Dr. Jenn Mann is one of the most well recog nize d ps ychotherapi st s in the co untr y. Mos t known as the hos t and therapist fo r VH 1’s l ong standing hit shows Couples Ther apy wi th Dr. Je nn and Famil y Thera py wi th Dr. Je nn , she has appeared as a gu es t exper t on hun dreds of other shows incl udin g: The Toda y Sh ow, The Early Sh ow, D r. Oz, Wendy Wil liams ,

The Doc tor s, The Ma ury Sh ow, St eve Ha rvey, Ent ertai nme nt Tonight , Ac cess Hol lywood, The Inside r, and Jimmy Kimmel Li ve. Sh e has bee n a hos t and/o r ca st member on ma ny series in cludi ng Sh opa holic 911 (St yle), Pr etty Wi cked (Ox yge n), Propose or Die (NBC), Fami ly Forensics (A& E), and Ma rried By Ameri ca (Fox) .

Sh e is the author of multiple be st sel ling ad vice book s incl uding: The Rel ationship Fix: Dr. Je nn’s Guide to Impr oving Comm un ica tion, Conn ec tion & Int im acy, Su per Baby: 12 Ways to Gi ve Your Child a Head St art In the First 3 Years and The A to Z Guide to Rai si ng Ha pp y Confide nt Kids which have collec tivel y spe nt fiv e weeks on the bes t se ller list. Sh e is also the co- aut hor of the children’s book Rocki n’ Babies which she co-w rote w ith her mo ther, G rammy awa rd winn ing songwriter Cynt hia Weil. Her mo nt hly Dr. Je nn col umn was printed i n Los Angeles Fami ly Mag azine and nine other ma gaz ines and ran for over a de cade. Her wr it ing has won ma ny awa rds including The Mar ch of Dimes Comm un ity Awa rd, the Moli na Liter acy Awa rd, multip le Mo m’s hoice awa d s, th ple D Award i hildre ’s li d Choice awa rds, the Purple Drago n Award in child ren’s li tera cy, and multiple a wards from the Pa renting Publi cati ons of A meric a. Dr. Je nn spe nt fiv e yea rs hos ting her pop ular, five day a week, call-i n ad vice radio show The Dr. Je nn Show on Sirius XM. Prior to that she co- hos ted a nightly ca ll -in advice show c al led On the Couch with Bradle y Wri ght on St ar 98.7 (then Clear Channel, now iHea rt Radi o). Before that, she had a weekly call in show on KEY T News ca lled Ask Dr. Je nn where she spoke abo ut cur re nt event s and ga ve advice to ca llers. That show was l ive on KE YT tele vised news and si multaneo usly on the radio station. Dr. Je nn has hos ted spec ials and do ne fill-in hos ting on KFI, Pl ayboy Radio and Stars.

Dr. Je nn wro te her doc toral dissert ation on wei ght loss, ea ting diso rders, bod y ima ge and the use of int uitive ea ting. Sh e crea ted her po pular wei ght loss app “No More Di ets” ap plication, which is current ly avai lable on iPhone & iPad, on that di ss ert ati on. Sh e was pa rt of the USA Gymnas tics Tas kforce on the female tria d (ea ting disorde rs, ame norr hea and os teopo rosi s).

Dr. Je nn was an eli te le vel r hythmi c gymnas t. Sh e s pent fiv e years on the United St ates Na tional Team , fiv e years on the United St ates Na tional Team, compe ted int ernationally, pe rformed ex hibitions i n the 1984 Ol ympi c Games, and was the jun ior national ch ampi on, winn ing fiv e gold medals out of fiv e. I t was as an c ompe titor, that she started studying spor ts psycholog y t ec hn iques. Sh e l ater we nt on to do spo rts psycholog y co nsulting for USA Gymnas tics and now pr ovide s her serv ice s in pr iva te practice to people at all levels, f rom rec rea tional athletes to Ol ympic compe titors. Dr. Je nn spe nt years worki ng fo r The Los Angeles Commis si on on Assa ults Agai nst Wome n (LACAAW, now cal led Pea ce Over Viol ence) as a rape and domes ti c viol ence co un selo r and provided accompa nime nt s for rape surv ivors to hospi tal s and poli ce stations. Sh e trained hun dred s of wome n to pe rform hotline co un seli ng.

Dr. Je nn is a li censed Ma rri age, Famil y and Child Thera pist (L.M. F.T) and has bee n in priv ate practice i n Bever ly Hil ls fo r almos t three dec ades. Pri or to that she int erned at the Sout h Bay Cent er for Coun seli ng and l ater the Beverly Hil ls Comm un ity Cli nic where she l ater became the assist ant as soc iate direc tor .

Sh e li ves in Beverly Hil ls, Califor nia with her pa rtner, succe ss ful business man and tel evis ion per sonal ity, Eri c Schif fer and twin da ught ers, Quincy and Me ndez. They li ve near her Grammy aw ard winn ing parents, Barry Ma nn and Cynt hia Weil, who the Broad way show Bea ut if ul is based on.

Twi tter, Instagram, Facebook & Sn apc hat : @D rJe nn Ma nn Websi te: Doc torJe nn .co m DR. JENN MAN N


Hos t of VH1 Couples Therapy wi th Dr. Je nn (6 seaso ns)

Host of VH1 Family Therapy wi th Dr. Je nn

Hos t VH1 Couples Therapy wi th Dr. Je nn Reun ion (two pa rt spec ial, live audi ence)

Reg ula r on: Ac cess Holl ywood , The Ma ury Sh ow, The Ha rvey Sh ow, The Doc tors, The Inside r, Home & Family and others.

Reg ula r on the mor ning shows: The Tod ay Sh ow and The Early Sh ow

Appea red on hun dreds of tel evisi on shows as a psychologic al expe rt

Exper ienced tele visi on hos t, cast member and judge (Fox, NBC, A& E, Ox yge n, St yle)


Hos t of The D r. Je nn Sh ow, a national ca ll-in ad vic e show on Siri us XM on the St ars chann el . Sh ow ai red li ve two hours a day fiv e da ys a week and ran fo r fiv e years.

Hos t of radio spe cial s such as “ Dr. Je nn’s Val ent ine’s Day S pec ial” (KFI) and “ Break Up Bootcamp wi th Dr . Je nn” (Sir ius XM)

Reg ular gu es t on hun dred of shows, ma ny in top radio ma rke ts Hos ted On the Couch on Clear Chann el ’s St ar98.7 for two years

Hos ted Ask Dr. Je nn segme nt on KEY T for one yea r, show was si multaneo usly broad cas t on KEY T News tel evision


Aut hor of The Rel ationship Fix: Dr. Je nn’s 6- St ep Guide to Improving Comm un ication, Conn ec tion & Int imacy (Har dback 2016, St erl ing Publishing)

Aut hor of Su per Baby: 12 Ways to Gi ve Your Child a Head St art in the Fir st 3 Years (Pa per ba ck August 2011/Hardb ac k September 2010, St er ling Publi sh ing), Los Ange les Times bes t seller for three week s

Co- aut hor of the chil dre n’s book Rocki n’ Babies (Ma y 2011, St er ling Pu bli sh er s)

Aut hor of The A to Z G uide to Rai sing Ha ppy Confide nt Kids (April 2007, New World Library) Los Angeles Time s best seller li st

Print/Onli ne

Reg ular source for : USA Today, Eli te Dail y, Bu stl e, Cosmopoli tan Ma ga zi ne, US Weekl y, Me n’s Heal th, The Close r, Redbook, OK! Mag azi ne, Life & St yle, and others

Ad viso ry B oard Membe r fo r Pare nt s M agazine

Dr. Je nn col umn ran fo r 10 year in fiv e dif fer ent maga zines had o ver half a milli on reade rs Award

Ma rch of Dime s Comm un ity Awa rd (Novem ber 13, 2010)

Moli na Li teracy Award fo r work i n child developme nt and literacy (Oc tobe r 2010)

Mo m’s Choice Award in pare nt ing an d child developme nt (Gold medal i n 2011, Sil ver medal in 2007)

Wi nn er of The Purp le Drago n Fly Award in chil dren’s l iterature (Jun e 2011)

Pa re nt ing Public ati ons of Ameri ca award in p are nt ing and child developme nt fo r “Dr. Je nn” col umn

Member of the USA Rhythmic Gymnas tic Team 1982-198 6

Ne w Media

Doc torJen n.co m

Ac ti ve on Twi tter, Facebook, Instagra m and Sn apchat

No Mo re Di ets app for i Pad and i Phone, Andr oid

Educa tion

Doc toral degree (Psy.D.) in Clin ic al Ps ycholog y wi th a spe ci alty in ma rria ge, famil y and ch il d ps ycholog y fr om The Chica go School (formerly Cal ifor nia Graduate Institut e), 200 1

Mas ters of Arts (M.A.) degree i n Cli nical Psycholog y fr om Ant ioc h Univer sity, 199 4

Bac helo r of Ar ts deg ree (B.A.) in Ma ss Comm un ica tions with a spec ia lty in tel evision and p rint journali sm, 199 1 Licenses & Certifications

Ma rriage and Family Therapi st , l ice nsed b y the Boa rd of Behavio r, 1997- now

Cer tified hypnothera pist, cer tifi ed by Transper sonal Psycholog y Resear ch and Educa tion, 199 5

Certified cris is coun sel or, ce rtified by Los Angeles Commiss ion on Ass aults Ag ainst Wome n (now known at Peace O ver Viol ence)

Cli nical Experience

Pr ivate Practic e, 1998 - P rese nt Sout h Bay Cent er for Coun seli ng, 1993 - 199 4 Beverly Hil ls Comm un ity Cli ni c, 1994 - 199 8 Los Angeles Commissi on on Assa ults Agai nst Wome n, 1991 – 199 3

Representativ es

TV= ICM- Tyler Kroo s (310) 550-4 264 + Matt Sorge r (212) 556- 5651 Radio= Workhouse Media- Pa ul Ande rson (206) 352-3 200 Lit= Mann Age nc y- Carol Mann (212) 206-5 635 Att orney= Mil okn ay Weiner- Jo e Weiner (323) 935-3 400