.269 Written AnsWBIS PHALGUNA 14, 1920 (Saka) to Uuestions 270


Details of approved Export Promotion Industrial Parks (EPIPs) in the North-Eastem States and Central Grant Released

S. No. Name of the Location 01 EPIP Central Grant Aeleased State Govemment

1. Assam Amingaon, Near As. 10 crores Guwahati, Disl!. Kamrup.

2. Meghalaya Bymihat, Disl!. As. 7.50 croras Ribhoi

3. Manipur Khunuta Chingjin, No amount 01 Central Disl!. Thoubal grant released as proposal from the State Govomment has not been received .

,., .);:,

~I Mine. In ~.!..~ out 01 the coal malerial lound in Orissa;

1636. SHRI BHARTAAHAAI MAHTAB Will the (d) whether any by-product industries based on thc Minister of COAL b"e·pieaselto state:· coal raw material is baing established; and

(a) the location-wise details of collieries running in (e) if so, the details thereof? Orissa; THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF (b) the number of collieries closed in the State after COAL (SHRI DILIP RAY) : (a) All the twenty one collieries initial investment; in Orissa are being operated by Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCl), a subSidiary company 01 Coal limited (c) whether any research has been conducted by (CIL). The names, location and type of collieries baing the Govemment to find out multiple use and by-prodcuts operated in Orissa by MCl are given balow:-

Number Name/localion Type

2 3

1. Colliery P.O. Dera Colliery, District . Underground

2. Deulbera Colliery P.O. Deulbera, District Angul. Underground

3. Nandlra Colliery. P.O. Nandira, District Angul. Underground 271 Written AnswelS MARCH 5, 1999 to Ouestions 2T.:

2 3

4. Handiduha Colliery, P.O. Talcher (Handlduha), District Angul. Underground

5. Lingraj Colliery, P.O. Deulbera. District Angul. Opencast

6. Balanda Colliery, P.O. Balanda. District Angul. Opencast

7. Jagannath Colliery. P.O. Balanda, District Angul. Opencast

8. Ananta Colliery, P.O. Dera Colliery, District Angul. Opencast

9. Bharatpur Colliery. P.O. Balanda. District Angul. Opencast

10. Kalinga Colliery, P.O. Dera Colliery. District Angul. Opencast

11. Orient No. 1 & 2, P.O. Brajrajnagar, District JhalSuguda. Underground

12. Orient No.3, P.O. Brajrajnagar, District . Underground

13. Orient No.4, P.O. Brajrajnagar, District Jharsuguda. Underground

14. Himgir Rampur Colliery P.O. Rampur Colliery, District Jharsuguda. Underground

15. Hirakhand Bundia Incline Colliery, P.O. Rampur Colliery, District Underground Jharsuguda.

16. Belpahar, P.O. , Via Belpahar District Jharsuguda. Opencast

17. Lajkura, P.O. Brajrajnagar. District Jharsuguda. Opencast

18. Lilari P.O. Jarabaga, Via Belpahar, District Jharsuguda. Opencast

19. Samleswari, P.O. Brajrajnagar, District Jharsuguda. Opencast

20. Lakhanpur. P.O. Bandhabahal, Via Belpahar, District Jharsuguda. Opencast

21. Basundhara, (Tikilipara), P.O. Balinga, District Sundargarh. Opencast 27'3 Written Answer.5 PHALGUNA 14, 1920 (Saka) o Questions 274

(b) No colliery in Orissa has been closed after initial Company Umited (TISCO), the main producers, has been investment by Cil or MCL. as below:

(c) to (e) As per information available in the Ministry % increase during 1992-93 and 1997-98 of Coal, the Central Fuel Research Institute, Dhanbad Item SAil RINl TlSCO had done a study in 1994 on production of coke from Talcher coals and that one coke oven plant to produce coke from coal has been established within the Indigenous coal 74 54 Steel Plant. Imported coal 26 ,',. ?~ 29 44 [Translation] ~ . -~ !.. .' Iron ore 38 66 Sharp Increase In the Cost of Raw Materlala

Purchased power 74 67 1637, DR. CHINTA MOHAN: Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased to state: Transportation 62 97 41 (a) whether there has been a sharp increase in the costs of raw material, fuel used for the production of Wages 86 176 97 steel and the transportation cost as well, between 1992- 93 to 1997-98; Consequential increase in cost of production (including fixed charges) of SAil for saleable steel has been 23%, (b) if so, the percentage of increasa in ra'l\( material, and for TlSCO 26%. fuel and transportation costs, separately; In the case of RINL. the works coet per tonna of (c) whether the wages of workers have also increased liquid steel has increased from Rs. 5291 ,in 1993-94 to during the said period; and Rs. 5767 in 1997-98, representing an increase of about 9%.

(d) if so, the estimated percentage of increase in the {English] above heads and the total increase in the production cost as a result thereof? Financial Crlala In Stataa_.--- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF 1638. S,tiR'- T~FI.IQ ANWAR: Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES (SHRI RAMESH SAIS) : (a) to (d) FINANCE be pleased to state: There has bef'n a substantial increase in the costs of the major raw materials used in production of steel during (a) whether the financial position of various States is the period 1992-93 to 1997-911. The actual increase in fast worsening; various costs and the consequential impact on production costs vary from plant to plant, dopending on several (b) if so, the reason therefor; and factors such as locational proximity to raw material sources, volume of production, product-mix etc. (c) the steps taken by the GQ\lemment to improve the financial condition of the States?

As per information available, the increase in costs of THE MINISTER OF FINANCE (SHRI YASHWANT major raw materials, power, transportation and wages for SINHA) (a) to (c) The States are autonomous under the Steel Authority of India Limited (SAil), Rashtriya Ispat Constitution and financial management of the State is., Nigam Limited (RINl) and The Tata Iron and Steel the responsibility of the concemed State Govemments