Planning Statement

Wheatsheaf Garage Popham Lane North Waltham RG25 2BB

Redevelopment of Garage site for residential purposes comprising 1no x 4 bed, 2no x 3 beds and 3no x 2 beds dwellings, associated parking and amenity space.

1.0 Site Location

1.1 The site is located south of North Waltham village and it’s Settlement Policy Boundary (SPB). The M3 motorway and the A30/A303 run east-west, south of the site, whilst the garage site is located off the eastern fork of Popham Lane. The Lane provides access between North Waltham village, which is 800 metres north of the application site, and the A30.

1.2 The existing vehicular access into the site will remain and the existing workshop as indicated on the site plan, would be demolished. In terms of levels the site is relatively flat, with established hedges on the northern and southern sides of the site.

1.3 Located amongst a cluster of residential and commercial buildings including Wheatsheaf Garage House, White Cottage and the respite house ‘The Bluebells’ to the south and the terrace of four properties at 1-4 Portland Place to the north; the site is not physically isolated. The Wheatsheaf Hotel and restaurant and Premier Inn, the Fox Public House, Sun Inn, local Farm Shops, Dummer Garden Centre, Dummer Golf Club and Queen Inn are also in close proximity to the application site. In addition Dummer Cricket Centre, café and the employment sites that exist within this complex offer would provide opportunities to occupants of the proposed properties.

1.4 Whilst the site lies outside of any defined settlement boundary it is within 1km of the SPB of North Waltham and benefits from close links to the M3, A30 and A303. North Waltham village provides a local Primary School, community shop, Church, Village Hall & recreation ground and children’s nursery all of which are within walking and cycling distance of this brownfield site.


1.5 The no16 Bus service stops at the village pond in North Waltham (a 10 minute walk from the site) and runs between and Steventon. The 96 and 96a offer a service on Monday from the A30 outside The Wheatsheaf running between and . The no95 bus service between Micheldever and Winchester operates more frequently throughout the week. Micheldever railway station is 5 kms north west of the garage site and Overton railway station is some 6 km to the north, both offering further transport links between Basingstoke, London and Winchester.

1.6 The allocated housing sites SS3.11 Basingstoke Golf Course and SS3.12 Hounsome Fields will also deliver a Primary School, a community Centre and shopping facilities in addition to delivering general improvements to the local road network and public transport provision along the A30/A303. These improvements will also benefit local residents who live in close proximity to these allocations in the Borough.

2.0 Proposal

2.1 It is proposed to demolish the garage workshop and redevelop the site with a carefully designed comprehensive development of 6 properties. The mix of 3no 2 beds, 2no 3 beds and 1no 4 bed is considered to accord with the Council’s aspirations to achieve a range of scales of property types within such residential developments across the Borough.

2.2 It is considered that the design and materials proposed for the dwellings would enhance its existing setting, and represent an improvement on the current contribution made by the garage workshop. It is therefore considered that no visual harm on the landscape setting would result.

2.3 In terms of the siting and design of Houses 1 and 6 their south eastern elevations only feature bathroom windows which would be obscure glazed. It is therefore considered that there will be no adverse impact on the amenities of any neighbouring properties. It is also considered that the separation distances proposed are acceptable.

2.4 The scale and design as seen from the elevations of the housing proposed and the layout Plan is considered to fit with the mixed character of the buildings which form its local context. The development would comprise a mix of house types, and sizes with appropriate amenity areas.

2.5 House 1 faces onto the central access with French doors in the northwest elevation leading to the garden. The parking provision for this property would be within part of the garage at the southern end of the garden and forward of it as indicted on Plan WG/17/09 and the Site Plan WG/17/01.


2.6 The northeastern corner of the site would feature a terrace of three 2 bedroom properties, (houses 2-4). An access path from front to back between house 2 and 3 would allow cycles to be stored securely in the rear garden, as well as bins to be stored at the rear and brought out for collection. Parking for House 4 would be within the garage to the north east and forward of it, whilst Houses 2 and 3 would have parking provision to the west within the triple garage and forward of it.

2.7 The rear of the site would provide two attractive 3 bedroom properties, (houses 5 and 6). The 2no three bedroom properties feature ground floor bathrooms. The ground floor bathrooms allow the dwellings to cater for those who cannot easily use stairs. House 5 also has a ground floor bedroom. Offices are also provided in both of these properties in order to facilitate working from home and thereby minimise journeys to work whenever possible.

2.8 Parking provision for the 6 proposed properties has been provided within three garages across the site, with parking spaces forward of them. The amount and arrangement of the parking meets with the Council’s standards for the location. Sufficient turning and maneuvering space would also be available.

2.9 The bin collection point is shown on the site plan and storage areas would be available at the sides or rear of the properties. The layout and siting of the proposed dwellings have been respectful to its surroundings, whilst making efficient and effective use of the brownfield site.

3.0 Form of the Application

3.1 The planning application is submitted as a full planning application.

3.2 The application is supported by the following documents:

 Location Plan PL01  Site Plan WG/17/01  House 1 Plans WG/17/02  Houses 2-4 Floor Plans WG/17/03  Houses 2-4 Elevations WG/17/04  House 5 Floor Plans WG/17/05  House 5 Elevations WG/17/06  House 6 Floor and Roof Plans WG/17/07  House 6 Elevations WG/17/08  Garage Plans WG/17/09  Design and Access Statement  Planning Statement


 Preliminary Ecological Walkover

4.0 The Development Plan

4.1 In terms of planning policy the relevant guidance for such an application as contained within the Statutory Development Plan for is highlighted below.

4.2 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) are also a material consideration and sets out the National planning policies in relation to housing and other matters. The guidance contained within the NPPF which is pertinent to this application is also considered.

4.3 It is also relevant to consider that North Waltham Parish Council designated a Neighbourhood Planning Area (NPA), which was approved in August 2015. The Neighourhood Area includes the whole Parish Area, and includes the garage application site. The Parish Council noted in the application that physical features such as the A30 are considered to define the natural boundaries of North Waltham. However, given that the Neighbourhood Plan is at an early stage of preparation, it can be given little material weight.

4.4 The Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 adopted on 26 May 2016 contains the following policies:

Delivery of the Strategy

4.5 Policy SS1: Scale and Distribution of New Housing- provides guidance on where the principle of residential development is acceptable, subject to the requirements of other relevant policies contained in the Local Plan.

4.6 The site lies outside of any settlement policy boundary (SPB) and is therefore considered to fall within a countryside location. However, it is within 800 metres of the designated North Waltham SPB, and as such is not in an ‘isolated’ location. Furthermore, it is located within an area which is characterised by both residential and commercial development.

4.7 As a brownfield site Policy SS6a would be relevant and the NPPF encourages,

‘sustainable development in rural areas, housing should be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities.’


4.8 It is considered that the development of the garage site with a mix of 6 properties would help maintain the vitality of the village, and the rural community. The site is not considered to be isolated as a result of its proximity to amenities in North Waltham, its relationship with other surrounding properties and proximity to towns such as Overton, Andover and Basingstoke via the A30, A303 and M3.

4.9 The proposal would not cause any harm to its immediate and wider setting, and satisfies all the Local Plan Policy SS6a assessment criteria.

4.10 It is considered that the form of development proposed also meets Policy SS1 and its supporting text. This states that residential development may take the form of small-scale development, infill, redevelopment and regeneration opportunities.

4.11 Policy SS6a: New Housing in the Countryside - states that new housing outside of SPBs will only be permitted where they are:

a) On ‘previously developed land’, provided that i) they do not result in an isolated form of development; and ii) The site is not of high environmental value; and iii) The proposed use and scale of development is appropriate to the site’s context.

4.12 It is considered that the proposed scheme meets all the criteria of Policy SS6a, as listed within the Local Plan. The term, ‘isolated’ is described in the Local Plan as,

‘where there is a significant separation between the proposed dwelling and the nearest settlement. Additionally, a dwelling is considered to be isolated if it is not well served by public transport (eg within 500 metres of a bus stop or train station) or well served by services and facilities (eg within 1km of an SPB, which generally contains facilities such as schools, post offices, doctors surgery, etc.’

4.13 The development as proposed in this application would lead to more efficient use of the land, providing good quality housing stock. This would also have wider community benefits such as the future occupiers supporting the local economy through their use of the existing village facilities and services in North Waltham, Dummer, and Overton.


4.14 As noted above North Waltham has designated an area for Neighbourhood Planning purposes which encompasses the brownfield site that is the subject of this application. Policy SS5: Neighbourhood Planning of the Local Plan states that an additional 150 homes are expected to be delivered through neighbourhood planning across the borough outside of the five named settlements, Basingstoke and . Developments that come forward via planning applications, such as this will contribute towards the targets set out with this policy, ie those of more than 5 units.

Community Needs

4.15 Policy CN6: Infrastructure - refers to the importance of additional services, facilities and infrastructure being provided as part of a new development at a rate, scale and pace to meet the needs that are expected to arise from that development.

4.16 Policy CN9: Transport - requires that the Council has a flexible approach to their adopted standards, making an assessment of each development on its individual merits, and that facilities are provided to encourage sustainable modes of travel. It is considered that adequate parking and servicing provision could be provided for the proposal, and is in line with Residential Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

4.17 Occupiers of the proposed dwelling would have local services and employment opportunities available to them within North Waltham and Dummer, as well as other nearby towns such as Overton and Basingstoke. The local bus service through North Waltham and the service along the A30/A303 would also provide a sustainable transport option for occupants of the dwellings should they wish, supporting the transition to a low carbon future.

Environmental Management and Climate Change

4.18 Policy EM10: Delivering High Quality Development - requires that development respects the amenities of neighbouring occupiers. New development should respond to its local context of buildings in terms of design, siting, density, spacing and respect a host building. The development should also make efficient use of land.

4.19 It is considered that the proposal would meet with the requirements of Policy EM10. The siting of the properties has considered its relationship to its immediate context. It is considered that the layout, design and form of the development as a whole would fit in with the surroundings. In terms of built form both terraced properties and detached properties make up part of its local context.


4.20 The proposal would therefore meet with the criteria of Policy EM10 of the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan, in terms of its siting and scale. Similarly, the proposed use of the existing access that previously served the garage would not result in inappropriate traffic generation or compromise highway safety.

4.21 The National Planning Policy Framework was published in March 2012 and replaced the majority of Planning Policy statements and guidance notes. At the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development for decision taking.

4.22 Paragraph 49 states that housing applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development. An aim of the NPPF is to deliver a wide choice of homes, widen opportunities for home ownership and create sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities. (paragraph 50). This is to be achieved by ensuring a mix of housing, identifying the size, type, tenure and range of housing that is required in particular locations, reflecting local demand.

4.23 The NPPF also encourages the effective use of land by re-using land that has been previously developed (brownfield land), provided that it is not of high environmental value.

4.24 The NPPF indicates that Government’s intention to ensure that opportunities for housing development are taken and maximised and we consider that the principle is applicable and should be applied to this application site.

5.0 Conclusions

5.1 The application proposes the demolition of the garage workshop used for commercial purposes and the erection of detached and terraced properties within the site. The scheme is considered to fit in with the character of its setting, without causing any harm to its immediate or wider setting.

5.2 The siting and scale at 6 dwellings as shown on the proposed layout plan, is considered to be appropriate and would not harm the amenities of occupiers of nearby properties or occupants of the proposed dwellings.

5.3 The use of the existing access arrangement would be appropriate and would not have any adverse highway safety impacts.

5.4 The immediate context of the application site is predominantly residential. The proposed development would therefore be compatible with the existing surrounding uses.


5.5 The proposed development would not result in an isolated form of development given its close proximity to the SPB of North Waltham and its services as well as those in Dummer. Other facilities are available locally within towns such as Overton, Micheldever, and Basingstoke all of which have train stations.

5.6 In conclusion, the development proposal would be in accordance with all the criteria of Policy SS6a and other relevant Local Plan Policy, and should be approved being consistent with both Local and National Government policy.

October 2017 DGG Planning Ltd