Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Green Bay 1942.Pdf
AFTER SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS The History of Den Norske Evangeliske Lutherske Menighed i Fort Howard, TVisconsin Now the Trinit~ euanyrlical Lutheran qonyrryation of Green Bay and Associated Congregations Zion's Congregation in Glenmore and St. J ohn's Congregation in Ashwaubenon By ANTON JARSTAD A ssisted by THE COMMITTEE ON LOCAL CHURCH HISTOR Y OLAF OLSEN MARTIN ONSTAD F RED LIER on the occasion of the celebration of our 75th Anniversary of the founding of the Congregation 1867 1942 COPYRIGH T , 19-12 G REEN HAY, v\fl SCONSl N AUGSllURG l'UllLISlllNG HOUSE J\ t l:Si''E:\POLIS, 1'.IINI'ESOTA Dedication 1:hrough three qmirtcrs of o crntur~ there hotlc been times \Uhcn, o.s g congrc_gotion, \Uc could not .sec the good motitlc thot prompted the action of the inditliduol. iJt is no\U, \Uhcn ~cars hatlc gone b~, ond \Uc look into the past, thot \Uc sec as <Bofi \Uants u.s to .sec. 1:0 the members departed and present \Uho rcmoincd lo~ol, rcgordless of the op· prcciotion gitlcn, do \Uc dedirnte thi.s book. 5 ' ......1 CHURCH COUi\'CIL lloard of Trustees, standing: Helmer J ohnson, Albert Sch ley, O la( A. Olson, J ohn Hansen, Hjalmcr l'eterson, l-la tT )' Anclerson, Stanley Rnmsett lloarcl of Deacons, seated: Anfin H altug, Ed. F. Hanson, Harvey Scory, Rev. T. S. Hanson, frcd L ier, Anton Larsen, J\ . ~I. Christenson, Chainnan o( Joint Boards Preface SEVENTY-FIVE yea rs h ave come and gone since the first Norwegia n settlers in Fort Howard, now Green Bay, joined Lo es tablish a Lutheran congrega tion h ere.
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