region, and until recently, have been unchallenged. Your musings are cut short as the door to the tap They now have a vendetta against the hero. house flies open and a woman with wild hair, and icy eyes, ducks her head low to enter the building. She is Wembli: An enthusiastic, and well-read immense and intimidating without even trying. scholar, who utterly lacks a reliable capacity to She sizes up each person in the tap house until her eyes settle on you; it is apparent she has identified interpret what he reads correctly. He has a who she is seeking. Walking up to you she comments, penchant for jumping to conclusions, “Thought you’d be bigger. You want to earn some coin?” misunderstanding context, and making simple errors in judgement. Area 1 – The Ogre’s Fist

Fortune and This renowned famous tap house is run by a former adventurer named Idrial Northstar. Some time (a week or two) has passed This sandstone and adobe structure rivals the size of since the hero first arrived in Ahun. The locals have the inn across the street. Crossbow bolts and axe bites come to know the hero and word has traveled far are painted over equally, and haphazardly, with gaudy orange paint. No need for repairs, the scars across the valley about their deeds. Having a known give the building character. name isn’t always a good thing. The Vultures are A wooden plank above the entry proclaims “Welcome still quite active in the Valley of Maenlosa and they to the Ogre’s Fist. Best drink in town!” Loud banter, laughter, and the clanking of decanters pours from have not forgotten the hero who crossed them. every door and window. An assassin named Begazzo Orrado now The hero may find refreshing beverages hunts the hero in the desert; hired by The Vultures, and trail rations at The Ogre’s Fist. The tap house is to make an example of the upstart who often full of travelers passing along the main trade embarrassed them. route. It is a fine location for news and gossip.

A beautiful woman of immense stature has Idrial is well-known for offering adventurers arrived in Ahun seeking the hero. Her name is leads on jobs, heists, and other money-making Dynatheros and she has a proposition that could endeavors. She is very knowledgeable of the area make both herself the hero wealthy. The adventure and keeps an open “jobs board” just inside the continues in the hamlet of Ahun (pronounced Ah- entryway to the tap house. oon) from Episode #1. We begin with our hero at The fine details of jobs she keeps to herself. The Ogre’s Fist tap house. Reference Ep. 2; As an example, she may note a nearby cave holds Development #1 for further information and read treasures hidden by raiders long ago, but for a aloud the following: negotiable percentage of the loot, she’ll tell the job Enjoying a pint at The Ogre’s Fist, you note Idrial seeker about the man-eating insects that infest the posting a new job to the board. It’s the first one in a cave. while…A few people inspect the listing and walk away chuckling or shaking their heads. Perhaps it is a joke? Roleplaying Idrial Northstar: Idrial is highly Sample file opportunistic and well-informed. If a hero ever

4 | P a g e Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. crosses her, she will never give them accurate Area 2 – The Blacksmith knowledge again pertaining to a job posted in her tap house without gold upfront. She is leery of The blacksmith of the hamlet has the market dwarves because their greed often rivals her own. cornered in repairing damaged weapons and armor. Her skill is good, though none of her goods Idrial collects old books and manuscripts are of masterwork quality. Most martial weapons containing obscure knowledge. Heroes often sell and armors can be bought here (60% chance), her odds and ends of information they find in their though she does not have half-plate or full-plate travels and she pays well. armor in stock. : POSTED JOB Area 3 – Dusty Devil Inn Scout the location of a tomb and retrieve any The inn is a stopover for many caravans. It artifacts of value. Reference Wembli at the is uncommon for rooms to be available for rent wayshrine two leagues south of Ahun. Pay is 50sp during daylight hours. Travelers seeking shelter up front, and 50sp upon completion of the task. No from the sun and sandstorms quickly sellout the hazard pay. No insurance. Expert inquiries only! Ep. limited space. 2; Development #2 The paint of this wood and mudbrick building has General inquiry checks been mostly sand-blasted from the structure by frequent sandstorms. A sun-bleached wooden sign Insight DC 12: (travelers and locals): Most locals reads, “The Dusty Devil Inn”. and merchants are quite familiar with Wembli. He is Rooms can be rented for 1sp a day/night or likeable but widely regarded as uninformed and 5sp for a week. The inn provides passable meals for prone to poor decisions. 5cp in the mornings and evenings.

Idrial’s Knowledge: Idrial wants a 5gp tip for The inn is operated by a wiry tiefling name Naga Destos. The tiefling is known for a further information and knows the following: The mischievous sense of humor and a gambling habit. wayshrine referenced is actually very close to several tombs hidden in the dunes. It may not be a Area 4 – Bidimick’s Goods wild goose chase despite Wembli’s reputation. A fast-talking, quick-fingered, shyster who The shrine is itself a place to make offerings would be long-dead if not for his personal charm, to the elder elemental beings thought to inhabit the Bidimick Boondoggle is the only full-time merchant Valley of Maenlosa. Sand elementals and air in town. elementals can be a dangerous to travelers and adventurers alike. The squat adobe structure before you has “Bidimick’s Goods” painted in fine calligraphy over the doorway. A green awning flutters gently in the breeze above the Samplefront windows. file

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Most adventuring gear that can be found in camped near the gate. The brute seems amused as he ties a halfling to a roasting spit. the PHB can be bought from Bidimick; albeit at higher prices. Not all items sold by Bidimick actually belong to Bidimick.

Area 5 – The Stables

Crossing the desert on foot can be foolish, if not outright lethal. The Stables house beasts of burden and transportation for travelers. Occasionally, there are animals available to purchase for the right price. Those who cannot find room and board in the Dusty Devil Inn often find a passable bed in the barn with the animals. Beyond Ahun

Ahun acts as a base of operations for the I Walk Alone series. The first five “areas” of each episode are dedicated to the main points of interest in the tiny hamlet. Occasionally, extended travel to distant areas may provoke a random encounter; The half-ogre is Kogg the Huge. Formerly a reference Ep. 2; Development #4.Other distant member of The Vultures, Kogg was kicked out of areas noted in the adventure are listed below: the raider band because they feared his unnatural Area 6 – Monastery of Nyx appetite and nasty temper.

Kogg started camping outside the ruin of The entrance to the ancient monastery is Nyx and using the occasional curious scholar or lost literally carved into the face of the desert rock traveler to supplement his diet. If Kogg notices the formation. As the hero approaches read the approaching hero he will set aside the screaming following: halfling; ready to fight or parley. The halfling is a lost A high sandstone mountain rises from the valley floor. traveler who got caught in a sandstorm. The southern base of this peak has been intricately carved and depicts robed warriors battling strange With a successful Charisma (Persuasion or elemental creatures. Intimidation) check, DC 15, the hero can get the A massive stone wall, perhaps 30 feet high, straddles two limestone prominences. A portcullis bars the way. following information from Kogg: The gate shows signs of a battle fought long ago.  What about Nyx? The monastery was laid The Sampleeerie silence of the ruin is offset my high-pitched file shrieking. It is then that you notice a half-ogre low by a potent warlock known as Rathnull

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Khan. Khan’s patron cursed the monastery If Kogg becomes aware of the hero’s and nothing living remains inside. approach by some means before the hero notices  What about The Vultures? Kogg used to be Kogg; he will set up an ambush. a member but was kicked out. Ate the Tactics: boss’s cousin’s favorite halfling cook. At heart, Kogg is a bully and will take on  Has anyone went in there? He has bullied a whatever seems weakest. Against a heavily few individuals to go into the ruin and bring armored opponent, he will be more cautious; using out treasure. They have never returned. his hand axe before closing to melee. Against a  Eating the halfling? He considers halfling a lightly armored foe, he will attempt to end the fight delicacy and will not turn lose his meal. quickly and decisively. You’ll have to fight him for it or offer a fair trade. Resolution:  Heard of the hero? Kogg is very much a Kogg will not run away. He believes he is secluded hermit. He has not heard of the unbeatable by smaller foes; it has been true most of hero or their actions. He normally eats first his life. He will only flee from opponents as big as and doesn’t bother with the questions. himself. Ultimately, Kogg the Huge is mercurial and evil. If When the hero approaches the portcullis, he thinks he can get the hero to fetch treasure for read aloud the following: him, he will consider a temporary alliance; one he will betray if he can get away with it. The crumbling foyer is barred by a rusted and sand- beaten portcullis. Only the might of a giant could force it up… or the power great magic. Encounter (200xp) Kogg uses the pit beyond the portcullis as a refuse pile and can lift the portcullis with little “Harf’ling Unna Stick!” trouble. If the hero wishes to force up the portcullis,  X1 Kogg the Huge (see bestiary) a Strength (Athletics) check DC 18 is required.  Treasure: 10ep, 24cp, x1 Ancient Vase Alternatively, the hero can attempt to climb the (15gp) portcullis and wall with a Strength (Athletics) or

Set-up: Dexterity (Acrobatics) check DC 15.

Kogg will talk if engaged, but will remain Area 7 – The Carved Entry alert for a fight. He will always be ready to take The entrance to the ancient monastery. advantage of the situation if given the opportunity. Lead-in with the following: He will fight if the hero tries to rescue the halfling unless an acceptable trade can be negotiated. An enormous pit is hewn into the ground before you. Perhaps the result of a mighty earthquake or even fell Samplemagic. The bottom of the pit isfile littered with bones and refuse…

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Beyond the pit, a granite door is wedged in its frame. concentrations are high enough. Caution would be The portal is split from top to bottom, likely from a prudent. brutal outside blow. A careful person could squeeze through without bringing down the entryway. DUNGEON NOTE: All hallways are 6 feet wide by 8 Getting across the pit should be simple feet high in the monastery. The hallway heading enough for most characters, however, a fall into the west from Area 8 is blocked by a cave-in just past pit is 30 feet dealing 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage. the first intersection. There is a 10% chance (Roll of Beyond the pit is the broken entry door. a “1” or “20” on a d20) for a random encounter with Squeezing through the door requires no check for a a broken monk (see bestiary) OR 1d4 rat wisps (see small character. Medium characters must succeed bestiary) each time the hero enters a hallway until at a Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Intelligence the grand garden is cleansed (Area 19). The (Investigation) check DC 12 to maneuver / figure out undead roam the area aimlessly and they are a way to get through without collapsing the door. attracted to the activity of the hero. Failure by 5 or more causes a collapse. Area 9 – Meditation Room If the door collapses, any creature adjacent to it must succeed at a Dexterity saving throw DC A peaceful chamber for study and 10 or take 1d10 bludgeoning damage and be relaxation. knocked prone. The entry becomes blocked and This room is painted with peaceful scenes and requires 3 hours of hard work to clear the stones. inscriptions of wisdom. A large bookshelf filled with archaic books on martial discipline and something called “ki” nestles against the western wall. A glittering Area 8 – Collapsed Chamber scimitar hums faintly on a table.

The old foyer is roughly cubic in shape. The books in the room are old, rare, and Most of the ceiling has fallen into the center of the valuable. If taken to Idrial Northstar at The Ogre’s room. Fist in Ahun, the books can fetch 1d4gp each. There are 2d10 books. The foyer is littered with broken remains, rock, and crushed flagstones. Most of the ceiling has fallen into The scimitar is a magical blade of seven the center of the cubic room. A curious luminescent green haze hangs a few inches from the floor and rises suns (see new items) and once belonged to a to about 3 feet. The fog sheds dim light 5 feet in all famed martial artist who brandished it across the directions. lands. The hero can learn this information with a The haze is remnant dark magic formed successful Intelligence (History) check DC 13. from the broken souls of those trapped in the monastery. An Intelligence (Arcana) or (Religion) Area 10 – General Quarters check, DC 15, identifies the nature of the fog. These rooms contain the quarters for the Beating the DC by 5 or more also notes that such former resident monks who lived full-time at the dark magic can undead things if the Samplemonastery. DMs should feel filefree to place what items they wish in the rooms. For simple treasure / looting 8 | P a g e Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. purposes roll 1d8 for each room and consult the  Treasure: Robe of Zen (see new items), chart: potion of healing

1) 2d10cp Set-up: 2) 2d8sp The undead bugs take little provocation, 3) 2d6ep only proximity to attack. 4) 2d4gp Tactics: 5) 1 set of Artisan’s Tools; pg. 154 PHB 6) 1 musical instrument ; pg. 154 PHB The husks of the animated insects wish to 7) 2 adventuring gear items; pg. 150 PHB feast on the moist flesh of living creatures. They 8) Roll once on Table A; pg. 144 DMG have little in the way of tactics.

Area 10a – Master’s Quarters Resolution: Destroying the insects allows for inspection The quarters and private space of the of the ornate chest. The chest is not locked. Inside master of the monastery. the chest, a potion of healing and a robe of zen can The room before you seems to be a large bedchamber be found along with the desiccated body of a monk. and living space. A comfortable bed, bookshelf, ornate chest, and desk fill out the room. A faint The monk’s limbs are broken and it appears that he buzzing in the room reminds you of the droning of was forced into the chest while alive. worker bees. If the hero enters the room and begins to Area 11 – Master’s Hall search around for the source of the buzzing have This room served as a monument and them roll a Wisdom (Perception) check against a mausoleum to the founding monk of the order of DC 12. On a success, the hero determines the The Children of the Dunes. noise is coming from the area around the ornate chest. The door to this room is trapped and locked. A hero searching the door can detect strange magical The ornate chest is battered and has quite a haze; Wisdom (Perception) DC 12. The trap triggers few cracks in between the wooden planks. If the if the door is touched by a living thing. hero approaches within 5ft of the chest, a swarm of desiccated insects pours forth from the cracks in If triggered, the living creature must make a the chest to attack. Wisdom saving throw against DC 13 or fall under the effects of the spell hypnotic pattern. There is a Encounter (100xp) 25% chance that sometime during the duration of the spell, a broken monk (see bestiary) approaches “Dead, dried, and deadly…” and attacks. Sample X1 Swarm of Desiccated Insects (see An Intelligence (Arcanafile) or (Religion) check bestiary) DC 11, notes the trap can be disarmed by

9 | P a g e Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. splashing holy water on the door or by presenting a holy symbol and praying to exorcise the lingering evil (this should only work for devout characters). Once inside the room read aloud:

A grand statue depicting a grizzled monk in tattered robes looms before you. The murals on the wall tell the story of the Children of the Dunes and their origin. A glittering green gem is affixed to a headband on the monk’s forehead. The gem is a magnificent emerald valued at 25gp. It can be pried from the statue with an appropriate tool and a Strength check DC 11.

 Treasure: Emerald (25gp)

Area 12 – The Library Tactics: This library is well stocked in books on While not particularly intelligent, the undead regional history, martial prowess, meditation, and monks still instinctively fight together. Working to philosophy. gain tactical advantage against the hero. A cursory glance reveals an old library smelling of Resolution: parchment, inks, and hardwood. A faint reek of the grave wafts from a cave-in on the north side of the If the monks are destroyed, reduce the room. Continual flames flicker on the wall near an old table. Two desiccated husks dressed in tattered robs chance of a random encounter entering a hallway to stand from the seats near the table and strike an 5%. (Roll of a “1” on a d20). Destruction of the elaborate martial pose! monks frees their spirits from the monastery and Two broken monks stand to fight if the hero releases of pulse of corrupt magic that ignites the enters the library. None of the books are particularly books on the shelves and unattended flammable valuable. objects.

Encounter (50xp) Area 13 – The Training Area

“Fighting in Death.” This room used to echo with the katas of monks training for martial combat.  X2 Broken Monk (see bestiary)  Treasure: 3d10cp (scattered among the An immense training hall sits in ruin. Vast portions of the ceiling have fallen down shattering practice remains in the room.) dummies, and humanoid remains. Noxious yellow- green fumes linger; pulsing with an internal light. Set-up: Sample When a living creaturefile first enters the room, The undead will attack unprovoked. it must succeed at a Constitution saving throw DC 10 | P a g e Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.

10 or be rendered unconscious (a creature that A Dexterity check, DC 15, can be made to succeeds at the saving throw is aware it was release the hidden latch and open the secret door. targeted with enchantment magic). While When the latch is pressed, a faint clicking sound unconscious, the creature is challenged with a can be heard beyond the door. A Wisdom (Insight) riddle. On a success, the creature awakens, but on check, DC 12, determines that a trap has activated a failure it drops to 0 hit points and must begin beyond the door (in Area 14a). making death saving throws. Area 14a – Treasure Room Here is an example riddle that can be used to challenge the hero: This room contains the riches of the monastery. A trap engages when the hero opens “This fire is smothered best not by water or sand but the latch of the secret door; entering the treasure by words.” Answer: Desire / Lust room for Area 14. Read aloud the following when the door is opened: answers/ Staggering volumes of fine sand pour into the The link provided suggests many excellent chamber before you from the walls and ceiling. Riches of gems and art masterworks glint briefly riddles that could work. before slowing sinking in the tide of silt.

NOTE: If the DM feels it appropriate, this challenge The trap cannot be disarmed by any can be extended into multiple riddles or puzzles. mundane means and will not stop until the room is full of sand. Area 14 – False Vault If the hero seeks any of the riches, they will This room contains a massive oak treasure have to make either a Strength (Athletics) or chest that has been broken open and looted. Dexterity (Acrobatics) check once every 30

The vaulted room before you contains a chest that seconds starting at DC 10. The DC increases by +2 appears to have been hacked open with a large edged every 30 seconds thereafter. On a failure, the hero weapon. The thickness of the iron-banded entry door and granite walls suggest this room was used as a cannot search for treasure as they fight not to repository of valuables… become buried in the falling sands. This room was a false vault, raided long ago The room completely fills with tons of sand when the monastery was destroyed. The raiders of after 3 minutes; massive reserves of sand ensure Rathnull Khan may have defeated the Children of that it cannot be dug out and simply back-fills any the Dunes, but they did not find their valued effort to dig out the treasure conventionally. treasures. For each 30 seconds the hero spends There is a secret door on the eastern wall searching the room as it fills, and succeed in not detectable with a Wisdom (Perception) check DC becoming buried, they may roll either a Dexterity 17. This door leads to Area 14a. Sample(Sleight of Hand) or Intelligence file (Investigation)

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