Original article Central Eur J Paed 2017;13(1):46-54. DOI 10.5457/p2005-114.169



Institute of Public Health of Objective – The aim of this study is to summarize the epidemiology Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina of vaccine preventable diseases in the Federation of Bosnia and Her- zegovina from 1996 to 2015, and assess the impact of immunization. Methods – The analyses presented in this paper are based on the data Correspondence: collected by the Institute for Public Health of the Federation Bosnia [email protected] and Herzegovina or by reviews of historical data. Results – Data sug- Tel.: + 387 33 564 634 gests clear evidence of the reduction of burden of vaccine-preventable Fax.: + 387 33 564 632 diseases after introduction of in the immunization program. Diphtheria and poliomyelitis have been eliminated, and tetanus and pertussis have been significantly reduced. Since the target of 95% Received: November 13, 2016 coverage against , mumps and was not Accepted: February 13, 2017 achieved and the number of susceptible individuals’ increased, infec- tious agents still circulates and delayed outbreaks occur. Conclusion – Despite impressive achievements in vaccine-preventable diseases con- Key words: Vaccine-preventable diseases ■ trol, continued trust and investments in the immunization program in Immunization ■ Outbreaks. the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are essential.

Introduction Immunization (EPI), with initial goals to en- sure that every child received protection against Immunization is one of the most important six childhood diseases (tuberculosis, , health interventions, with an impact on in- diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and measles) by cidence and then on complications/hospital- the time they were one year of age (7). Measles izations and deaths due to infectious diseases. vaccination has been compulsory in BA since Every year, over 100 million children are im- 1970 (8). In 1981, measles-mumps-rubella munized worldwide (1). In the People’s Re- public of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), as (MMR) vaccine was included in the schedule a part of the former Yugoslavia, vaccination for all infants of 12-14 months of age (9). Since against tetanus was introduced in 1946 (2), 2001 two MMR doses have been scheduled at followed by vaccination against tuberculosis 12-18 months and 7 years (or at the first grade and diphtheria in 1948, and by vaccination of primary school, after moved at 6 years) (10). against poliomyelitis and pertussis in 1961 During the war that took place in BA in (as a combined DTP vaccine) (3, 4, 5, 6). early 1990s, even basic childhood vaccina- In 1974 the World Health Organization tions were affected. After the Dayton Peace (WHO), based on the success of the Agreement was signed in 1995, the consti- program, established the Expanded Program in tution of BA (an integral part of the Agree-

46 Copyright © 2017 by the University Clinical Centre Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. S. Musa and M. Mulaomerović ■ Impact of immunization in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ment) defined a complex political and ad- In 2015, due to shortage of a combined ministrative structure of the state. It gave the vaccines containing acellular pertussis, mandate for organization, funding and pro- DTaP-IPV (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular vision of health services to two entities, the pertussis, inactive polio) vaccine was replaced Federation of BA and the Republic of Srpska, with DTwP (diphtheria, tetanus, whole cell as well as the Brčko District of BA (11). pertussis) and oral polio vaccines. The esti- Recent decades brought the introduction mated birth cohort in 2015 was 20422. of newly developed vaccines in the immuni- In this study, we will summarize the epi- zation programs, such as the vaccine against demiology of vaccine preventable diseases in hepatitis B and Haemophylus influenzae the Federation of BA from 1996 to 2015, type b. However, they also brought new chal- and assess the impact of immunization. Tu- lenges. Challenges of vaccine procurement in berculosis, invasive Hib, and hepatitis B are the open market (local production has been not covered in this study, since assessing the stopped or not well adapted to new situa- effects of the vaccine against these diseases tion), reinforced anti-vaccination sentiments requires: a different approach in assessment in media and vaccine hesitancy are major fac- of effects of BCG as an intervention against tors influencing implementation of immuni- severe childhood tuberculosis, improved lab- zation program. oratory capacity for invasive Hib, and longer The immunization program in the Feder- period for the assessment of impact of hepa- ation of BA includes mandatory vaccination titis B vaccine. against 10 infectious diseases: tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, Methods measles, mumps, rubella (including congeni- tal rubella syndrome), invasive Haemophilus The data presented in this paper are collected influenzae type b (Hib) and hepatitis B. by the Institute for Public Health of the Fed- The current immunization schedule is eration BA, through the passive surveillance given in the Table 1. Acellular pertussis was system or by listing of historical reports. introduced in the immunization program in According to the Law on Protection of 2003 for booster doses, and in 2008 (Septem- Population against Communicable Diseases ber) for primary series. Since 2004, booster of the Federation of BA (12) and Rulebook dose in second year of age was excluded from on Manner of Reporting of Communicable the schedule. Diseases (13), all health care providers in Fed-

Table 1 Immunization schedule in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Months Years Birth 1 2 4 6 12 18 5 6 14 18 BCG ------HepB HepB - - HepB ------DTaP-IPV DTaP-IPV DTaP-IPV - - DTaP-IPV - dT TT - - Hib Hib - - Hib ------OPV - OPV ------MMR - MMR - - BCG=Bacille Calmette-Guerin (vaccine against tuberculosis); HepB=hepatitis B vaccine; DTaP-IPV=Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis and inactivated polio vaccine; dT=Diphtheria and tetanus vaccine for adults; TT=Tetanus vaccine; Hib=Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine; OPV=Oral polio vaccine; MMR=Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine.

47 Central Eur J Paed 2017;13(1):46-54

eration of BA who diagnose a communicable were registered in 1997/98 and 2014/15, disease from the list of reportable diseases are with 6748 and 5103 reported cases. In the obliged to report it on a standardized form 2014/15 outbreak, 64.98% (3316) cases of to a local epidemiology unit, according to measles were among the unvaccinated, 8.4% the place of residence of the patient. A local (427) among the under-vaccinated, and 2.3% epidemiologist is responsible for collecting (115) among fully vaccinated. For 24.4% and reporting data and conducting an epide- (1245) there was no date on the immuniza- miological investigation following a report. tion status. In 2014, measles case-based sur- Provider’s data are aggregated and analyzed veillance became operational in BA. In total, within local, cantonal and federal adminis- through this surveillance system, 553 hospi- trative levels. talized cases of measles were reported. There Information on vaccination coverage is is a need for the further improvement of this also regulated by the Law on Protection of surveillance system. In one case a pregnant Population against Communicable Diseases woman, who developed measles with pneu- of the Federation of BA (12) and the Rule- monia, delivered a premature infant (in 27th book on Manner of Conducting Mandatory week) who died a couple of days later. Immunization, Immunoprophylaxis and An increased number of mumps cases was Chemoprophylaxis against Communicable reported during the 1999−2002 period. In Diseases and Persons that are Subject to such late 2010, an outbreak of mumps occurred Obligation (14). Data is collected and ana- and lasted until the end of 2012, with 8072 lyzed at the local, cantonal and federal level, reported cases. Among the reported cases on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and (based on immunization status): 39.0% annually basis. Immunization registries are (3151) were unvaccinated, 15.7% (1264) still paper-based. Vaccine coverage is assessed were under-vaccinated, 15.3% (1239) were in one to two-year-old children (for MMR), fully vaccinated and for 29.96% (2418) there or in older groups of children for booster were no data on the immunization status. doses, using administrative methods. In the study by Hukić et al. (15), 105 patients hospitalized at the Clinical Centre Results of the University of Sarajevo between April During the period 1996−2015, immuniza- 2011 and September 2012 were described. tion coverage (Fig. 1-6) with different vac- The great majority was male (81%). The cines was mostly between 80-90% [DTP3 medical records documented serious compli- range 75% (2015) − 95% (1999); MMR1 cations such as orchitis in 60% of all males, range 77.9% (2015) − 96.2% (2007)]. In in 9% of all males and orchitis 2015, due to shortage of a combined vaccine and meningitis in 2% of all males. with acellular pertussis and replacement with Like measles and mumps, in late 1990’s whole cell pertussis vaccine, coverage less an increased number of rubella cases were than 80% was registered. In recent years anti- registered. During the 2009/2010 outbreak vaccine lobbyists have been present, who vo- of rubella there were 2084 registered cases. calize their opinions against the safety of vac- Among these cases there were four pregnant cine, mostly using Internet for their activism, women. In 2010, among 2018 reported cases but also interacting with mainstream media. of rubella, 61.6% were unvaccinated, 11.2% From the year 1996 to 2015, cases of were under-vaccinated, and 6.5% were fully measles, mumps and rubella were regu- vaccinated. For 20.6% cases there were no larly reported. Large outbreaks of measles data on the immunization status.

48 S. Musa and M. Mulaomerović ■ Impact of immunization in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

In the Federation of BA, one-year-old 4). BA is a country with measles children are routinely immunized with and rubella . Because the target MMR, with a second dose at age six. During of 95% vaccinated against measles was not the period of 1996-2015, the 95% target for achieved and the number of susceptible indi- vaccination coverage with the first dose of the vidual’s increased, infectious agents still cir- MMR vaccine was achieved only in the year culates and delayed outbreaks occur. 2007. The MMR coverage was mostly under In the Federation of BA during the last 90% for vaccination coverage (Fig. 1). 20 years, 17 cases of tetanus were registered. As an example of the impact of vaccina- Data on age group were not available in the tion against measles, we compare incidence first years after the war. Among 10 registered of measles and varicella during the period tetanus cases during 2000−2015, 60% were 1996-2015. Vaccination against varicella is over 30 years old. not included in the immunization schedule. Pertussis is an acute respiratory tract in- Both diseases are viral, spread by the same fection, caused by Bordetella pertussis, and is respiratory route, with a high basic repro- characterized by intense coughing. Pertussis duction number. There is a clear decrease in is a life-treating disease in infants and young measles incidence compared to varicella (Fig. children. In the Federation of BA, 802 cases

Fig. 1 Annual reported cases of measles and MMR1 coverage, Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina 1996−2015.

Fig. 2 Annual reported cases of mumps and MMR1 coverage, Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina 1996−2015.

49 Central Eur J Paed 2017;13(1):46-54

Fig. 3 Annual reported cases of rubella and MMR1 coverage, Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina 1996−2015.

Fig. 4 Annual reported cases of measles and varicella, Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina 1996−2015.

Fig. 5 Annual reported cases of tetanus and DTP3 coverage, Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina 1996−2015.

50 S. Musa and M. Mulaomerović ■ Impact of immunization in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fig. 6 Annual reported cases of pertussis and DTP3 coverage, Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina 1996−2015. of pertussis were reported during the last 20 elitis have been eliminated, and tetanus and years. During the period 2000−2015, among pertussis have been significantly reduced. 568 registered cases, 86.2% (490 cases) were under five years old. Discussion

Historical comparisons of morbidity The key issues to be considered before decid- and mortality for vaccine-preventable ing to introduce a vaccine can be grouped into three areas: first area relates to the disease that diseases the vaccine in question targets, second area to DTP vaccine (combined vaccine) was intro- the vaccine, and third area to the capacity of duced in the immunization program in 1961, the immunization program and underlying as was the vaccination against poliomyelitis. health system (16). Disease is considered to When we compare the average number of be serious for individual if: it can cause death, cases and deaths registered during the period serious complications or permanent invalid- 1951−1961 (before the immunization pro- ity, and diagnosis and appropriate treatment gram was established or satisfactory vaccina- do not provide adequate scope for control of tion coverage was achieved in the People’s disease (17). A disease may be serious for a so- Republic of BA, and in the Federation of BA ciety based on one or more of the following: 1996−2015), there was clear evidence of the it has significant annual rates of incidence or reduction of burden of vaccine-preventable mortality, it can spread rapidly, it can cause a diseases (Table 2). Diphtheria and poliomy- large-scale , it can lead to social dis-

Table 2 Historical comparisons of morbidity and mortality for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and poliomyelitis, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Vaccine Average number of cases Average number of deaths Average number of Average number of preventable per year (peak cases) per year (peak cases) cases per year (peak deaths per year (peak diseases 1951−1961 1951−1961 cases) 1996−2015 cases) 1996−2015 Diphtheria 632 (753) 32 (52) – – Tetanus 67 (83) 25 (39) 0.5 (3) – Pertussis 5149 (8662) 72 (306) 40 (109) – Poliomyelitis 65 (301) 3 (17) – –

51 Central Eur J Paed 2017;13(1):46-54

ruption and there are no adequate alternative African Region to 96% in the Western Pacific means for protecting against it (17). Region, and representing 115.2 million vac- Before a vaccine is licensed for use, its cinated children (22). safety and efficacy must be proven. Random- Despite the undertaken efforts on the is- ized double-blind placebo-controlled trials sue of measles and rubella elimination in Eu- are ideally used to prove the efficacy of vac- rope by 2015, the number of measles cases cines. Such trials demonstrate clinical protec- has been increasing in numerous European tion, but also may demonstrate correlates of countries in the recent years (23, 24, 25). The protection, measuring serum antibody as a number of WHO member states with ≥90% surrogate of clinical protection (18). After li- vaccine coverage against measles increased censure, the vaccine and the vaccination pro- from 84 (44%) in 2000 to 122 (63%) in gram must also be monitored in an adequate 2014 (26). During this period, measles vac- way to provide evidence of its effectiveness, cination prevented an estimated 17,1 million usually by assessing coverage and measuring deaths (26). Continued measles virus circu- disease incidence (18). Effectiveness sum- lation in several European countries, as well marizes the extent to which vaccination is as in BA, reflects low vaccination coverage able to prevent disease and symptoms. At the in particular populations and the associated same time, safety is measured by a post-mar- accumulation of susceptible persons. In the keting assessment of adverse events following 2010/12 mumps outbreak in Federation of immunization. The efficacy of vaccines in BA, 15,3% of fully vaccinated persons had clinical use can be determined by a variety of mumps. According to CDC’s The Pink Book, means including screening, outbreak investi- two dose mumps vaccine effectiveness is 88% gations, secondary attack rates in families or (66 to 95%) (27). clusters, vaccine coverage assessments, and Programs using pertussis vaccines have case-control studies (19). been highly successful in preventing severe Through community immunity, or herd pertussis in infants worldwide. There is a lot immunity, some non-immune people will be indirectly protected by the presence of im- of discussion regarding the vaccine against mune persons, and transmission should stop pertussis. Evidence of waning vaccine-de- in a population prior to the infection of all rived protection and a shift in the age dis- susceptible individuals. The approximate ba- tribution of the pertussis disease incidence sic reproduction number, a standard measure is documented (28). There is also increasing of the transmissibility of an infection, for evidence that even the majority of European measles is 12−18, and crude countries have now switched to aP vaccine as thresholds are 92−94. Diphtheria has the a means of decreasing the reactogenicity, that basic reproduction number of 6-7 and crude efficacy and duration of protection between herd immunity thresholds of 83-85 (20, 21). the aP and wP vaccine types differ, in a fa- Diphtheria is a disease that is presently vor of wP vaccine (28, 29). In 2012, among under control in the Federation of BA, but countries of the European Union, the notifi- events of diphtheria in Eastern Europe in cation rate of pertussis cases was more than 1990’s have shown that the disease burden twice as high as in previous years. The most associated with diphtheria can increase rapid- affected age group was 5–14 year-olds (30). ly if the vaccination rate falls below a thresh- Comparing vaccine coverage and incidence olds level. Estimated global DTP3 coverage of measles and pertussis in the Federation of among children under ones year old in 2014 BA, we believe that much of pertussis cases was 86%, ranging from 77% in the WHO go unrecognized and unreported.

52 S. Musa and M. Mulaomerović ■ Impact of immunization in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Poliomyelitis is nearing eradication. This against tuberculosis, invasive Hib disease and & Endgame Strategic Plan hepatitis B are not covered in this study and 2013−2018, outlines the strategic approach it should be described in a separate analysis. to the eradication of all remaining polio dis- ease (wild and vaccine-related polioviruses) Conclusion (31). Withdrawal of all OPV is planned for 2019−2020, beginning with the withdrawal Despite impressive achievements in vaccine- of the type 2 component of trivalent oral po- preventable diseases control, continued trust lio vaccine (tOPV) in April 2016. Among the and investments in the immunization pro- countries in EU region, BA is considered to gram in the Federation of BA are essential. be at high risk of polio transmission in 2015, A communication strategy should be an inte- together with Romania and Ukraine, due to gral part of the immunization program. suboptimal vaccine coverage (32). The Global Vaccine Action Plan Conflict of interest:The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. 2011−2020, endorsed by the 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly in May Acknowledgement: The authors thank Azemina Bešić 2012, sets goals for the decade: to achieve (Epidemiology service stuff) for her contribution in a world free of poliomyelitis, meet vaccina- data collection process. tion coverage targets in every region, country Authors’ contributions: Conception and design: SM; and community, exceed the Millennium De- Acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data: SM velopment Goal 4 target for reducing child and MM; Drafting the article: SM; Revising the article mortality, meet global and regional elimina- critically for intellectual content: MM; Approved final tion targets, develop and introduce new and version of the manuscript: SM and MM. improved vaccines and technologies (33). References Major identified challenges and strategic plans for development of the current surveil- 1. WHO, UNICEF, World Bank. State of the world’s lance system are: improvement and modern- vaccines and immunization, 3rd ed. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2009. ization of surveillance information systems to arrive at integrated electronic systems (to 2. Petrović R. Immunizations.2nd revised and ex- pended edition [In Serbo-Croatian]. Medicinska enable individual case-based reporting at fed- knjiga Beograd-Zagreb, 1986. pp 32. eral level), insufficient and under-trained -hu 3. Anonymous. Official Gazette of the Federal Peo- man resources and the need for public health ple’s Republic of Yugoslavia [In Serbo-Croatian]. workforce capacity building, inter-sectorial 1948;37. collaboration, improvement of integration of 4. Anonymous. Official Gazette of the Federal Peo- laboratory networks and increase capabilities ple’s Republic of Yugoslavia [In Serbo-Croatian]. of labs, adjustment of state legislation to the 1948;47. EU requirements and effective country data 5. Anonymous. Official Gazette of the Federal People’s reporting to The European Surveillance Sys- Republic of Yugoslavia [In Serbo-Croatian]. 1960;11. tem (TESSy) database (34). 6. Anonymous. Official Gazette of the Federal People’s Developing a computerized immuniza- Republic of Yugoslavia [In Serbo-Croatian]. 1960;30. tion registry to replace the existing paper- 7. World Health Organization. Global routine vac- based registry is critical for comprehensively cination coverage, 2014. Wkly Epidemiol Rec. assessing vaccine coverage. A communication 2015; 90(46):617-23. strategy, as a critical issue in vaccine accep- 8. Anonymous. Official Gazette of the Socialist Re- tance, should be an integral part of the im- public of Bosnia and Herzegovina [In Serbo-Croa- munization program. Impacts of vaccination tian]. 1969;33.

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