Midhurst Rother College North Street, Midhurst, GU29 9DT
School report Midhurst Rother College North Street, Midhurst, GU29 9DT Inspection dates 1–2 May 2013 Previous inspection: Satisfactory 3 Overall effectiveness This inspection: Outstanding 1 Achievement of pupils Outstanding 1 Quality of teaching Outstanding 1 Behaviour and safety of pupils Outstanding 1 Leadership and management Outstanding 1 Summary of key findings for parents and pupils This is an outstanding school. Students’ achievement is outstanding. They Racial abuse and bullying are exceptionally enter the college with levels of attainment rare. Attitudes to learning are very positive in that are below average. By the end of Year lessons, and students say that they feel very 11 their GCSE results are well above average. safe in the college. Students progress rapidly in Years 7 to 11 College leaders have the welfare and and in the sixth form. This includes disabled development of each individual student at the students and those who have special heart of their work. educational needs, and those who speak Leaders, managers and governors work most English as an additional language. effectively together to make sure that teaching Students who benefit from the pupil premium continues to improve, and have had a make excellent progress and the gap considerable impact on raising students’ between their progress and that of other achievement. students is narrowing rapidly. Sixth form students benefit from outstanding Nearly two thirds of the teaching is teaching, leadership, and pastoral support, and outstanding. Students enjoy being in college, gain examination grades that are in the top 25 and staff enjoy teaching them. The leadership per cent nationally.
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