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Woodland Gardens JW.IUU CORK

Woodland Gardens JW.IUU CORK

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rRIDAY, MAT 17. I960 . V ' ThrW eetlier--*:^':*^ A v flrsg t Dafly Net Press Run Feneaat ar C. ft WaattoWBOMtoi; For the Week Ended rAOEBIXTEBM JbttflifBtfr 3Eu>tttoi8 May 14, use Gtoody, eaol toMgkt. Lew ahbtol' 80. gasMay etondy#', le e a a p il Memfieqi of Manchester Bar­ Daughters of Liberty No. 17 wlU 13,112 shomra daring the tey. raet.'ae Roger ■ winters, senior at Man­ hold a kitchen social tonight at 8 Park Loiterers May AHect ^ . . Self PICK-UP racks, of WorM Ww I Member mt the Andit warm. High aroand 'ilO.' chester High School and presldOTt and auxlllary^^n attend toe Me- o’clock afeOrange Hall. About Towji of the Youth for Christ Club, will » OASEB o r SO0A/AT Borean of Ofarenlatoon mortal Sunday^niervlees ht we Library Wing PU t^m g DISOOUNT IWOBS ' Manchester^A City of Village Charm I I ■"■ be guest speaker tonight at a Church of the Nabapene Sunday The Nathan Hals House In U . Col. John C. K«Uyr IT" Cham- meeting of the Christ’s, Ambaa- South Coventry will ' - open -on AT OCR BOTTUNO PLASW at 10:30 a.m. Memorial Day, Monday, from 1 to Prices quoted ara fee hsms w o t - (OlMilfled Adr^Hifaif em Psc# 10) b « n Bt, la attahdln^ a week a re- sadors of Calvary Chapel. Th.e i>.rv Wterera who wand-fknock out the West waU as archi- 12 Large Bottles MANCHESTER, CONN,, SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1960 freaher courtie for command ana service, win Include a "slngsplra- 6 p.m. Center Park loiterersaw.-w-.-.- wno----- ttainhart had urotxMed. eries only; extra VOL. LXXIX, NO. 204 (T W E L V E P A G E S — TIP SECTION) Mrs. James Trlvlgno, 118 tect Alfred lielnhart had proposed. staff offlcew In U.S. Army ^ Uon" and Bible quls. A fellowship er into Mary Chebey Library and The Ubrary Board decided that, qnetoi partlea* sliewef^ servo at F t Wavenworth, Kan. ho hour with refreshments Will be held bridge St., left today fro m # Mrs. L. Theodore Hurl and Miss etc. ' ' ' Field for a visit ^ t h her son. Pvt. create a nuisance may havp their for disciplinary reasons as well os $ | . 5 0 Ja with tho TBth Infantry Divialon. after the service. The public Is In­ idra Hurl will be hostesses Sun­ the additional stack space, the wall James Trlvlgno Jr., who ta effect on the planning for the li­ Tax -Incl. ■ i vited. day rrpm 2 to 5 p.m. at the lAits should be removed. . ,. Strike Threat M hi^e P vt Lawrence H. Ga- Uoned at Ft. Bragg. N.C. He has JunlorMU8«um, 126 Cedar St brary addition. If the wall were ret^ned, it Pltia Deposit bSen'in service seven months. MANCHESTER vello< aon o f Mr. and Mrs. F. Ga- A family picnic for members The Library Board has decided would force the library to hire an U,S. vaho, 14T Spruce St., has com- and guests of the Polish Ameri­ in favor of a move which would extra full-Ume librarian to watch, $ 1 . 6 5 Delivered C on tiifu es at irtet^ recruit training at the can Club will be held tomorrow The VFW Auxiliary vrill hold a keep stacks well within view to the stacks. This would be m ore^-, Tax Inch BOTTLING CO. rlne ^ r p s Recruit Depot Parris card party tonight at 8 o'clock at Idle Clfuhi^rop ease the Ubrarians’ disciplinary tensive In the long run thpn I from 2 to 9 p.ip. at the clubhouse, Pina Deposit Island, S.C. He will receive spe- 108 Clinton S t the Post Home. Members of the problems. . ' , ulocKinK tVsUi -bowa 2H€m- 10 HtNDIRSON RD- ion for Aircraft Plants / 4 t h Week u k R o w clallaed infantry training at Camp auxiliary will meet at 10:30 a.m. The Board' members favor bers decided. , j v., M l 3 -7 9 2 2 Lejeune, N.C Manchester Barracks, Veterans Sunday at the Church of the k n ock in g ^ t the west waU of the Another plan s u g g e s ^ by the ★ ★ ★ Hartford, May 28 (4*)— of World War I of the USA, and Nazarene to take part In the Me­ Claims for unemployment cffl present buUdlng. If the addition is Building Committee and the Park Advertment— ______auxiliary will participate In the morial Sunday service. Members pensation dropped in Manchester "built, rather than leave the wall Department for the library addi­ Mediators , have failed in a will also meet Monday at 9 a.m. and piake doorways ,of the win­ tion was also rejected by the Li­ Red Spy Spring sale — June 4, First Con­ Memorial Day parade. Members for the fourth straight time during SmsU Bottles SouMi OR new attempt to ease the are to meet at the Army-Navy at the Army-Navy Club to take dows. brary Board after some discussion. C a « of 24 strike threat .at Pratt A Whit­ gregational Church, Coventry, 10 part In the Memorial Day parade. the 'week ending last Saturday. A Knocking out the | walls would The plan was to eliminate the to 6 p.m. Club at 9 a.m. Monday. CwnHr St. ney Aircraft plants in East But Open house wdll be Held at’ the total of 900 claims were on Me In also provlde^more stack space than employes’ parking lot north of the Washington, May 26 (/P)— tm storage, gecretsry of State Post Home Memorial Day. the local office at tM t time, .op­ overwlse. X . library on Center SL To handle * 1 “ Ineh George C. Marshall slept in the Hartford and Manchester. Mary Cheney, Whiton and West Board members, recalled in­ North OR U.S. sleuths today kept va­ state and federal mediatora Side branch libraries will all be posed to 928 the week brfote. employes’ cars, the parking lot be room , when he attended the for­ "The' Part the Church Takes In cidents of vandalism t o the books, hind the Water Department Build Plus Deposit cant a sizeable space iit^lheir eign ministers conference in Mos­ met separately for flve hours yes­ GAS HCATING closed Monday, Memorial Day. The trend In'the State was the Wost Contor St. terday with union leaders and of­ Youth AcUviUe8”'WiU be the topic same, with, claims declining from the distribution o f hate literature, ing nearby could be enlkrged, and $ 1 . 3 5 Delivered secret trophy room and con­ cow in 1947. thefts of small bboks, anhojrance the librarians could walk the short Harriman said last night that ficials Of United Aircraft Corp., P. S T O L T Z Members of Sunset Rebekah of the Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, 38,076 to 36,680. Tax IncL fidently predicted they’ll fill it U.S. Sends Raps G olf pastor of Center Congregational to girls, and ordinary talklng and distance through the park to the I the eagle was not bugged while he the parent organization. Lodge and lOng David Lodge of Initial claims at the Manchester with Soviet spy devices seiz^ At the end of the aeseion. both C H 7 .2 6 5 1 Odd Fellows will attend church Church, at a meeting of the Kl- office numbered 188, There were laughing. ^ ^ rear of the library, suggested Park Plus Deposit was in Moscow. The security ex­ wanis Club Tuesday noon at the I^ en tly, there have been inci­ Superintendent Horace Murphy. in U.S. embassies abroad. perts aren't so sure. sides reported no progreas. There A D 2 .5 9 4 6 1 services at South Methodist 762 continued claims. So far, in 10 years of probing Manchester Country Club. One year ago, Manchester claims dents where intoxicated arson s BOapd members objected to the Harriman said the microphone- were no hew meetings s^ d u led . Jet Unit to FREE. ESTMATES Church Sunday at 10:80 a.m. S M A L L lO T T L E S — C A S E Q f 3 0 through every nook and cramiy of The workers at the t Wo PAW A totaled 1,163. have not only resisted the at­ Ubrarians’ walking through the radio found was of an advanced Gai es tempts of librarians to oust them park after'dMk, particularly since U.S. diplomatic quarters overseas, tjrpe not developed until later plants are- representedthe In­ Weekly payments for unem­ $ 1 . 7 5 Delivered they have turned up well over 100 ployed In Connecticut came to from the Ubrary, but they have the parking Ipt would be sur­ $ 1 . 5 0 Case O f 30 years. But the sleuths believe the ternational Aaaociatlon'of Machin­ threatened revwige when librari­ " I Tax IneL spy gadgets planted by Commu' F a r East 3971,662 last week, a drop of near­ rounded by shrubbery. Tax IncL eagle originally contained an older, ists. They are working wit'hout ly 320,000 fr «n the previous week. ans ha\re called police. " Theee and other matters will be nista. larger model. 'ITiey deduce this a contract because their old one The School BuUdlng Oonunittee Plus Deposit Pips Deposit They report the tempo of Com­ expired and there has been’ disa­ ORANGE HALL State L a b o r Commissioner discussed with the SidiMl Build­ from the size and markings of the, Washington, May 28 (4*)—r NOTICE! . . had suggested two weeks ago that munist bugging has stepped up secret hallow’ In the plaque, which greement on terma for a new one. Renato EJ. Rlcclutl said seasonM It would be cheaper to make doors ing Committee at a meeong to be A 120-plane Ait* Force group, expansion In non-manufacturing And they feel sure they can pull was bigger than needed for the de­ The same situation exists at By PRESTON GROVER of the windows, rather than to arranged in the near future five other United Aircraft plants including tactical jet figFIters, CLOSED Industry arouhd the State is large­ out the bugs Just about as fast as vice Lodge displayed. Moscow, May 28 (yP)— Pre­ the Reds put them in, even though in the state: Sikorsky Aircraft troop carriers and tankers, > Saturdays and Mondays ly respbiwible for the slow, but The security men don’t know mier Nikita S. Khirushchw , the Soviets are devising even fan­ Division plants in Bridgeport and flies to the Far East next During steady, decline in Jobless claims. Just , when the eagle was bugged. said today he believes Pres!-' Employment in April, the last cier electronic gimmicks. It might have been originally, or Stratford. Hamilton Standard di- week in what Pentagon June, July a ^ August viaion plants In Windsor Locks dent Eisenhower wante peace, complete month, rose for the third Captured microphones, tapped when it was sent for repairs, or spokesmen call a training ex­ telephones and the like are shipped and Brotd Brook, and another 3ut ^ h e road to Hell is paved JOHN POSTMA straight month, RiccluU noted. during two occasions when a So­ BINGO back to Washins;ton and kept in viet handymah took it to storage. Pratt A WTiiuiey plant in North ercise. with good intentions and h e , CLOCK and WATCH EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT 7:30 Leaving fsom California Wednes­ a secret room in the State De- Sen. J. William Fulbright (D- Haven. The contract spumed by REPATOINO these workers was accepted by day, they will vusit the Philippines, will really get there.” U .S. ORANGE HALL— 72 EAST CENTER ST. partmcdit for _ training U.S. diplo­ Ark(, chairman of the Senate For­ 310 Main S t— 8-6238 mats to be wary when they go Pratt A Whitney workers at Thailand and Formosa. A return military circles he described ■ S'ear Plnehurst Market RBQULAB GAMES a B SPECIALS e 1 SWEITSTABai F O R REN T eign Relations Committee, said overseas. during yesterday’s summit Inquiry plants in Southingtoil and Meri­ night to the United Slates is as opposed to peace. I 8 and 16 min. Movie Projectore den. A display board' showing vari­ that the Soviet bugging was a scheduled about 16 days later. "Everybody knows that th» . —aonnd or sUent, also 85 mm. ous Communist bugging samples Some 36,000' production workers Asked by reporters yesterday I sHde projectors. violfltion of international law. President of the United States has Is leas than half full right now. are involved in the disputes. Ham­ about the timing of the operation two duties: The first is to play golf ■ Security men are leaving the rest ilton Standard workers arc rep- in view of current international and the second is to be President, WELDON DRUG CO. resHited by the lAM, but the tensions, a Defense Department I M l Mela St. TeL Ml 8-8831 blank — expectantly. and golf-playing is more Impor­ Mnmorial Dav weekend ushers in th e summer vacation season. Whether your week- One addition they count on com­ No Herald United Automobile Workers is the apokesman consulted with supe­ tant,” Khrushchev said. union for Sikorsky workers and riors and then replied "it has been WHEEL CHAIRS Correction! ;„d ro"::.n. picmc... w..k.nd ing across soon is a tiny TV ca­ He declared the Americans mera. So far their trophies include M onday those at the North Haven PA’WA planned for at least six months.” need to be "taken down a peg or ■ W e have everyt^ng for a most happy time— from Isarbecue grills to sportswea only still cameras plus various plant. " The formal announcement by two.” The mediatora have scheduled Gen. Thomas D. White, Air Force sound-catching gadgets. But they The Manchester Evening The Soviet leader reported to estly priced. / figure the Reds can now build a meetings with company and union chief of staff, said orUy that the the Soviet nation by radio and TV, The DISCOUNT WORLD I RADIO BATTERIES Herald will not publish Mon offlciala of North Haven Pratt A flight waa an exercise to test the TV camera 6 by 5 by 2 inches, Soviet Premier Khrushchev reports to Soviet people about the fallurt of the Paris summit contor-^ in a speech delivered before a FRESH — ALL TYPES day. Memorial Day. Whitney on 'I^lesday, HamUton ability of the Tactical Air Force to (MANCHESTER MILLS) with recessed lens—small enoiqrh ence and his visit to Berlin. Khrushchev spoke on radio and telpvisloil at the Kremlin in Moscow mef^tlng of Communist labor bri­ GREEN SHOPPING CENTER—E. MIDDLE TTKIL to embed In a wall, floor or ceil­ Drive carefully. Standard on Wedneeday, and Si­ deploy over long distances quickly gade leaders in the Kremlin, on the korsky on Thursday. at a labor meeUng today. (AP Wlrephoto via radio from London).______Pofterton's ing. • . if faced by an emergency. failure of the Paris summit con­ advertisement i n THURSDAY’S HERALD The State Departmen had no ■ Training will start immediately ference’ and related world affairs. ISO Center S t—Cor. Church CoffoH Knit after the planes reach the Philip­ SHOULD HAVE READ . . . such security program in pre-cold ’The delegates unanimously ac­ war days. So no thorough check pines and ■wdll be under the direc­ G>uncil Votes claimed him aa the ’’foremost was made oF the wooden plaqur No_ CQgrdination tion of the 13th Air Force. The Nixonf Democrats Row shock, worker of Commimlat For Sale (WEN 10 to 10 MEMORIAL DAY bearing the U.S. seal which a Rus­ strike force will be undqr com­ labor.” sian group gavs to the U.S. Am­ mand of Maj. Gen. Henry Viccel- Call for New In a S-hour talk which he broke STOP AT THE SIGN bassador Averell Harriman in MoS' llo, comrasuider of the 19th Air with a 20-minuto rest period, or Rent OF econom y b y eow in 1945. Force with headquarters at Sey­ Over Summit Failure Khrushchev presented these main U2, Probers Assail mour Johnson AF Base, N. C. Free Coke To Everyone It was not until 1952—tbrte am­ Big Four Talks points: At the Invitation of Thailand, the SHIP ^R SHORE bassadors and seven years latm— The May Day U2 flight: ‘Treach- m C D ic n L that a check turned up the secret Air Force said, th« planes going on Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Sneeds for it's future than Sir Rich- . . . . • a J XTJaa.la.tA —rtll r\i1^ United Nations, N. Y., May ery committed by the U.S. govern­ Monday Only microphone behind the eagle’s to that nation wlU cwiduct training Vice President Richard M. Nixon ard the Nimble will ever find out PHRUmflCY So smart. . . So easy to care operations from D carriers and dsnt Elsenhower in “his dealings some cargo planes from the 315th mit conference failure. trusted In diplomatic negotia- Summit conference: "The United reaideacs, B p a s s o naittee .prying the U2 spy {llane incident says he’s not satis- The debate began in Illinois'*ye8- ■with foreign nations.” States bears responsibiUty before Air OlviaiQn in J a n u Join the "If we get into trouble.” he told tlons. *2.98 Kouse.'i^s toom h i^ 'as A W T ’^Sed thiere was eff^tive coordination among top government U.I.-IMiS^ SuperWUMl^ IWhters and terday when Nixon, who unofficial­ In a parting' dews MdfmiMO, thoi Whole ■world” tor collapse of 3«om and study, or had been kept ^g^juiies that handled the conflicting early statements about ly has enough delegates to win the a Democratic dinner in Idaho. the Soviet diplomat all but ruled the 'Biff Four Paris meeting. . . , other aircraft in the flight to Falls, Idaho, "It won’t be our Presi­ For Your If. tflialrman J. iVllllam Fulbrii^t# Thailand. Republican nomination, criticized out any fiii^ er dealings with there waa. a slap at Bonn alao— SP<»T8WEAB DEPARTMENT dent who is in a Jam—rit will be ^ Taka elnvator'to second Boer. (D-Ark) said daylong opening Fighter and neconnalssance train, three democrats: Adlai Stevenson, the administration of President "backstage activities of the West Deaths at 71 testimony yesterday from Secre­ ing will be carried on at Taour- Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massachu­ our nation that is in a jam.” ^ Elsenhower. German government did every­ tary of State Christian A. Herter yuan and Kung Kuan Air Bases setts and Sen. Stuart Sj’mington Nixon was in the tiny village eg thing to wreck the summit con­ FLOWERS and undersecretary Douglas Dillon State News on Formosa, which Is only 80 min­ of Missouri. Melving, 111., to help cerebrate United Nations, N.Y., May 28 ference or render .it sterile.” . . . PLANTS ECONOMY did not .dispel his dissatisfaction utes Jet flying (^time^from the Red "Les Arends day." The population ilP)—^The UJN. Security Oouncll Khrushchev will be disappointed If As Floods Hit ‘They are out o f step,” Nixon p f '530 was honoring Rep. Leslie thwe ia not a new summit in six C o m * t p thw Popular with the way it was handled. CLlnese mainland. said, "not only with the majority approved a call for new Big Four Arends. the House minority whip. or eight months, but not surprised. Republicans on FUlbright’s for­ Roundup Units In the operation ■will In­ of democrats in congress, but in negotiations, but there was no eign relaUons committee generally clude the 308th Fighter Squadron At a news conference, Nixon . . . an Elsenhower apology for the WOODLANO GARDENS for "Plants Thot PIm m o !" Manila Region their own party In attempting to sign today they would start soon. defended Herter’a position that the from George Air Force Base, was asked if he would support Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei U2 flight is still a precondition. . . Middletown. May 28 (P)—CUr- Calif., and the. 428th Fighter make a partisan issue of the sum­ Red China, India,. Indonesia and spy'fUghta were essenUal for the mit conference.” Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New Gromy4

PAQID TBQBBR MAN&ESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHES’IER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1960___ \ PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTOR. (iONN, SATURDAV, MAY 19«0 Philip Ntadeau and Cntg L*dB- loliday’g History bouche. t . Washington, . ' President Eisen­ Mary Lou MflnUskl w«* Dm an­ hower proclaimed 1980 to be the Man Weakest Link Business Bodies Told in Assembly nouncer, and Dean Mendw, stag* M ystery Object , in the "tJnited States of America-Jspsn manager. . Sheinwold on Bridge SMORGASBORD Mrs. Juro*, first grade teacher, centenniRl’ year.” Children in Mbs. Raeisler^s third ^ f^eivs It wabvjuat 100 years ago, the EVERY SUNDAY 2 to 7 greeted the program. Oll:%ey ^ est grade-yetterday P«p9*«nt*d an as­ By LOUIS M.ANDEIX U.S.* and Japan exchanged mtlfi- ALL YOU In Space J^rogram ration of the Treaty of Amity and: WATCH THE SPOTS ’ < E ut. dealer sembly program that explained (OontteiMd (rom P«c« 0"«) Commerce which, they had con­ TO AVOIP BLOCKS Both Sides vnlnMblr CAN EAT ...... ONLY n : 2 5 the hUtory and meaning Deaths Last ^ight cluded two f .years ■ before. The .. By Alfred Sheinwold NORTH morlal Day. ’The ceremonies Ml aonur aound aqulpment neat first Japane.se diplomatic mis­ O Q t SX VAWlSTIBS OF DEUCIOU8 FOOD! Ry JOE BENHAAf 4 In which “dtunage to the heart, the "Of all sad words in any Kand. b o t t l e o f b e e r 80c; BYE HI-BALL, served in Manchester on Me' ^ By ’THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Kev West. . ' sion to go abroad in modeYn tlnles O A S 5 4 San Antonio, Tex., i/la.y 28 (P)— kidney, the liver, the blood vessels, The Navy at Washington con­ the saddest are: I was in the wrong 4 10 8 2 MANHA’TTAN or MABTINI 85o the bones-and the skin h*ve all inorlal Day were also explained. r. York, May 28 (P)—James visited the U.S. for this purpose. hand!” An old friend of mine used Scientists are. confident they can firmed that a e-'shlp antl-eubma- ♦ AKQjr- VC send a man into, mkee and get hiin been ptoduced as a result of . The program included a choral Mon^ipmery JClagg, 82, the artlqL Also, this year, the President to recite this with heart-rending w a r "EAST back safely. Bdt they aren’t sure stress exposure.” reading, "In Flanders Fields," and whose vSforld War I recruiting rlne warfare fleet has been car­ will vi.sit Japan (that’s the latest moans whenever his partner block­ NEW BOULEVARD DINER rying on the investigation for>ev- bulletin) while the Crown Prince 0 9 8 5 2 ' O A K I 6 3 how heUI 4o'while he’s, up there, "It Is posable that critical slt- the soi«8 "Anchors A'weigh,' ed himself out of the right hand. O K Q 478 Coimeotlcbt Boillevard, East Hartford—BU 9-DMl uattons In space flight may over­ poster c h u ig ^ the face of Uncle e'ral days. Akihito and Princess Michiko 0 1 10 9 6 2 ’They atf particularly concerned The Marine Hymn," "The Cais­ Sam by depicting him ea a dyna East took two spade tricks and 4 None 0 ) » 6 5 about-the effects of weightlessness load a man In mace” Dr. James G. son Song” and ”The Star Sipnn WORRIED?... Capt. Satn Loomis, Key West will visit the U.S., their tour start­ then led the king of hearts to dum­ O 10 6 mlc figure pointing a finger and Naval Base chief of staff, said the a^'lsolatlon. Miller of the University of Michi­ gled Banner.” 'IXiomas Ck>ne was . . . about the ing Sept. 26—the first day of issue my’s ace. * * * ^ V)UTH gan mental health research instl exhorting ”I WanUVou,” died yes­ object might be a coral pinnacle void that remains, the hu- the announcer for the program terday after a longrillness. Until eation? Fannly’a PW**?*“ 5 in Wa.shington, D.C. • • Declarer led the deuce of dia­ tute said. . . — ' or S'sunken wreck. He declined to The new stamp was designed by ' man element, cannot be deter- and Randall Rippman played Flagg’s poster, UncleXSam had Rstirem ent eacuritirT Oat monds to the ace, discovering the ' mind until a significant number of "A s a result o f this overload, hie Tape.” ,g-)ve the depth of* the object but Miss G.vo Fujikawa, a Niesl, now 4 A K Q 7 4 3 been depicted aa an austere^gang; peace of mind soar cow bad trump break. H eturned a astronauts have returned from might be unabM to process infor­ ^ said it was great ?nough to ham­ living in New York City. Her fame 0 7 3 2 .Twenty-three first grade pupils ling figure with circus-like with Saving* Bank Lif* lobsterish red and began to pre­ flight through space,” Lt. Col Ber­ mation adequately, and a serious in Mrs. Juros’ class presented the tions. , I per diving operations. as an artist Is well established—her pare his defenses by complaining East SoMh WsH N ^ breakdown in performance might Im urant*. Aek at Miami television station W'TVJ nard E. Flaherty of the Air Force (Tperetta "Hansel and Gretel” In Hillsdale, Mich., May 28 UP) latest in the arts are her illustra­ about the horrible breaks he al­ 1 O 2 0 Tsis 2 O Bchopl of Aviation Medicine said. result.” said it has been .suspected for some tions for "A Child's Garden of PaS 3 4 PM 5 0 two performance* at Buckley Joseph C. Baumgarten, 70, Indua- ways got. B N He spoke yesterday to 359 scien­ Dr. Hubertus Strughold, pro­ triallst and philanthropist, was time that Russian subs have been School yesterday. Verses” by Stevenson, Robert The opponents told him to get' AU Pus . ' tists attending a symposium of the fessor of spacq medicine at the witching I-T.S. mi.ssile shots at Louis, that is. Openini lead — 02 1 90 Stephen Packard was Hansel killed In an auto accident yester­ on with it, so he led a club to dum­ effects of space travel on the mind School of Aviation Medicine, said and Joan Fontaln was Gretel. ’The day, He was president of Joseph -'G^e ranaveral. First word of his discussion of weightlessness “ is S fiV U G S t^'cuiTcnt hunt came from my and returned the ten of dia­ EVERY MONDAY . and body at Brooks Air Force mother and father werq,-' played Baumgarten A Co., clothing manu­ Coo|)cratlvo Deal monds. East covered with the jack’, Base. based on the assumption that man facturing firm, with factories in Ua.st September a fishing boat re­ The busy bees in Summerfield's little rhyme too' often, especially " 7:80 PM. by Suzanne Gold and Robert F^er- aifd South won with the queen. if there's a poet around. It’s no fun Flaherty quoted the observation can tolerate zero gravity over ron. Martha Schardt represented Hillsdale and Coldwater. Mich. He ported an unidentified .submarine office .seem to have their eyes on. longer periods of time’’ than volim- BANK was sighted, o ff Miami Beach, Sbuth led another clUb to dum­ to get conked on the noggin by i of Gen. Thomas D. White, Air the witch^/Whlle Robert Segal smd recently gave 31 million to Chica­ the duties of the State Department. my and led the eight of diamonds. P A G b a l l r o o m Force chief of staff, that “Man is teers-have experienced In tesU, go’s Michael Reese Hospital quick'v submerging \vbeh seen. S T A « t Now comes the . announce­ one-volume edition of Shakes .'•'"However, we are not yetXsure James MUn>hy were the sandmen. The Navy made ah investigation East played low . this time, and peare. X< VILLAGE ST. — ROCKVILLE a sea-level, low-speed, one-G, 12 Acting as fiowers were Denise MANCHESTER ment that the'U.S. will issue joint­ hour animal,’’ and described man of this because experiments! data then. About 100,000 Japanese In To­ Bouth had to let dummy win the Dally Question Maney, Joan Moran and Carol ly with Mexico commemoratlves trick. as ,"the weakest link In our aero­ on man are still not available," he Main Office kyo have protested the new mili­ As dealer you hold: Spadds—Q Schmidt. Robert Knight, Jackie honoring the 150th anniversary of Now there wras no way for him space development to date.” said. 9X8 Main St Washington. May 28 W —The tary alliance with the United Mexican independence. The U.S. 7; Hearts— A 8 5 4; Diamonds—10 Four speakers described experi­ Inkel, Dean Mendell and Jared ^*a^■y soon will demonstrate a to get out of dummy to draw the Other speakers expressed con­ stamp will be a 4-center, the 8 2;'Clubs^A K Q J. What do you ments in which men in simulated Hull were trees. The angels were [RADIO BAnERIES] East Branch rocket torpedo that cuts into the States. Some of the demonstrators last trump. If dummy led another cern about the astronaut’s ability Carol Conklin, Sue Lennon, Kath­ shouted, ‘'Ike. don't cornel", , Mexican for 30 centavos. club. East would ruff; and if dum­ say? to adjust his schedule o f working space cabins and capsules had hal­ FRESH — ALL TYPES XS5 East Center Street water and follows the sound of a Answer: Bid one club. Avoid an Great Holiday Skowt! lucinations—rseelng' such things as leen f SHOW! Extra! "Raw Wind In Eden” | OOLOBt Girl ScouU singing the "Thankful raine ZaoaiTo, Mariya Camilleri, VMtlng hours': Adults X to 8 monds comes\through East) 'South / E A B T H " I Song,” led by Jo-An Boudreau. Csvey's Renovated New York ofltce of United Air stamps to honor thp summit "TBAWA BEArHHEAD" ■w Barbara Lee, Sally Pickens. Jo­ DINNER p.nf. Maternity X to 4 and 6:80 can finesse and can reach his own "TANK BATTALION" Following the dinner, Barbara craft Export Corp. meeting—that’s what. anne Vincent, Joan Segerburg, "The first half of an 38.000 re­ N o H e r a l d This philatelic gesture was not to 8 p.m. CXilldren’s Ward X to 7. hand at the same time In order to Rasmusson welcomed Miss Hulda Bonnie Anderson, . Donna Tash STAY FOR draw the last trump Butler, the school principal, and novation program at Cavey’a Res­ Transportation problems as they in vain—however. The stamps are Mary Waltz, Donna Wohlgemuth taurant, 45 E. Center St., is near­ bn sale. See your favorite dealer PntlMits Today: X40 There is a double moral in this the mothers. Debbie fXark, CSulstle Temple ^ M o n d a y affect New England, Ulll be -dis for this beautiful set picturing the ADMITTED YESTERDAY: little tale. The first, about the cor­ Badges and second class rank Janice Stankierwlez, Janet Klemas ly complete, enabling proprietor cuased June 8 at p conference at James Lennon, 154 Charter Oak rect play, you ^ave already seen. ENDS was awarded by the leaders, Mrs. the Statler Hilton Hotel in Harri^ DANCING and flags of the four participating (la TODAY Sandra ClifTord, Donna Scruton, Steve Cavagnaro to breathe easily The Manchester Evening that the word?) nations. St.; Mrs. Louise Wlthey, 321 W. The second is to avoid reciting that Walters Jacoby and Mrs. Ame Jan Kerrigan, Nancy Fister, Jan ford. Three niiiversltles ajid 31 Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Jane Bensche, Rasmusson, to the following: Diane once agaiit. Herald will not publish Mon­ Connecticut 'drganizationa are co­ ’Thompeon, Linda Turner, and 202'Woodbridge St.; Debra Oppelt, STEVE Bagley, hoihemaker and second Since the remodeling work be­ operating with the Transportation f LOOR SHOW ^ MP8 ElecU ^WINDSOR Dorothy WltkdWski. day, Memorial Day. FOR YOUR HOLIDAY PICNIC Eiigene Hatten was elected pres­ 4 0 Summer St.; Mrs. June Sper­ "DOLIATH AND THE BARBARIANS” REEVES class; Dolores Bitter, cook, home­ gan late in the winter, Cavey has Association of America in j>reaent- At this meeUng, Mr*. Manuel had to wqtch what amounts to a Drive carefully. CALL MI B-8070 FOB RESER^’A'nONS ident of the Manchester Philatelic ry, 41 Phoenix St., Vernon; Wil­ A happy MensorisI Day week- aleo "PLUNDERERS OF PAINTED FLA’Tj^” maker and second class: Jo-An ing the conference. • ' Buy it in the economical half gallon family liam Ritchie Jr., 3 Deepwood Dr.; >end to onr friends and cna- Boudreau, cook - and homemaker Vincent was pinned as a new Girl game of'shuffleboard with the fur­ Society, Tuesday night at the f "Goliath” at 6:00.9:00—^“Plunderer, at 4:807:80' Scout leader by Mrs. Harold Falls size container. Over 25 delicious flavor^ from North Methodist Church, Parker John Sullivan, 317 Spring St.; tomers! ENDS TONITB badges and i|econd class; Irene niture in the former cocktail manufactures batteries snd flash­ Rogers Corp. reports almost a vriio is a troop wmsultant. St. Miss Dorothea Benjamin, 33 Coo- A ll CoU r Condlo, drawing and painting qnd lounge. lights. one-third' gain in its first quarter which to choose. lidge St.; Mrs. Helen Bojarski, 105 homemaker badges and_s^on<} Mrs. Horace Scruton. Mrs. l>qn Mrst the bar was over there," 1960 net of 384,^1, compared with WALNUT RESTAURANT Other officers named were 8TANK0 8 Oak firill "BAND OP ANGKUl" - • • SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY • • ------Briefs n George Blake, vice president: E. Middle Tpke.; Elizabeth McLo- 80 Oak 8t., Manchester "PETE .KELLEY’S BLVES" class. Ziacarro, and Mrs. Joseph have he ligUed. "then It was moved o'ver 364!135 In "the same 1959 period. gan, 65 Oxford St.; Benjamin Sea- Contlniiou. From X P.M.. Sunday and Memorial Day Also, Joyce Crawford, home­ been the Brownie leaders! r WALNUT STREET—-MANCHESTER Richard Gray, treasurer; Robert “WILD BILL DUBE” S Y N D A Y ’ here, then we served drinks from Connecticut’s 71 mutual savings Sales for the quarter totaled vey, 44 Sterling PL; Merle Jen- Thre«-Fealur.« Feature X:00r5:80-9:00—Co-Hit 8:80-7:00 maker badge and second claM; the dining room, theri downatairs, 31,855,633 this,, year, compared Herzog, recording secretary, and an^ hie 8.PIECE BAND ‘TBE BIG LAND" banka showed no net gain In de­ kens, 304 Autumn Mra. Fran­ Sharon Enes, homemaker badge with 31,612,545 in the first three Elizabeth Smith, corresponding The'Home of Fun and Frolic "ALIAS JESSIE JAMES” then... well, we’ve finally got posits for April, according to the ces Roth, 428 Broad St.; Horace "Bl’NDLE OF JOY” / and second class; Alice Grant, A ll Eye* Ahead secretary. .# No Cover, No Minimum e . ns MWNAnofM sesMvic everything in place.” Saving! Banks’ Assn. The associa- months of 1959. officers will begin Russell, 343 Highland St.; Edward R' KXINOATION UNQ(t n< homemaker badge and second The cocktail lounge, now doubled The new £usncts Of m m a j u t y h n s Russellville, Ark. (A5 — Patrons tloli reports deposit Inflows of 32 at the last meeting Fitzgerald 174 Oak St.; Mrs. An­ BLST AHEAD Of IHf ftfST class; Patricia Hall, cook and In size, la resplendent with'diffused million, In sqch special Recounts their duties na TKier. 56 Durant St.; Mrs. Bibi- .lioeouB M lIHt homemaker badges and second of a drive-ln theater watched the in June. lighting, pile carpets, soft colors as (Jhrlstmas Clubs and payroll ane McQuade, Glastonbury; Miss class; Ann Hinnov, cook and home­ screen unconcerned as flrsflghters and a specially designed ma­ OPEN “ You Can Taste The Quality” Madeline Tryon, Coventry; Clchn- maker badges and second class; fought a forest fire in nearby savings, bad been balanded by 32 Juniors Hold Show hogany and Formica bar nearly million decrease in . regular ac­ 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. ent Lupacchino, 68 Highland St.; Sophie Jacoby, dabbler, cat and WOMlS. three times as large as the old one. The Junior Division of the Man- 'Martin Baker, Andover; Edward ICm k iJ m i e dog, and homemakjer badges and ’The picture: “Some Like It counts. Many mutual savings SUNDAY. 8 A.M.-8 P.M. iioutes 6 & 44A Grxvniw chesrter Philatelic Society, not to In September, Cavey hopes to banka will bo Issuing Vacation Chapdelaihe, 101 Spruce St.; second class; Mary M oore^ < ^ e- Hot.” . open the other half of the remodel­ he oiitdone by the Senior group, Thomas Carney, Wapping; Floria O n e m a S c o p C Club funds this month. PINE PHAHMACY staged its first show Tuesday WALNUT RESTAURANT ing venture, * downstairs ateak Brimmer, 1 Bow 8t. OOI.OS W Of. w x i 664 CENTER ST. ENDS TONIGHT night -with a nice display from roonri with open fireplace and grille. ADMITTED TODAY: Daniel ’There are still a few finishing niomas W. Wralght df Wethers­ An Epic Story Of Lovo And War 18 entries. Miller, 162 Spencer St. 17 WALNUT STREET field has been appointed personnel Paul^ Walckowskt, 11 . Stark- touches to be added to'the upstairs BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A section - tile flooring at the foot manager of Hamilton Standard. He e n g e a n c e weathier St., received first prize ,..AND V f daughter to Dr. and Mrs. Walter Relish Tray Salad of the bar and some new seats and was formerly per.sonnel manager with a display of churches on Schardt, 31 Eastland Dr.; a son to upholstery. of United Aircraft Corporation’s stamps. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Bogliach, Choice of Appetizer Choice of Soap ’The coffee shop has gone. In Missiles and Space Systems divi­ Second place went to Patricia Windsor Locks. sion, which has now 'been merged DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; its place is an extension of the La Flame, 17 Cumberland St., for cQckiBll lounge which oan be with Hamilton Standard. her entry of famous Americans. Michael McMahon, East Hartford; SfECIAL TONIGHT ALSO THE BOOK TREASURED BY ALL AGES Debra Oppelt, 40 'i Summer St.; .. . NOW ENCHANTJNGLY FILMED ... ITS cloeed off for semi-private meet' Geore Nolan. 351 Parker ,Bt. Sherwood W. Humphries of 57 John Sullivan, 317 Spring St.; Ed- ing giroups and small parties. Dur­ iOMKUU«[«flSFffiDUCTIOII exhibited the set of Greek stamps, ing the day, it -will be used aa a Garden St., an auditor in the picturing various ships to takeTmund Kunhardt, Stafford; Mrs. audit department at Aetna Casu­ VISA •siiikA*a .«AMWf MiCwASS e«a**v StCvC A ll* Elizabeth Hall, East Hartford; men’s luncheon area where menu third honors. TWIN LOBSTERS itema will be available a* a l(t alty and Surety Co., will observe MAN6D MILES BELGTdOESMOREAUMHART GUAROi fORRESI NICOL GWM Mrs. Mary Marzialo and daughter, >Grar his 30th anniversary with the or. RED&WHITE SIAM) 8 Asylum St.; Mrs. Gloria Diana carte fare. • [HEEp^’r o t u ® RfLWSt VACATION TIME! If not otherwise used in the ganizatipn Monday. i mOMAS SUUIVAN, Prop. 140 Benton St. SINGLE LOBSTER ...... 1.1.25 T E R S ^ i •venings, it will be opened as C i NBN/IAS c OUE COlM part of the lounge. Joseph Wegge, 81 Pine St., has TOT FATALLY INJURED LOBSTER THERMIDOR...... $.1.85 TOP CO-HIT 1 '•THE JAY HAWKERS" Stafford Springs. May 28 (Ah— When the steak room la com. become a member of the Quarter WEST CENTER STREET AT MeKEE STREET TEEN DANCE pleted downstairs, it will elim­ Century Club of Pratt ,and Whit­ IN OOIXIRl 1 Jeff Chandler-Fees Parker-Nlrole Maurey Gary Rocheforte, 15 memths, was fatally Injured yesterday when a BAKED STUFFED SHRIMP ...... $3.50 inate large formal evening ban­ ney Aircraft. Weggie fs employed INCLUDINa SUNDAY S TONIGHT car driven by his father, Walter WEDNESDAY thru SATURDAY quets. Csvey’s vMll still cater to aa a expediter, in rough stores at OPEN 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. and MEMORIAL DAY TOMORROW (SI NDAY) HOLIDAY F.VE Rocheforte, backed over hla body. FRIED SCALLOPS ...... $2.85 "PleaM Don’t Pick The Dailies”—Dorie Day, David Niven amall private parties, however, Manchester* A native of Brooklyn, S TOP BLOCK BUSTER.^ In color State Police, said the accident oc­ "Eseort W’est” —Victor Mature, Elaine Stewart and will use the steak room for N. Y., Wegge started with 'the Masonic Hall curred in the driveway at the DEEP SEA SCALLOPS PROVENCALS ...... $2.90' large, daytime gatherings. BLOCK BUSTER NO. 1 BLOCK BUS’TEB NO. 2 Rocheforte home. The child died One rule is ’ stressed now: "WAKE ME WHEN "THE WIND NEXT TO THE several hemrs later, In 'a hospital. BROrtED SWORDFISH ...... $2.85 .Jackets must be worn after 6 ITS OVER” CANNOT READ” MANCHE.STER POST OFFICE p.m. BROILED DEEP SEA SCALLOPS ...... $2.90 T s t o w color color w PHARMACY N GERANIUMS ERNIE KOVACS DICK BOGARDE Featuring More Than 6 Years 445 Hartford Rd.—MI 9-9948 DICK SHAWN Great Action LOBSTER FRA DIAVOLO...... $4.00 There was some muitaKen In­ BUHNSIDF formation in this space two weeks OPEN ALL DAY . BLOCK Bl'STER NO. S “THE ORIGINALS” ■ » * VI t * :| ' SHRIMP MARINARA ...... ,....$3.25 ago beneath a picture of a me­ MEMORIAL DAY BRIGITTE ^ARDOT "LA PARISIENNE”—color J/uL ClaAkk. COMBINATION POTS AND BASKETS SEAFOOD A LA CREOLE . .$3.00 tallic fellow with stove pipe legs. I’rescriptloii Of Course d a n c in d ( f r o m AvaGRRDNfR b t iN H m n ’The wording Indicated that 8 to 12 C-.RCG PECK KKSUIIBUtRI FILLET OP SOLE MARGEURITE...... $2.90 Thomas P.'Altken, owner of the FOR THE CEMETERY building atop which the colossus stands, has been in business only ALL YOUR FLOKAL NEEDS FOR THE HOUDAY ADMISSION ly iE iw if Choice of Dessert Coffee w Tea KITCHEN CLAMBAKE NEED Look! Why drive for mile.s when all ONLY —m eo to n ------tzi six years. Not so. the pleasures and conveniences are ___X-6-9:50 _ 4:30-8:15 FOR RESERVATIONS CALL Ml 9-8070 Spociol Saturday. Sunday and Momoiiai Day AJtken, whose business is heat­ SCREENS at your front door? For a most en­ 75c San.. “HOME rBOM THE HILI” ing, cooling and sheet nietal work, "WONDEHFl’L COCNTRY” OPEN ALL DAY MEMORIAL DAY has bMH located at 23 Tolland • OR BEDDINQ joyable Memorial Day weekend— A^enu ■Tpke. — the site of the tin man— the place to go, is the popular for that length of time, but be­ COMBINATION PUNTS gan in the trade in 1934. i r r t f T n T ? NEW ENGLAND CLAM CHOWDER In fact, he has changed ad­ SCREEN DOORS? dress three times, one of the STEAM CLAMS, Drawn Buttnr changes due to impending demoli­ , CALL BOLTON LAKE It hits A new h 1^ In hilarity I tion of the building his shop was Tony Cortii A'nl B ry a a cr CLAM FRITTERS in and another change due to^ a Denn Martin in Kay Krnaatl Ruseo- ••ONCE M O R E OFFICIAL OPENING flood. “ WHO WAN WITH He op^ ed at 57 Market St. In Four Models to Choose From. HOUSE .THAT LADY" FEKLING** No ihatter where you plan to spend your vacation, you’ll Hartford and moved to 25 Wells Be Sure — Buy Reliability. T «rh i LOBSTERS 4 :50-8 :2fl enjoy reading about what’s going oh in your old home- St. when the Market St. building towh. “ . was to be tom dowii. R. G. KIHLE • SANDY BEACH • SWIMMING R5H FILLET “After the flood of ’38," he con­ Flowering SUNDAY 29 M l 9-0468 Sunday, May ,lp .in . tinues, "at which time I had three Annual Vegetable • PICNIC TABLES • GOOD FISHING A GALA HOLIDAY SHOW WHOLE POTATO feet of water in my shop, I de­ Representing . Continnont S«t. luid M ob. cided that, since Manchester was Plante HOT JOHNNY CAKE HAVE “THE HERALD” my home, and stayed high and Bertlett-Bralnard Products Co. Plants • FIREPUCES • 20 ROWBOATS Stove Reeve*'' Betty H«ttoa tn dry during all thij flooding, I’d 589 New Park Ave., Be it swimming, fishing, boating, picnicking, dining or ••THK West Hartford—AO 8-4475 . *‘G O U A T H G R R A T R S T CORN ON THE COB’ move , my shop out there.” dweing, you’ll, find your fajiorite pastime .and relaxa­ A M > THK SHOW^ ON DESSERT— He has been here ever since, tion here in a most clean and pleasant atmosphere. RARMARIANS'* . R A R T H ” ““ SPERRY’S GLEN leed Watermelon or Baked Indian Pudding SEHT TO YOU BY MAIL although h e ' closed the shop for When you think of a good time, think of the Bolton In i^ilorHcope In Color I r the duration of World War U. Lake House! SiS6- 7 : i 9 - ROUTE 85 and FRENCH RD.. BOLTON 1 4 .2 5 Clip and flU out this coupon. Mail to Circulation Department Gets Award Notice Wed.! Unforiflvfti” along with your check or money order. John E. Smith, 236 Autumn St., . . . Efifoy Hi« indoor comforts of oiir screoned in —w SEE THE C R O W N IN G O F THE has been award^ the annual dis­ I will bp away from my busi­ Sofurdoy and Sunday Only!, MAN<3HBSTER EVENING‘HERALD tinguished salesman award by S T O P IN veranda overlooking beoutiful Bolton Lake . . Ray-O-Vac Cp. of Madison, Wis. ness from how until Aug. '7. SOUP OF THE DAY I 13 Blssell St„ Manchester, Conn. • Smith, . dlstriqt manager in TODAY! Southern New England for Ray-O- For Entorgoncy Work 0«ir Dining Rooin serves only the best Please send "The Herald” to me at the following vaca- | LONDo;; MEMORIAL DAY QUEEN CHARCOAL BROILED RIB STiAK Vac, was given g trophy and in­ of food in o wide voriety of dinners WATERFORD j ' ' I tion address: scribed wrist, watch. Ray-O-Vac C d l SUNDAY — 3 P.M. BAKED IDAHO. POTATO WITH SOUR CREAM --AS A L W A Y S SPEED BOVVl AND CHiyES Name ' ^ , | Monclihster Hooting * DANCING EVERY Sa t u r d a y n ig h t • Miuie by the- ^ TOSSED SALAD street i Route 85, Hartford Rd. or PUDDING or JELL-O ( and Plumbing Cd. THE VERY FINEST IN FRESH Music and entertainment by the Extt 77, Conn. 'Turnpike AND BEVERAGE City and State ^ I NO TICE! . . . J popular radio and TV combo ROCKVILLE STEWART HIQHUNDERS 117 Birch St. STOCK CAR RACING I My home address is ' I FRUITS and VEGETABLES ST. PATRICK’S>IPE DAND, MANCHESTER ^ 2 .9 8 c l o s e d I • T«(. Ml 9-8778 or 9-8382 JOAN JOYCE TRIO n i week 30c—□ 2 weeks 60c— □ 3 weeks 90c | Saturdays and Mondays ^ SATURDAY KITE I □ 1 month $1.30— (Check length of time wanted) During A nCMC SUPPUiS— CHASCOAL MIQUETS (MAY-28) and ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE COCKTAIL AT CLARK’S CHECK OR MONEY ORDER MUST I June, 4uJy ana August ^ ACCOMPANY THIS ORDER • I WALTER B. KOHli M E A D - R O U S - m O Z IN PO O D - SOOA • IC IC M A M Open Sun. • No Cover • No Minimum CIRCLE Covered MONDAY M TE L JOHNFOSTMA S PLUMBING and HEATING (MEMORIAL DAY) W a g o n R id e CLOCK and WATCH X 204 MAPLE ST. OPEN EVERY DAY 9 AM. to 9 P .M . P. REPAIRINO • H i BoltO|n Lake House g Starting Time 8:80 PM.. ^ FOR THE KIDDIES ^ . 310 Main St.—M l k-623S 0 8 Raoea—FTee Parking 78 NORTH STREET, WILLtMANTIC lianrljrfltrr ^nrtttnsl|rralii Near Pinehurat Market ^ Route 44A • Tqp Stocdi Car Drivers s Fast 1/8 MUe Track PICNICS, SWIMMING. . , For RcMrTBtions—HArrimn 3-9001 R ead H erald Advs. i Miles East of Manchester WATER CYCfiES, PLAY AREA ADMISSION FREE ••444«6664f

L • H PA G ! f i v e MANCHESTER EVENING HERALH, MANCHESTER, CONN!, SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1960 MANCHESTEli EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, >tAY t8, 1960 Marble St., It Chamber St, 41 Wonders of the Univene South Windsar No Herald State News RADIO BATTERIEII aa ifira a in n waa not the key Edmund St, and 287* Oaldaad S t FRESH — ALL TYPE* 1-^' Friday, at Kingdom Hall, 7:30 JiUmr^RBter teat That was provided by the M onday Connecticut p.m Thf^’batlc MlnUUy SchooL langusge pf the would-he small na­ • pJ Meeting TV‘Explodes’ Roundup Potferlon't EitmUts' ilnralb tion conciliators, who formulated Mars Now Viewed 180 Oertter Sti—Cor. Clinrell / (Psalm 78: 72), The Manchester Evening ------X the reaoluUcn they hoped , to have Yankee At Residence I Herald will not publish Mon- (Continoed from Page One) fajarowQ cp.. me. adopted aa a compromise, con­ OmriR eg the NSanmae By A. R. 0. SgSM SlnSt. 1 dfiy, Memorial Day. structive. end to the queetlon. This twcotivinfi .Cfciwhf St. damsa* li. C. Obnrfih As, Probe Target Drive carefully. entitling them to a second repre^ ItobOTt K. Mttister Bar. John B. Baanon, Pastor C.M. Hln^Dw. mUM er . A television set at toe home of sentative each. resolution could have conWned tte K«v. James T. tPOonnell ESTOW j| n&airari In w h at' might be termed the ultraviolet radiation will gtva Richard Malone at 69 Bryan Rd. 'ITiis would push tos total in the small portion of satlsfactlfm which Kev. Joaaph H. MoOann 9:80 a.m.. Church Behool. Claifi' By DR. L M. L B V irr, DIBBOKW “ blew up” because of faulty wiring PHARMACY R IMBdad October X XW good but unpleasant race toward 10;*6 a.m„ Nur*«ry opena some IndioatHjrt as to tl(e oom- House to 293. With lawmakers al­ W was essential for Russia, apd the Rev. John D. Regan ss for all ages. yesterday afternoon. Local fire­ \Coventry ready fltt^ iffto all. toe niches of 445 Hartftrd Rd.—m 94M 0 BT«nlng acknowledgment of the realities of H a.fn., Morning worsWp »kr- ' The Fete Plaaetariam posltlon of toe Martian Atmos­ PubUitod ••7 ' of rebuke we, the 10:40 ».m.. Worship aarviee. men were Called out. The TV set to e . cramped House chamber, the huteye end Solli)lldayB ieM*?r‘*^on5‘ “ :4 small portion mfin- Orfioter* are Mr. and Mr*. niam a: of The Fraaklls lastltato ^ phere. OPEN ALL DA'Y Poet one* at Melaaebe the sUte’s financial future, the Re­ Donald Gear. Ushers are Nor­ Sunday Maaass at 8, 7, 8, Message by the pastor. MeMeb City—A 8-prong kttMk was a total loss, but no other dam­ addition of '14 more would be dif­ MEMORIAL DAY ^^Md ClaM Hail Matter. United States, should have been "Tnis Speaking Sacrifice.” The third phase to corns at tos publicans have started late Inlt man Hall and fim sst Anderson. 10:16 and 11:30 a.m. to uricover the possibility of life age was eauised, firemen said. / ficult. willing to accept, .^t ■ could have I . ; - - __ :______10;'46 a.m., Children's Church end of tos.lO-year period Indicates [Judith Knauss Towns which will have passed PLENTY OF FILM I ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES nevertheless come in first. - Deacon of the day Is Bbuglas on Mars Is, the suggeeUon of Dr. an unmanned landing on Mart. . A strong odor of skunk was Payable tn Advaace done BO by taking some reproving ■ S t Bridget’s B. O. Ohnrrii and Nursery, evident in'the evening at Co. 2 the S.OfiO mark since the last cen­ Their late stsuT which comes In Hayss. • Richard Davlas^f the UUnlverslty Because Mara baa a thin atmos­ One Year ...... notice of the specific fact of our 7 p.m„ Junior and Senior P. F. R4v. John J. tSelandy. Pastor 8 p.m.. Youth Service. headquarters on Ellington Rd.,.but sus are Avon, . Cromwell, East first Is represented by the report Rev. Stanley E. Hastnio 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. of California’s Jet Propulsion Lsh- phere, It la possible to glide tos Class of 1960 Lyme, Ellington, Monroe, Mont- Three MonUie ...... ? S espionage flights over Russia .be­ oratorles. Speaking before toe a search of toe firehouse failed to One Month ...... * of the Finance and Taxation sub­ Rev. Dfinnis R. Hussey Message by the paator. nieme: M en vehicle onto toe surface. ville. North Branford. Old Say- fore It w'ent on wlHf its general . Emailnel Lutheran Church Space Medicine Session of tos Pan Because toe atmosphere o f the uncover the animal. Weekly ...... committee as a proposed plaifk for AssMtsata The Romance o f Iledemptlem. Coleman Bros. Carnival, sponsor­ Valedictorian brook, Southbury, South Windsor, Singl® C op y ...... y urging of all nations to refrain the forthcoming Republican state C. Henry Anderson, Pastor 7:80 pm.. Prayer .and Praise Amsrlcan Medical Association planet ia mors tenuous than that Thomaaton, Wilton, Wolcott, and Hoger Mackey, Intern Congrsss, he outlined three well- of toe earth, the approach angle ed by the Fire Department and MEMBER o r ____„ from acts which might produce platform. Sunday Masses st 7, 8, 9,10, 11; service. Auxiliary, will he at Bradley's IVoodbridge. THE ASSOCIATED PRECT The notable thing about this re­ — in the) Chapel at 0 and 10 a.m. defined steps to be undertaken in Is not critical. It can come In Miss Judith Knauss. daughter of The Associated Press is tragedy and, get on w'fth negotia­ 9 a.m., DliUie Worship and at a fairly ateep angle. Field on Ellington Rd. June-1 entltleo to the use ol "I port lA that it calculates the in­ Oonammity Baptist Chnroh toe next ten years to give scien­ through June 6. It will be open Prof, and Mrs. Harold P. Knauss BUS HEARING SET all news dispatches credited to jt or tion for the world's life or death, Church School; Nursery Class for tists and sstronomers definitive Once on toe surface of tos crease in state income which will Church of the Aasnmptlon 686 E. Center S t at the Green from 6 p.m. to midnight and Sat­ of Standish Rd. is the valedictorian Hartford, May 2 (Al—The state hot .otherwise credited 1" Some of the small nation spokes­ be necessary in the next biennium, 3-year-olds. ' Adame S t nnd Thompeon Rd. John R. Nenbert Minister Information concerning toe -na­ planet. It Is proposed that an ujr of the Windham High School Class Public Utilities commiasioner will and also Ihe locat news published hert 10;$0 a.m.. Divine Worship and traviolet microscope bs used to urday from noon to midnight. All rights ol republlcatlon of special men backing the compromise reso­ and then actually specifies and en- Rev. Joseph Farrell, Paatfir ture of toe Martian surface and There.^ will be special children’s of 1960. She had an average of hold a hearing in the state office dispatches herein arc also reserved Church School; nursery for In'- Rfiv. FramX'i T. Rntler, Aaristhat observe surface detail. This de­ building Monday June 13, lit 11 lution had no hesitancy, In their dorae.s the tax increases that 9:30 a.m., Sunday Church School Its potenOal to sustain living or­ prices on Saturday, 94.81 for three and one-half years,* x|^ll service client of N. E. A. B?rv- would produce that additional in-, fants. Sermon at both services; for all ages, cradls roll through ganisms. tail will be coded and transmitted and won a 4-year merit college a.m. on the Connecticut Railway speeches, saying that such flights •Called Aa A Wltpess,” by Roger Sunday Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10:16 back to the earth. It'Is hoped Permission to hold the carnival and lighting Company's petition come. — adult Dr. Davlss po4ntsd out that, toe was granted byK-the Zoning Board scholarship. *'l^'^l§>er. nepresentauves: The by any natjofi over any nation It calculat^lhat new programs Mackey. and 11:30 a.m. l(>:16 a.ra., Cfiiurch activity pro- reason Mara is toe target for this that some method will be found Other local members of ..the to end Its bus service In and be­ .Tullus Mathews Rhcclsl *^ en^ — New to land water vials onto toe sur­ Thursday night providing that-lo­ tween Shelton and Derby. 'The York. Chlchkp Detroit end I ^ o n . would naturally be resented. But and increased^llocations for old gqram fpr children, cradle roll Intensive series of probes Is. that cal fire, police and 'safety regula­ graduating class with an average MEMBER '^ u n r r b u r e a u or Oonoordla Evangelical > Sacred Heart Ohnreh through kindergarten. we, hnow more ajxiut tots planet face. A sample of soil immeraed above M per cent, recently an­ PUC said yesterday toe company's ■CTRCn-ATIONS\ ■ they included no such touch of programs will, ifK^e next legisla­ tions are complied with. No on­ LuthetM Oinroh ^ ' Church S t, Versoa 10:30 am., Morning Worship. than arty other In the solar sys- In this water could be cultured to nounced b^ Principal H. Chester run between Bridgeport and Der­ opinion In their resolution, and, in­ ture. add between JiMLand *5® f"**' street parking will be allowed by, passing through Shelton, would The Herald Prtntlnf ^t^ p a n y . IM^ Winter nnd Garden 8$sr' Rev. Ralph Kelly, Paator Remembrance , ■ Sunday. Second tsm. 'Venus Is the only other detect toe presence of organisms. Nelson, are: Paula Contos, in assumes no financial reeppnslblilly for stead, left It to Gromyko himself lion to the next state budget. within a quarter mile radius of the bo unaffected by the proposal. It calculates that, depending up­ Kev. Paul C. Kaiser, Pastor session, Sunday Church School. planet where life could eSist. How­ Atmospheric ozone and atomie ninth place with 91.29; Martin typographical errors a p p e ^ w to a ^ Masses at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. oxygen, should be present. A sky carnival. Drying clothtt rerMements and other reading..gsattet to lead Itti fight to have their res­ on economic conditions, the stAte Sermon topic; “Testimony, Prayer ever, Venus is so completely Dragon, 11th, 90.57; Catherine search may be made for toe In­ YMCA Banquet CHAMBER ELECrrS olution include the piece of lan­ will end the present biennium with 8;30' a.m.. Holy Communion. and Peace.” ; cloud-covered that we have no In­ Wapping Y held its annual ban­ Wanagel, 12 th, 90.30; Edward DispIBv adveftlsjna closing houra: St. Frtnfiis of Asalal Ohnreh 7 p.m.. Junior High Youth Fel- frared air glow coming from ozone Norwalk, May 28 UP)—George is Mosy todoy*** in The Manchester Evenlnk Herald. guage which, by reproving the act a deficit somewhere between |16 9:30 a.m.. Church Sthool. formation concerning Its surface. quet Thursday night at the Com­ Haddad, 14th, 90.11. E. Underwood, executive secretary I South Windsor lowMtp meets in the Annex. and hydrogen. Also, Joseph Eaton, 89.78; Pa­ For Monday—1 Pp im. Fhdday. we 'ourselves have discontinued and 247 million. 9:80 a.m„ The Service. Rev. Jannes F. Glynn, Pastor R e c e n t, astronomers have dis­ munity House. Lewis Knox, Hart­ of the Bristol Chamber of Com­ For Tuesday—1 p.ip Moimay. It a.m.. The Service. 7 p.m.. Senior Youth Fellowship These are the gdala for toe next tricia Gilbert, 89.47; Carol Martin- For Wednesday—1 P nt Perhaps its first estimate, tak­ Rev. Raymond B. Ynaknnakas, covered cerialn bends In the raln- ford County Y secretary, present­ merce, has been chosen president -tiA'T -It':*; would constitute some degree of Nursery In the Parish House meets In the Youth Room. ten years as far aa planet probes ed special leaders awards. dale, 88.74; Ann Fairy, 88.33; For TTnirsday-1 p.m. Wednesday ing cognizance of what the vRe- Assistant Pastor bow-Ilke spectrum of Mars Indi­ are indicated. of toe Connecticut Association of •'.'.x' .-r ' For Frldav—1 p m. Thursday, satisfaction" for Russia. publicans themselves Intend to rec­ during 9:S0 and 11 a.m. services. Club co-ordinator Alton Lane Frederic Deming, 86.79; John ■ For Saturday—1 Friday. cative of organic life. These bands What Is It going to cost? Dr. Chamber of Commerce executives. Classified "deadfine;______10:30 L.a.m. .each Perhaps the tJnited Nations has ommend In the way of new or .ad­ 7:30 p.m.. Stewardship fihn, ”A of toe carbon and hyidrogen mole­ was honored for five years service. Federowicz, 86.27; Alfred Barile Other new officers elected at the Masses at 7, 8, 9:10, 10:16 and Davies has presented some stag­ 86.25; Norman Orehotski, 84.61; day of. publication except Saturday- developed, aa do mbpy legislative ditional state spending, is the more Living Church.” 11:80 a.m. cule were discovered by Dr. Wil­ Jo-Ann Siniscalchi, Dale Schoon- group’s annual meeting yesterday 9 a.m. gering figures. He indicates that maker, Sherv'ood Waldron. Miriam Sharon Macneil, 84.49; 'Thomas bodies, a rigid m ajorityW d mi­ dependable. ■;4 liam Sinton in toe Martian re-' very shortly toe cost of toe In­ were.William L. Hawkins, execu­ It will be a miracle if a deficit Retirement: Burgess, Janet Lane, Wilfred Jar­ Herald photof by Ofiara Lynch, 84: Ronald Piper, 88.31; tive vice president of the Bridge­ Saturday, May 2# nority, so that one world ^ t y can S t Jolui’s Ohnreh S t Maoiiee RI OL Ohnreh gions where we suspect vegetat;ton strumented payloads will be al- is not also encountered, in such 9 ElSngton Ave. Bolton Center vis, Stanley Juknis, and William Leonle Major. 83.11;^ Pamela Brig­ port chamber of Commerce, vice growth. This presence of the spec­ moat as exjiensive as toe vehicle. Park were honored for one year's ham, 82.21; Gordon Fardal, 82.07; regularly count so many votes amount as to play its own part In Rockville, ,Oenn. Rev. Bernard McGnric, Pastor tral bands combined with toe sea­ Marfe Golden Anniversary president; and Robert E. Simpson, Happy Times When we conrider that some of service. Jean Bradfleld, 81.93; Rochelle secretary of the State Chamber of May Moment against the other. But there should the need for Increased taxation by The Rev. James I* Great, Reetor sonal change in toe growth are toe launching vtolclcs now cost Mr. and ^ra. Benjamin J. 8 ea-«, the next General Assembly. But so Masses st 7, 8:80 and 10 a.m. BY MARIE DABRR. Lane paid tribute to leaders and d e S ranch In Andover; Emnerl Harley, 81.75; Priscilla Russak, Commerce, secretary-treasurer. always be conscience In a major­ considered proof of toe presence of In toe neighborhood of $5 million. parents for toeir support during ton. Bunker Hill Rd.,s^ Coventry, Th« countrjralda had done with far. the present RibicfrfT budget, 8 a.m., Holy Communion. Seaton of Bloomfield; Mfs Eliza-' I 81.23. ity, and occasions when. It Itself vegetation. The presence of animal It means tost In the Immediate the past year. Entertainment was house for friends Sewage Meeting Iti hlg blooming, and has now thanks to a tight rein on depart­ 9:16 a.m., Family service, qlsA*- St. Bartholomew's OhurCh beth Stevenson, Newington, Roy \ helps engineer the tacit concea-^ For Ailing, Aged There’s organisms, while Inferred by some future toe cost of toe paylokd for furnished by Hubert T ^ ^ . a m^a- An open meeting has been come full tide Into lU eummer mental spending and to improving m, address. Buckley School Andltorhan Ne Place like Home astronomers,' has not been proven. a nominal satellite will also reach Seatori, Granby; Kenneth Seaton, sions which allow the minor­ Rev. Philip Hnssey, Paetor Keeney St., Manchester: Mrs. scheduled for 8 p.m. Thursday at lushneas. Only a few eamara re­ tax income statistics, Is still cling­ ' 11 a.m., Holy Oomsnunion add For many a person who is Ul. It Is the hope of this group''that this figure. However, In ten calisthenics, Podunk Girls sang 6 p.m. in celebraUon of their SOto Shirley BruneSil, Coventry, and the Robertson School by First Se ity to keep on living and function­ ing to a thin chance, of avoiding sermon. there's no place like-home. planetary probes may permit the yean we will be confronted with and Pioneers presented "Casey at wedding anniversary, lectman Richard M. Gallnat vtoeh so*$ horn# fiMOting main to he sent winging from the Sunday Masses at 8, 9:16 and ing In bie legislative process formidable deficit. Wednesday, 10 am.. Holy Oom- So states Dr. Frans Goldmann, discovery of animal organisms. the almost shocking co st‘ of the toe Bat." Junior Hi-Y did tumbling The Seatons were married May Mrs. Phyllis St. Martin, Coventry preliminary plans for the estab maples Into the erevlcea of lawn 10:80 a.m. 'The Seatons have 15 grandchildren our w a y ! Sometimes the alternative Is de­ In any event, however, this Re muaion. associate professor emeritus of Proposed Fly-By payload. In ten years the pay­ and Uncas Hl-Y held a beatnik 29, 1910 in Auburn, Mass., and lishment of a sewage district for OPEN and field where they will rot or Friday, 9 a.m.. Holy Commu­ and two-great-grandchildren. Mrs, structive, as Is e\ideric*d by re­ pqblican committee, atfer calculat. medical care , at Harvard School of To arrive at some answer to this load will cost approximately ten 'party and demonstrated a business they have lived in Coventry for 18 the Town of Coventry vvUl be. pre sprout; only the smaller ind leaves ing that the total need for addi­ nion. First Ohureb of Christ Scientist Public Health. Dr. Goldmann talk­ times the coat of the vehicle! In m4eUng. • years. Mr. Seaton retired four Martha Bears, mother of Mrs. sented. ■ You get premium quality cent reactions to rigid m ^ority Masonic Temple challenging problem. It is proposed A ll Day of the ash remain unfurled; llfe^ls tional revenue'will be .somewhere Saturday, Dioceean Program ed about health needa of older peo­ that In the" immediate future a ten years we will be spending Tim annual Wapping Y outing years ago after working at Pratt Seaton, lives with them in Cov­ Representatives of the engineer­ M°t)ilheat with RT-98 . . . the rule in Korea,"Japan and Turkey, Planning Conference for Lay ple at the recent National Health from $30 t o '$40 million for to# will be held at Camp Woodstock | whitney Aircraft for 16 years. entry. Mr. Seaton's mother, Mrs. robet completely effective fud at Its morning. Decoration Day , Is between $61 and $97 million for Sun- “ fly-by” be undertaken to permit ing. firm of And^zou-Nlchols As- ■W^ere, one asked as the Security the next biennium, decides bow It Leadership at St. Paul’s Church, 11 a.m., Sunday Service.' Forum in Miami Beach. an Unmanned, instrumented pay- Martian probes. on Saturday, June 11. The couple has seven children, Fanny Brunnell. lives at the 'Ver-1 g^iates wIU ■ the fundamen- oil sd4itive in use today. And usually the date for such a mo­ day School and Nursery. Council handling of this Issue im would have this additlfmal money Wallingford. Goldmann predicted that home load to come within 5.000 miles of f Copyright 1950, General Fea­ Utua League Philip J. Seaton, operator of Cir- non Convalescent Home. Uls and the need of a means of you gw^premium service. Au­ ment, without blemish. Daigles and 8 p.m., Wednesday aervlce. c ir t programs now succeaafully toe Martian surface. tures-Oprp.) In Little League play yesterday eliminating sewage and the vari tomatic, ddiyeriee V*. . a bal­ folded, were the peacemakers' In raised. Reading room hours at 749 Main buttercups and flags dance brave­ “We feel in general,” the sub Calvary Chapel serving the poor will become more A probe passing within this dis­ at Avery field good" relief pitch­ ous financing possibilities. SUNDAY anced payment plan nnd mnny this world Institution deMgned to St.: Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and more available to stek pec^Ie tance of toe Martian surface could ing by Gene Majowicz and Kenny There will be a question and an ly In the hieeze, and the heart of committee says, “ our present state (AsaemMee of God> 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Thursday, 11 other extra# dedgned to main guard the peace? tax structure is sound and that Ro . . 22 VeraoB St. of all income brackets. He base# verify toe presence of the organic | Dubay enabled the league-leading sWer period during the session, ac AND home heating r«d(g ansg. man swings open to a perfection am. to 9 p.m. this on the trend toward extending molecules discovered by Dr. Sin- Parade, Park Service cording to Galinat. Jaycees Win State Honors major shifting of the burden from Kenneth L. Gnstafson, Paetor "Ancient and Modem Necroman­ Ruth Millett Cube to come from behind and of sun and air and view so com­ one tax to another would be neces­ Blue Crose benefits and the ton. A fly-by with a total period edge toe Indians 8-7. The CuM Selectmen to Meet Alton L. Sproul, newsletter editor, and William L. Wagner, presi­ cy, alias Mesmertim and Hypno­ growth of group-pracUm prepay­ plete as to create the Illusion of Turmoil In Japan sary or justified. Therefore, we 9:45 a.m., Sunday School. of 30 minutes during which useful scored all their runs In toe last The Board of . Selectmen w1U dent of toe Manchester Chapter of the Junior Chamber of Com­ Mobilheafi^ 96 tism, Denounced” will be -the sub­ ment plans. ' ■ information could be transmitted There Are Umltettoss to meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday in toe merce, look over the collection of chapter publications which won permanence. recommend that the needs be fi­ 10:45 a.m.. Morning Worship. ject of the Lesson-Sermon. two Innings. Majewicz hit a S-run To Honor War Dead What goes « i over in Japan Is nanced by an upward rate revision “ Such programs cover all the la ideally suited. To collect the in­ 'Bight to One’s Happiness homer for the winners, and Bob Town Office Building. first prize at the annual State Jaycee convention. Five publica­ tea daeS 'SeWos It Is permanent, and It Is not 5:30 p.m.. Bus will leave for The Golden Text is from Romans serw es needed bv homebound pa­ Brownies to Meet MEMORIAL formation, toe probe will have to Keefe socked a round-tripper for tions were judged, receiving 100 points out of 100. Sproul and ■ permanent. The sun will turn Into the stormiest aftermath of the spy of existing taxes designed to re­ Bethany Assembly of God, Spring- (16:30). tients?' he said. “They encourage Now .tost their youngest child te Brownie Troop 182 with Mrs turn additional revenue on a basis field, Mass., where a special mls- be stabilized within a degree. It Is Manchester will pay homage to^ bands, military jnarching Wagner will finish their terms of office next month. (Herald . a burden, as well as a blessing. The plane incident any of our allies has Selections from the Bible In­ teamwork of --various kinds of hoped to accomplish this with a in college. She feels the time has toe Indians. Raymond Massey, leadef, will meet which Is proportio'nately equal to ilonary service will convene, fea­ The Cub b a ^ eT Driscoll, its more than 900 dead from all and many veterans groups Photo by Pinto'). ------^— ------...... ; air will turn humid and heavy yet experienced. clude the following; (Isaiah professional and auxiliary person­ sun seeker and a planet eeeker. come when she can divorce the their auxiliaries. wlto Intermediate Girl Scout their present yield, so that any turing a Chriitia'n film telling Correlative passages from “ Sci­ nel. They foster high quality serv­ Majewicz and Dubay pitching, Monday morning with- a Troop 28 with Mrs. Raymond Mor ; where It‘ may now be clear and The Incident itself occurred at a Scientists do not underestimate husband she hasn't been happy Honorary Staff Named DAY WE GIVE new tax burden will be equally dis­ about New ' Hope Town Leper ence and Health with Key to the ice. with the latter two alternating be­ large parade and solemn cere­ Colonel Mann. commanding 1 in, leader, St 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, at moment when Japan waa engaged tributed over all elements of the Colony in Liberia. the difficulty of the task they un­ with for years and begin to lead hind toe plate. Garner pitched for That Air Force Manual GREEN STAMPS light. The next time we look, we Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, “ Propejrlx organized and super­ dertake. Because Mars, like the officer, of the Eastern Connecticut .the home of Mrs. Morin. in considering its new military state's economy.” Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Prayer her own life. the Indiana and McCarthy caught, monies. will see the brown work of the Include the following (p. 4:3-5). vised homh 'care ia a good thing earth, circlet toe aun in an ellipti­ Grovip of the Civil Air Patrol, A flyup ceremony will be toeld CO^LETE SELECTION OF treaty with the United States. And As Governor Ribicoff was privi­ Service. for the sick because it keeps them In her fetter summing up tos The Cubs scored 8 runs on 7 hits The traditional Memorial Day birch leaf miner spreading over the cal orbit, Mara can come within situaUon she asks; "Haven't I ths activities will begin 'with the pa­ named the following to his hon- for Brownie leged to point out in hi.s talk be­ Friday, 7:30 p.m., Christ's Am­ in their usual environment,” Gold­ and 3 errpra, the Indians 7 runs orary staff. Mayor Eugene Kelly, Martin will be welcomed into FILM, PICNIC SUPPLIES, Ete. hillsides. The Individual ’com it has had two effects on the situ United Methodist Church 35 million rtiilea of the earth at 250 right now to a HtUe happiness of rade starting at 9:30 and Con­ MORIARTY fore the Connecticut Public Ex­ bassadors, youth service. Special mann said. "It is care that con­ million' mllea away. Thus com- on 5 hitt and 6 errors. Dissident Groups Seek ponents of this perfection will al. ation In Japan. penditures Council the other night, Bolton. Conn. my owm—since I have held toe clude with a formal ceremony'at Police Chief James Reardon, Fire | _ Speed-the-Light Missionary Serv­ tinues. And It cuts down on the munlcationa la a aeriout problem. A fw a p p ln g Field the Short r-. v..u*uru a..u uu.u. , «>® f " -Jhe Republicans of the 19.19 Gen­ Rt. 44A and South Rd. family together this long for toe Center Flirk an hour or so later. Chiefs W. Clifford Mason snd John i tar: the spell will pass; once again First, the spy plane Incident ice. Minister: Rev. Carlton T. Daley total medical bill.” The acientists hope that with a ''Seconds with Fred Ashmore strik­ Merz, members of Manchester s I1 will receive second ^ class awards, eral Assembly shied away from the sake of the children?” In case of a hard rain, the pa­ BROTHERS ; we are given a glimpse of things probably convinced Premier KUOiI The doctor points out that home 25-watt tranamitter on the probe. ing out 16 and allowing only 1 Board of directors; and four vet­ opportunity to correct the alleged The Salvation Army Happiness isn't a “right” in the hit beat toe Dodgers 14-2. Ash­ rade will be canceled and the Unda Patten, Mary Jane Toomey To Quit Church Council PINE • we would think to enjoy forever that his best change of obtaining 9:30 a.m.. Church School for aU care is effective only If the condi­ high gain antenna and with toe ceremonies will be held In Wood­ erans carrying wreaths. weaknesses of the budget being 661 Main St. tion of the sick makes such service planet near enough to the earth, it sense of toe word that we can ever more also po1{d a bases-loaded and Sally Scavell; five girls will M l 3 - 5 1 3 5 and once again, perhaps in ultl ratification of the new treaty, adopted then by advocating tax departments. say, •'From now on I am goingtb ruff hall in the Center (Congre­ The chief-of-staff will be Capt. receive 6-year pins, Patricia Morin, Major A Mrs. E. Walter Lamle 9:30 and 11 a.m., Morning Wor­ necessary, and if both patient and should be possible to receive from home run, aa did his battery mate, Walter A. Von Hone of the Cbn-t 301-315 CMttr St. • mate kindness to us, the glimpse which had many Japanese nervous increases. Oflieers in Charge family have the right atUtude to­ the probe some 80 bits of informa­ have things my way arid ttro to , Bob Barber. gational Church. Barbara Wright, Robin Potter, Su­ (Continued from Page On”) LENOX , ship. Sermon: "Because I liv e ...” The parade will be formed on nectlcut State Guard; deputy ’• begins to fade before we really even before it had been revealed The responsibility they could not ward it. tion per second to yield answers. please myself.” The Second# recorded 14 runs san Potter and Sheila Seibert; and Two Students Get quite bring themselves to take 11 a.m., Nursery. Main St., near the Army-Navy chlefs-of-staff are Lt. Col. Ronald two will become first class scouts, expressed concern ov'er allega­ ■ have to live in It. How‘else should we had been using the territory of 9:30 a.m., Sunday School for all 7 p.m., Official Board Meeting. Dr. Mathew Roes, another Because the transmission can Nor te toera anything In the on 10 hits, committing 1 error; Farris of the Civil Air Patrol and then they are now willing to as­ speaker, criticized those who not be carried through over the marriage ceremony that says maV- toe Dodgers scored 2 runs on 1 hit, Club, and will proceed north on Donna Hull and Susan Potter. tions linking several officials of On-Job Training PHARMACY 1 we ever come to It again In that other nations for flights over Rus ages. Main to the Center, and on the Maj. Joseph Magnano of the Con­ Stars will be given for yearly at­ the NCC with groups that have sume. and this is. of course, one 10:45 a.m.. Morning service. blame all the emotional disorders greateat- distance, it means that rlMO Is for better or worae until and made 1 error. Dodger pitchers 299 E. Center St.— MI 9-0896 recurrent permanency which sla, consisted In acting decisively Covenant Congregational Church eastbound lane of B. Center St: necticut State Guard. tendance and refreshments will be been cited as . prb-Communist or Read Herald AdvSa more Instance of that rather fascl Special band and vocal music. Ser­ of older people on organic changes toe time of firing toe probe will toe children are' a certain age and were Pastula and Metevier, with The parade will consist of five A University of Connecticut tolerable ? and promptly. And not only might natlng new look the party has been (Evangelical Covenant) in the braip, for which nothing have to be corfelated with posi­ then. If it isn't for the better, there Da'vis catching; aa far as Munro Park, where a served. socialistic. mon by Major Lamie, “ When 4S Spruce St. short memorial service will be divisions and will be made up in Aboard Polaris Sub student from MamJhester and one Meanwhile, take the moment, that be his best chance of obtain wearing of late. For two of the Death Is Glorious.” can be done. He described five tions of both the earth and Mars no need bothering with it any A double-header will be played the, following order: A spokesman for the NCC said Rev. K. Ejnar Rask, Pastor held at the World War n monu­ Edwin M. Corneliuson, fireman, from Vernon Will get on-the-job these last few mornings of May. ing ratification, but it. would also members of this subcommittee this 2 p.m., Hospital visitation by kinds of grfiup therapy which had In their orbita. longer. Memorial Day at Wapping Field. First Division; Colors, marshal, he didn’t think the council "should idea of (orthright party and fiscal helped to some extent. The flrat probe la expected to Another thing I think this wife At 2:30 p.rrt. 'flif Short Seconds ment. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Comment on a resolution that a experience this summer in their Let heart leap, as the squirrel doee, constitute a quick surprise gift to Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson and Mn. chief-of-staff and deputies, parade A. Corneliuson of Cedar Swamp responsibility is, however, no new 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. "To treat psychiatric ailments weigh from 800 to 1,200 pounds Should consider before she divorces play the Indians; then the Dodg This service Includes the p l ^ chaplqin, marahal's honorary staff, Baptist congregation is trying to Thomas McCann. Rd., ia serving aboard the fleet future professions under the sum­ ^ from leaf' to leaf, and be as light the United States, in Its moment of concept or look. Senator Wallace 10:30 a.m., Church^tUhe Nursery. of the elderly, we must take Into with but 150 pounds of- Instrumen­ her husband to find a Uttle hsp-. era meet the Yanka. ing of wreaths, and a prayep-T)y Kiltie Band, Nike Co., National present to a Baptist convention.” 3 p.m., Memoritl Service at East 10:45 a.m,. Morning Worship. the parade chaplain,n, tos'^Aev. ballistic submarine USS Patrick mer Government’ Inter Program 1 and sure. Dream, with eyes open, world embarrassment. Barnes, the subcommittee chair­ Cemetery. Music by Male Chorus account the ‘normal’ mental health tation. For the auccess of tola pinesB for heraetf te that she Is Today at 5:30 p.m. the two lo­ Guard, State Guard, St. Patrick's The American Baptist conven­ man, and former Senator New­ Sermon "Beyond Grasping.” Henry operating out of New Lon­ sponsored by the State. 1 of the fairest things. Accept the With such cofisiderations ap­ and Citadel Band. Address by of this period of life,” said Ross, probe a good guidance eystern is likely to find kmellness instesd. e a rs RutTteams pTa^ I Pipe Band, and a Civil Air Patrol tion provides an out for its mem­ man ' Marsilius, -were sometimes 2 p.m.. Group leaves from church necessary as be a mid-course •f Qf South Methodist C h u ^ . unit. don. George R. Recck, son of Mr. and r sun as consort, and the air as Major Lamle. who is medical director of the E\’en a husband and 'wife who tics game at St. Francis Field | The parade will tbefi move down ber churches who want nothing to Mrs. Frank Recck, 180 Oak St., parently In mind. Premier Klshl lonely followers of these same ideas to -visit a new church building In maneuver to Insure the probe ill theft Commissioned April 9 at Groton, 6:30 p.m.. Prayer service. American Psychiatric Asen _ aren't conspicuously compatible of­ at 5:30 p.m. Second Division: Salvation Ar­ do with the NCC. They may desig­ will be working, with the Water ; wine, and man himself as a bright proceeded, in a surprise midnight a much earlier stage in the Norwich: all Interested persons “We must also remember that passing close to the planet. fer each other some companion­ the westbound lane of E. Center my Band, Auxiliaiy Police, Man­ toe Patrick Henry is toe Navy’s 7 p.m.. Evening service. Music Plan 8 Plays St. to Center Park, and enter the nate that the funds they con­ Resources Commission as an in­ sample of divinity. vote, preceded by forcible expul- history of party policy.- They had are invited; picnic ai Mohegan the growth of senescence varies With the success of- the first ship. Furthermore, a coiq>le who 'The pupils of Wapping BUeipen- chester Fire Elepartments. second Polaris firing submarine by Songsters and Band. Sermon by State Park following the church park near toe Hall , of Records. tribute to the convention are not dustrial wastes investigator. ; All these things are ^ e , for serving with them on this subcom­ Major Lamie, "The Army of among Individuals. and that phase the second stage 'can be un­ have shared a home for years, Utry School will present an Eve­ Third Division: Legipn Band, all and the first to be built for this cslon from the Japanese House of visit. dertaken. The second generation The Cqnter Park ceremony will to be used directly to support the Charles A. 'Warren Jr., Bolton - their moment; and meant to be mittee Henry Beers, Hartford; Heaven.” heredity and constitution help who have stayed together to give ning of 'nieater FVlday, June 3 in marching veterans, all marching purpose from the keel up. the political opposition, to ram Frank A. Blesso, Hartford, Roy E. Wednesday, .7:30 p.m.. Mid-week make the psychological picture.” probe will be geared to perform begin with a prelude by the Sal- auxiliaries. 4-H Winners % council. Rd., Vernon, will work on an elec­ “ possesspd smd realized as much as their children security must havs the school auditorium. It will con­ ‘I believe about a hundred of Stuck On Home Beach through a ratification of the trea­ Collins, Farmington. Wliyam Con- Service. «cperiments dictate^ by toe -auc- Vatipn Army Band arid a prayer Fourth Division: DeMolay Local 4-H Club winners in a re­ tronic computer program in the Soooad Coagregatianal CSnisck something worth preserving fpr sist of three 1-act plays from pu­ our 6,300 churches have so desig­ the contents of any other moment. ty, which now needs only approval itielly, Fairfield; Mrs. Mary Fahey, Q—I understand that. In figur­ cees of toe flrat phase. by the Rev. John Regran of St. marching unit. High School Bsnd, cent Tolland county favorite food State Highway Dept. GET SOME NEW RECORDS AND 885 No. Atetn St. ' their own sake. pils in Grades 6. 7 'and 8. 'The play/i nated in the past cecade,” says the Both students are Juniors ma­ by the Senate, where Kishl waa 'orrlngrton, Fred M. ' Farwell, South Methodist Chnroh ing social security, toe five biggest Second Phase For one thing, both are at an will be.“ Feudin’ Fun,” "Too Many^ James’ Church. Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts, Recrea­ show follow: Debra Crane, Kath­ Minister: Arnold W. Tozer To Read Orders tion Department Band. Rev. Mr. Porter. joring in civil engineering. ENJOY YOURSELF Greemirich, John Ottaviano, New > lAwroitoe F. Almond earning years are used. Is this cor­ The second phase ,'wlU^ launch age when they need a MbUe^^tecur- Kittens,” and “Ghosts for Rent.” leen Brennan, Cynthia DeMars, supposed, originally at least, to MlnlstM-’s Assistant: rect? My five Ulggeet years aver­ Wilfred Bulla of the DAY, Oris Fifth Wvision: Gold Star Moth-, Alicia Brennan and M e r r i 1 y n By coincidence, the major ad­ Where The Peacemakers? Haven, Ralph Powers, Mohtvllle, Mrs. Juanita P. Logglo Percy M. Spurrier \ a probe In an orbit around Man. ity toemaelvee. And a divorce te The proceeds will benefit the have a very safe majority. and Mrs. Louise Seeley, Stamford. Ministers age $1,238. What wlU I get per *17110 staMIlaed oibiter of Mara bound to be more of a shock .than year’s chairman of the Permanent ers, IMsabled Veterans, Spanish Siwek, blue ribbons; and Judith dress at the ABC ae.ssion will be STEREO RECORDS month if I stop working at age ■chool activity fund. Memorial Day . Committee, will War Auxiliary, . Daughters of delivered by the'Rev. Dr. Edwin T. It seems a curious thing to say, Bu^ although Kishl thus did suc- will be equipped with sophisticated they thlnk.it will be. Tiokets may be secur'M at the Buckley, red ribbon. 10 a.m.. Morning Worship and 62 ? I have worked part time since follow with a reading of Genera- Union Veterans, DAR, World War Dahlberg, president of the Na­ TWO 5IILLION $1.00 OFF (From $3.96) ' but things are not going well for Sfy In moving before agitation 9 and 10:45 a.m.. Morning Wor­ instrumentation. In a c t io n to Aa for the children, they never school office next week or at toe Church School. Nuieory for email social security came Into being.— al Logan’s orders. I Auxiliary, all other official cars. tional Council. us or foT the world In the United over the spy plane Incidentf had children during worship eervioe. ship. Sermon: "Through Days of this instrumentation, it will have reach an age wrhen toe divorce of door the evening 'of the perfor- Manchester Evening Herald A Thouftht for Today U C. a rOotoet facillUy to p em it alow torir parents Is not a personal There \rtll then be a selection Other Units Coventry correspondent,-F. Pau­ His pastorate, the DelmSr Bap­ PRESCRIPTIONS Nations handling o f the spy plane reached Its height In Japan, that Serbobn, •'Knowing The Ekiemy," Preparation,” by the Rev. Law­ A—You are mistaken about toe mance.XTTie adult admission is 50 Supplementary organizations Sponsored by the Maaebestev down and capture by the planet tragedy for them. t>y the Salvation Army Quartet. line Uttle, telephone Pilgrim tist Church in St. Louis, is af­ Safely Compounded ] and summit crisis because they are agitation has continued an^. hss 6:46 pm .. Mu Sigma Chi group rence F.. Almond. way social security benefits are cents and for children. 25 cents.' will include ^derson-Shea Post, filiated with both the American Council of Oharehoo 9 and 10:45 a.m., Church school on arrival. 'To penmt this,-ma­ So why not stop thinking of \ 'Women to Meet James Leadbetter, class of 1960, 2-6231. . \ ■ not going well enough for Russia, now combined with resentment meets at the church with Mr. and figured. Up to five years of low or MHS, win read Lincoln’s Gettys­ VFW; Army-Navy Club; Col. Baptist Convention knd the South­ Mrs. Stan Matteson. for nursery through Junior high. neuver, about 2 V4 per oenV of the your “right to be happy” and start The Wapping , Community Ward Cheney Camp, USWV; Dil- ARTHUR DRUB no earnings can be dropped out of total weight of the probe wlU be burg Address. His alternate /is ern Baptist Convention, the latter - After the United States, in Its over Klshl's strong-arm ta'ctics- Religion has to be contagious. 7 p.m.. Adult study group meets 10:45 a.m., Church achqpl for the calculation. I auggeat you visit thinking of your duty to try to Church Women will hold their an­ worth-Cornefl-Quey Post, A.L.; Name Fits the J6h Potterton's Richard Kennedy, class of '61, a non-member of the NCC. ; official pronouncements, took the The result Is thSt Kishl himself is That is one of the glorious Uilhga at the church. • senior high. your social security office for spe fuel. make your marriage happy? It nual meeting and banquet at the Manchester Chapter, DAV; Mon- 130 CENTER ST.— CORNER CHURCH ST. 7 p.m.. There will be no Junior 4 p.m., Older Youth Fellowship, ciric information on what your Hie results.-of toe orblter can never la too late to try, you know. Burnside Methodjst Church, wlth P ® ^ - Ypres, BWV; Frank J. Mansfield ; line that iU spy flight was defensl- now under unparalleled attack, aibout the moment of worship. not, aa yet; be defined. However, Kingston, R. I. (P)—The Univer­ High Fellowship meeting at the sports, Susannah Wesley lawn. benefits would be. a turkey dinner being served by r b t Det., MCL; ITD Assn.; Manchester ' ble, and nothing to be deplored, or with almost every newspaper In Here are parents who come to Dr. Davies Indicates that we sity of Rhode Island’s Narragan- church with their children. They church Sunday evening. toe ladies of that church Friday, Py Circuit Court Chief Judge Jay Barracks, W W f Veterans: Sons of • regretted, lA alone apologized for Japan calling for his resig;nation should again be observing in toe sett Marine Laboratory is con­ sit together. Somewhere in the Center Congngathmal Church Q-,-1 am a single woman of 75. at -7 p m Rubinow. Union Veterans;. Manchester Bar­ ducting research designed to ex • by us or condemned by others, the infrared for the spectral bands of 800 YEARS AU women of the church are in- Another "flection'^11 toen be and with even members of his own course of 60 minutes, when the North Methodist Church Rev. Clifford O. Shnpson I draw a social security benefit M racks, WWI Veterans Auxiliary; pand the' supply of food which United Nations procedure became party In a mood to desert him. The hymns are being aung, or prayers $37. My widowed slster-ln-law.. 78 organic eomiwuiids. The polariza­ vlted to attend. Reservations 8"'®" py Salvation Arm y American Legion Auxiliary;- Ar­ 300. Parker St. Minister* tion of the ^anet has been inves­ PRESCRIPTION mankind can get from the ocean For Lease the one possible source of some public turmoil is such as to raise offered, or ' a sermon being ' ab- ReV. H. Osgood Bennett, Minister Rea-. Laurence J. Vincent lives with me. She gets '$76 should be given to either Mrs. 1 Quartet, my-Navy Club Auxiliary; DAV The.director of the laboratory? month. What would be the death tigated in toe past to disclose in EXPERLENCE Marion Stiles or Mrs. Florence This will^ be followed by the Auxiliary; Marine Corps League touch of satisfaction which would a question whether President El­ so rl^ ,. when the parents’ minds Associate Minister reading of the.names of those vet­ Dr. Fish . . . Dr. Charles J. Fish art gathered up Into a collective, 9 and 10:30 a.m.. Family Wor­ benefit on each of —F. R. formation on water content. Thus, Lane by 'Tuesday morning. The Auxiliary^ Mary C. Keeney Tent, 'save the face of Russian dlploma- a serious program of txilarization erans who Aave died during the senhower will still be abld to visit creative synthesis, the child sens­ ship. Sermon: "The Great Adven­ A—The death benefit Is paid ARTHUR DRUB price of the dinner ia $1.75. DUV; Orford Parish Chapter MODERN 3-BAY 8-0:15 and' 11 a.m-. Church serf- only on a,worker. Therefore, la indicated. Finally, looking at past year, by. Parade Marshal DAR; Spanish W aj Veterans Aux­ r cy. Japan to receive the present Klshi es his parents but a .tremendous ture.” ices. Sermon, "Take Heed to Strawberry Festival , your sister 1* getting eoclal eecur- toe atmosphere of the planet In A strawberry shortcake supper Arthur D. Mann. iliary: 'Veterans of Foreign IVars ' There are some cogent reasons was trying to wrap up for him, ,or. sharing In an experience of to- 9 a.ni.. Church School, Nursery Yourselves . . . Forgive Him.” Wreaths will then be lal^ at the (children 3 and imder, includlhg ity.-sS' a widow, not as a worker, will be served at Windaorvllle Auxiliary; Red Cross Grey Ladies; • \Aiy even we should be. interested whether Kishl himself will be in gethemeas; . he knows that his The Rev. Mr. Simpson preaching. Soldiers, and Sailors Monument* In Boy and Girl Scouts. father is his father,'his mother is Crib Nursery.), Kindergarten (ages none would be paid on her. ’Ibe .Methodist Church next Wednes­ Shell Service Station • In i^ome degree of face saving for of flee to present it. . Members of toe Upper Junior De: benefit Is three times toe social memory of alj who died. In his parade orders, Colonel BUY YOUR his mother, as well as they are and 5), Junior and Youth O partment wiH attend ehurch^wlto day. Serving hours will be at 5:30 . Russia The mostflmportant is that Perhaps, for all we know, Kishl partment (Grade 4 through senior security payment, with $265 as top FoIIowlng'will be a prayer by the Mann said that units will not be _ohn... members of the Community.. In toMr families. ' and 6:30. Mrs. Rose Bump, presi­ American Legion and the eulogy dismissed at the end of the parade so WINDSOR AVL. R0CKVIL1,E. CONN. ^ without It,, Russian policy fs be- was quite awane of the fisks he ilgh . , • amount. SUNDAY PAPER the church and the ;famlly, it la 9:15 and 11 a m.. Church School dent of the WSOS is general chair­ by the Daughters of Union Vet‘ until he so orders, and this will not r ing backed Into a corner where It was running, and deliberately the experience of life with Its 10:30 a.m.. Church. School, man, and has announced that toe ]r she has a Nursery and Kindergarten' Nursery (3 year'olds) through Q—My husband Is drawing $ W erans. be until all units are 50 yards Into TRAINING P R O ^ A M and FINANCIAL Z can only resort to threat and snarl; made a decision to wreck his own overtones of -value and meaning Junior High. menu will include ham, baked 'The Rev. C. B.'Winslow, pastor Center Park from Center St. and BREAKFAST that will give a confidence in life above. Primary Department social security. On May 1, I will beans, potato salad, colo ,slaw„ piece of glassi - If not worse. The reason Russian political career In order to get the be 62.. If I apply for social se of the Church of the NaZaerene, Also in case fire sirens sound AT to tile growing child, 'so that as he (Grades 1, 2, 3). rolls, -beverages and fresh straw­ ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE - policy faces such a dead end ,.cor. new treaty through, What such an 5:30 p.m .,. Junior High Youth Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church curity then, how much will I will .give the benediction. while the parade is in progress, grows up he vdll know that he drawf Would it be better to berry shortcake. The ceremonies will close with the units will be halted imfnediate- stuck in ner ner, and the reason why there explanation of his conduct would can stand 'anything that life can Fellowship. Outdoor recreation and (MisMurl Synod) Lutheran Services CoN MR. CARNEY BU 9-1S21 . program. 1 Cooper and High Sts. wait imtll I am 65?—-Mrs. R.J.. the firing ot three volleys by ly and moved to the right side of should be some way out of that 8t(,ll leave in doubt would be the do to him. He is UierMore free X—At 65, you will be entitled *^e summer stoedule of National Guard firing squad, the the street where they will remain ARTHUR neck!” • both to work and to make life- 6:30 p.m.. Senior* High Youth Rev. Paul G. Prokopy, Pastor ~ comer offered Uie Russians is that, question of the worth of a treaty Fellowship. Installation of officers. to half your husband’s payments, Sa^or Lutheran singing of the National Anthem by until told to resume marching. EVENINGS Ml 9^9067 These zrief-stricken wordal free for all his fellows. (From .Free r ^ l y worshiping everyone, and Taps by the Salva- Last year some 12,000 persons 7 la this Instance, Russia naturally ratified in such an atmosphere and 9 a.m.,' Sunday School. or $50. At 62, you can get toree- Grammar S.chool, will be church 1.. - •’ DRUG from Mrs. John Benidtef| •Ftootprints of a Dream by How­ bua< transportation..' fourtoa of toe $50, or $37.50. If tlon Army buglers. witnessed the parade, an equal Warren, Ohio, a few moniha | feels that it has an incident and a by such methods. There is still ard TTiurman) St. Mary's Episcopal Omreh They Live On worship service at 9 and- 10:15 Chureh a i^ Baric Ste. 9:30 a.m.. Adult Bible Study. you wait longer, you Will get an The parade will include six number is expected Monday. ago, when her daughter | ; cause and an argument which one standing uKiism about our re­ Submitted by a.m. The sermon topic of the Rev. collided with theirstoraadoor, [ The Rev. Alftad L. WHUams, 10 a.m.. Nursery In the parish additional:, twenty-five., thirty- Walter Abel will be “God’s Com­ - entitled, for ,a change, to some re lationship with Japan, and that is Rev. John R. Neuhert house during church Worshipj' sixths of 1 per cent for each f / prompted her questioB • • •{ Commimity Baptist Church fort-for a "Hme Like This;” Sun be administered to Linda Jane, ' qiect uid qpen-mlndcdness on the that we cannot stay in Japan per. The Rev. Prescott Beach Jr.« 10 a.m.. Divine worship —Rite month you are older than 62 when, "Why not have shatter-pioof I . ---- fir------, Our loved ones truly live on, just day" School will" be held at 9 a.m daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Walther League glass in storm doors?” - part of other nations.' manently. That Is natural and In Aaslstaat -• of Confirmation. Text: John applying. If you choose the re­ Catholic Mases Rossi, Griffin Rd.; and to Daniel The test of the United Nations evitable and something we our- 21:15-17 and 19. . Theme: Jesus duced amount, toe payments will 0$ long as their memory remains in Masses at St. Francis of Assisi I Allyn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allyn To Hold Outing NOW sa|d, “Lovest Thou .Me?” “Fol­ continue at this lower rate even The same protection you en- is whether, as an international aelves should have sense enough to 7:80 a.m.. Holy Communion. Church tomorrow will be at -7, 8 - , 9,- Wadhams, Famham Rd. ClOStD MEMORIAL DAY Open Farum 9 a,m., Family Eucharist. Jun­ low Me!” after your reach 65. our hearts and minds. Decoration Wapping Bervices - joy in care and planes I S .| forum, it Is giving Russia any realize. TTie spy plane incident will 9:10, 10:15 and 11:30 a.m. The junior group of Zion ior Choir. Nursery and Kindergar­ No 11 a.m. service- on account ’First Church’ Services Church worship services at available in your own heoM I ' more satisfaction, when it has at naturally operate to ahorjpn the Danger Spot ten have sCrvloea in their own lo­ of ConfirmaOon In previous serv- Day, a time tor speeiai remom- Church service at First Congr# Wapping Community Church will Evangelical Lutheran Church will . . . RUSCO’S LIFESAVTll least some validity in Its case, than duration of our welcome. To the Editor, .. ice. be held at 9:30 and 11 a.m. The DOOR with shatter­ cations at this hour. Classes fOl- *4: rational Church will be held at „ , . , attend the Walther League out­ proof . It has given Russia in the past, In the Interest of pupUc safety low. brahee, provides an opportunity to 9:30 a.m. The Rev. R. Winthrop Rev. Roy Hutcheon will preach,on It could not happen JcAovafa’s WItoesses ing of the Mt. Tom Walther glass! ______when it has felt Russia to be all I would like to,Inquire why this 11 a.m„ Morning Prayer with RADIO BATTERIES I Nelson will have 'for his sermon!the subject “We Shall All Be ALL PACKAGE STORES CLOSED to Y O U w M tho N E W Informers Collect dangerous and hazardous traffic Kingdom Hall- reaffirm our affection for those who theme “God Calls Us By Name. Changqd.” Mrs. Marjorie Camp­ League Zone at Nantuck State > *1 wrong.' sermon by the rector. Senior FRESH — ALL TYPES situation Is permitted to continue: Choir. 791 Main St. The Sacrament of Baptism will bell will be soloist al both services. Park, Bast Hampton,' Mass., on So far, the United Nations has Chicago UP)—The person who At the Intersection of Princeton have gone before. Recaption of new members. will ' 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer In toe Memorial Day. ItF sta vh 1 'I failed to meet this test affirma­ brags about how much he cji^ted St. and Middle Tpke., traveling Memorial Chapel t>f the NaUvity. Theme for June: Tendipg Our Pofterton's take place at the late service. If there are any Senior PYF Members of the group were MEMORIAL PAY-A Legal Holiday. RUSCO V COMMIINATION tively. TTic vote against Russia, in the government on his income tax south. It is inipossible to see traf Daily: 7 p.m., Evening, Prayer Shepherd’s Flock Skillfully — ISO Center St.—Cor. Church guests of the Walther League fIc approaching from the east, be­ members-who have not signed up report is f|ilr game for informers. in toe Chap^ Psalm 78: 72. Young People’s Society last Sun­ _ ___ f DOOR the„Secufity Council, waa, except cause of the contour of the prop­ 8 p.m. Public talk. “Achieving Personal Notices to go to Senexet Hotise, South T h e federal government reports Wednesday: 10 am ., Mid-weeh day at a fellowship dinner in ob­ It coafa so IMe to be aofel ■for the abstentions of C>yl6n and itscollected about 12 >,4 mUllon do! erly at that spot. There is a bank Holy Communion In toe Chapel of Happiness in toe Family Circle. I Woodstock Jline 3-4 they should which ought to be cut' back to al­ contact Joseph Nebelsky, Benedict servance of the 67th anniversary ■ Tunisia, exactly the same kind of lars in taxes, penalties and Inter toe Nativity. . 4:15 p.m., Watchtower study OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9:00...PUN YOUR eat last year as a result of tips low proper viaim. A t present, it is article, ’’Unl'versal Disarmament In Memoriam Dr. The Junior and Senior PYF of toe organization of the Interna­ CoH R. G. K in U Ml 9-D44t Vote that would have been cast ESTOW y In loving m'emory of Rosine G. Hoar, Will, not mbet Sunday evening. tional Walther League, to which LOCAL AGENT FOR RUSCO AND furnished by 708 Individuals who necessary for a driver to drive out St. Joim's M tah NfiHonal . by toe Kingdom of Hfeaven" PHARMACY R . passed sway May 30, 1980. oondemning; Russia If It had be^n Into Middle Tpke. In order to look W the local society is affiliated. They BARTLETT-;BRAINAIU) PRODUCTS CO. Sought fewards aa tax Informers. OetooUe Obvreh (Isaiah 3: 4). 445 Hartford Rd.—-MI 9-8948 SHOPPING FOR THE LONG WEEKEND AHEAD . a Rusalaii plane involved in spying Commerce Clearing House, na­ eastward. This situation should be Wednesday,^ 8 p.m., public talks A precious one from us is fons, Manchester E v e Ui 1 n g Herald will be welcomed into the local 589 NEW PARK AVE.. ' XS Golway St. A'volce we loved is sUlled, WEST HARTFORD—AD 8-4476 fiver the United States. tional reporting authority on tax corrected immediately, before in sU eenlca centers followed by OPEN ALL DAY A place Is vacant in our lives I South Windsor correspondent El­ Walther League ' Soclety“ during COURTESY OF THE MANCHESTER PACKAGE STORE ASSOCIATION Bev. Walter Hyaske, Faster MEMORIAL DAY toe regular meeting of the young But tlM vote on Um Russian res- sad business law, says rew si^ there is It serious accident. I simply group' studies In toe Bible Aid, WUch nev 0 4 , - -fiM a^ aildiV t » hava m bnadad «thsr 4,894 Informars. < Woman SMver A0 « 0 MS BlfK H u b . . y ' / V, ■ ■ - ■ .1 >. •


Nikita Says Ike for Peace Turkey Quiet Nixon, Democrats Row But U.S. Military Opposed Under Eyes of Over Summit Failure ffistoric Tolland House / Military Junta (O^attmnd from P**e One) dersecretary of State Douglas Dil­ An hlitorlo Msthodlat heuss InfR* I-. president of the New K ^ - i r An niBuirio ^land Southern Conference Histori­ USINESS SERVICES 1D) ECTORY (Coatinned from Fsgs One) Humphrey’s manager,, was quoted lon of making "Provocative Tolland will be mariced and dedi- poeilbly eome other nations .would speeches” just before the faris (OonttBoed from Page Oae) as estimating that the expenaea of cal Society, * ttoe part In any future stuninlt dent " I am going to win,” he mid, hU man’s campaign may have catsd June 4, and delegates to the Entsrtalaed Bishop summit conference. although he added It would not be "If they were made to bring United State# would remain In- reached aa high at $166,000. New England Southern Conference The Howard family entertained *” united Nations: Pcfeated in the pressure to bear on us," Khrush­ on the first bUlot. Stephen Smith, head of Kenne­ In Manchester are being Invited to Bishop Francis Asbury for thre# Security Council, the Soviet Union tact- Besides the Washington conven­ dy’s national headquarters, esti­ days when he first came through chev said, "this pressure was of tion, today’s political maneuvering mated the winner’s expenhea at attend the ceremonies. ■ . is troing to submit to the General course foredoomed to failure be­ Thb banks were closed by mili­ •The Howard House, built In 1790, Tolland on a preaching tour In Au­ Assembly Us charge o f aggression tary authorities .yesterday and all included a ^publican convention slightly less than $150'000, nOt gust 1793. In three y e a p of Meth- Hebron cause the Soriet government and in Alabanta and a primary elec­ counting about $10,000 spent using is connected with* the early travels MANCHESTER Lift Your Spirits bv the United StateA . .. "The ma­ of Bishop Francis Aabury In New the game, the Soviet people do not^glve m to accounts blocked. But the Junta tion in North Carolina. the Kennedy family airplane. The odist preaching In the state, Tol­ MANCHESTER jority • of. the Security Coimcil England. Churches Agree could not pronounce a just verdict. pressure. * ' announced the banks would reopen The Alabama Republicana meet esUmates of Heahey and Smith land had become an active center WITH A WONDERFUL, NEW in Bicminghain. apparently pre­ A t the 8 p.m. ceremonies, the How could the pirates be judged Ray' ’8rddebed'^s‘'*mos" was that for business as usual Monday, weire made to the Milwaukee Jour­ New England Methodist Historical of the work, and a church was al­ AUTO PARTS HAIRDO FOR SPRING. CALL by those who themselves were pi- pared to back Nixon. District con- n a l - ready being built. The Methodlsg SEAFOOD On New Pastor' Society wlU place a bronze marker the’ President of the United There was jubilation In the.jia- ventlonsv-have named 18 delegates In West Virginia, Robert Me % Itinerants In western New Eng- Choice Variety 270 BROAD il FOR AN APPOINTMENT, SOONl States approved these provocative tion’s press and among studenta to the GOP National Convention. Donough, Kennedy’s state, cam­ on the house where Bishop Asoury land were called together for a The G ita#' and Hebron Oongrs- Disarmament; The Soviet Union speeches at his press conference, as they resumed university and held the first conference of Meth- will resume nuclear tests if tn® The state meeting will add four paign director, estimated that conference on Aug. 12. Bishop As­ Always A t Your Service F ef gatlonal fcburches have agreed He openly said they were in line college claase.s suspended earlier more. Kennedy’s campaign cost $92,000. (^ s t preachers In ConnecUcut. • MACHINE SHOP SERVICE United States docs bury was . temporarily crippled Quality upbn the Rev. ^ohn N. Cross of with W eign policy of the United this week by Menderes. North Carolina Democrata, In Robert W. Barrie, executive di­ Plans Seirices Mr. and Mrs. I. Tll(jen Jewett, with an Infection In hla foot, and s EQUIPMENT warn that the renewal of nuclear owners of Lths homestead, and Mr. explosions will lead to our renew­ States. Laughing students walked their primary, vote for governor, rector of Humphrey’s national held the sessions In his room, # PAB’TS (new and rebuilt) Ume Rock, R. I., as pastor of through the streets of Istanbul and Paul Dana Simpmn, 22, son of and Mrs. iJohn Abomi the occu­ Seafood ing such nuclear tests in the in­ senator, congressmen, and state headquarters, estimated the cam­ the Rev, Clifford O. Simpson of which Is the second floor front s ACCESSORIES both churches. 'q ft EAST CENTER ST. Ankara. Some Imitated the voice and local officers. Democratic pants, wUKhe hosts for the occa­ terest of our security and that of paign in West Virginia had coat Center Congregational Church and room on the northeast comer. The * SUPPLIES - The parlsloners of both 7TEL. MI 8-6009 and mannerisms of Menderes, calL nomination usually assures elec­ sion, which will Include an Inspec­ 43 OAK ST. * Du Pont Paint, Supplies our Allies. I stress that we do not the Humphrey group $25,000. Mra. Simpson, 105 Cheatnut St., next year, when the Bishop came churches' met this week and for­ want such a development. I repeat About Town ing out "People, comrades. Every­ tion. tion of thv home. through Tolland, he again atayed TEU an 0-I0S7 Open Saturdays Until 6 P.M. The May 10 West Virginia pri­ will spend the summer at Sequoia The Rev. John David Erb of mally accepted him. He is to as­ once ag.iin that we are ready to thing is in order. Why do these Four men are trying to succeed mary received further emphasis at the Howard home. Gov. Luther H. Hodges, who can NaUonal Park, CaUf., serving as Boston, president Af the Hletorical sume his duties July 1, after re­ carry on honest negotiations on dis-^ Miss Georgia Ann ' i ’otterton, children .shout In the streets?’- yesterday when Gov. Cecil H. Un­ chaplAp-counaelor. He la among The church erected In 1793 -wai This referred to a speech Meh- not run again, '•'iie candidates are Society, will'preside at , the exer- signing from the lim e Rock Bap­ HIGH G RA D E armament.” . tt c * daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George derwood asked Atty. Gen. W. W. 142 students and nilnlatars repre* cleee, asBiat«»d by the Rev. Harvey a large building, and remained Complete tist CSiurch. He and his family GLASS Turkev: In .a reference to U.5. A. Potterton of 171 Avery St., has deres made recently In Izmir. The Terry Sanfbfd« Malcolm Seawell, Barron and the State Crime Com­ Standing until 1939, though put to John D. Larkins Jr. and Dr. 1. aentlng 40 colleges and 35 theolog­ K. Moualey of Bolton, and the Rev. 'will occupy the parsonegs at the military bases there: "J*’® *TI* been elected president of the Uni- students drew wide smiles from mission to investigate* reports of ical aemlnaries who will partici­ many different uses. Photographs • For Anto Wlndahields PRINTING ment lof Premier Adnam Men- Beverly Lake. If no one gets a ma­ Clarence F. Avey of Springfield, HEATING Knarf's Gilead Church. ' ( ' s For Store Fronts and versitv Biology Club of the Unir older citizens, voting irregularities In L«g«n pate In planning services for va­ district Superintendents; the Rev. of it will be on display. It was the Both churches have been with­ deresi wliich was overthrown yes- More rumors circulated today. jority, there will be a runoff be­ first Methodist church ever built ROTARY OR all aizea of windows JOB AND COJ IMERaAL verslty of Connecticut. A Man- tween the top two June 25. County. cationers and fellow students In a J. Rex Shepler of Springfield, so­ out a pastor for several ' months terdav die} .not promote the better­ Chester High School graduate of One said the United States organ­ In the State. The former Methodist FOOD M A R m e For Table Tops PRl 1 6 ment'of relations with the Soviet ' Some older primaries also made Underwood’s action, which came program sponsored hy the Na­ ciety llbrariin; and the Rev. Sam- PRESSURE BURNERS since the resignation ..of the Rev 19.^8. she is a sophomore, and a ized yesterday’s coup because it a day after the justice department Uonal Council of Churches. Society in Tolland Is now merged CALL US FOR FREE 640 E. MIDDLE TPKE. UhTon . We have been striving for could not allow civil unrest to the news. In Wisconsin and West laland slMlb?P vlferde 1-l.KjH >4 with the CongregaUonal. ___ _ Herbert plckerson. In the mean Open 6 bays a Week Prompt and Efficient Printing major in home economics educa­ Virginia, aides estimated the cam­ announced an Investigation, dump­ He Is a 1^55 graduate of Man­ uel A. Llvingatone of Riverside. ESTIMATES PHONE Ml 9-2296 * 8 AJH. to 6 PAI. better relations with Turkey for a break in Turkey. time, the Rev. J. Good Brown has Of All Kinds tion. paign cokta of Kennedy and Sen. ed the problem in tire laps of the chester High School, and was Open Monday Thru Saturday been officiating. long lime.” . ■ Gursel, 65-year-old junta leader, Democrata. Barfori la the Demo- graduated from Oberiin College, Japan; The Russians will deal a continued moves to abolish re­ Hubert H. Humphrey of Minne- F06ARTY BROS. .. 7 A.M. to 9 PFI. Sunday Servleea ahatlcring blow at U.S. bases m The Ladies Auxiliary to Man-. sotp. Kertnedy defeated Hum- crtitlc candidate for governor, and Ohio, In 1959. He studied this Church servldes tomorrow will J. A. WHITE COMMUNITY PRESS strictions Menderes had clamped most of the crime commission year at the Harvard Divinity INCORPORATED ‘ SUNDAYS, TAM. to 8 PJML Japan if those bases are used for Chester Chapter Disabled Amer­ on ’Turkish newspapers. ph: y In both. 41 Barnard Students be: Hebron Congregational, 10 spy flights over the Soviet Union ican Veterans, will attend the Me­ In Wisconsin, Gerald Heaney, members also are Democrats. School, and will continue his study JEDDO HIGHLAND COAL. 9 East Middle Tpke. Nine journalists were released CONNECTICUT COKE, Specializing in the finest a,m., Sunday School, 11 a-ih. GLASS CO . The newly concluded U.S.-Japan morial Sunday service at the for the ministry at Fuller ’Theolog­ Gilead. 11:15 a.m., Sunday Bcpool 81 Blase 11 SL— TeL MI 9-7328 Telephone MI 3-5727 from prison where they have been ical Seminary, Pasadena, Calif., FUEL OIL, RANGE OIL military p a « was describ^ as Church of the Nazarene tomorrow serving terms for ‘‘tendentious” cold cuts and meats preceding. directed against the U.S.S.R. and next year, . ______819 Broad St.— TeL MI 9-4SS9 at 10:45 a.m. On Monday, all criticism of the M ^deres govern­ No Coordination Given School Awards The Rev. Mr. Brown will m Its groat friend, China. in town. members who wish to participate ment. flclate at both churches. Domestic affairs: Anastas i. in the Memorial Day Parade will • Services at St. Peter’s “ One Call Does li AU” Mikovan, a first deputy prernier Sentences against 26 others were ABC APPLIANCE wear white uniforms and assemble wiped out.. A W .M . w ..-p-s~ r...EjitKfDonna ------. Gall Ml 4-1111 copal, church will be: Holy Com­ DRY CLEANING who has not been seen at public D eaths at 71 seventh and eighth ^ade students munion at 8 a.m.; Holy Commu­ functions in Moscow lately, is on a at 9 a.m. in front o f the Army and Major newspapers were unanl- Bob Patalak and Joanne Berzen- U2 Probers Assail nion and bermon at 10 ajn., and and LAUNDERING REPAIRS Black Sea vacation .. “ Westem Navy Club. The auxiliary will hold mous In acclaiming the military at an assembly yesterday at Bar­ skl, as w-ell as UrbanetU. FOR REPAIRS, journalists have spread .the story a regulaf business meeting at the takeover. ’The newspaper Hurriyet As Floods Hit nard Jfunlor High . School. Library pages to whom Allan REPLACEMENT Dubaldo Church ' School - at 10 ajn- The Bramches A t: 19 Maple St.-M I 9-8879 ON ALL TYPES OF that there’s a clash in the (Com- VFW Home at 8 p.m. on Wednes-1 (Freedom) praised the quiet effi­ The awards'were In recognition Cone, vice principal presented Rev. Gordon W. W«®"ta"> roctor, muni.st Partyl Central Committee day. ciency of the army coup and sug­ service awards were Tereae Brazl- MUSIC CENTER will officiate. SOI HARTFORD BU. REPAIRS ON— of outstanding merit and service 186 MIDDLE TPKE. WEST Church school closings over Jlikoyan, There’s no truth in gested a monument be constructed Report by Herter ManUa Region tls, Denise Gervals, Patricia Gut, ^xercleeM 209 N. MAIN ST. GRILLS, ELECTRIC IRONS, on the campus of Istanbul’s Uni­ in arl, algebra, audio-visual aid, Tara Latawlc, Cheryl - Mozzer, T E L Ml 9-6205 will be held June 5 at the 10 a.m. it ’’ . ■ ’The Willing Workers’ Circle, TOASTERS, PERCOLATORS, Khnishchev's references to Eis WSCS, of South Methodist Church versity, site of violent student riots _____ gi|^phlc arts, and library as­ Roselyn Appleby, Deborah Calder, service. A parish plchlc will also NBW SYSTEM against Menderes April 28th. ’The statement which went into much (Continued from Page One) Pat Downing. Kathy Gaudln^ Lu­ be held bn the rectory grounds at VACUUM CLEANERS, senhdwer in talking to the R ussia will meet Wednesday at the home (Contlnned from Page One) greater detail about the "weath­ sistance. ^ ACCORDIONS people were not so bitter as his of Mrs, Carolina Clegg, 30 Ash St., newspaper suggested also that the cinda Geer, Elsa Gustafson, Pau a 1 p.m. LAUNDRY HEATERS. FANS, word "Freedom” be engraved on er”- plane. portions battered the city without A new 60-star American flag attacks in Paris. . for an outdoor supper. United States without the Ptasident was presented by Wallace Geiger Huffield, Claire Pavelack. Enid KINSMAN ORGANS Offer 2 ScboUfshlps. DI^Y'CLEANERS SEWING MACHINES At a massive news conference In the monument above the names of He said It was not until May 9, letup unUl early morning, top­ Rosenthal, Penny Sou-sa, and Peg­ knowing about it, and that ihahes after a briefing of members ' of pling trees and billboards and rip­ and Gordon Hurwttz on behalf of WOODCOCK The Regional District 8 Insur­ Main Plant: 44 Harrison SL the French capital 10 days ago, student victims of the riot. gy Tomasko. . ' . Private Instructions Members of the Army-NaVy Congpress, that a final statement ping telephone lines. the Student, Council to George ance Agents’ Association is pre­ Phone Ml 9-7753 AU work giiaraRtcedI Khrushchev angrily accused Eisen­ The government claimed after our situation even worse." State Awards aEmeiERAUON Co. Instruments and SnppUes senting two $75 scholarships at hower of deceit and likened him to Auxiliary will meet tomorrow at. the April 28 riot that one student Herter conceded, under ques­ was made that the President ap­ The water In Manila’s crowded Bradlau, principal. Awards for volunteer work In- 10:30 a.m. at the Church of the proved of and was responsible for tenement districts, where most of Winner of a $50 award and cer­ graduation in the Regional High First Grade Teacher Mrs.,Eather Kaplan has a preview of the dw ble douWe-take sheB be nmklng a thief in aerial spying. Today the was killed in the clash with po­ tioning by Fulbright, that It was audlo visual operations went to Hire. Nazarene to take part In the Me­ lice. ’ITie students claim 11, died. the Spy fiight program, but did the city’s deaths occurred, rose tificate of merit for the Rentariiler Drehestra for School again this year. Ar is It Karen and Kathy Negro ? daughters of Mat grade. The girls are Kathy and Karen l^ gro, emphasis w^s shifted to the Amer­ elementray algebra prize provided Steve Chapin, Ronny I-ewi#, The Regional Board of Educa­ ican people, ’’Who are disturbed by morial Sunday service. ’They will But additional victims have never unprecedented'■' for a head of s not approve each specific fiight. to six feet. Many f i t the victims ChSjHez Robinson, Cindy Ulynn, next ve&r When theie two seta of twins enter firr. end Mrs. Gilbert Negro. Hickory HIU; and Bruce by United Aircraft Corp. was Miss tion will meet Monday. The agenda JISd B?S:or“ R B r ig a n d Bruce Ursln7 sons of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ursin, Rt. 6. (Herald CUNLIFFE the relaxation of tension.” meet Monday at 9 a.m. at the been traced. state to take personal responsi­ there were children _ caught In Bobby Griffin, Jim ArinstrOTg, UON WILLIS Array-Navy Cliib to partlcipate'“in Mary ’E. WlUlams, 8th grader. VmtedRa^QJUA^ will be devoted mainly to th# cur­ Vice President Richard M. Nixon ’The newspaper "Tercuman” (In­ bility for espionage activity. But nimsy shacks crumpled by the Elizabeth Strom, ^ t s y McNa­ Photo ^ ’satem is). . ______;______;______the Memorial Day Parade. A terpreter) said: "This is not the Adams Art Avivd WEDDING^TmATIONS riculum. ’The meeting will be open MOTOR SALES drew mention. Khrushchev said he said the circumstances of the floods. Aiex UrbanetU, 8th grader, was mara and Debbie Bdtea. __ meeting will be held at the club­ end but the beginning. Today we The flood washed out the sched­ Winners in a .Statewide com i^ Engraved orTnaprinted to the public and Chairman Robert EXPERT AUTO BODY and 6ARA6E Nixon had called for a Soviet downing of the U2 were unusual. the recipient of the Scott Adams house on Wednesday at 8 pun. all -feel a justified joy. , ’The fact Obituary Ution sponsored by the Connecti­ 250 TOLLAND ST. E. Foote urges all district Mople FENDER R1U*AIBS apology for wrecking the summit I believe in * case of this kind uled opening of the Eastern Zone annual art award, presented In who may have questions to ask or Radio Today MUn Str, Tel MI 9-4531 that General Gursel and his com­ -Davis Cup finals between the cut- Industrial Arts . AS8n. ._weta_ talks The premier added that the the telling ot the. truth w w the memory of a former- Barnard Stu­ EAST HARTFORD WEDUm SIFTS suggestions to offer on the curric­ ENAMEL and LACQUER SovfeX"reply shoulff be the same as Mem!t«rB of Sunaet Reb^ah rades In arms have succeeded so Philippines and’' India. The open Dean Clark and Frank Flllaramo, Pre-Schoolers Visit REFINI8HINOS Lodge will meet at the Holmes completely without bloodshed In better course than getting deeper Eufemia Anna Gustafson dent, for growth and excellence In BU 9^5333 ulum to attend. 'The date of the Speelalizing In that which Zaporozho Cossacks Mrs. Eufemia Anna Gustafson tennis courts were under two feet art. Other winners of scolaatlc ^ certificates of merit: Dennis Hart­ WDBO—I860 gave a Turkish sultan. Funeral Home, 400 Main St., to­ such a short time is a piece of re­ into-fabricating excuses or dls ley, honorable mention: ’ Rotert "TJie P M y B” meeting had to be changed from REASONABLE PRICES avowing responsibility,” Herter 92, of 64 Hackmatack St., the wid­ of water. awards and certificates of merit Power and Hand Tools June 6 to the above date In order 1:0U News “ I cannot say ■ it literally," night at 7:30 to hold a memorial markable good fortune. The tropical storm Lucille, Thonvas and James Kelly, certifi­ l:lu An Jobnaon f r e e e s t i m a t e s BRAKE SERVICEf ow of G. Alfred Gustafson, died In art were Miss Catherine Miner, Fainting and Decorating Tools Gift Department to .gvold conflict with the annual Andover. First Grade 4:UU Blabop'a Corner Khrushchev told his audience, “ but service for Mrs. Mary Anne John­ Today we' must all concentrate said. which preceded the heavy rains, cates of recognition. ______on the new democratic regime to he last night at the Crestfield Conva Lynette Goodstein, Diane L*wls, Garden and Land Tools budget meeting in Hebron. 6XM News, Sports, Weatber BT. 80—WAPPING. CONN. more delicately it would sound like ston, who was a merntoer and past He said the original plan to be lescent Hospital. She was bom In blew out toward the China Sea Baby, Household, Party BIANCHESTER 6:53 Sports, Newa . Front End Alignmtnt this; What the devil kind of a noble grand of the lodge. set up." followed if a U2 plane was cap Visit Boetas 7:U5 Art Johnson AT THE DUOO SIGN Motala, Sweden, Jan. 19, 1868, the today. and Banquet Needs Two classes of . future first- 8:0U World Tonight sultan arc you if you can’t kill a A spokesman for the ruling mill tured was to deny its spy mission Mrs. Everett B. Porter, teach­ TEL. MI 4-1228 Gonorol Ropair Work daughter of the late Carl and The storm, picking 35-mlle Invalid Needs - er in the Vinton School, Mansfleld,,- graders had a preview yesterday 8:16 Music Till Ona ' hedgehog with your bare bottom?” Members of the Eighth District tary junta told newsmen Menderes and stick to the denial. But he BOOKSHOP Police Arrests 12:00 News Khrushchev sarcastically said Charlotte Wahlgren Gothberg. winds, was reported moving north recently accOnipanled her sixth of what Oielr school life will be, 12:10 Music Till One Fire Dept, who wish to partici­ would be put on trial "under exist­ said the circumstances “ turned Sqrvlvors include three sons, Thousands in ANDREWS BLDG. that Eisenhower fopnd playing ing laws If there Is a well-founded northwest at 14 miles per hour 07 E. Center Sta—MI 8-1080 grade class on Its^nUal education­ 1:00 News. Sign Ott pate in the Memorial Day Parade out to be rather different than Harry L. Gustafson and Paul S, In the general direction of the starting In September. The half­ , w n c—loM golf more important than doing complaint against him." PARKING IN REAR al trip. They vlsitedBoston, taking day session was attended by 46 of Louis J. Carr, 21, of 160 Bissell will meet In uniform at the fire anything that had been anticipat­ Gustafson, both of Manchester, China mainland. 1:00 Ndwe his job SLS president. house, 32 Main St., Monday The spokesman did not specify and Clifford A. Gustafson of CAMPING in the various point# Npf historical the anticipated class of 47. St., was p ick ^ up .yesterday and 1:15 Werner Mueller Orchestra MANCHESTER whether such a trial would be con ed." Meanwhile, government relief 375 May Not Return Interest. A total of 46 childf®® placed in custody aa the result of 1:30 Saturday Matinee MASURY He led into this sally at the end morning at 9. Herter justified the use of the Greenwich; a daughter, Mrs. Gert­ operations were begun in seven The Invitation to school had 5:4U Monitor ducted by a military or civilian EQUIPMENT 14 adults made the trip by train come through a letter from Princi­ his falling to appear In Town of his denunciation of the U2 U2 on the gp-ounds of what he said rude A. Robinson of Manchester; 7 provinces along the east coast 6:30 People Are Funny MEMORIAL GO. court. from New. London. . pal Mrs. Doris E. Chamberlain, Court yesterday morning to face 7:00 Monitor plane at which point he said "we Dr. Malvin H. Lundeen, presi­ was "the tremendous Importance grandchildren; and 10 great­ battered by a series of tidal waves were Edward Allen McGinnis, ,14; CUSTOM MADE 7:55 Boston at Baltimore / ' Opposite East Cemetery / decided to give the President a Menderes was under arrest along (Continned from P»g® O®®) Tents, Cots, Sleeping Bags, Drive Progresses addressed to eaeh pupU. Upon ar­ a non-support charge. Judge Juleq PAINT dent of the Auguatana Lutheran to the whole free world and to grandchildren. last Monday and Tuesday. Jeannette Me GUlnis, 10; and Tom­ 10:30 Grand Ole Opr.y chance to get out of this mess. with President Celal Bayer, cere Air Mattresses, Stoves, CANVAS AWNINGS At last report a total of $100 rival they gave their nbmes to Karp at the time ordered hls re- 11:00 Newa « . . . is good paint Church, will be heard on the CBS monial head of the nation. Also ourselves of having some Jt^^owl She was a m®>''l>®*’ ®f 1^® Emah my Noonan, four months, son of arrest and set bond at $200. We declared that evidently the uel Lutheran Church and the La holiday aince 19^ 0 n that week­ Lanterns had been contributed in the Salva­ their teachers and had a short 11:15 Sports Final "Church of the Air" tomorrow at under "surveillance" were Foreign edge as to whether a sudden sur­ Mr. and Mrs. Francis Noonan. 11:30 Monitor Quality Memorials President knew nothing about the dies Aid Society of the church, end a recotd 371 persons perished tion Army Drive, as announced “ talk’j period. Carr was unable to post bond, 12:00 “Mldnlte Moods 7:30 a.m. on radio station WD(RC. Minister Fatin Rustu Zorlu, other prise attack Is going to hit us in auto accidents. 'Twenty-one persona lived In th# by M rs . Richard M. Grant, treas­ and has been sent to Hartford 12:55 News. Sign Off Over 80 Years Experience matter and that this was a mis­ His topic will be "Life Abundant." He said to his knowledge no During the past year she had MANCHESTER T h eh ^ ey listened to a story and cabinet members and most parlla, lived’ with her daughter at 705 Sewer Cases 3-story frame structure covered urer. P. John Perham heads the to records. , A tour of the building County jail to await presentation WHAY—910 V- deed of the Pentagon and that Music will be provided by the mentary deputies of the Demo other plane had been downed in 1:00 Big Show PAUL'S professional reconnalsance agent, (Jenter St. 1 DIE IN FLAMES with Imitation stone siding. It Is SURPLUS SALES CO. drive. was next, sd-lhat they would know in court Wednesday. Aug^ttstana Seminary chorus. cratic party. Russia. It was not clear whether located In a reaidential area where 109 N. MAIN ST. PF Service Day 7:3tt Polish NaUonal Home CoH Ml .9-5807 Paint and Wallpaper Store Allen Dulles. any had been lost elsewhere. He Funeral services will be held Omaha, May 28 (>P) — Seven all about ’’big’' , school and could Patrick J. Mooney Jr., 22, of 18 8:00 Big Show ” Americans In Turkey were re Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. at the Wat- Stay in Gdurt there are numerous apartments. at Depot Square ’The Young People’s Fellowship Lindman St., was arrested and 12:00 Newa. Sign Oft 645 Main Street "But Eisenhower did not use said an April 9 flight mentioned persons died and five others were see the classrodms where their WPOP—1410 Eric Hohenlhal, his wife and son 1 ported in no danger. Informants klns-West Funeral Home, 142 E. burned early today In a fire that All the dead were in three Open Dally to 9:00 PM. d r St. Peter’s will hold its last brothers, sisters or neighbors charged with evading responslbilty A . AIMETTI, Prop. this opportunity and instead de- said American troops and . their by Khrushchev was a successful J. F AR K ^M I 8-7111 1:00 News. Lou Terry - Glared that he had known about the have moved into their newly pur­ Center St. Burial will be In East The West Side sewer assess roared through a 3-story Om^a apartments on the top floor of the meeting of the season tomorrow. study. This was followed^ by a visit early this morning. Police say they 2:00 Conn Ballroom Harrison S t, Manchester T el MI 9-0300 ^ chased home at 24 Munro St. They families had been confined to. their one. All members will attend the 8 -- flight. I understand he felt imeasy Cemetery. ment appeals case will go to trial apartment house. Eight families building. Mulcahey said the fire to the playground where they received a complaint that Moon­ 6:U() Newa Weather formerly lived at 26 Elm Ter. bases and had not been involved in Asked about the timing of the a.m. Communion service, leavthg 6:15 Conn. Ballroom / about saying he didn’t know what Calling hours will be on Monday In the Court of Common Pleas, It lived in the building. started on the second floor but practiced using the equipment. A ey's car struck the rear of a Wa- 7:00 Kay Somers / any incidents surrounding the re May"’*! flight, which Democrats from 3 to S and 7 to 9 p.m. immediately sifter to go to The terbury man’s car on the road be­ was going on in his own country volt. Military communications con^ WM announced today by General Firemen said the blaze appar- the cause has not yet been deter­ snack and milk were next. 7:30 Word of Lila . The Guild of Our Lady of St. have criticized, Herter said the Manager Richard Martin. mined. The interior of the struc­ ^ fo r Tlmea Farm Oamp.^to help In Their first actual experience In tween Bolton and Manchester, and 8:00 Ray Somera / because Americans and other Bartholomew's parish will attend tinned with the big U.S. base at enUy started on the second, floor SEE US FOR: getting the c u fsp ready for the 11:00 News ^ WATKINS-WEST l i q u 6 r s peoples W^uld ask what kind of a Adana, Turkey. “summit conference was very Stephen A. Connors The decision came in a discus­ of the frame structure, trapping ture was burned out. , s Aluminum Roll Up Awnings seat-work.followed, with-the pupils lat Mooney kept on going. 11:10 Ray Somera a holy hour conducted by the Rev. much on my mind" when he gave Stephen A. Connors, 71, of 59 Some escaped from fire escapes opening day.-This will be a part of Mooney Is due to appear in court 1:00 Del Raycee _ .President is he who doesn’t know Gen. Gursel and his junta began sion he had yesterday with Mayor persona In their beds. The blaze • Venetian Blinds working on ‘ reading readiness Philip Hussey, pastor of St. approval some weeks before to Harrison St., Hartfprd, died yes­ which provide exit from the rsar picnic the YPF'Service Project. Memtoers on JUqe 6. WINF—1230 what is going on in his own coun Bartholomew’s Church, on Tues­ pouring out decrees soon" after EXigene T. Kelly and Toqjir'Tjoun- raged out of control nearly an o Storm Doors sheets'. 1:00 Showcase. News FUNERAL -BEER the program of which the flight terday at the Veteran’s Hospital, sel Philip Bayer, Martin said. of the building. Others went to are a^ed to be sure to take with . Lunch In the school cafeteria Laurrat E. Guimond, 27, of Jew­ try. day at St. Maurice’s Church in BeJ- seizing power. They emphasized Newington. He was a retired em­ hour. • Combination 'Windows them a box lunch. No breakfpst ett City, was arrested and charged 4:45 Mr.. FixUt was a part. The case could answer whether the roofs and were taken down by supplies was served by sixth grade stu­ 5:00 Soundfllght-USAF BEER IN BARRELS "Everybody. knoWS.^ that the ton. The holy hour will be preceded 1 that Turkey would fcontinue its The decision not to suspend the ploy# of the Hartford Electric Neighbors In the area said they Monchtiltfr Awning Cp. will be served after the 8 a.m. with speeding at 7:30 this morning. 6:05 Showcase and Newa SERVICE by a business meeting and election role in the westem alliance. Tur­ the town’s assessments against ladder. % dents. The chUdreh then had an­ 6:50 Sports Special. FOR ALL OCCASIONS! President of the United States had U2 flights aa the rime for the Light Co'., a member of the firm’s were awakened by acreama M The fire was’ discovered about 195 WEST CENTER ST. , service. All will then go, to Co­ other session on the playground He will appeal In court on June 11. two duties; The first is to ^ la y of officers. A social hour with key forms the geographical link 25-year club, and a veteran of the some 300 West Slders would have trapped persona for aid. Doygh^ shop tho 5:55 Snowdase and Newa ORMAND L^WFST s DELIVERY SERVICE s . summit meeting approached "was been upheld for a pump station 3:45 a.m. ■elephone M I^ 'S W l- lumbia Lake for the annuAl meet­ and waited in the shade of the 7:05 Social Security,- golf and the second is to be t r i ­ refreshments will follow; and Mrs. between the North Atlantic a sound pne,” he said and condl Mexican border^confllct. County Hospital said lt.^had re­ EstabUsbed 1949 ing and election of officers. There 7:10 Take Five—U.S. M»rina Corpa. Francis Boland Is program chair­ (iNlATO) and Central Treaty Al­ aqd force main -which was. re­ trees while their parents com­ 7:15 Evening Oevotlona dent, and golf-playing la more Im-^, tions latar 'Vould .have prevented Among his ’survivors sure daugh­ ceived seven bodies,.,flve of them r I .-1 I will be recreation and the group fMtor man in charge of the evening. liances. The Turkish army is firm­ ters Mrs. Benton L. Whitcomb and jected by the voters in last pleted the registration for(ns in Perfection In Fiftii^g 7;ai Showcase - News WEST SIDE portant.” obtaining v e ^ Important infor- children. . will leave home by dark. school. 7:45 Baseball Warmup U.S. charge d'affaires Edward ly anti-Communlst. Mrs. John Narettp. both of Man­ Wednesday’s referendum. Firemen said when they reached 7:55 Washlnrion at New York 142 E. CENTER ST. PACKAGE STORE matli, FAIRWAY Visitor This experience will be followed 11:05 Music Beyond the Stars. Newa A.2.C. Thomas C. Fenn, son ’ of Gursel, a veteran professional chester. Others Include -his wife, Although the project itself has L. Freers^did not attend the ses- the scene the upper two floors of Council Voles Main Street, The Rev. Harold Waldo, son of 12:05 News Roundup Harry Prosansky, Pemilttee Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Fenn, 395 soldier, recently ousted by Men­ ere is Aever a 'good time’ for Caroline Eldridge Connors of Hart­ been shelved, the court decision the building were a raging Inferno. by two booklets this summer, ad­ Manehester’g Oldest *ion at which Khrushchev spoke. the fallure'of an intelligence mis­ • Open miun) and FrU'T^U 9 e the late Mr. and Mrs. Loren Waldo 12:15 Sign Oft - 865 CENTER ST. -Woodland St., left by plane Thurs deres as head of Turkey’s ground ford; a son of Farmington; two could provide a guide in any fu­ It was Hot immediately determined dressed to each child, telling them Manchester— ^Ml 9-0168 He ' told reporters he wanted to sion,” he said. "W e believe it un­ of Hebron, was a visitor In Hebron with Finest Faculties day from Bradley Field after forces, flew from the big NATO others daughters of Hartford and ture action. how the fire started. Call for New what they should know by the time avoid, the possibility of havu^ to spending a 3-w eekfurlough at wise to lower our Vigilance be­ The 'West Side appellants, over Tuesday and called on friends they come in September, such as )>ase at Izmir, westem Turkey, Windsor; and 10 grandchildren. F. J. Smith said he awakened to T u R n P I K E walk out of the great Kremlin home. He has been assigned to' the cause of these political negotia­ Calling hours will be tomorrow 100 In number, are represent^ by The Nf*^ Beautiful He is a veteran of the Spanish- managing their own clothing. The Radiant ball If the President were direct^ to Ankara- to take command of find smoke in the apartment and American War, Incurring injuries Sth^dmber Wing,.Travis Air Force the uprising at dawn yesterday. tions.” and Monday from 3 to 6 and 7 to Atty. Leo Flaherty of Rockville Big Four Talks AUTO BODY booklets will be sent in mid.-July ly attacked. Base, Calif. He has completed Both Herter and Dillon said took his family to the roof, where which necessitated the amputa­ and (nld-Augtist to strengthen, the k A Upholstery 9 p.m. at Dillon’s Funeral Home, they called to neighbors to get a VIC’S PIZZA SHOP British Ambassador Sir Patrick three years training at Ramey Air they did not actually know that 63 Main St.^ Hartford. Interment '^ASTS THIRD DAY tion of hia left leg. Mr. Waldo Is bond Vestablished by yesterday’s Maurice Dejean were there, but ladder and take them down. (Continued from Page One) fANO'S a preacher in the Seventh Day P AND I V l Shops 153 W. Middle Turnpike Force Base, San Juan, Puerto the particular flight had been un­ Will be In Soldier’s Field, North- Durban, South Africa, May 28 welcome. “Over 46 Years Expertenoe" Maurice Deejean were there, but Rico. Hlsi basic ^ training was at dertaken until they were notified wood Cemetery, Wilson. UP>—^Mrs. Sushlla Gandhi, wid­ Four of Ahe dead were tentative­ RESTAURANT fkith. 1 Phone 511 9-3700' the West Germans did nori show Chile in Need ly IdentUied aa Vickie Lynn Olivia, an Implied rebuke to the United ^ckland Air.F'orce Base, Tex. that the plane was missing and ow of the late Mahatma’s second l\pUTE 0-44A—BOLTON WRECKER Beef Imports Climb r e -upholstering up. Raymond C. Hollister Sr. son, Manila!, was described as 4 ; Ronnie Lee Olivia, 3 and Irvin States for sending spy planes over Maacheater Evening Herald He­ e Modern Furniture '• During his speefch Khrushchev presumed down ih Russia. Olivia, F months, and Mrs. Beulah PIZZA A married couples 'weekend re­ The two told the story of a tor­ Raymond C. Hollister Sr., 58, of "a little weak”^'\todsy as' she Soviet territory—like the U2 OPEN SUNDAYS bron oorrespoadent MIm Susoui B. '' and Antiques charged that Britain and France treat, conducted by the 'Very Rev. Of Food, Water McGinnis, 50. SERVICE Peadletoa, tNephone ACademy 8- Chicago — Imports accounted e Store Stools and Booths SPAGHEHI turous five days in which the top 179 Woodlawi Circle. East Hart­ started her. third day of fasttag downed near Sverdlovsk May for more than 8 per cent of the had to support the United States Luke Mlssett of SL Michael's in protest against government T he children were those of Mr. a Lunch and Dinner 8464'. • Custom Furniture officials of the government tried ford, father of Donald S. Hollister and Mrs. Fred Olivia. Mrs.^Mc- The Soviet delegation ■ p n m i nation’s beef supplies, in 1959-and RAVIOLI at the breakup of the summit be­ Monastery. Union.City, N.J., will Santiago, Chile, May 28 UP>— of Manchester, died yesterday detention of political prisoners. Served Dally SUp Covers and Draperies cause they had already committed to cover up the fact that the Unit­ Glnnls was Mrs. Olivia’s tnother. for amendments that wqpM have 1958, American cattlemen report. begin Friday evening at 8 at St. Shortages of food and water today morning in East Hartford Hos­ Ten other Indian women in the a Lounge Entertainment Made to Order OPEN DAILY aggression themiselves at Suez. Joseph’s College, West Hartford., ed States had been qendlng spy Arson Investigator Dan Mul- had the council say “ipciirsion of Coatly Rumor Beef imports totaled l,3p0,000,000 touched off fears of epidemics ta planes over . Russia for four years pital after a long illhess. Durban area Joined her In fast­ N l^ tly Complete Selection s f Materials, 7:30 A.M. to.11:00 P.M. He denounced what he called A few reservations are available, cahey said the other three dead foreigd military aircraft into the a Weddings a Banquets pounds last year, more,than five Besides his son, he leaves his ing. f r e e ES’nMA'TES the colonial policies of the tvyo and those Interested may obtain quake-shattered southert! Chile, but finally had lost one. ■{. territory of other states" was in­ a Partieo—Phone M l 3-2842 St. Louis (P) — Frank Frisella times the 1966 figure. SUNDAYS countries, briefly swiped at Italy information from Cana House, Police fired wamlny shots over It was' on Sunday, May 1, that wife, Mrs. Edith' Baker' Hollister compatible with U.N. principles was dism ay^ when he heard a 208 N. Main St., Manchester 4 PJM. to 10:30 P.M. of East Hartford and Wa father; and meide a reference to Chiang Box 4311, Hainden 14, Conn. * the headj of hungry disaster vic- Dillon, whUe Herter was out of the and constituted a threat to peace. (m i rumor that a nprsery planting area LIBRARIANS ELECT qm 8-6824 CLOSED MONDAYS . Kai-shek. At the mention of the country, acting as secretary' first another son of East Hartford; two These amendments ■ ■ were voted YOUB FAVORITE BRAND was to be developed, into a sub­ Groton, May 28 Iff)—-Eileen » ■ Chinese Nationalist leader's name Richard B. ^ ^ righ t, program trying to raid emergency sup- learned the U2 was missing and daughters of East Hartford; two New Hunting Plan 4own....' division and that ^plants there O’Neill, New Haven, has been the audience broke into loud boos. manager for ■ the NASA Saturn plies of food set up for rationing in presumed downed in Russia, DIR sisters of Maine and Syracuse, It was Russia’s second attempt could be had for the taking. elected president of tJie Connecti­ Khrushchev got aifitanding. ova­ Project, will speak' at the annual | Valdivia. Ion testified. N.lf.; and T2 grandchildren. to get the council on record COLD BEER Frisella owns the -area, which cut Library Assn. Others elected FOR EXTRA MONEY tion whei\ he sajd^lt was not his dinner-dance o f the State section | U.S. Navy Cmdr. Robert E. First there was an announce­ Funeral services will be held to­ against overflights.' The first had LIQUORS, WINES ha uses In hls nursery business, yesterday during the group’s an­ obligation to ^.^1! bn Eisenhower of the American Rocket Societ.y, Merchant, who flew supplies to the ment May 3 from the home base morrow at 1 p.m. at the Newkirk Advanced by Little failed Thursday When the,council and he knew the rumor to be false. nual meeting wpre Dotha White of Berube's In Paris but-fathei; the President’s on Thursday at the Officers’ Club, ] stricken city qaid; of the aircraft in Adana, Turkey, and Whitney Funeral Home, 318 voted 7-2 against a Soviet resolu­ DUCOandDULUXRmNISHING He rushed right out, hut was too New Britain Public Library, vice TYPEWRITER SERVICE WE'PAY duty to cbme see him because "his in -the Connecticut State Armory, > Even U.S. , military men there that the plane was missing on a Burnside Aye., East Hartford, tion condemning the incursions of Free Delivery late. , , . r president; Kathleen Whitten of 479 Middle Tpke. E. was the nation that violated good Hartford. His topic will be, ‘’The| weather mission.’ Dillon said there with the Rev. Truman H. Wood­ United States aircraft into the’ ter­ ...Jdissing were some 800 tress, Wesleyan University Library, sec-' Manchester ' HIQHEST PRICES helping bring in . the supplies Sportsman Wilber Little, 196» Any land In the areas could be 16« MIDDLE TURNPIKE, WEST reWiions.” Evolution of the Saturn Vehicle haven’t been eating anything and was "full- coordination" between ward of First Congregational posted against . hunting. Uttle ritory of other state's.” Ml 9-5507 shrubs and other plant# valued at retary, and Mildred Small, Hart Speaking of preparations for the Spencer fit., has come up with MANCHESTER ford Public Library, sfccretary. Typewriters and Office For Rag'S, Paper, Metals Concept.” can’t drink the water. We left the White House. State and De­ Church, East Hartford, officiat­ notes, adding he and the State Gromyko told the council his $1,600. Machines Repaired, Serviced " summit. Khrushchev said , his visit them all the sandwiches we had.” fense Departments' and the CIA ing. Burial will be In Green Ceme­ another proposal to legalize hunt­ Board agree the Burnham St. area apiendments provided for the con­ HAtirr Muit and Scrap Iron Rentals CALL OR DELIVER TO to the United States and his talks The known death ’ toll in the in issuing thi “ cover story." tery, Glastonbury.’ ing in Manchester. Discharge of should be so posted. Most .of the demnation" of the violation of air Phone bfaBcbester with Eisenhower and other Amer­ worst-hit areas stood at close to It was not until May 5, when Frien^ inay call at the funeral firearms has been orohlblted since objections last winter came from space by military aircraft—even VICHI'S We Handle Stationery Along ican statesmen had given him. the Two Patrolmen 3,000, but officials said an accu- though the word "condemn" was Khrushchev .announced that an home today from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 World War I In tJwn by a long- that area. . PACKAGE STORE Mltehdl 1-7043 With Office Machdne SnppUe# OSTRINSKY Impression the President "really r**OSV1 I tate count may not be possible for American plane had been shot nowhere ih them. Your Mall List-A# Desired p.m. ignored ordinance. The new proposal differs from 20 BISSELL ST. Dealers In Waste Materials desired peace and an improvement v - < O m p i e i e V j O U r s e weeks. They predicted the toll down but gave no details, that this the last, LitUe said, in that hunt­ Soviet Premier Nikita S, put YOUR HEAD IN OUR HANUS of the international bituation.’’- would rise a. Little’s latest plan, develoiping Khrushchev said today in Moscow A . J. BERUDZ, Prop. 731 PARKER ST. government, learneid the Russians out of talks wiUi Chief of Police ing areas would be demarcated by FOB THE BEST IN BARBBBINO SEE ONE OF THE TeL 5H 8-5736 or MI 8-5878 "I must say,” Khrushchev add ■yesterday was graduation day At Valdivia, a city of 100,000 had both the plane and Its pilot, known streets, rather than that Russia would bring charges FOLLOWING MEBIBEBS OF THE M AN C^S’raK 5H 8-8477— SU 3-6842 •d, "that I still believe that the persons, about 40 per cent of the Emblem Club Sets James Reardon and Lyle Thorpe, of U.S. aggression against the for Patrolmen Clarence Heritags Francis Powers. ^ director o< the Stgte Board of pUcated land boundaries. Tne CONNECTICUT MASTER BARBERS’ ASSOCIATION 8310 President wants peace. But, it ap­ business and industrial areas are Dillpn said this information hunting would be governed by USSR in the General Assembly. and Richard Sullivan. They were in ruins. Puerto Montt, with a Fisheries and Game, will be put FAGANTS BARBER SHOP l 2V)-26'/i pears that the President's good in­ came from the U.S. Embassy In Anniversary Date on the agenda of Town Directors, State Board regulations allowing AMERICAN BARBER‘SHOP tentions is one. thing and the for among 21 policemen from various population of abou^ 45,000, was Moscow, where foreign diplomats shotguns to be flted not less than 58V^2 Cooper S t A Casual,' gb-cverywhere dfeas towns throughout the State who- the approving authority. 457 Mstal S t that fita the shorter, fuller figure elgn policy of the Anierlcan gov­ also suffering acute hardships. had picked up these reports The Rockville Emblem Club wlU 500 feet ffcm roads or buildings. completed a 4-week course at the Bad weather In southern Chile The plan would allow hunting Humphrey Idea PAjRKADE BARBER SHOP with practically no alterations. ernment Is another." from Russian officials at cocktail meet -Wednesday evening. June 8, In the same areas as were de­ The ordinance would also allow DANTE’S BARBER SHOP Maacheater Farkade The Soviet leader dectared' it (iSiiefs of Police Academy in hampered operations by large the chief of police to Issue permits No. 8310 with Patt-O-Rama is in Bethany. parties. at the Elks’ Horn® .in Rockvfile. scribed In a Uttle proposal to Brings Citation S07B E. Center S t liov/er Level ' . Crochet this radiant star cen­ seems that a struggle has devel­ planes flying In relief. Herter said later reports Indi­ The meeting vliU be preceded by allowing target shooting or sport­ sizea 1214, 14>^, 16V4. 18Mi. The course began on May 2^ and The UB. Air Force set up a which the Directors turned a cold 20%, 22%, 24%, 26%. Bust 33 to terpiece' for yoiir own collection oped around the future direction was held Uve days each week, with cated somfcthing happened tojaie a catered buffet supper in observ­ ing clubs to fire gd^s on premises You nime tlw Job. . . ,w* hwa jiM nflrt . e a g l e b a r b e r s h o p PARKWAX BARBER SHOP ■xpurt gjant airlift of 64 Globemasters, shoulder last winter, after resi­ they own, lease,'or operate. The Patrick J. Humplirey, 17 '.Mar­ 47. Slise 14%, 35 bust, 4 5/8 yards or’ as a gift! o f American policy and this- strug­ daily hours from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 U2 to bring.it down within range ance o f the 33rd anniversary of dents protested at a public hear­ Point for it. . . in cokw to motcjj inythiti* 1 How • U $H Crater S t 887 Center S t Pattern No. 5868 has crochet CALL But they have so far been unable the organization. Reservations Directors last winter left the sub­ garet Rd., a foreman at the main of 35-inch. • M o v m a gle was manifesting itself in many p.m. - of Russian fighters. He said It was ing. question on eOlof?. . . M ill to use?. . . how to *>'*1 directions; material requirements; spheres. to reach some of the worst disaster unlikely it had been downqd by a should be made by June 4 by. call­ ject o t discharge of firearms open office of the Manchester Post~Of- JOHN’S BARBER SHOP BUSSELL’S BARBER SHOP To order, send 35® In colna to Ml 3-6563 Both classroom and field train­ The areas are described as; to more conirideratlon, because CA U WS for oxpett.help pn four next po’intini job. , Cor. Oak and Spruce Sts. Sue’Burnett, The Manchester Eve stitch illustrations; diagram. • pA O K m a Khrushchev chai'ged U.S. Sec­ ing was given, covering a wide areas. rocket aa Khrushchev claimed, ing Mrs. Rose Valluzzi ■ or 'M ra flce, was recently awarded a certi­ ' 880 Green Rd. . Two more earthquakes shook 1. North of the Wilbur Cross there ara several school rifle clubs ning Herald, 1150 AVE. OF To order, send 25c in coins to;— retary of State Christian -A. Her- range of police subjects. aince pictures of the U2 showed Elrnest' Spielman.' ficate of commendation and ap­ STATE BARBER SHOP the troubled land yesterday in the Mrs. Richard Morganson is Parkway between Buckland St. in town, as well as huntera And preciation by the Post Office Dept, MANCHESTER BARBER AMERICAS, NEW YORK 86, N. Anne Cabot, 'The Mahehester ter, Vice President Nixon -and Un­ Instructors were from various bullet holes In the wings. afid Slater St. 10 Bissell S t Ehrening Herald, 1150 AVE. OF law enforcement * agencies, in­ sixth day of treipors, It was decided at security coun­ chairman, and her committee In­ the existing ordinance rules out for contributing a beneficial su g r SHOP Y. Reports from ’Anpud, which was cludes Mrs. Alton Cowan, Mrs. .„. 2. Between Burnham St., Wind­ any firing o f guns by civilians ex­ 1099 Main S t For 'Ist-claas mailing add 10c AMERICAS, NEW YORK 86, N.Y. cluding the State Police and the cil meeting May 7, Dillon said, gestion. ^ 723 MAIN ST^ MANCHESTER ’ P(|K)NE Ml 9-4501 WALTER’S BARBEB SHOP For Ist-class mailing add" 10c hit by tidal waves as well as Paul Jones, Mrs. ‘Leonard - Fried­ sor St., and Tolland Tpke. cept "In defense of persmi or prop­ The suggestion pertained to for each pattern; Print Nam®, Ad-, FBI. that the State Department would 3. Between ToUand Tpke., the 615 Main S t earthquakes, s^d hundreds of per­ issue a statem«it departing some- rich, Mrs. Max Kabrick,. Mra. Jo­ erty.” ^ . HERE’S BARBEE SHOP drew with 'Zone, Style No. and for each pattern. Print Name, Ad­ W ESTO W II Both Heritage pnd Sullivan re­ Wilbur Cross Parieway, and W . giving more complete route In- , BUY THE PAINT THAT’S WORTH THE WORK dress With ' Zone . and Pattera ceived high n\arits i t the conclu­ sons, many of them fishermen, Vhat from the "cover story” but seph Kristofak, Mrs. Elton Camp­ The penalty for violating Ultle’s formation to Inexperienced letter 141 N. Main S t WALNUT BARBEB SHOP Size. FHABMACV H were still missing. Almost 3,000 Ih saying there was "no authoriza­ bell, Mra Arthur Folsle. Mra Middle ’I)>ke. proposed <»dinance would be a^20 Wainnt S t > Send S5c today for your copy Number. 4 M Harfiford Bd.— BU »-9»4« sion' of the course. 4. Between Spencer St. and carriers. Have you the '60 Album con­ the city are homelesi. Alt fuel and tion for such flights" from Wash­ Raymond Spielman and Mrs. Theo­ fine. The*'certlficate was signed - by H AN 0H B8TEB OBJEUI I of the Spring A Summer issue of Laurel Lake. Mayor Eugene T. Kelly last win­ BABBEB SHOP ^ PINB BABBBB SHOP I our completa pattern magazUi# taining many loveay deaigns and o m I Troctep C«. OPEN AIX DAY Present north star is. Polaris. food Is rationed and police were ington. dore Ventura Postmaster General Arthur Sum- PAINTS ..S5S Orator S t MEMOIUAL DAY Dillon aaid he did not know that An original hat making contest 5. Between WetbpreU St., Keen­ ter felt that hunters should be re­ ' ' Grsra ' Baaio Fashion. qt patternsT Only 2C« * «0Mrl The star Gamma Oephel will be preparing to dynamite the town’s merfleld and th* Regional Op«ra- .5 the i>ols a tfr for people on sarth cithsdral bsciusi of lU trembl- National Asronautioa and Space wUl bs held, m i all atteadiiv ey St.. Bush Rd., .and HUls- stricted to one area for which they PIGNIO SUPPUEfl tl< ^ DlrSBtor In Boston. ? % 2,000 pears from now. tng shdlfl. AdminlstrattoB was fotaff ta laaus eater. towD Rd. — r — ^—: f* .• PAGE MTNB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. MAY 28, 1960 MANCHESTER EVENING HERAliP, MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1960 PAGE EIGHT d a il y CROSSWORD PUZZLE I'HIR BOARIMNG HOUSE with; MAJOR HOOPLE BUGGS BUNNY TOniiLa^t r»va.risga> fnr T t Sisls. Righthander Pitches Near No-Hitter

HEViWOWT ntwer to PmvIour ^ WCROWP! « 0METHIN'^ "Sagebrush State" ^HAPPENEP THAT ^ , WOULPM^EAOOQCy ' PICTURE! ACBOB8 DOWN •®BACCO FOR APOKT- 1«-— SUU" IFamt building NiaWT AFTER X PAY , {•another 3 Utopian ♦ Sihrlnaz, Paul Sartor and Joe4 Ksacksstsr (D — .T6UUY60 SMaaeuline f sigtath. Doharly'a drive landed very^ ab r fi IX. ^ .^1 TH E OV^LS CLUB AUBJ nickname lor FRANK CLINE Twaronite helped prolong Jflstret- Sylvester, ef ...... 8 1 I 0 6 0 CONURAD AK*TM* PN& BASy A55E55ME^JT.^ appcUation cloaa to the foul line aa Denny / OM HCVJ r TMROvl V«R vo ic e Nevada Refulkiff to concede any­ ta’s bid for no-hltter with some Harsh, cf ...... I 0 ,0 0 0 0 7----- City la 4 Anatomical Blebert made a deaparate lunge fine defensive plays in the middle Blbrlnss, 2b j ...... 8 « i 1 ? 'X PeRTy'IB^l^^yrPN& —' T Ml capital duct thing befOTeall the ballots are for the ball after a long run but innings . . Setmond led the In­ Pedemonts.,Pffdemonts,. 2b .... 0 2 J J S vou.M6/rnKr'iir^ BSummar (Fr.) couldn't quite get his gloves on It. Twaronite. lb uAtc m II Form a notion counted, Manchester High’s dians eight-hit attack with two Dotchin. Ib H Small ipaea ? Henovata Some of the curse was taken off Sartor. 3b 38 Affirmative 43 Mimics battling baseball^ team fan­ singles with his run-producing ^eclaushas. 8b 15 Abate Comics 48 Mcesuras e< Dobefty*a hit when Pete Torres bsae knock in the third a real 8 Exist votes ned itp flickering ^nnecti* dumped a single Into centerfield 16Uve 30 Snarers cloth cut Interscholastic Athletic "bleedeT*’ . , . ItCeteel grain 0 Legal point 48 Anglic* (•!>.) with two out in the ninth. Snbstltutee Freely 10 Dirtied 34 Deer horn Conference toumsunent hopea With Complete Boss m 18 Kelt, (IV.) 38 Recent 40 Device used Coahh Tom Kelley substituted 11 More aged by golfers a 7-0 victory over Platt of Meriden Vniese were the only Platt base Belekewics. rf BY V. T. HAMLIN 20 Conducted 12 Require (comb, form) at Memorial Field jneeterday af­ freely as he used 16 players in the 21Umb 81 Presidential ruhners In the game. Otherwise, game giving several loyal re^ ManeKSta, e 10 Weep . 37 Spruce ternoon behind the eparkllnR two- Mlsti^tUt was the complete boss Mtetretu, p 23 C^ourt 38 Kind of oil initials serves en opportuhlty to play... 22 Well-bora 821ndonasiaa cC hit ‘pitching o f Pat Mlatretta. It as he stfuclck out a dozen batters. Totals ...... *l 7 8 27 11 I B 24 Noun luAk 24 Peaceful 40City in Texe» was the Indiana aixth win in ten Shutout was the second hurled by 25 Color 42 Play host to M indanso The only othM, ball to reach-the a Manchester .pitcher, this yea r... 28 Transection gamea this spring and lift them outfield with the exception of the 27 Rew Ot with a allm outalde chance of Jerry Savltikas owns the outer one Azzolina. If . . . ’ ■, sawed lombw two hits was Nlck^ Azzollna's fly Torrez, cf ...... 1 s ? ? 8 8 8 malting the field of eight teams ... .Saimond swiped two bases'and .'.'.V. 4 8 5 1 0 6 0 29'Sc!ne / to left In the ninth. leads the^ club In this department Mlrhalskt. rf . 8 0 0 1 1 0 0 31 PMaunt for the Class A, State tournament The win was Mlstretta's third of Rodlnl. 3b, 2b starting next month. with five Stolen bases... Doherty, lb .., broooTd!*!-) the season. He has been charged Indian* have two more gamea WUIIams, 3b ., S Hit 8 12 Pitch Highlight of triumph was the with two defeats. It may well Have Esposito, Sb .. left during the regular season... Savurlas, c ... ’ 8 8 i 8 1 8 S3 Oriental coin ~ stellar twirling qf Mlstretta been the beat pitching performance Zimmer, sa .. ••••• • 34 Jaeger guU against the Central Connecticut Tuesday they meet Conard and of hU schoolboy career. Thursday pace Wethersfield... Wlegert. p . . . . 38 MaicuUne Waloon, p . . . . :::::: I 0 « 0 0 fi 0 Interscholastic League cellar .The Indiana rolled to an early Both wUl be played at Memorial or 0 0 0 0 0 nickname dwellera. The husky Indiana* right­ 3-0 lead with single tallies in-each Sudel, a 38 Lake Tahoe Field and the Indians will be seek­ hander faced only 30 batters. Had of the first three Innings. The ing to reverse earlier season losses Totals ...... la----- of iU a no-hltter going until the eighth first two tallies wlere unearned PAT MISTBETTA a.—Budel atruek largest wateri In each... , Stb. , ■* . and had retired the first 18 bat­ with the nih. in the third coming Hurls Twq^ltteT , Manchester ...... BY DICK TURNER 32 Energy Now begins the “sweating out” c a r n i v a l ters he faced until he walked Platt as the result of Dave\Sibrinaz period for the Indians over the (atang) \ shortstop Chuck Zimmer with one single, a fielder’* choice, base on the eighth. Three bases on balls, Twaronite, iOoKai 41 Feline animal Ray Dotchln’s run scoring sin­ long Memorial Day weekend as 3. iylyester. Zlmmar; 43 Altitude (tb.) out In the slxtlY. balls and infield single by \Chuck they wait to see if they ntay pos­ OP.uj-, fispoBiipBsposjm tolo pobfi""j2 Jjrtw,rKrKJ~ri' Lefthanded hitting I)ave Doherty, Saimond> \ / gle in his first appearance St the Chester ■i' . ' I 44 American plate this season, a fielder's choice sibly have wiggled into the Wlei Platt's first baseman, spoiled Pat's Another unearned run W lb* WRlannalSon 1;xi Hitsxxii» vaa.off, VmU 5a - BY AL VERMEER ■writer and Siebert’s two-rtm bingle all eighth and final spot In the ' 45Pricrity bid for a no-hitter by aliclng a seventh put the Indians ahead 4-0 CSACs post season' baseball tour runs in 7 1/8 thnlw: Wf%!J PRISCILLA’S POP and they put the gram ^beyo^ figured In the eighth inning scor­ runs in 2/8: HBP7wIs*art (lllstretw. ILET'S NOT EXPLAIN TO, (comb, form) double down the -leftfield line as nament.. . . L. Wle*ert; Time, 2:207 THE aiRLS! t h e y ’ l l 47 Procurator of leadoff man in the top of the recall with three mora^alliea in ing. NEVER. B E U E V e W Judea (Bib.) 50 Chantry 53Leveler "■ 84 Bonellke Little Leaguers 88 Twilled lablica 88 Begins Rangers ’Nine-TriumphSf 7~4 $$ Drive Sunday

/, Uttle Leegodr* BY FRANK O'NEAL For Sixth Victory of Year ter are stlR Iseldnc lo t moacy SHORT RIBS S carry out their hwcfiiattpROr ______- < grant As » resnlt, that werp found vacaqt s o o n Getting tremendous support from his teammates afield, VIRDMS! RuniUy diMag the amma] hoasc AMERICAN LEAGUE lanky Bob Rukus pitched Cheney Tech’s baseball team to a to house canvass wQl Sad Runnels^ Pascual Ignite Brawl Friday’s Reeulta 7-4 victory at Rocky Hill yesterday. The victory, the Rangers yoongaters In ttulfonn^ toster- ■ row afternoon knotictag on ths TJl •«»«••• 0 3™-Off. . . ' ■ ■ I ■ ■ Baltimore 3, New York 2 sixth in nine decisions, assures them of a winning season on M Boston 4, Washington 3 doer or ringing the bell in an Chicago 7, Kansas City * the diamond this spring effort to get money. ' BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS The vlaltlng Rangers picked up two tallies and shut off a budding Preaideat A n H lg it e Cleveland .at Detroit, Post{>ened, two runs in the opening frame and big inning for Rocky Hill. LONG SAM es rain $2,105.09 'w as coOected last , HteeMYFHMALDRVT.RWRFACE nilv T'/woir r Courtney Surrounds never trailed the rest of the way. "Cheney vyill conclude its season AN HOUR IATW-L0N9 &M» BEAUiy \vyUOHLV\wr- W. Pet. G.B. Sunday. However, this total eAM^KCNCOP/THPRUZZ. OH THE see QFItllOONTAIN WLl. 6E L After adding a single tally in the next week visiting Ellington Tues­ n i t e \ COST twtsihe 14 .600 — .wIU bo Utlher aa U ttle bengne OFCOWERSATION PROM W666R1HW AU.THE R4CE6 OH Baltimore .. ..21 third, Cheney scored in clusters of day and hosting Hartford Tech At BWHKORe piiriDeerHeR • P(f66aa6p\ FNE" / /MOtcy Cleveland .. ..18 12 .600 V4 offlolala have received a nom- iHB5rmN6 Room. podAiX. waioti /Aat)UR twos in both the fourth and fifth Friday. her of envelopes containing ^ilhelni with Ni;w Mitt Chicago ... -.20 14 -M8 ; 4 frames. Single runs In the second Cheney (71 money, pluo checks from Inter­ Detroit .... .\16 14 ,517 8 and fourth and two more in the po a a rbt X 3-2 lead. Kemmerer, now 1-2, had 16 .516 3 Mlkoleit. rf .. 3 0 0 0 ested bnstnessmeo to help NfS New York, May 28 (/P)— 'tflve fewer games infi^are a^Rl New York . ..16 sixth accounted for the Rocky Hill Custer, es .... 14 0 0 POUT TBliU AA dropped five in a row since last 10 .406 finance the popular summer m a m Ever catch butterflie.s with a gariie back. Washington ...1 8 6(4 acoring. ■*. Chaves, 11 .. . 1 0 0 3 Third place ChicaTO^lsfi a half- August. Luis Apariclo had four Boston ...... 12 18 .400 6>4 Rukus, p ....; 0 4 0 0 sport. pPRtf^ Captain Frank Chaves and Bill Brown, 3b .. . 1 0 0 3 Dollars, allver and copper I'M VlROMB!!. glove? Clint Courtney did, game behind, dpf4ated . K*n*as of the Sox’ nine hits and scored Kansas Clity . .13 22 .871 8 4 0 0 1 Brown were the batting stars for Bllnn, cf, c .. wtn be Bcoepted during Sun­ and now the Baltimore* Ori­ City, 7-4. And Boston beat Wash­ four runs, He broke a 4-4 tie in Mcndltto. c .. 0 0 Cheney. Chaves had three singles Jarvis a ...... 0 n 0 0 0 day's drive. Residenta are oles are^ack in the American ington. 4-3jlrt a game Interrupted the seventh against loser Ray Her­ Today's OMnes 0 0 bert 12-3), scoring on A1 Smith's; in five trips to the plate and drove Bickmors. cf 1 0 0 asked to cooperate, aa by a ■ brgv 'awi; Cle\;«}and (Bell 5-2) at Detroit; In a pair of runs. Brown stroked a lienee. Ih ...... 0 9 0 0 0 League lead. Courtney, a Infield out after hitting his sec* 2 1 2 0 0 have In the past. •crappy little guy who'd probably 'X* (Bunning 1-2), 2:30 p.m. double and single in three times up McMullan. 2b ond triple. nab 'em bare-handed if he had to, o r io l e s 8, YANKEES 2—The Chicago (Donovan 1-0) at Kan­ good for two RBI’s. Bill McMullen Totals ...... 32 7 11 21 10 0 5 a « • ' sas City (Daley 4-2), 4 p.m. «.eff. S-23 aurround Hoyt Wilhelm's knuckle- .fWoles now have -won 11 of their added two singles to the Rangers’ Roeky Hill (4) Melbourne. Auatrallar-AM )—The confused w tdtem ^ h t helm's catchers had been charged giving further thought to bench­ three nice catches while Chaves 5 nlne ir 5 Innlnxs: Domlnski. 4 for 2 r Cff*F'i* tiling to Pascual after ducking i Detroit at Kansas City (3), 8:80 came up with a diving catch in the division today had a new champion, Cuba* B ^ n y (Kid) Tk#We-d t VH 3rr*. J* zt with 11 passed balls. , ing Mickey Mantle (O-for-18) and p.m. run* In 3; Scorer, Phil Greene; Timo high, inside pitch and then watch­ losers’ two-run sixth which saved 3.10. Paret, who last night ended Don Jordan’s lacklustre reign as Courtney didn't let any get Bill Skowron (2-for-25). ing',a third it,tike. Pascual was Boston at Baltimore (2), 3 p.m. BY JOHNNY away with a man on base. • « • knocked down and suffered an Wiashington at New York (3), the 147-pound Kii kingpin. B. C. ankle Injury in the melee that 1:30 p.m. But there was still confusion IPromotsiM of the Debt handed The 'Victory, giving the Orioles WHITE SOX T, ATHLETICS 4 over about $T6,OOG of Jordon’s TriERElS. ONE TWlf^fi*’ WffiONfi* followed,'but stayed on the mound aplenty. k" N E A R THE tSUINC-y their best road-trip' (10-4) ever, — Russ Kemmerer. a righthander purse to his estranged managai*, I TrtlNK. I’U - S 'U WITH THE WORUpVoPAYi purchased from . Washington, and finished with 13 strikeouts. NA’nO N /U , LEAGUE Indian G olfers Score W ins Handwriting on the gymnasium BY ROY CRANE IN A/iy FAVtDRire SPOT, pushed them a half-game ahead wail indicated tfiat Paret’s first Jackie McCoy and Don Nessetb, BUSH, UNtDER THE TREE ITS CVERFCiPm-ATED. of Cleveland. The Indians, rained pitched 5 2/3 ,innings of four-hit, That gave him the major league Friday’s R«aults BUZZ SAWYER CN THE RED R cc<- defense ot his ahlny crown will not Los Angeles used ear salesman. 'vmUTPHE SOUNDS UKETHE HENRY BY T H E B tN D OP THE out at Detroit, match Baltimore’s shutout relief for the White Sox; lead by an 81-79 margin over Ddn Loa Angelea 6, Chicago 3. ^„^^.^,Oi5TSKSm HO lirr X IN THE PAPS« *WUTA SWITHS, AUR18HT. BUT Over Conard and Platt Foes be a-Jordan rematch, but wlU be Before the fight, Jotdmi" had / " MRr4W,l ^lOOKUKET^ .600 percentage, but have played after starter Billy Pierce lost a Drj’sdale of Los Angeles. Chnciimati 9, MUwaukee 9. agreed to pay them to buy 19 his I LONfiCSlNSLONfiCS IN SEASON. WE 40T Fiao W WHO 40T THROyW OUT OF ‘ HOW THE HECK AMI GOING CREEN — St. Louis 5, San Francisco 4. against Federico Thompson of A HtW ORUAHS RESTAURAHT 3ECAUSE ...... SHRIMP, lOBSTEIt' TO RUN HIM DOWN Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, post­ Argentina. contract. HE ATE OYSTERS VflTH SUOAR ON Meriden—Held to a pair of 6/6 Jordan's buddy, ex - mPbsler 1 OYSTERS OUT poned, rain. While Jordan was 1 at a nearby f SEASON* deadlock* the first time they faced Mickey Cohen, still riiuffled in hospital, getting a slasbad le(teye W;L. Pet. G.B. Conard and Platt, .Manchester Cyr Co-Captain San FTancisco ...24 13 .649 —r the wings. sewed up, he got more good news: BaHey’s Grand-Slam High's golf team conquered both ’ Then, there is the question of His ex-wife, Stella, had- at­ Pittsburgh ...... 23 14 .622 1, of them Friday at the Meriden who gets Jordan’p $86,000 purse At New Britain MUwaukee ...... 16 IS .552 4 tach^ whatever remained qt hie Public Links course. Tha Indians for his tMra defense of the title. share of, the purse. Cincinnati ...... 20 18 .526 4)*. topped their West Hartford foes. A crowd of 3,602 at this Desert Sparks Reds Los Aiigelea 18 19 .486 .6 8H-.3*,4, and outscored the host "I want a rematch," liald Jor­ Diminutive Leo Cyr 5f Sipa's plush Coni/ention Center dan glumly, adding Oiat he igavo St. Louis ...... 16 20 .444 7>/4 golfera. 9H-2%. . and a national television audience Manchester and Jack Cul- Chicago ...... 11 19-.367 '9V4 Captain Bob Seelert paced the Virgil Akins another chance when •as.’t ’wara* watched the oneUme Oiban sugar lum of New Britain* have New York,. May 28 (iTj—Since he started hitting major Philadelphia ...... 12 24 .333 11 Indians with a 77. Wayne Rey­ cane cutter unanimously whip Jordan won the title in 1958. BY DICK CAV ALL! * been named co-captains of league home runs back in 1954, Ed Bailey has slugged one nolds was one stroke behind with New champ Paret said hi* am­ MORTY MEEKLE Jordan in 1$ uni^pectacular but next season’s varsity base­ a season against Milwaukee. Just one a year, no more, no less^ Today’s Gaines a 78 while Pete Zaglld\ and Roger hard-fought rounds. bition is: iUl DR0« IN AT HIS EUVEHTH‘StAroOP RESTAURANT. B u r i ^ San Francisco (Jones 9-S or Poe each had a 79. ‘Tarot’s first defense will be "To defend my champlonehlp ZPBCioeoToaer COfJLDNT ball tesm fit Central Con­ And he couldn’t have picked a 'better time for his 1960 jolt O’Dell 1-4 at St. Louis-'(Sadeckl Ths Indians’ record now stands PeCIVBOH noLi rr 16 at 10 triumphs, one loss and two By EABL.YOS'r against Thompson and the winner against everyone and prove that I AN EARLY WARM necticut State College. Cyr, against the Brayes. 0-1). 2:30 p.m. of that meets Luis Rodriguez," am the best Ciibon :fighter.’^ - BY LANK LEONARD V. WHERE! OiMUA This one was a ’ grahd-slammer ties. They will close out their reg­ Finals" in the Governor’s Cup MICKEY FINN OH PLANNI^I0 THERE, a junior, has been the No. 1 Philadelphia (Owens (2-5) at said NBA President Anthony MY VACATION WANl^-.. with twio out In' the ninth that Pittsburgh (Friend 5-2), 1:30p.m. ular season 'next week. \ Tournament at the Country Club Aftef the batUe the MVrweltep, TO0O„ ' shortstop for the past three Maseronl. "That has been the PORNEXT broke a tie and gave Cincinnati a Radio, TV Sports Los Angeles (Koufax 1-4) at Manchester 8I/2 , Conai\d S'/j will take place Sunday with Jim king needed an Intqnifeter when seasons. NBA'* plan for some time and Lswnters tn WINTER,.* 9-5 victory over Milwaukee last CISucago (Ellsworth 2-1), 2:30 p.m. Seelert ,___ 2 Potoff G ordon and Doc McKee tee­ he held court fop afiortswrltenl In Revnold*' 2>4 Nation ing off at 9 o’clock in.their 36- that is the way it is going to be.” a hoL sw ea^ dreeing ouWcle.*Y^ Despite lack of stature, night. It- moved the Reds within Today— Milwaukee (Willey 2-2) at Cin­ .Rematoh UnUkely Cyr boasts a powerful a half-game of the third . place cinnati (Hook 3-3), 2:30 p.m. ZagUo ....'XH Brash . holo m atch... Pro Alex Hack­ Paret, vriio never attendedindedschoU 1 S p.m.—Sports on Parade, Poe ...... 2% . Vigeant Jordan, ex-street^ fighter from Braves, who blew a 5-0 lead and Channel SO. Sunday's Games ney, playing only "fair” golf due in hie'native Cuba, can’tn’t reread of throwing arm, ,is a fine to a troublesome knee operated on Los Angeles rough-and-tumble a chance to close in on National 2:15—On Deck OIrele, Cfiian- Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, 1:30 wflte. Hla only English:. . spray hitter and an excel­ Totals 8^ 'Totals .. 3% last Summer, reports a full sched­ east side, h ad'a 90-day rematcli. League leading San Francisco.. nel 80. p.m. "Money." "I love you," and "I ule of events for the weekend. Two agreement with the Paret lent base runner. He is a . The Giants lost 5L4 at St. Louis 2:26—Ciaats t-s. Cardinals, Milwaukee at Cincinnati,. 2:30 But Paret's manager.^-AIaffueJ sUppej^ (sleepy),” product of the Manchester and now have only a one-game Manchester Platt'*J/j Ball event started off the slate Bobbing up and down excitedly Channel SO, 22. p.m.' Rebstock .. Alvaro, said: lead over rain-idled Pittsburgh. 4:80—Horse Race, Withers Seelert .... today with a Selected Nine also on a rubbing table. Paret explain­ Little League, ^ d Ameri­ Los Angeles at Caiicago, S:30 Reynolds Crusberg' .. '•We will only fight for a pro­ Los Angeles defeated Chicago's Rtakes, Channel 18. pjn. scheduled. -Sunday, a Best 16 ed through his manager that Jor­ can Legion Junior baseball Zaglio .... Janeczek .. Hole tourney, plus a Mixed Scotch- moter who gijaiilnteea.us as much Cubs, 5-3rf, giving the . Dodgers a 5 p.m.—The Big Fight, d w n - San Francisco at St. Louis, 2:80 as Jordan,^M tliis time — $85,- dan WB* a soft touch.. tiirntjMKIn,. TJ».int.aa.1 program. Poe ; ...... Surowleckl b?dl Will be held. Monday the five-game streak for the first time nel SO. t. p.m. 000." p “I thought Jordan would hit me, this season. 6:15— Sports Thrills, Monday’s Gamea- usual Flag Tournament will be Most ring observers feel that but not BO lightly; That Jordan BY LESLIE TURNER • * * Totals .. 9% Totals the main attraction... Annual CAPTAIN EASY EASTERN LEAGUE 8 p.m.—Yankees vs. Wash­ Cincinnati at Philadelphia (X). After last nQtht’s uninspired show­ had nothing after the first . few 5H0ULP PO III OOTTA WOJI^^WSTiJ REDS 9, BRAV13S 6—(Bailey, a ington, WINF 12S0. 1:35 p.m. ‘ , Kiwani* Club Golf Tournament ing, such angela don’t exist. rounds." • -; WUfrT BE 50METHIN(S HARP 70 FORfiET I WA5 Y POM'T left-handtd hitting catcher, made will be staged Tuesday, J ^ o ' I f WMTW-TO KEEP A DATE FORfiET WHERE ^THO. that EN0IME will COI^^BC^^ ' Lancaster 4i Reiading-L p 8 p.m.:—Red Sox vs. Balti­ MUwaukee at Pittsburgh (Xj. ASOUKIO X CAM U5E TO . WiUlamsporh 6, Allentown 3. it five RBS for the night with his more, WTIC lOSfi.' at the Country Club. G^till Keith BLOCK TNlfr TRACK- 3 I' p.m. Sport Schedule BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY Springfield 8, Binghamton 6. slam off southpaw rookie Ken Sunday— Chicago at San Francisco (X). is handling details.--for Klwanls. MR. ABERNATHY MacKenzie ■ (0-1. It was Boiley’a 1:S0—Home ' Run Derby, 4:30 p.m. members. He is also chalrm ^ for PtENTYl laOUSHTAEAGOF fourth honle run of the seasem and Channel 8. St. Libuls at Los Angelea, 11 p.m. Today the State Klwanls Golf Tourna­ WHAlfeTOE followed V*da Pinson's second ment Jtin#'23 at Darien. TROUPL^ FCRTIUtMt LAST WEEK, AND 1:40—rRedJ Barber Show, .Tfack—Large School champion­ triple and two Intentipnal walks. Ghannel 8.' '’ ■ OTTO? Row IC A N T BBWEMBER WHERE ^ ship meet, 1, New Haven; MaoKensie fanned Jerry Lynch 1:55—Yankees vs. Washing­ Monday, May SO i i v r i T i ^ r - 7 ^ ------T" THOMPSON before giving up Bailey’s third ton, Channel 8; WKNB 840. Rockville Scored Sullivan's vs. Optical, 1:50. Quarter Midget^ WEUyKES* career bases-loaded homer — his' 2 - p.m.—^Red Sox vs. Baltl- LOOKING- I SPEEDWAY Waddell. first since 1966 and his SMond mbre, Channel S; WTIC 1080. On One Hit, l-^) Police A Fire vs. Army A Navy, against the Braves, In Action Toniglit tied with Green Manet OFF RT. 193 THOMPSON,CT 2:18—On Deck CSrcle, Chau- 3 p.m., Waddell. international T4EAGUE for tlie lead. Bailey, the Reds’ top hitter at nel SO, 22. Getting the maximum mileage Manor vs. Man. Auto, 1:80, Scoring five runs In the opening .328, hfid been batting, only .167 2:25—Indians vs. 'ngers, The Connecticut Valley Quarter Four runs in the fifth frame pat out of one base knock, Rockville Buckley, game, Ansaldi’s went, on from the game beyond recalL Bay Ripp- against MUwaukee with one hit ID Channel SO, 22. High’s baseball team edged E. O; MorlaHy’s vs. Nassiff, 8 p.m., Midget Assn, will present the third there to defeat Pagani’s, 9-1, at 12 at-bats. He! was 2-for-4 and ' 4:20—Red Barber Show. racing program of the Reason to­ man hurled a four-bitter u be Smith, 1-0, yesterday in RockviUe. Buckley. Verplanck last night: Bill Remmy struck out ten battare. WaynS Ted- capped a four-run fifth against 5 p.m.^World -Ohamplonshlp It was Rockville’s fifth win in .14 Lawyers vs. Norman’s, 1:80, night at the new quarter midget went all the way pitching a four- starter Lew Burdette with a aac- Golf, Channel 22. ford paced tha Medics aA the plate starts this spring. Verplanck. race track In Buckladd. hitter for the victory, with two for three including a ml? rifice fly, Pinson’s first triple ' 5:15—Inside Sports, Channel A base on balls led to losing p.m., Some 25 youngsters from J-2t Ansaldi’s vs. Aceto’s , ' 8 John Mlmmey, with two singles, three bagger. ______BY PETE HOFFMAN then tied it 5-aU ih the sixth. Jim 18. pitcher John Desmarais’ downfaii throughout Codhectlcut afe ex­ Verplanck. and Bud YakalUe, with a two run Medics ...... 00241 It 7-«-2 JEFF COBB -Brosnan (2-0) won, it in relief! Monday— in the second inning. A stolen base, pected to be on -hand at the Arena kS but WE'LL Tuesday, May 81 homer, paced the victors attack. Moriarty Bros. 0 0 0 1 1 0- 2-4-2 BY WILSON SCRUGGS J y/w n -n -n I. CAN'T SEE A bUinklng the Rraves on one hit 1:15—Red Barber Show. followed by Len Boudreau's dou­ to compete for trophies sponsored HELP VOU after starter Bob.Purkey gave up Conard at Manchester, 3:15. Yakaltis also teamed with Skip Rlppman and Mart; Macalona • t h e STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE L HEy/...WHEliE‘S BLAMED THINS UH...I MEAN 1:25—Yankees vs. Washing­ ble accounted for the only tally of by the association. A highlight will and AndreoU. WITHOUT MV FIND 'EM AFTER C IIU m a y 29 Ed Mathews’ second home run of ton, Channel 8; WKNB 840. the game. ^ Zleihak for a nifty double play for WMV,OFCOUtSE.^THE -L/ALLAH OOESi^T MEED Will m yspecsi VOU RENT .. be a race by novices who have not -AMElUiDAN UCAOUE •KU-i: SPECS! the game, a 529-run ahot jn the 2 p.m.—Rpd Sox vs. Balti­ Winning pitcher Stan Olander yet acquired pnough experience to Ansaldi In the fourth. ' UST TIME HE AGKEO ME. )AMV MORE B60U5E HE^ US A ROOM * aUNa 2:00 P.M. Joe Dlmlnlco had a double for Enjoying three big innlnge, P o­ fifth. more, Channel. S; WTiC 1080. twirled a nifty four-hit shutout. He Riley,Redlegs Play enter regular competition. FOR AWMEV,HE PTOMISEfyDOEGH T NEED VOUR . • the Joeers' only extfa base hit. Pa- lice and ^ r e trounced Sears and I'll BteiMMIUd ^0 THIMK^ OALTOW? 4 p.m.—Post-Game Show, struck out two and walked only The CVQMA program will con­ HE OOESU'TIOVS MEAWV^ TO MAIOtV m e/ AAOMGY. VOU SEE, HE « SUW6 OPEN CARDS S, GIANTS 4 — The Channel 8. ' one batter. Both teams playsd er­ Moriarty’s Sunday gaiii’s also came up with a twin- Roebuck, lS-4, at Waddell FlMd. A 0R.K»EKSFORALAg6E Cardinals, out-hit 12-6, beat sist of junior and senior heats, four run elxth, and two thfM nin COMPETITION rorless ball and the game was run qualifying semi-features, and fea­ killing. ' .-l^ilil'-S-;' SUM/ southpaw Johnny Antonelli (3*1) off in one hour and 25 minute*. Ansaldi ___ ...5 2 0 2 0 0 9-8-8 frames broke the game lipeo fM $500 TO WIN for the first time in nine decisions DODGERS 6, CUBS S — The Moriarty Bros, baseball team ture races for junior (8-11) driver* the victors. ' ‘ Rockville . .010 000 X— 1 1 0 will entertain the RUey Redlegs of Paganl CMt ...1 0 0 0 0 O.X-4-6 over tl)e past two seasons with Dodgers collected all their- runs in S m ith ...... 000 000 0—0 4 and seniors (11-16). Quarter mldg- Remmy ’ and Burr; ..Anderacn- carl HohanthaL'^tb b hoowr * GEN. ADM. .Gl'.SO Hartford Sunday afternoon at M(. eting -ia ohe of a few sports that and double, and A. N on tt sad four runs in the fifth. Ken Boy- the first four innings off loser . Olander and Boudreau; Desmar­ Hs'wver. CHILDREN $.50 er’s 11th home run, tops in the''trlen Hobble (3-6). 'They got the Nebo. Game time vdll be, 2:30, permits boys and girls to compete Brian McCaitan, with two g nglen ais and Whltehouse. The Redlegs will be defending majors; came with a man on and clincher in aYwosrun .third on a on an equal basis. n a t i o n a l LEAGUE . each, paced • the winnsnf ottnei*. COMINGI JUNE 5 walk and singles'by Wslly Moon, champions in the Hartford- T w i­ Medics took over undisputed poe- Mike OrlowaU hit a home run and capped the spurt. Ron Kline (2-3) Joa Sewell of the Cievelwid In­ Norm Larker -Hind D.uke Snider. light when It opens its 1960 season A total of 26 Detroit Tigers I eeeelon of flret place with a 7-2 two bagger ter Seare. NEXT WEEK was the winner with Lindy Mc­ dians sat a major league record in next week. L u t Sunday Morlar- Daniel's save In the seventh after Stan Williams (2-0) won it with have appeared In the major league over Moriarty at No hnekooK* dheat waa tm ad^lR RIG DOURLE SHOW Larry Sherry’s relief in the sev­ 1925 when he afruck out only four ty’a dropped their Connecticut with tha lepoct. ,- t ■ IMMin CARS — Bia CAM I Orlando Cepeda* hit a two-run Btota htiivm wfimae to Hamden. AU-SUr^gamee line# 1988.. , I Field. Before the game th* Medtes hnner. enth. tlnwa In 15$ gamaa. 1 ■ ' * ■A, ■* rj 0 JMlSauailil I ' ■ \: \' v:'. ),

> ■> sT PAGE ELEVEN MnVCHESTBR EVENING HERAL1>, MANCHESHgt, SATUBPAT, MAT 198P Gafden— FBnn— Dolnr Houser for aal* 72 HouM* for Solo r Arttdw For Sole 45 HouMhoId Good* 51 Homes tor Rent 66 Houae* for Sale 72 Housfir for sfile 72 Housfi* for ^ le 72 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW Product* . MANCHESTER—8 room ranch, 4 n e w a n d only $9,too. 5 n e m Honsehold SerrlMS FAEULOUS SIX , room Cape with PRINCETON STREET ranch, apacloUs modern'hltchm, OfferOd 13-A dPECSAL BALE—Picnic Ubles a p a r t m e n t 8IKE gsa stove, GLASTONBUttY—Mlnnechaug Dr. 'VERNON—Five room ranch, ax- yeara old, can be used as a 4 or 8 tached' seats, 80” wide top, 6 ft NATIVE ASPARAGUS ITwih Wlnthrop mahogany desk,' solid FOUR ROOM Caps, Available Must sell, 6>4 room ranth, 2-car cellent condition, four yaars old. cedar recreation rtx»m, wall to Truly a nice Cape. Six rooms bSdroojn-boma, 8 toll batba, one 100x100 lot, south Ooventry. O lf- picked dally, 8 bunches »e9c, 12 , WEAVINa at burns moth holes I $17.95, 8 ft. $20.95. Ilugged con- rock maple rocker. All in excel­ now. MI 9-7616. garage, recreation room. Owner Owner forced to samifice.' Movad ail carpeting, gsrage and work- completely finished. Exceptional car garaga, forced,bet water beat. ford Ha^en, RejUto, JCt S-848S. m abouta HHHTATIOtlSOFLin | AfD'lMEMATlAtt^DOMfr strucUon of 2x10” lumber, zinc W h es $2; crate of 24 bunches^ • Slop. on Dua Tina, $19,900. Clif­ and torn clothing; noslory runs, | W N 'IOU'RCTOI.O lent condition. Call alter 9 p.m. moving to his business location. out of itate, $12,8(K). FHX mini- kitchen with cablneta galore. Taste­ Shown by appointment only. ELLENGTON—$3,000 down bfiyi S , CLASSIFIED CCRTAM COMEOME VMO'fi ■ I , VOOtt«U8PO«»''DOORlt''SHE plated, bolts. King site 84” ^ d e $3.89. Now taking orders for fresz- ’ i Saturday, MI 8-0078. EAgT HAR’TFORD — I bedroom J*I 9-1053. . mum down payment. Jim TutUa'. ford HSnsen, Reiltor. MI 8-2453. fully decorated through(Hit. Near hi -dbags repaired, Upper re- I— ------$19,900. Phllbrick Agency, MI room ranch, 4% mortfa|A. $M VOOREPimHa.lMASE- • TUEME 0UTl06|iH0 UktTHH« top available. Extra special 6 ft. Ing Or canning. Farmer’s Market, ranch in exclusive neighborhood. MI 9-6805. Bowers, Junior High ebd High 9-8464 . placement, umbreUaa repaired, 819 E. Middle Tpke., Ml 9-0474. OFF EAST CENTER ST. Spacious ATTttACnVB NEW Cape, three monthly. No bank closing , c ^ - men'a ahln >Hara reversed and| 80^’ top, $14.95. Delivered and as- Three Rooms, of Furniture Can be rented (or as long as need­ school. Excellent nel<^borhood. iembl6d. W, Zink6r, MI 9-6444. ed. J. D. Realty, 470 Main St., MI ten room home, five up, five down, LAKEWOOD CIRCLE befbWoma, family Sized kitchen, Well landscaped yard I60\feet deep riCity utmtles. oil heat, ftrapltes. advertising replaced. Marlow'a UtQo Mend­ /MROnaAriMlIlETKE OlBt I dtai^S, fireplace with colored MAte f ■Clifford Hansen, Realtor, MI 8-5129. ^ two-car garage, new GE burner ing Shop. ( VlAimiMO^UAMVr.'MOMMMT^ FROM MODEL HOME Spacious 8 r6om colonlkl, 8-ear, with trees. Asking $16,^. DUPLEX 5-6, cAfitraJlv toated liH 21” PENNSYLVANIA riding lawn- Fertilizers SO-A forced hot waterT economical to hSArth, lavatory and laundry on good condition. Owiter^MI 9-87TO.' 8-2483. ' / VH 9-8686. erty with us. J. D. Realty, 4T0 your sewing machine air cleaned, | garden. Makes everything . grow room apartment, aecohd floor, MI 3-6304. - ' OWNER’S LOSS niay be your gain 750x14 Whitewalls $14.95 fiacrificing complete bedroom, 810 PORTER ST. — Truly OUe of Large six room ranch,• fireplace,■■ )Ti Beautiful 8 room Cape Colonial. Mom St., MI ^5l29. PLEASE READ YOUR AD oiled and adjusted for the very better. Our direct truck deUvery nicely decorated. Suitable (amilv $27,800 BOLTON—Custom 8 room ranch, Complete living room and kitchen $10,500 5 ROOM ranch, aluminum Manchester's most attracUvp Co­ enclosed porch, garage. 6% mort­ artistic stonework, huge porch, special price of $2.95. All makes All sizes at lowest prices. much cheaper taan b « g e d or of .three Call Willlmahtlc HA Fabulous 8<4 room ranch, $33,600 REAL ESTATE is our buslnsss. decorator furniture from model dis­ 3-3911 storms, amesite drive, 200’ front lonials. Tastefully decorated, this gage available, $14,500. Clifford breezeway, two-car garage, land­ ^fhirther building, buying, s e l ^ 'mm Ada** mr« t»k en over Uie pbone aa A ooa- of sewing machines. This offer, for Exchange end tax baled products. Nlpsic Pest Hu­ home offers breakfast And lAun- 4 bedroom cape, excellent condi; a limited Ume only. Singer Sew­ mus Company, Glastonbury. Call play home. We will give you free age, view. Cariton H. Hutchins, Hanaen, Realtor, MI 8-2463. scaped, seasonably priced. (Triton or trading, coll Jarvis first Our tmlnnnn Thb advertlaer aboold read hi« ad Oie PTOS*? ^ delivery and free storage up to one MI 9-5132. dry room off kltchan. formal din­ tlon $15,800 W. Hutchins, MI 9-8182. ^ " BEPOBI BBBOBS in tUne *«» >5!L“*** ing Machine Co., 832 Main St., MI MI 8-7853. St. New office Is open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon­ COLE’S DISCOUNT Summer Home* for Rent 67 ing room, center ball, wSlI to I MANCHESTER—Union day through Friday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Hnn. TOb Herald Is respoOsINe tor only ONE or 3-8883. ______y e " , BUCKLEY AREA—Unusual cape two bed­ BOLTON , STATION wall carpeting, 8 bedrooms, m | two-family duplex 5-5 MANCHESTER — Delightful Colo­ on Saturdays. The Jsrvle Reolta SSS^B lo^ iw ^ w S S iW it «.d tten ooly to tto «tent of • T v SERVICE — Potterton’s all I Flower8-;;gnrscry Stoc^O -B NORMAN’S FURNISHED, lakeside summer of 6 rooms, first floor, 3 on second baths, jalousied porch, paneled rooms, bath, living room, kltlchen, 7 room Bungalow, 2U acres, nial, built by Roasetto, 6 rooms, VA '•nMkB rood” InsortloiL Errors which do hot lessen the velno of floor. Hot Water oil heat. Full dining room. Open for Inspection beautiful flowers and landscaping. Co„ 283 E. Center St., M l 8-4U2, makes. Highest quaUty guaranteed 438 CENTER ST. 443 Hartford Road cottage by week or month. Private recreation room, attached gar^^e baths, formal dining room, extra MI 8-7847. PI 2-8311. i r S v S S L m S T X n o t be correjjted by ••make ,ood ” ln«»mon. work and parts, over 47 years ex-1 EX’TRA tA R bB potted^ tomato beach. PI 2-6813. basement. l','4% mortaage m ^ be and a lovely yardr"'Elva Tyler, Sundsv 2-6. ■ ArchambauU. Build­ $17,400 large living room, nice yard with -li.__ Before you buy (urnitura any­ assumed. Madeline Smith, Real­ ers, riVtl 8-1440 and MU 8-4298. perience. Fanr-vn>- for service since plants 30 each. Frank^Smlth, 1164 where—ahop at Jforman’s,..-' Realtor, JH 9-4469. MI 9-9901, fireplace. Selling for $^^^()0. R ARE YOU CONSIDERING SUMP PUMP and band lawn Coventry Lake—3V4 room cottage, tor, jn 9-1642. MI 9-5051. • MANCHESTER F. Dlmock Co,, MJ 9-5248 or , 1931. Phone Ml 8-4S37 for best | Pleasant Valley Rd., Buckland. MANCHESTER — Bpeclal (Buy) SELLING YOUR service. mower. MI 8-2896. newly redecorated, all conven­ Two aix room Capet, rec rooms Johanna Evans, MI 9-56S3. O '"' Ml 3-2711 iences. private beach, $40 week. MANCHESTER — 4-room ranch 66 JEAN ROAD — OPEN SUN- Mittan—Nice home plus Income, and garages $18,TOO ' PROPERIT? STAUFFER Reducing Couch, 23 Household Goode 51 MuMoU Inatniments 53 Month and seasonal rates also. type home, central haat, city util DAY 2-7 p.m. — Custom built live rant frte. Full price $10,800. Excellent 4-famlIy, prime location, (CUSTOM BUILT Gambolatl ranch Building-Contracting 1 4 1 feet American Standard copper MI 4-1205. ______^ Hies, excellent lot. on bus line ranch with center hail. Spacloua TwOrfamlly — Central. Three-car $26,500 sparkling clean, in one pf Man­ Ws win estimate value of your Business Services Offered 13 baseboard radiation. MI 9-8572. ALL KINDS of sterilized used fur­ SEE* THE new Kinsman spinet $9,900. other listings. .Phllbrick living room, exceptionally large garage, $1S.800. Beautiful 7 room Excellent 2-famlly,, prime loca­ chester’s finest neighborhood's property without obligation. W* IfiSt and Found ALL TYPES of carpentry work] tOfl>M(WVr(Wao, niture for every room, most of It organ, two keyboards with percus­ CRYSTAL IjAKE—Bud’s Cottages, Agency, MI 9-8464. kitchen, laundry room, 8 bed- Dutch Colonial, priced low to set­ tion $15,700 Consists of six rooms, 16x24 (o6t also buy property f«r cash. done. Alterations, dormers, roof­ 6,000 BROWN envelopes, 6x8'^, top 300-foot private beach, conveni­ tle estate. $16,900. Three bedroom L08T—Man’s Wrist Watch, vicin­ OOSMA '^APPLIANCE SERVICE. Pt.ra.oiT <9, refioished. Alsp appliances spark­ sion, $995. Dubaldo Music Center roome, V i baths, screened porch, ' Many, many more plus a large living i-'room. garage, 100x300 Member Multiple listing. Repairs all make refrigerators, ings. porches, finish upstairs, base­ opening, not gummed, available ling clean and tested. New maple 188 W. Middle Tpke. Ml 9-8205. ences, screened porches, picnic FOUR BEDROOMS — Two toll closets galore, carpeting, over split, a steal at $13,200. Many ity rear of -Johnson Block on baths, fireplace, walkout base­ number of building lota and acre- wooded lot. R. F. Dimock Co., MI freezers, washing machines, ry- ments W d garages, etc. Call -Ml immediately. Best offer. Relpy den set. Bronze/braas dinette and tables, boats, month or week. ’TR aized garage. ProfesMbnally land more—all price ranges. Call the age. 9-5248 or Barbara Woods. MI STANLEY BRAY, Realtor Main St Reward. MI 3-1261. 5-5404 or TR 5-7139. ment. g a ru e, a mlnute’a walk to ers, ranges, oil and gas burners. 9-5981. ______' Box V, Herald. chrome kitchen set. Viscose rags, scaped 100x200" lot. Offered at Ellsworth Mitten Agency. Real­ 9-7702, BRAE-BURN REALTY MI 9-0883. All work guaranteed. braided ruga, beds and mat­ Main and Center. Immediate oc­ greatly reduced price for imme- tors, j n 8-6980 or MI 9-5524. JERRY FAY AGENCY NO'nCE IS HEREBY given that BIDWELL HOME Improvement CHILD’S BLUE flower girl goWn, Wanted— To Buy 58 COTTAGE AT Black Point Beach cupancy. Asking $18,800. Paul J. Pass Book No. SS 7144, issued by Painting— Papering 21 Help Wanted— Female 35 Help Wanted— Male 36 tresses. 30-40% off on new furnit­ dlate sale. Elva Tyler. Realtor, MI 3-7029 BOLTON—This Cape Cod Is a MI 3-6273 r a d io -TV r e p a i r s , any make- Co. Alterations, additions ga­ size 6. Simplex Ironer. Very rea­ Club July - 30-Auguat IS. Mra. Correnti. MI 3-5363. MI 9-4469. MI 9-9901. JH 9-5051, ST. JAMES PARISH treasure you wilt always cherish. The Savings Bank of Manchester ure, Credit terms arranged. Open WE BUT, SELL or trade antique Marry W. Price, 10 Weat Rd., cars. amplifiers, phonographs and rages. Roofing an-* siding experts. PAINTINQ AND paperhanging. EXPERIENCED CASHIER for su­ FUEL OIL drive:', experienced in sonable. >41 3-0391. 9-9 Saturdays till 6. LeBlanc Fur­ EAST HARTFORll—$14,206, 8 b«d Six rooms, V .i baths. 8 er (our SELLING—BUYING—Tradlagf W* has been lost and application has Aluminum clapboards a specialty. greater Hartford area. Year and used furniture, china, glassi Rockville, Conn. TR 5-4485. $12,$P0—SIX room cape, toll base­ VERNON—New Six-Room Ranch. 1 Beautiful 8 roorn Garrison Co been made to said bank for pay­ changers. Over 47 years total ex­ Good cleun Workmanship at rea­ per market, _ full or p^-Ume_. niture Hospital, 195 South St., silver, picture frames and old room ranch on corner lot. Im­ bedrooms, one acre of land, brand offer you free contldenttal la* perience. 90 days guarantee on all Unexcelled workmanship. Easy I Public Market, 805 around job. Call JA 8-2151. RIDING TRACrrOR, gang-reel ment, comblnati windows and near Lake Street. School. Must lonlal, brand new. IH ceramic tile specuons and arraaga oU finaae- ment of the amount of .deposit. sonable rates. 30 years in Man­ Manchester Rockville. TR 5-2174. coins, old dolls and guns, hobby doors, amesite drive, shade trees,' maculate; Full cellar, ten minutes now, priced at only $16,806. R. F. work. Potterton’s, MI 8-4587. budget terms. -MI 9-6495 or ’TR | Main St. mowers, laWn roller,- and ^rt^ MI sell. $1,800 to ssstime mortgage, baths, all plastered walls, fireplace. Dlmock Co., JH 9-!S245 or Barbara tag from starf to □ntab. MltUa chester. Raymond Flske. Ml 9-6949. collectlona, attic contents or whole Wanted to Rent 68 30 days occ'oancy. Marion E. to Aircraft, low taxes. 4^ a ssu m 5-9ip9. 9-9237. - OAK DINING ROOM SET, oak Call Owner, Jfl 8-0291. Evenings Easily financed. woods, MI 9-7702. will werk hand and glove with CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, A’TTBNDANT for snack bar and Situations Wanted— estates. Furniture Repair Service, Robeitaon, Broker, M l' 8-5953. able,/ mortgage. , Broker, Bob Annoon cements APPROXIMATELY 150 feet bedroom dresser solid mahogany TalcottvUle, Conn., Tel. Ml 8-7449 SINGLE, LARGE, older home, 6-9. Hooper. MI 3-6995 or MI 9-3781, you. iMtmber Multiple l isting available all hours. SatlsfacUon ANY KIND of carpentry and cabi­ EXTERIOR AND interior painting bathhouse at private pool. AH Female 38 rocking chair,- mahogany occa­ J. D. REAL'TY Service. Coll the EHlsworth MIttea guaranteed. C^U Ml 9-1815. net work done. Honest and relia­ double picket wire fence. minimum seven rooms. Centrally BOLTON BRANCH Road—7 room ph u xXj-Bb n d k le ib. wash. 25c: and paperhanging. WaUpsper 0517. sional tables, Roper gas stove. WANTED — Used wringer type located near hospital. Immediate Cape, 2-car garage, “iundeck, two HOWLAND’S 470 MAIN ST. MI 3-5129 OFFERS INITTED—Large 6 room Agency, Realtors. MS 8-6930._____ ble workmanship. Call Roscoel books. Guaranteed workmanship. BOOKKEEPER, full charge. Also 9-3503. Lots for Sale 73 ‘ dry 10c. Lucky Lddy Lnunder- CHAIN BAW work — Trees cut. Thompson. MI 8-1895 for esti­ TWO EXPERIENCED Saleswom­ typing and light shorthand. Box. MI 9-1685. washing nxachlne, In good work occupancy. Ml 3-255L fireplaces, VA acres of land. Can’t SELECT LISTINGS TO ELWOOD ROAD — Colonial ranch, fireplace, garage,, radiant Reasonable rates. FiiUy insured. heat, city utilities. Clifford Han LISTINGS NEEDED for all type* center, 8 Maple St., across from Reasonable rates. Call PI‘ 5r7668 mates. en to sell business nien liew ad­ S, Herald.______j______Ing condition. MI 8-7094. be beat (or $13,600. Call the Ells­ ROCKLHDGE — 8H-Room Ranch, Large living robm, fireplace, THREE B ZONE lou wlpi city of homes. For prompt, courtooii*' First National Store. Open , 24 Fast and courteous service. Leo 21” TV SET, dining room set, elec­ WANTED TO RENT with option to worth Mitten Agency. Realtors, sen, Realtor, MI 3-2458. between 1:30-4:30 or any time vertising package. Average com ­ Boat* and Aceesaorle* 46 tric sewing machine, secretary, two years young, custom detail formal diningnr room, cabinet.. ' kkitch­ water. Union St. Manchester, sqjrvlce, coll Cleszynokl-Felbor hours. REMODELING^ bathrooms, addi­ J. PelleUer. Ml 9-5S25. buy 3 year or more-lease with Ml 3-6930 or MJ 9-5524. throughout, format diniilg room, Saturday or Sunday. mission- $100 weekly. Call for ap­ l^kcase. MI 9-7361. WAJITED—PORCH glider. In good option. Will pay $100 monthly, alH' en with dishwasher, three bed­ MANCHESTER— FOUR bedroom $2,800 etch. JO 9-8498. Agency, Art or Ann Felbar, JO tions, Tec room's, porches, all types EXTERIOR and Interior painting. pointment, MI 9-9634. Situations Wanted— Male 39 STONINGTq?4 built 18 foot lap- two baths, two fireplaces, two- rooms, I'-i baths, landscaped lot 3-1409, or Margaret OesayhsU, MX FLOOR SANDING and reflnlshlng. of carpentry and painting. Call MI condiUon. MI 9-5403. gle home, three or four bedrooms, MANCHESTER—N. Elm St.—New car garage, dellghtflil kitchen Colonial, In good condition, steam B U lL om o L O T ^ ff Porter St., ta 3 Ceilings reflnlshed. Paperhanglng. strake ahelter cabin, 80 h.p. all school district, Manchester, for modern two-family duplex, nice 80x200. Marion E. Robertson, heat, attractively landscaped lot 9-4291. Personala Specleilizing in old floors. MI 9-4291. Wallpaper books. Estimates given. BAKERY SALESGIRL. Hours 8 CARPENTER first class, desires electric motor. Tee Nee Cralleij, ELECTRIC S'TOVE, $10. Cah MI with many bullt-lns. Reduced ,to | Broker, MI 8-5953^______a desirable tocatlo&v .Call Phllbrick work. Tel. Ch 6-9803 7-9 evenings executive family by July 1. JO lot, shade trees, city utilities, bus one-car garage. See this excep­ 9-5750. Fully covered by insurance.. Call a-m.-® p.m. Good wages. Expert Can be seen at 149 Adams St: 8-6511. ■ $28,900. ' Agency, Ml 9-8464. SELLING YOUR home la bur iNlSt* VACUUM CLEANEPB repaired In only. 9-8300. line. For information call mitlder, tional value before' you buy. Edward R. Price. MI 9-1003.. enee preferred. Apply In per Manchester. Room* Without Board 59 t THREE BEDROOM ranch, tile $15,900. Phllbrick Agency, Jtl ness. Immediate cash bujm*.' my own home shop. Forty years TYPEWRITERS and office ma­ Roofing—Siding 16 aan.J Parkade Bakery, Manches­ ELECTRIC RANGE, 40” Univers­ Sjeon Cieszynski, MI 9-4291. THOMPSON — 11-Room carefully bath, fireplace, den, studio, alum­ TWO CHOICE lota In AA sane, one Paul J.. Correnti Agency. MX fact.MT: experience. All makes, chines—repairs, sales, service and] 9-8464. I EXTERIOR AND Interior painting, ter/Shopping Parkade. CANADIAN BUILT Weymouth 19- al, wltb deep well. Excellent eoh- ATTRACTIYELY furnished rooms, preserved and modernized, au­ inum storms;- outside terrace, heavily wooded. Also'^ne In Rock- 3-588* any time. * low rates, free estimates, free rentals. Ml 8-3477. ROOFING SIDING, painting. Car­ RELIABLE MAN would like odd Apartment Buildings TOLLAND—Beautiful 70 foot ranch thentic Colonial, four bedrooms, edge. Terms avoiabe. - T, J. decorating, ceilings, floors, paper­ foot cabin craiaer, powered by ditionr $60. MI 3-2834. complete light housekeeping fa­ shrub enclosed yard, garage, LUXURY CAPE—8 or 4 bedrooms ickup and delivery. Mr. Miller, pentry. Alterations and addiUons. jobs mowing lawns, etc. MI 8-1894. for Sale 69 with 8 foot ceilings. Living room plus nursers, 2,800. zq.-' ft. liv­ Crwkett, Realtor. MI 8-1877. IS Y o u WISHperson'al service, call hanging. Clean workmanship. Free TYPISTS 60 h.p. electric, fully equipped. cilities. Prices as low as $10 week­ 14x18 with white brick fireplace, radiant heat. Owner MI 9-8364. recreation room, wall to wall car­ SA 8-5409. Ceillitas. Workmanship guaran­ Call MI 9-8028 between 9 a.m. CHAMBERS FURNITURE ly. Ontral. Children accepted — ing area. $24,400. Joseph A. Barth, Broker. M l MOR’TENSEN TV Speciclallzed RCA teed. A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 AUtumn estimates. No job toO small, John VERIFIERS SIX APARTMENTS In business raised hearth, built-in bookcases, peting, garage and workshop, on ACRE LOTS In exclusive Knell VerfaUle, MI 3-2521. X and 2 p.m. limited, 14 Arch St.. Mra. Dorsey. MANCHESTER — Salt Box—targe 9-0320. television, service. MI 9-464L St. MI 3-4860. KEY PUNCHERS Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 zone. Gross Income $4,000 yearly. knotty pine paneling. Dining room PORTER STREET 6-Room Co­ living room with fireplace, dining bus line. Reduced to $18,900. Clif­ wood, Bolton. Rolling wooded sites AutomobOes for Sale SALES Excellent return on small invest­ .has knotty pine paneling. 3 twin lonial, houae and grounds fault­ ford Hansen, Realtor, MI 3-2453 for better homes. Birch Mountain $99.50; DOBERMAN PINSCHER, seven 1960 WEST BEIND outboard motors ATTRAClTVELY furnished room room, modem kitchen, two apa- LAWN MOWERS, all types «h«T-loO U G H U N ROOFING Company, ~ (will train if able to type) for gentleman, private entrance, ment. J. D. Realty, 470 Jilaln St., size bedrooms. Extra large bath­ lessly spic and span, brats Rood Ext. Clifford Hansen, Real­ OLDER CARS mechanics spC' ened and repaired. Called for and I Aluminum aiding, asphalt, | Capcs _epl*t levels $119.50, months, beautiful, spayed female See our display. One full year 503 K, I4IDDLE TURNPIKB cioua bedrooms with bath on sec­ 5-5 FLAT, exceptionally fine condi Permanent — , 8-.4:45 Mon.-Fri, guarantee. C. J. Morrison Paint kitchen privileges ’ and parking. MI 8-5129. room. 8 closets. Full basement plumbing, IH baths, enclosed ond floor. Forced hot water heat, tor, MI 8-2483. Legal Notice clalB. flxlt y ..rsell cars, always delivered. G. Snow, Ml S-458L | asbestos roofine. Also (dummulum’, I plus paint. Cau MI 9-9229. part-time days, temporary Satur- from championship stock. Friend­ with 2 steel beams. Family room sun porch, school close by. Very tion, near school, bus, shopping, a gocxl selection. Look behind our ly temperament. Very reason­ Co., 385 Center St. Inquire 167 Maple Street. TWO BRAND new 4^4 rqpms 2-fam- ^reazeway and garage, $15,900. churches. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI GONDER’S TV Servlcot-Motorola galvanized or copper gutters and ■ .y 6-10 p.m., Sunday 8-4:45. ^ NEW FURNITURE 24x26. 2-csr basement garage. Lo­ Reasonable. Other listings. Phllbrick Agency, m e m o r ia l WEEKEND AT A COURT or PROBA1BA1B h«M at office. Douglas Motors. 333 Main. ?eaders. Ml 8-7707. able. MI 9-2412. iiy houses, one has buflt-lns. Con­ cated 2*i miles from Wilbur Cross 9-5132. Coventry, within and (or the Dtstrlet M and Phllco factory service. HI-FI, Bonds—Stocks Mortgages 3 l OU’TBOARD runabout, cost $450. MI 9-8464. 0 VISIT of Hay. 19TO. CONN. STATE Sell $275. Never used,-five pas­ Visit our Babir's Department (or TWO SINGLE ROOMS—Men pre­ venient locatton. Excellent financ­ Highway. 18 miles from Hartford, EXECUTIVE 7-Room Ranch In C«ventr>', on the 3*th d*V of / .. NEED A CAR and had your credit phonosm d auto radios. 214 Spruce r a Y’S ROOFINO CO., shingle and monev ing. J. D. Realty, 470 Main St., one of Manchester’s finest neigh T. J. CROCKETT, Realtor ASHFORD LAKE Present Hon. Elmore . Turlclnfteo. turned down? Short on down pay­ EMPLOYMENT SERVI6E senger, front and center decks. 553 good buys on quality high chairs, ferred. MI 9-0722, 13 miles from Manchester. Beauti­ ELLINGTON—4% mortgiige avail­ buUt-ln roofs, FREE—ONE tri-colored *nd two training chairs, playpens, cribs, MI 3-5129. borhoods. three bedrooms, two 26 milee East of Manchester. Choice ’^'iefute of Helen Minka, late of Cov­ ment? Had a repoasesslonT Don’t “ “ p"’.? SS" SS 806 Main St.,cManclve8ter tiger kittens. MI 9-7884. E. Center Street. MI 8-0789. fully landscaped surroundings. able with five room rapen, flre- $10.900—Clean 4 roomer «n the COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart tor work; work, rocroof. cWmney wpalrs. | mortgages In any slnoynts. carriages, crib mattresses, etC; Very low taxes. Lot 150x700, baths, three additional finished, pjace. high lot, cltv utllltlss, lota tor sale. entry. In said District, deceased. . up! See Hos«est Douglas, get Ray Hagenow, MI 9-^14; Ray FURNISHED ROOM for rent near rooms In lower level, sun deck West Side. The Almlntstratrix haVtng exhiUted le lowdown cm the lowest down R. Wolcott on automatic washers, Terms to suit your needs. J. D. A free service—no fee charged. Furniture for the entire home at spring fed bubbling brook. $28,900. $12,200, $SS monthly. Clifford Han­ $11,200—Roomy ranch with forage her admlnletratlon account with paid Jackson. MI 8-8825. Main St. ,^9 Hazel St. MI 9-2170. -Businea* Property for Sale 70 with sweeping view. $27,900. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA estate to this Court (er allowance. It is and smallest payments anywhere. dryers and electric ranges. MI Realty. 470 Main St., Ml 8-5129. LIvO Stock— Vehicles 42 Bnildlng Materials 47 sa-vings. J.. D. Realty, 470 Main St., JH sen. Realtor, MI 3-2453. In Bolton. | 3-6129. a j a 3-8440 JH 9-5988 ORDERED: That the 13th day of Not a small loan or finance m' 9-6678. CONNECTICUT Valley Coinctruo- Help Wanted— Male 36 Open* 10-5 T:80-9 dally^ 618-620 CENTER STREET property WARREN E. HOWLAND $13,700—BIG 4 rooms, up to School June, 1980. at 10:30 o’clock, forenoon, at pany plan. Douglas Motors, 888 tion—Roofing carpentry, gutters, TWO SADDLE horses for sale with USED BUILDING material (or with excellent income. Priced (or FOR A TREAT Street. the Probate Office In the HunmoSl TAMKIR TREE removal, land Business Opportunities 32 tack. Phone MI 3*7895 after Apartments— Flat*— REALTOR — Xn 8-1108 Building In said Coventry be and the Main St. all kinds at siding, specialize In ______sale, 3x3s and up, sheathing, stor Ml 3-5187 quick sale. J. D. Realty, 470 Main USED ANSALDI SEE THE FURNISHED $13,900—Just, oft the lake, ’ extra cleared, firewood cut, Insured. APPRENTICE Interested in learn­ p.m. Tenements 63 575 MAIN 8TREBCT ANDOVER LAKE — Two Iota oh same Is assigned (or a hearing on tha ^ EARN TO $18,000. Mobile soft Ice ing retail business. FVU time only. age bins, shel-ving, work benches Street. MI 8-5129. Built Home lots, 2 bedrooms. Woodaldo Lons, $1,000. JH 9-4403 allowance of eald administration ac­ WANTED — Clean used cars. We Call Paul A. Eaiison, Ml 8-8742. FOUR PIECE bedroom set, ma­ JtANfJHESTER. GONN. COLONIAL MODEL Oiarest, Ml 8-7180. . | cream trucks. Exclusive franchise Apply in persoii. Tots 'ft' Teens two complete bathroom sets, two FOR RENT—Why look ftirlher? Lii(G $14,500—3 bedroom ranch, Cojum- count with said estate and this Court buy, trade down or trade any­ kitchen sinks, (cabinet), wooden hogany finish, drapes, two largo COMMERCIAL property. Route 8, EVENINGS: directs that notice of the time and CHAIN LINK and welded wlrel territory available. Ding Dong Inc., 956 Main St., Manchester. Articles For Sale 45 We have new 3^ room, heated FIVE ROOM RANCH—Full baw- MI 8-0527 MI 9-9858 MI 3-0627 | AT bus St., choice. FOR SALE—Three large lota in place aesigned for eald hearing be given thing. Douglas Motors, 833 Main. kitchen cabinets, two hot water mirrors, few knick-knacks. MI Andover—Eight miles from Man $14,900—4 and 8, two-family, all Tolland, Four miles from Rock- fencing installed. Estimates. Ml| Roofing and Chimneys 16-A Cart, Inc., 262 Carew St., Chicopee apartments in residential area of Chester. Seven acres of land with ment, two fireplaces, ceramic tile WOODHILL HEIGHTS to all persons known to be interested 8-2694. Falls, Mass. FABRIC CU'TTER IlOME MAJPE ravioU, fresh or furnaces, modern radiators, com 3-6558. bath, hot water oil heat, toll in­ MANCHESTER—For 813,900. Bet­ vacant, owner will finance.. ■ville. Good road. Tel. TR 5-7812. therein to appear and be heard thereon 1951 BTUDBBAKER COUPE, auto­ plete' winddws, including frame, RockvUla. Just 15 minutes from 1100 foot frontage. Priced (or quick by mailing on or before June 8. I960, matic clutch, radio and heater, frozen, 30c doz. 246 Avery Street, Hartford by Wilbur Cross High sale. J. D. Realty, 470 Main SL sulation, city water and sewerage, ter than, new six-room Cape, with ] q PEN FOR YOUR VTEWfNG $15,000—Vacant 6 room cape, over by certified mall, a copy of this order LAWN MOWERS sharpened and wSdS’^lS?*rSX*wt c o r n e r NEIGHBORHOOD, store Experienced on sports wear Wapping. JO 4-0604. and aluminum storm windows amesite drive, combination win­ one-car garage. fireplacc> new by Verplanck. NORTH CXlVEIfTRY — Several good rubber, cheap transportation. LARGp ELECTRIC roaster, $18. way. Kitchen appliances furnished. MI 3-5129. large half acre homesiUe. high repaired. Free plcK-up and de­ t o W O T t c C e y s ^ l e S . ra-1 with beer permit, complete’ with Strait-knife machine doors, and plumbing supplies. MI 9-4824, TR 5-1168.\, dows and doors. Ten days occu­ furnace, new hot water heater; SAT. AND SUN., 10-6 P.M. $15,750—Ranch on Route 6, brook ^°Eman\iel Minka. 151 Bright Street, Days call MI 9-8879, after 6 MI LOAM—SAND—Stone — Gravel Choman House Wrecking, open MI 9-9574. dry location, natural shade on Jersey CHy. N. J.. _ _ 9-9419. . livery. All work guaranteed. Sales, paired. Aluminum siding. 10 fixtures In good running condition INDUSTRIAL ZONE pancy. Priced at onlv $18,400. attractively decorated, pear bus, Included. Helen Federowlcs. School St.. Cov­ service parts and rental equip­ Refrigerated delicatessen case STAFFORD Fill and Amealto, For prompt de­ dally 3:30 p.m.-8, Saturday 8-4,'or THREE OR FOUR room apart- shopping and schools. 30-day oc­ Unsurpassed horn* with a wealth $16,000—Bayberry In Bolton, 6 black hard road. Reasonable entry. Conn,. _ . . years' experience. Free esti­ Uvery call MI 8-8803. Walter call MI 9-2392. Here ta an excellent 8 room house CHARLES LESPERANCE - terms. Owner. PI 2-6658. G.M.C. WALK IN. 6 cylinder, 9 foot ment. L a m Equipment Co., mates. Cau Howley, MI 3-5861, MI I freezer alicer, scale, cash regis MANUFACTURING CO. mants Including heat, hot water, ^ MI 9-7620 cupancy. Alice Clampet. Real­ of luxurious features and custom- rboms, Ideal spot. John Minks. 151 Bright Street. Jer­ body, excellent condition, good Bamforlh Road, Vernon. Bruno ter, soda cooler, etc. Walk in and , Main Street MUler, Tracking, gas for cooking, electric refrigera­ with one acre' of Industrial land tor, Mf 9-4543 Or MI 8-7857. crafted appointments. Enjoy fam­ $16,900—5’ 4 room ranch, basement sey City. N. J.. _ 8-0763. which can serve 2 purposes—resi­ Alfred Minks. WHIlngton. Conn. ^res. Make an offer. Ml 9-0980. Moske, Ml 3-0771. If no answer put in stock and you are in busi­ Stafford Springs, Coiui. tor and gas stove. Call Ml 9-7787 SOLID SEVEN room Colonial home ily living In comfort at Wnodhlll garage, a beauty, top value Edward- Minks, 36 Harrison Ave.. call Al Laska, ’TR 5-7609 collect ness. Ideal for elderly couple or ’TOP SOIL—possibly the cleanest Diamond*— Watches— • SEPTIC TANKS from 5-7 p.n*. dence and manufacturing. -Priced BOL'TON-MANCHESTER LINE— Heights in Manchester. Priced Carteret, N J., i and most fertile available any In excellent location. I^arge fire- $17,300—Lydall St. ranch with Resort Property for Sale 74 Heating and Plumbing 17 youiig ambitious man interested DRUG CLERK, fuU-Ume and p Jewelry 48 CLEANED and INSTALLED for quick sale. Beautiful contemporary 7-room from $16,900 up. V.A. and F.H.A. here. Walter Minka, 181 Bright *t.. Jersey 1967 THUNDERBIRD, good condi­ BEAUTIFUL S’TONE walls in- __ where. Prompt delivery. Call FOUR ROOM garden apartment, placed living room with built-in | in making a moderate weekly in time for new modem drug store • SEWERS - J. D. REAL-rY bookcases, spacious’’ dining room, split for the discriminating buy­ financing. extra ” in-law” quarters. COLUMBU LAKE — Furnlehed ELMORE TURKINGTON. Judge. tion. May be seen at 24 Main St. stalled (granite). Also gardefi, ter- p l UMBING- AND heating - re­ in Manchester, Experienced. Driy. Leonard L. Giglio, Bolt«>, Ml clean, well maintained building, come. $4M down, balance we will LEONARD W. ¥OST,. Jeweler—re­ MACHINE CLEANED 470 MAIN ST. MI 8-5129 Sen or fourth bedroom, family- er. l',i baths, garage, many un­ $18,500—Way up on Gardner. 5 waterfront summer cottage in race and retaining wqlls. Reason­ modeling instaUatlona, repairs. carry chattel mortgage. Low rent, er’s license essential. Box R 8-7083. pairs, adjusts watches experUy. heat, hot water, stove, refrigera­ usual features and extraa on Directions: Middle Tpke. East to able prices. Call 8-2457 between | tor and parking, $115. MI 8-1809, ilzed kitchen.' Second floor three Tower Rd. (opposite Parkade). room cape, loaded with extras. Sleepy Hollow section: artesian AU work guaranteed 25 years ex­ good lease. For more inforn|aUon Herald. POWER LAWN MOWERS—Jacob­ Reasonable prices. Open Tuesday TALCOTTVILLE—This is special. acre lot. MI 9-8985. well, 143-foot waterfront. Excel­ 1955 FORD V-8 pick-up truck, half 9 and 6 only. perience. 24-hour service. CaU| • INSTALiATION AD 8-1269. a good-sized bedroomg and bath. ______Tower Rd. .to Brent Rd. 1st left off $18,500—Carmen Road. 7 room call ^ 9-0474, MI 9-9953 sen, Bolens, Toro-and Artena. Sslf- thru Saturday, Thursday eve- Fully equipped grocery and gener­ cape, I 'i baths, garden and a lent swimming and boating. Bel Church Confirms ton, $676, MI 8-5093. ____ Earl VanCamp, M3 9-4749. FULLf’TIME JOB — Over 21. Car lUnga. 129 SprUce St. MI 9-4887. SPECIAUSt . One-car garage attached I MANCHESTER — Charming six- Brent Rd. to Woodhlll Rd. and M A M r u b b is h r e m o v a l Serv- necessary. Promotional sales ropeUed, push or riding. 18 to 80 REIADY FOR occupancy—New 5 al store located in fast growing Extra building lot available. Cath­ room Cape, Bowers section, ex­ Model Heme. ■view. (lore Agency, JH 8-5121. 1938 PLYMOUTH coupe, 1952 Olds- ice-rretiidentlal, commercial, in­ MiDinery Dressmaking T 9 Help Wanted— Female 35 management. Keystone Company, giches. Ask (or demonstratlcm and room apartment with ceramic tile area'. Property also contains (our erine V, O’Leary, Real Estate. MI cellent condition, garage, com $21,500—Custom ranch on Spring, Classes Sunday mobile engine, rebuilt hydro. Not dustrial. Attics, cellars, yards, in- ______843 Main St., Room No. 29, Man­ be satisfied. ’Trade In your old ma­ ' bath, built-in oven and stove, modem apartments producing ex­ 3-6580 binationsf permanent siding, en­ JARVIS REALTY CO. clean, comfortable and reason ON BEAUTIFUL chine. Parts and service. We Fuel and Feed 49-A Town and Country cellent Income. For further Infor­ ready for the road. $125. MI 9-96M, cinerator-cardbOMd drams. Lawn ] XAILORINO—On ladlea’ PREPARE NOW for this summer’ chester. Apply 10 a.m.-8 p.m. quiet neighborhood, $125. MI closed back yard. Owner. MI MI 8-4118 MI 9-1200 able. Junior and senior group* e€ mowing. Light tracking. Ml 9-9757. vacation with extra cash earned in sharpen and repair most all hand 8-2878; mation coll The Jarvis Realty Co; FOUR BEDROOM ranch, wooded 9-2785. STAFFORDVILLE LAKE 1966 FORD convertible, black, ...... “ and gentlemen’s clothing. 139 ElXCELLEUfT quality standing section, garage, breezeway, fire­ $22.900—4 bedroom colonial on catechumens will be received Into MI your spare titpe as an Avon Rep GREEN MANOR Construction and power lawn mowerr Ml Drainago Go. Ml 8-4112. Fordomatlc, radio, Iwat^r, white ALL TYPES acre/sna repaired with Woodland St. CaU any time. 3-7958. Capitol Eqtopment Co., 88 hay (’Timothy, Alfalfa and clover) FURNISHED 8 room heated apart- place, built-in stove, ta’o toll | SALE I! Gerard. St., beautiful yard. Cottage 26x41, lokesHora front­ membership of the Zion Evgngell* 8 -2 ^ . resentative. Cash in on the ever company, Inc. Three experienced MANCHESTER —Largs 6 room cal Lutheran C2iurch by the rit* wall tires, contlnentW kit, price Alcoa screenings. New screens growing demand for our , fra­ brush painters for Inside and but Main St. for sale. ' Reasonable. Call MI H I 9-4143 ment. Private entrancea. Parking. House* for Sale 72 baths, $19,50() MI 4-1779. ranch on beautifully landscaped AND ^ age wita dock, private beach. Cot- $1,190. ’1^ 6-60P6. made up. 447 Main Street or call side—steady work. Call after 9-0771. ' Adults. Apply 299-Autumn before lot, toll basement, natural wood­ Manchester — Beautifully kept ti^e needs some finishing. Half of Confirmation to be petfonned grances, deodorants, cosmetics MANCHESTER—Two-famllv house seven room older home In top tomorrow by the Rev. Paul O. MI 9-4683 for free pick-up. ALTERA’TIONS made quickly and and gifts. We will help you to sue p.m. Mr. Doyle, ME 3-2918. TOP SOIL, fill and gravel for sale 7:80 p.m. ' ^ $18,900—« room cape, aluminum work throughout, * extra big bed­ We also have new homes under hour drive from Manchester. 1949 BUBJK SEDAN — Small Cat­ Ml 3-6712. Woodrow (Clifford, 829 In excellent condition. Separate location. Within easy walking dis­ construction. Priced for quick sale. Prokopy, pastor of the church, erpillar 10, without equipment. efficlenUy. MI 9^5565. ceed. Cali CH 7-4137. TWO ROOM toriiished apartment, siding, fireplace, hot water heat, heating units, oil fired, three-car rooms, garage. BeUiere Agency, RELIABLE man with track (or WANTED—Dependable, sober, sin Woodland St. MI 3-5121. tance to good school. Rooms are during the regfulor 10 a.m. *ervlc*. W 2-7211. trash pick-up, moving, and odd bedroom set, kltchgn set, refrig­ dormers, garage, tress, bus, 4%% garage, good location. Phllbrick exceptionally large. Fireplace In The Cottflrmatlon classes and Moving—Trucking— I WAITRESS—Part-time. Tuesday gle man (or daily farm chores. mortgage. Carlton W. Hutchlna, T. J. CROCKETT. Realtor ___ ”onfln jobs. Very reasonable. Call after p.m.-l. Sunday 12-8 p.m. Charcoal Good wages, board, room. Phone SEE THE 1960 Wheel Horae riding erator, gas range/electriclty, heat Agency, MI 9-8464. MUST SELL — 8>4-Room Ranch, living room with paneled wall. J. D. REALTY the dturclKcholr will s l ^ several FROM OWNER —1965 Chevrolet 5 p.m. weekdays. Saturday and Storage ' 20 mower. A P Equipment, 945 Cen­ 100 DELMONT STREET included. Reti.f*d persons or M* 9-5182. Spgctous modern cabinet kitchen, hymns. M-ias^Marlon A- EVdln will > Bel Air CMvertible V-8, standard Broiler. JO 9-8055. evenings. Coventry, PI 2-8858. SIX- ROOM. Cape with toll shed dot' basement garage. Reasonable. MI 3-1577 470 Mata Street. JO 8-6129 Sunday any time. JO 3-8429. ter Street, MI 9-2052. Open eve adults 221 North Jlatn 8 t.,. MI EXECUTIVE—Six room ranch, 1% Owner' MI 9-86M. aluminum combination storms be organist and choir director. shift, .10,000 miles on new motor, MANCHES’TER Moving and Track­ WAITRESS for . part-time work tags and weekends. 9-1109,’ m 9-5918. mer, 1'4 baths, attached garage, ______and screens. Copper plumbing, Pictures will be token ta th* new top, spotless condition, $1,000. baths, tolly plastered, completely COVENTRY—Brant] new 8 room ANDOVER LAKE—East side, log RUBBISH REMOVAL ^brvlce. At- ing Company. Local aniMong dis­ Days only. Good pay plus Ups, PAINTER — Experienced, Call air conditioned, aluminum awn­ fireplace, birch kitchen cabinets I b q X MOUNTAIN DRIVE — Ver garage. Move right in-tor $17,500. church Auditorium at 9 a.m., pre­ MI 9-8381. tiCS, cellars, and storage „ rooms tance moving, packing and stor-| HOME AND garden tool and equlp- TWO ROOM furnished front apart 'With stainless steel sink. near! ranch, oil heat, large, eunny cabi­ cabin, waterfront lot, furnished, Experienced woman preferred. after 5. JU 8-1420. ings and combination windows, non. Colonial, three bedrooms, net kitchen. Only $9,560. cillfforil fireplace, acraened porch, Elliot. ceding the service. cleaned. Also yards Cleaned. Rea- age. Regular service throughout Apply In person. Brass Key. .ment rentals. Lawn and garden ment. Heated. Kitchen set, bed­ Bowers School, $16,600. Phone Ml| two fireplaces, two-car garage, Five year old oversized tour bed­ 1939 CHEVftOLiET coupe. 1937 lertnizer, mower engine, repair­ room set, refrigerator, gas range. beautiful location, acre lot. Nicely 3-2034. Hansen, Realtor, MI 3-2453. , sonable. JO 3-2605. New England States and Florida, EXPERIENCED man for cleaning landscaped. In the low $S0s. J. D. enclosed breexeway, recreation room Cape. Has toll shed dormer Chevrolet floor transmission. Call i MI 8-6563. DENTAL ASSISTANT— Pleasing and spotting. Modem machinery. ing. AP Equipment, 945 Center Electricity and gas furnished free. for extra space, fireplace. ” plc after 5:30, MI 9-2700. LAWNS MOWED—Job or 'seasonal ...^______Realty, 470 Main St. MI 8-5129. r o o m , aluminum combination personality, neat and willing. Steady work. Apply New Systeni St. MI 9-2052. Open evenings and Low rent. Apply 10 Depot Squsre, OUTSTANDING BUY windows. V i baths, . disposal, tore book” kitchen with dining COLONIAL RANCH contract. Special rates for large MANC^IESTER Package Delivery, Please send details on exper­ Lcundry, 44 Harrison St. weekends. . Apartment 4. NEW 6 ROOM randv, buUtln stove, large ' landscaped lot with shade area. IH ceramic tile bath.*;, full lawns, For freO estimates, caU MI Ligiit tracking and package ’ deliv­ Sparkling 8 bedroom ranch on cellar, breezeway. garage, '‘ame MANCHESTER VICINITY S8.900 $12,800 1950 PLYMOUTH 2-door -sedan. ience and wages expected for 38 fireplace, garage, cellar, 175 foot trees and -view in a neighborhood MANCHESTER— West Side 3-1751, 8-1:30 p.m. ery. Refrigerators; washers and hour week. Box T, Herald. Re­ TWO ROOM furnished apartment, quarter acre landscaped lot with­ site drive. $17,700. ANDOVER—Lokefront cot­ Reasonable. MI 9-0014. (ro n ^ e , trees. $15,900. CarP of lovely homes, JJear new older T-room English Cape, stove movfig specialty. Folding plies confidential. rivate bath, entrance, ,^11 utill ton W. Hutchins, 9-5132. in walking distance of grammar I Custom design, 15x24 paneled liv­ tage. Full basem6nt, S fire- LET AN- experienced electronics] es, parking. 36 Union St. school. Priced In middle $20’s. ing room-with fireplace, center 2-^ar garage, ameeite drlro. chairs for rent. JD 9-0752. S school and Parkade. O nter en--] Owner. MI 9-6657. Just over toym line stands this six plaeM, boat dock, toralsh- Aoto Driving School »7>A technician assemble your elec- WANTED NICE 6 ROOM Colonial with fire­ trance hall, large living roorn.with roota. custom built ranch with hallway, formal dining room, 8 Ings. ‘ trOnlc kits. I do reliable, guaran­ AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- FIVE ROOM FLAT—Oil heat, hot place, East Middle TurnpikO, fireplace, family sized kitchen, toll cellar and garage, fireplace, twin-sized bedrooms,' partially fin­ $13,900 teed work at reasonable rates. moving, packing, storage. Low I water, quiet residential, district. MANCHESTER— Off East Center LARSON’S,' Connecticut’s first li­ $14,900. J. D. Realty, 470 Main St., oversized bedrooms, bath and St. 6 room home, excellent condi' beautiful kitchen with stove, ished family room, large wooded $11,900 BOLTON—8-room ranch, censed'driving school trained — Phone Ml 3-0204. week days be-| rate on long distanco moves to j ' MI 8-4292 between 6-9 p.m. MI 3-5129. lavatory, both tiled. Double closets. Storms and screens large wood lot 300’ depth. Many added features breezeway and garage plus a tween 6:30-7 p.m. 48 states. MX 8-S187. BEAUTIFUL LAROE tton. Large spacious rooms. ROCKVILL E—8 room Certified and approved is now of­ Splendid basement. Superbly con­ Screened porch. 2-car garage, ed, lot. Take It this weelv for must be seen. To inspect cal) 3 Vi room apartment. Good ___ X______.. >e - NEW. FIVE, room reqt, second 60-62 PORTER ST. Kxceptionally ranch, central location, ll';% fering classroom and behind w o o d e d l o t s floor, heat, hot water and garage, structed and beautifully ’ main­ $15,900 Phllbrick Agency, I $15,500. / , . mortgage can be assumed. locarion. wheel instruction for teenagers. Painting— Papering 21 large two-famlly, now vacant, ex­ tained. Don’t miss seeing this home 9-8464. Household Services Lake St. Area 6-ROOM CAPE 5ll0 per month. MI 3-6205. cellent condition. Priced right for today. Oh yes—aluminum combina­ THE ELSIE MEYER WESLEY R. SMITH 9-6075. SOUTH WINDSOR M c C a r t h y Offered 13-Ai EXTERIOR ANP Interior painting. HEATED FIVE room apartment, quick sale. MI 9-5229, 9-6. tion window* and screens. AU tor I goLTON—Four room ranch with M cC a r t h y Free estimates. Very reasonable ONE WITH AN ACRE Operator AGENCY, REAT/TORR ‘ AGENCY PREPARE FOR driver’s test: Quiet^ street, near grammar, new junibr and senior high third floor, centrally located, near Only $18,500 2-car garage, acre t t land. $10,900 ENTERPRISES, Inc. ENTBIPRISES, Inc. Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class HAROLD A SONS. Rubbish tm ov- rates. Call MI 8-0494. s p u in g FED POTO) 4 CAROL DRIVE - RockvlUe, $18, MI 9-5524 ' MI 8-R930 al, celta ]^ and attics clean^d- bus line. JJI 9-7269 after 4 p.m. 850. 5 roopi mnclti large living P.S. City sewers, water, side­ J. D. Realty, 4T0 Main St.. MI m 9-4578—MI $-8412 " j n 9--1578—MI 8-8472 room. ’Three ln8triictors.,,No wait­ ESTHER SCHWARZ ^ wjhQols. Back yard with shade trees. Two rooms upstair* 8-5129. -MI 9-8952 ing. Manchester Drivlnig Acade­ Asheef'papers. all rubbish. Harcdd] TWO 8-ROOM ApartmenU. New room, cabinet kitchen, S bed­ walks and curbs^.-^ $8,500—FOUR ROOM expandable Hair. MI 9-4034. M l 3-0154 rooms, 1 ^ % mortaage con be Cape, Vs' ^plex, oil heat, yard DELMONT STREET—6 room two- my. P. 2-7249. PART-TIME with oak floors, one room pine paneled. Recently deco­ “ building. All utilities tornishisd, 100 INDIAN DRIVEl-Custom buUt ■tove and refrigerator Included. assumed. Marion Robertson JARVIS REALTY CO enclosed -with picket fence and story house. Excellent condition. MOR’TLOCK’S Manchester’s lead­ DI(3C’S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ SEPTIC TANKS Broker, M3 8-6953. REALTORS' msURORS six room ranch, over 1400 sq. ft., hemlock hedges. Owner MI 9-9251. Priced (or quick sale. J. ,D. Real­ pany doors and windows, custom | rated.. " One vacant and one available fireplace, toll baseraeijt with ga­ ing driving school. ’Ibree skilled June 1. Call M t 8-2049 for Infor­ M I^4112 Ml 8-7847 PI 2-8311 ty ,'470 Main Street, MI 3-5129. $18,900 courteous Instractora. Class room worx guaranteed. Coil collect Wll- SOUTH WINDSOR —Custom built rage, almost It* acres wooded PRINCETON School, Immaculate Umantic HA 3-1196.. D A Y W O R K mation. MANCHESTER— Charming instructions for 18, i? year olds. - OWNER Ml 9-3883 executive 74 foot ranch with 10- VERNON—9 roortl on bus I land.' For appointment call owner, $ room cape, IVt baths, bullt-lns, COUNTRY CLUB Area-Attractive 8-room ranch, attached ga­ Look! PLUGGED SEWERS ASSOCIATED WITH acres of land, 2-car garage, 1% line. Asking $10.00q; Tongren, MI 9-8760. f six room ranch, excellent condi­ Telephone Mr. Jilortlock, Director FLAT FINISH Holland window ROC1CVILLE—4-Room ’ Apartment fireplace, shed dormer, trees, 6nlmiy rage, open porch, large welt of Driver Eklucatlon. MI 9-7398. HOME FINDERS baths, enclosed shower. High ele Broker, 118J Main: St.. “: '3-6321. >n tion. many quality features at This Strip of shades made to measure. AU with new kitchen and extra large $16,500. Carlton W. Hutchins, ' landscaped lot. Excellent lo­ Machine Glaaned Apply in person^ tnomihgt vacation with beautiful view, nip MANCHESTERCustom bi^t, 9-5132. $22,.500, Owner, MI 9-21,4], total Venetian blinds kt a new REALTY C O . living room. Heat and hot’ water 29 AUBURN ROAD—living roonil. cation. Septie Tanks, Dry Wells^ Sewar furnished. MI 9-9258. best of everything has gone into oversize 6 room Cape, on bus line, Land Con Bo Y'oMrt Garage— Service—Storage 10 low price. Keys made while you Lines InstaUed—Cellar Water­ this house dan be -bought with or fireplace, formal dining room, shrubbed lot, with shade /trees. . $19,800 wait. Marlow’s. proofing Done..) BIX ROOM unheated duplex. On without acreage. J. D. Realty, 470 large cabinet kitchen, three bed­ One-car garaga, amesltg drive ' MANOHESTEK— Porter St., 200 feet wide front. 11 ora«* ’TWO CAR spaces for rent back of FOUR BEDROOM COLONIAL bus line. Available July 1, $85 Main St. MI 3-5129. rooms. two-car garage, many city water, sewer, and'sidewalks, 5-room Colonial Cape, oil (olmoet Vi mile long). property, 180 Center St. Call'MI References required; MI 8-8258. beautiful trees. Marion E. Robert' Priced for quick 'sale. Phllbrick $15,500 king sized rooms. Exeqllent 8-2457. 9-6 only. McKin n e y b r o s . PORTER STREET Section. 4 bed son. broker, MI 3-6953. Agenc'y, MI 9-8464. ^ OPEN HOUSED BOLTON — Immaculate 6- condition throughout. room colonial, fireplace, aluminum room ranch, basement ga­ PhoM JosAiph B«9li Motorcycle*— Bicycles 11 B and C Snwerdqn Disposal Co. ) Business Locations Btdrms, hot water heat, attached VALUE PLUS MANCHESTER VldNlTY— Price SUNDAY, 2 f« 5 PA4. rage, combination windows, M c C a r t h y ISOktSZ Pearl S t—Ml 8-5808 garage, only $17,900. Carlton W Brokor, M l 9-0320 for Rent 64 Accent on value. Cluatom built 7 just reduced.' Large, beautiful 2$ LINDEN ST. wooded lot. ENTERPRISES. Inc. TREE REMOVAL Open For Inspection Hutchins, Jn 9-5182. room ranch, just over Manchester executive type 3 bedroom custom 1957 BSA GOLDEN FLASH. JH FOR OFFICE Or' business use, line on Cider Mill Rd. in Bolton. built ranch, stalnlwess steel bullt- MANCHESTER $15,500 IVn 9-4518—MI 8-6472 3-0743. PORTER STREET Section—7 room Attractively decorated with every-] 8-room Colonial home fea­ PLATING Main St. near Center, 8 rooms, colonial home, den, toll « dining lns, fireplace, bookcases, paneling, ANDOVER—5-room custom ground floor, ple'nlty of parking, thing Just right. 3 large bedrooms. 1% baths, attached garage, semi­ turing 4 bedrooms, 2 full - Cape, 1 —Colonial home, BOL’TON, CONN— MI 9-6962 McC a r t h y JARVIS REALTY CO. at 89 High Straet, Mancheeter, Teal estate. All Inquiries • wel- .year-round home, 4H roomz, 3 six large rooms and sun parlor, Gertrude A. Haven Ml 9-6444 J. D. REALTY ^oaMe I. Stroek niTERPRISES, Inc. M l 3-7172 MI t-4li2—Ml 8-7841 with his wife and daughter and M l i - 1 5 7 7 eoma. Reasonably priced, MI bedroomz, flreploca, two loti, PI twiwo-car o-car garage, oxeellehtoxceiiei oondlf^] FI 8-8811 wlU spedallze bi Mancheeter and '•-6881. M 1 3 1 11,200. , ttoiL O * ^ . la 8-7444, W S447S lake pntortiea. |i ‘ '■

\ . / ■ ■ V ' v v ' -V . •■ SATURDAY, IIAY M, i960

PAG* tWiBLVE jHattrt|ii?0tfr lEwttitig ?^pralli i Drivers Warned Opens June 7 In Two Crashes About Town Heard Alo^g , Main Street Featuring quality build- Member* of the Toung People'e Arid on Some of Manchester'$ Side Streets^ Too Two accldept* yesterday after­ matenala at regular low Group of Zion KvengellcaJ Luther­ noon resulted in three Injuries and c a ^ and carry prices. an Church will attend a Walthep Who W on ? f Bacteria Countdown two warnings. None of the injuries league outing at Nanatuck SUte A secretary faltered while were serious enough tq require hos­ Park in Eaat Hampton, Maas., on In evgry mind, there’s a built-in Monday morning quarterback, and ing to read the “minutes of pital treatment. ' 3/8” W Sff rhasvisr Memorial Day. Members are to HeardaJong has heard the low vote, previous meeting” at a wome bring two box lunches, for noon Thpse injured were Donald F. in Wednesday’s referendum blitm- gathering theW her day. Kenny, 22, of East Hartford, who and evening. “ lt’s.^ot that I can't read my ed on virtually everything bpt The hurt his nock; Geraldine Webster, Knotty Pins Red Menace. own writing,” she explained. "I 23, of East Hartford, who received >1 The University of Hartford will Some blamed It all on voter In­ wa i m teyror conUct lenses. I was a bump 'on her head and a neck hold its coMSiencement ball Fri­ difference, That’s too easy an an­ d ^ g fine. Then I used some of PlywooH day, Jime i , at the Hartford CTub swer, said others, and cited instead sthiin: and Kathlene Kestermont, our famous Manchester water to 2%, of Haddam, who was treated from ^ p m. to 1 a.m. for gradual-1 the variety and complexity of the rince the lenses. My eyes , became by a doctor for a cut lip. Ing Mnlors, students and alumni. ]1 issues, their lack of dramatic ap- so irritated I can’t see a thing.” 4’ ir ^ S h e e t$ 1 g .5 0 ' peal, and what was called an in­ It wasn't North , End water, Police say Kenny’s car was struck from behind by one driven Mra^i Frank Koe was elected adequate selling job by the town either. leader of Our Liady of Victory government, ‘ civic, and political by Erma Behn, of Haddam, while Mothers’ Circle recently. Other leaders. Others took a swing at the Small World Dept. Kenny was stopped for the light on officers are Mrs. Thomas Buc- PTA, saying that group is too Three of the four tuxedos worn W. Middle Tphe. at Adams St., j cino, co-leader; Mrs. William narrowly school-conscious. A the­ by the black-face end men in the heading in a westerly directions i CASH Carroll, secretary; Mrs. Andrew ory was readvanced that, in Man­ Woman’s Club minstrel show this Miss WePster was a passenger Lindberg, treasurer; Mrs. George chester, voters like schools but ig­ week started life at Purdue Uni lit the Kenny car, while the Kester- ! nore other needs. On Wednesday mont child was riding in the Behn | LUMBER CO. Nackowakl. publicity; Mrs. Remo and in ' another referendum in versity. , Grasso. librarian; Mrs. Frank Beverly Pond and Betty Hurd cftr. January 1958. school projects were Mrs. Behn Was warned for | Roberts, welfare; Mrs. John wore their husband’s tuxedos, and 15^1 WMtMoinSt. approved and other capital needs violating the rules of the road. lard and Mrs, Frank Ferla^, rejected. Observers knowing the Blaine Mrozek borrowed a tux WfHimontie representatives to Combined Cir­ records of Manchester referen- from Robert Johansson. Anthony In the other accident, at E. Mid­ cles- and Mrs. Joseph Czerwinskl, dums since 1947 nbted the vote Pond, Richard Hurd and Johans­ dle Tpke. and Vernon St., John M. contact chairman. Ihe circle will marked no appreciable trend, but son were all students at Purdue, Derby, 68, of 12 Vernon St., was hold Its annual dinner June 14 at others, taking a broader view, at various times, all settled in warned for failing to drive to 7:30 p.m. at Avon Old Farms. For claimed it is part of a very wide Manchester, and are all employM the right'as the result of his car reservations, call Mrs. Nackow'skl, and long term one in which gov­ In divisions of United Aircraft striking on* operated by Shirley 206 Hackmatack St. ernment and the governed are Corp. as engineers. Pond is with Fitzgerald of 29 Cook gt,, accord­ growing more,.and more apart in Hamilton Standard, and Johans­ ing to police. son and Hurd are both with Pratt Manchester WATES will hold this democracy, even on local lev­ OPEN and IVhitney Aircraft their regular meeting ,Tuesday els Using even wider perspective, some said this wide and long term evening at the Italian American trend is still, relatively, a short Good Report MEMORIAL DAY Club on Eldridge S t Weighing in one. and maybe the future holds All went well at the Polio clinic in will begin at 7. Mrs. Allen Parrish soi^ieUilng new. . ' the Municipal BuUdihg Wednesday. BUY YOUR ■will be in charge of entertain­ No one fainted, no one was lost, WEEKBID ment. On June 14, a poUuck sup­ At any rale, one thing Wednes­ day seemed certain. More people and nobody had to stand In line per will be held, and husbands and for a long time. SUNDAY PAPER fathers, of WATES will attend. than usual didn’t know what the voting was all about. A t every One small boy did get a little 8 A.M.-9 P.M. confused about the permission The Rev. Lawrence F. Almond, district, perplexed voters could be and BREAKFAST seen studying sample, balloU, card hfe had brought to the cli^c, AT pastor of South Methodist Church, signed by his parents. The cards will be in charge of the.Sunday ra­ which in themselves could pro­ Emerald Ball Queen and Her Court vide little information on the is­ were to be collected and sent to dio broadcast over WINF at 6:30 the schoolsT to prove to the Board Tinda Ellis was Chosen queen of the Junior Daugkera of Isabella Emerald Ball held at the Coun­ p.m. The Rev. Laurence Vincent o f sues. -Neither rhyme nor reason was of Education that the chUdren t s rum 'lasT ^ieht Her court includes Jean Cibroski, Gloria Pugrab, Jeanne Tierney and Mau- ARTHUR Center Congregational Church will reSi McCann. The themd of the ball was "Cher ry Blossom ’nme.” (Herald Photo by Ofiara). Sfreciat! be in charge of the .weekday broad­ shown in the voting pattern on had had their shots. When the cards were tallied at casts next week at 7:15 p.m. the charter amendments. On two, the end of the day, his was miss­ DRUG meant to accontplish the same re­ and pointing tov/ard the sign. She dog was last seen investigating a Rev. Foley Given Members of the American Le­ sult—improve welfare administra­ ing. waited for them to reach the side­ gutter a mile from the church. gion Auxiliary who 'Will take part tion-one -vole was "yes”; the Clinic personnel checked, and, Vi GALLON sure enough, he had given the card walk, and listened politely while in the Memorial Day parade are other “no.” Of all the amendments, theyV asked her if she could read Someone Might Drop In Stamford Parish to the only people he thought to meet at 9 a.m. Monday at Main these were probably the most and ordered her to back the car There's nothing like the pros­ should see it - his parents. FOR St. and Hartford Rd. Auxiliary technical, with the least effect on away. . , ,, pect of weekend guests to spur The Rev. Daniel J. Fojey of general houseclea.ning. And at members are also invited to attend town policy. When they finished she said. Danbury has been appointed pas­ REG. 99c the Memorial Sunday service at DeMille Successor? spring housecleaning time. it's SCREEN PORCH The questions voters asked at Dr. W. T. Moyer, pediatrician, “But f have a room in this hotel.” tor of a new parish in Stamford. the Church of the Nazarene Sun­ There was quiet for a minute. not uncommon for the man of OR the polling places also showed who had considerable experience day at 10:30 a.m. confusion, as did the answers giv­ Then one of the boys asked, the house to get roped in for Father Foley is the son of the en by election workers. One vqter taking home movies of the chil­ “ You going to put your car in some window washing or beating late Mr. and Mrs. Oomellua Foley dren, spent* about 30 hour* taking JALOUSIE Mrs. John Conner was ele^ed felt a “yea” on the W « t Side it ? ” of rugs. , of Pine St. CRIANI leader of-the Immaculate Concep­ shots at Lutz Junior Museum an


vtPEo Evnnr w iaau-A ix i^tiars Ria^gBvgp, ri. % picauwgoN • oo^

In addition to emceoing "Play Your Hunch," Merv has atarred on his own network radio show, has Frem the Play Your Hunch MC been seen on the “Arthur Murray Party,” “The Jack Paar Show" T V W orld and other programs. Last sum­ C^t Start as Singer mer he yras co-host of the NBC Allen Funt'a t'Capdld Camera’* Radio's "It’s Network 'Hme" and will have a half-hour apot on CBS* substituted for vacationing Bill TV next season, following the Jack n r o B A M u m 9. u b a v j t ^ahow, aingring brOakfaat aarenadaa Cullen on "The Price Is Right.” He'S' also emcee on "Keep Talk­ Benny Show.. .Jackie Gleason la U liiirr Ortffia wera Um sub- to early-riaing llatenan. uiBing” uon « TV.1 Y. Merv’a career la fidl|®<*V^.^ jaet » “rtay Toar Hunch” prob* Ha waan’t long on radio bafora Of variety and that’. Oie way a t movla acoUta w ar. on hia trail, Umt, aad Ton had to aelaet Um but afttr ona look at “Amarlca'a Merv waa bom on July 6, in San SWrley Temple wUl ^ hostm and m y ha fln t broka Into ahow bua(- Romantic Young Singing. Star,” Mateo, CaUfornU, a peninauU aub-1 perfon^w » » B0M aa (x> actor, and weighed 240 pounda. He attended St. Matthew’, pare- Hlckman'a hair goea from plaU- ICarr'a fUat 'Job in tha entac* Aa hia radio ahow grew, ha da- chial scho^ and alao San I num -back to original dark brown talninaitt flald waa aa a alngor oa eidad to do aomathlng about hia High and San Mateo Junior Ool- for next seaaon’a, ‘The Many LovM a San Fraaelaoo radio atatioa. Ha weight. On a high protein diet, lege, majored in muaic at Stan-1 of DdMe Gillla.". liad (ona Uiara with fiieoda to under doctor'a Buperrwon, ha loot ford tJnlveralty and at tbo Unlver-1 The Rover Awards: Shaggy, of for a Job aWiar aa a eighty pounda in four montha, to ally of San Francisco, which he | Watt Disney’s “Shaggy Dog,’’ and ptanlat or baaa viol playor, Ha achlara a weight ha kaapa o left to get on with his prof eaalonal I Asta. of tho ”Tho Thin Man” so* m a miatakauly introduead aa a atant by careful attanttou to career. [rles, have been voted number one alagar ao ha want ahead and aaag. diet. Monr grsw up with a doe* affee- animal actor atara by the Ameri­ A woak lator ha had hia owB radio It waa on thia program that ho at the New 'York City Center. ttoa foe tennis, probably m c « um can Humane Amm. came to tha attention of bandlaad- Merv says hU biggest thrUl was hia father and two imclaa were ar Traddy Hartin. He waa made oa BroaJhvay in "Ftniaa’a Rain­ champions. K . played it wall, atUI featured Tooaliat with tha Kartin bow” and John McCaOn, drama does, but his primary ambltioa for Ordieatra and during thia critic for the New York Journal as long aa ho can remember w u to I Manr recorded a aong eailad 'T re American, sensed It when after bo a utger, compoaer and oonduo-1 tor. Ho has already reaUaed a] Got a Lovely Bunch of Cooonuta.” opening night he wrote, '.“ Merv T h e It became the number ona aong Griffin is a self-aasured and pre- goodly portion of this ambltUm.] with more than a million dlaka posa«aslng performer, with a llna, Hia Binging is familiar bo minions I CoMtmeH^ui Bank big voice." o f Ustenera, and hia compoaUional B(dd. Following thia auoeaaa Orif> have been recorded so ter. by Hugo I ANP hUKr COMMEV^ fin want out on hia. own, aigning As emcee of "Play Your Hunch," Merv has’found a-.new outlet tor Winterhalter and Mitch Miller.] hia own record contract and nudr- The conducting baa yet to come. ELECTRONICS ing televialon and nightclub ap­ hia many talenta. “Play Your Hunch” is now one Merv la married to the former] INSIWITII9NEV pearance.. Julann Wright, a comedienne ] LABORATORIES Hia movie break cam aaveral of the hits of the season with a five-time-a-week. daytime skein whom he met when- they worked] yaara later aa a reeult' o f an en' together on Ms radio ahow. gagement In Laa Vegaa at the and a new nighttime addition on 277 BROAD Fridaya on NBC-TV. The series His firat date with Julann could ] same time Doria Day waa there. be called anything but exciting.] She noticed hia talenta and ar­ is currently rated aa one of the top five In daytime telecasting and He had tiken her to sea a musical ] ranged for a acreen test, planning comedy, and having worked hard] I w w a r h a ll PORTABLE TV ’ to have him play oppoaite her in on the strength of thia popularity, that day, no sooner had they set- ] an upcoming movie. But her pic­ it was recently given a choice tied in their seatB; ’when Merv was ] It you don’t hava ana, night* time spot. snooaing. ture was delayed so the studio im­ The staff and crew who- work you ahauld haro. f o r aiefc mediately cast him opposite Hath' “I gueaa he hoped I hadn’t no- ] Now—you cam wrfte dieckt with Merv agree that it’s his ticed,” recalls Julann. ”I didn’t] againsUeredit instead o f your Tyn Grayson in “So This Is Love.” friendly and informal manner that Hia movie credits also include tell him I had.” A few months 1st- j bank balanea, and you cau Sytraaia PortaUa TV makes “PlSy Your Hunch’’ fun to er they became engaged. always hava a subatantial •The Boy from Oklahoma,” by work on ..and watch. pnyo dlaMeaifci 6aa thena the Light of the Silvery Moon,' Mary and Julann recently ] fund of monay-in-the-bank t o “People love to play hunches,” bought a rambling home In New] buy anything you want at any and “Cattle Town,” all non-s^- Griffin says, ‘^'even If they turn out In'g roles. Jersey. Merv*. hobby la making ] --ttmal;.::::—— . ■ to be wrong. E ver watch a kid at furniture, a side line that’ll come ] After two years in Hollywood a carnival wheel, a girl with a gift in handy. In the new house. They ] V 1. \ m 1 \ M . Merv left to Join Tallulah Bank­ She can’t open yet, or a fellow in have a 2-montha old baby son. An- ] head's revue at a Las Vegas Hotel, a card game 7 They’re all play­ thony. then came to New York Where he ing hunches for the fun of it.” Ml 3-1171 FOR PREFERRED replaced Jane Froman and ..Jo Since being on the show, Merv’s Stafford on their TV diowa dur­ fan mail has increased to the point ‘Tha Suspense Show" wUl bo pre­ REAL ESTATE and ing their vacations. Following this where he must employ a special sented live for 18 weeks as the hot he played the lead in a revival of aervico Just to mall out pictures weather replacement for Dinah | INSURANCE SIERVICE the musical, “Finlan’s Rainbow*' and thank you letters. Shore. H/B ELUIHIIUM JARVIS MEjyLTY CO. CENOnES nCAtOOM-lHBirBOBS SATURDAY Tefe»«»o« PROGRAM fW w rw y BBgrotootog dpor an & ouatw St.—aa s-u u Haw Marl • :•• Mava Gam WIB Ttaval f i Uise Bkr tOmg T:U Bewareal Starrlag RiAud Bocae. Paladial aWI Bxf aaei wtaUnw. ~ I i ; 9S Farrr Maeaa •» « 9 Is aummdnsd Is a rugged Wyoae-1 BtarAag Baymoad Burr ia '.‘^he tag town by aa old trten d who] A 4o4t-yoMn«K Heim at ______BewUaa Caae M the Irate lavaator.” 'Am aaafca Ms aSalatanea la keaptegi U:M SMeaa rMwi aattooUlaioa deviee that m lm order dnriag a poUUeal eai MMUve’e DUrj aveatuallr preraat midair acot- m Imi. $16.TS OEd op. F Mii I Alii Stout daota turna lata a motive lar iMd Wide 9* tl. 14S nafalMS resiHy murder. ‘The Amerloaa FtthUaC Maa SAVE! SAVB SM MAm n b -a n S-7M9 Karen Plus Tea", A program I Color—Stsrriiw Lome Qraeaa* la dealing with tha auestioa:^Ars| Hanchflstw AwbIec Oqu "The Julia milette Sto^*. A Americana MOtt—fbyw teoBr, cyalcal aad qulerlaliatlc woman tally and morally—that we M WEST 4JEWTEE 8T. FR£E TUBE OHEGR t CaHeea C anl^ is diasrmad bjr Jos Cartwright's rniahle to oppose tboee who ■a 9-M tl—EstabBahei UMM BAmO. TV TUBBS ChuHe C h u aiaiple (slth la her. (RepMoT threatening ua?" CnBOKED FREE It llssamt Kvwr Fwv T m m m Dick fOaifc Shsw 9. t t 194 9 Gunameka Texas Baaaws te Guests: LaVera Baker. Jimmr Starring James Amesa. Ax olS — . lets Ifillsu _ >..99 Jonea. Harold Donnaa, Jeaane name of Matt DiUoa'a seeks Mm’ "Passport IP neasoa' Rod Osas- Black, Jotuaijr TMolaon. Alao oat la Dodge City aad tells him’ Y N A o ttiB A . eroa, Lois Maxwell. Anita Bryant, former Mlaa Okla­Okla- she is Tunalng away from her homa and second nifmer-up In the haaband who mu threatcBad to 4 0 % ^ ^ 6 T5 *T» w ClUos". IteaaU 'Mias America coateat. km her. When Matt cheeka hep • 4 9 Jdte paaOMT’s Hl|m Bead S. B9 story, he suspects aba may hava CHAMBERS oa a ON ALL RADIO. SS!3 R:iustM.Yj- ^ .a “Jamaica.’’ Herb Bbrlner aad his sthar moGvea, “Havliia A Wooderfal CrlSM". family. ■------take viewers oa Mvaiea Oaart • Pst OWe«.'Car25* .L s ii% a tour of* t ^ enchanUar lalaad Fear Jest Maa 4|! TV TUBES ^■ Bkr Murder” . Walter Pldaeoa. in the West Ii tea, A vlalt to hia- Oat Bat Go ••- Jo^M Ctomptoa. torlcal points s took at a tjrplcal nattve_ !•:•• Tamhataas TarrilarT 9 •Vem fa tarpM •9. 9>, Bpetti Oa Farads W dances and . ______iveTs atow ^ Slatring Richard Wyler. Murder!______Lreal or . Bstardar rarCerauses 49 the coral formatiaaB la IhaRmart Set". Smith Inves­ L em DMtepw S :U F ra Osm e Shaw life. tin g a murder and Jewel rob- Oa DaA drela g t:W Wanted—Head Or Aliys . S:U Majar I*asaa BayhaB 19. 19 Btarrlna Steve MoQuesn. Bounty { ^ ‘K arahal S» T W A n jcR v a n SEBVIOB Olsnta va Caidlnsla,. hunter joeh Randall takes oa the Btezkham M, te a FSathall unusual assignment of wooing JaMtea. DJLA. 0 I>oa Anaelrs San Fraadaeo beautiful■ ■ Inaum prince ' . in Baritone Bddy Arnold wm i 6M-m-MIDDLE TPKB. Oav, Cav Tha Clawa U petition a herce fierce dau- turn aa aong star aad giiast ei n^wav MattSara „ Groua Apache. (R ). eee, jrinchbltlhic for bospltal- MI S-gltT or Httt- OH T-14M SiHBaaaMl. . 4*. le Maa And Tha iasd RM FoM T Ooimtry atria Chlcaao va.. Fanaaa Cltr. ngua^l variev and comedy 4 ;St GsftoSi lUrtM as Georgs 'Kader stars ia 4 :lt Brad »*vto Bhaw Wandng*’. Barton narrowly U 4 9 mMrs. Waaihav A 8p Stakes From Suae- capes mmth when a scieBtist pila- Haws. Waalhar ' reads teat instnuneats.. _ Hawn T V Special laava n To Baavav 9. 4A 19 Sate?jay MIgM Hawi * We $dl (i99. Blarrtiig Jerry Mathers, la “Wal­ ly, the Bnrineaamaa.", he Faalara PHm •< O m owBcr. Twy akarf • 4 9 Mr. Ixalqr • ”M#dotuu of the tev ea Majma’: . llura b a J m fiM MMMEMt M l {^ r S e s e e Btarrlnx Jo ^ TIvyaa. Wealthy Stewart O raanr, Phyllis Calvert. ypunglpl hides on hoard tte WMid’s BeatKavlas _ • ONLY UE MM }Mf MS chutMi flMpIl' T S E a V ^ W est BVxrtuna n In aa attempt to Avoid Tilver River"! Bwol llyim. Aan Sheridan. ’TouM 8 earfaea“.R ^ *995 Ms OT^nie wiw UMib mnmr ui • • • S rV h te** _ B .9 9 ard AtteaborenA Bermoix Bah- 8:99 ley. 'fc k B p a tls -■ — “ eater U - ' SAPORm competes with a nithleaB killer ■saasmnAi. cXHfPAMT Bd UPMMWW^ .la a eearch for coallddM mea “Everything Happens At Night" UeOtmiRr Mftort whs have swindled a rancher oM ~ T MUIsad M M i«ls8 4 ^ 1 ATS O sirter 8 A- 4 M . J O S -17M t:99 Baw of hia properte.^ . _ .. Lawreaea W A ^ P a a eMg "Night Key Boria Kadoff. Jsaal Popular musical, hoar faaturiag Hogers ^ornka*Fpentlss." Robert AMa, Mavis At lOaa „ -er'.. • 4 * Haws • Weather WSada Hendrix ' _ • 4 * Hews naaa IWarpel 5 "Now Voyager,” JBette Dat^, Sate Fur • al Leaden , w Exclusive TRIPLE REFINED EARK HHUL Storage Flowtr Shop BONDED PICK-UP W.H.ENUJUID ATLANTIC HEATING OILS Flowan Dy Wirai LUMBER CO. L. T. WOOD CO. Ml 9-1441 OPEN A U DAY DRY CLEANSERS. Iec. Telephone Mitchell 3-1129 a ss BBO AD 8 T,— SAnStDAVS PAGE THREE 5R^ CONN^ SATURDAY, MAY 28, 196rake. ' Donna. Gale Storm , "San Francisco Story . Jori Mo- scribe the work of Catholic Brown o f Callfoimln. Weather—leca l^ w s Crea. Yvonne DeCarlo. missionaries. In connect!^ w'llg Professor Backwards, comedian; 15:15 Ob The Go . New* aad Weather the Association for Industrial De­ Man Without A Onn Ford A Reynolds, comedy team: 55 19:99 Garry Moore Show velopment. Special ^ests: Leon­ World OhnmplonsW -j, the Hl-Lads. comedy-vocal quar­ "Safety-T esied V ^ l of *BambwD." .CSmrles Guests: The Lennon Sisters. Y ( ^ j , Final contest J i»^ e three-s^ek PUy Toar Hoach **. *• 7:15 D o al^ * Edward*. H®»® pou p: and Andy Griffith, musical ard and Rosemary Peterson. mliH tet; The DucaU. S children In a Westera Mass. HIghllgkIe 88 aionaries- about to depart with . ' elimination US? dance and Instrumental act; and 11:55 l«»»« *}• S 85 comedy— star. " 22 ' 89 ’ 16lh wlnneE^ the May ^ d jjjj}: Guy Marks, comedian. Tho Prlee le Blgkl » »• Hew* _ _t* their . lour children lor Santiago X her FIlohM at the Harder Hall U:15 Decern^ Bride • 7:55 What la Th* World ?^>e*Vlarvin stars In "CHosed ^ a - Chile. , Musle Ob Ice Used Cars" ^ CountedClub course In Sew>6*- Variety Ice show featuring some OoBCeatratioB *‘ 2 SOn.'* '"m tra This Is The Answer ' 'FXy/Ce.rey Mlddlecoff v«. Peter Dlaaer 1* Servod 2 Ito?ri^'g John S^Kh “ 4 ^ b e r t Chalice Of Salvation \ of the world's outstanding skat­ PpAbford Jr.. Ib The Run lo TV PreienW . ~ jrfper. «. ■ ers. leading Ice specialty nets ^ Fthh » •;Th« Lonely Room' with Fa- The Christophers JJ alty's Fanday Fnanlen ^ II:« The Living Word “ Tl.ma?I?a." A young wom^ brlzlo Mioml and I^etlz a ,1^'r- This Is The Life « sing#*rs ana dancers. Singer J^nn- asks Jea* Harper to help her eo- Hld> and Shrelk •• CaaP®'',, nv Desmond is'host. G u f«t*‘ ^Uo, U:55 I-eva • erese.' The lot of a shy, love-smit­ 15:85 Look Up And Live *. « friendly ghost, geta a vlalt from Trath »r CoaMaeaeea **. M to Mexico, ten ytsinf^ man Is .miraculously Religious series. Part v. . . Be­ singer’ Jacqueline duBlef: Doro­ ^ KNOTTY PINE PANELING SPECIAL huiiband la out to kill her. (Re- hla covliln Spooky, who luvea to thy Keller Comedienne: Harrison The Bestless Obb 5. M changed to happiness by a tween the Generations.' A s u ^ scare people, and Casper U;S4 Henrch For ■Temerrew 1 ^ A t). A 49 AS strange psvchic phenonemon Artistry in Flowers marv and discussion of the him a lesson that provides plenty and Be.ssle, skating team. COTTAGE GRADE, ROUND RDGE 1 C called "doppelganger." • orldns of the tensions and mis­ li:S# Uawmaii •* It Oeald B *_Vea . 2 ffl2 Storri^e Ty Haiftn to ''Wtot^ of laughter (R ). other stories. TV Theater * WESTERN PINE, KILN DRIED. lA Z V l-ooi Lev* That Beb KlU'P Marahal Matt Sample a ^ I’ve Got A Secret « understanding which exists 18:45 Th* Gelding Light *• « 15:85 Johiuiy Midnight ” tween today s parents and their 5:16 Inside Sports tf-With Ronald Reagan, pr6gram his deputy. Bronco 6:56 The Lone Banger ..on,. supervisor. Richard G r^ n e and 1:55 My Little Margie . s o a’ Walter Wlnchell File * FLOWER children. Guest: Jean,-Shepherd, Starring Clayton Moore-In Tne Aboet Face* ••• S a noose from around the neck ot news commentator. Robert Straus*9 star In Hot Foot- OPEN /FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 8:30 "P o p " Ben Owens. Medic . S MANCHESTER Angel Snd the Outlaw." a young­ . age *’ Story concerns two tele­ At Home With KHty ^ Star PlayhoBse S The Living Word, • ster. who worships a false Idol, Movie Matins* _ 8:55 DennU O'Keefe Show . . Markham . _ “ FASHIONS Sacrifioe ol the Mnss, 35 vision news cameramen who are "Magic Fire" Part n. Yvonn Show business Invades learns the true meaning of cour rival in romance as well as in 11:55 News. Weather A Sport* l a u n d r o m a t 10;4.'5 Throngh The Porthole . * age when the I>one Ranger cap­ 336 North D « C'arlo _ - . man Hal Town* s 8. IR. 11:55 Feature 3 tures a dangerous outlaw. news scoops. „ 1:85 Ao The World Tarn* his hous#»k^»‘P<‘r and his Faith For Today TV Mystery Show « . ^ Main St. Big New* 85.45 F.vervman's Famll.v 'Color—-The Maphlne- Calls It Who D * Yea TrasIT. work up a New* A Weather \660 CENTER ST. . Americans At Work - IS TV Reader's Digest « m News rocks their .apartment. (K). 1 U 18 FealUre Film k o W s k T Murder." by Harold Swanton is Big Picture ^ 2 Tel. pAceAst I-et’s Travel ,' ’ S5 ^ "Adam and Evalyn . Stewart Mill Barred Heart . J; the premiere drama. 1:85 At Home With Kitty Granger. Jean Simmons. in Jorvis Building . den. Kvereit Sloane and Betsy •••**'folo?‘*Pre” Jnt. "The Nanetto’Fa- 11:15 Living Word J* •=•• u^n^s'^al aeparture^fro^'U» MI 9-5253 8:55 For- Better or Worse Jack Psar 8h^ 695 M A IN S T R E E T Film , , , von Furstenberr star. Walter b u i l d i n g m a t e r i a l s Qaeea For A Day brav ishow." Miss Fabray'a gje»»" 11:85 Camera Three _ J. « S t S S o r V e r " * Chair­ flieaak is series^ host. An Insur­ are Tony Randall and World'*"The., Valley Be»t ofM"rt'"i .l>risionK :„„-l Greerr.reer M l 9-5268 ance company’s mechanical brain Say la Coart FEATURES Experimental series; James Mac- man of the AEC; Dr, a^ om e . ELLINGTON BRANCH—WEST B»., ROUTE 86—TRBmont 6-6218 8:85 Gale Storm Show Gar.snn. Gregory Peck. ^ amlrews. host. Wlesner electronlcs-engineermg forecasts an attempt on the lue Loretta Yoaag Theater n“ a'dd^" t o % of a voung woman. ' ^Lt^r-So^'tteto Aphrodite'' 11:86 Feature 45 This Our Faith faculty member of the Hsase Party 11 :sn Jack Paar 2.»<®» j "Bachdor Bundins" The Mad House setts Inslltule of Technology; Md The Rebel »• }J 8:55 The People’ s Choie* Th« MAAy ot Doble Oimt S 12:59 News and Wrather ^ Highway Holidays Movie At 9 . Dr Leo Szilard. Budapest-born . "Club Paradise . Robert Lowep^; Yoaag Dr_8Uloa* Starring I^ayne fVIUi Melt’s Shirt ^ v i e * 18:55 American Legend physicist, will discuss ‘ ''f,. Beat The Clock Doble'a beatnik Je- * News Roundup terns of disarmament with Ed Dorfs Herrick. ^ All Star PlayhoaM heart to a French girl and or News Review __ 2 Ifenaesev . ^ 5:15 The Verdict Is V*«*w rides to make the and ward R. Mprrow. ^ 9:85 Alfred Hilrheork fire of riving up hi* sweatsnirt Q. Where were Phil Ford YOUR YARN SHOP Johns Hopkins File T W Meet The Peese ^ 1 ^ 5 W. P. QUISH From These Baets "Road from Kenya.” an » Fopeye Theater ^ save the life of a young refer to them. They are not given SOI Middle Turnpike East Billie Maurh. Jackie Morrow. Johnnv Slneeato ■. “ REAL held hostage by * . 105 days by -the Ingenious d ^ Mike Wnltaee Inlervfew 88 ^m lwid^Yard Dragnet". Roland Command Performance plovment of swift Plnnl^ eki . “ INSURAN8MITHS SINCE , 1914" • _ INSURANCE luma who are using the answers or any clues before­ Covey's t e l Ml 9-1446 Slnrles From Outer Snaee 3i Ten-4 INSTATE rulver. Patricia- Roe front horn#* to get an underwona Iroops under the com i^ b d of the Alfred Hllcheoek Pre*enle hand. ____ Enjov Yonr Garden « brilliant Field Marshal Carl Gua- 666 BIAIN STREirr, GROUND PTXIOR—Ml ^ kingpin out of the country. _ _ _ RESTAURANT 18:56 Your Voice-In Washington • taf Mannerhelm. Walter Cronkite 11:55 Snnday New* Special x ■ The Admiral aad Bwabby Show 49 Oral Roberts New* IN MANCHESTER narrates. (R)'. New* and Weather •;> 1:66 Your Commnnily ■ ea Hnni 8 Gardener's Almanac ej 8 88 New* ?£ Why Not Take Her Out Whirleybirdt Wa»hlngUa Repert M College News Conference « Commenta 85 WEDNESDAY refeu/sion PROGRAM To Dinner Kor A OhanjeT Inc. A prominent personality Inter 58 11.15 Erfo'i Flynn. David viewed bv a panel of college stu­ Playhouse V • ___ — cltAte- It ntlt In New 7;#« fJAaale . . 8 vises her to stick it out In New JUST ASK HER— dents: Gue.sl: Manzur Qadlr. Starring Jhn Provost^ Tim m y at- Niven • Difference Where I Featare Film York a little longer. This turns SEE W HAT SHE SAYS! * GOODYEAR Pakistan Minister of Foreign Af­ ^empts to assert his Independ- 11:15 Fpatopc Film , . „ _ * DOES "Please Murder Me . Angela out to be fortunate advice, since fairs. _ - . prnves to "Thla Thlftg Called I-ove. Roaal 5:85 This Oar Faith I.ansbury. Raymond Burr enre and In so doing . Hnd Riiaaell, Meivyn Douglaa. -She la about to receive a check CaU Ml S-1416 for Re«*va«oiui 1:1.5 Yesterday's News R»*1s J his mother that when children Popeye Theater »• " Tor a million dollars from World'* Be*t-Movlr* ■ Uulveralty * f the Ate NYLON TIRES 1:86 Home Rnn Derby .',r- have crowing pains their mothers "The Brave Don't C ry." John First Show _ “ anonymous benefactor. . FrontlYTM Of Faith „ ^ ^ also have pains from growing. ■7:85 Prayer "The Showdown William Elliott. Hawaiian Eye *. 45. 58 PLENTY OF PARKING discusaion. Pro.vociUl>e Grag-apn. Meg Buchanan. 7:85 Towa Crier Walter Brennan Starring Anthony Elsley and Bob AT 45 E. CENTER ST. that people raiae ahmit ?r»M rS h ow „ Widma?k New* _ 85 stare and Plant 296 Broad St. Pan Francisco Bent J Roadhouse**. Richard SAVINGS Conrad In "Beach Boy in an .^^^ht-w^k dUH Overland Trail ' ^ 11:58 NewRfand Weather 8 Breakfast 'rtme Starring William Bendlx In The Moment ol Meditation 8 8:85 Farlv Show " beach hoy. who claims to be tbe T0.. Ml 3-5179 ruaaion Reekonlng” Moniea I.ewls gue»l- a n c / l r O - A . 1 V 8:55 Bap Richard* "A Man Alone . Ray Mlllond son of an heiress. Churches chilt Eishtlng Among stars as a blind woman searching 1 1:15 News A s S O C I .V T I O N 9:15 CapUia .Kaagare* Teen«ville Mystery Theater Themaelvos?'*'- , ___ 5:55 Featare Film My Friend Flicka »* I've Got A Secret * "111 Walt For Tou 5:58 Clutch Cargo 2 With Garry Moope. host atm em- MR. GAR OWNERl Sterling. Marsha Hunt Wild Bill Hickok " cee‘ paneii.sls Bill Cullen, m\ n iag Doog School 8:55 Count Of Monte Criito » Henry Morgan. Betsy Palmer. S4 HOUR SERVICE Bomiwr Boom Cartoon Plavhouso i ; Bess Mverson. -Special guest. MONHAY Television PROGRAM Tex Pavel’s Faa Shaw TV Mall Order ^ AMBULANCE Almaaae Jane Wyman For- thorough, depertd- m^^mb^^r of the family a ne-w in/iTeA ial/t 5:86 Weather. New* A Bporte ® Movie 4* Adventnre Time 88. 85 the impending 9:66 IxH>ney Taaes . Sea Hunt To Be Announced S E R V IC E \ ChalMief 8 p#*rHpecllvc on 9:15 CapUla Kaataro* American Bnndatand conclave. (R). •• wa 6:85 Almanac , 15:55 This Is Yonr Life 8*. able service on any make o r MANCHESTER 5:85 Thi* Onr Faith 4:59 Newa A Weather 18 9:85 I Married Joaa raptaia Oriel T:55 Today 88. 8 • Talen of Well# l-arKo 22. 9J 5:50 Feature Film BourTion Street Beat », P*®«® riobhonse «* Jrtf*^nnelt, Arthur Hill. Robert Univrrally of tka Air X "Intermezzo" Ingrid Bergman. 15:55 K e d ^ w e - ^ w F.nrore . 7:85 Prayer BIuMcal IllchlUhta ot Lalveralty 98. Webber and special guest Betsy of car see TEL. M l 3-0350 ■Leslie Howard <»f Hartford Doagh Bo Ml 5:86 Sportscope * ** 58 Palmer' star In 7:85 Town Crier 'Pnpeye Theater 8 Don WILLIS Garage Hollywood s Best 5:45 Newa *• **' Newi 9:09 Danny Thoroaa S ^ w "Daughter's Courageous . H e a rts .H e a rtb re a k and happi­ 7:85 Perception F il^ S'Show „ Starring Danny Thoma.i. Milton SPECIALISTS IN ness divide a New--York apart­ ■Yadhi On the High Seaa '. Gary Berle talka Danny WllUama Into Garfield. (Haade Ralna * Sports Camera ment shared by two roommates. Breakfatl Time fHHEEL a l ig n m e n t and 15:85 Ob The O* 8:55 Hap Blcbarda Merrill.111. ...Nina Foch leaving ahow bufllpeea when he "r«S.a7r7o2*rrgV%*''. B^ One is happy over her Inipendlng Rot B o r«ri Show makea a apeclal gueat appear­ BRAKE SERVICE Star Pertormaace marriage while the other is heart­ Bourne Buick, Inc. 8:16 Captain Kangnree Admiral SWabby Show "The Woman". Ida taiplno Tracy. Freddie Bartholomew. 9:05 FeatureyBilro ance. IR ). „ ^ g e n e r a l a u t o REPAIR _ Flay Y*N9 Baach broken because her newest ad­ Safe Fur "PerllhnM Holiday Pat O'Brien. 5:85 Early Show ' - „ . u ‘ Feter Gunn . _ ^ Shotgun Slade , , mirer has left her. , *• 285 Mata St.—PlK>n« MI 9-4611 MltnhoP 1-48SI— 18 MAIN 8 T». MANCHESTER 11:55 I Love Lacr Movie At 7 , “ Ruth Warrick "The Happylandv. Don.Ameche Craig Steven* atai-a In J-cUer of To Be Announced , Wednesday Night Boxing 8. M QUALITY USED CARS Ding Dong Schcml TeensvHle the Law-." Gunn is hired by the The Price tm B IgU Sonnv Ray vs Willie Pa.strano. Ill- Storage 11:85 December Bride Weather—Local New# - « round heavyweight contest. Chi­ Bemper Boom Bia Tla Tia „ . dl.*trlct attorney to clear his son and Weather »•■ " Tex Pavel'a Fun Shew 6:86 Clntck Cargo of 4t murder charge. OeaceatratlsB New* cago Stadium. BONDED PICK-UP Dlaaer Is Berred TV Mall Order ^ Jj Almanac Jnngle Jim • Dnffy's Tavern M 7:15 Dougla* F.dwsrd*. New# « Bingling Bros. Clrcna 5:55 Looney Tunea 8:55 Woody Woodpecker 5:85 Ann Sothern Show S ^ FHm _ . 15:85 People Are Funny A tem- ■11:48 The Llvlag Werd Westera Mai*. Highlight# M Jack Paar Show 9:15 Captain Kangnree Cartoon Playhonae ' Starring Ann Southern, SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Art Llnkletter Is host. The per World’ s Best MortM Meet The Pre*» -. JJ porary se.cretary. hired whlle 12:55 Leve Of U fe Newg . 45 son talking to Art Llnklettor when 9:85 I Married Joah Trath or CeadeBBeBoee 7:85 Be Osr Oae*t. „ 2 In Coloi^ "M an With Million** Fisher Foens Three Mnaketeere ' Olive is on vacation, proves she Variety series, starring Keefe an alarni rings goto a chance to Bestles* Obb ____ 11:25 Feature 45 15:55 Bed Bowe Show 8:85 Weather NeWa A Bpertr »• has a way with a boss when her in t e r i o r PAINTS EXTERIOR Brasselle as iiost and « m c ^ visit any-place In the world. Link- 11:85 Jack P «a r Show , ' Oongh Bo Ml »*• Cnlifernlana ** unscrupulous tactics threaten 18:85 Boareh For T w e rM W letter triea to'determine whether DRY CLEANSERS. Inc. PICTtnUB ERAMES—ARTIST MATERIALS It Ooald Be Y * « . - Guests; P eggy King. 12:2MI News and Weather Hollywood's Beat 5:85 Almanac . ^ X Katy (5'Connor's lob. (R ). Mr. ^llantlne. comedlan-magl- a California or Florida beauty la 1:99« Headlines 826 BROAD ST.— Ml 9-1111 "Good News” . June Allys< Clnbhonte 2 Theater J». * Lave That Beb more observant: a boy tries to WP WALLPAPER, Efa, 18:48 The Geidlag Light News Peter Lnwford Modern Digeet - •” oration Spark" starring David 961 MAIN ST. TEL. MI 6-6M6 22 M pick out Rin •nn 'Hn from three 115:85 On The Go 5:85 Sportscope ^ ___ ,, . ne. A German major organ­ 1:55 My U ttle Maggie . Ward"Bond and Bobert Korttm'ctv German Shepherd dogs. (Repeat) Star Perfotmanoo „ Sizes Ax group of leaders to oasO^ Abeat FacM »• ' Not For Hire 5:45 Hews *' **' *5 star In "The Luke "K ookta” "The Returning" Dick PoweU New* nod Weo4hec * slnate Hitler before Germapy ta At Heme TTlth KHly An opera singer meets a long lost 15:45 Bphrts Corner * a aa Q. Does Edd Byrnes Play Your Hunch *j- 5:65 Sperte « completely, destroyed. (R epj^t). -Movie Matlae* „ love on the wagon train. 11:55 News. Weather A Sports I 8. 45 have any brothers?—^MoUy - 11:55 I Love Lucy ‘ Sports Camera , »• AdTentnres^.Jn Paradlao 8. 45. M "T h e Green Buddha . Big News The Price le Bight « rls Oonneetlrnt Beports " A. BSdd' has one brother who M 7:55 This la Alice J Movie *5 8:55 U. 8. Marshal . , . ^ 11:1* Feature Film _ ' , „ U:S5 Concentration »»• Myetery le My Baelaeee » "The Blue GOtdenla . Richard MONDAY Tlini FRIDAY lil5 A* Tbe World Taras 8*85 The Price - fa Bight 88 85 "P ortrait of Jennie. Jennner a medical student In Virginia.., J December Bride Conte. Anne Baxter. * W b * ^ F ob TraetT Jones. Joseph Colton Academy Playhonee Movie At 7. ^ '- I ! cldor—Bill Cullen 1* emcee Weather. Me« 8 15:55 Heanetaey x 2 News Mea Isle Snaee *• Film News of the Hoar aad Weather 85 Starring Jackie Cooper, An enter­ 9 A M . The Chrlstophero Starring William Lundigan. Tower MANiQHESTER U:4S The Living Wet4 Newe aad Weather *• tainer turned reluctant- sailor so 1'8S At Home With KHtP fiflSr'r^J^Tsraoro*-llure*Jilst before landing1,-ndlng putsPUto 12:88 Lfove Ot Life * People’s Chslee’" ^ " .disrupts Navy : routine that he rtS For Better Or For Were* .• crimp * •In . aa.the _ m€^rn.kGrat com m on OPTICAL STYLE BAR Trath or Ooaiedi«eaeoa xl. 7:U Dongla* Edward* A the New* M Qaeea Far A Day ULTRA FASHION B eitle ir Gan •• faces a bad conduct dlscharM un­ an astronaut bound for the moon M AIN ST.— Ml 8-1161 Weslera Mass. Highlighta til Hennessey iwrsuades him, to TEX PAVEL’S FUN SHOW Day la Ceart and Colonel McCauley HEARING GLASSES* 18:88 Search For Tomorrow New* change hts attitude. Bobby Dann Irt5 Heaee Party _ , . attempt a rescue mission although It Could Be You . « 7:85 Kate Smith Shew Leretla Tsaag Theater PROFESSIONAL HBARINO Loye That Bob! • Musical-variety series, starring guest stars. (R ). CARTOONS AND INTERESTING BITB the fate Of the crlpoled spaceship byQUALITONE “ ... • a._a.._r_g gm Steve Allen Show. 88. 85 Oale Storm Skew •and Its crew la unknown, 18:45 The Guiding Light » Kafe^ Smith and featuring 8:55 The M llllearire a i d SBRVICR and Color—Guests; Patrice M u^l, niale A Harriet M 1:55 Baee For Space Stegmeyer and hl» orcheatra: and Phil Harris and the Norad Band e o r t h e y o u n g p r y Veaag^ MaJea* 699 MAIN ST. 17 O A K ST. Cnrtooa Fnatlme a chonia conducted by * Harry BeatTheCtof* a Starring Oxxle and Harriet Nelron NEW . . . About Face* __ •• (An Army Band). Also Comedian • In "Taking Care of Hartford JA 6^2181 Slmeone. Gueat: Jule Styne. »ong Jonathan Winters. ' An Star PUykoBf* Ozzle's Wtten-slttlng job turns Into • Beauty At Home With Kitty writer.. •• •* Movie Matinee _ RlverboaA xx* ^u. 15:85 "Ted Mack A The Orlgloal • i85 Th* *VlSr* a wild chas*. .. Phdn* M l 3-6247 "Magic F7re* . Yvonne DeC Amatenr Hour” 8. IS FreoB Thee* Heeto Talf)« of iho VlklW „ „ JJ • PerfGrmancc Home appotatmentH— Color Darren McGavln star* In Entertainment by talented per­ OeaaectlCBt Baadstaad 9*99 Torrr Ma«l« HaU 22. it 1;16 Red Barber Shew "About Roger Mo-wbrav' . A new- Kathy Oodfrey Color—Final proCTam of cuire^^ • CGncealnbility by your taVltatloH. 1:85 Baseball . „ lyweddcd helreaa la told that her formers with viewers across th* COBURN jr^MIDDLEBROOK, I«c* country picking their lavorlteiuand • Wb* ^ V « TfBrtT 9^aoon. Guo»t: licl.oan, Yankees vs Washington huaband is a pretender who haa 4A5 Baager Aady 1:85 As The World Tnma mailing In their winning choice*. X, INVESTMENTS Btfir of new Western series married her for gain. (Repem ). TV Show With Juno Allyson 8. 55 o S S id y Newt • , Cbcyeaao •* Amerlcaa Bsadetaad "Tate.V Thl* It The Aaawer ^ Cllht Walker atari In ‘ Town of "The Edge of Fury," co-staixl^ MDL OBOROB B® JOHNSON JK®5 Tlin MlllUaaire June Allyson and Diui O Herllhy. Marta . . . With Marvin Miller. 1:85 At Home With Kilty ' F ear" (R ) Cheyenne Bodle triea msrxwwiiM'w A9^H EU FU L TRANSACTIONS HANDL E D _ _ To Be Announced FOR and BOX 8:55 Red Sox va Bnlllmere to break the tight grip a frue- Story concerns a troubled young 5 S % « > TOLISTED-jnJTU^ EUNDS Jnodel from the Midwest *" tineen Fo'i a Day T couple who experience a night of ON A LL paiCH. 4:95 Rdce Ot NIcM re M v to iflve « p hor laOTjnp '■ Iratcd and bitter rancher has on fantaatlc horror when they, be­ TEL. M l 6-1166 Adyeatare TNm* career she meets a man who ad- PYRENE'lind* C02 EIRE EXTINGUISHERS D ay.la Conrt * the townspeople. 4sW N e^s » W e ^ e r 8:85 Honae Parly ' ’ Brave SlalHea * come lost in a desert. (R). 628 MAIN STREET ALSO FOR REFILLING SERVICE Loretta Yenag Theater , * t:55 The Texim *• “ 11:5 Mews. ..Weather A Sporta j jg STORAGE Gale Storm Show Starring . Rory Calhoun, Bill 8:55.Yoaag Dr. Maloae 8 la)ngley, accepU . a cowpoke i Big News _ ’ 2 SCHIEBEL BROTHERS Brat The Clerk friendly challenge cto enter i News asd WofilhM >• 6 LARGE FLOORS OF FURNITURE All Star Playbenae horee race and winds up In pup: [1:15 Fealare Film ' . . . * b e a u t u t u l d i s p l a y s SINOB 1616 . 4 8:85 The Verdict la Yenre suit of two bahdlts who rOb the "M r. Hulot's Holiday" Jaeqnep piS-imiBOTORK From These Reete • race sponsor and kidnap tne Tati. Natalie Pascaud - ■ ^ PBOOTMt mOAD A H d C W m W B X W M * Kathy Godfrey Jnok Paar Show -. • 85 The LADD and HALL CO*/ Inc* m a m c h e s t e r cowboy’*' girl friend. WorM’o B«d Movloa 1 PHONE MX 6-2164—MOCMVItL*!, BNTBRPRXSH ^ RThe Do Yen TmstT 5:85 Father Knewi Boot 66 tmiOK fl. — ROCMVnXE 4:55 Ceinedy Playhenee 1 Starring Robert Young and Jane "Flying Leathemecka". 3«k« M l Feat Game . ^ , Wyatt. Bnroute to take imwlll- , Wayne, Robert Rpaa nLn6v6666 ^ Ameriraa Baadstand ing part In the ani»ual reunion of 11:85. FcaiaTo 48 JJ DRY CLEANERS Movie , . Margaret’s family, the Aitder- 11:85 ----- Jack P to t Wmw "Money (To Bara" Jamei son's -Far breaks ^ w n H te Wete .St.— Ml 3-72S* Lucille

[THURSDAY PRPW ^ Saying is EASl^ r,-'^ ^ . Ti« b m i MqOoraMV W J •_ "O ■rln* Walter Brennan. 'T — h e - <:W *Ua On V bIMi . •“‘city of’ Bhadowe. Vleio* rrt^ DlacoTery” C rm d i* and arid COT TtM -T«dU ■ ' , L " Elen aen/M___^j a financial w lntoll .DaiVenllr •< ttB Atr - When they the; dl* up a p ^ U to rlc WHBN yOlT , 1 t a £ W * Admlraf aad Swabhy Shew hone OnOB theirt property. (R) TitfTjm Cite* , “ HelT* OutiioBt." Hod Chmerod. The Michael* In Africa Featnre BANK BY MAIL 1:M Antericaa l«KeaO TeenivUle _ _ . . ' f! M. W Bnekfaet' Ttaie Bechy aad-Hl* rrioad* H (;M Bachelor Father ELECTRONICS UntcB Care* '"A Starring John Foray the •iM Bmp BiekatOa , Dich Powell’* Zaaa Oeey IheatM 8:1S CBptalB KBanBreo * White Hnate* . ■ Bank by Mail ia one o f many LftBORATORlES f;M feetn* fllae Baohlebcm Beand ■ "A Bill of Divorcement." Katb- With Dick Powelljaa services available when you erlne Hepbnrn, John BBrrymore. gCTi.lJ''-” ^ S fall." elarrln* Vdfi' Weather Bewe had Soefta > notorloua gunman U framedw save lU Dian Deuc Seheel • a bank-robbery, charge tmm^ 277 BROAD BeiBMrlbMH ^ H Haahant * a Tex Wvel’e ran Shew IS f AlmSBSC ately rollowinE hU releMe /Umaaao Daaca* la Hy Baalaeee U dHm il W . _ FftlT mM Boom o—wraaMBkmWf w a t* M The Savings • :M Ireeae* T m a Clabnoaee B Jacquelln Boyer, popular young • :U GaatalB KaaKaxM VrshoitarA ** oacqueiui t:M I ■an led Seaa 1 Baerlecope, New* • W e *th « S French singing »U r guect jlvyiRq TV? Radio? reeae _ . _ i Mew* 7 H . g Star ^ tH g b t U :M The Bed Bow* Shew > SpoHi Caateta SB WrestUag B a n k o f Dench Be HI •;M Maifchaaa B MJ> to bay wheio spe- HenTweeS’e B ^ " ' Starring R V *****“ A "The Bridge Wore Bed" joaa ifan n oom m SalidNiSalRburg." eWIota' eon tive yon Crawford. ITanChot Too* notorious racketeer, who i m M a n c h e s t e r — odVlee—iwa m oobi- U :M Oa The Q* T«f_ Id«W Win heat Four hoiDe for leas BemptuBo-m , lucardo's___ueirriiiuiww determined .*K*rta to * TEL Ml 3-0350 Taa PaToPa Fun I • iM wealhur. Raws sad Bpusta' land a_bij^,iuuneji«IfJriiy i^?**:*l Almaaae Dueuy her P.T.'iC'. benefit show. (R). or type of fBel • ;W Almaaae • ;M Whlta Hartur The Peadalam “ » iU Caatata Kaagaso* •:M j^lterte# Jeao Otabheaea t:M MevU . “ lirt Do Prove It! Seupa To Be Announced UtW BaSrVwArtuw t-.M Spartteepa Masaaerade Party *»• •• ^S. M. Paries 1* emcee. PsuMlsU d:4SM*ws _ „ are Pave Emerson. A u d r« Mea­ SoSlSraad’* Bert Maw*. Weather I H o w T h e y M e t j WHITING CORP. "Blossoms In The Dual dow.. Sam Levenson and Gsrsoo. Walter Pldgeoo d'-rt inprtsSparta Camera Bovrman. 254 BROAD St. U iM Oo Th* Oa ^ T:N iHa! rtt MiW The TwUlgfct Eea* t t * ’, - * Lschap ' . . Oreoa Bean stars ta ^ r . Bevl* >nM ixlddrt xlArt Reginald Bos*, of the cOTtrove^ dated a yrttr before they decided to- atal case of the fish peddler and Big Her ' S BertVCTjcj*^ • /g ttte rtoerodtOT'who. ... - u- —- aoumaem -were rttaSh^n^u^ convlct- n:et married in St. Charles' Church, | s | ^ g £ o m w n iB r t of a payroll murder and exe­ Maws a rt Weather W U :U Featt|te Film . . ( ..forth Hollywood. Ju^ 28, IJMK: IIBUVBBT cuted In 1»87. ^ r tW X »!«▼ *" "Strange Interlude . Norma They honeymooned at Carmel, HUI a rt Martin B«ta«™-. Shearer, Clark Gable, 'Callf. Pra^gglSttoB SMOIaUgto narsnaii. n t m t e n . «****—r Wh* Do Tow artt Jameson. Stuart Qensata. ^ a a k Ir^C^^avta. j Dick aaric’s wUe.is'M s Utics, OMoplete Babs aad t:M itaiwer M y . ttampanella, Dana Blear. Jemjy "Passage To. Harsetlle". Hi N. T., high school dream girl—the vomedy Playhoas* 3 and Carroll O’ ISSikw vrHl OOHDrtIfl ^ Oomec □romlnent roles, phrey Bogart. Ctaiide Rains.__ 'former Barbara M allo^. They Slek BeoBh Amerleaa Baadstaad ' ‘BaronessZMunavsa andonu theine Butter".i»uuc Wll- lEwvto tha From Blackhasra ^ , Ham Powell, Anna Bella. were married after he was gradu- 4 :M TIio EdgoOf Hlght i ated from Syracuse UMverdW ■■4 AdreataTo Hma Starring Robe^ Rockwell U :M Featare 4* ^ 9 - 4 5 4 1 4;n Movra aadjroalhat "T ria lb y ittM Jack Pant Show i«h^ a ipwfew \Mmjmdays beforewvAvav SSS9he startedoaaavwu a•» ssvwnew • :M Featare■'xraheraxv FDm« • * » • B w Loirtii a r t his employer, the IttW Mews A Weather ( announcing Job in PMladelphla, Pa. H St. MBBrttadter "Notorious Oentleman’ , Rex Bar- BlackhavricJSIACKIIMWK Insuranceinaunnica ^uisi|*«v*Company, t:|t-Newa 'Wedding date: June 28, 1962. YIY riaoa, UU Palmer defFndanU in an Indiana law* SiB K«ws HOW STRONG IS YOUR INVESTMENT PORTFOUO We trti that you might proSt by having one of present holiJinM appear to meet your personal John Mb Lanpen, Mir- expertenced'.tovestment spec^ists examine investment objectives, wo will teU you so. K and reappralsa-your pfesent pi^oUo. your portfoll6,^)reqMrea re-al^ininent,. wo win INSURORS ^ REALTORS r Our long experienoe and extenatve Research make epeclflo-suggrttlona 164 EAST CENtER STREET—Ml 9-5261 faculties are at your complete disposaL It your EDWARD W. KRABENICS, Manager. OPEN raURSDAY EVENINGS U N m 9:00 •IS MAIN 8T. t e l e p h o n e a n d SATURDAYS UNTIL NOON MANCHESTER S h e Arso n , H a m m ill 6 Ca Ml s-u n a n DjlDEPENDENT AGENT SERVES YOU BEST Msaiheis New Vert Start fschaao*

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