

1. Call to order by Chair. 2. Prayer and Pledge to the Flag. 3. Roll Call. 4. Public Hearings. a. Rezoning re: Stephen E. and Tammy J. Bentley, Tax Map 90, Parcel 058.01 & portion of Parcel 057.00 in the 6th Civil District, A-1, General Agricultural District to A-3, Agriculture Business District. b. Rezoning re: Paul A. and Wanda Davis, Tax Map 83, Parcel 186.00 in the 4th Civil District, A-1, General Agricultural District to R-1, Low Density Residential District. c. Rezoning re: Petie H. and Phyllis S. Gardner, Tax Map 12, portion of Parcel 57.00 in the 12th Civil District, M-1, Industrial District to R-3A, High Density Residential District. d. Rezoning re: Gray Station Apartments, LLC, Tax Map 12, Parcels 071.00, 073.00, 074.00 and portion of Parcel 069.00 in the 12th Civil District, B-3, General Business District to R-3, High Density Residential District. e. Rezoning re: Ralph E. Martin c/o Mark Edmonds, Tax Map 33, Parcel 65.00 in the 13th Civil District, A-1, General Agricultural District to A-3, Agricultural Business District. At the conclusion of the public hearings, the Board of County Commissioners will reconvene in regular session. Upon reconvening, the order of business shall continue as follows: 5. Planning Commission and Zoning. a. Receive minutes of the March 2, 2021 Board of Zoning Appeals with attachments. pg. 6 b. Receive minutes of the March 2, 2021 Washington County Regional Planning Commission with attachments. pg. 7 c. County Commission Planning Agenda. pg. 10 1. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-01 “Resolution Rezoning Tax Map 90, Parcel 058.01 & Portion of Parcel 057.00 in the 6th Civil District Presently Owned by Stephen E. and Tammy J. Bentley.” pg. 38

March 2021 Agenda Page 1 of 5 Page 1 of 215 2. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-02 “Resolution Rezoning Tax Map 83, Parcel 186.00 in the 4th Civil District Presently Owned by Paul A. and Wanda Davis.” pg. 41 3. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-03 “Resolution Rezoning Tax Map 12, Portion of Parcel 57.00 in the 12th Civil District Presently Owned by Petie H. and Phyllis S. Gardner.” pg. 44 4. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-04 “Resolution Rezoning Tax Map 12, Parcels 071.00, 073.00, 074.00 and Portion of Parcel 069.00 in the 12th Civil District Presently Owned by Gray Station Apartments, LLC.” pg. 47 5. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-05 “Resolution Rezoning Tax Map 33, Parcel 65.00 in the 13th Civil District Presently Owned by Ralph E. Martin c/o Mark Edmonds.” pg. 50 6. Special Recognition and Proclamations. a. Proclamation for Public Safety Telecommunications Week April 11-17, 2021. pg. 53 b. Proclamation Honoring the Washington County-Jonesborough Library upon its 125th Anniversary and upon its 75th Anniversary as a Department of Washington County. pg. 54 7. Board of County Commissioners. a. Receive and consider minutes from the February 22, 2021, meeting of the Board of County Commissioners (previously mailed). 8. Elections, Appointments, and Confirmations. a. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-06 “Resolution Confirming the County Mayor’s Appointment to the Washington County Regional Planning Commission.” pg. 55 b. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-21 “Resolution Appointing Two Members to the Emergency Communications District E-911.” pg. 57 9. Reports of Officials and Committees. a. County Mayor. 1. No Written Report. b. County Attorney. 1. No Written Report. 2. Update of details from County Trustee and County Clerk & Master following Delinquent Tax Sale. c. Director of Health Department. 1. No Written Report. d. Director of Schools. 1. No Written Report.

March 2021 Agenda Page 2 of 5 Page 2 of 215 e. Audit Committee. 1. No meeting. f. Beer Board. 1. No meeting. g. Commercial, Industrial & Agricultural Committee. 1. Receive minutes of the March 4, 2021 meeting with attachments. pg. 59 a. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-09 “Resolution Appointing New Members to the Communications Task Force.” pg. 86 b. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-11 “Resolution Accepting the Report of the 2021 Washington County Commissioners Workshop/Retreat Held on February 20, 2021 & Ratifying the Action Steps Identified by Participants.” pg. 89 c. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-15 “Resolution Authorizing Funding for Boones Creek Historical Trust.” pg. 118 h. Committee on Committees. 1. No meeting. i. County Industrial Development Board. 1. No meeting. j. Courtroom Security Committee. 1. No meeting. k. Employee Compensation & Benefits Committee. 1. Receive minutes of the March 4, 2021 meeting with attachments. pg. 120 a. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-08 “Resolution to Establish an Updated Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan, Devise Rules and Regulations, and to Provide for a Safety Director and the Implementation of Such Program Plan.” pg. 122 l. Health, Education & Welfare Committee. 1. Receive minutes of the March 4, 2021 meeting with attachments. pg. 143 a. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-07 “Resolution Adopting Certain Changes to the 2018 Edition of the International Residential Code.” pg. 145 m. Intergovernmental Affairs Committee. 1. No meeting. n. Investment Committee. 1. No meeting. o. Public Records Commission.

March 2021 Agenda Page 3 of 5 Page 3 of 215 1. No meeting. p. Public Safety Committee. 1. Receive minutes of the March 4, 2021 meeting with attachments. pg. 149 a. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-19 “Resolution Requesting County Mayor’s Engagement of County Technical Assistance Service and Other Organizations to Develop Information Relevant to Fire Safety in Washington County, .” pg. 152 q. Public Works Committee. 1. Receive minutes of the March 4, 2021 meeting with attachments. pg. 154 a. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-12 “Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Highway Department Surplus Property on GovDeals.com.” pg. 155 b. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-10 “Resolution Supporting and Authorizing Washington County’s Application for a Community Development Block Grant to Extend a Water Line to Residents of Taylor Bridge Road in Washington County, Tennessee.” pg. 157 c. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-23 “Resolution Approving Agreement Between Washington County, Tennessee and the City of Johnson City, Tennessee for Emergency Repair Service and Maintenance for Traffic Signals on County Roads.” pg. 160 r. Purchasing Commission. 1. No meeting. s. Reapportionment Committee. 1. No meeting. t. Rules Committee. 1. No meeting. u. Washington County Library Board of Trustees. 1. Receive minutes of the March 9, 2021 meeting with attachments. pg. 163 v. Washington County Owned Property. 1. Receive minutes of the March 4, 2021 meeting with attachments. pg. 183 a. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-18 “Resolution Authorizing Negotiation of Purchase of Olde Towne Hardware with

March 2021 Agenda Page 4 of 5 Page 4 of 215 Extension of Current Lease of Olde Towne Hardware, and Amending Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021.” pg. 186 w. Water Tasl Force. 1. Receive minutes of the February 12, 2021 meeting with attachments. pg. 190 x. Budget Committee. 1. Receive minutes of the March 10, 2021 meeting with attachments. pg. 191 a. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-13 “Resolution Amending Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021 re: Purchase of Right-of-Ways.” pg. 200 b. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-14 “Resolution Amending Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021 re: Purchase Postage.” pg. 202 c. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-16 “Resolution Amending Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021 re: Additional Funding for Disposing of Waste Tires.” pg. 204 d. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-17 “Resolution Amending Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021 re: Funding for the Upgrade of the Infax Digital Signage Solution.” pg. 206 e. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-22 “Resolution Amending Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021 re: Replacement of Telford-New Victory Bridge.” pg. 208 f. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-24 “Resolution Amending Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021 re: Purchase Engine for Dump Truck and One Asphalt Roller.” pg. 210 10. Old Business. a. None. 11. Notaries. a. Consider Resolution No. 21-03-20 “Resolution Approving the Election of Notaries Public for Appointment and/or Reappointment for Washington County, Tennessee.” pg. 213 12. New Business. a. None. 13. Appendix. a. None. 14. Miscellaneous Announcements. a. The cut-off date and time for next month’s County Commission Agenda is Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 12:00 noon. 15. Adjournment.

March 2021 Agenda Page 5 of 5 Page 5 of 215

Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting Minutes March 2, 2021

Members Present Members Absent Lesley Musick, Chair Nes Levotch Wayne Rupert, Vice-Chair Skip Oldham Larry England Visitors Staff Present Saul Rodriguez Angie Charles Sally Fletcher Chris Pape Rebecca Meador

Chair Musick called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M., and the attendance roster circulated.

A motion was made by Vice-Chair Rupert, seconded by Mr. England, to approve the February 2, 2021 minutes as submitted. The motion was approved unanimously (3-0).

The Board considered a variance request from Saul & Lisa Rodriguez for property located at 273 Dunbar Rd (File #21WC-00073), for an accessory structure to be placed in the front yard. Section 601.1.14 of the Zoning Resolution, requires accessory structures to be placed in the side or rear yard.

The Chair opened the public hearing. The petitioner, Mr. Saul Rodriguez, spoke in favor of the request explaining that, due to the irregular lot shape and topography of his lot, the front yard was only suitable buildable location. Mrs. Rebecca Meador (261 Dunbar Rd) and Mrs. Sally Fletcher (271 Dunbar Rd) also both spoke in favor of the request. Seeing no one else present to speak, the Chair closed the public hearing.

Staff presented the recommendation of approval based on the lot’s shape and its topographic challenges. The Board was also advised of a phone call received from a neighboring resident located along Pepper Mill Rd who expressed support of the request.

There being no further discussion, a motion was made by Vice-Chair Rupert, seconded by Mr. England, to approve the variance request based on staff’s recommendation. The motion carried unanimously (3-0).

There being no further business, Mr. England made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Vice-Chair Rupert. The motion carried unanimously (3-0), and the meeting adjourned at 9:13 A.M.

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Washington County Regional Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 2, 2021

Members Present Members Absent Sam Lindley, P.E., Vice-Chair Joe McCoy, R.L.S., Chair Commissioner Huffine Commissioner Wheeler Pat Wolfe Gary McAllister Visitors Larry England Gina Brown Conor Goodson Staff Present Stephen Bentley Angie Charles, AICP Jeff Jackson Christopher Pape, GISP Angela Jackson Susan Saylor Shane Abraham Mark Edmonds David A. Decker Darin Karst Jeff Kinsler Richard Phillips Elizabeth Decker Phillip Cox Commissioner Bryan Davenport

Vice-Chair Lindley, assuming the role of Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

Mr. Wolfe gave the Invocation and Vice-Chair Lindley lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Mr. Wolfe to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Mr. England; the motion carried unanimously (5-0) upon a voice vote.

Vice-Chair Lindley asked for any disclosures of conflicts of interests. None were disclosed.

A motion was made Mr. England to approve the February 2, 2021 minutes as submitted, seconded by Mr. McAllister; the motion carried unanimously (5-0) upon a voice vote.

A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe, seconded by Mr. McAllister, to approve the Consent Agenda, confirming the actions of the Secretary/Assistant Secretary of the Planning Commission approving 10 plats and 1 site plan. The motion carried unanimously (5-0) upon a voice vote.

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Vice-Chair Lindley opened the Public Hearing portion of the meeting for Rezoning Requests, the first on the agenda being the Stephen & Tammy Bentley (A-1 to A-3) request. Stephen Bentley, Petitioner, gave a brief history of the existing campground and noted his desire to expand by adding 20 additional sites. David Decker, 311 Highway 107, Jonesborough, asked questions about the proposed expansion that were addressed by viewing the concept plan associated with the request. No one else was present to speak on this item.

Vice-Chair Lindley then asked if anyone was present to speak to the Paul & Wanda Davis (A-1 to R-1) request. Jeff Jackson, Petitioner, explained the history of the property and the intent to subdivide into 2-lots. No one else was present to speak on this item.

Vice-Chair Lindley then asked if anyone was present to speak to the Petie & Phyllis Gardner (M-1 to R-3A) request. Jeff Kinsler, representing the Petitioner, explained the request to rezone to construct a multi-family development. No one else was present to speak on this item.

Vice-Chair Lindley then asked if anyone was present to speak to the Gray Station Apartments, LLC (B-3 to R-3) request. Shane Abraham, Petitioner, gave a brief slide show presentation to explain the proposed development of the site for multi-family use. Next, Commissioner Davenport spoke and reiterated the opportunity the development would bring to both the current site and the Gray community. No one else was present to speak on this item.

Vice-Chair Lindley then asked if anyone was present to speak to the Silicon Ranch Corporation (A-1 to A-3) request. Conor Goodson, representing the Petitioner, explained and compared the existing solar farm site in Telford with the plans for this site. No one else was present to speak on this item.

Seeing no further comments, Vice-Chair Lindley closed the Public Hearing and moved into New Business.

The Commission considered a rezoning request for Stephen & Tammy Bentley at 330 Highway 107. Staff presented the submittal and recommended approval of the request to rezone from A-1 to A-3. A motion was made by Mr. McAllister to recommend approval of the request to the Board of County Commissioners, seconded by Mr. England. The motion carried unanimously (5-0) upon a voice vote.

The Commission considered a rezoning request for Paul & Wanda Davis at 228 Arrowood Rd. Staff presented the submittal and recommended approval of the request to rezone from A-1 to R-1. A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe to recommend approval of the request to the Board of County Commissioners, seconded by Commissioner Huffine. The motion carried unanimously (5-0) upon a voice vote.

The Commission considered a rezoning request for Petie & Phyllis Gardner at 516 Sid Martin Rd. Staff presented the submittal and recommended approval of the request to rezone from M-1 to R-3A. A motion was made by Mr. England to recommend approval

Page 8 of 215 - 3 - of the request to the Board of County Commissioners, seconded by Mr. McAllister. The motion carried unanimously (5-0) upon a voice vote. The Commission considered a rezoning request for Gray Station Apartments at 5267 Bobby Hicks Highway. Staff presented the submittal and recommended approval of the request to rezone from B-3 to R-3. A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe to recommend approval of the request to the Board of County Commissioners, seconded by Commissioner Huffine. The motion carried unanimously (5-0) upon a voice vote.

The Commission considered a rezoning request for Silicon Ranch Corporation at 158 Martin Rd. Staff presented the submittal and recommended approval of the request to rezone from A-1 to A-3. A motion was made by Mr. England to recommend approval of the request to the Board of County Commissioners, seconded by Mr. Wolfe. The motion carried unanimously (5-0) upon a voice vote.

Next, the Commission considered a site plan request for UDC Storage. Staff presented the request, which consisted of 152 pre-fabricated units separated into multiple buildings. Staff recommended approval of the request as submitted. A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe to approve the request, seconded by Commissioner Huffine. The motion carried unanimously (5-0) upon a voice vote.

The Commission considered a customary home occupation request for Manning Armory & Gunsmithing at 329 Stockyard Rd. Staff presented the submittal and advised the requirements of the Zoning Resolution were met as described in the petitioner’s application. A motion was made by Commissioner Huffine to accept staff’s recommendation and approve the request, seconded by Mr. McAllister. The motion carried unanimously (5-0) upon a voice vote.

There being no further business, Mr. McAllister made a motion to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. England. The motion carried unanimously (5-0), and the meeting adjourned at 6:15 P.M.

Page 9 of 215 Washington County Board of County Commissioners Planning Agenda March 22, 2021

Public Hearing for Rezoning Requests

1. Stephen & Tammy Bentley – 330 Highway 107 (Tax Map 90, Parcels 58.01 & Part of 57), Jonesborough - A-1, General Agriculture District, to A-3, Agriculture Business District (File #21WC-00065)

2. Paul & Wanda Davis – 228 Arrowood Rd (Tax Map 83, Parcel 186), Jonesborough - A-1, General Agriculture District, to R-1, Low Density Residential District (File #21WC-00067)

3. Petie & Phyllis Gardner – 516 Sid Martin Rd (Tax Map 12, Portion of Parcel 57), Gray - M-1, Industrial District, to R-3A, High Residential District (File #21WC-00039)

4. Gray Station Apartments, LLC – 5267 Bobby Hicks Hwy (Tax Map 12, Parcels 71, 73 & 74 & Part of 69), Gray - B-3, General Business District, to R-3, High Density Residential District (File #21WC-00084)

5. Silicon Ranch Corporation – 158 Martin Rd (Tax Map 33, Parcel 65), Jonesborough - A-1, General Agriculture District, to A-3, Agriculture Business District (File #21WC-00081)

Rezoning Requests

1. Stephen & Tammy Bentley – 330 Highway 107 (Tax Map 90, Parcels 58.01 & Part of 57), Jonesborough - A-1, General Agriculture District, to A-3, Agriculture Business District (File #21WC-00065)

2. Paul & Wanda Davis – 228 Arrowood Rd (Tax Map 83, Parcel 186), Jonesborough - A-1, General Agriculture District, to R-1, Low Density Residential District (File #21WC-00067)

3. Petie & Phyllis Gardner – 516 Sid Martin Rd (Tax Map 12, Portion of Parcel 57), Gray - M-1, Industrial District, to R-3A, High Residential District (File #21WC-00039)

4. Gray Station Apartments, LLC – 5267 Bobby Hicks Hwy (Tax Map 12, Parcels 71, 73 & 74 & Part of 69), Gray - B-3, General Business District, to R-3, High Density Residential District (File #21WC-00084)

5. Silicon Ranch Corporation – 158 Martin Rd (Tax Map 33, Parcel 65), Jonesborough - A-1, General Agriculture District, to A-3, Agriculture Business District (File #21WC-00081)

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Rezoning Request – A-1 to A-3 330 Highway 107, Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tax Map 90, Parcel 58.01 & Portion of Parcel 57, 6th Civil District

Owner/Petitioner: Stephen & Tammy Bentley

Size: 7.15 acres

Current Land Use: Riverview Campground and Vacant

Proposed Land Use: Maintain Current Use and Campground Expansion

Current Zoning: A-1, General Agriculture

Requested Zoning: A-3, Agriculture Business

Surrounding Zoning Surrounding Land Use North: A-1, General Agriculture Nolichucky River and Agriculture

South: B-3, General Business, & A-1, Highway 107, Business, and General Agriculture Single-Family Residential

East: A-1, General Agriculture Vacant and Agriculture

West: R-1, Low Density Residential, Single-Family Residential and & A-1, General Agriculture Agriculture

Analysis: A rezoning request has been submitted for the purpose of expanding an existing commercial campground (Riverview Campground). Water is available from the Town of Jonesborough and adequate for the proposed expansion (public sewer is not available). Hwy 107 is an ‘arterial’ road, extending southwest from SR-81S to Greene County. The surrounding zoning is A-1 (General Agriculture) and the land uses in the area are predominately agricultural and residential.

The petitioner provided a conceptual plan that reflects the location of 20 additional camping spaces and an equipment shop. Appendix D of the Zoning Resolution, shown as a chart, identifies requirements for commercial campgrounds. These requirements must be met at the time a Site Plan is submitted for a building permit.

Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning of Tax Map 90 Parcel 58.01 and a portion of Parcel 57, from A-1 to A-3, as requested.


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Rezoning – A-1 to A-3 Tax Map 90, Parcel 58.01 & Part of 57– 330 Highway 107

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Rezoning – A-1 to A-3 Tax Map 90, Parcel 58.01 & Part of 57– 330 Highway 107

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Rezoning – A-1 to A-3 Tax Map 90, Parcel 58.01 & Part of 57– 330 Highway 107

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Rezoning – A-1 to A-3 Tax Map 90, Parcel 58.01 & Part of 57– 330 Highway 107

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Rezoning Request – A-1 to R-1 228 Arrowood Rd, Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tax Map 83, Parcel 186, 4th Civil District

Owner/Petitioner: Paul & Wanda Davis

Agent: Jeffrey Jackson

Size: 0.83 acres

Current Land Use: Residential

Proposed Land Use: Residential

Current Zoning: A-1, General Agriculture

Requested Zoning: R-1, Low Density Residential

Surrounding Zoning Surrounding Land Use North: A-1, General Agriculture Arrowood Rd and Single-Family Residential

South: A-1, General Agriculture Single-Family Residential

East: A-1, General Agriculture Single-Family Residential

West: A-1, General Agriculture Single-Family Residential

Analysis: A rezoning request has been submitted for the purpose of subdividing the property into two lots. The (minimum 15,000-sq.ft.) lot size in the R-1 district will allow for the division, placing the existing residences on separate lots. The property is too small to subdivide into two lots with the current zoning designation in place as the A-1 district has a minimum half-acre lot size requirement. According to the Town of Jonesborough, water is available to the property but sewer is not available. The zoning in the area is A-1, with the predominate land use being residential. A Concept Plan is not required for this request, per Section 511 of the Zoning Resolution.

Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning of Tax Map 83 Parcel 186, from A-1 to R-1, as requested.


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Rezoning – A-1 to R-1 Tax Map 83, Parcel 186– 228 Arrowood Rd

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Rezoning – A-1 to R-1 Tax Map 83, Parcel 186– 228 Arrowood Rd

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Rezoning – A-1 to R-1 Tax Map 83, Parcel 186– 228 Arrowood Rd

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Rezoning Request – M-1 to R-3A 516 Sid Martin Rd, Gray, TN 37615 Tax Map 12, Portion of Parcel 57, 12th Civil District

Owner/Petitioner: Petie & Phyllis Gardner

Size: 9.45 acres

Current Land Use: Vacant

Proposed Land Use: Multi-Family Residential

Current Zoning: M-1, Industrial

Requested Zoning: R-3A, High Density Residential

Surrounding Zoning Surrounding Land Use North: M-1, Industrial, and City of Sid Martin Rd & City Corp Johnson City

South: R-1, Low Density Residential, Agriculture & City of Johnson City

East: M-1, Industrial, & B-3, General Vacant & Landscaping Business Business

West: R-3A, High Density Residential, Station Park at Gray (Townhomes, & M-1, Industrial 88-units) & Mountain States Offices

Analysis: A rezoning request has been submitted for the property to accommodate a 72-unit multi-family development. The development will have access and an entrance onto Sid Martin Rd, a local street. Water and sewer are available from the City of Johnson City and adequate for the proposed use.

The surrounding zoning is varied, with portions being located within Johnson City’s corporate limits. Being that the neighboring land uses span from vacant to industrial, the request is not out of scale or character with the area. High density residential would be complimentary by providing housing close to the major thoroughfare (Bobby Hicks Hwy), allowing residents opportunities to walk or bike to establishments should they not wish to travel by car. The intersection of Sid Martin Rd and Bobby Hicks Hwy is signalized, and there is also a controlled crosswalk to assist with pedestrian crossings to the northern side of Bobby Hicks Hwy.

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A Conceptual Plan is required for this rezoning request. The submitted plan depicts the location of the multi-family units, parking, mail kiosk, and stormwater detention area. The proposed 72-units and 150 parking spaces are in compliance with zoning requirements.

Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of rezoning Tax Map 12 Parcel 57, from M-1 to R-3A, as requested.


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Rezoning – M-1 to R-3A Tax Map 12, Part of Parcel 57– 516 Sid Martin Rd

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Rezoning – M-1 to R-3A Tax Map 12, Part of Parcel 57– 516 Sid Martin Rd

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Rezoning – M-1 to R-3A Tax Map 12, Part of Parcel 57– 516 Sid Martin Rd

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Rezoning – M-1 to R-3A Tax Map 12, Part of Parcel 57– 516 Sid Martin Rd

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Rezoning Request – B-3 to R-3 5267 Bobby Hicks Highway, Gray, TN 37615 Tax Map 12, Parcels 71, 73, 74 & Portion of Parcel 69, 12th Civil District

Owner/Petitioner: Gray Station Apartments, LLC Agent: Shane Abraham

Size: 16 acres

Current Land Use: Vacant

Proposed Land Use: Multi-Family Residential

Current Zoning: B-3, General Business

Requested Zoning: R-3, High Density Residential

Surrounding Zoning Surrounding Land Use North: B-3, General Business Commercial & Single-Family Residential

South: B-3, General Business, Office Space, Storage, Ashley & City of Johnson City Furniture Clearance Center & Bobby Hicks Highway East: B-3, General Business, CSX Railroad and Food City & City of Johnson City

West: B-3, General Business Multi-Family and Single-Family Residential, Old Gray Station Rd & Office/Commercial

Analysis: A rezoning request has been submitted for the property to accommodate a 226-unit multi-family development. The development will have access and multiple entrance points onto Old Gray Station Rd, a ‘collector’ street. Water and sewer are available from the City of Johnson City and adequate for the proposed use.

The surrounding land uses range from vacant to commercial, with portions being located within Johnson City’s corporate limits. High density residential would be complimentary by providing housing close to the major thoroughfare (Bobby Hicks Hwy), allowing residents opportunities to walk or bike to establishments should they not wish to travel by car. The intersection of Old Gray Station Rd and Bobby Hicks Hwy is signalized, to assist with pedestrian crossings to the southern side of Bobby Hicks Hwy.

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Per Section 511(A) of the Zoning Resolution, a Concept Plan is required for this rezoning request. The submitted plan depicts the location of the buildings for the multi- family units and associated parking. Also shown are amenities including a clubhouse, pool, playground, and a dog park. Stormwater detention pond areas are also depicted; and the petitioner has coordinated with the Highway Department on the proposed ingress/egress locations onto Old Gray Station Rd.

Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of rezoning Tax Map 12 Parcels 71, 73, 74, and a portion of Parcel 69, from B-3 to R-3, as requested.


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Rezoning – B-3 to R-3 Tax Map 12, Parcels 71, 73 & 74 & Part of Parcel 69– 5267 Bobby Hicks Hwy

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Rezoning – B-3 to R-3 Tax Map 12, Parcels 71, 73 & 74 & Part of Parcel 69– 5267 Bobby Hicks Hwy

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Rezoning – B-3 to R-3 Tax Map 12, Parcels 71, 73 & 74 & Part of Parcel 69– 5267 Bobby Hicks Hwy

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Rezoning – B-3 to R-3 Tax Map 12, Parcels 71, 73 & 74 & Part of Parcel 69– 5267 Bobby Hicks Hwy

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Rezoning Request – A-1 to A-3 158 Martin Rd, Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tax Map 33, Parcel 65, 13th Civil District

Owner: The Estate of Ralph E. Martin

Petitioner: Silicon Ranch Corporation Agent: Conor Goodson

Size: 102.66 acres

Current Land Use: Agriculture and Vacant Proposed Land Use: Solar Farm

Current Zoning: A-1, General Agriculture Requested Zoning: A-3, Agriculture Business

Surrounding Zoning Surrounding Land Use North: A-1, General Agriculture Vacant & Single Family Residential

South: A-1, General Agriculture Oak Hill Road, Martin Road & Single Family Residential East: A-1, General Agriculture Oak Hill Cir, Single Family Residential & Agriculture

West: A-1, General Agriculture Martin Rd, Agriculture & Single Family Residential

Analysis: A rezoning request has been submitted for a large acreage property bordered by Martin Rd, Oak Hill Rd, and Cherry Hill Rd. The parcel exceeds 100 acres in size with minimal variation in topography. The rezoning request is to allow for a proposed solar farm to be placed on the property. The surrounding zoning is A-1 (General Agriculture) and the land uses in the area are predominately agricultural and residential.

The petitioner, Silicon Ranch Corp., presently operates another solar farm in Washington County (off Miller Rd, behind Aerojet). A Conceptual Plan is required for this rezoning request. The submitted plan depicts the location of the solar panels and two internal driveways that will provide access from Martin Rd. If rezoned, prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, a Site Plan must be approved by the Planning Commission.

Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning of Tax Map 33 Parcel 65 (158 Martin Rd), from A-1 to A-3, as requested.


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Rezoning – A-1 to A-3 Tax Map 33, Parcel 65– 158 Martin Rd

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Rezoning – A-1 to A-3 Tax Map 33, Parcel 65– 158 Martin Rd

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Rezoning – A-1 to A-3 Tax Map 33, Parcel 65– 158 Martin Rd

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Rezoning – A-1 to A-3 Tax Map 33, Parcel 65– 158 Martin Rd

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Rezoning – A-1 to A-3 Tax Map 33, Parcel 65– 158 Martin Rd

Page 37 of 215 Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:



WHEREAS, Tax Map 90, Parcel 058.01 and portion of Parcel 057.00 in the 6th Civil District of Washington County, Tennessee as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Subject Property”) is presently owned by Stephen E. and Tammy J. Bentley; and

WHEREAS, the owner has requested that the Subject Property located at 330 Highway 107, Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659 be rezoned from A-1, General Agricultural District to A-3, Agriculture Business District; and

WHEREAS, the Washington County Regional Planning Commission at its March 2, 2021 meeting recommended APPROVAL of this request, and staff recommendation is for APPROVAL of this request; and

WHEREAS, after public hearing, the Washington County Board of County Commissioners determined that this rezoning request DOES/DOES NOT promote the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity, and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of Washington County, Tennessee; now therefore


SECTION 1. The proposed amendment to the Washington County Zoning Map and Zoning Plan to rezone Tax Map 90, Parcel 058.01 and portion of Parcel 057.00 in the 6th Civil District of Washington County, Tennessee, as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto, from A-1, General Agricultural District to A-3, Agriculture Business District is hereby APPROVED/DENIED.

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

Resolution No. 21-03-01 Page 38 of 215 Page 1 of 2 Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-01 Page 39 of 215 Page 2 of 2 Resolution No. 21-03-01 Exhibit A

Page 40 of 215 Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:



WHEREAS, Tax Map 83, Parcel 186.00 in the 4th Civil District of Washington County, Tennessee as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Subject Property”) is presently owned by Paul A. and Wanda Davis; and

WHEREAS, the owner has requested that the Subject Property located at 228 Arrowood Road, Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659 be rezoned from A-1, General Agricultural District to R-1, Low Density Residential District; and

WHEREAS, the Washington County Regional Planning Commission at its March 2, 2021 meeting recommended APPROVAL of this request, and staff recommendation is for APPROVAL of this request; and

WHEREAS, after public hearing, the Washington County Board of County Commissioners determined that this rezoning request DOES/DOES NOT promote the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity, and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of Washington County, Tennessee; now therefore


SECTION 1. The proposed amendment to the Washington County Zoning Map and Zoning Plan to rezone Tax Map 83, Parcel 186.00 in the 4th Civil District of Washington County, Tennessee, as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto, from A-1, General Agricultural District to R-1, Low Density Residential District is hereby APPROVED/DENIED.

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

Resolution No. 21-03-02 Page 41 of 215 Page 1 of 2 Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-02 Page 42 of 215 Page 2 of 2 Resolution No. 21-03-02 Exhibit A

Page 43 of 215 Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:



WHEREAS, Tax Map 12, portion of Parcel 57.00 in the 12th Civil District of Washington County, Tennessee as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Subject Property”) is presently owned by Petie H. and Phyllis S. Gardner; and

WHEREAS, the owner has requested that the Subject Property located at 516 Sid Martin Road, Gray, Tennessee 37615 be rezoned from M-1, Industrial District to R-3A, High Density Residential District; and

WHEREAS, the Washington County Regional Planning Commission at its March 2, 2021 meeting recommended APPROVAL of this request, and staff recommendation is for APPROVAL of this request; and

WHEREAS, after public hearing, the Washington County Board of County Commissioners determined that this rezoning request DOES/DOES NOT promote the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity, and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of Washington County, Tennessee; now therefore


SECTION 1. The proposed amendment to the Washington County Zoning Map and Zoning Plan to rezone Tax Map 12, portion of Parcel 57.00 in the 12th Civil District of Washington County, Tennessee, as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto, from M-1, Industrial District to R-3A, High Density Residential District is hereby APPROVED/DENIED.

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

Resolution No. 21-03-03 Page 44 of 215 Page 1 of 2 Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-03 Page 45 of 215 Page 2 of 2 Resolution No. 21-03-03 Exhibit A

Page 46 of 215 Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:



WHEREAS, Tax Map 12, Parcels 071.00, 073.00, 074.00 and portion of Parcel 069.00 in the 12th Civil District of Washington County, Tennessee as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Subject Property”) is presently owned by Gray Station Apartments, LLC; and

WHEREAS, the owner has requested that the Subject Property located at 5267 Bobby Hicks Highway, Gray, Tennessee 37615 be rezoned from B-3, General Business District to R-3, High Density Residential District; and

WHEREAS, the Washington County Regional Planning Commission at its March 2, 2021 meeting recommended APPROVAL of this request, and staff recommendation is for APPROVAL of this request; and

WHEREAS, after public hearing, the Washington County Board of County Commissioners determined that this rezoning request DOES/DOES NOT promote the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity, and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of Washington County, Tennessee; now therefore


SECTION 1. The proposed amendment to the Washington County Zoning Map and Zoning Plan to rezone Tax Map 12, Parcels 071.00, 073.00, 074.00 and portion of Parcel 069.00 in the 12th Civil District of Washington County, Tennessee, as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto, from B-3, General Business District to R-3, High Density Residential District is hereby APPROVED/DENIED.

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

Resolution No. 21-03-04 Page 47 of 215 Page 1 of 2 Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-04 Page 48 of 215 Page 2 of 2 Resolution No. 21-03-04 Exhibit A

Page 49 of 215 Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:



WHEREAS, Tax Map 33, Parcel 65.00 in the 13th Civil District of Washington County, Tennessee as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Subject Property”) is presently owned by Ralph E. Martin c/o Mark Edmonds; and

WHEREAS, the owner has requested that the Subject Property located at 158 Martin Road, Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659 be rezoned from A-1, General Agricultural District to A-3, Agricultural Business District; and

WHEREAS, the Washington County Regional Planning Commission at its March 2, 2021 meeting recommended APPROVAL of this request, and staff recommendation is for APPROVAL of this request; and

WHEREAS, after public hearing, the Washington County Board of County Commissioners determined that this rezoning request DOES/DOES NOT promote the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity, and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of Washington County, Tennessee; now therefore


SECTION 1. The proposed amendment to the Washington County Zoning Map and Zoning Plan to rezone Tax Map 33, Parcel 65.00 in the 13th Civil District of Washington County, Tennessee, as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto, from A-1, General Agricultural District to A-3, Agricultural Business District is hereby APPROVED/DENIED.

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

Resolution No. 21-03-05 Page 50 of 215 Page 1 of 2 Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-05 Page 51 of 215 Page 2 of 2 Resolution No. 21-03-05 Exhibit A

Page 52 of 215 Washington County State of Tennessee



WHEREAS, everyday telecommunicators serve the citizens of Washington County by responding to requests for emergency aid with professionalism, compassion, and commitment to the steadfast pursuit of their goal of saving lives and property; and

WHEREAS, the efforts and critical functions performed by telecommunicators to answer calls for help, gather essential information, and ensure that appropriate assistance is provided, is fundamental to the protection of life and preservation of property; and

WHEREAS, telecommunicators are the vital link between the citizen and police officers, firefighters, and paramedics dependent upon the quality and accuracy of information, monitoring of emergency activities, providing information to all parties concerned, and ensuring their safety; and

WHEREAS, the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials, Inc. annually dedicates the second full week in April as National Public Safety Telecommunications Week to honor thousands of men and women who respond to crisis calls for help, dispatch emergency professionals and equipment to render life-saving assistance to the public; now therefore


We do hereby proclaim the week of April 11 – 17, 2021 as

PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATIONS WEEK in Washington County, Tennessee and enlist the support of the citizens of Washington County in honoring these men and women for the role they play everyday in making our lives, homes, and towns safer.

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this, the 22nd day of March 2021.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of Washington County, Tennessee to be affixed in Jonesborough on this 22nd day of March 2021. ______William J. Grandy, County Mayor

Page 53 of 215 Washington County State of Tennessee



WHEREAS, the Washington County-Jonesborough Library took up residence in what was once known as Duncan’s Meadow just in time for the Tennessee Homecoming ‘86 celebration; and

WHEREAS, the library’s story began in 1896 when Mrs. L. H. Patton and Mrs. J. B. Simpson traveled to New York and obtained a commitment for 300 books from the Lend A Hand Society to begin Jonesborough’s first library; in that memorable year, what would become the Washington County-Jonesborough Library began in one small room on the first floor of a building on Jonesborough’s Main Street, opening for one hour once a week, on Wednesday afternoons; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Patton envisioned a library that served the county far beyond its four walls; so, shortly before the turn of the century, Mrs. Patton had a bookcase made, filled it with books and placed it on a buggy, giving Jonesborough its first traveling library, foreshadowing the Bookmobile Station and branch library in Gray that became a reality in the early 1970’s; and

WHEREAS, for 50 years, between 1902 and 1952, the library’s holdings were housed in many different locations, including accommodations made possible by the Jonesborough’s Schubert Club, the Banking and Trust Company, the then-new Jonesborough High School, and the Grand Jury Room of the Washington County courthouse, and, with the move to the Chester Inn in 1952, the Washington County Library Association was created and the library was officially named; and

WHEREAS, today, as the library boldly steps into the era of technology which enables the library to better serve the community in a number of ways, the current director, Mr. Richard Griffin, credits the strong foundation laid by Mrs. Panhorst Cooke, Mrs. Margaret Henry, Mrs. Louise Wine, Mrs. Johnny Fox, Mrs. Fred Hensley, and Ms. Suzanne Tuggle; and

WHEREAS, in addition to librarians, Jonesborough’s citizens demonstrated their ever-increasing commitment to the library each and every year, from Mr. Rhea Wells’ bequest of his home which was the source, in 1977, of the story time program for preschoolers, to the 1978 organization of a Friends Group founded to expand and promote library services and raise money through popular town events; and

WHEREAS, building on the success of the Washington County-Jonesborough Library and its branch in Gray, the Washington County Library Foundation, formed in 2020, is working toward raising funds to build and furnish two new library facilities; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that we honor the staff and supporters of the Washington County-Jonesborough Library, celebrate with them the library’s rich history, and congratulate them upon 125 years of unparalleled service to the community and 75 years as a department of Washington County government.

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this, the 22nd day of March 2021.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of Washington County, Tennessee to be affixed in Jonesborough on this 22nd day of March 2021.

______William J. Grandy, County Mayor

Page 54 of 215 Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:


RESOLUTION No. 21-03-06


WHEREAS, in accordance with Resolution No. 14-09-11, previously adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, the Washington County Regional Planning Commission consists of seven (7) members, with two (2) members from the Board of County Commissioners and five (5) private citizens; and

WHEREAS, the County Mayor recommends the appointment of Commissioner Freddie Malone to the Washington County Regional Planning Commission, subject to confirmation by the Board; now therefore


SECTION 1. Freddie Malone, 1189 Cattail Point, Johnson City, TN 37601 is appointed and confirmed as a member of the Washington County Regional Planning Commission for a term beginning April 1, 2021 and ending on August 31, 2022.

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

Resolution No. 21-03-06 Page 1 of 2 Page 55 of 215

Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-06 Page 2 of 2 Page 56 of 215

Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:




WHEREAS, the Washington County Emergency Communications District E- 911 is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of nine members appointed by the County Mayor; and

WHEREAS, the term of office for the E-911 Board is four (4) years; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to T.C.A. § 7-86-105, for districts created by a County Legislative Body, the County Mayor shall appoint the members of the Board of Directors subject to confirmation by the County Legislative Body; and

WHEREAS, the County Mayor recommends the appointment of Mr. Charles Baines to the Emergency Communications District E-911 Board of Directors; now therefore


SECTION 1. The Board of County Commissioners hereby approves of the County Mayor’s appointment of Mr. Charles Baines as a member of the E-911 Board of Directors for a term ending October 31, 2024.

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Resolution No. 21-03-21 Page 57 of 215 Page 1 of 2 Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-21 Page 58 of 215 Page 2 of 2 CIA Committee Minutes March 4th, 2021, 9:00am 1st Floor Conference Room of the Historic Courthouse

Committee members attending: Chairman Phil Carriger, Commissioners Jodi Jones, Steve Light and Ken Huffine Committee members absent: Commissioner Robbie Tester

Others in attendance: Mayor Joe Grandy, Allyson Wilkinson-County Attorney, Susan Reid, Ed Bowman and Vickie Shell – Boones Creek Historical Trust, Susan Saylor, Sherry Greene, Teresa Stoots

The meeting was called to order and opened in prayer by Chairman Carriger.

Approval of the Agenda – Commissioner Light made a motion to approve the agenda, Commissioner Huffine seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 4-yes 1-absent

Items discussed: Item 1 – Vickie Shell, Boones Creek Historical Trust, gave a presentation on the progress and future plans of the BCHT. Presentation attached. The Trust requested a one-time investment of $50,000 from Washington County to further the economic development of the Historical Trust with regards to construction of an Opry Barn at the Keefauver Farm. A motion to approve funding, in an amount of $50,000, was made by Commissioner Light and seconded by Commissioner Huffine. Motion carried unanimously. 4-yes 1-absent

Item 2 – Commissioner Huffine spoke to the Committee regarding the Commissioner’s recent workshop, held on February 20th, 2021, where the focus was on three key objectives: Water Task Force, Communication and Workforce Development. The Water Task Force is currently working with municipal water departments, Jonesborough, Johnson City and Kingsport to provide public water to rural areas. Communications Task Force has made much progress; however, the Commission feels there is a need to course correct and redefine the Task Force members. A motion was made, by Commissioner Huffine, to recommend Communication Task Force members and ratify by resolution at the March Commission meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Light. Motion carried unanimously. 4-yes 1-absent Commissioner Huffine went on to discuss the progress made regarding Workforce Development and that there was a recommendation, from the workshop, that there be development of workforce on a regional level. A motion was made, by Commissioner Huffine, to have the Commission accept the report from the 2021 Washington County Commissioners Workshop/Retreat ratifying the action steps. Furthermore, have updates on the three objectives placed on the Commission agendas quarterly; one each month, to keep these objectives fresh on the minds of Commissioners. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones. Motion carried unanimously. 4-yes 1-absent DRAFT Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Huffine, seconded by Commissioner Light. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00am.

Attachments: • Presentation from Boones Creek Historical Trust • Presentation and Summary from Commission Workshop held February 20, 2021

Page 59 of 215

Action Items: • Resolution to be forwarded to the Budget Committee for consideration regarding economic development funding for the Boones Creek Historical Trust in an amount of $50,000 • Resolution to be forwarded to the full Commission for consideration regarding recommendation of Communication Task Force Members • Resolution to be forwarded to the full Commission for consideration regarding acceptance of the report from the 2021 Washington County Commissioners Workshop/Retreat held on February 20, 2021 and ratifying the action steps

Respectfully submitted by Sherry Greene.


Page 60 of 215 Page 61 of 215 Page 62 of 215 Page 63 of 215 Page 64 of 215 WASHINGTON COUNTY COMMISSION 2/20/21 Workshop OBJECTIVE Review Top 3 Priorities Define Progress to Date Define Next Steps Create Scorecard Metric Page 65 of 215 TOP THREE PRIORITIES

County Strategies Key Tactics

Strategy #1 •Tactic Water Task Force/Fire •Tactic •Tactic

Strategy #2 •Tactic Communication •Tactic •Tactic

Strategy #3 •Tactic Work Force Development •Tactic •Tactic

Page 66 of 215 Scorecard Scorecard Strategies Key Metrics

Strategy #1 •Metric/time-line Water Task Force/Fire •Metric/time-line •Metric/time-line

Strategy #2 •Metric/time-line Communication •Metric/time-line •Metric/time-line

Strategy #3 •Metric/time-line Work Force Development •Metric/time-line •Metric/time-line

Page 67 of 215 WATER TASK FORCE Water Line Extension Process

Page 68 of 215 Water Task Force 2020 Progress • Task force reactivated • THP Feasibility Study completed and reviewed • Project prioritization from study in progress • Grant application for Taylor Bridge Road Extension ready to submit upon Commission approval • Logan Chapel Road water line upgrade/extension in progress • Proposal for dedicated County installation crew

Page 69 of 215 Water Program vs Extension Process Current Water Program Proposed Water Line Extension Process (3 year lead time) WEP (Ongoing) 1. County citizen would petition Public Works 2. PW would contact appropriate water 1. Water Task Force makes recommendation provider to Washington County Commission for 3. Water provider completes feasibility study water project list 4. Water provider would complete 2. Washington County Commission approves engineering study project list 5. Water provider would provide an estimate 3. Project list funding sources identified to the county 4. WEP manager has engineering study 6. Purposed project would go before the completed Public Works Committee 5. WEP manager manages water extension 7. Purposed project would go before the project Washington County Commission 8. Purposed project would go forward to Municipality for approval 9. Project goes on list to be completed (6

months to 1 year) Page 70 of 215 Water Line Extension Process Program Outline • Implement Water Line extension process to service all of Washington County • Joint process with Town of Jonesborough (county paid, Jonesborough managed) • Seven employees dedicated to water line expansions in Washington County 2 Operators (one is Supervisor of crew) 4 Service Workers 1 Truck Driver • Estimated Annual Cost $450,000 • Process not limited to County crew only

Page 71 of 215 Water Line Extension Equipment Cost

Equipment Cost 1 Backhoe $100,000 2 Dump Truck $240,000 1 Excavator $100,000 1 Service Truck $60,000 1 Pick-up Truck $35,000 Total $535,000*

*$133,750 amortized over four years *Rental option could be considered

Page 72 of 215 Taylor Bridge Road Extension

Commercial Contractor Estimated Cost of Project

Pre-COVID Bid Post COVID Bid $1.6 Million $3.7 Million $2.1 Million Difference $84,210 Per Tap $194,736 Per Tap $110,526 Per Tap Difference

Water Line Extension Process Estimate $1.5 Million (NOTE: Need to add material cost. Used $550,000 & $450,000 Labor)

$2.2 Million Savings Using New Water Line Extension Process Page 73 of 215 Next Steps • Washington County Budget Committee makes funding recommendation • List Current Projects with Commercial Estimates vs Estimate of Joint Program (i.e. Taylor Bridge $3.7 M vs $1M – Difference of $2.7M) • Identify a reoccurring revenue stream • Develop a master plan to be revisited semi-annually • Project request form on County’s web site • Approvals from the following: • Washington County Commission • Johnson City Commission • Jonesborough Board of Mayor & Aldermen • Kingsport City Board of Mayor & Alderman

Page 74 of 215 WATER

Progress Update Priority List Developed Cost Estimates Developed Time-line proposed

Page 75 of 215 WATER

County Strategies Key Tactics

Strategy 1. Develop Water Line Extension Process Water Task Force 2. Gain Commission Approval 3. Gain Partner (Municipality’s) Approval 4. Obtain Funding 5. Develop Expansion List 6. Schedule Expansions Score Card 1. June ‘21 Water Task Force 2 - 3. Approvals – Complete by May ‘21 4. Funding – Complete by June ‘21 5. Expansion List & Timing – July ‘21 Page 76 of 215 6. Begin 1st project – August ‘21 Fire

Progress Update • Continual development of numerical results on Pilot Program. • Second proposal on personnel received from VFD (need details). • Requested Mayor to have CTAS review second proposal (add to Pilot Program).

• Continual improvement on Hydrant locations. Page 77 of 215 FIRE

County Strategies Key Tactics

Strategy 1. Request CTAS to review pilot program, expand and review plan submitted by Fall Branch VFD. Fire Recommend any other alternatives. 2. Expand Pilot Program or other program based on feedback and budget. 3. Continue to expand placement of fire hydrants in strategic locations. Score Card 1. Report from CTAS – June ‘21 Fire 2. Fire hydrants is ongoing.

Page 78 of 215 Communication 2020 Progress

• Advisory Board Established • Advisory Board meetings (5/5,6/23, 8/26, 9/22, 10/27) • Key Target Focus: • Social Media • Mayoral Updates • Website Updates • Establish Social Media Platform (CIA Committee) • Mayoral Updates Communicated • Updated Website

Page 79 of 215 Communication

County Strategies Key Tactics

1. Redefine Task Force members 2. Task Force meeting to assess progress to this 1. Communication point and course correct. 3. Define Objectives and deadlines. 4. Joint meeting with stakeholders to review objectives.

Score Card 1. March Commission Meeting (include Huffine Communication (Chair), Jones, Williams, Davenport, Wheeler). •2 -3. April - May ‘21 •4. May - June ’21 Page 80 of 215 Workforce Development • County Wide Kindergarten Study Funding Approved. • ACT Testing Funding (3,000). • Recruitment of Businesses. Moving toward Work Force Ready Community. • Participation in Joint Meetings with Local Entrepreneurs. • Hosted Workforce Related Entities (CIA & HEW)

Page 81 of 215 Work Force Development County Strategies Key Tactics Strategy •Develop Regional WFD •1. Joint workshop with School Board, County Work Force Commission and State Representatives. •2. Request ETSU involvement with study & recommendations. •3. Industrial leaders involvement & recommendations.

Score Card •1. May ’21 Work Force •2. April ‘21 (request) •3. April start but ongoing. Page 82 of 215 Commission Workshop Minutes and Recommendations


Jonesborough International Storytelling Center

In attendance: Commissioners Jones, Huffine, Cate, Wheeler, Malone, Matherly, Carriger, Williams, Fitzgerald, Ford, Davenport

Absent: Harris, Tester, Edens, Light

The meeting started with a prayer led by Commissioner Huffine, and pledge led by Chairman Matherly

Commissioner Huffine proceeded to facilitate the meeting with about 50 minutes devoted identifying tactics and outcomes for each objective. In addition, the discussion of each objective began with a review of progress to date, supplemented by a list of resolutions commensurate with each objective prepared by the County Attorney (see attached).

1. Develop a 20 year plan for water and fire services in the county

Water - Progress to date:

• Priority List Developed • Cost Estimates Developed • Time-line proposed

Water - Recommendations:

1. Develop Water Line Extension Process 2. Gain Commission Approval 3. Gain Partner (Municipality’s) Approval 4. Obtain Funding 5. Develop Expansion List 6. Schedule Expansions Notes: Commissioner Davenport provided a rationale for a proposal to “get in the business” of water expansion (as opposed to contract out) – a proposal to set up shop here so we can save about 1.5-3.7 million on one project (2.2M) with 1.5M upfront costs

Current water program requires 3 year lead time

Proposed Water Line Extension Process

Task force (county, city of JC, town of JBO and Kingsport) works from prioritized list; WEP has engineering study and manages the extension Process; Joint with Jonesborough -county paid, Jonesborough managed (7 employees dedicated to water line expansions in Washington County) $450,000 for these $533,000+ costs for machinery “Commercial estimates” vs. “Joint Program” show joint program saves

Page 83 of 215 Water - Measurable Outcomes: 1. June ‘21 2 - 3. Approvals – Complete by May ‘21 4. Funding – Complete by June ‘21 5. Expansion List & Timing – July ‘21 st 6. Begin 1 project – August ‘21

Fire - Progress to Date:

• Continual development of numerical results on Pilot Program. • Second proposal on personnel received from VFD (need details). • Requested Mayor to have CTAS review second proposal (add to Pilot Program). Continual improvement on Hydrant locations

Fire – Recommendations

1. Request CTAS to review pilot program, expand and review plan submitted by Fall Branch VFD. Recommend any other alternatives. 2. Expand Pilot Program or other program based on feedback and budget. 3. Continue to expand placement of fire hydrants in strategic locations.

Fire – Measurable Outcomes

1. Report from CTAS – June ‘21 2. Fire hydrants is ongoing.

2. Communications: To improve internal and external communications

Progress to Date:

• Advisory Board Established • Advisory Board meetings (5/5,6/23, 8/26, 9/22, 10/27) • Key Target Focus: ▪ Social Media ▪ Mayoral Updates ▪ Website Updates • Establish Social Media Platform (CIA Committee) • Mayoral Updates Communicated • Updated Website


1. Redefine Task Force members 2. Task Force meeting to assess progress to this point and course correct.

Page 84 of 215 3. Define Objectives and deadlines. 4. Joint meeting with stakeholders to review objectives. Measurable Outcomes:

1. March Commission Meeting (include Huffine (Chair), Jones, Williams, Davenport, Wheeler). • 2 -3. April - May ‘21 • 4. May - June ’21

Notes: There are challenges associated with effectiveness of the task force/advisory board and a new process for identifying the communications desires of the Commission and implementing them should be determined.

Reform the Communications Task Force to be Commissioners only, at least temporarily, for more focused planning and follow-through. New members nominated include Huffine (Chair), Jones, Williams, Davenport, Wheeler. Charge to this Task force is re-evaluate what outcomes we want and identify ways to achieve them.

3. Work Force Development. Contribute to Regional Efforts around Workforce Development Progress to Date: • County Wide Kindergarten Study Funding Approved. • ACT Testing Funding (3,000). • Recruitment of Businesses. Moving toward Work Force Ready Community. • Participation in Joint Meetings with Local Entrepreneurs. • Hosted Workforce Related Entities (CIA & HEW)


• Develop Regional WFD • 1. Joint workshop with School Board, County Commission and State Representatives. • 2. Request ETSU involvement with study & recommendations. • 3. Industrial leader’s involvement & recommendations.

Measurable Outcomes:

• 1. May ’21 • 2. April ‘21 (request) 3. April start but ongoing

Page 85 of 215 Originating Committee: CIA Committee Additional Approving Committee:




WHEREAS, in Resolution No. 19-02-01, the Washington County Board of County Commissioners ratified, as one of its top three objectives to “effectively communicate both internally (commissioners, elected officials, staff, employees, etc.) and externally (citizens, businesses, other agencies, the cities, etc.)”; and

WHEREAS, following the Washington County Board of County Commissioners’ workshop/retreat of January 25, 2020, the participants addressing the issues related to the priority of effective internal and external communication recommended the creation of a Communications Task Force further to the authority of Washington County Board of County Commissioners Rule of Procedure 12(f)(11); which task force the Commission approved in adopting Resolution No. 20-02-05; and

WHEREAS, the Communications Task Force convened committee meetings during 2020; and

WHEREAS, on February 20, 2021, the Washington County Board of County Commissioners conducted a workshop/retreat at the International Storytelling Center, 100 W. Main Street, Jonesborough, TN which included review of effective communication in conjunction with its review of top three objectives identified in the 2019 workshop/retreat; and

WHEREAS, the 2021 workshop/retreat participants noted the need for a new process to identify and implement the communication desired by the Commission and discussed how best to reform the Communications Task Force to promote more focused planning and follow-through on outcomes; and

WHEREAS, the 2021 workshop/retreat participants charged the Communications Task Force with reevaluation of desired outcomes and identification of a process to achieve them; and

WHEREAS, the 2021 workshop/retreat participants made recommendations and identified measurable outcomes as follows: (1) redefine task force members; (2) meet to assess progress to this point and course correct; (3) define objectives and deadlines; and (4) meet with stakeholders to review objectives; and

WHEREAS, the 2021 workshop/retreat participants recommended that Commissioner Kenneth Huffine, Commissioner Jodi Jones, Commissioner Suzy Williams, Commissioner Bryan Davenport, and Commissioner Jim Wheeler to serve

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Originating Committee: CIA Committee Additional Approving Committee: on the Communications Task Force, and that Commissioner Huffine assume the role of Chair; and

WHEREAS, on March 4, 2021, the CIA Committee, approved the recommendation that the Communications Task Force consist solely of commissioners, approved the nomination of the identified commissioners, approved charge of the Communications Task Force, and adopted the timeline associated with the work as June 3, 2021; now therefore


SECTION 1. The membership of the Communications Task Force described in Resolution No. 20-02-05 is reformed to consist solely of commissioners to work in advisory capacity.

SECTION 2. Commissioner Kenneth Huffine, as Chairman, Commissioner Jodi Jones, Commissioner Suzy Williams, Commissioner Bryan Davenport, and Commissioner Jim Wheeler are hereby appointed and confirmed to serve on said Communications Task Force.

SECTION 3. The Communications Task Force is hereby requested to provide its draft of the work identified in this Resolution to the CIA Committee no later than its June 3, 2021 meeting.

SECTION 4. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

Resolution No. 21-03-09 Page 2 of 3 Page 87 of 215

Originating Committee: CIA Committee Additional Approving Committee:

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.


Resolution No. 21-03-09 Page 3 of 3 Page 88 of 215

Originating Committee: CIA Committee Additional Approving Committee:




WHEREAS, on February 20, 2021, the Washington County Board of County Commissioners conducted a workshop/retreat at the International Storytelling Center, 100 W. Main Street, Jonesborough, TN where commissioners reviewed the top three objectives identified in the workshop/retreat of January 19, 2019 (as ratified in Resolution No. 19-02-01) and the “action steps” identified by participants who worked in three groups associated with these priorities during the workshop/retreat of January 25, 2020 (as ratified in Resolution No. 20-02-03); and

WHEREAS, on February 19, 2021, County Attorney, Allyson Wilkinson submitted to the Commission a Memorandum entitled Review of Washington County Board of Commissioner Resolutions & Washington County Initiatives Reflecting Priorities Identified in Strategic Plan 2019 Commission Retreat and 2020 (Exhibit A); and

WHEREAS, following the workshop/retreat, a summary of the discussions was finalized to memorialize the collective effort at the workshop/retreat of reviewing the identified priorities, defining progress to date, defining next steps, and creating a scorecard metric (Exhibit B); and

WHEREAS, on March 4, 2021, at the meeting of the CIA Committee, it was agreed upon by the CIA Committee to accept these two items and forward both to the full Commission with the request that they be considered and the objectives and recommendations of Exhibit B be formally accepted and ratified by the Washington County Board of County Commissioners;

WHEREAS, ongoing consideration and evaluation of the objectives and recommendations facilitates implementation, placement of the objectives on the regular meeting agenda on a regular schedule (e.g. every four months) is in the best interest of Washington County; now therefore


SECTION 1. The Washington County Board of County Commissioners formally accept and ratify the objectives & recommendations summarized in Exhibit B.

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Originating Committee: CIA Committee Additional Approving Committee:

SECTION 2. The Washington County Board of County Commissioners will place review the objectives and recommendations on the agenda of regularly scheduled meetings.

SECTION 3. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.


Resolution No. 21-03-11 Page 2 of 2 Page 90 of 215

Resolution No. 21-03-11 Exhibit A

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WHEREAS, after presentation from the Boones Creek Historical Trust for funding for construction of an Opry Barn at the Keefauver Farm, at the CIA Committee meeting on March 4, 2021, the CIA Committee recommended consideration and approval of this request to the Budget Committee in the amount of $50,000; and

WHEREAS, the Budget Committee at its March 10, 2021 meeting, recommended consideration and approval of $50,000 from fund balance line item no. 39000 (Unassigned), to expense line item no. 56900-316 (Other Social, Cultural, and Recreational - Contribution) to the Board of County Commissioners; now therefore


SECTION 1. The Board of County Commissioners authorize funding for Boones Creek Historical Trust in the amount of $50,000 from fund balance line item no. 39000 (Unassigned), to expense line item no. 56900-316 (Other Social, Cultural, and Recreational - Contribution).

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Resolution No. 21-03-15 Page 1 of 2 Page 118 of 215

Originating Committee: C.I.A. Committee Additional Approving Committee: Budget Committee

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

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Employee Compensation & Benefits Committee Minutes March 4, 2021 at 11:30 am

Committee members attending: Commissioners Greg Matherly, Kenneth Huffine, Larry Cate, Steve Light, and Suzy Williams.

Committee members absent: None.

Others in attendance: Michelle Stewart, Allyson Wilkinson – County Attorney, Susan Saylor – Communications Director, Rusty Sells – EMA Director, Abraham McIntyre - Appalachian Opportunity Fund, Bella Hale – Sherill Morgan, Wilma Nolan, Leslie Lacy, Lewis Haynie, and Teresa Stoots.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Greg Matherly.

Commissioner Huffine led the prayer, Chairman Light led the pledge to the flag.

Motion was made by Commissioner Huffine, seconded by Commissioner Light to approve the February 4, 2020 Minutes. Motion carried with 5-0-0 vote.

Item 1 – Charles Baines, Director of Solid Waste, requested a resolution to establish an updated Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan. The most recent plan was approved September 2013. The Plan is to be updated every 7 years or if there is a new mayor and/or new safety director. Motion was made by Commissioner Huffine to send to full commission for approval, seconded by Commissioner Light. Motion carried with a 5-0-0 vote.

Item 2 – Abraham McIntyre, Director of Strategic Partnership, gave a follow up presentation regarding Appalachian Opportunity Fund. Cost would be $108,000 ($20.00 per employee) or $50,000 for the first 50 employees. Michelle Stewart gave an update on the survey taken by employees and only 20 employees returned the survey. Chairman Matherly said that at this time, because of the tight budget, the County would have to decline.

Item 3 – Belva Hale - Sherill Morgan, gave a review of Health Insurance Expenses/Trends.

Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Williams. Seconded by Commissioner Cate. Motion carried with a 5-0-0 vote.

The meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.

Attachments: None.

Page 120 of 215

Action Items: 1. Resolution to Establish an Updated Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan, Devise Rules and Regulations, and to Provide for a Safety Director and the Implementation of Such Program Plan.

Respectfully submitted by Teresa Stoots

Page 121 of 215 Originating Committee: Employee Comp & Benefits Additional Approving Committee:


RESOLUTION No. 21-03-08


WHEREAS, in compliance with Public Chapter 561 of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee for the year 1972, Washington County hereby updates the Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan for our employees; and

WHEREAS, due to various changes in subsequent years, it has become necessary to amend the program plan to comply with more recent state requirements; now therefore


SECTION 1. The County that there be and is hereby amended as follows:

TITLE: This section shall be known as “The Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan” for the employees of Washington County, Tennessee.

PURPOSE: Washington County in electing to update the established Program Plan will maintain an effective and comprehensive Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan for employees and shall:

1) Provide a safe and healthful place and condition of employment that includes:

a) Top Management Commitment and Employee Involvement; b) Continually analyze the worksite to identify all hazards and potential hazards; c) Develop and maintain methods for preventing or controlling the existing or potential hazards; and d) Train managers, supervisors, and employees to understand and deal with worksite hazards.

2) Acquire, maintain and require the use of safety equipment, personal protective equipment and devices reasonably necessary to protect employees.

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3) Record, keep, preserve, and make available to the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development, or persons within the Department of Labor and Workforce Development to whom such responsibilities have been delegated, adequate records of all occupational accidents and illnesses and personal injuries for proper evaluation and necessary corrective action as required.

4) Consult with the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development with regard to the adequacy of the form and content of records.

5) Consult with the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development, as appropriate, regarding safety and health problems which are considered to be unusual or peculiar and are such that they cannot be achieved under a standard promulgated by the State.

6) Provide reasonable opportunity for the participation of employees in the effectuation of the objectives of this Program Plan, including the opportunity to make anonymous complaints concerning conditions or practices injurious to employee safety and health.

7) Provide for education and training of personnel for the fair and efficient administration of occupational safety and health standards, and provide for education and notification of all employees of the existence of this Program Plan.

COVERAGE: The provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan for the employees of Washington County shall apply to all employees of each administrative department, commission, board, division, or other agency whether part-time or full-time, seasonal, or permanent.

STANDARDS AUTHORIZED: The Occupational Safety and Health standards adopted by Washington County are the same as, but not limited to, the State of Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Standards promulgated, or which may be promulgated, in accordance with Section 6 of the Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1972 (T.C.A. Title 50, Chapter 3).

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VARIANCES FROM STANDARDS AUTHORIZED: Upon written application to the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development of the State of Tennessee, we may request an order granting a temporary variance from any approved standards. Applications for variances shall be in accordance with Rules of Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development Occupational Safety and Health, VARIANCES FROM OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS, CHAPTER 0800-01-02, as authorized by T.C.A., Title 50. Prior to requesting such temporary variance, we will notify or serve notice to our employees, their designated representatives, or interested parties and present them with an opportunity for a hearing. The posting of notice on the main bulletin board shall be deemed sufficient notice to employees.

ADMINISTRATION: For the purposes of this resolution, Charles Baines is designated as the Safety Director of Occupational Safety and Health to perform duties and to exercise powers assigned to plan, develop, and administer this Program Plan. The Safety Director shall develop a plan of operation for the Program Plan in accordance with Rules of Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development Occupational Safety and Health, SAFETY AND HEALTH PROVISIONS FOR THE PUBLIC SECTOR, CHAPTER 0800- 01-05, as authorized by T.C.A., Title 50.

FUNDING THE PROGRAM PLAN: Sufficient funds for administering and staffing the Program Plan pursuant to this resolution shall be made available as authorized by Washington County.

SEVERABILITY: SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if any section, sub-section, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof.

SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect from and after the date it shall have been passed, properly signed, certified, and has met all other legal requirements, and as otherwise provided by law, the general welfare of Washington County requiring it.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

Resolution No. 21-03-08 Page 124 of 215 Page 3 of 21 Originating Committee: Employee Comp & Benefits Additional Approving Committee:

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-08 Page 125 of 215 Page 4 of 21 Originating Committee: Employee Comp & Benefits Additional Approving Committee:



I. PURPOSE AND COVERAGE ……………………………………………………4

II. DEFINITIONS………………………………………………………………………4



V. ADMINISTRATION…………………………………………………………..……7

VI. STANDARDS AUTHORIZED………………………………………………….…8

VII. VARIANCE PROCEDURE……………………………………………………..…8



X. EDUCATION AND TRAINING………………………………………………..…10




XIV. PENALTIES…………………………………………………………………..……13









The purpose of this plan is to provide guidelines and procedures for implementing the Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan for the employees of Washington County, Tennessee. This plan is applicable to all employees, part-time or full-time, seasonal or permanent. The County of Washington, Tennessee, in electing to update and maintain an effective Occupational

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Safety and Health Program Plan for its employees, a. Provide a safe and healthful place and condition of employment. b. Require the use of safety equipment, personal protective equipment, and other devices where reasonably necessary to protect employees. c. Make, keep, preserve, and make available to the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development, his designated representatives, or persons within the Department of Labor and Workforce Development to whom such responsibilities have been delegated, including the Safety Director of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, adequate records of all occupational accidents and illnesses and personal injuries for proper evaluation and necessary corrective action as required. d. Consult with the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development or his designated representative with regard to the adequacy of the form and content of such records. e. Consult with the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development regarding safety and health problems which are considered to be unusual or peculiar and are such that they cannot be resolved under an occupational safety and health standard promulgated by the State. f. Assist the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development or his monitoring activities to determine Program Plan effectiveness and compliance with the occupational safety and health standards. g. Make a report to the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development annually, or as may otherwise be required, including information on occupational accidents, injuries, and illnesses and accomplishments and progress made toward achieving the goals of the Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan. h. Provide reasonable opportunity for and encourage the participation of employees in the effectuation of the objectives of this Program Plan, including the opportunity to make anonymous complaints concerning conditions or practices which may be injurious to employees safety and health.


For the purposes of this Program Plan, the following definitions apply: a. COMMISSIONER OF LABOR and Workforce Development means the chief executive officer of the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development. This includes any person appointed, designated, or deputized to perform the duties or to exercise the powers assigned to the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development.

b. EMPLOYER means the county government of Washington, Tennessee and includes each administrative department, board, commission, division, or other agency of the County of Washington.

c. SAFETY DIRECTOR OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH or SAFETY DIRECTOR means the person designated by the establishing resolution, or executive order to perform duties or to exercise powers assigned so as to plan, develop, and administer the Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan for the employees of the County of Washington.

d. INSPECTOR(S) means the individual(s) appointed or designated by the Safety Director of Occupational Safety and Health to conduct inspections provided for herein. If no such compliance inspector(s) is appointed, inspections shall be conducted by the Safety Director of Occupational Safety and Health.

e. APPOINTING AUTHORITY means any official or group of officials of the employer having legally designated powers of appointment, employment, or removal there from for a specific department, board, commission, division, or other agency of this employer.

f. EMPLOYEE means any person performing services for this employer and listed on the payroll of this employer, either as part-time, full-time, seasonal, or permanent. It also includes any persons normally classified as “volunteers” provided such persons received remuneration of any kind for their services. This definition shall not include independent contractors, their agents, servants,

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and employees.

g. PERSON means one or more individuals, partnerships, associations, corporations, business trusts, or legal representatives of any organized group of persons.

h. STANDARD means an occupational safety and health standard promulgated by the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development in accordance with Section VI (6) of the Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1972 which requires conditions or the adoption or the use of one or more practices, means, methods, operations, or processes or the use of equipment or personal protective equipment necessary or appropriate to provide safe and healthful conditions and places of employment.

i. IMMINENT DANGER means any conditions or practices in any place of employment which are such that a hazard exists which could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm immediately or before the imminence of such hazard can be eliminated through normal compliance enforcement procedures.

j. ESTABLISHMENT or WORKSITE means a single physical location under the control of this employer where business is conducted, services are rendered, or industrial type operations are performed.

k. SERIOUS INJURY or HARM means that type of harm that would cause permanent or prolonged impairment of the body in that:

1. A part of the body would be permanently removed (e.g., amputation of an arm, leg, finger(s); loss of an eye) or rendered functionally useless or substantially reduced in efficiency on or off the job (e.g., leg shattered so severely that mobility would be permanently reduced), or 2. A part of an internal body system would be inhibited in its normal performance or function to such a degree as to shorten life or cause reduction in physical or mental efficiency (e.g., lung impairment causing shortness of breath).

On the other hand, simple fractures, cuts, bruises, concussions, or similar injuries would not fit either of these categories and would not constitute serious physical harm. l. ACT or TOSH Act shall mean the Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1972.

m. GOVERNING BODY means the Board of Commissioners.

n. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER means County Mayor.


Rights and duties of the employer shall include, but are not limited to, the following provisions: a. Employer shall furnish to each employee conditions of employment and a place of employment free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious injury or harm to employees.

b. Employer shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and regulations promulgated pursuant to Section VI (6) of the Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1972.

c. Employer shall refrain from an unreasonable restraint on the right of the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development to inspect the employers place(s) of business. Employer shall assist the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development in the performance of their monitoring duties by supplying or by making available information, personnel, or aids reasonably necessary to the effective conduct of the monitoring activity.

d. Employer is entitled to participate in the development of standards by submission of comments

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on proposed standards, participation in hearing on proposed standards, or by requesting the development of standards on a given issue under Section 6 of the Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1972.

e. Employer is entitled to request an order granting a variance from an occupational safety and health standard. f. Employer is entitled to protection of its legally privileged communication.

g. Employer shall inspect all worksites to insure the provisions of this Program Plan are complied with and carried out.

h. Employer shall notify and inform any employee who has been or is being exposed in a biologically significant manner to harmful agents or material in excess of the applicable standard and of corrective action being taken.

i. Employer shall notify all employees of their rights and duties under this Program Plan.


Rights and duties of employees shall include, but are not limited to, the following provisions: a. Each employee shall comply with occupational safety and health act standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this Program Plan and the Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1972 which are applicable to his or her own actions and conduct.

b. Each employee shall be notified by the placing of a notice upon bulletin boards, or other places of common passage, of any application for a permanent or temporary order granting the employer a variance from any provision of the TOSH Act or any standard or regulation promulgated under the Act.

c. Each employee shall be given the opportunity to participate in any hearing which concerns an application by the employer for a variance from a standard or regulation promulgated under the Act.

d. Any employee who may be adversely affected by a standard or variance issued pursuant to the Act or this Program Plan may file a petition with the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development or whoever is responsible for the promulgation of the standard or the granting of the variance.

e. Any employee who has been exposed or is being exposed to toxic materials or harmful physical agents in concentrations or at levels in excess of that provided for by any applicable standard shall be provided by the employer with information on any significant hazards to which they are or have been exposed, relevant symptoms, and proper conditions for safe use or exposure. Employees shall also be informed of corrective action being taken.

f. Subject to regulations issued pursuant to this Program Plan, any employee or authorized representative of employees shall be given the right to request an inspection and to consult with the Safety Director or Inspector at the time of the physical inspection of the worksite.

g. Any employee may bring to the attention of the Safety Director any violation or suspected violations of the standards or any other health or safety hazards.

h. No employee shall be discharged or discriminated against because such employee has filed any complaint or instituted or caused to be instituted any proceeding or inspection under or relating to this Program Plan.

i. Any employee who believes that he or she has been discriminated against or discharged in violation of subsection (h) of this section may file a complaint alleging such discrimination with the Safety Director. Such employee may also, within thirty (30) days after such violation occurs,

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file a complaint with the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development alleging such discrimination.

j. Nothing in this or any other provisions of this Program Plan shall be deemed to authorize or require any employee to undergo medical examination, immunization, or treatment for those who object thereto on religious grounds, except where such is necessary for the protection of the health or safety or others or when a medical examination may be reasonably required for performance of a specific job.

k. Employees shall report any accident, injury, or illness resulting from their job, however minor it may seem to be, to their supervisor or the Safety Director within twenty-four (24) hours after the occurrence.


a. The Safety Director of Occupational Safety and Health is designated to perform duties or to exercise powers assigned so as to administer this Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan.

1. The Safety Director may designate person or persons as he deems necessary to carry out his powers, duties, and responsibilities under this Program Plan.

2. The Safety Director may delegate the power to make inspections, provided procedures employed are as effective as those employed by the Safety Director.

3. The Safety Director shall employ measures to coordinate, to the extent possible, activities of all departments to promote efficiency and to minimize any inconveniences under this Program Plan.

4. The Safety Director may request qualified technical personnel from any department or section of government to assist him in making compliance inspections, accident investigations, or as he may otherwise deem necessary and appropriate in order to carry out his duties under this Program Plan.

5. The Safety Director shall prepare the report to the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development required by subsection (g) of Section 1 of this plan.

6. The Safety Director shall make or cause to be made periodic and follow-up inspections of all facilities and worksites where employees of this employer are employed. He shall make recommendations to correct any hazards or exposures observed. He shall make or cause to be made any inspections required by complaints submitted by employees or inspections requested by employees.

7. The Safety Director shall assist any officials of the employer in the investigation of occupational accidents or illnesses.

8. The Safety Director shall maintain or cause to be maintained records required under Section VIII of this plan.

9. The Safety Director shall, in the eventuality that there is a fatality, insure that the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development receives notification of the occurrence within eight (8) hours. All work-related inpatient hospitalizations, amputations, and loss of an eye must be reported to TOSHA within 24 hours.

b. The administrative or operational head of each department, division, board, or other agency of this employer shall be responsible for the implementation of this Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan within their respective areas.

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1. The administrative or operational head shall follow the directions of the Safety Director on all issues involving occupational safety and health of employees as set forth in this plan.

2. The administrative or operational head shall comply with all abatement orders issued in accordance with the provisions of this plan or request a review of the order with the Safety Director within the abatement period.

3. The administrative or operational head should make periodic safety surveys of the establishment under his jurisdiction to become aware of hazards or standards violations that may exist and make an attempt to immediately correct such hazards or violations.

4. The administrative or operational head shall investigate all occupational accidents, injuries, or illnesses reported to him. He shall report such accidents, injuries, or illnesses to the Safety Director along with his findings and/or recommendations in accordance with APPENDIX IV of this plan.


The standards adopted under this Program Plan are the applicable standards developed and promulgated under Section VI (6) of the Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1972. Additional standards may be promulgated by the governing body of this employer as that body may deem necessary for the safety and health of employees. Note: 29 CFR 1910 General Industry Regulations; 29 CFR 1926 Construction Industry Regulations; and the Rules of Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development Occupational Safety and Health, CHAPTER 0800- 01-1 through CHAPTER 0800-01-11 are the standards and rules invoked.


The Safety Director may apply for a variance as a result of a complaint from an employee or of his knowledge of certain hazards or exposures. The Safety Director should definitely believe that a variance is needed before the application for a variance is submitted to the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development. The procedure for applying for a variance to the adopted safety and health standards is as follows: a. The application for a variance shall be prepared in writing and shall contain:

1. A specification of the standard or portion thereof from which the variance is sought.

2. A detailed statement of the reason(s) why the employer is unable to comply with the standard supported by representations by qualified personnel having first-hand knowledge of the facts represented.

3. A statement of the steps employer has taken and will take (with specific date) to protect employees against the hazard covered by the standard.

4. A statement of when the employer expects to comply and what steps have or will be taken (with dates specified) to come into compliance with the standard.

5. A certification that the employer has informed employees, their authorized representative(s), and/or interested parties by giving them a copy of the request, posting a statement summarizing the application (to include the location of a copy available for examination) at the places where employee notices are normally posted and by other appropriate means. The certification shall contain a description of the means actually used to inform employees and that employees have been informed of their right to petition the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development for a hearing.

b. The application for a variance should be sent to the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development by registered or certified mail.

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c. The Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development will review the application for a variance and may deny the request or issue an order granting the variance. An order granting a variance shall be issued only if it has been established that:

1. The employer i. Is unable to comply with the standard by the effective date because of unavailability of professional or technical personnel or materials and equipment required or necessary construction or alteration of facilities or technology. ii. Has taken all available steps to safeguard employees against the hazard(s) covered by the standard. iii. Has as effective Program Plan for coming into compliance with the standard as quickly as possible.

2. The employee is engaged in an experimental Program Plan as described in subsection (b), section 13 of the Act.

d. A variance may be granted for a period of no longer than is required to achieve compliance or one (1) year, whichever is shorter.

e. Upon receipt of an application for an order granting a variance, the Commissioner to whom such application is addressed may issue an interim order granting such a variance for the purpose of permitting time for an orderly consideration of such application. No such interim order may be effective for longer than one hundred eighty (180) days.

f. The order or interim order granting a variance shall be posted at the worksite and employees notified of such order by the same means used to inform them of the application for said variance (see subsection (a)(5) of this section).


Recording and reporting of all occupational accident, injuries, and illnesses shall be in accordance with instructions and on forms prescribed in the booklet. You can get a copy of the Forms for Recordkeeping from the internet. Go to www.osha.gov and type Recordkeeping Forms in the search box.

The position responsible for recordkeeping is shown on the SAFETY AND HEALTH ORGANIZATIONAL CHART, Appendix IV to this plan.

Details of how reports of occupational accidents, injuries, and illnesses will reach the recordkeeper are specified by ACCIDENT REPORTING PROCEDURES, Appendix IV to this plan. The Rule of Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development Occupational Safety and Health, OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH RECORD-KEEPING AND REPORTING, CHAPTER 0800-01-03, as authorized by T.C.A., Title 50.


If any employee feels that he is assigned to work in conditions which might affect his health, safety, or general welfare at the present time or at any time in the future, he should report the condition to the Safety Director of Occupational Safety and Health. a. The complaint should be in the form of a letter and give details on the condition(s) and how the employee believes it affects or will affect his health, safety, or general welfare. The employee should sign the letter but need not do so if he wishes to remain anonymous (see subsection (h) of Section 1 of this plan).

b. Upon receipt of the complaint letter, the Safety Director will evaluate the condition(s) and institute any corrective action, if warranted. Within ten (10) working days following the receipt of the complaint, the Safety Director will answer the complaint in writing stating whether or not the

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complaint is deemed to be valid and if no, why not, what action has been or will be taken to correct or abate the condition(s), and giving a designated time period for correction or abatement. Answers to anonymous complaints will be posted upon bulletin boards or other places of common passage where the anonymous complaint may be reasonably expected to be seen by the complainant for a period of three (3) working days.

c. If the complainant finds the reply not satisfactory because it was held to be invalid, the corrective action is felt to be insufficient, or the time period for correction is felt to be too long, he may forward a letter to the Chief Executive Officer or to the governing body explaining the condition(s) cited in his original complaint and why he believes the answer to be inappropriate or insufficient.

d. The Chief Executive Officer or a representative of the governing body will evaluate the complaint and will begin to take action to correct or abate the condition(s) through arbitration or administrative sanctions or may find the complaint to be invalid. An answer will be sent to the complainant within ten (10) working days following receipt of the complaint or the next regularly scheduled meeting of the governing body following receipt of the complaint explaining decisions made and action taken or to be taken.

e. After the above steps have been followed and the complainant is still not satisfied with the results, he may then file a complaint with the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development. Any complaint filed with the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development in such cases shall include copies of all related correspondence with the Safety Director and the Chief Executive Officer or the representative of the governing body.

f. Copies of all complaint and answers thereto will be filed by the Safety Director who shall make them available to the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development or his designated representative upon request.


a. Safety Director and/or Compliance Inspector(s):

1. Arrangements will be made for the Safety Director and/or Compliance Inspector(s) to attend training seminars, workshops, etc., conducted by the State of Tennessee or other agencies. A list of Seminars can be obtained.

2. Access will be made to reference materials such as 29 CFR 1910 General Industry Regulations; 29 CFR 1926 Construction Industry Regulations; The Rules of Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development Occupational Safety and Health, and other equipment/supplies, deemed necessary for use in conducting compliance inspections, conducting local training, wiring technical reports, and informing officials, supervisors, and employees of the existence of safety and health hazards will be furnished.

b. All Employees (including supervisory personnel):

A suitable safety and health training program for employees will be established. This program will, as a minimum: 1. Instruct each employee in the recognition and avoidance of hazards or unsafe conditions and of standards and regulations applicable to the employees work environment to control or eliminate any hazards, unsafe conditions, or other exposures to occupational illness or injury.

2. Instruct employees who are required to handle or use poisons, acids, caustics, toxicants, flammable liquids or gases, explosives, and other harmful substances in the proper handling procedures and use of such items and make them aware of the personal protective measures, person hygiene, etc., which may be required.

3. Instruct employees who may be exposed to environments where harmful plants or animals are present, of the hazards of the environment, how to best avoid injury or exposure, and the

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first aid procedures to be followed in the event of injury or exposure.

4. Instruct all employees of the common deadly hazards and how to avoid them, such as Falls; Equipment Turnover; Electrocution; Struck by/Caught In; Trench Cave In; Heat Stress; and Drowning.

5. Instruct employees on hazards and dangers of confined or enclosed spaces.

i. Confined or enclosed space means space having a limited means of egress and which is subject to the accumulation of toxic or flammable contaminants or has an oxygen deficient atmosphere. Confined or enclosed spaces include, but are not limited to, storage tanks, boilers, ventilation or exhaust ducts, sewers, underground utility accesses, tunnels, pipelines, and open top spaces more than four feet (4) in depth such as pits, tubs, vaults, and vessels.

ii. Employees will be given general instruction on hazards involved, precautions to be taken, and on use of personal protective and emergency equipment required. They shall also be instructed on all specific standards or regulations that apply to work in dangerous or potentially dangerous areas.

iii. The immediate supervisor of any employee who must perform work in a confined or enclosed space shall be responsible for instructing employees on danger of hazards which may be present, precautions to be taken, and use of personal protective and emergency equipment, immediately prior to their entry into such an area and shall require use of appropriate personal protective equipment.


It is the intention of the governing body and responsible officials to have an Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan that will insure the welfare of employees. In order to be aware of hazards, periodic inspections must be performed. These inspections will enable the finding of hazards or unsafe conditions or operations that will need correction in order to maintain safe and healthful worksites. Inspections made on a pre-designated basis may not yield the desired results. Inspections will be conducted, therefore, on a random basis at intervals not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days. a. In order to carry out the purposes of this Resolution, the Safety Director and/or Compliance Inspector(s), if appointed, is authorized:

1. To enter at any reasonable time, any establishment, facility, or worksite where work is being performed by an employee when such establishment, facility, or worksite is under the jurisdiction of the employer and;

2. To inspect and investigate during regular working hours and at other reasonable times, within reasonable limits, and in a reasonable manner, any such place of employment and all pertinent conditions, processes, structures, machines, apparatus, devices, equipment, and materials therein, and to question privately any supervisor, operator, agent, or employee working therein.

b. If an imminent danger situation is found, alleged, or otherwise brought to the attention of the Safety Director or Inspector during a routine inspection, he shall immediately inspect the imminent danger situation in accordance with Section XII of this plan before inspecting the remaining portions of the establishment, facility, or worksite.

c. An administrative representative of the employer and a representative authorized by the employees shall be given an opportunity to consult with and/or to accompany the Safety Director or Inspector during the physical inspection of any worksite for the purpose of aiding such inspection.

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d. The right of accompaniment may be denied any person whose conduct interferes with a full and orderly inspection.

e. The conduct of the inspection shall be such as to preclude unreasonable disruptions of the operation(s) of the workplace.

f. Interviews of employees during the course of the inspection may be made when such interviews are considered essential to investigative techniques.

g. Advance Notice of Inspections.

1. Generally, advance notice of inspections will not be given as this precludes the opportunity to make minor or temporary adjustments in an attempt to create misleading impression of conditions in an establishment.

2. There may be occasions when advance notice of inspections will be necessary in order to conduct an effective inspection or investigation. When advance notice of inspection is given, employees or their authorized representative(s) will also be given notice of the inspection.

h. The Safety Director need not personally make an inspection of each and every worksite once every thirty (30) days. He may delegate the responsibility for such inspections to supervisors or other personnel provided:

1. Inspections conducted by supervisors or other personnel are at least as effective as those made by the Safety Director.

2. Records are made of the inspections, any discrepancies found and corrective actions taken. This information is forwarded to the Safety Director.

i. The Safety Director shall maintain records of inspections to include identification of worksite inspected, date of inspection, description of violations of standards or other unsafe conditions or practices found, and corrective action taken toward abatement. Those inspection records shall be subject to review by the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development or his authorized representative.


a. Any discovery, any allegation, or any report of imminent danger shall be handled in accordance with the following procedures:

1. The Safety Director shall immediately be informed of the alleged imminent danger situation and he shall immediately ascertain whether there is a reasonable basis for the allegation.

2. If the alleged imminent danger situation is determined to have merit by the Safety Director, he shall make or cause to be made an immediate inspection of the alleged imminent danger location.

3. As soon as it is concluded from such inspection that conditions or practices exist which constitutes an imminent danger, the Safety Director or Compliance Inspector shall attempt to have the danger corrected. All employees at the location shall be informed of the danger and the supervisor or person in charge of the worksite shall be requested to remove employees from the area, if deemed necessary.

4. The administrative or operational head of the workplace in which the imminent danger exists, or his authorized representative, shall be responsible for determining the manner in which the imminent danger situation will be abated. This shall be done in cooperation with the Safety Director or Compliance Inspector and to the mutual satisfaction of all parties involved.

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5. The imminent danger shall be deemed abated if:

i. The imminence of the danger has been eliminated by removal of employees from the area of danger. ii. Conditions or practices which resulted in the imminent danger have been eliminated or corrected to the point where an unsafe condition or practice no longer exists.

6. A written report shall be made by or to the Safety Director describing in detail the imminent danger and its abatement. This report will be maintained by the Safety Director in accordance with subsection (i) of Section XI of this plan.

b. Refusal to Abate.

1. Any refusal to abate an imminent danger situation shall be reported to the Safety Director and Chief Executive Officer immediately.

2. The Safety Director and/or Chief Executive Officer shall take whatever action may be necessary to achieve abatement.


a. Whenever, as a result of an inspection or investigation, the Safety Director or Compliance Inspector(s) finds that a worksite is not in compliance with the standards, rules or regulations pursuant to this plan and is unable to negotiate abatement with the administrative or operational head of the worksite within a reasonable period of time, the Safety Director shall:

1. Issue an abatement order to the head of the worksite. 2. Post or cause to be posted, a copy of the abatement order at or near each location referred to in the abatement order.

b. Abatement orders shall contain the following information:

1. The standard, rule, or regulation which was found to violated. 2. A description of the nature and location of the violation. 3. A description of what is required to abate or correct the violation. 4. A reasonable period of time during which the violation must be abated or corrected.

c. At any time within ten (10) days after receipt of an abatement order, anyone affected by the order may advise the Safety Director in writing of any objections to the terms and conditions of the order. Upon receipt of such objections, the Safety Director shall act promptly to hold a hearing with all interested and/or responsible parties in an effort to resolve any objections. Following such hearing, the Safety Director shall, within three (3) working days, issue an abatement order and such subsequent order shall be binding on all parties and shall be final.


a. No civil or criminal penalties shall be issued against any official, employee, or any other person for failure to comply with safety and health standards or any rules or regulations issued pursuant to this Program Plan. b. Any employee, regardless of status, who willfully and/or repeatedly violates, or causes to be violated, any safety and health standard, rule, or regulation or any abatement order shall be subject to disciplinary action by the appointing authority. It shall be the duty of the appointing authority to administer discipline by taking action in one of the following ways as appropriate and warranted:

1. Oral reprimand. 2. Written reprimand. 3. Suspension for three (3) or more working days.

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4. Termination of employment.


All information obtained by or reported to the Safety Director pursuant to this plan of operation or the legislation (resolution, or executive order) enabling this Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan which contains or might reveal information which is otherwise privileged shall be considered confidential. Such information may be disclosed to other officials or employees concerned with carrying out this Program Plan or when relevant in any proceeding under this Program Plan. Such information may also be disclosed to the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development or their authorized representatives in carrying out their duties under the Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1972.


The Rule of Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development Occupational Safety and Health, DISCRIMINATION AGAINST EMPLOYEES EXERCISING RIGHTS UNDER THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT OF 1972 0800-01-08, as authorized by T.C.A., Title 50. The agency agrees that any employee who believes they have been discriminated against or discharged in violation of Tenn. Code Ann § 50-3-409 can file a complaint with their agency/safety Safety Director within 30 days, after the alleged discrimination occurred. Also, the agency agrees the employee has a right to file their complaint with the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development within the same 30 day period. The Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development may investigate such complaints, make recommendations, and/or issue a written notification of a violation.


a. Compliance with any other law, statute, resolution, or executive order, which regulates safety and health in employment and places of employment, shall not excuse the employer, the employee, or any other person from compliance with the provisions of this Program Plan. b. Compliance with any provisions of this Program Plan or any standard, rule, regulation, or order issued pursuant to this Program Plan shall not excuse the employer, the employee, or any other person from compliance with the law, statue, resolution, or executive order, as applicable, regulating and promoting safety and health unless such law, statute, resolution, or executive order, as applicable, is specifically repealed.

Signature: Safety Director, Occupational Safety and Health Date

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George P. Jaynes Justice Center - 65 Employees 108 W. Jackson Blvd. Jonesborough, TN 37659 (423) 753-1736

Washington County Sheriff’s Department - 219 Employees & Detention Center 112 W. Jackson Blvd. Jonesborough, TN 37659 (423) 788-1414

Washington County Courthouse - 57 Employees 100 E. Main Street Jonesborough, TN 37659 (423) 753-1666

Washington County Highway Department - 80 Employees 608 Depot Street Jonesborough, TN 37659 (423) 753-1714

Washington County Archives - 3 Employees 103 W. Main Street Jonesborough, TN 37659 (423) 753-1777

Washington County Health Department - 31 Employees 219 Princeton Road Johnson City, TN 37601 (423-975-2200

Washington County Trustee & County Clerk Office - 14 Employees Johnson City 378 Marketplace Blvd., Ste. 1 Johnson City, TN 37601 (423) 610-7201

Soil Conservation - 3 Employees 1105 E. Jackson Blvd. #3 Jonesborough, TN 37659 (423) 753-2192

Library – Gray & Jonesborough locations - 21 Employees

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5026 Bobby Hicks Hwy. Gray, TN 37615 (423) 477-1550

200 Sabin Drive Jonesborough, TN 37659 (423) 753-1800

Solid Waste Department – multiple locations - 30 Employees 100 E. Main Street Jonesborough, TN 37659 (423) 753-1652


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The Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1972 provide job safety and health protection for Tennessee workers through the promotion of safe and healthful working conditions. Under a plan reviewed by the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development, this government, as an employer, is responsible for administering the Act to its employees. Safety and health standards are the same as State standards and jobsite inspections will be conducted to insure compliance with the Act.

Employees shall be furnished conditions of employment and a place of employment free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious injury or harm to employees.

Each employee shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this Program Plan which are applicable to his or her own actions and conduct.

Each employee shall be notified by the placing upon bulletin boards or other places of common passage of any application for a temporary variance from any standard or regulation.

Each employee shall be given the opportunity to participate in any hearing which concerns an application for a variance from a standard.

Any employee who may be adversely affected by a standard or variance issued pursuant to this Program Plan may file a petition with the Safety Director.

Any employee who has been exposed or is being exposed to toxic materials or harmful physical agents in concentrations or at levels in excess of that provided for by an applicable standard shall be notified by the employer and informed of such exposure and corrective action being taken.

Subject to regulations issued pursuant to this Program Plan, any employee or authorized representative(s) of employees shall be given the right to request an inspection.

No employee shall be discharged or discriminated against because such employee has filed any complaint or instituted or caused to be instituted any proceedings or inspection under, or relating to, this Program Plan.

Any employee who believes he or she has been discriminated against or discharged in violation of these sections may, within thirty (30) days after such violation occurs, have an opportunity to appear in a hearing before the County Mayor for assistance in obtaining relief or to file a complaint with the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development alleging such discrimination.

A copy of the Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan for the Employees of Washington County is available for inspection by any employee at the office of the County Mayor during regular office hours.


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Be assured that the County of Washington, Tennessee has sufficient financial resources available or will make sufficient financial resources available as may be required in order to administer and staff its Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan and to comply with standards.


(1-15) Employees shall report all accidents, injuries, or illnesses directly to the Safety Director as soon as possible, but not later than twenty-four (24) hours after the occurrence. Such reports may be verbal or in writing. All fatalities, inpatient hospitalizations, amputations, and losses of an eye shall be reported to the Safety Director and/or record keeper immediately, either by telephone or verbally, and will be followed by a written report within four (4) hours after their occurrence. The Safety Director will insure completion of required reports and records in accordance with Section VIII of the basic plan.

(16-50) Employees shall report all accidents, injuries, or illnesses to their supervisor as soon as possible, but not later than two (2) hours after the occurrence. All fatalities, inpatient hospitalizations, amputations, and losses of an eye shall be reported to the Safety Director and/or record keeper immediately, either by telephone or verbally, and will be followed by a written report within four (4) hours after their occurrence. The supervisor will investigate the accident or illness, complete an accident report, and forward the accident report to the Safety Director and/or record keeper within twenty- four (24) hours of the time the accident or injury occurred or the time of the first report of the illness.

(51-250) Employees shall report all accidents, injuries, or illnesses to their supervisors as soon as possible, but not later than two (2) hours after the occurrence. The supervisor will provide the Safety Director and/or record keeper with the name of the injured or ill employee and a brief description of the accident or illness by telephone as soon as possible, but not later than four (4) hours, after the accident or injury occurred or the time of the first report of the illness. All fatalities, inpatient hospitalizations, amputations, and losses of an eye shall be reported to the Safety Director and/or record keeper immediately, either by telephone or verbally, and will be followed by a written report within four (4) hours after their occurrence. The supervisor will then make a thorough investigation of the accident or illness (with the assistance of the Safety Director or Compliance Inspector, if necessary) and will complete a written report on the accident or illness and forward it to the Safety Director within seventy-two (72) hours after the accident, injury, or first report of illness and will provide one (1) copy of the written report to the recordkeeper.

(251-Plus) Employees shall report all accidents, injuries, or illnesses to their supervisors as soon as possible, but not later than two (2) hours after their occurrence. The supervisor will provide the administrative head of the department with a verbal or telephone report of the accident as soon as possible, but not later than four (4) hours, after the accident. If the accident involves a fatality, inpatient hospitalization, amputation, loss of an eye, loss of consciousness, broken bones, or third degree burns, the Safety Director will be notified by telephone immediately and will be given the name of the injured, a description of the injury, and a brief description of how the

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accident occurred. The supervisor will then make a thorough investigation of the accident or illness (with the assistance of the Safety Director or Compliance Inspector, if necessary) and will complete a written report on the accident or illness and forward it to the Safety Director within seventy-two (72) hours after the accident, injury, or first report of illness and will provide one (1) copy of the written report to the record keeper.

Since Workers Compensation Form 6A or OSHA NO. 301 Form must be completed; all reports submitted in writing to the person responsible for recordkeeping shall include the following information as a minimum: 1. Accident location, if different from employer’s mailing address and state whether accident occurred on premises owned or operated by employer. 2. Name, social security number, home address, age, sex, and occupation (regular job title) of injured or ill employee. 3. Title of the department or division in which the injured or ill employee is normally employed. 4. Specific description of what the employee was doing when injured. 5. Specific description of how the accident occurred. 6. A description of the injury or illness in detail and the part of the body affected. 7. Name of the object or substance which directly injured the employee. 8. Date and time of injury or diagnosis of illness. 9. Name and address of physician, if applicable. 10. If employee was hospitalized, name and address of hospital. 11. Date of report.

NOTE: A procedure such as one of those listed above or similar information is necessary to satisfy Item Number 4 listed under PROGRAM PLAN in Section V. ADMINISTRATION, Part b of the Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Plan. This information may be submitted in flow chart form instead of in narrative form if desired. These procedures may be modified in any way to fit local situations as they have been prepared as a guide only. The four (4) procedures listed above are based upon the size of the work force and relative complexity of the organization. The approximate size of the organization for which each procedure is suggested is indicated in parenthesis in the left hand margin at the beginning, i.e., (1-15), (16-50), (51-250), and (251 Plus), and the figures relate to the total number of employees including the Chief Executive Officer but excluding the governing body (County Court, City Council, Board of Directors, etc.). Generally, the more simple an accident reporting procedure is, the more effective it is. Please select the one procedure listed above, or prepare a similar procedure or flow chart, which most nearly fits what will be the most effective for your local situation. Note also that the specific information listed for written reports applies to all three of the procedures listed for those organizations with sixteen (16) or more employees.

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Health Education & Welfare Committee Minutes March 4, 2021 1:00 p.m.

Committee members attending: Chairwoman Jodi Jones, Commissioners Danny Edens, Bryan Davenport, Jim Wheeler, and Suzy Williams.

Committee members absent: None.

Others in attendance: Joe Grandy – Mayor, Allyson Wilkinson – County Attorney, Susan Saylor, Dr. Flanary – Director of Schools, Dr. Barnett – Johnson City School Director, Richard Griffin – Library Director, Bobby France, Angie Charles, Commissioner Ken Huffine, Scott Chapman, and Teresa Stoots.

The meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Jones.

Chairwoman Jones asked for a moment of silence. Chairwoman Jones led the pledge to the flag.

Motion was made by Commissioner Williams to approve the agenda, seconded by Commissioner Wheeler. Motion carried with a 5-0-0 vote.

Approval of the February 4, 2021 minutes was made by Commissioner Wheeler, seconded by Commissioner Edens. Motion carried with a 5-0-0 vote.

Items discussed:

Item 1 – Director of Johnson City Schools - Dr. Barnett gave an update on the Johnson City School System, and the two new Middle Schools opening in Fall 2022.

Item 2 - Director of Washington County Schools – Dr. Flanary gave an update on Washington County Schools.

Item 3 – Scott Chapman – Chief Building Official, notice was given on the adoption of the 2018 International Residential Code and filed with the County Clerk’s office. No inquiries were received. Motion was made by Commissioner Wheeler to approve the Building Code as amended, seconded by Commissioner Williams. Motion carried with a 5-0-0 vote.

Environmental Court Clean-Ups – Allyson Wilkinson, County Attorney, gave an update on eight pending Environmental Court cases. At the present there are six pending cases, one case in bankruptcy, and one case to be dismissed. The County Attorney’s office will send letters to the seven homeowners in the next week to meet with the County Attorney to discuss. If no compliance is made before the HEW meeting on April 1, 2021, the cases will be brought to HEW for approval to move forward for clean- up.

Since 2012, the County has filed 33 liens, for a sum a little under $180,000.00. Recovered to date is $70,468.75. Remaining amount due $109,729.35. In 2020, three of the properties went to the tax sale and did not sell.

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Bobby France – General Welfare Office, presented a timeline of the Broyles matter with up-to-date photos. The matter had been sent to the full commission in September 2020 for approval to clean-up. The matter was deferred for six months (April 2021) to allow the family to clean up.

On March 1, 2021, Mr. France performed a site visit of the Broyles’ property, and determined that the property was not in compliance. Motion was made by Commissioner Wheeler to send the Broyles’ matter back to the full commission in April, seconded by Commissioner Williams. Motion carried with a 5-0-0 vote.

Item 4 – Library – Update was given by Richard Griffin – Library Director. At this time the Library remains closed to the Public. The Library Board will meet March 9, 2021, to discuss reopening plan.

Item 5 – Health Department – No report.

Item 6 – County Attorney Report – Monitoring a couple of Legislative Bills for Counties only. One being notices for electronic meetings.

Commissioner Williams received a letter from Dr. Collier Jordan regarding the Tennessee CLEAN Act (SB0152/HB0174), stating that we all need to push to let TACIR (Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations) review and recommend solutions that are right for Tennessee.

Item 7 – Work Ready Communities - Six out of 10 businesses have committed to the Work Ready Communities. Four more are needed. Chairwoman Jones reviewed the outcome from the Commission Workshop stating that HEW would be the primary group focusing on workforce development initiatives. One of the main ideas in this area was to work with the County School Board on workforce initiatives in its strategic plan. The group will revisit this topic in April's meeting but in the meantime, Chairwoman Jones to work with Chairman Day on a workshop date.

Motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Davenport and seconded by Commissioner Edens. Motion carried with 5-0-0 vote .

Meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.

Attachments: None.

Action Items: 1. Resolution adopting certain changes to the 2018 Edition of the International Residential Code.

Respectfully submitted by Teresa Stoots

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RESOLUTION No. 21-03-07


WHEREAS, it is the policy of the State of Tennessee to encourage local governments to adopt and enforce local building codes; and

WHEREAS, it is the policy of the state of Tennessee to impose a statewide building code on those localities that fail to either opt out of the state building code or fail to adopt their own local building code; and

WHEREAS, because Washington County has exempt status with the state of Tennessee, Washington County is required to be within seven years of the most recent published edition; and

WHEREAS, on March 4, 2021 the HEW Committee recommended consideration and approval of Chapters 1 through 22, 24 through 33, and 44 (delete 23, 34 through 43) of the 2018 Edition of the International Residential Code with the following revisions; now therefore


SECTION 1. That Chapters 1 through 22, 24 through 33 and 44 and include appendix A, B, C, G, N, P, and Q of a certain document, a copy of which is on file in the office of the County Clerk of Washington County, being marked and designated as the International Residential Code, 2018 edition, as published by the International Code Council, be and is hereby adopted, effective April 1, 2021, as the Residential Code of Washington County, in the state of Tennessee, for regulating and governing the construction, alteration, movement, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, location, removal and demolition of detached one and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) not more than three stories in height with separate means of egress as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefore; and each and all of the regulation, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said International Residential Code on file in the office of the County Clerk of Washington County are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part thereof, as if fully set out in this resolution with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in Section 2 of this resolution.

SECTION 2. The following sections are hereby revised:

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Originating Committee: Health, Education & Welfare Additional Approving Committee:

Amend Section R101.1 Title. Insert: Washington County, Tennessee

Amend Section R105.2 Work exempt from permit. Sections to be amended and read:

BUILDING: (2) fences (3) retaining walls (4) water tanks Delete Electrical Subsections 1-5

Amend Section R106 Construction Documents. Deleted in its entirety.

Table R301.2 DESIGN CRITERIA Insert

Ground Wind Seismic Weathering Frost Termite Winter Ice Flood Air Mean Snow Speed Design Line Design Barrier Hazard Freezing Temp Load Depth Temp Underlayment Index 15PSF 90MPH B Severe 12” M/H 14 No 2006 >1000 55 DEG DEG

Amend Section R303.4 Mechanical Ventilation. Add the word “optional” after the word “ventilation” in the section title. Before the first sentence insert “Where required by the Building Official.”

Amend R313 Automatic Fire Sprinkler System. Pursuant to TCA 68-120- 101(a)(8), Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems is not mandatory for One and Two Family Dwellings, however, if a sprinkler is installed it shall meet the requirements of this sections.

Amend R314.6 Power Source. Relating to Smoke Alarms is amended to create Excep #3 that shall read: “Interconnection and hardwiring of smoke alarms in existing areas shall not be required where the alterations or repairs do not result in the removal of interior walls or ceilings finishes exposing the structure.”

Amend R502.11.4 Truss Design Drawings. Delete “shall be submitted to the building official and approved prior to installation.”

Amend N1102.1.2. Insulation and Fenestration Requirements Table. Table from the 2018 IRC shall be replaced with tables N1102.1 from the 2009 International Residential Code.

Amend N1102.1.4 Equivalent U-Factors Table. Table from the 2018 IRC shall be replaced with tables N1102.1.2 from the 2009 International Residential Code.

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Originating Committee: Health, Education & Welfare Additional Approving Committee:

Amend N102.4.1.2 Testing. Testing is replaced with Section N1102.4.2.1 Testing option and Section N1102.4.2.2 Visual Inspection from 2009 IRC.

Amend N1102.4.4 Rooms Containing Fuel-Burning Appliances. Delete in its entirety.

Amend N1103.3.3 Duct Testing (Mandatory). To include the word “OPTIONAL”.

Amend N1103.3.4 Duct Leakage (Prescriptive). To include the word “OPTIONA.”.

Amend N1103.10 Pools and inground permanently installed spas. Delete the word “Mandatory” and add “optional” after the word “Spas” in the section title. Before the first sentence insert “Where required by the Building Official”.

Amend N1103.11 Portable Spas. Delete the word “Mandatory” and add “optional” after the word “spas” in the section title. Before the first sentence insert “Where required by the Building Official”.

Amend N1104 Electrical Power Lighting Systems (Mandatory). Delete the word “Mandatory” and add “optional”.

Amend P2503.5.1 Rough Plumbing. Remove the words “other than plastic”.

Amend P2603.5.1 Sewer Depth. Delete “Number” in two places and insert “12 inches” in two places.

SECTION 3. Within said codes, when reference is made to the duties of any building official named therein, that the Building Official of Washington County, Tennessee, shall have those duties corresponding to those of the building official in said codes and shall be deemed to be the responsible official insofar as enforcing provisions of said codes are concerned. Further, the Washington County Zoning Office is designated as the department of building safety as referenced in the codes.

SECTION 4. Within said codes, when reference is made to the Board of Appeals, the Washington County Board of Zoning Appeals is the board authorized and responsible for the functions of the Board of Appeals referred to in the codes.

SECTION 5. The designated official enforcing provisions of said codes shall have the authority to insert the appropriate revised or deleted information in provisions requiring specific local information and factual key elements required for insertion into the code test.

SECTION 6. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Resolution is, for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolution.

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Originating Committee: Health, Education & Welfare Additional Approving Committee:

SECTION 7. The County Clerk has hereby ordered and directed to cause this Resolution to be published, and has posted this Resolution at the Washington County Court House for 90 days.

SECTION 8. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.



Resolution No. 21-03-07 Page 4 of 4 Page 148 of 215

Page 149 of 215 Page 150 of 215 Page 151 of 215 Originating Committee: Public Safety Additional Approving Committee:




WHEREAS, T.C.A. § 5-9-101 et. seq. authorizes the county legislative body’s appropriation of money to nonprofit volunteer fire departments on such terms as may be agreed to by the county legislative body; and

WHEREAS, the Washington County Fire Chief’s Association initiated a discussion of Washington County’s need to balance the need for high-quality dependable fire protection in Washington County with the respective volunteer fire departments’ need for well-trained and dependable personnel; and

WHEREAS, the Public Safety Committee, at its March 4, 2021 meeting, requested that the County Mayor engage County Technical Assistance Service (CTAS) and other organizations, including the Washington County Fire Chief’s Association, in order to develop information relevant to the County Commission’s consideration of the funding of full-time firefighters; now therefore


SECTION 1. The County Commission requests that the County Mayor develop information relevant to fire safety in Washington County and the employment of full-time firefighters, and present the findings at the June 3, 2021 meeting of the Public Safety Committee.

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

Resolution No. 21-03-19 Page 1 of 2 Page 152 of 215

Originating Committee: Public Safety Additional Approving Committee:

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-19 Page 2 of 2 Page 153 of 215

Washington County Public Works Committee Minutes March 4, 2021

Members present: Commissioners Bryan Davenport, Jerome Fitzgerald, Greg Matherly

Absent: Commissioners Larry Cate and Kent Harris

Others present: John Deakins-Road Supt., Doug Jones-Project Director WCHD, County Attorney- Allyson Wilkinson, Lesley Musick-911 Emergency, Sherrie Baskette-WCHD

Chairman Davenport called the meeting to order at 2:58 pm.

Invocation was led by Chairman Davenport Pledge to the Flag

Old Business 1. Approval of February 4th minutes – Commissioner Matherly made the motion to approve the minutes, Commissioner Fitzgerald seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.

New Business 1. Commissioner Matherly made the motion to move forward with a resolution to the full commission with the agreement between Washington County and City of Johnson City pertaining to the traffic light on Oak Grove Road and Hwy 36 striking the last sentence of paragraph 4. If Johnson City will not agree to delete any additions, corrections or amendments made by the attorneys will be considered at the next meeting. Commissioner Fitzgerald seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.

2. Commissioner Matherly made the motion to move forward with the grant application for the water project on Taylor Bridge Road. Commissioner Fitzgerald seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.

3. Commissioner Fitzgerald made the motion to accept the request to sell the Clark 55C Loader, S/N#480B183CB surplus property for the highway department. Commissioner Matherly seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.

There being no further business, Commissioner Fitzgerald made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Matherly meeting adjourned at 3:15 pm, motion passed unanimously.

Action Items • Resolution for Traffic Light Agreement • Resolution for Taylor Bridge Grant • Resolution for selling Clark 55C Loader on GovDeals.com

Respectfully submitted by Sherrie Baskette

Page 154 of 215 Originating Committee: Public Works Additional Approving Committee:


RESOLUTION No. 21-03-12


WHEREAS, pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 5-7-101 and 5-14-108, the County has the power to make any order for the disposition of its property and sell by public auction, including internet auctions, property that has become surplus, obsolete, or unusable; and

WHEREAS, the Highway Department Superintendent requests that the following surplus property be sold on GovDeals.com:

DESCRIPTION 1 Clark 55C Loader S/N#480B183CB

WHEREAS, on March 4, 2021, the Public Works Committee recommended consideration and approval of this request to the Board of County Commissioners; now therefore


SECTION 1. The above-described property is hereby declared as surplus, obsolete and/or unusable property and the Highway Department Superintendent is authorized to dispose of the property in accordance with state law.

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Resolution No. 21-03-12 Page 155 of 215 Page 1 of 2 Originating Committee: Public Works Additional Approving Committee:

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.


Resolution No. 21-03-12 Page 156 of 215 Page 2 of 2 Originating Committee: Public Works Additional Approving Committee: Budget




WHEREAS, in January 2019, the Washington County Board of County Commissioners identified the development of comprehensive infrastructure and services improvement plan, especially for fire and water, to be one of three top priorities; and

WHEREAS, the County Commission recognizes the need for providing a water line extension for the residents of Taylor Bridge Road within the county limits and Washington County does not have the financial resources to undertake the improvements that are needed for the residents; and

WHEREAS, Community Development Block Grant funds are only awarded to city and county governments, and must align with one of three national objectives: principally benefiting low and moderate income persons, the elimination of slums and blight, or addressing imminent health and safety problems; and

WHEREAS, Washington County is eligible for the Community Development Block Grant administered by the Tennessee Department of Economic & Community Development and application will be made through First Tennessee Development District; and

WHEREAS the Water Task Force requested that the County Mayor cause to be made, executed, and submitted the necessary application requesting Fiscal Year 2021 Community Development Block Grant funds in the maximum amount available with the understanding that the 24% base match rate will be reduced to 16% due to the decrease from 3-star plus COVID bonus; and

WHEREAS, the following amounts represent a summary of costs based on the engineering budget for the project and the proposed Community Development Block Grant request for Taylor Bridge Road:

Community Development Block Grant $ 200,000.00 Washington County match funds $1,695,950.00 Total Project $1,895,950.00

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Originating Committee: Public Works Additional Approving Committee: Budget

WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee, at its March 4, 2021 meeting, recommended consideration and approval of this request; and

WHEREAS, the Budget Committee, at its March 10, 2021 meeting, recommended consideration and approval of this request; now therefore


SECTION 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Tennessee authorizes the County Mayor to apply for the Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $200,000.00 with a Washington County match funding responsibility of $1,695,950.00.

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

Resolution No. 21-03-10 Page 2 of 3 Page 158 of 215

Originating Committee: Public Works Additional Approving Committee: Budget

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.


Resolution No. 21-03-10 Page 3 of 3 Page 159 of 215

Originating Committee: Public Works Additional Approving Committee:


RESOLUTION No. 21-03-23


WHEREAS, Washington County, Tennessee and the City of Johnson City, Tennessee have agreed for Johnson City to provide emergency repair services and maintenance for traffic signals installed on county roads pursuant to the terms of the Agreement attached; and

WHEREAS, at the March 4, 2021 regular meeting of the Public Works Committee a motion was approved to send the attached agreement to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration and approval, subject to the City of Johnson’s City’s acceptance of Washington County’s revision to paragraph 4; now therefore


SECTION 1. The attached agreement between Washington County, Tennessee and the City of Johnson City, Tennessee for emergency repair services and maintenance for traffic signals installed on county roads is hereby adopted and approved.

SECTION 2. The County Mayor is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute and acknowledge original copies of the agreement to accomplish the purposes of this Resolution.

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

Resolution No. 21-03-23 Page 160 of 215 Page 1 of 2 Originating Committee: Public Works Additional Approving Committee:

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.


Resolution No. 21-03-23 Page 161 of 215 Page 2 of 2 Resolution No. 21-03-23 Exhibit A


This agreement made and entered into by and between the COUNTY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE, hereinafter referred to as “Washington County” and the CITY OF JOHNSON CITY, TENNESSEE, hereinafter referred to as “Johnson City” as follows:


1. It is agreed between the parties that Johnson City will provide emergency repair service to traffic signals and traffic signal maintenance services for Washington County as may from time to time be required. 2. It is further agreed between the Parties that requests for services pursuant to this agreement shall be made by Washington County to Johnson City’s Director of Public Works, or his designee, who shall dispatch a crew to respond to such requests if, in his sole discretion, he determines that such response will not jeopardize operations of Johnson City. Johnson City will make a good faith effort to respond to any such request by Washington County as soon as practical. 3. It is further agreed between the Parties that Washington County will compensate Johnson City for services rendered pursuant to this agreement. The hourly rates will be $63.00 for labor when done during normal working hours, $14.00 for equipment when the work entails only ground and cabinet work, and $50.00 for equipment if aerial work is required. Parts and materials utilized will be billed at 110% of cost. Work done outside of normal working hours will have an increased labor charge of $94.50 per hour for labor; all other charges will be billed at the same rate. Johnson City will invoice Washington County for all such charges monthly or quarterly, and Washington County will pay the same within thirty (30) days of receipt of such invoices. 4. It is expressly agreed between the Parties that Washington County’s traffic signals are at all times to be considered Washington County’s sole responsibility, and that Johnson City assumes no responsibility or liability for maintaining Washington County’s signals in service. Deleted: Further, Washington County assumes the risk of 5. This agreement shall remain in force for a period of five (5) years from the date of execution of this property damage from the performance of any service rendered pursuant to this agreement. ¶ instrument, unless sooner terminated by agreement between the parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this the ______day of ______, 2021.

City of Johnson City County of Washington County

Joseph C. Wise, Mayor William J. Grandy, Mayor Deleted: Joseph

Deleted: ______¶ William Shrewsbury, Purchasing

Formatted: Tab stops: 3.5", Left + 5.5", Right + Not at 4.5"

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County Owned Property Committee Minutes March 4th, 2021, 4:00 pm 1st Floor Conference Room of the Historic Courthouse

Committee members attending: Chairman Phil Carriger, Mayor Joe Grandy, Commissioners Jodi Jones, Danny Edens and Mike Ford

Others in attendance: Commissioners Greg Matherly and Ken Huffine, Jon Ruetz, Margaret Davis, Maybell Stewart, Sheila Hayes, Wilma Nolen, Veronica Nuckols, Leslie Lacey, CB Kinch, Dana Jones, Gary McAllister, Allyson Wilkinson-County Attorney, Teresa Stoots, Sherry Greene, Susan Saylor

The meeting was called to order and opened in prayer by Chairman Carriger.

Approval of the minutes from the February 4th meeting – Commissioner Jones made a motion to approve the minutes, Commissioner Edens seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Item 1 – Jon Ruetz of the Election Commission, addressed the Committee regarding the need of space for the Election Commission offices as well as space for early voting during the 2022 elections. Mr. Ruetz asked that the Committee consider extending the lease on the Ace Hardware building to facilitate their needs. Discussion continued amongst the members contemplating leasing and/or purchasing the building. Chairman Carriger suggested possibly constructing a building on property, owned by the County, which would give the Election Commission a new facility built to their specific needs. After much discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of owning and/or leasing the Ace Hardware Building, Commissioner Edens made a motion to purchase the Ace Hardware building for use by the Election Commission, at the previously negotiated sales price. Commissioner Ford seconded the motion. Motion carried. 3-yes 1-no Mayor Grandy did not vote.

Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Ford and seconded by Commissioner Edens. The meeting adjourned at 4:50pm.

Attachments: • Letter from the Election Commission regarding need for more space

Action items: • Move forward to the Budget Committee, then on to the full Commission, consideration of request to purchase the Ace Hardware Building for use by the Election Commission.

Respectfully submittedDRAFT by Sherry Greene.

Page 183 of 215 Page 184 of 215 Page 185 of 215 Originating Committee: County-Owned Property Additional Approving Committee: Budget


RESOLUTION No. 21-03-18


WHEREAS, on November 25, 2019, Washington County issued a Request for Proposal requesting property suitable for a one-year lease of a voting site space (as per specifications); and

WHEREAS, the Election Commission reviewed the responses, determined the building most suitable for its needs, and requested that Washington County lease the Olde Towne Hardware property for a one-year term; and

WHEREAS, on January 27, 2020, Washington County adopted Resolution No. 20-01-15 which authorized and empowered the County Mayor and County Purchasing Agent, subject to review by the County Attorney, to execute documents necessary to effectuate a one-year lease of Olde Towne Hardware for a lease term to commence February 1, 2020, at a price of $77,500 for the year, to be paid in monthly amounts of $6,459, with the County responsible for the cost of utilities, and memorializing the understanding that any future negotiated purchase option would allow for the $77,500 to apply to the purchase price; and

WHEREAS, on January 31, 2021, the one-year lease between Washington County, Tennessee and Olde Town Hardware authorized by Resolution No. 20-01- 15, for the building’s use as a polling location expired; and

WHEREAS, on February 4, 2021, the County-Owned Property Committee requested that the Board of County Commissioners adopt a resolution requesting a collaborative effort between Washington County and the Election Commission that would facilitate the identification of the Election Commission’s needs sufficiently for Washington County to develop a timeline that enables Washington County to be in position to meet its funding responsibilities; and

WHEREAS, on February 22, 2021, in recognition of its responsibility pursuant to T.C.A. § 2-12-109, to fund the operations of its election commission, except as otherwise provided by law, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 21-02-15, requesting that the Washington County Election Commission return to the County-Owned Property Committee at its regularly scheduled meeting on March 4, 2021 with information identifying its needs

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Originating Committee: County-Owned Property Additional Approving Committee: Budget

sufficiently for Washington County to develop a timeline that would enable the county to be in position to meet its funding responsibilities; and

WHEREAS, on March 4, 2021, the Election Commission presented the County-Owned Property Committee with the requested information, including details relevant to the Election Commission’s need for professional office space, storage capacity, and statutory responsibilities to designate polling places pursuant to T.C.A. § 2-3-101 and § 2-3-107; and

WHEREAS, on March 4, 2021, the County-Owned Property Committee recommended consideration and approval of the purchase of the Olde Towne Hardware location at best terms, authorizing the County Mayor to negotiate; and

WHEREAS, on March 10, 2021, the Budget Committee recommended consideration and approval of this request subject to the certain conditions which would allow Washington County to exercise due diligence while identifying a purchase price, specifically that the County Mayor negotiate a second term of the lease of Olde Town Hardware to include: (1) an additional year’s term, effective February 1, 2021 through January 31, 2022 which would require an appropriation for funding of five additional months of lease payments in the current fiscal year; (2) an option to renew or extend the lease for a third term; (3) a purchase option, defining the county’s opportunity to purchase the leased property at the conclusion of the lease term; and (4) application of all payments made under the first and any renewed or extended lease to the purchase price; and

WHEREAS, the County Mayor requests the following amendments to the Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021:

(1) Increase $2,040 to expense line item 101-51500-350 (Election Commission – Internet Connectivity); (2) Increase $32,295 to expense line item 101-51500-351 (Election Commission -- Rentals); (3) Increase $7,500 to expense line item 101-51500-415 (Election Commission -- Electricity); (4) Increase $1,800 to expense line item 101-51500-434 (Election Commission – Natural Gas); (5) Increase $720 to expense line item 101-51500-454 (Election Commission – Water and Sewer); (6) Decrease $44,355 from fund balance item 101-39000 (Unassigned); now therefore


SECTION 1. The County Mayor is authorized to negotiate the purchase option of Olde Towne Hardware at best terms while initiating a review of various aspects of the property including title, survey, zoning, permitting, environmental,

Resolution No. 21-03-18 Page 2 of 4 Page 187 of 215

Originating Committee: County-Owned Property Additional Approving Committee: Budget

structural condition, operations, and financial analyses.

SECTION 2. The County Mayor and County Purchasing Agent, subject to review by the County Attorney, are hereby authorized and empowered to execute documents necessary to effectuate (1) an additional year of lease of Olde Towne Hardware for a term to commence February 1, 2021, at a price of $77,500 for the year, to be paid in monthly amounts of $6,459, with the County responsible for the cost of utilities, (2) an option to renew or extend the lease for a third term; (3) acknowledgement of a future purchase option, defining the county’s opportunity to purchase the leased property at the conclusion of the lease term; and (4) application of all payments made under the first and any renewed or extended lease to the purchase price;

SECTION 3. Funding the extended lease and related expenses for the remainder of FY2020/2021 requires amending the budget as follows:

(1) Increase $2,040 to expense line item 101-51500-350 (Election Commission – Internet Connectivity). (2) Increase $32,295 to expense line item 101-51500-351 (Election Commission -- Rentals). (3) Increase $7,500 to expense line item 101-51500-415 (Election Commission -- Electricity). (4) Increase $1,800 to expense line item 101-51500-434 (Election Commission – Natural Gas). (5) Increase $720 to expense line item 101-51500-454 (Election Commission – Water and Sewer). (6) Decrease $44,355 from fund balance line item 101-39000 (Unassigned).

SECTION 4. Funding of the seven-month remainder on the second-year term of the lease in the amount of $45,213 to be budgeted in FY2021/2022.

SECTION 5. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

Resolution No. 21-03-18 Page 3 of 4 Page 188 of 215

Originating Committee: County-Owned Property Additional Approving Committee: Budget

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.


Resolution No. 21-03-18 Page 4 of 4 Page 189 of 215

Water Task Force Minutes Friday, February 12th, 2021, 1:00pm This meeting was held electronically and in- person

Attendees: Mayor Joe Grandy, Commissioners Bryan Davenport, Jerome Fitzgerald and Ken Huffine, Jill Workman – TH&P, Kevin Brobeck – Town of Jonesborough, Ken Rea and Varina Hopper – FTDD, Ben Whitehead, Tom Witherspoon and Travis Olinger – City of Johnson City, Chris Alley – City of Kingsport, Jim Hilborn – GRW Engineering, Susan Saylor, Sherry Greene

Called to order by Chairman Davenport

Items Discussed: Chris Alley of Kingsport briefed the Committee on the Logan Chapel Road project. Kingsport water is getting back on track with staffing and things are moving well.

Ken Rea of the FTDD gave an update on the Taylor Bridge Road project through a power point presentation. In deeper review of the cost estimate of equipment it would be less expensive to purchase the needed equipment rather than renting. With equipment being purchased, the County would be required to fund approximately $1.5 million. Grant funding may be acquired in the amount of $200,000 which will reduce overall expenses. Chairman Davenport asked if the Task Force wanted to move forward in applying for grant funding. A motion was made by Commissioner Fitzgerald seconded by Mayor Grandy to move this forward to the March meeting of the Public Works Committee for consideration. Voice vote - unanimous yes. Motion carried. Application for grant funding will proceed to Public Works Committee in March for consideration.

Tom Whitherspoon – City of Johnson City, updated the Task Force that the City is waiting on survey results regarding the Bill Bennett Road project. Resident Frankie Casteel of Bill Bennett Road addressed the Task Force. Mr. Casteel is looking to subdivide a tract of land into multiple lots and would like the waterline extended down the south side of Bill Bennett Road. Mr. Casteel has spoken with City of Johnson City, where Travis Olinger advised Mr. Casteel to prepare a petition for potential customers and return said petition to the City of Johnson City for consideration.

Kevin Brobeck, Town of Jonesoborough gave no further update on the Greenwood Drive project.

Chairman Davenport gave a presentation to the Task Force, showing how installation and funding of waterline projects may be addressed. Chairman Davenport plans to present to the full Commission at their workshop on February 20, 2021. Tom Witherspoon asked for time to further review before presenting to the City Commission. Chairman Davenport agreed each municipality should review, as no commitment is required at this time, this is simply a suggested process as to how to move forward.

With no further business meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by SherryDRAFT Greene.

Page 190 of 215 Budget Committee Minutes March 10th, 2021, 9:00am 1st floor conference room of the Historic Courthouse

Committee members attending: Mayor Joe Grandy, Commissioners Freddie Malone, Larry Cate and Jim Wheeler

Committee members absent: Commissioner Steve Light

Others in attendance: Commissioner Ken Huffine, Ed Bowman, Susan Reid, Vickie Shell, Janet McKee, Jon Ruetz, Margaret Davis, Maybell Stewart, Wilma Nolan, Leslie Lacey, Gary McAllister, Dana Jones, Charlie Baines – Solid Waste Director, Mitch Meredith-Director of Finance, Allyson Wilkinson-County Attorney, Johnny Deakins-Highway Superintendent, Robert Houk – Johnson City Press, Susan Saylor, Sherry Greene

The meeting was called to order and opened in prayer by Mayor Grandy.

Approval of the Agenda – Mayor Grandy asked the Committee to consider addition of a budget amendment from the Highway Department with regards to Telford-New Victory Bridge Project. Motion was made to approve the agenda with the addition by Commissioner Wheeler and seconded by Commissioner Cate. Motion carried unanimously.

February 10th minutes were amended to read under item 5 that the Redevelopment Plan was considered by the CIA Committee. Motion to approve the minutes, with the amendment of the February 10th meeting was made by Commissioner Malone and seconded by Commissioner Cate. Motion carried unanimously.

Items discussed: Item 1 – For informational purposes, Mayor Grandy presented to the Committee budget amendments that were approved by the Mayor since last month’s budget committee meeting. (attachment)

Item 2 – For informational purposes, Mayor Grandy presented the Fund Balance Projection. (attachment)

Item 3 – Mayor Grandy presented budget amendments requiring a resolution for consideration by the Commission: a. From CIA Committee – Request of $50,000 in economic development funding for the Boones Creek Historical Trust. CIA Committee approved the request at their March 4th meeting. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Wheeler seconded by Commissioner Malone. Request will be forwarded to the Commission in the form of a resolution (proposed #21-03-15). b. Solid Waste Dept – Additional funding, in the amount of $32,000, is needed for projected expense of disposing of DRAFTwaste tires. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Malone seconded by Commissioner Cate. Request will be forwarded to the Commission in the form of a resolution (proposed #21-03-16). c. County Clerk – Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and multiple tag renewals being mailed rather than picked up in person, $15,000 in additional funds for the postage budget is needed to complete fiscal year 2021. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Cate seconded by Commissioner Wheeler. Request will be forwarded to the Commission in the form of a resolution (proposed #21-03-14).

Page 191 of 215 d. Highway Department – An additional $3,000 is needed for the purchase of right-of-ways. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Malone seconded by Commissioner Wheeler. Request will be forwarded to the Commission in the form of a resolution (proposed #21-03-13). e. Highway Department – An additional $71,000 from Highway fund balance is needed for the purchase of dump truck engine, asphalt roller and to cover overage in the unemployment compensation line item. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Malone seconded by Commissioner Cate. Request will be forwarded to the Commission in the form of a resolution (proposed #21-03-24). f. Circuit Court – Request to budget Circuit Court Clerk restricted reserve account funds, in the amount of $22,430, for the upgrade of the Infax Digital Signage Solution. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Wheeler seconded by Commissioner Cate. Request will be forwarded to the Commission in the form of a resolution (proposed #21-03-17). g. Highway Department – Budget amendment to budget revenue into bridge construction for the replacement of Telford-New Victory Bridge. This is 100% funded by TDOT through the Improve Act HPRBP Bridge Selection. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Wheeler seconded by Commissioner Malone. Request will be forwarded to the Commission in the form of a resolution (proposed #21-03-22).

Item 4 – Mayor Grandy briefed the Committee on action taken by the County Owned Property Committee at their March 4th meeting, approving the purchase of the Ace Hardware Building for use by the Election Commission. The Committee discussed details of such purchase and the option of leasing for an additional term of 1-2 years, which would allow use by the Election Commission for the 2022 election year. After lengthy discussion, Commissioner Wheeler made a motion to direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution for the Commission’s consideration authorizing the Mayor to negotiate a lease with a term of up to 2 additional years and to include provisions that a) provide for an option to purchase the property at an amount negotiated by Mayor Grandy and b) that all rents heretofore paid and future rents are to be applied to the purchase price. Additionally, the motion included an appropriation of such additional funds as may be necessary to continue occupancy through June 30, 2021. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cate. Motion carried unanimously. Request will be forwarded to the Commission in the form of a resolution (proposed #21-03-18).

Item 5 – Mayor Grandy briefed the Committee on the Taylor Bridge Road Water Project and expressed the desire to apply for grant funding in an amount up to $600,000. Public Works Committee discussed and approved application of the grant at their March 4th meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Malone and seconded by Commissioner Wheeler to authorize Mayor Grandy to apply for waterline grant funding. Motion carried unanimously. Request will be forwarded to the Commission in the form of a resolution (proposed #21-03-10).

Item 6 – Director Meredith stated the February financials will be emailed to Committee members and posted to the County’s web-site.DRAFT

Item 7 – For informational purposes, Mayor Grandy presented the Sales Tax update. (attachment)

The meeting was adjourned at 10:12am

Attachments: • Budget Amendment requests approved by the Mayor

Page 192 of 215 • Fund Balance Projection • Sales Tax Update

Action Items: • Resolutions 21-03-10, 21-03-13, 21-03-14, 21-03-15, 21-03-16, 21-03-17, 21-03-18, 21-03-22 and 21-03-24 to be forwarded to the full Commission at their March 22nd meeting for consideration.

Respectfully submitted by Sherry Greene.


Page 193 of 215 3amgip01.p 57-4 Washington County Government 03/08/21 Page:1 GENERAL INPUT BUDGET TRANSFERS 9:48 AM

BATCH DESCRIPTION FISCAL YEAR POST DATE BATCH ORIGIN STATUS 20-00054 Sheriff Reclass for Software Purchase 2020-2021 02/28/2021 Submit Transfer History

LINE NAME/PROJ DESCRIPTION/ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT/REFERENCE QUICK KEY ENTRY DATE DEBIT AMOUNT CREDIT AMOUNT 1 For purchase of 3 Crystal Reports licenses 101 E 54110 411 000 00000 000 03/08/2021 0.00 2,700.00 2 For purchase of 3 Crystal Reports licenses 101 E 54110 471 000 00000 000 03/08/2021 2,700.00 0.00 TOTALS 2,700.00 2,700.00 BATCH DESCRIPTION FISCAL YEAR POST DATE BATCH ORIGIN STATUS 20-00053 Highway Amendment - NACE Conference Fee 2020-2021 02/28/2021 Submit Transfer History

LINE NAME/PROJ DESCRIPTION/ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT/REFERENCE QUICK KEY ENTRY DATE DEBIT AMOUNT CREDIT AMOUNT 1 Reclass for conference registration fee 131 E 61000 399 000 00000 000 03/05/2021 0.00 200.00 2 Reclass for conference registration fee 131 E 61000 356 000 00000 000 03/05/2021 200.00 0.00 TOTALS 200.00 200.00 BATCH DESCRIPTION FISCAL YEAR POST DATE BATCH ORIGIN STATUS 20-00052 Health Department - February 2020-2021 02/28/2021 Web Batch Entry History

LINE NAME/PROJ DESCRIPTION/ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT/REFERENCE QUICK KEY ENTRY DATE DEBIT AMOUNT CREDIT AMOUNT 4 Reclass for line item deficits 101 E 55110 307 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 800.00 0.00 5 Reclass for line item deficits 101 E 55110 328 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 1,000.00 0.00 6 Reclass for line item deficits 101 E 55110 334 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 4,465.00 0.00 7 Reclass for line item deficits 101 E 55110 335 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 1,000.00 0.00 8 Reclass for line item deficits 101 E 55110 336 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 6,000.00 0.00 9 Reclass for line item deficits 101 E 55110 351 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 200.00 0.00 10 Reclass for line item deficits 101 E 55110 399 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 1,600.00 0.00 11 Reclass for line item deficits 101 E 55110 349 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 0.00 1,000.00 12 Reclass for line item deficits 101 E 55110 413 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 0.00 10,065.00 13 Reclass for line item deficits 101 E 55110 499 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 0.00 4,000.00 TOTALS 15,065.00 15,065.00 BATCH DESCRIPTION FISCAL YEAR POST DATE BATCH ORIGIN STATUS 20-00051 Assessor Coffee Purchase 2020-2021 02/28/2021 Submit Transfer History

LINE NAME/PROJ DESCRIPTION/ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT/REFERENCE QUICK KEY ENTRY DATE DEBIT AMOUNT CREDIT AMOUNT 1 To reclass for coffee purchase 101 E 52300 499 000 00000 000 03/03/2021 0.00 300.00 2 To reclass for coffee purchase 101 E 52300 422 000 00000 000 03/03/2021 300.00 0.00 TOTALS 300.00 300.00

Budget Transfers - Mayor Approved

Page 194 of 215 3amgip01.p 57-4 Washington County Government 03/08/21 Page:2 GENERAL INPUT BUDGET TRANSFERS 9:48 AM

BATCH DESCRIPTION FISCAL YEAR POST DATE BATCH ORIGIN STATUS 20-00050 Highway Transfers - February 2020-2021 02/26/2021 Web Batch Entry History

LINE NAME/PROJ DESCRIPTION/ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT/REFERENCE QUICK KEY ENTRY DATE DEBIT AMOUNT CREDIT AMOUNT 1 Reclass for line item deficits 131 E 62000 499 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 0.00 400.00 2 Reclass for line item deficits 131 E 62000 350 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 400.00 0.00 3 Reclass for line item deficits 131 E 63100 499 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 0.00 400.00 4 Reclass for line item deficits 131 E 63100 350 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 400.00 0.00 5 Reclass for line item deficits 131 E 63100 424 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 0.00 2,000.00 6 Reclass for line item deficits 131 E 63100 410 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 2,000.00 0.00 7 Reclass for line item deficits 131 E 63500 499 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 0.00 400.00 8 Reclass for line item deficits 131 E 63500 350 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 400.00 0.00 9 Reclass for line item deficits 131 E 68000 706 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 0.00 200.00 10 Reclass for line item deficits 131 E 68000 723 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 200.00 0.00 TOTALS 3,400.00 3,400.00 BATCH DESCRIPTION FISCAL YEAR POST DATE BATCH ORIGIN STATUS 20-00049 Solid Waste - Transfer to cover deficit 2020-2021 02/26/2021 Web Batch Entry History

LINE NAME/PROJ DESCRIPTION/ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT/REFERENCE QUICK KEY ENTRY DATE DEBIT AMOUNT CREDIT AMOUNT 1 To reclass excess funds for line item 116 E 55732 599 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 0.00 2,150.00 shortage 2 To reclass for line item shortage 116 E 55732 418 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 2,000.00 0.00 3 To cover line item overage 116 E 55732 424 000 00000 000 02/26/2021 150.00 0.00 TOTALS 2,150.00 2,150.00 BATCH DESCRIPTION FISCAL YEAR POST DATE BATCH ORIGIN STATUS 20-00048 Ag Extension Duct Cleaning 2020-2021 02/16/2021 Submit Transfer History

LINE NAME/PROJ DESCRIPTION/ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT/REFERENCE QUICK KEY ENTRY DATE DEBIT AMOUNT CREDIT AMOUNT 1 To reclass budget for duct cleaning 101 E 57100 312 019 00000 000 02/16/2021 850.00 0.00 2 To reclass budget for duct cleaning 101 E 57100 599 000 00000 000 02/16/2021 0.00 850.00 TOTALS 850.00 850.00 BATCH DESCRIPTION FISCAL YEAR POST DATE BATCH ORIGIN STATUS 20-00047 Highway Budget Transfers 2020-2021 02/08/2021 Submit Transfer History

LINE NAME/PROJ DESCRIPTION/ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT/REFERENCE QUICK KEY ENTRY DATE DEBIT AMOUNT CREDIT AMOUNT 1 To reclass for freight cost 131 E 61000 355 000 00000 000 02/08/2021 0.00 1,000.00 2 To reclass for freight cost 131 E 61000 327 000 00000 000 02/08/2021 1,000.00 0.00 3 To cover additional maintenance from Asphalt 131 E 63500 336 000 00000 000 02/08/2021 10,000.00 0.00 Plant equip 4 To cover additional maintenance from Asphalt 131 E 63500 703 000 00000 000 02/08/2021 0.00 10,000.00 Plant equip TOTALS 11,000.00 11,000.00

Budget Transfers - Mayor Approved Page 195 of 215 3amgip01.p 57-4 Washington County Government 03/08/21 Page:3 GENERAL INPUT BUDGET TRANSFERS 9:48 AM

BATCH DESCRIPTION FISCAL YEAR POST DATE BATCH ORIGIN STATUS 20-00046 To reallocate funding for Communications Dept 2020-2021 02/03/2021 Submit Transfer History

LINE NAME/PROJ DESCRIPTION/ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT/REFERENCE QUICK KEY ENTRY DATE DEBIT AMOUNT CREDIT AMOUNT 1 To reallocate funding for Communications 101 E 51900 499 000 00000 000 02/03/2021 0.00 960.00 Dept Software - Adobe Creative Cloud 2 To reallocate funding for Communications 101 E 51900 471 000 00000 000 02/03/2021 960.00 0.00 Dept Software - Adobe Creative Cloud TOTALS 960.00 960.00 BATCH DESCRIPTION FISCAL YEAR POST DATE BATCH ORIGIN STATUS 20-00045 Assessor transfer for data processing equipme 2020-2021 02/03/2021 Submit Transfer History

LINE NAME/PROJ DESCRIPTION/ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT/REFERENCE QUICK KEY ENTRY DATE DEBIT AMOUNT CREDIT AMOUNT 1 To reclassify funds for data processing 101 E 52310 471 000 00000 000 02/03/2021 0.00 1,000.00 equipment acquisition. 2 To reclassify funds for data processing 101 E 52310 414 000 00000 000 02/03/2021 0.00 500.00 equipment acquisition. 3 To reclassify funds for data processing 101 E 52310 709 000 00000 000 02/03/2021 1,500.00 0.00 equipment acquisition. TOTALS 1,500.00 1,500.00

************************ End of report ************************

Budget Transfers - Mayor Approved

Page 196 of 215 Washington County, Tennessee UPDATED 3-8-2021 Fund Balance Projections For the Year Ended June 30, 2021 Capital Capital Projects - Projects - General Fund Highway Solid Waste Debt Service Gen'l 171 Educ 177 Fund Balance-Budgetary Basis, 6/30/20 (Unaudited) - Memo Only $ 16,984,862 $ 6,482,529 $ 241,372 $ 7,280,646 $ 7,568,504 $ 0 Fund Balance-Budgetary Basis, 6/30/20 (Per Audit) $ 16,793,806 $ 6,582,845 $ 239,513 $ 7,243,289 $ 8,657,395 $ - FY2021 Projected Restricted & Committed Balances (2,501,814) - - - FY2021 Fund Policy Restrictions (GF - 33.3% of Expenditures, DS - 40% of Expenditures) (14,114,160) - - (5,265,120) - - FY2021 Fund Transfers 1,740,000 150,000 (740,000) (750,000) (250,000) FY2021 Budgeted Addition to/(Use) of Fund Balance, net of Transfers (2,066,057) (620,580) (277,989) 349,329 (6,501,602) 259,825 Unrestricted Fund Balance Available (148,225) 5,962,265 111,524 1,587,498 1,405,793 9,825 # FY 2020 Adopted Budget Amendments 1 20-08-08 Increase in EMS Funding (30,000) 2 20-09-04 Environmental Cleanup Additional Annual Personnel & Start-up Cost (76,260) 3 20-09-13* Environmental Cleanup - 5 Properties (37,000) 4 20-09-10 Solid Waste Report - Contracted Service (3,000) 5 20-12-02* Refund of Unclaimed Property - Brooks (18,561) 6 20-12-03 Funding for Conversion of Ag Extension Part-time (8,800) Position to Full-time 7 20-12-04 EMA Smartnet, VOIP Software & Hardware Support (9,000) 8 21-02-17 Highway Vehicle & Equipment Purchase (393,000) 9 21-02-18 Highway Loader Purchase (75,000) # Proposed Resolutions Impacting Unrestricted Fund Balances 1 20-03-xx Boones Creek Historical Trust (50,000) 2 20-03-xx Postage - County Clerk (15,000) 3 20-03-xx Right of Way Acquisition (3,000) 4 20-03-xx Highway Equipment & Repairs (71,000) (1,320,000) 5 20-03-xx Waste Tire Disposal (32,000) 6 20-03-xx* Circuit Court - Data Processing Equipment (22,430) Projected Unrestricted Budgeted Fund Balances $ (415,276) $ 5,420,265 $ 76,524 $ 1,587,498 $ 85,793 $ 9,825

Page 197 of 215 FY2021 Budget Amendment Effect Printed: 3/8/2021 Washington County, TN Restricted, Committed & Assigned Reserve Balance

FY2020 Year- FY2021 6-30-2020 Final End Amendments / Balance as (Unaudited) Adjustment Use Adjusted 101 Q 34510 000 420 00000 000 RES IDB ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (714,703) (714,703) 101 Q 34510 000 805 00000 000 ALCOHOL AND DRUG TREATMENT (185,282) (185,282) 101 Q 34510 000 806 00000 000 DATA PROCESSING - REGISTER (38,897) (38, 897) 101 Q 34515 000 811 00000 000 COUNTY CLERK CERTIF OF TITLE (56,679) 9,458 (47, 221) 101 Q 34515 000 812 00000 000 ELECTRONIC INSURANCE VERIFICATION (8,120) (8,120) 101 Q 34520 000 815 00000 000 DATA PROCESSING - CIRCUIT COUR (77,728) 22,430 (55, 298) 101 Q 34520 000 816 00000 000 COURTROOM SECURITY (71,904) (71, 904) 101 Q 34520 000 817 00000 000 DRUG COURT TREATMENT FINES (6,634) (6,634) 101 Q 34520 000 819 00000 000 CIRCUIT COURT E CITATION FEE (2,332) (2,332) 101 Q 34525 000 818 00000 000 LAW ENFORCEMENT E CITATION FEE (1,640) (1,640) 101 Q 34525 000 821 00000 000 ASSET FORFEITURE FUNDS (108,239) (108,239) 101 Q 34525 000 822 00000 000 EMA UNSPENT GRANT FUNDS (3,048) (3,048) 101 Q 34525 000 823 00000 000 SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY (5,751) (5,751) 101 Q 34525 000 827 00000 000 MILITARY SURPLUS PROP PROCEEDS (277,665) (277,665) 101 Q 34535 000 835 00000 000 LIBRARY BUILDING FUNDS (76,388) (76, 388) 101 Q 34610 000 870 00000 000 ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP - (63, 000) (63, 000) 101 Q 34710 000 850 00000 000 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION (69,120) (69, 120) 101 Q 34710 000 851 00000 000 UNCLAIMED PROPERTY (410,536) 118,561 (291,975) 101 Q 34710 000 852 00000 000 PRESERVATION OF RECORDS (54,597) (54, 597) 101 Q 34735 000 860 00000 000 ETSU PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (500,000) 100,000 (400,000) 101 Q 34786 000 880 00000 000 RETIREE LIFE INSURANCE BENEFIT (20,000) (20, 000) (2,689,263) 9,458 177,991 (2,501,814) - 5 6

Page 198 of 215 Restricted Funds Printed: 3/8/2021 Washington County Schools FY 2018 Sales Tax Revenue

Sales Tax Receipts Comparison 2019 2020 2021 Actual FY2019 Budget FY2019 Actual Budget Variance FY2020 Budget FY2020 Actual Budget Variance FY2021 Budget FY2021 Actual Year/Year Variance July 1,277,721 1,278,019 298 0.0% 1,290,186 1,344,151 53,964 4.2% 1,313,790 1,395,726 51,576 4.0% August 1,269,756 1,291,098 21,342 1.7% 1,303,390 1,344,028 40,638 3.1% 1,313,670 1,499,519 155,491 12.0% September 1,200,971 1,228,130 27,159 2.3% 1,239,822 1,307,238 67,416 5.4% 1,277,711 1,411,795 104,557 8.5% October 1,239,417 1,291,320 51,903 4.2% 1,303,614 1,361,540 57,926 4.4% 1,330,786 1,382,622 21,082 1.6% November 1,265,689 1,284,627 18,938 1.5% 1,296,858 1,316,158 19,300 1.5% 1,286,429 1,465,357 149,199 11.6% December 1,223,547 1,285,033 61,486 5.0% 1,297,267 1,348,576 51,309 4.0% 1,318,115 1,472,357 123,781 9.6% January 1,283,551 1,328,654 45,103 3.5% 1,341,303 1,373,709 32,405 2.4% 1,342,680 1,510,857 137,149 10.3% February 1,689,937 1,591,315 (98,622) -5.8% 1,606,465 1,729,590 123,126 7.7% 1,690,524 1,869,107 139,516 8.8% March 1,118,396 1,146,808 28,412 2.5% 1,157,726 1,212,601 54,874 4.7% 1,185,211 April 1,155,581 1,156,902 1,321 0.1% 1,167,917 1,202,438 34,522 3.0% 1,175,279 May 1,322,825 1,353,123 30,298 2.3% 1,366,005 1,324,872 (41,133) -3.0% 1,294,946 June 1,255,808 1,300,134 44,326 3.5% 1,312,512 1,180,591 (131,921) -10.1% 1,153,924 15,303,201 15,535,163 231,962 1.5% 15,683,066 16,045,492 362,426 2.4% 15,683,066 882,350 -

Indicates Highest Revenue Month

Page 199 of 215 Originating Committee: Budget Committee Additional Approving Committee:




WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent requests the following amendments to Fiscal Year Budget 2019-2020:

1. Increase $3,000.00 to expense line item 131-68000-723 (Capital Outlay – Right-of-Way);

2. Decrease $3,000.00 from expense line item 131-62000-599 (Highway and Bridge Maintenance – Other Charges); and

WHEREAS, these amendments are requested to purchase right-of-ways; and

WHEREAS, the Budget Committee at its March 10, 2021 meeting recommended consideration and approval of this request to the Board of County Commissioners; now therefore


SECTION 1. Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021 is amended to:

1. Increase $3,000.00 to expense line item 131-68000-723 (Capital Outlay – Right-of-Way).

2. Decrease $3,000.00 from expense line item 131-62000-599 (Highway and Bridge Maintenance – Other Charges).

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

Resolution No. 21-03-13 Page 200 of 215 Page 1 of 2 Originating Committee: Budget Committee Additional Approving Committee:

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-13 Page 201 of 215 Page 2 of 2 Originating Committee: Budget Committee Additional Approving Committee:




WHEREAS, the County Clerk requests the following amendments to Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021:

1. Increase $15,000.00 to expense line item 101-52500-348 (County Clerk’s Office – Postal Charges);

2. Decrease $15,000.00 from fund balance line item 101-39000 (Unassigned); and

WHEREAS, these amendments are requested to purchase additional postage; and

WHEREAS, the Budget Committee at its March 10, 2021 meeting recommended consideration and approval of this request to the Board of County Commissioners; now therefore


SECTION 1. Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021 is amended to:

1. Increase $15,000.00 to expense line item 101-52500-348 (County Clerk’s Office – Postal Charges).

2. Decrease $15,000.00 from fund balance line item 101-39000 (Unassigned).

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

Resolution No. 21-03-14 Page 202 of 215 Page 1 of 2 Originating Committee: Budget Committee Additional Approving Committee:

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-14 Page 203 of 215 Page 2 of 2 Originating Committee: Budget Committee Additional Approving Committee:




WHEREAS, the Solid Waste Director requests the following amendments to Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021:

1. Increase $32,000.00 to expense line item 116-55759-312 (Other Waste Disposal – Contracts with Private Agencies);

2. Decrease $32,000.00 from fund balance line item 116-39000 (Unassigned); and

WHEREAS, these amendments are requested to fund the remainder of 2020- 2021 budget year for the disposing of waste tires; and

WHEREAS, the Budget Committee at its March 10, 2021 meeting recommended consideration and approval of this request to the Board of County Commissioners; now therefore


SECTION 1. Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021 is amended to:

1. Increase $32,000.00 to expense line item 116-55759-312 (Other Waste Disposal – Contracts with Private Agencies).

2. Decrease $32,000.00 from fund balance line item 116-39000 (Unassigned).

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

Resolution No. 21-03-16 Page 204 of 215 Page 1 of 2 Originating Committee: Budget Committee Additional Approving Committee:

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-16 Page 205 of 215 Page 2 of 2 Originating Committee: Budget Committee Additional Approving Committee:




WHEREAS, the Circuit Court Clerk requests the following amendments to Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021:

1. Increase $22,430.00 to expense line item 101-53100-709-815 (Circuit Court - Data Processing Equipment);

2. Decrease $22,430.00 from fund balance line item 101-34520-000-815 (Restricted for Administration of Justice); and

WHEREAS, these amendments are requested for the upgrade of the Infax Digital Signage Solution; and

WHEREAS, the Budget Committee at its March 10, 2021 meeting recommended consideration and approval of this request to the Board of County Commissioners; now therefore


SECTION 1. Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021 is amended to:

1. Increase $22,430.00 to expense line item 101-53100-709-815 (Circuit Court - Data Processing Equipment).

2. Decrease $22,430.00 from fund balance line item 101-34520-000-815 (Restricted for Administration of Justice).

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

Resolution No. 21-03-17 Page 206 of 215 Page 1 of 2 Originating Committee: Budget Committee Additional Approving Committee:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-17 Page 207 of 215 Page 2 of 2 Originating Committee: Budget Committee Additional Approving Committee:




WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent requests the following amendments to Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021:

1. Increase $496,278.00 to revenue line item 131-46410 (Bridge Program);

2. Increase $496,278.00 to expense line item 131-68000-705 (Capital Outlay – Bridge Construction); and

WHEREAS, these amendments are requested to move monies into bridge construction for the replacement of Telford-New Victory Bridge. This is 100% funded by TDOT Improve Act HPRBP Bridge Selection; and

WHEREAS, the Budget Committee at its March 10, 2021 meeting recommended consideration and approval of this request to the Board of County Commissioners; now therefore


SECTION 1. Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021 is amended to:

1. Increase $496,278.00 to revenue line item 131-46410 (Bridge Program).

2. Increase $496,278.00 to expense line item 131-68000-705 (Capital Outlay – Bridge Construction).

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

Resolution No. 21-03-22 Page 208 of 215 Page 1 of 2 Originating Committee: Budget Committee Additional Approving Committee:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-22 Page 209 of 215 Page 2 of 2 Originating Committee: Budget Committee Additional Approving Committee:




WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent requests the following amendments to Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021:

1. Increase $12,000.00 to expense line item no. 131-61000-210 (Administration – Unemployment Compensation);

2. Decrease $7,500.00 from expense line item no. 131-61000-511 (Administration – Vehicle and Equipment Insurance);

3. Decrease $18,000.00 from expense line item no. 131-61000-513 (Administration – Workers’ Compensation Insurance);

4. Increase $35,000.00 to expense line item no. 131-63100-338 (Operation and Maintenance of Equipment – Maintenance and Repair Services - Equipment);

5. Increase $50,000.00 to expense line item no. 131-68000-714 (Capital Outlay – Highway Equipment);

6. Decrease $71,500.00 from fund balance item no. 131-39000 (Unassigned); and

WHEREAS, these amendments are requested to purchase engine for dump truck and one asphalt roller; and

WHEREAS, the Budget Committee at its March 10, 2021 meeting recommended consideration and approval of this request to the Board of County Commissioners; now therefore


SECTION 1. Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021 is amended to:

1. Increase $12,000.00 to expense line item no. 131-61000-210 (Administration – Unemployment Compensation).

2. Decrease $7,500.00 from expense line item no. 131-61000-511 (Administration – Vehicle and Equipment Insurance).

Resolution No. 21-03-24 Page 210 of 215 Page 1 of 3 Originating Committee: Budget Committee Additional Approving Committee:

3. Decrease $18,000.00 from expense line item no. 131-61000-513 (Administration – Workers’ Compensation Insurance).

4. Increase $35,000.00 to expense line item no. 131-63100-338 (Operation and Maintenance of Equipment – Maintenance and Repair Services - Equipment).

5. Increase $50,000.00 to expense line item no. 131-68000-714 (Capital Outlay – Highway Equipment).

6. Decrease $71,500.00 from fund balance line item no. 131-39000 (Unassigned).

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

Resolution No. 21-03-24 Page 211 of 215 Page 2 of 3 Originating Committee: Budget Committee Additional Approving Committee:

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______2021.

______ALLYSON L. WILKINSON, County Attorney

Resolution No. 21-03-24 Page 212 of 215 Page 3 of 3 Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:




WHEREAS, pursuant to T.C.A. § 8-16-101(a), the Washington County Board of County Commissioners shall elect as many notaries public as they may deem necessary; and

WHEREAS, the Washington County Clerk’s Office has reviewed the applications for appointment and/or reappointment of the notaries public listed in the attached Exhibit A, incorporated herein, and has verified that each applicant has certified compliance with T.C.A. § 8-16-101 and is not disqualified thereunder; and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners wishes to elect for appointment and/or reappointment those individuals listed in Exhibit A; now therefore


SECTION 1. The individuals listed in Exhibit A are hereby elected notaries public for Washington County, Tennessee.

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date on which it is approved by the County Mayor or as indicated by certification of the County Clerk, as hereinafter set forth.

Introduced by Commissioner: Seconded by Commissioner: Commissioners Voting FOR: Commissioners Voting AGAINST: Commissioners Abstaining: Commissioners Absent:

ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY, in session duly assembled, on this the 22nd day of March, 2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

GREG MATHERLY, Chair of the Board

Resolution No. 21-03-20 Page 213 of 215 Page 1 of 2 Originating Committee: Additional Approving Committee:

REFERRED to County Mayor this the ____ day of ______2021.

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

APPROVED by County Mayor on this the ___ day of______2021.


The County Mayor having declined to approve this Resolution, the same became effective on the __ day of ______2021, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-6-107(b)(5).

KATHY STOREY, County Clerk

Approved as to form by the County Attorney this _____ day of ______, 2021.


Resolution No. 21-03-20 Page 214 of 215 Page 2 of 2 Resolution No. 21-03-20 Exhibit A

Page 215 of 215