THE MAGAZINE for Renewable Energies ISSN 1861-2741 74714 € 12.00 • International issue

4/2015 The wind ediTion

isWinterCOLD comingCLIMATE

EGYPT Wind potential vs. political instability

EWEA ANNUAL EVENT Bienvenue à Paris

PROJECT DEVELOPMENT It’s all about the planning Always aim high EWEA 2015 Annual Event

I’m going, are you?


Turbine technologies Environmental impacts & acceptance Supply chain O&M & logistics Market development Finance Integrating Resource assessment Health & safety


210x297-EWEA2015-LEAFLET-CONFERENCE.indd 1 05/10/15 15:43 Editorial

What it’s all about

enewable energies have changed the ­companies, are powerfully pushing onto the world. Wind power is an excellent ex- ­African market. The business model is simple; ample to illustrate this point. If we think construction of the reactors, including their Rourselves back 200 years, we can see tens of ­financing and long-term uranium supply con- Dr. Volker Buddensiek thousands of small across Europe tracts, against minimum prices and uptake Editor-in-chief harnessing the power of the wind. With the ad- guaranteed by the state over running times of [email protected] vent of electricity came a very long process of up to 60 years. displacement, as a few large mills powered by That the nuclear route of the African states electricity from coal-fired power stations took will lead to a cul-de-sac, and that running times over from the decentralised use of wind power. of up to 60 years are linked to unforeseeable Later, nuclear power plants replaced a large risks, does not need to be further stressed number of coal-fired plants – only to then be here. But what is remarkable is the relaxed put under pressure themselves from an expan- ­nature with which the western countries are sion in wind and solar power. ­observing this development. Instead of moving Thus we have arrived back in the present. at full power towards developing ecologically The steady expansion of wind and solar farms and economically sensible decentralised ener- is meanwhile pushing ever-more renewably gy supplies in order to be able to offer the generated electricity into the domain of the ­African governments an attractive alternative to coal-fired and nuclear power plants. “Ever- the nuclear trap, they are losing themselves in more” is to be taken literally here; in Europe, the details of support models, expansion caps 13 gigawatts of wind power capacity were add- and the setting up of bureaucratic hurdles. ed last year alone. If the experts from “Make” This is a wrong climate policy, economically in Denmark are right, then the increase in wind blind and stupid in terms of security. Will the power in Europe will amount to 144 gigawatts in world really wait until Boko Haram in Nigeria the ten years up to 2024 – this equates to the takes control of the first of four planned nuclear installed capacity of 96 of the currently most power plants? Or will it decide it would much powerful nuclear power plants on the grid. rather see a built there instead? But there is a catch. The world has become Renewable energies can change the world “smaller” and the markets for technology have and make it a safer place. This is what it’s all become global. This is also true for nuclear about! power. While it is becoming increasingly unlike- ly that new nuclear power plants will join the grid in Europe, given the rising safety require- ments and the expectation of public protests, the companies which build these plants have long since identified new markets.T he result is PS: Our plan to establish a platform for the not a soothing one. European with the Wind Africa has been selected by the companies Edition of SUN & WIND ENERGY has not been as a huge sales market for nuclear power as successful as desired. We have been plants. If the reports on letters of intent and praised for our content – but praise alone contracts are true, then up to 40 new nuclear does not put food on the plate. This is there- plants are being planned in Africa. The list of fore the final issue of the Wind Edition. We countries planning an expansion of nuclear shall, of course, still maintain our links to power does not encourage you to lie back reas- wind power – with our magazine OFFSHORE sured: Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Kenya, Uganda, WIND INDUSTRY and the German publication Angola, Nigeria – just to name a few. SONNE WIND & WÄRME. And we shall contin- Especially the Russian reactor constructor ue to believe in the potential of wind power. Rosatom, but also Chinese nuclear power

Wind Edition 3 Powered by · Issue 2015 · No. 02 · € 24


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THE MAGAZINE for Renewable Energies ISSN 1861-2741 74714

€ 12.00 • International issue

4/2015 Cold Climate: The wind edi Tion Hot on the trail of ice

Ice detection systems for the rotor blades of wind turbines are gaining traction. They are designed to prevent WinterCOLD CLIMATE equipment running with thick sheets of is coming ice and unbalanced blades or endanger- EGYPT Wind potential vs. ing people and the environment with political instability

fl ying chunks of ice. EWEA ANNUAL EVENT Bienvenue à Paris

Page 18 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT It’s all about the planning Photo: LM Wind Power Wind LM Photo:

Project development: It’s all about the planning

The development, construction and operation of a wind farm involves the collaboration of a multitude of companies from diff erent industries. The logistical challenges alone are highly complex and require much more than just a fl ipchart. Professional planning tools not only make the work of the planning specialists easier – without them it would be almost impossible.

Page 22 Fotolia Photo:

REVIEW EWEA Annual Event:  Facts & Figures Bienvenue à Paris  Products  Egypt: Wind potential Two weeks before the UN climate vs. political instability conference and three months after the announcement of a French energy SPOTLIGHT transition, the wind power sector is  EWEA Annual Event: meeting in Paris for its annual EWEA Bienvenue à Paris event. Page  WIND ENERGY  Operations management: Photo: EWEA Girl Friday  Cold Climate: Egypt: Wind potential vs. Hot on the trail of ice political instability  Project development: It’s all about the planning Egypt off ers signifi cant future opportu-  CMS & Sensors: nities for investment in renewable The advance of automated systems energy. Wind energy is particularly attractive due to constant winds. DEPARTMENT Siemens and Gamesa have already  Imprint recognised this.  Directory  International events Page 8

Photo: Thomas Isenburg


Analysts and market researchers produce a vast number of studies on how the diff erent sectors of renewable energies have developed both globally or in selected countries. They send out their own projections on how markets for all kinds of renewable energies facts & are set to develop. Facts and fi gures come into our mailbox in an endless stream hard to overlook. SUN & WIND ENERGY has selected several interesting ones and presents you figures our new Facts & Figures section. World’s biggest manufacturers in numbers . . . MING YANG WIND Founded  Founded  Founded  Headquarters Aarhus, Denmark Headquarters Aurich, Germany Headquarters Zhongshan, China CEO Anders Runevad CEO Aloys Wobben CEO Zhang Chuanwei GWTMS   . % GWTMS   . % GWTMS   . % (Global Wind Turbine Market Share  ) Revenue € . billion Revenue € billion Revenue   € . billion Employees , Employees ,  Employees , . . ENVISION ENERGY . SIEMENS WIND POWER Founded  Founded  Founded  Headquarters Puna, India Headquarters Shanghai, China Headquarters Hamburg, Germany CEO Tulsi Tanti CEO Zhang Lei CEO Markus Tacke GWTMS   . % GWTMS   . % GWTMS   . % Revenue € . billion Revenue € . billion Revenue   € . billion Employees , Employees  Employees , Data Source: IQPC, . GUODIAN UNITED POWER A Wind Energy IQ Top  Report . Founded  Founded  Headquarters Beij ing, China Headquarters Urumqi, China CEO Zhu Yongpeng Global wind turbine market share  (%) CEO Wu Gang GWTMS   . % GWTMS    % Revenue € . billion . Vestas Vestas Revenue € . billion Employees , Siemens Siemens Employees , Goldwind . . Goldwind . GAMESA GE Wind EnergyGE Wind Energy Founded  Enercon . GE WIND ENERGY Enercon Founded  Headquarters Zamudio, Spain Suzlon . Suzlon Headquarters Fairfi eld, U.S. CEO Ignacio Martin Guodian Guodian CEO Steve Bolze GWTMS   . % Gamesa . Gamesa GWTMS   . % Revenue € . billion . Mingyang Mingyang Revenue € . billion Employees , . Envision . Envision Employees , . others . . others

Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index USA China India Germany Brazil Chile UK Australia Mexico Ireland

Key index movements index Key () = Previous ranking

Mixed economic fortunes and a diverse energy policy landscape have prompted a major reshuffl e in the September issue of the Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI). The U.S. is regaining the top spot over China and India overtaking Germany to claim third place. The UK’s fall to th place represents its lowest ranking to date following a series of adverse policy announcements, while Latin America’s hottest markets — Brazil and Chile — have cemented their position in the top . Source: EY, Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index, September  

 Sun & Wind Energy / PRODUCTS

Vestas introduces new  MW turbine THE WIND EDITION IMPRINT Publishing company: Vestas unveiled its newest  MW turbine BVA Bielefelder Verlag GmbH & Co. KG at the Husum Wind  trade fair. The Richard Kaselowsky V-. MW turbine increases energy Niederwall 53, 33602 Bielefeld, Germany output and reduces both levelised cost of Publisher: energy and sound emissions in low-wind Prof. Dr. Bernhard von Schubert conditions, says Vestas. Editors: Dr. Volker Buddensiek (responsible), The V-. MW turbine is the newest E-mail: [email protected] variant of the established  MW platform. It Katharina Garus, Phone: +49/221/25 87 309, combines Vestas’ largest onshore rotor dia- E-mail: [email protected] meter, the Vestas-patented Large Diameter Silke Funke, Phone: +49/521/59 55 69, E-mail: [email protected] Steel Tower technology, and Vestas’ most Tanja Peschel, Phone: +49/521/59 55 02, advanced blade design to-date. The new E-mail: [email protected] turbine is expected to increase annual ener- Freelance authors: gy production by more than  % compared Vestas plans to start the serial production Germana Canzi, Jörn Iken, to the V-. MW, while at the same time of the V-. MW turbine in  . Detlef Koenemann, Torsten Thomas Photo: Vestas decreasing sound emission levels. Advertising: “Combining advanced technology and UK and German contact: the proven performance of the  MW plat- comprise an increasingly important mar- Martin Haase, Phone: +49/521/59 55 90, form enables the V-. MW to reduce ket segment in some countries.” E-mail: [email protected] International contact: the cost of energy even further,” says The fi rst V-. MW turbine is Katharina Vötter, Phone: +49/521/59 55 81, Anders Vedel, Executive Vice President expected to be installed at the Østerild E-mail: [email protected] and Chief Technology Offi cer. “The bigger National Test Centre for Large Turbines in German contact: rotor, taller tower, and advanced aerofoil north western Denmark during . It is Christine Michalsky, Phone: +49/521/59 55 25, E-mail: [email protected] blade design make this new turbine expected to be ready for serial production variant ideal for low-wind sites, which in the second half of . Advertising sales China: Sven Tetzlaff Phone: +86/13777476258, Fax: +86/571/87044210 DNV GL certifi es inverter from ABB Switzerland E-mail: [email protected] Advertising sales Italy: DNV GL has awarded a component certifi cate entire certifi cation process for new wind tur- Quaini Pubblicità, Graziella Quaini to ABB Switzerland for its latest generation of bines from diff erent manufacturers. They only Phone: +39/02/39216180; Fax: + 39/02/39217082 frequency inverters. ABB Switzerland devel- need to document the fact that their wind E-mail: [email protected] oped the medium-voltage inverter PCS  turbines are equipped with this inverter. Advertising sales USA: specifi cally for off shore wind turbines. With “The certifi cate is proof of the quality of Avani Media, Inc., Leslie Hallanan capacities up to  MW, it can accommodate the PCS , including its manufacturing Phone: +1/415/3312150, Fax: + 1/415/3312151 E-mail: [email protected] future developments. process and product documentation,” says The component certifi cation confi rms that Stephan Ebner, Head of Product Management Customer Service: Phone: +49/221/25 87 173, the frequency inverter complies with the appli- and Quality at ABB Switzerland. “It gives our Fax: +49/221/25 87 249 cable guidelines for off shore wind turbines and customers the certainty that our component E-mail: [email protected] that it fulfi ls all requirements regarding safety, satisfi es all applicable technical requirements Layout: function and quality, making it suitable for use and standards worldwide. It also facilitates Bernd Schulte zur Wissen, Virginie Béclu, in wind turbines at off shore sites. In addition, and accelerates the certifi cation and develop- DSV Deutscher Sportverlag GmbH, Cologne, Germany the certifi cate simplifi es and accelerates the ment of new wind turbines.” Print: Dierichs Druck + Media GmbH & Co. KG, Frankfurter Str. 168, 34121 Kassel, Germany

SUN & WIND ENERGY is an independent journal published ten times a year with six S&WE Solar Editions and four S&WE Wind Editions. Subscrip- tion costs for printed edition € 128 per year, (incl. postage), e-paper edition € 51. Period of cancellation: six weeks before the end of the respective subscription period. Otherwise the subscription will automatically be extended by another year. Material in this publication may not be reproduced, reprinted or stored in any form without the publisher’s written permission. Websites:

The PCS  inverter from ABB is designed for large wind turbines and now also certifi ed for off shore use. Photo: ABB

Sonne Wind & Wärme 1/2008 7 Wind Edition REVIEW EGYPT Wind potential vs. political instability Egypt off ers signifi cant future opportunities for investment in renewable energy. Wind energy is particularly attractive due to constant winds. Siemens and Gamesa have already recognised this.

The turbines at the wind farm are driven by a constant northeasterly wind. They are also regularly put to the test by sandstorms. Photos (2): Thomas Isenburg

8 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2015 gypt has a long history in renewable energies. best locations for wind energy. Proof of this can be The first solar power plant was built there as found in Gabal El Zayt, an area 120 kilometres north of ­early as 1913. During the 1970s, the country on the tourist town Hurghada on the Gulf of Suez. A theE Nile built the Aswan Dam with help from the ­Soviet ­hundred wind turbines made by the Spanish company ­Union. There was a time when its hydroelectric Gamesa are installed there at a wind farm that was ­turbines provided 50 % of the country’s electrical funded by the German government and the European energy ­requirements. The turbines are currently being Union. The wind farm is to be expanded to 200 MW. ­refurbished, and when the work is complete, they will This is where the manager in charge of the opera- then cover 7 to 8 % of the base load of the largest tion of the wind farm, José María Jimeno Pascual, has ­economy in the MENA­ region. his workplace. His team consists of approximately 70 However, the political situation in the country is people, 10 of which are from Spain. When asked what complex, and this even gives experts on the region the work entails, the manager provided the following pause for thought. Egypt is ruled by a General: Abdel statement: “The most important factor here is intercul- Fattah el-Sisi. After four turbulent years that saw the tural communication.” The Egyptians are strongly influ- ­Arab Spring, the reign of the Muslim Brotherhood, the enced by their religion, and their spiritual values need military coup and subsequent elections, he now has the to be integrated into the work process. This functions support of the majority of Egyptians. They want peace, very well because the men who collaborate with the security and impetus for their desolate economy. A sig- Spaniards are well-trained, highly motivated and very nificant military and police presence on the streets is interested in their work. The electrical engineer from intended to help ensure this. near Madrid had this to say about the factors that make the Spanish company successful: “Spaniards have a Siemens sees its opportunity special understanding for Arab culture. This goes back to the time when Moors lived in our country.” The situation in the field of renewable energy is more Nevertheless, the construction schedule of the straightforward. Siemens AG in Munich has recognised Gamesa wind farm had to be extended to two and a half this fact. When Egyptian President Sisi visited Germany years due to the unrest that lasted one year. Personnel in June of this year, a business deal worth more than had to be evacuated several times for safety reasons. € 8 billion euros was signed at the German Federal Gamesa has been in Egypt since 2004. The Spanish ­Ministry of Economics. In addition to other power plant company is the market leader there. Its first two wind technologies, the deal includes twelve wind farms as farms were in Zafarana, further north on the Gulf of well as a rotor blade factory. The factory will create ­Suez. Approximately 80 % of the wind turbines in- 1,000 jobs at some point in the future. stalled in Egypt are from Spain. The Spanish company When asked about the situation for wind power in has positive expectations for the market thanks to the Egypt, Emad Ghaly, Head of Wind Power in the Middle framework conditions provided by the government. East and Country Division Lead at Siemens Egypt had Sebastian Lesch at the German Embassy sees good this to say: “In the field of wind power, we have a con- future opportunities for investing in renewable energy tract for wind turbines with a total capacity of 2 GW. in Egypt. Soon there will be more than 100 million The Spanish company Gamesa This is why we needed to build a rotor blade factory.” ­people in the country. Just two summers ago, there is the current market leader The ­technology is new for the entire Middle East. The were ­extended power outages. The Egyptian govern- in Egypt. According to the project is currently in the planning phase and is ment wants to solve this unpleasant problem. For this Spaniards, one reason for this ­scheduled to be completed in 2017, according to the reason, a feed-in tariff has been implemented that is their intercultural commu- Siemens manager based in Cairo.­ ­German ­experts had a significant role in developing. nication, which functions very The German government has been funding wind ­According to the head of the German-Egyptian develop- well. The picture shows José power projects with inexpensive loans through the KfW ment cooperation, it will enable public as well as private María Jimeno Pascual with Bank for several years now. The person in charge of co- investors to feed renewable energy into the grid. his Arabic employee Walaa ordinating this locally is Rawya Elshazly. The young Thomas Isenburg Moaaz. woman studied energy economics in Kassel as well as Cairo. She said: “To date, wind turbines with a total ca- pacity of 750 MW have been installed. The German FC (Financial Cooperation) helped to finance 350 MW of this. In 2022, 20 % of Egypt’s energy requirements are to be covered using renewable sources. Wind turbines with a total capacity of 7,000 MW need to be installed by then.” The 4 GW of capacity tendered under the new feed-in tariff are already oversubscribed 2.5 times. “This is clear evidence of the substantial interest as well as the good conditions,” Elshazly said.

Gamesa already has experience Thanks to constant northwesterly winds, the west coast of the Red Sea is considered to be one of the world’s


SPOTLIGHT Bienvenue à

Two weeks before the UN Parisclimate conference and three months after the announcement of a French energy transition, the wind power sector is meeting in Paris for its annual EWEA event.

ven though the EWEA Annual Event is supposed Annual Event 2015 is certain to set a special mark. This to be a meeting of the European wind power is even more so given that France has just taken a sector, the venue has long been in the diaries of historic step away from its dependency on nuclear playersE all around the world. Over 8,000 participants power, and visitors will surely be keen to fi nd out how from 80 countries travelled to the event in Barcelona La Grande Nation aims to set out its energy transition. last year. For the 2015 sector meeting in Paris the asso- ciation as organiser is still holding back on forecasts, Science and applications but with a diverse conference programme and an “ accompanying exhibition” which has long since The organiser has announced a signifi cant change to become an independent pillar of the event, the EWEA the conference concept this year. The previous

10 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2015 30 MINUTE Paris is always good for a visit. BLADE REPAIRS ­Especially when the whole ­European wind industry meets in the French capital as well. Photo: dpa

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Call us today to find out how we can work with EWEA Annual Event 2015 you. Sika – Locally, Globally • Date: 17th-20th November 2015 · Phone: +41 58 436 52 87 • Venue: Pavilion 1, Paris expo Porte de Versailles, 1 place de la Porte de Versailles, 75015 Paris • Opening times: 9:00 – 18:30 (Friday until 14:30) • Travel: 70 min by public transport from Charles de Gaulle Airport, 45 min by taxi; From Orly Airport approx. 60 minutes by public transport, 25 minutes by taxi; From Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est 20 minutes by taxi, 15 minutes from Gare de Lyon; Travelling by car, access to parking areas via Rue ­Oradour-sur-Glane • Travelling by public transport: Metro line 12 to Porte de Vincennes, Tram 3a to Porte de Versailles, ­Buses 39, 40 and 80 to Porte de Versailles


“The EWEA Annual Event has converted into an international platform over the years, that allows its participants to effi ciently network at the highest corporate levels, making it a primary event for us to attend.” Alessandro Bracco, Senior Specialist Market Intelligence, Vestas separation of scientifi c presentations and those from industry is not being continued. Each of the sessions “As the leading European wind sector gathering, the will contain both presentations from the academic world and from companies. This provides the expec- EWEA conference and exhibition is a highly effi cient tation of interesting discussions as scientists face and enjoyable way of maintaining existing business questions from the practitioners and industry repre- sentatives are quizzed in detail by the researchers. contacts and making new ones.” Perhaps one or more joint research and development David Jones, Managing Director – Head of Renewable Energy, projects may even come out of this at the end. For the individual visitor remains the question: Allianz Capital Partners GmbH what shall I take a look at? The EWEA 2015 is off ering no fewer than 36 sessions under the 9 main topics of Tur- bine Technologies, Environmental Impacts & Accept- “The EWEA  Annual Event is a signifi cant platform ance, Supply Chain, O&M & Logistics, Market Develop- for ABB this year as wind industry leaders are expected ment, Finance, Resource Assessment, Integrating Wind Power and lastly Health & Safety. to convey strong messages to the framework of But occasions such as the EWEA Annual Event are COP.” Alfredo Parres, Group Senior Vice President – also important opportunities for networking. This also needs to be well planned despite the necessary open- Head of Wind Sector Intiative at ABB Group ness towards making new contacts. The fi rst appoint-

Visitor’s opinions Visitor’s ment for busy networkers is thus without doubt the

12 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2015 SPOTLIGHT

At the Annual Event 2015, the EWEA wishes to move away from separating theory and practice in the conference programme for the fi rst time. Photo: EWEA opening reception in the evening of the fi rst day of the EWEA members can fi nally also look forward to a exhibition. From 18:30 onwards, anyone not already ex- very special occasion. On the eve of the event, on 16th hausted from presentations and visiting stands will be November from 18:30 – 21:00, there is a members’ re- meeting in the pavillion of the French wind power in- ception at the Palais Brongniart (28 Place de la Bourse) dustry “Windustry France” to refresh existing contacts – the former Paris stock exchange, which was built in and make new ones. 1807 at the behest of Napoleon Bonaparte and is con- A lot of money is involved at a side event on 19th sidered an architectural masterpiece. November from 14:30-16:00. NER300 is one of the fi - Volker Buddensiek nancially strongest European funding programmes for low-carbon energy demonstration projects at a com- mercial scale within the EU. The funds for this come from emissions trading revenues. The programme has approximately € 2.1 billion available and is supporting Visit us at EWEA in Paris 39 projects in 20 EU countries. The event will not only 17. – 20. November 2015 present currently running projects such as fl oating Booth: F13 off shore turbines but will especially look at what oppor- tunities can come of this for wind power.

First time in Paris? There’s no need to feel lost in the French capital if it’s your fi rst time there, or even if you’re a returning visitor. EFOY Pro fuel cells EWEA’s partners VIPARIS and Le Monde have created a Reliable off-grid energy for wind measurement and aviation lights wonderful microsite showcasing the best places Paris has to off er. Scann the QR code or visit the homepage bellow to begin discovering the hidden gems in the city of light! 100 % reliable Long autonomy, maintenance-free

Reduction of operation costs

Anz_EFOY_Pro_030815_fin_EN.indd 1 09.09.15 11:58 Wind Edition 13 Wind EnErgy OpEratiOns managEmEnt

Girl Friday

good operations managers are worth their weight that operators will change service providers, even after the full-maintenance period expires. “Operators often in gold. Especially when they stand by service stick with their manufacturers. they don’t switch sup- pliers or the contract structure,” says renato Lasarov, personnel as independent oversight. some CEO of WEas Windenergieanlagen service gmbH. He operators toy with the idea of eliminating this specialises in Vestas turbines and, in addition to inde- pendent service, off ers operations management. “many position, particularly when a full-maintenance operators would certainly fare better with basic agree- ments than with full-maintenance contracts. instead, contract is in place. not a good idea, because all- the manufacturers pay themselves very handsomely for inclusive is not necessarily all it’s cracked up to be. their work and then award maintenance contracts to in- expensive subcontractors,” he says. Full-maintenance contracts do not sit well with some experts because, by shifting the risks to the full-maintenance contract is an all-round, manufacturer, they often lack transparency. Without an trouble- free package for the operator. the independent operations manager, only the provider is turbine manufacturer or even an independent privy to knowledge about the nature and extent of the maintenanceA company contractually guarantees a fi xed maintenance off ered. nevertheless, providers of these technical availability of the wind turbines, as well as full-maintenance contracts charge between € 50,000 assuming full responsibility for performing any work. and € 100,000 a year for each turbine. that is a tidy sum, the operator can kick back, relax, and watch the money which from the perspective of the provider at least, roll in. at least that is what the purveyors of such should not be completely eaten up by maintenance. maintenance contracts often would like their potential customers to believe. Fastidious contract review at the same time, full-maintenance contracts ap- pear to be a lucrative business, for those who off er the agreements – some skilfully negotiated, others them as well. One reason for this is the low likelihood less so – are all about margin. repower Wind is an

14 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2015 example. the swiss energy supplier had acquired two Good business new wind farms from a project development company, operations yield the including agreements. in the agreements, two-year op- maximum revenue erator guarantees for major components were negotiat- from wind turbines. ed. But at the same time, the manufacturer had negoti- photo: martini ated a fi ve-year warranty with its suppliers. thus, the risk of turbine failures in the fi rst fi ve years remained with the suppliers, while the margin from the full-main- tenance contract went into the pockets of the turbine builder. “From the perspective of the manufacturers, these are good agreements. Essentially, operators pay for the major components themselves, even though their re- placement is part of the full service contract. if you ex- trapolate that to include all new wind turbines, the pot fi lls up pretty quickly,” complains markus Claudius romberg, CEO of repower Wind. the deal caught the eye of the independent operations management because the risks shifted in the sixth year to the manufacturer and the full-maintenance contract was subject to a major price jump. in this case, the operator would have to build up provisions for bad times by making hefty payments in advance. “good operations managers are simply worth their weight in gold,”says romberg. it never hurts to include a savvy operations manager in the contract negotiations to suss out the pitfalls. after all, investors often overlook drawbacks, because

Wind Edition

Ostwind Betriebsführung Anzeige Sun&Wind 71x297_d zw Englisch.indd 1 14.10.2015 14:33:45 Wind Energy Operations management

When Swiss energy supplier they like the sound of all-inclusive, trouble-free head of technical inspection and condition-oriented Repower bought the two ­packages with their fixed costs. ButM atthias Petzsch of testing at Deutsche WindGuard GmbH. ­German wind farms Lübbenau HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG is ­increasingly These departments go into action securing claims (see photo) and Prettin, the seeing restrictions and limitations on the part of manu- when warranties or full maintenance contracts expire. service contracts were scruti- facturers. These include limitations on liability and By then, at the latest, it can be determined just how nised as well. Photo: Repower guaranteed technical availability. This may be restrict- good the service actually was, as seen from the ed to an annual sum, the entire term of a contract, or to ­subjective view of the evaluators. “There are turbines a certain percentage of subsidies. People good at maths that are in poor condition because only the work that can see that this can result in serious losses because was absolutely necessary for their operation was ­individual turbines can stand idle for weeks or months ­carried out. Maintenance always depends on the without compensation. ­service teams, their motivation and operations “There are always competitors that offer better ­management,” says Wallasch. deals. The question is whether operators are willing to At the same time, when a contract comes to an end, take greater risks for higher yields, and are willing to technical documentation is a prerequisite to any switch providers,” says Malte Mehrtens, Technical change. After all, a new provider wants to know the ­Director of Energy Consult GmbH. The service provider risks and the status of the turbines. “These inspections manages 730 wind turbines and is responsible for at the end of the contract period are essential,” says both technical and commercial ­operations manage- Laurits Hamm of 8.2 Engineering Partners Obst & ment. Such fleets indeed have advantages for smaller ­Ziehmann. Like WindGuard he has no statistics, but he operators, because in big portfolios there is a lot of does have impressions from his practice. “There are room for optimisation. “It enables the negotiation of 15-year-old turbines that still preform well. Never­ better terms in new service contracts and insurance theless, the equipment may be broken or worn out and packages. There is big money for operators in direct there are components that are not directly related to marketing, for instance, because large portfolios are performance. With old plants, we are seeing a trend of very attractive for electricity traders,” says Mehrtens. compensation payments taking the place of the neces- sary replacement of components. That would of course Worn-out technology be bad in terms of continued operation,” he says. The independent maintenance engineers like those Particularly with full-maintenance contracts, inde- at Greenbridge Solutions GmbH want to do better by in- pendent operations managers have much to offer tegrating complete maintenance into the operations beyond serving an important control function and management at no extra cost. They want to compensate providing more transparency. Ultimately, there are for the lack of a control function by offering work to a areas that are not covered per se by agreements. higher standard. “We carry the liability for both compo- “This is true for instance when it comes to settling nents and availability and for that offer only a single compensation in the event of forced shutdowns by clear contract. We therefore have a significant interest the network operator or settling claims with insur- in maintaining functioning equipment,” says Philipp ance companies,” says Jan Wallasch. Wallasch is the Hetz, CEO of Greenbridge. Torsten Thomas

16 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2015 Advertorial VORTEX ENERGY INTERVIEW “TCM providers and traders must work closely together”

Dr. Florian Leuthold, COO of vortex energy, about the changing conditions for the technical and commercial management of renewable energy plants in Germany and in Poland.

What are the main challenges to technical and Leuthold: In Germany and if the contract structure is commercial management providers (TCM providers) well established, we believe that an incentive com- resulting from new market structures? patibility can be reasonably achieved. In Poland, the Dr. Florian Leuthold: It is important to understand picture is rather unclear. The independent players Dr. Florian Leuthold, COO of that the TCM provider in a general sense performs all offer contracts that include incentive based pricing vortex energy Holding AG obligations reasonably related to the operation of a mechanisms. Regarding the state-owned players, we renewable power plant, particularly obligations that have not yet experienced an open misconduct but an the investor has. incentive to minimize the cost for the investor of Reading out these tasks, it should become obvious renewable facilities is also not in place. Altogether, that it is the TCM provider that has the obligation to the costs for renewable investors are higher than in manage the renewable power plant effi ciently and Germany. It will be interesting to see what is going to sustainably such that the investor receives the maxi- happen under the new auction scheme in Poland. mum return from its investment. The early focus used to be on the improvement of technical reliabili- When management providers and energy traders ty and increasing the production availability. While become partners, why then not unite into one the current focus is more on economic effi ciency company to offer the entire scope of benefi ts? and, thus, emphasizes market based approaches to Leuthold: We think the merger of trading houses and the sales of the produced renewable energy. In one TCM providers is one possible option. However, it is sentence, we would argue that the main challenge is more likely that the cooperation between commercial that TCM providers are required to interlink deeper management and trading will increase while the with energy traders. They must work closely together and fi nd optimization potentials which might also require software-based systems.

What are prerequisites to turn the energy trader into a partner of the management provider? Leuthold: vortex energy is active in Germany as well as in Poland. The prerequisites are rather different. In Germany, the service of marketing the produced renewable energy (“Direktvermarktung”) is offered by a number of players reaching from large utilities to niche providers. The market appears to be com- petitive and the prices decreased over the last years. In this environment, we experienced the willingness The management of oper at ing of some traders to defi ne customized products to- technical management will still be dominated by wind farms is an important gether. In the Polish market, the picture is different. technical issues. Hence, the economies of scope are part of vortex energy’s The Polish market is dominated by large players of there but limited to a certain extent. business. which some are state-owned. Also, the energy utili- Actually, vortex energy does offer that kind of service ties are still able to enforce some rigorous rules that in Poland where we have received a concession as give the investor of renewable power plants a hard energy trader at the beginning of 2015. We believe time. Here the attitude is more like ‘sink or swim’. that the Polish market needs additional players to New players are needed. withstand the large and often state-owned trading Contact: vortex energy Deutschland GmbH companies. In Germany, we do not see this need at Obere Königsstr. 30 Given that energy traders often are large, sometimes the moment. Also, one should not forget that the ap- 34117 Kassel state-owned companies, do they have the same proach to put everything in one hand requires pro- Germany Phone: +49 561/450798 – 0 understanding of the will to optimize revenues of fessional risk management; otherwise, the traders E-mail: [email protected] wind parks as the management providers have? will control themselves in the future.


Hot on the trail of ice

Ice detection systems for the rotor blades of wind turbines are gaining traction. They are designed to prevent equipment running with thick sheets of ice and unbalanced blades or endangering people and the environment with fl ying chunks of ice.

inter arrives every year. The wind indust- layer of ice and provide no income. Picturesque ry does well to heed this truism. When ro- though this may be, such idyllic winter scenes lead tors are at risk of icing up, turbines have to liquidity problems. In a perfect world, operators toW be shut down until a sensor gives the green light would have reliable sensors on the rotor blades for an ice-free turbine restart. Requirements for pre- and heaters that melt ice while the turbines are in vention of fl ying ice are in place in Austria, Germa- operation. ny, Switzerland and Scandinavia. Usually, the un- derlying reason is the turbine’s proximity to resi- Tinkerers are hot on the case dential areas, roads or railway lines. Such regulati- ons aim to protect both people from falling chunks The developer scene is closing in on this perfect of ice, as well as protecting the wind turbines them- state. A number of suppliers want to take advan- selves, which without ice detection would simply tage of the obligation for ice detection and use continue running dangerously off kilter. sensors for the complete monitoring of the This has driven growth in the market for such structural health of rotor blades. Like CMS for the solutions. To avoid long downtimes, the art is de- drivetrain, these sensors can detect even nascent tecting the actual degree of icing and the ice-free damage and ice on rotor blades in a single stroke. state of the blades as reliably as possible using “The next step is blade monitoring. Sensors mea- sensors on the one hand, and on the other hand, sure shifts in the resonance frequencies of the the layers of ice have to be melted quickly with rotors. The expertise is clearly in the evaluation of heating systems laminated into the blades. This is the signals, which makes it possible to detect ice especially important for operators in areas with build-up reliably and also to avoid inspection costs strong icing, because otherwise the machines are from recurring checks. Such systems are gaining in encased for weeks or months at a time in a thick importance because the benefi ts outweigh the

 Sun & Wind Energy / costs,” says Karl Steingröver of the Industrial Services department at Germanischer Lloyd. The testing institute has so far certifi ed the suit- ability of the ice detection systems from four pro- Hot on the trail of ice viders. These include Bosch Rexroth monitoring systems and recently also Eologix from Austria, as well as fosx and Wölfel Consulting Engineers from Germany. Wölfel’s IDD Blade has a sensor that re- sponds to changes in the natural frequency of the blades and can detect additional masses of as little as  to  kg per blade. The system is fi rst trained on the turbine to determine the reference values for each blade. These values are functions of stiff ness, mass and the tolerances of the blades to one an- other. Once a change is detected, the system warns the operations manager by switching on a light or automatically shutting down the turbine based on parameters pre-set in the controller. The equipment is designed to perform at wind speeds as low as  m/s. “We can even perform measurements dur- ing shutdowns or in trundle mode because, even then, wind excitation is suffi cient. In addition, the IDD is capable of detecting cracks  cm and larger, as changes in the structure aff ect the rigidity of the blade and thus the frequencies,” says Bernd Wölfel Wind resources in cold of project management. Afterward, the system also climate areas are typi- logs the ice-free state of the blades and gets the go- cally good and combining ahead for an automatic restart of the turbine. The these resources with supplier has an exclusive contract with un- typically low population til the end of , but then it is free to enter the densities makes cold competitive market. climate areas attractive Along the same lines is the system made by for wind development. fosx, which at wind speeds of  m/s can detect Photo: dpa whether or not ice has formed on the blades. Two

Seaport Brake The specialist for wind power logistics

J. MÜLLER Steel + Projects operates one of the leading logistics locations J. MÜLLER Stahl + Projekt for the wind power industry within the North Sea range. We handle world- Terminal GmbH & Co. KG wide imports and exports for a large number of component and turbine Nordstr. 2 · 26919 Brake, Germany manufacturers. At our extensive terminal and warehouse sites of well over 300,000 m2, we have special handling equipment to ensure the safe phone +49 (0) 44 01/914-423 transhipment, storage, trucking and technical supervision of components fax +49 (0) 44 01/914-469 ranging from XS to XXL. [email protected] WIND ENERGY COLD CLIMATE

fi bre optic sensors for measuring the acceleration also bring a second sensor to the market capable and expansion in each blade form the basis for of directly detecting ice accumulation on the rotor fosBlade BID ice detection system. They require blades,” says Pasi Hautamäki of Labkotec. no electrical energy because the signals are trans- And this is precisely the solution operators re- mitted via fi bre optic cable and glass fi bres. This fi - quire. After all, it is possible for ice to form on the bre optic sensor technology is the core business of tip of a  m long blade, and that the sensor on the the company, which was founded in . Because still reports the blade free of ice. Further- the measuring technique is always the same, ice more, the question arises of which solutions manu- detection will be increased. “We want to log blade facturers ultimately provide to their customers. For loads and developing damage and enable real-time instance, ice detection at Vestas, Enercon and adjustment of the individual blades,” says Stefan Senvion is performed via power curve analysis. Al- Eichhorn of fosX. With those aims in mind, tests though this method works reliably by showing a are already underway with several manufacturers. drop in yield, it does not work when a system is The benefi t for operators is partly the fact that idle. “In addition, the authorities decide in the end such systems off er a CMS for rotor blades. On the which technology is used and they demand a sec- Cold climate areas like Canada other hand, they can also use it to meet regulatory ond ice detection system to supplement power have gained more focus requirements and avoid prolonged shutdowns. The curve measurements,” says Hautamäki. recently in attempts to reach cost should eventually pay for itself, especially in This is exactly the approach Enercon takes by higher wind energy targets. areas with frequent icing. To enable automatic re- combining the power curve method with the Photo: Senvion start, the sensor has to detect with the utmost cer- nacelle-mounted system from Labkotec. For blade tainty that the blades have been cleared of ice. “The de-icing, Enercon uses a convection method which information is transmitted to the controller via in- blows warm air all the way to the tip of the blade terfaces,” says John Reimers from Bosch Rexroth. using a fan installed at the blade root. At low-risk The company has already sold BLADEcontrol- sites the system is capable of automatic activation systems and supplies companies like Vestas. How- of the blade de-icing system during operation. Thin ever, operators complain that the systems do not layers of ice are thus melted off at an early stage. If, always work smoothly and that turbines sometimes in extreme weather conditions the ice continues to shut down due to ice accumulation, even in above- build up, the turbine is shut down. After a predeter- zero temperatures. “If the systems are not reliable mined defrosting time, based on the outside tem- or ice warnings are ignored by the controller, then perature, a restart is initiated. Should the location it is not at the interfaces, but the manufacturers,” require it, the automatic restart can be deactivated. says Reimers. A technical validation of the system by Deutsche Windguard Consulting determined that over a peri- Combined ice detection and blade od of fi ve winter months the Enercon system result- ed in a diff erence in yield of  MWh when com- heating pared with two E- turbines at the same location. The Finnish manufacturer Labkotec also has exper- tise in this segment. It supplies all of the leading Too warm for ice manufacturers with a sensor that is suitable for temperatures up to -° C. The system is based on In addition to ice detection systems, blade heating ultrasound and a probe wire. If ice forms on the plays a crucial role in minimising losses caused by wire, the ultrasonic signal is reduced, and the shutdowns. These always depend on the meteoro- sensor sends a signal to the controller. The sensor logical icing conditions and are site-specifi c. Mean- is mounted on the nacelle near the rotor and while, all major manufacturers have standard or against the wind. “Manufacturers often combine retrofi t systems as solutions in their portfolios. The our technology with other systems. In , we will art lies in preventing ice accumulation even while

 Sun & Wind Energy / the turbine is in operation through the interplay of its fi rst de-icing system, and the fi rst such system sensors. After all, these systems are of little help if was installed in Sweden in . Over  % of all there is already ice on the blade and the turbine the Siemens turbines installed in Sweden are has to stand still for several hours for defrosting. equipped with the system. Siemens uses an elec- Vestas off ers its in-house VDS de-icing system trical method with built-in carbon heating mats on for the V-. MW. It is an active de-icing solution the leading edge. The system includes power con- consisting of a power-curve-based ice detection nections at the root end and heating elements inte- system and a hot air fl ow unit within the blades. grated into the blade surface at factory. Depending The VDS is fully SCADA integrated and can be trig- on the ambient temperature and wind speed, a gered automatically or manually. The VDS de-ices blade can be de-iced in less than one hour. the full rotor simultaneously by heating up the Despite all the market-ready solutions, there blades internally with a fl ow of hot air. It de-ices the is still a long way to go to creating reliable solu- outer / of the blade full chord and the outer / tions for the wind industry in cold climates from of the leading edge towards the tip end. Each blade each of these individual applications. “One ques- contains its own VDS that works simultaneously to tion, for example, is at what ice thickness sensors capture, heat and propel air through a specially de- should begin to respond. A good deal of clarifi ca- signed outlet within the blade. All mechanical parts tion is still needed with regard to the parameters,” are serviceable from the hub and inside of the blade says Andreas Krenn of the Austrian Energie- at the root end. According to Vestas, the system is werkstatt. He is also a member of the expert group designed for the lifetime of the turbine, with no im- for the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Task  pact on overall turbine performance. It may not for wind energy in cold climates. This is just one of have any infl uence on the blade profi le and there is the intensively discussed questions in the group. no impact on noise performance. The group published its last document for the On behalf of a Scandinavian energy supplier, implementation of wind energy projects in cold Nordex deployed its anti-icing system to the fi eld in climates in . In the coming months, a state of the winter of . In an N/ wind farm, the the art report is set to be released that sums up all manufacturer tested diff erent prototypes and com- of the sensors, ice-detection and sheet heating pared the results with a turbine on the same site systems on the market. without an anti-icing system. The result is the sys- Torsten Thomas, Katharina Garus tem, which Nordex now off ers for the N and N. The system results in  % greater yield over the space of a year. In the frosty months the yield was as much as  % greater. The system consists of an ice sensor and heating elements on parts of the leading edge of each rotor blade. The sensor continuously determines the external environmen- tal conditions and reports the status to the opera- tional management of the wind turbine. If the exter- nal conditions are favourable for ice formation, the heating system switches on. At a standstill, the system detects ice formation, initiates the defrost cycle and starts up again. And during operation, the anti-icing system removes existing ice from the leading edge of the blade. Siemens may have the most experience with de-icing. As early as , the company presented

Wind Edition  Wind Energy Project development

Wind farm planning is too complex for a flipchart. Graphic: Fotolia

It’s all about the planning The development, construction and operation of a magical threshold: above a wind speed of 10 m/s all work on the jack-up rig and on the rotors piled wind farm involves the collaboration of a multitude of on it stops and everyone at sea gets a forced break. companies from different industries. The logistical On land, the construction work goes merrily challenges alone are highly complex and require much on. Foundations, tower sections and nacelles are ready for shipping. The unexpected wind has more than just a flipchart. Professional planning tools wreaked havoc with the timetable. Such a com- plex matrix of activities is very susceptible to dis- not only make the work of the planning specialists ruptions. This is especially true in the offshore easier – without them it would be almost impossible. wind industry, although the construction of ­onshore wind farms is also prone to disruptions. More than enough ­reason to enlist the assistance he day starts well on the construction site of of sophisticated software.­ the offshore wind farm: calm sea and blue Complex installations simply cannot be ­carried sky. But as the morning progresses, the mild out without special software. But such profes- Tbreeze becomes stronger. At 13:00 it reaches the sional tools are no guarantee that errors will not

22 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2015 be committed, as numerous recent examples have WindPrO is the product of the relatively small shown, from the Berlin-Brandenburg airport to danish software company EMd. The danes de- the Eurofi ghter project and a long list of other scribe their product as the world’s leading soft- spectacular disasters. ware for wind farm development. The company’s portfolio includes the software packages windPrO Ordered project fl ow and energyPrO as well as training on the software. Since its establishment in 2015, EMd Germany has The professor for Project Consulting and Project already trained over one thousand users. The soft- Management Wieland Cichon from Munich has ware package is around 30 years old. The latest studied the causes of such failures. These include edition is version 3.0. gigantonomy, with projects now far exceeding their WindPrO has a modular design, so that each optimal size. This leads to the loss of an outside theme complex works independently. The software perspective as decision makers orientate them- package designed by EMd includes everything de- selves purely on internal goals and end up being velopers need for their project: development, plan- locked into their own assumptions. Specifi cally, ning and documentation of wind farms in the dif- this means that in the early euphoria both ferent areas of application. As well as planners, its managers and staff underestimate the size of the users include expert consultants, system manufac- obstacles and risks. The ability to recognize this turers, power utility companies, banks, insurance and counteract it in the early stages of a project is companies and government agencies. undoubtedly a quality characteristic of profes- WindPrO provides building blocks with which sional planning software. planners can put together their individually tailored Project development requires specialists, as package. The basic module is the foundation of all the Bremen-based wpd AG emphasizes on its web- additional modules, which can be purchased sepa- site. in September the company inaugurated the rately – Meteo, Park or Shadow, to name just a few. Butendiek off shore wind farm. Such inaugurations “There is an update around every 18 months,” says have almost become routine. What was truly re- robin Funk, Managing director of EMd deutschland markable, however, was that the project was com- Gbr. “We can compare predicted time series with pleted on schedule and within budget. Completing actual production and so gain a detailed insight a project of this size on time and without over- into how to improve predictions in the future.” shooting the budget is far from a routine event. Generally speaking, the providers of planning The details and the overall view software do not reinvent the wheel; rather, they build on the eff orts of their predecessors. “We take A turbine catalogue is also included, collecting the standard version and adapt it to our own re- technical data on over 500 wind turbines. Accord- quirements,” says Andreas natter, Head of Sales ing to the company, this makes it the most compre- and Marketing for the project management spe- hensive catalogue in the world. cialist Contec-X GmbH. His company develops it provides the following cate- large-scale construction projects. The diff erences gories of data : to the planning tools used in the wind power indus- > General information identi- try only appear important at fi rst glance. After all, fying the turbine, such as building a wind farm is also a large construction the manufacturer, type, project. generator size, rotor dia- Wind farms are therefore exposed to similar meter, hub height, type of risks, natter continues. “Software solutions that tower, depth of the rotor support the processes intervene in the operating blades and a photo of the procedures of the company,” he explains. “This re- turbine sults in high requirements for analysis, conception > Output curve (diff erent and project management. The execution of every data sets available), includ- project carries high risks and therefore high re- ing information on the quirements for the project methodology. Certain source of the data and the essential success factors therefore need to be thrust coeffi cient taken into account, primarily the support of the > noise data (diff erent data- management and the employees involved.” sets available), sometimes with octave or third noise Planning tool from Denmark level; information on the source of the data Arkadi reile, Head of Site Assessment at wpd, > visualization data (diff er- relies on industry-specifi c software for his project ent datasets available), e.g. developments. One widely used tool is the geometry, colours of the windPrO software package, which wpd uses. turbine

Wind Edition 23 Wind Energy Project development

WindFarmer includes wind flow modelling and data visu- alisation. Photo:DNV GL

> The map management system serves to inte- ­industry – and so it also stands for a great amount grate maps from other digital sources – of wind power experience gathered into this soft- scanned or obtained from the Internet – into ware package. windPRO. The planners can then use them in their developments. Several online versions WindFarmer: are available for windPRO. experience guaranteed > The “Basic” module contains online data ser­ vices enabling free access to altitude and Like windPRO, WindFarmer has a modular design, ­surface roughness data, satellite images and and it performs similar functions. The main window other background information. is filled with maps that display a two-dimensional­ Planning software processes technical ­planning representation of the site. A bar shows which aspects into an overall picture. The programme ­elements – such as the edges of forests or high needs to be fed a large number of key figures that buildings – should be displayed. A second impor- go well beyond simple meteorological data. These tant function of the basic module is calculating the include information on the site’s structure, surface total yield, the most important key figure for a com- roughness and obstacles such as trees or high mercial wind farm. buildings. “The yield calculations are very compre- The layout of the wind farm is supported by so- hensive,” confirms wpd’s Reile. Some of the data called optimizers. These automatically determine can be retrieved from a reference installation. But the optimal layout by shifting around the individu- what if there isn’t one? “Then we need a measure- al turbine locations, within boundaries, until the ment mast,” explains Reile. “For most project optimum yield and noise level are achieved. One ­developers, that‘s part of the routine,” he says, can then display a visualization of the farm inte- ­before pointing to a project that delivers measure- grated into the landscape. ment data from a 200 m mast. That is quite a lot of capabilities for a basic The most important step, however, is un- module, making it attractive for the customer. As doubtedly the selection of wind turbines whose with competing software, however, planners who technical specifications promise optimal yields desire even more detail need to purchase whilst ­being robust in their use. The farm layout is ­additional modules. These include a finance a decisive phase in which the locations of the ­module to calculate the financial aspects of the ­individual turbines are determined. Care must be wind farm, an electricity module to determine taken to place them in such a way that they de­ electrical losses and a shading flicker module to liver a high electricity yield and do not reduce the calculate shading. performance of other turbines, e.g. through Both software packages presented here, ­turbulence. windPRO and WindFarmer, are based on the output The GH WindFarmer software from DNV GL is ­data of WAsP, the Wind Atlas Analysis and one of the most commonly referred-to planning ­Application­ Program. WAsP is the standard pro- tools in the wind industry beside windPRO. The GH gramme for calculating wind resources and is stands for Garrad Hassan, one of the most therefore one of the most important tools for wind ­renowned engineering firms in the wind energy farm planning. Jörn Iken

24 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2015 CMS & Sensors Wind Energy The advance of automated systems

The automated operation of wind turbines is approaching. Get up that turbine before damage occurs: early Subcontractors are making their components more intelligent with warnings of wear and likely faults, as provided by modern sensors in order to get a foot in the deliveries door of turbine CMSs, aim to make mainte- manufacturers with such innovations. Early-warning wear and fault nance more plannable. Photo: Siemens detection and reporting should increase the availabilities and make maintenance more plannable.

ondition Monitoring Systems (CMSs) for Through frequency monitoring of the drivetrain or monitoring the drivetrain have seen rapid oil particle filters in the gearbox, the early phases development. Initially they were just a step of bearing damage or mechanical wear can now be towardsC automating wind turbine operation, but reliably detected and breakdown forecasts can be they have developed to become more orientated made. This makes maintenance a lot easier, and towards the health of a turbine and assist as a above all, plannable. ­forward-looking maintenance component. The Such automated status reports on the condi- maintenance of turbines meanwhile relies on tion of specific groups of components are also ­warnings and fault reporting from the CMSs. ­increasingly being used in classic wear-and-tear

Wind Edition 25 Wind Energy CMS & SENSORS

parts. A simple example is provided by the not ex- So far the know-how has been in adapting the actly unimportant carbon brushes of the generator. technology to these conditions,” says Wanieck. A 2 MW turbine does have 18 of these, after all. The Apart from classic sensor equipment it is espe- French supplier Mersen will be modifying its prod- cially the electricity consumption which is provid- ucts as of 2016 to make the carbon brushes more ing new opportunities for monitoring. Because the intelligent thanks to a transducer and sensor. In operating consumption of components under nor- this, the sensor equipment measures the wear of mal operation is known, differences can clearly the carbon brushes while in operation by measur- show the technical condition of components, for ing their temperatures and movement. Depending example if the voltage drops or a motor suddenly on the demands made on them, the sliding con- draws more current. Not only Siemens uses this tacts wear out in two to five years. At Mersen the principle to monitor components, but also Mayr brushes will soon be able to report this in good GmbH. With its so-called brake-checker, the manu- time before wear and tear leads to a breakdown. facturer of safety brakes has brought a new module “This will occur via a status report to the control for monitoring electromagnetic braking systems unit. In expert mode the condition of each individ- for pitch and azimuth drives onto the market. The ual brush can be called up,” says Markus Döbert, a conventional microswitches required for condition sales engineer at Mersen. monitoring are thus no longer necessary. Instead,

Simplified schematic diagram Electricity as an indicator this sensorless monitoring simply feeds and mea­ of BladeVision: The system sures electricity across the brakes. “Firstly, a com- detects blade deformations This permanent monitoring of wear-and-tear parts parison of the starting current and the holding cur- using a special camera that is meanwhile also being used for many other com- rent enables wear to be detected. Secondly, the records the displacement of ponents and lubrication systems for the main bear- module monitors the switch condition and recog- reflectors installed in the rotor ings, which automatically report on their reservoir nises whether the brakes are on or off,” explains blades. BladeVision makes a levels. Such reporting of wear is important for the Andreas Merz from Mayr. An advantage of the new technology available for manufacturers because they must keep an eye on cable­less and maintenance-free solution is the rec- more precise 24-hour fore- turbine availability within the scope of the usual ognition of safety-critical conditions before they casts. Photo: SSB Wind Systems full-maintenance agreements which they have. In have even occurred. This can be the case, for exam- practice, condition reports do not provide a 100 % ple, if the blades are to be turned out of the wind as match with the maintenance trips, but they do help a result of a control command, but the brake does in the planning. At least the service teams can save not release. “The brake-checker can thus also be a trip if they can replace the worn parts right away easily integrated into the rotor control system,” on their visit or look into warning messages which says Merz. have come in. “The demand for sensors is increas- ing considerably, for example to automatically Reality in real time measure pressures and temperatures on moving parts, motors, generators or in switch cabinets,” A new concept by SSB Wind Systems, which be- says Peter Wanieck from Ephy Mess. Although the longs to the US company Emerson Industrial manufacturing of temperature sensors has been no ­Automation, also deals with rotor control and an problem for years now, manufacturers such as Ephy optimised running. The system tested on the first Mess are still being challenged here. “The fitting prototypes was not called BladeVision for nothing. conditions and the environment requirements for The basic setup consists of infra-red cameras and the sensors depend on the customers’ demands. reflectors. These components are built into the

26 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2015 blade geometry and measure the blade deflection during operation. This is also not a high art in it- self, as other blade experts are also proficient in this technology. The skill here lies more in reaching the right conclusions from the data received. “We have developed algorithms for this and are able to calculate the whole wind field from the measure- ment data, thus delivering reality in real time,” says SSB Director of Sales and Marketing Helmut Reinke proudly. After all, that consists of 7 wind components, including wind speeds, turbulence and the incident flow. The method has been vali- dated using a field test with manufacturers and a calibrated lidar. Until now, such measurement sys- tems have mainly been used as a nacelle-based means of determining the real-time wind field in alarms are indeed faults or signs of developing A complex task: Depending front of a turbine in order to optimise WT operation, wear,” says Kreh. The flood of data is still within on the type, between 800 and as conventional measurements made behind the manageable limits, however. The CMS sends a re- over 1,000 data points per- rotors are fairly inaccurate. The BladeVision would port four times a day on the dynamic values and manently provide information be a serious competitor here, as it costs a third less once a day on the statistical values, as well as on the internal and external than the lidar equipment available on the market. sending high-resolution­ data every four hours. workings of a wind turbine. “With the help of the data, the control and opera- This reduction of volumes of data to that which This flood of data is only tion can be optimised, blade structures can be is relevant is an important prerequisite for auto- manageable with the relevant monitored and real loads on the rotor can be deter- mated operation. Firstly, the SCADA systems would filters in place. Photo: Nordex mined,” says Reinke. The next step for SSB is get- otherwise be completely overloaded, and ­secondly, ting system certification, which should also enable the operation manager would face a wave of red an IEC-compliant remeasurement of the power lights and warnings. The CMS systems thus run curve. The integration of such concepts remains an with some pre-assessment in the background and important issue, however. “The systems will grow only report relevant faults to the controller. This together to form a superordinate control unit. We maxim also holds for a sensible inclusion of further do not believe that monitoring and automation systems. “The fully automated remote calling up of ­solutions will run alongside oneanother using their data for permanent monitoring will come. Wear- own software,” Reinke continues. and-tear parts such as carbon brushes, brakes and gearbox oil filters are already a part of this. The first Less is more test runs are currently under way for condition re- porting from the rotor,” says a statement by the This appraisal has also found its way, amongst manufacturer Senvion, for example. ­others, into the Bently Nevada 60M100. This is the The market for new system solutions is devel- new CMS unit by Bently with 12 sensor input points. oping rapidly. “Many companies are naturally try- The specialist belongs to GE Measurement & ing to develop new products around our turbines. ­Control and also supplies the wind power arm of GE Whether these are always suitable or not is some- with its technology. The clever bit of the new devel- thing which we must look at very closely,” says opment is that the boundary values and parame- Werner Zielke, Sales Engineer at Nordex Energy. Of ters for the frequency monitoring of the drivetrain course, the manufacturers wish to keep as much With the brake-checker by the components are already in place as software pro- expertise as possible within their own depart- company Mayr, the micro- grammed into the CMS box. The foundations for ments and thus maintain control over the wind tur- switches conventionally used this are provided by the so-called kinematic data of bine as a whole. This overall picture will become to monitor conditions are no each turbine type. This is basically all the values for more and more complex as a result of the new tech- longer required. Instead, this the calculated bearing and operation frequencies nology. Depending on the type, between 800 and sensorless monitoring simply of a turbine. From this, deviations between expect- well over 1,000 data points permanently provide feeds and measures electricity ed and real frequencies can be used to diagnose information, which is only manageable with the across the brakes. faults. In this method the boundary values of the relevant filters. On the other hand, the number of Photo: Mayr GmbH & Co. KG system are no longer determined in relation to the parameters required for optimal turbine operation wind via revolution speeds. “This saves consider­ is also increasing, and that ultimately means a lot able resources in the assessment, because the fil- of fine-tuning away from the basic settings of the ter for triggering alarm messages is only set up controls. “The setting of parameters is a fine art. ­using the frequency values of the turbine. The tur- We optimise turbines for each site so that they run bine may thus hit the defined boundary values ir- optimally, and for this we look at the datasets. In respective of the wind conditions,” explains Ingo practise it does make a difference whether a WT Kreh, Sales Manager at GE Sensing and Inspection. was put up in the summer or in the winter and what Behind this process, algorithms with over 150 sta- the air density is like at a site,” says Zielke. tistical variables run with a high hit rate. “90 % of Torsten Thomas

Wind Edition 27 Directory

> DirecTOrYGREAT BRITAIN Mounting Systems GmbH biomass / biogas 1Logic Energy Manufacturer of mounting systems and components for DirecTO-Photovoltaic and SolarThermal AUSTRIA Hybrid Renewable Energy Monitoring Wind & Solar resource assessment D-15834 Rangsdorf, Mittenwalder Str. 9a SOLARFOCUS GmbH Custom Displays & Dashboards Tel. +49/33708/529-0, Fax 529-199 Research, development, production and distribution 1 Ainslie Road of high quality solar thermal collectors (sealed CPC), GB – G52 4RU Glasgow biomass boilers, storage technology and fresh water United Kingdom Phaesun GmbH Fon: 44/141/5856496 technology, [email protected] The Off -Grid Experts A-4451 St. Ulrich/Steyr, Werkstr. 1 Phaesun is the leading system integrator for Tel. +43/7252/50002-0 Off -Grid solar systems, offi [email protected] photovoltaics D-87700 Memmingen, Brühlweg 9 pelleTs – HeaTiNG sYsTeMs Tel. +49/8331/990420, Fax 9904212 GERMANY, [email protected] AUSTRIA AXITEC GmbH Renusol GmbH High quality german solar company. Biotech Energietechnik GMBH Solar Mounting Systems In the market since 2001. Pioneer in 10 years D-51063 Köln, Piccoloministrasse 2 Pellet and wood chips heating facilities, product warranty and plus tolerances. Tel. +49/221/788707-0, Fax -99 feeding systems and autom. feeding systems D-71034 Böblingen, Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 5, [email protected] for pellet stoves Tel. +49/7031/6288-5186, Fax +49/7031/6289-5187 A-5101 Bergheim, Furtmühlstr. 32, [email protected] ROBUST HABICHT & HEUSER GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +43/662/454072-0, Fax 454072-50 Heraeus Materials Technology Cutting Machines for Tedlar, EVA and many more, offi [email protected] Thin Film Materials Division Winding Machines for Tedlar, EVA and many more Heraeus TMD supplies the complete package of Friction Winding Shafts sputtering targets for various types of solar cells. D-42899 Remscheid, Garschager Heide 41 D-63450 Hanau, Wilhelm-Rohn-Str. 25 Measurement Technology Tel. +49/6181/35-2229, Fax 35-2220 Tel. +49/2191/56118-0, Fax -75, [email protected], [email protected] GERMANY IBC SOLAR AG SCHMID Group|Gebr. SCHMID GmbH Ammonit Measurement GmbH A leading international energy company, Process equipment and turnkey lines which provides high-performance system Data loggers, measurement systems for wind and solar For the production of wafer, cells, solutions in every size and for every resource assessment, online monitoring software application with intelligent photovoltaic systems. modules and thin fi lm application. D-10997 Berlin, Wrangelstrasse 100 96231 Bad Staff elstein, Am Hochgericht 10 D-72250 Freudenstadt, Robert-Bosch-Str. 32-36 Tel. + 49/30/6003188-0, Fax -10 Tel.: +49 (0)9573-9224-0 Tel. +49/7441/538-0, Fax 538-121, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

skytron® energy GmbH Complete Monitoring, Control and Supervision System for utility-scale photovoltaic installations D-12489 Berlin, Ernst-Augustin-Straße 12 Tel. +49/30/6883159-0, Fax +49/30/6883159-99, [email protected]

Solarc Innovative Solarprodukte GmbH Customized solar systems from very small up to large PV power, including electronics development D-10999 Berlin, Glogauer Str. 21 Tel. +49/30/3198554-00, Fax -99, [email protected]

SolarWorld AG SolarWorld® construction kits SolarWorld Energy Roof® Solar Power Plants SolarWorld® Modules D-53175 Bonn, Martin-Luther-King-Str. 24 Tel. +49/228/55920-0, Fax 55920-99, [email protected]

28 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2015 GERMANY pv – iNverTers JORDAN

Steca Electronik GmbH Philadelphia Solar German manufacturer of controllers and inverters; AUSTRALIA Clean Renewable Energy Solution sectors: PV- On- and Off -Grid, Solar thermal Selectronic Australia Pty Ltd The FIRST Photovoltaic Modules D-87700 Memmingen, Mammostr. 1 Designer and manufacturer of high quality interactive Producer in JORDAN Tel. +49-(0)8331-8558-100, Fax +49-(0)8331-8558-132 inverter chargers Off Grid, Grid Support, Grid Backup, [email protected] JO-11814, Amman, Airport St.-Al Qastal Industr.Area 3kW-54kW Tel. +962/6/471/6601, Fax +962/6/471/6602 Talesun Solar Germany GmbH Chirnside Park VIC 3116, Suite 5, 20 Fletcher Rd, Tel. +61/3/9727/6600, Fax +61/3/9727/6601 80339 Mü nchen, Landsberger Str. 110 [email protected] Tel. +49/89/1891770, Fax +49/89/189177499, [email protected], [email protected] pv – crYsTalliNe MODules Universal Energy Engineering GmbH AUSTRIA GERMANY Modules, Inverters, Customized Packages, Development Fronius International GmbH Roof and Greenland International quality leader and manufacturer of Talesun Solar Germany GmbH DirecTO- D-09119 Chemnitz, Neefestr. 82 grid-connected inverters for PV-Systems. 80339 Mü nchen, Landsberger Str. 110 Tel. +49 371 9098590, Fax +49 371 90985919 A-4600 Wels, Froniusplatz 1 Tel. +49/89/1891770, Fax +49/89/189177499, [email protected] Tel. +43/7242/241-0, [email protected] ZIMMERMANN PV-Stahlbau GmbH&Co.KG, [email protected] producer for open area solar mounting frames INDIA 88436 Oberessendorf, Petrusstr. 1 DENMARK Tel.: 0049 7355 9330 0, Evergreen Solar Systems India Pvt Ltd Danfoss Solar Inverters A/S Manufacturer of high effi ciency Solar Photovoltaic DK-6300, Graasten, Ulsnaes 1 GREAT BRITAIN Modules and EPC contractor of Solar Power Projects Tel. +45/7488/1300, Fax +45/7488/1301 IND-641017 Coimbatore Hi-Bond Tapes Ltd., [email protected] Sulochana Mills Campus, High Performance Tapes for frame Mettupalayam Road, Vadamadurai, bonding, junction box mounting cell GERMANY Tel. +91422/2642564, Fax +91422/2642830 fi xing and conductive tapes UK-NN17 5TS, Corby, Northamptonshire Delta Energy Systems (Germany) GmbH 1, Crucible Road Phoenix Parkway Delta Energy Systems has been investing in the pv – MONiTOriNG Tel. 0044/1536/260022, Fax 0044/1536/260044 research and development of solar inverter, [email protected] products at its German location since 1999. The result of this is something to be proud of - BELGIUM ITALY reliable solar inverters with high effi ciencies 3E (SynaptiQ) and state-of-the-art high-frequency topology. SynaptiQ is a universal PV monitoring and reporting SUNERG SOLAR Srl D-79331 Teningen, Tscheulinstr. 21 Tel. +49 7641 455 0, Fax +49 7641 455 318 software platform, developed by the technical Producer PV MODULES / SOLAR THERMAL, consultancy: 3E COLLECTORS and complete systems [email protected] Offi ces in Belgium, France, UK, Italy, distribution from 1978. South Africa and China I-06012, Cittá di Castello (PG), via D.Donini 51 Phone +32 2 217 58 68, Tel. +39/075/8540018, Fax +39/075/8648105 ITALY, [email protected] SielSpa FRANCE TAIWAN SIEL is one of the world leaders in the production QOS Energy RITEK Solar and maintenance of PV solar inverters. I-20060 TREZZANO, VIA 1° MAGGIO, 25 QOS Energy is a leading renewable energy performance An expert manufacturer of PV-Modules from Polycrystal- Tel. +39/02/909861, Fax +39/02/90968490 management solution. 100 % Hardware independent line, Mono-crystalline, to BIPV certifi cated by TÜV, UL,, [email protected] CEC, and MCS. and fl exible. Bonfi glioli Riduttori S.p.A. No 42, Kuan-Fu N. Rd., Hsin Chu Industrial Park, 30351, 16 rue de Bretagne Hsinchu, Taiwan Specialists in large and F 44240 LA CHAPELLE SUR ERDRE Tel. +886-03-598-7298 #4013 utility scale PV power plants & Gebäude 4 offi ce 356 Landshuterstrasse 26 Fax +886-03-599-8449 Via Giovanni XXIII, 7/A D 85716 Unterschleißheim, [email protected] 40012 Lippo di Calderara (Italy) Phone France +33 2 51 89 46 00 Phone. +39 051 647311 Phone Germany + 49 8136-4077785 www.bonfi USA Morningstar Corporation The World’s Leading Solar Controllers and Inverters pv – MODules GERMANY 8 Pheasant Run Solare Datensysteme GmbH GERMANY Newtown, PA 18940 Monitoring, Feed-in Management, Smart Energy Tel. +1/215-321-4457, Fax 4458 BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems GmbH D-72351 Geislingen-Binsdorf, Fuhrmannstraße 9 Tel.: +49/7428/9418-200, Fax: +49/7428/9418-280 [email protected] Provider of high quality photovoltaic components from sales to service including modules, inverters, pv-storage, [email protected] pv-cONNecTOr sYsTeMs solutions and mounting systems D-72072 Tübingen, Eisenbahnstr. 150 pv– MOuNTiNG sYsTeMs SWITZERLAND Tel.: +49(0)7071/98987-0, Fax +49(0)7071-98987-10 [email protected] BELGIUM Multi-Contact AG voestalpine Sadef nv PV connector systems manufacturer: Design and manufacturing of steel structures for PV connectors MC3 & MC4, cables, junction boxes, custom Talesun Solar Germany GmbH Bruggesteenweg 200 solutions 8830 Gits, Belgium CH-4123 Allschwil, Stockbrunnenrain 8 80339 Mü nchen, Landsberger Str. 110 Tel. +41/61/306 55 55, Fax +41/61/306 55 56 Tel. +49/89/1891770, Fax +49/89/189177499 T. +32/51/261 211, F. +32/51/261 301, [email protected], [email protected] [email protected],

Wind Edition 29 Directory

GERMANY GERMANY PROZEDA GmbH BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems GmbH Manufacturer of controllers for solar thermal, freshwater, ALANOD GmbH & Co. KG heating, heating pumps and air handling systems Provider of high quality photovoltaic components from eta plus® (copper/ aluminium) and mirotherm® 91330 Eggolsheim, In der Büg 5 sales to service including modules, inverters, pv-storage (aluminium) with a selective PVD absorptive layer. Tel. 09191/6166-0, Fax 6166-22 solutions and mounting systems, [email protected] D-72072 Tübingen, Eisenbahnstr. 150 mirosol® TS with a selective absorptive lacquer. Tel.: +49(0)7071/98987-0, Fax +49(0)7071-98987-10 MIRO-SUN® for weatherproof solar applications. [email protected] D-58256 Ennepetal, Egerstr. 12 Ritter Energie und Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG Tel. +49/2333/986-500, Fax 986-525 Development, production and distributing of, [email protected] ecological energy systems D-72135 Dettenhausen, Kuchenäcker 2 Almeco GmbH GREAT BRITAIN Tel. +49/7157/5359-1200, Fax 5359-1209 TiNOX energy® Selective absorber surfaces –, [email protected] Hi-Bond Tapes Ltd. vega energy® Reflective surfaces for solar energy concentration systems SOREL GmbH Mikroelektronik High Performance Tapes for frame D-06406 Bernburg, Claude Breda Strasse 3 Manufacturer of Solar and Heating Controllers bonding, junction box mounting cell and Pump Groups with integrated TDC-Controller fixing and conductive tapes Tel. +49/3471/34655 00, Fax +49/3471/34655 09, [email protected] D-45549 Sprockhövel, Jahnstr. 36 UK-NN17 5TS, Corby, Northamptonshire Tel. +49/2339/6024, Fax 6025 1, Crucible Road Phoenix Parkway CitrinSolar GmbH, [email protected] Tel. 0044/1536/260022, Fax 0044/1536/260044 Energie- und Umwelttechnik, [email protected] D-85368 Moosburg, Böhmerwaldstr. 32 Steca Electronik GmbH Tel. +49/8761/3340-0, Fax 334040 German manufacturer of controllers and inverters; USA, [email protected] sectors: PV- On- and Off-Grid, Solar thermal Johnson Bros. Metal Forming Co. D-87700 Memmingen, Mammostr. 1 Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbH Tel. +49-(0)8331-8558-100, Fax +49-(0)8331-8558-132 Custom shapes for Solar Panels Antifrogen-Heat Transfer Fluids for, [email protected] USA-60163 Berkeley IL, 5520 McDermott Drive Solar Thermal Systems Tel. +1/708/449-7050, Fax +1/708/449-0042 D-84504 Burgkirchen, Werk Gendorf TYFOROP Chemie GmbH, [email protected] Tel. +49/8679/7-2272, Fax +49/8679/7-5085 Heat-Transfer Fluids pv – suppliers D-20537 Hamburg, Anton-Rée-Weg 7 Tel. +49/40/209497-0, Fax 209497-20 Consolar GmbH GERMANY, [email protected] Hocheffiziente Solaranlagen, Solare Wärmepumpen, KREMPEL-GROUP WATER WAY Engineering GmbH Röhrenkollektoren, Kombisysteme, Internet-System- AKASOL® Weather-resistant backsheet regler Pipework systems for solar installations with for PV modules. With fluoropolymer films D-79539 Lörrach, Gewerbestrasse 7 flexible stainless steel or copper tubes / KYNAR® or TEDLAR® Tel. +49/7621/42228-30, Fax 42228-31 collector connectors D-71665 Vaihingen/Enz, Papierfabrikstr. 4 D-47441 Moers, Baerler Str. 100, [email protected] Tel. +49/7042/915-0, Fax +49/7042/15985 Tel. +49/2481/88320-0, Fax 88320-20, [email protected] GRAMMER Solar GmbH, [email protected] Ihr Projektpartner beim Bauen mit der Sonne GREECE pv – wire + cable D-92224 Amberg, Oskar-von-Miller-Str. 8 Tel. +49/9621/30857-0, Fax 30857-10 NOBEL XILINAKIS V. & Co. GERMANY, [email protected] Solar & electric water heating systems industry HELUKABEL GmbH KBB Kollektorbau GmbH 23, Nerantzoulas Str., Cable & Accessories for photovoltaic Flat plate collectors and full surface absorbers 13677, Acharnes, Athens- Greece installations and for Wind Turbines (copper and aluminium) Tel: 0030 210 2478677;Fax: 0030 210 2407185 email: [email protected] D-71282 Hemmingen, Dieselstr. 8-12 D-12439 Berlin, Bruno-Bürgel-Weg 142-144 Tel. +49/7150/9209-0, Fax +49/7150/81786 Tel. +49/30/6781789-10, Fax 6781789-55 SOLE S.A., [email protected], [email protected] Solar Water Heaters and Collectors Manufacturers OVENTROP GmbH & Co. KG GR-13671 Acharnai - Athens Lefktron Str. and Laikon Agonon Str. solar thermal systems Valves, controls and systems Tel. +30/210/2389500, Fax 2389502 Solar Thermal Energy, [email protected] AUSTRIA D-59939 Olsberg, Paul-Oventrop-Straße 1 ISRAEL Tel. +49/2962/82-0, Fax -400 SOLARFOCUS GmbH, [email protected] DAGAN MACHINE ENGINEERING Research, development, production and distribution proKühlsole GmbH Manufacture of machines for complete absorber production line. of high quality solar thermal collectors (sealed CPC), Solar Thermal Systems, Solarfluids, Liquid Heat Carrier, biomass boilers, storage technology and fresh water Tube punching and customized machines D-52353 Düren, Am Langen Graben 37 technology IL-53211 Givatayim, 20, K.Joseph st. Tel. +49/2421/59196-0, Fax +49/2421/59196-10 A-4451 St. Ulrich/Steyr, Werkstr. 1 Tel. +972/544/324418, [email protected] Tel. +43/7252/50002-0, [email protected] Technische Alternative Elektron. Steuerungsgeräte GmbH Solar-, Heizungs- und Wintergartenregler A-3872 Amaliendorf, Langestr. 124 Tel. +43/2862/53635, Fax 536357, [email protected] TiSUN® Development + production of solar-collectors (in-roof, on-roof, facade-integrated, free-setting up), storage tanks, solar-boiler, solar fittings A-6306 Söll Tel. +43/5333/201-0, Fax 201-100, [email protected]

30 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2015 ITALY SPAIN CMG Solari Srl SONDER REGULACIÓN S.A. PATENTED special solar thermal system E-08191 Rubi, Avda. La Llana, 93; P.I. La Llana with condensation heat transfering. Tel. +34/935884211, Fax 4994 Manufacturer of absorbers, fl at plate collectors and complete systems. I-73040 Melissano (LE), C. da Vore – Zona Ind.le Tel. 0039/0833581428, Fax 0039/0833581428 SWITZERLAND, [email protected] TACONOVA GROUP AG TACONOVA GROUP AG produces quality valves and JORDAN systems for balancing, regulating, mixing, venting, HANANIA Energy underfl oor and solar heating systems Manufacturer of Solar Thermal Systems and Solar PV CH-8902 Urdorf, Steinackerstr. 6 165, King Abdullah II Street Tel. +41/447355555, Fax 447355502 P.O. Box 2858 Amman 11181 Jordan, [email protected] Tel: +962 6 533 3003 Fax: +962 6 533 3175 TURKEY [email protected] Ezinc Metal San. tic. A.S. Manufacturer of Solar Collectors, Thermosiphon sTs – FlaT plaTe cOllecTOrs POLAND Solar Water Heaters, Storage Tanks, Boilers and r elated accessories for Solar Thermal Systems. JORDAN HEWALEX TR-38070 Kayseri, 1. O.S.B. 23. Cad. No: 31 Tel. +90/352/3211776, Fax 3211325 HANANIA Energy Flat plate, vacuum tube collectors, [email protected] and solar systems production Manufacturer of Solar Thermal Systems and Solar PV PL-43-502 Czechowice-Dziedzice, Slowackiego 33 165, King Abdullah II Street Tel. 0048/32/214-1710, Fax 0048/32/214-5004 sTs – absOrbers P.O. Box 2858 Amman 11181 Jordan Tel: +962 6 533 3003, [email protected] JORDAN Fax: +962 6 533 3175 SUNEX S.A. Collectors, heat pumps, solar equipment HANANIA Energy [email protected] ul. Piaskowa 7, 47– 400 Racibórz, PL Tel:+48324140392, Fax:+48324149213 Manufacturer of Solar Thermal Systems and Solar PV [email protected] , 165, King Abdullah II Street SWITZERLAND WATT P.O. Box 2858 Amman 11181 Jordan Helvetic Energy Manufacturer of solar systems Tel: +962 6 533 3003 SOLAR HEAT + SOLAR POWER PL-41-208 Sosnowiec, ul. Watta 6 Fax: +962 6 533 3175 CH-8247 Flurlingen, Winterthurerstrasse Tel. +48/32/28766-80, Fax 28766-84 Tel. +41 52 647 46 70, Fax: +41 52 647 46 79,, [email protected] [email protected], [email protected]

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Our company should be listed in the ❑ Mounting systems ❑ Solar tanks and boilers following categories: ❑ Process & Quality ❑ Thermosiphon ❑ Silicon, ingots, wafers and cells ❑ Vacuum tubes ❑ Biomass/Biogas ❑ Solar glass ❑ Vacuum tube collectors ❑ Biofuels ❑ ❑ Suppliers ❑ Wholesalers Biogas ❑ Tracking systems ❑ ❑ Pellets Wind Energy ❑ Wholesalers ❑ ❑ Production ❑ Banks & Insurance companies Wire + cable ❑ Engineering offices ❑ Heating systems ❑ Solar Thermal Systems ❑ International project developers ❑ Co-generation Plants ❑ Absorbers ❑ Measurement technology ❑ Financing Institutions ❑ Coatings ❑ Photovoltaics ❑ ❑ Offshore Control units ❑ ❑ BIPV ❑ Flat plate collectors Operation management ❑ ❑ Connector systems ❑ International project developers Research & Development ❑ International project developers ❑ Pool heating ❑ Service & Maintenance ❑ Inverters ❑ Pre-insulated pipe systems ❑ Suppliers ❑ Modules ❑ Solar cooling ❑ Turbine manufacturers ❑ Crystalline modules ❑ Solar glass ❑ General ❑ Thin-film modules ❑ Solar liquids ❑ Manufacturing Equipment Date: ______Please send your order to: BVA – Bielefelder Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, SUN & WIND ENERGY, Signature: ______Kerstin Haase-Darlath, Advertising Department, Niederwall 53, 33602 Biele- feld, Germany, phone +49/521/595591, fax +49/521/595556, VAT ID number: ______(for EU-companies) [email protected], Directory

TURKEY TURKEY CUBE Engineering GmbH Ezinc Metal San. tic. A.S. Baymak BDR Thermea Management Consulting, Wind Site Assessment, Project Manufacturer of Solar Collectors, Thermosiphon Solar Planning and Management, Environmental Assess- Manufacturer of laser welded solar thermal forced darf Water Heaters, Storage Tanks, Boilers and related ment, Electrical Grid Assessment, Decentralized Energy systems, Solar thermo-siphon water heaters, Storage accessories for Solar Thermal Systems Systems tanks, Biomass/Oil/Gas Boilers and Expansion tanks. TR-38070 Kayseri, 1. O.S.B. 23. Cad. No: 31 D-34119 Kassel, Breitscheidstr. 6 Exporting over 50 countries. Tel. + 90/352/3211776, Fax 3211325 Tel. +49/561/288573-0, Fax 288573-19 Tepeoren Mevkii Orhanli Beldesi, Akdeniz Sokak No 8, [email protected] [email protected] TR-34989 Istanbul Tel. +90/216/5816500, Fax 3041964, [email protected] sTs – THerMOsipHON Gamesa Energie Deutschland GmbH D-26122 Oldenburg, Staulinie 14-17 Ezinc Metal San. tic. A.S. TURKEY Tel. +49/441/925400, Fax 92540325 Manufacturer of Solar Collectors, Thermosiphon Solar, Ezinc Metal San. tic. A.S. Water Heaters, Storage Tanks, Boilers and related [email protected] Manufacturer of Solar Collectors, Thermosiphon Solar accessories for Solar Thermal Systems GE Wind Energy GmbH Be found Water Heaters, Storage Tanks, Boilers and related TR-38070 Kayseri, 1. O.S.B. 23. Cad. No: 31 accessories for Solar Thermal Systems Manufacturer/Sales Wind turbines Tel. + 90/352/3211776, Fax 3211325 TR-38070 Kayseri, 1. O.S.B. 23. Cad. No: 31 from 900 kW to 3.6 MW, [email protected] Tel. + 90/352/3211776, Fax 3211325 D-48499 Salzbergen, Holsterfeld 16 in the SUN & WIND ENERGY, [email protected] Tel. +49/5971/980-0, Fax 980-1999 USA [email protected] Apricus Inc. sTs – vacuuM Tube company directory – print & online James Walker Deutschland GmbH Apricus is a global company focused on providing cOllecTOrs simple and eff ective solar hot water solutions for Specialists in slotted shaft seals families and businesses. All Apricus products are desig- USA D-22335 Hamburg, Flughafenstr. 54 ned and manufactured in compliance with IS09001:2008 Tel.: +49/40/3860810, Fax +49/40/3893230 Apricus Inc. management and international production standards. Apricus is a global company focused on providing KGW Schweriner Maschinen- u. Anlagenbau GmbH USA-06405 Branford CT, 6 Sycamore Way, Unit 2, simple and eff ective solar hot water solutions for Manufacturer of steel-tube towers for wind turbines Tel. +1 203 488 8215, Fax +1 203 488 8572 families and businesses. All Apricus products are D-19055 Schwerin, Wismarsche Str. 380 designed and manufactured in compliance with, [email protected] Tel. +49/385/5731-0, Fax 565126 ISO9001:2008 management and international produc-, [email protected] tion standards. sTs – pOOl HeaTiNG USA-06405 Branford CT, 6 Sycamore Way, Unit 2, Nordex SE Tel. +1 203 488 8215 Fax +1 203 488 8572 22419 Hamburg, Langenhorner Chaussee 600, [email protected] JORDAN Tel. 040/300 30 1000, Fax 040/30030 1101, [email protected] HANANIA Energy Phaesun GmbH Manufacturer of Solar Thermal Systems and Solar PV wind energy The Off -Grid Experts 165, King Abdullah II Street Phaesun is the leading system integrator for P.O. Box 2858 Amman 11181 Jordan DENMARK Off -Grid solar systems. Tel: +962 6 533 3003, Fax: +962 6 533 3175 D-87700 Memmingen, Luitpoldstrasse 28, [email protected] PP Techniq Tel. +49/8331/90420, Fax 9964212 Blade-guided access systems to wind turbine blades – USA, [email protected] On- & Off shore WINDTEST Grevenbroich GmbH Aquatherm Industries, Inc. Safe and cost-eff ective service and maintenance DK-6500 Vojens, Aage Grams Vej 1 Consulting- and Measuring Institut for WEC Largest U.S. manufacturer of polymer solar pool Tel.: +45 7930 1133 D-41517 Grevenbroich, Frimmersdorfer Str. 73 heating collectors. ; [email protected] Tel. +49/2181/2278-0, Fax 2278-11 Aquatherm manufactures the solar pool heating, [email protected] industry`s most trusted brands, including the GERMANY [email protected] latest breakthrough in solar pool heating, Ecolite 1940 Rutgers University Blvd. ABO Wind AG WKN AG USA, 08701, Lakewood, New Jersey Planning and turnkey construction of wind farms and Development, Construction, Financing Tel. +1/7329059002, Fax 7329059899 biogas projects, structured fi nancing, D-25813 Husum, Otto-Hahn-Str. 12-16, [email protected] operational management Tel. +49/4841/8944100, Fax 8944225 D-65195 Wiesbaden, Unter den Eichen 7, [email protected] sTs – sOlarTaNKs & bOilers Tel. +49/611/26765-0, Fax 26765-99, [email protected] wiND eNerGY – suppliers Rates – print and online: JORDAN Bachmann Monitoring GmbH GERMANY Bachmann Monitoring off ers certifi ed Condition Monito- Entry in company directory EUR 190,- HANANIA Energy HELUKABEL GmbH ring Systems (CMS) for early fault detection on the main 8 lines à 36 characters, 1 category Manufacturer of Solar Thermal Systems and Solar PV components (main bearing, gearbox, generator) in the Cable & Accessories for photovoltaic 165, King Abdullah II Street drive train of wind turbines installations and for Wind Turbines Additional category EUR 190,- P.O. Box 2858 Amman 11181 Jordan D-07407 Rudolstadt, Fritz-Bolland-Str.7 D-71282 Hemmingen, Dieselstr. 8-12 Tel: +962 6 533 3003, Fax: +962 6 533 3175 Tel. +49/3672/3186-0, Fax, 3186-200 Tel. +49/7150/9209-0, Fax +49/7150/81786 Additional line EUR 30,-, [email protected],, [email protected] [email protected] Coloured background EUR 95,- wiND -MONiTOriNG Logo online EUR 65,- GREAT BRITAIN The order applies to 10 issues of SUN & WIND ENERGY 1Logic Energy and is valid until further notice. Hybrid Renewable Energy Monitoring Wind & Solar resource assessment Custom Displays & Dashboards 1 Ainslie Road GB – G52 4RU Glasgow United Kingdom Fon: 44/141/5856496 You will find an order form for your entry in the middle of the company [email protected] directory of this issue. Or send your entry to Kerstin Haase-Darlath: [email protected] 32 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2015 Be found in the SUN & WIND ENERGY company directory – print & online

Rates – print and online: Entry in company directory EUR 190,- 8 lines à 36 characters, 1 category Additional category EUR 190,- Additional line EUR 30,- Coloured background EUR 95,- Logo online EUR 65,-

The order applies to 10 issues of SUN & WIND ENERGY and is valid until further notice.

You will find an order form for your entry in the middle of the company directory of this issue. Or send your entry to Kerstin Haase-Darlath: [email protected] Wind Edition 33 REVIEW INTERNATIONAL EVENTS

on the future drivetrain concept, and discuss the latest advances in the use of the pitch International systems to optimise the energy yield. Contact: IQPC, Berlin, Germany, Phone: /  , EWEA  ANNUAL EVENT [email protected], EVENTS November -,  Paris, France The EWEA  Annual Event presents an in- ternational platform for the wind energy in- dustry to showcase and demonstrate its latest products and services. The event OFFSHORE WIND features a broad conference programme, WINDABA  CONSTRUCTION & INSTALLATION unrivalled networking opportunities and an November -,  December -,  extensive exhibition. The comprehensive Cape Town, South Africa Hamburg, Germany conference programme not only delivers The expanded and accelerated renewable This event serves an interactive experience cutting-edge technological knowledge, but energy investment programme (REIPPP) un- that will guide, improve & complete the par- also lively debates on European policy, derway in South Africa has stimulated invest- ticipant’s strategy for the next wave of con- markets and fi nancial issues. ment and created a thriving market for wind struction projects. It is targeted specifi cally Contact: EWEA Events, Brussels, Belgium, energy. There are currently  wind tur- at key executives and decision makers in the bines installed with plans to reach , by Phone: /, [email protected],  off shore wind C&I industry. . The newest prices for wind power un- Contact: Wind Energy Update, London, England, der the REIPPPP are  % cheaper per elec- Elizabeth Demestiha, Phone: / , tricity unit than the newest coal. In the fi rst [email protected], half of , wind energy saved South Africa shore-construction . billion rand more than in cost. The th edition of Windaba, organised by TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE DRIVE GWEC and SAWEA, is themed: “Powering the TRAIN CONCEPTS FOR WIND TURBINES winds of change,” and refl ects the industry’s November  – December ,  conviction that wind energy can fi ll South Bremen, Germany TH CONFERENCE ON SUBSOIL ANALYSIS, Africa’s current energy gap with low cost, Participants of the conference are invited to GROUND IMPROVEMENT AND WIND clean electricity which can be brought on join experts from E.ON Climate & Renew- TURBINE FOUNDATIONS grid within a relatively short time frame. ables, Eco , CENER, Goldwind, Acciona December - ,  Contact: Jade-Sky Project Management, Cape Town, Windpower, Leibniz University Hannover, Essen, Germany South Africa, Kirsten Francis, Phone: /, and many more and learn about achieve- The conference aims at providing the [email protected], ments in Direct Drive Turbines, hear about attendees with an in-depth analysis of scenarios of implementation, risks and tech- various subsoil investigation approaches nologies for superconducting direct drive and soil improvement measures. Diff erent and identify control strategies for the early wind energy converter foundation systems detection of premature failures in drivetrains will be discussed. This is an international such as white etching cracks. The conference conference. Simultaneous interpretation RENEWABLE ENERGY FINANCE FORUM WEST also off ers opportunities to learn more about will be provided. November -,  the utilities experience for drivetrains ex- Contact: Haus der Technik, Essen, Germany, San Francisco, United States tended life span and enhance reliability Phone: /  , [email protected], REFF-West is the largest and most estab- through failure anticipation. lished event for renewable energy fi nance Contact: IQPC, Berlin, Germany, Phone: /  , and investment on the West Coast of the [email protected], United States. It will highlight fi nancing trends for renewable power, clean technolo- gies, and transportation; assess the future of federal and state policy and the role of Announce your events fi nancing innovations; identify early-stage TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE SUN & WIND ENERGY off ers you the investment opportunities; and discuss the E/E SYSTEMS FOR WIND TURBINES announcement of your fairs and region’s role in the international renewable November  – December ,  conferences – up to date and free of energy marketplace. The two-day event will Bremen, Germany charge. Just feel free to send us your also unite investors with project developers This meeting provides a space of discussion conference information regularly. In and senior executives from across the renew- in detail for solutions for enhanced reliability return we would appreciate to provide able energy and technology sectors, to pro- while off ering an update on the latest devel- you with free copies of our interna- vide delegates with cutting-edge insight as opments for long-term grid stability; partici- tional magazine for distribution at well as promising networking opportunities. pants can, for example, hear about scenarios your event. Contact: Euromoney Plc, London, United Kingdom, of implementation, risks and technologies Phone: / , [email protected], www.reff for superconducting direct drive, understand Please contact: Daniela Struck , the impact of Grid codes and new regulations e-mail: [email protected]

 Sun & Wind Energy /

Visit us: EWEA 2015 PARIS 17th – 20th November Hall 1, Stand K07




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With a 140 metres rotor diameter, the Senvion 3.4M140 Eco Blade Control (EBC) is the new reference for low wind speed locations. The highly efficient 68 metres blade combined with integrated serrations allows high yields and a very low sound power level. With an operational lifetime of 25 years, the Senvion 3.4M140 EBC is the solution to reduce the levelized cost of energy.