Rowland Evans and Robert Novak y's Achille; Heel Moreover, Simon is horri- Sometvhat 4;1 elatedl y, bly trapped. He can try to ClitCA4310---The ein lee the organization to run and Stevenson ,inter, SiMon , for governor and avoid Hanrahan, but he can- heel. of Mayor Richard' J. 'Stevenson III for vend with :Daley againSt not repudiate him. This' Daley's • Democratic organi- Adlai Harzrahan. So did Thomas -resilient senator: its inner dynamics helps both maverick Demo- zation, the most. Fora% `the widely-respected crats 's primary and therefore most enduring prevent it 'froan purging one former' attorney here is< now of its own under assault campaign against Simon and Machina*, (prosecutor of , the Republican Gov. Richard responsible for radically- from the outside world. conspiracy case) whose cre- Certainly, -the, outside Ogilvie's uphill fight for re- altered political climate dentials as an organization election. Add to this the here that might well give world was hot after Hanra- Democrat are impeccable. han ever since- the Black shocking indictment of for- Richard M.'Nixon a second But Foran, having lost the mer Gov. Otto Kerner and term as President. Panther raid, conducted endorsement for goVernor to with Keystone NOP effi- Democratic prospects are The Daley organization'a Simon, was the lOgitaralter- clouded. flexibility was demonstrated eiency by police assigned to native to Hanrahan =for two weeks agO, when it en- Hanrahan, which resulted in state's attorney—s job be Consequently, highl y- dOried Lt. Got!. Paul Simon, twoPanthers killed. The did not want—and therefore placed organization Demo- akdownstate liberal, instead ensuing developments ended could not oppose him too ve- crats, having second of one of Its own for gover- with Hanrahan's indictment hemently. thoughts about Hanrahan, nor. But immediately there- for conspiracy to obstruct have concocted this scene Abut from tribal unity rio: After Hawaiian wins after it displayed self-cle- justice. The press, the bar against foreign assault; the structive rigidity by endors- and liberal 'Democrats as- the •March 21 primary V. sumed the terrible-tempered endorsement of Hanralitui- against a last-minute anti-or- ing tempestuous Edward career was was based on polls showing Hanrahan, under an indict- prosecutor's ganization challenger, his in- him leading the ticket be, dictment will be quashed, ment growing out of his no- ended. cause of his tough law-and- torious 1969, raid on and, his good name restored, BUT DALEY told friends order linage. Hatuthan con- he will voluntarily leave the Chicago Black Panthers, for he could see no wrong-doing ceivably could gain many another term as state's at- ticket. But that seems too by. Hanrahan, a sentiment more votes in Berwyn, Cic- fanciful. "If you think we torney (chief prosecutor of shared by party regulars ero and other Republican Cook County) Chicago. can force that on him, you who resented his critics. backlash suburbs than he don't know Ed Hanralian," a Anathema to blacks and Hanrahan'S argument to or- would lose-In black slums. white liberals, Hanrahan key organization figure told the Demo- ganization leaders was es- BUT OTHER Democrats us. "And I don't think he'd will co* sentially this: Are you going cratic ticket dearly. There is "us" on the ticket, including Mr. agree to it by himself." to let ,"them" push opponent, Would If so, the burden for 1972 a real possibility that he around?—"them" being Ne. Nixon's could cause Negro voters to not. Ever. since Hanrahan's will be upon Daley's regularthe home next November in gross, liberal Jews, intellec- endorsement, Negro resent- organization to deliver stay tuals, the bar association sufficient numbers to deny ment has been building. Negro vote as usual despite this pivotal state to Presi- and the newspapers. That 'could moan a massive the• Hanrahan stigma—a Thus, as candidates for all -at-home vote among ' task more formidable than dent Nixon's Democratic op- offices attended Chicago stay ponent. Chicago's half-million black any in the past. If it fails, ward meetings last month, voters. Efforts by west side Daley's Achilles' heel could Why then did Daley, the the most boisterous ovations supreme pragmatist, keep gangs to intimidate slum Ne- damage his party far beyond went to Hanrahan-:-the groes into not voting, less Parochial Cook County poli- Hanrahan on the ticket? overwhelming, •choice of pre- The answer: The Daley or- thaw successful in 1968, tAcs- cinct captains, whose mood Pubushera•gall Syndicate ganization's Achilles' heel. would be vastly reinforced. Though it can reach outside weighs heavily on Daley.