dec-87 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 13 Jan-88 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 9 Feb-88 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 9 Jan-89 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 9 Feb-89 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 10 Jan-90 observation

50 Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 4 Feb-90 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 5 Dec-90 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 13 Jan-91 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 24 Feb-91 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 8 Jan-92 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 13 Feb-92 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 4 01-Mar-92 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 3 Dec-92 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 14 17-Jan-93 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 20 06-Feb-93 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 9 28-Feb-93 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 10 Dec-93 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 22 Jan-94 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 22 Feb-94 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 6 16-Dec-94 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 28 28-Jan-95 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 9 Feb-95 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 1 Mar-95 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 6 Dec-95 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 19 20-Jan-96 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 23 10-Feb-96 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 9 Dec-96 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 27 25-Jan-97 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 26 15-Feb-97 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 18 21-Dec-97 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 20 17-Jan-98 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 27 16-Jan-99 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 26 14-Feb-99 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 11 12-Feb-00 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 11 22-Dec-01 observation

51 Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 8 26-Jan-02 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 5 23-Feb-02 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 9 22-Dec-02 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 27 18-Jan-03 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 19 22-Feb-03 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 8 20-Dec-03 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 16 10-Jan-04 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 6 21-Feb-04 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 11 19-Dec-04 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 33 22-Jan-05 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 17 20-Feb-05 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 5 18-Dec-05 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 16 28-Jan-06 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 12 19-Feb-06 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 2 17-Dec-06 observation Weather had been mild, but very stormy, Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / worst winds nattereri chalk mine 22 22 20-Jan-07 observation since 1990. Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 19 18-Feb-07 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 29 22-Dec-07 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 26 26-Jan-08 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 14 17-Feb-08 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Flight Harp trap and nattereri chalk mine 22 2m 09-May-08 interception trap sonic lure. Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Flight Harp trap and nattereri chalk mine 22 1f 09-May-08 interception trap sonic lure. Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 11 20-Dec-08 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 35 24-Jan-09 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 12 22-Feb-09 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 33 23-Jan-10 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 27 21-Feb-10 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 9 18-Dec-10 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 31 23-Jan-11 observation

52 Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 11 19-Feb-11 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 11 18-Dec-11 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 22 21-Jan-12 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 20 18-Feb-12 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 17 22-Dec-12 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 40 26-Jan-13 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 7 21-Dec-13 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 12 11-Jan-14 observation Count abandoned Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / because of nattereri chalk mine 22 5 08-Feb-14 observation flooding. Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 10 20-Dec-14 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 31 17-Jan-15 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 13 28-Feb-15 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 4 19-Dec-15 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 9 16-Jan-16 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 11 19-Feb-16 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 4 17-Dec-16 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 11 14-Jan-17 observation Myotis Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / nattereri chalk mine 22 13 18-Feb-17 observation Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / Myotis sp. chalk mine 22 1 17-Jan-15 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 Jan-87 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 Dec-87 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 Feb-92 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 17-Jan-93 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 21-Nov-93 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 Dec-93 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 Dec-95 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 25-Jan-97 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 16-Jan-99 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 2 22-Dec-01 observation

53 Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 26-Jan-02 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 18-Jan-03 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 22-Feb-03 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 18-Dec-05 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 4 28-Jan-06 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 2 19-Feb-06 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 5 17-Dec-06 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 4 22-Dec-07 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 26-Jan-08 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 3 17-Feb-08 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Flight Harp trap and auritus chalk mine 22 3m 09-May-08 interception trap sonic lure. Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 20-Dec-08 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 24-Jan-09 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 2 23-Jan-10 observation Caught in G5 trap in entrance. (Entrance Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Flight repaired earlier auritus chalk mine 22 1 10-Jul-10 interception trap in day). Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 18-Dec-10 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 19-Feb-11 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 3 22-Dec-12 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 3 26-Jan-13 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 2 21-Dec-13 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 11-Jan-14 observation Count abandoned Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / because of auritus chalk mine 22 1 08-Feb-14 observation flooding. Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 2 20-Dec-14 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 3 17-Jan-15 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 28-Feb-15 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 19-Dec-15 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 16-Jan-16 observation Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 1 17-Dec-16 observation

54 Plecotus Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / auritus chalk mine 22 2 14-Jan-17 observation Rhinolophu s ferrumequi Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / num chalk mine 22 1 21-Nov-93 observation Rhinolophu s ferrumequi Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / num chalk mine 22 1 Dec-93 observation Rhinolophu s ferrumequi Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / num chalk mine 22 1 Jan-94 observation Rhinolophu s ferrumequi Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / num chalk mine 22 1 Feb-94 observation Rhinolophu s ferrumequi Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / num chalk mine 22 1 16-Dec-94 observation Rhinolophu s ferrumequi Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / num chalk mine 22 1 28-Jan-95 observation Rhinolophu s ferrumequi Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / num chalk mine 22 1 Feb-95 observation Rhinolophu s ferrumequi Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / num chalk mine 22 1 Mar-95 observation Rhinolophu s ferrumequi Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / num chalk mine 22 1 Dec-95 observation Rhinolophu s ferrumequi Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / num chalk mine 22 1 20-Jan-96 observation Rhinolophu s ferrumequi Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / num chalk mine 22 1 10-Feb-96 observation Rhinolophu s ferrumequi Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / num chalk mine 22 1 Dec-96 observation Rhinolophu s ferrumequi Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / num chalk mine 22 1 25-Jan-97 observation Rhinolophu s ferrumequi Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / num chalk mine 22 1 15-Feb-97 observation Vespertilion Westhumble TQ1555 Field record / idae sp. chalk mine 22 1 18-Feb-12 observation

55 Number not that accurate - playing down numbers with Wildwood apprehensive Pipistrellus Close, East TQ0975 Field record / owners - happy pygmaeus Horsley 49 100 01-Aug-02 observation in the end. Woodlands Plecotus Road, TQ1275 Field record / auritus Bookham 25 1 25-Jun-13 observation Single bat in loft Woodlands Road, TQ1450 Aural bat Thought to be Myotis sp. Leatherhead 5831 In flight 01-Jul-14 detector Natterer's Woodlands Pipistrellus Road, TQ1450 Aural bat pipistrellus Leatherhead 5831 In flight 01-Jul-14 detector Woodlands Roost in willow Pipistrellus Road, TQ1450 Field record / tree on opposite pygmaeus Leatherhead 5831 7 01-Jul-14 observation bank of the Mole 37 bats rescued from drain by Wildlife Aid. We managed to put most back in roost. Owners v. Woodlands sympathetic. Pipistrellus Road, TQ1485 Count of 200 an pygmaeus Leatherhead 80 200 12-Jul-06 In hand estimate only. Woodlands Pipistrellus Road, Little TQ1275 Aural bat Seen emerging pipistrellus Bookham 25 20 10-Jul-01 detector from soffitt.


Appendix 3. A copy of the letter produced by Derek Finnie Associates


Planning Application Ref: 14/P/02109

Date of Decision: 09/03/2016

Proposal: Hybrid planning application for outline permission (only access to be considered) for the erection of a replacement secondary school for Howard of Effingham and up to 258 residential dwellings with means of access at Howard of Effingham School and Lodge Farm, Lower Road following demolition of all existing buildings; and full permission for the erection of 37 dwellings, with access, parking and landscaping works on land at Brown's Field, Brown's Lane, Effingham. Location: Howard of Effingham School, Lower Road, Effingham, LEATHERHEAD, KT24 5JR

For: Ms Olivia Forsyth Berkeley Homes (Southern) Limited

The above application was refused on several grounds; the following position statement deals with those relating to Ecology and Biodiversity only:

Reason 2 The application site is located within seven kilometres of the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (TBHSPA). The scale of the development constitutes a large scale development proposal as set out within the Adopted TBHSPA Avoidance Strategy. Whilst there is a strategic site for Suitable Alternative Green Space (SANG) at Effingham Common within 5km of the site the lack of appropriate parking facilities serving the SANG means this cannot be taken to mitigate any potential impact. The Local Planning Authority is therefore not satisfied that there will be no likely significant effect on the Special Protection Area and, in the absence of an appropriate assessment, is unable to satisfy itself that this proposal, either alone or in combination with other development, would not have an adverse effect on the integrity of the Special Protection Area and the relevant Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). In this respect, significant concerns remain with regard to the adverse effect on the integrity of the Special Protection Area in that there is likely to be an increase in dog walking, general recreational use, damage to the habitat and disturbance to the protected species within the protected areas. As such the development is contrary to the objectives of policies NE1 and NE4 of the Guildford Borough Local Plan 2003 (as saved by CLG Direction on 24/09/07) and conflicts with saved policy NRM6 of the South East Plan 2009. For the same reasons the development would fail to meet the requirements of Regulation 61 of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010, as amended, and as the development does not meet the requirements of Regulation 62 the Local Planning Authority must refuse to grant planning permission.

Reason3 The application site is located in close proximity to the Thornet Wood site of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCI) and ancient woodland. The Environmental Statement and planning application submission does not assess the potential effects on the SNCI from either potential recreational access of the effects of urbanisation. Furthermore no mitigation measures are identified to protect the SNCI / ancient woodland or surveying the existing flora and fauna. The local planning authority cannot therefore be satisfied that the proposed development would not have a detrimental impact on the SNCI and therefore fails to accord with policy NE3 of the Guildford Borough Local Plan 2003 (as saved by CLG Direction dated (24/09/2007) and chapter 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Reason 4 The applicant’s ecological study fails to investigate all ponds within 500 metres of the application site as recommended by Natural England’s Standing Advice Species Sheet. In the absence of full investigations the

n nn .c nn .c st n En n an s Com ny No: 1 61


Local Planning Authority cannot be satisfied that the development would not have a harmful impact on Great Crested Newt habitats. The application therefore fails to accord with policy NE3 of the Guildford Borough Local Plan 2003 (as saved by CLG Direction dated (24/09/2007) and chapter 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Each of the reasons for refusal is discussed below with the current position stated. It is hoped agreement can be reached on all three grounds for refusal prior to any future appeal.

Reason 2: Failure to provide SANG alternatives. The HRA for GBC Core Strategy (URS 2014) advocates that the provision of Suitable Alternative Natural Green Spaces (SANGS) would be a suitable method to avoid the potential impact upon the qualifying features of the SPA by providing new and additional open space which can be utilised for informal recreation, thus removing the pressure from the SPA. This is also in line with the avoidance measures advocated in the SPA Delivery Framework. Strategic Access Management and Monitoring (SAMMs) should also be provided to complement the SANGs.

GBC has a suite of SANGS, including the 34ha Effingham Common SANG, which is situated some 2km from the proposed development at Effingham. However, Effingham Common, as stated in the reason for refusal, does not currently have a designated car park, so can only be used as SANGS for developments within 400m in line with the criteria for SANGS presented in the Thames Basin Heath SPA Delivery Framework. Therefore it follows, if a car park were to be provided then Effingham Common could function as a SANG for developments further than 400m away, including the current appeal site. Through discussion with GBC and Natural England, Berkeley has identified a site that could be used as car park for the SANG and is commencing the process of applying for planning permission.

Natural England has agreed that 12 car parking spaces would be sufficient for the size of the proposed development, as well as allowing some of the Common to act as strategic SANG for other future developments.

In addition to providing a SANG contribution through the provision of car parking facilities, Berkeley Homes will also contribute towards SAMMS for the SPA. As the majority of the units are outside the 5km radius, only the monitoring portion of the SAMM contribution would be paid in line with advice given by Natural England.

Therefore, based on the provision of a car park releasing Effingham Common as a SANG, in conjunction with SAMM, sufficient avoidance measures would be put in place prior to first occupation of the appeal site which avoid any additional impact upon the SPA by encouraging the new residents of the proposed development to use the newly created natural green spaces, whilst managing existing impacts within the SPA. Thus the development will meet the requirements of Regulation 61 as well as Policy NE1 and NE4 of the Local Plan. As Regulation 61 is met, Regulation 62 does not apply. Therefore the reason for refusal would no longer be applicable.

A draft Shadow Screening Habitat Regulations Assessment report detailing the above was produced, but was not submitted due the uncertainty of the proposed car park location at the time of the original application.

Reason 3: Impact upon Thornet Wood Thornet Wood was not surveyed prior to the application submission as access permission could not be obtained. However, late in 2015 access was obtained enabling an Extended Phase 1 habitat survey to be undertaken during September 2015. Ash Fraxinus excelsior was found to be the dominant canopy species with the occasional oak Quercus sp. and silver birch Betula pubescens also present. The sparse understorey comprises a mix of hazel Corylus avellana coppice stools interspersed with hawthorn Crataegus monogyna and field maple Acer campestre. During the September survey the ground flora was limited, with bramble Rubus fruticosus agg. Male fern Dryopteris filix- mas, common nettle Urtica dioica, lesser pond sedge Carex acutiformis and wood false brome Brachypodium


sylvaticum being noted.

A single badger latrine was noted towards the north of the woodland, whilst a mix flock of small birds was encountered feeding in the canopy including blue tit, great tit, long-tailed tit, treecreeper, goldcrest and chaffinch. There is also extensive evidence that the wood is used for pheasant rearing. However, no evidence of the presence of any other specially protected or notable species which could be affected by the proposal was encountered.

As Thornet Wood is designated as a SNCI, as well as being ancient in origin, it is assessed as being of County value. However this evaluation is based on the designation alone. From the initial survey undertaken in September 2015, it is possible that the woodland would fail to meet this value on floristic grounds alone.

A minimum 15m buffer zone will be created along the southern edge of the ancient woodland to prevent any direct impacts upon the woodland itself. A species rich woodland edge flower mix, interspersed with scattered scrub, will be created within the buffer zone to improve the overall biodiversity value of the woodland edge habitat.

Due to the installation of a perimeter security fence around the school site, the level of unauthorised recreation access directly from the south along the eastern portion of the woodland boundary is predicted to decrease. To ensure that there is no increase in pedestrian access directly north from the residential development, a thick hedge could be planted along the site access road and could be secured by an appropriately worded planning condition and with this additional mitigation there would be no adverse impact upon the SNCI.

Therefore it is considered there would be no adverse impact upon the SNCI and the conditions of Policy NE3 are met, hence the reason for refusal is no longer valid.

Reason 4: Failure to survey all ponds within 500m.

There are no ponds within the appeal site itself and there are no historical records of the species within 2km of the site boundary. Natural England’s Standing Advice on great crested newts states when considering development, there is a need to:

Survey for great crested newts if: distribution and historical records suggest newts may be present there’s a pond within 500 metres of the development, even if it only holds water some of the year the development site includes refuges (e.g log piles or rubble), grassland, scrub, woodland or hedgerows

However it continues:

You may be able to exclude areas from the survey if: the newts are highly unlikely to be present, e.g because the habitat is unsuitable or records show no newts nearby the planned activity or development wouldn’t affect the newt population, e.g because the newts are separated from harmful activities by a barrier the newts can’t cross.

It also states that “the habitat suitability index (HSI) [should be used] to calculate habitat quality and likelihood of great crested newt presence”.


A small pond is shown on the OS base map within the field to the north east of the Lodge Farm site, some 175m form the application boundary. This pond was dry during the ecological surveys of 2014 and appeared to have been for some time. However, even if this pond were to contain water occasionally, increasing its potential as a newt breeding site, it is still some distance from the application site. Research has shown that although great crested newts are known to move up to 1,000m to colonise new ponds (EN 2001), the majority (95%) of the population will stay within 65m of the breeding pond if suitable terrestrial habitat is present (Jehle 2000). Natural England’s own advice on this subject suggests the majority of a breeding population will rarely be found more than 150m from the breeding pond. As there is ample suitable terrestrial habitat in close proximity to the pond within the field to the north east, the probability of any newts that may be using this pond venturing into the application site is therefore considered negligible. Hence, in line with paragraph 99 of Defra Circular 01/2005, a detailed survey of this pond is not warranted as any newt population that may be present would not be affected by the proposal.

A second pond is shown at Lee Wood Farm to the west of Effingham Common Road, which is 480m from the application boundary, but over 520m from the nearest area of any proposed construction. It is also separated from the appeal site by Effingham Common Road, which would act as a barrier to any potential newt movement.

The waterbody to the east of the site, which lies at a distance of 170m, have a surface area of 2.5ha so is technically not a pond. A HSI has been undertaken of this feature using assumed numbers as access has not been possible. The estimated HSI score is 0.26 which places the waterbody in the ‘Poor’ region of the scale as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Range of HSI Scores.

HSI Pond Suitability <0.5 poor 0.5 – 0.59 below average 0.6 – 0.69 average 0.7 – 0.79 good > 0.8 Excellent

Therefore, the potential for great crested newts to be present within, or immediately adjacent to the appeal site is considered to be negligible. Paragraph 99 of Defra Circular states “developers should not be required to undertake surveys for protected species unless there is a reasonable likelihood of the species being present and affected by the development.” Hence, the need to undertake specific surveys for this species is not warranted.

The reason for refusal states that the development does not “accord with policy NE3” as the proposal may have an impact upon great crested newt habitat. However, Policy NE3 refers to Local and Non-statutory sites identified on the proposal map. The appeal site is not identified as such a site, hence Policy NE3 should not be applicable. Policy NE4 which deals with Species Protection may be applicable, if newts were to be present on site, but as they are considered not to be this is not relevant and the reason for refusal is no longer applicable.

In summary, there is no reason to suggest why the three reason for refusal cannot be resolved prior to any appeal, with the issues be agree in the SoCG.

60 Appendix 4. Great Crested Newt Habitat Suitability Index Assessment scores for four ponds found to the east of the application site.

Pond ID= Pond 1 Effingham Location=Zone_A Pond area=2000 Pond drying=Never Water quality=Good Shade=0-60 Waterfowl=Major Fish=Major_fish Ponds within 1km=7 Habitat=Good Macrophyte cover=10 Results= 0.35 Poor

Pond ID= Pond 2 Effingham Location=Zone_A Pond area=50 Pond drying=Never Water quality=Good Shade=70 Waterfowl=Minor Fish=Absent_fish Ponds within 1km=7 Habitat=Good Macrophyte cover=50 Results= 0.66 Average

Pond ID= Pond 3 Effingham Location=Zone_A Pond area=2000 Pond drying=Never Water quality=Good Shade=0-60 Waterfowl=Major Fish=Possible_fish Ponds within 1km=7 Habitat=Good Macrophyte cover=10 Results= 0.53 Below Average

Pond ID= Pond 4 Effingham Location=Zone_A Pond area=2000 Pond drying=Never Water quality=Good Shade=0-60 Waterfowl=Major Fish=Possible_fish Ponds within 1km=7 Habitat=Good Macrophyte cover=10 Results= 0.53Below Average

61 Appendix 5. Marshy Grassland description as identified in the JNCC ‘Handbook for Phase 1 habitat survey’.