September 10, 2019 City of Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2019 at 3:39 PM | Meeting called to order by Chairwoman Mondor

In Attendance

Chairwoman Christine Mondor Jennifer Askey Acting Vice Chairwoman Sabina Deitrick Holly Dick Secretary, Becky Mingo Rachel O’Neill

Staff Present

Corey Layman, Zoning Administrator Anne Kramer Andrew Dash, Acting Director City Planning William Gregory Kate Rakus, Principal Planner Jack Miller Lisa Ray, Recording Secretary Kathleen Oldrely Index Item Page Number 1. Neighborhood Plan 2 2. Summer Hill Subdivision, 3846 Harpen Rd, 26th Ward 5 3. Penn Ave. Holdings Consolidation Plan, 4410-12 Penn Avenue, 9th Ward 5 4. 1707-1717 5th Aveeue, 1717 5th Ave., 3rd Ward 6 5. 1717 Locust Street Consolidation Plan, 1717 Locust Street, 1st Ward 6 6. 308 Miltenberger Consolidation Plan, 308 Miltenberger Street, 1st Ward 7 7. 911 Pretense Way Subdivisions, 911 Pretense Way, 17th Ward 7 8. West North Development Plan of Lots, 506 W. North Ave., 22nd Ward 8 9. John Mueller Consolidation Plan, 520 Foreland Street, 23rd Ward 8 10. Goleb & Rigo Consolidation Plan, 1422 Liverpool Street, 21st Ward 10

A. Approval of Minutes

On motion duly moved by Ms. Askey and seconded by Ms. Dick, the minutes of the July 16, 2019 were approved. Ms. Mingo abstained. On motion duly moved by Ms. Deitrick and seconded by Ms. Askey, the minutes of the July 30, 2019 were approved.

Planning Commission Minutes 1 September 10, 2019

B. Acting Vice-Chairperson Nomination

On motion duly moved by Ms. Dick and seconded by Ms. Mingo, Sabina Deitrick was appointed Acting Vice Chairperson of today’s meeting.

C. Correspondence (See Attachment C)

The Commission is in receipt of the following correspondence:  Letter from Reese McArdle regarding First Avenue and Market Street demolitions.  Letter from Gabriel DeFelippis regarding First Avenue and Market Street demolitions.  Letter from Julianne Asciolla regarding First Avenue and Market Street demolitions.  Letter from Anthony Asciolla regarding First Avenue and Market Street demolitions.

 Letters of support concerning the Manchester Chateau Neighborhood Plan o Manchester Bidwell Corporation o Manchester Citizens Corporation o Victory Baptist Church o Brian Tumelty & Shriniwas Padwad o Chris Whissen o Meda & Barthomew Rago o Candace Coston o Amy Welch o CJ Gonzalez o Renee Rosenteel o Manchester Bidwell Corporation

D. Development Reviews (See Attachment D for staff reports.)

1. Hearing and Action: Approval of the Manchester Chateau Neighborhood Plan, as part of the City of Pittsburgh Comprehensive Plan.

Mr. Dash made a presentation in accordance with the attached staff report. Mr. Dash recommends approval of the proposal.

Mr. Dash gave a brief overview of the plan, the role of the Planning Commission. Manchester and Chateau neighborhoods are part of this plan due to their position for large developments and housing needs. He is requesting that the Planning Commission approve this plan as part of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Pittsburgh.

Stephanie Joy Everett, Senior Planner presented information relating to the Steering Committee members. She introduced Aerion Abney a resident of Manchester and a Steering Committee Member.

Planning Commission Minutes 2 September 10, 2019 Mr. Abney reviewed the overall process of develop this plan which reunited Manchester with the Chateau neighborhood. There were 6 phases to this process these processes included enhancing community pride in the neighborhood. Preparing and learning, reaching out to community and figuring out a framework and design for the plan, revealing the plan to the community and presenting the plan to the commission. He showed a slide that included a Gant style charge outlining the timeline of implementation. The first meeting was held in October 2017, the second was held in February of 2018 and the third was held in May of 2019. At each meeting, comments were received and built upon at each of the subsequent meeting.

The Action Teams were categorized as the following; land use, mobility, community and economic development, open space, environmental stability, and urban design. The next step will be developing a task force to continue to engage the community and keep them informed. He also reviewed the ways that they kept the community informed about the processes, which included flyer distribution and social media, and the most popular, word of mouth. They also had several smaller stakeholder luncheons to keep the greater community involved including an executive luncheon targeting business owners in the community. He also showed photos of the community meetings and flyer distribution and a video of the community members expressing thoughts of the plan.

The key priorities are affordable housing, enhancing connection to other neighborhoods, and providing economic opportunities. The Plan Vision is to preserve a cultural community, focus on people and visitors, expanding housing options, growing the population, and developing rehabilitation education programs such as first time homebuyer workshops. The Development part of the plan included possible rezoning of Western Avenue, Bus Stations, Riverfront Land Use, the possibility of developing a TRID, and more small businesses. The Mobility section included developing a network of improving roadway streets, entryways, bike safety, and connecting Manchester and Chateau. The Infrastructure part of the plan includes improving public spaces, cleaner air, and access to energy efficiency.

Ms. Everett reviewed three priorities received by the steering committee from the first public meeting. She stated that Affordable Housing was in four goals out of twenty-five and will be included in the Development Review Process; enhancing connections to other communities can be done by infrastructure development. In addition, ensuring that there is economic opportunity and stability in relationship with affordable housing and they hope to ensure by developing access to different areas. She also reviewed the timeline leading up to today and mentioned that the comments received are listed online and they have either adjusted plan or provided a written response to the commentator. During the briefing and during the workshops held in August, the Commissioners made several suggestions and those are incorporated in the plan.

The Chairwoman called for comments from the Public.

Joseph Williams of Councilman Lavelle’s Office spoke in full support of the plan.

Planning Commission Minutes 3 September 10, 2019 Gloria Sheffield of Manchester stated that she would like to see a community center and/or activity center for people of all ages to utilize.

James Robinson Jr. of Manchester spoke in support of the plan.

Earl Coleman of the Manchester Citizens Corporation spoke in support the plan.

Ramon Hart of Manchester spoke in support of the plan.

There being no more comments from the Public, the Chairwoman called for questions and comments from the Commissioners.

Ms. Mingo thanked the staff for the thorough presentation. She is impressed with the work and it will be used going forward.

Ms. Deitrick thanked the community for coming out. The staff took many of her suggestions to heart and MCC being very instrumental in this document. Manchester is a fantastic neighborhood.

Ms. Dick echoed the sentiments of the commissioners great plan.

Ms. O’Neill agrees with the commissioners and wondered about the changes or updates.

Ms. Everett stated that there would be a bi annual update.

Ms. Askey said this is truly a time to celebrate.

Ms. Mondor agrees with her colleagues this is positively brilliant. Is there a section about changes to zoning to address the historic district?

Ms. Everett said there is some legislation for Western Avenue, not for Chateau or the residential area. There are also to additional accessory items and inclusionary zoning.

Ms. Mondor said the flexibility of this plan is evident and the need for a community center and it definitely will fit within the structure.

There being no more questions or comments from the Commissioners, the Chairwoman called for the motion. Planning Commission Minutes 4 September 10, 2019

MOTION: That the Planning Commission of the City of Pittsburgh adopt the Manchester Chateau Neighborhood Plan as the Manchester Chateau area component of the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

MOVED BY: Ms. Deitrick SECONDED BY: Ms. Mingo

IN FAVOR: Mondor, Mingo, Deitrick, Askey, Dick, O’Neill



E. Plan of Lots (See Attachment E)

2. Summer Hill Reserve Subdivision Plan, (3846 Harpen Road), 26th Ward Mr. Miller made presentation in accordance with the attached staff report. Acting Director Dash agrees with the subdivision committee and recommends approval of the plan. The Chairwoman called for a motion.

MOTION: That the Summer Hill Reserve Subdivision Plan, 26th Ward, City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny, received by the Planning Commission on September 10, 2019, be preliminarily approved and scheduled for final review on September 24, 2019.


IN FAVOR: Dick, O’Neill, Askey, Mondor, Deitrick, Mingo



3. Penn Avenue Holdings Consolidation Plan, (4410-12 Penn Avenue), 9th Ward Mr. Miller made presentation in accordance with the attached staff report. Acting Director Dash agrees with the subdivision committee and recommends approval of the plan. The Chairwoman called for a motion.

Planning Commission Minutes 5 September 10, 2019 MOTION: That the Penn Avenue Holdings Consolidation Plan, 9th Ward, City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny, received by the Planning Commission on September 10, 2019, be approved and the signatures of the proper officers of the Planning Commission be affixed thereto. (No improvements or monuments needed.)

MOVED BY: Ms. Dick SECONDED BY: Ms. Deitrick

IN FAVOR: Dick, O’Neill, Askey, Mondor, Deitrick, Mingo



4. 1717 Fifth Avenue Consolidation Plan, (1717 Fifth Avenue), 1st Ward Mr. Miller made presentation in accordance with the attached staff report. Acting Director Dash agrees with the subdivision committee and recommends approval of the plan. The Chairwoman called for a motion.

MOTION: That the 1717 Fifth Avenue Consolidation Plan, 1st Ward, City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny, received by the Planning Commission on September 10, 2019, be approved and the signatures of the proper officers of the Planning Commission be affixed thereto. (No improvements or monuments needed.)

MOVED BY: Ms. Dick SECONDED BY: Ms. Deitrick

IN FAVOR: Dick, O’Neill, Askey, Mondor, Deitrick, Mingo



5. 1717 Locust Consolidation Plan (1717 Locust Street)m 1st Ward Mr. Miller made presentation in accordance with the attached staff report. Acting Director Dash agrees with the subdivision committee and recommends approval of the plan. The Chairwoman called for a motion.

Planning Commission Minutes 6 September 10, 2019 MOTION: That the 1717 Locust Consolidation Plan, 9th Ward, City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny, received by the Planning Commission on September 10, 2019, be approved and the signatures of the proper officers of the Planning Commission be affixed thereto. (No improvements or monuments needed.)

MOVED BY: Ms. Dick SECONDED BY: Ms. Deitrick

IN FAVOR: Dick, O’Neill, Askey, Mondor, Deitrick, Mingo



6. 308 Miltenberger Consolidation Plan, (308 Miltenberger Street), 1st Ward Mr. Miller made presentation in accordance with the attached staff report. Acting Director Dash agrees with the subdivision committee and recommends approval of the plan. The Chairwoman called for a motion.

MOTION: That the 308 Miltenberger Consolidation Plan, 1st Ward, City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny, received by the Planning Commission on September 10, 2019, be approved and the signatures of the proper officers of the Planning Commission be affixed thereto. (No improvements or monuments needed.)

MOVED BY: Ms. Dick SECONDED BY: Ms. Deitrick

IN FAVOR: Dick, O’Neill, Askey, Mondor, Deitrick, Mingo



7. 911 Pretense Way Subdivision, (911 Pretense Way), 17th Ward Mr. Miller made presentation in accordance with the attached staff report. Acting Director Dash agrees with the subdivision committee and recommends approval of the plan. The Chairwoman called for a motion.

Planning Commission Minutes 7 September 10, 2019 MOTION: That the 911 Pretense Way Subdivision Plan, 1st Ward, City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny, received by the Planning Commission on September 10, 2019, be approved and the signatures of the proper officers of the Planning Commission be affixed thereto. (No improvements or monuments needed.)

MOVED BY: Ms. Dick SECONDED BY: Ms. Deitrick

IN FAVOR: Dick, O’Neill, Askey, Mondor, Deitrick, Mingo



8. West North Development Plan of Lots (506-08 W. North Street), 22nd Ward Mr. Miller made presentation in accordance with the attached staff report. Acting Director Dash agrees with the subdivision committee and recommends approval of the plan. The Chairwoman called for a motion.

MOTION: That the West North Development Plan of Lots, 22nd Ward, City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny, received by the Planning Commission on September 10, 2019, be approved and the signatures of the proper officers of the Planning Commission be affixed thereto. (No improvements or monuments needed.)

MOVED BY: Ms. Dick SECONDED BY: Ms. Deitrick

IN FAVOR: Dick, O’Neill, Askey, Mondor, Deitrick, Mingo



9. John Mueller Consolidation Plan (520 Foreland Street), 23rd Ward Mr. Miller made presentation in accordance with the attached staff report. Acting Director Dash agrees with the subdivision committee and recommends approval of the plan. The Chairwoman called for a motion.

Planning Commission Minutes 8 September 10, 2019 Steven Pascale of 720 Cedar Avenue ask the Commission to deny this application due to illegal band concerts in violation of the City Code of an LNC district. They want to combine the lots to have upcoming concerts. The space was closed by the City Fire Inspector and the case will be heard before the magistrate on September 19, 2019.

Stephanie Russo of 517 Suisman Street requests that the Commission deny this application. The concerts make her life a living hell due to the noise. She also submitted materials regarding the magistrate hearing held regarding this property.

Ms. O’Neill asked about the two structures and the uses.

Mr. Miller stated that the Occupancy Permits are for a construction company and offices. The potential uses for are at the discretion of the Zoning Board.

Ms. O’Neill said that under the law they have the right to consolidate. Anything further would be a special exception under the Zoning Board.

Ms. Mondor said the use is not before this body just the consolidation.

Mr. Miller read the criteria for this item in the City Code.

Ms. O’Neill stated that this consolidation confirms what exists it is not paving the way for the stated use of the property. We have very limited jurisdiction here and really cannot deny this.

MOTION: That the John Mueller Consolidation Plan, 23rd Ward, City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny, received by the Planning Commission on September 10, 2019, be approved and the signatures of the proper officers of the Planning Commission be affixed thereto. (No improvements or monuments needed.)

MOVED BY: Ms. O’Neill SECONDED BY: Ms. Askey

IN FAVOR: O’Neill, Askey, Dick

OPPOSED: Mingo, Dietrick, Mondor


Planning Commission Minutes 9 September 10, 2019

10. Goleb & Rigo Consolidation Plan (1422 Liverpool Street), 21st Ward Mr. Miller made presentation in accordance with the attached staff report. Acting Director Dash agrees with the subdivision committee and recommends approval of the plan. The Chairwoman called for a motion.

MOTION: That the Goleb & Rigo Consolidation Plan, 9th Ward, City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny, received by the Planning Commission on September 10, 2019, be approved and the signatures of the proper officers of the Planning Commission be affixed thereto. (No improvements or monuments needed.)

MOVED BY: Ms. Dick SECONDED BY: Ms. Deitrick

IN FAVOR: Dick, O’Neill, Askey, Mondor, Deitrick, Mingo



F. Director’s Report

Acting Director Andrew Dash reported the following:  Thank the Commissioners for their participation in the work sessions held during recess.  At Mill 19 the unveiling of the Plan on Monday September 16th.  The Conservation Districts Plan will be coming before the Commission in the next few months via work sessions in the fall prior to it being presented at Briefing.

G. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn made by Ms. Dick, and seconded by Ms Askey. The Meeting adjourned at (4:47 pm)

Approved by: Becky Mingo, Secretary


The official records of the Planning Commission’s meetings are the Minutes of the Meetings approved by the Commission’s Secretary, Becky Mingo. The Minutes are the ONLY official record.

Planning Commission Minutes 10 September 10, 2019 Any other notes, recordings, etc. are not official records of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission cannot verify the accuracy or authenticity of notes, recordings, etc. that are not part of the official minutes.

Planning Commission Minutes 11