Forbidden Fruit Angle


A Short-Play

By Tommy James Green

Tommy James Green (+61)402 360 779 [email protected] Copyright © 2018


ADAM, a man.

EVE, a woman.

GOD, their landlord.

SATAN, a .


A log upstage, and a few small boulders. The rest of the stage is furnished with trees and foliage.

EVE is brushing leaves around the stage. She peels a rogue strand of hair away from her eyes and sighs. enters stage-right, with a basket full of onions.

ADAM: Hey, baby.

EVE: Hey, Adam! How was your day?

ADAM: Yeah, good.

EVE: (noting the basket) What’s that - Oh, onions? (hiding disappointment) Onions. Interesting.

ADAM: What? Oh, I, uh - I just thought you said you were sick of potatoes. You remember I was doing potatoes for a bit?

EVE: No, onions are good! Onions are great.

ADAM: ... I’m still working out this hunting thing.

ADAM takes a big bite out of the raw onion. EVE sits down next to him.

EVE: Hey - it’s okay. We can work it out together... Hey, Adam?

ADAM: What’s up?

EVE: I thought maybe we could do something different tomorrow. Go somewhere. Like maybe a little holiday!

ADAM: Umm, yeah? We’re going to the mushroom cave.

EVE: Yeah, I was thinking somewhere special? You know, since it’s our anniversary. Rib day!

ADAM: I know. I just thought we’d do what we do every year for our anniversary - go to the mushroom cave and then play a game of rock-stick.

EVE: Urgh. I hate rock-stick, Adam.

ADAM: What? You said you loved rock-stick. What’s there not to love? Rock-stick’s great - you throw a stick between two rocks and you get points - it’s the best.

EVE: I don’t know. There’s got to be something more.

GOD enters, carrying an tree in a plastic pot.


GOD: Where’s the happy couple? There they are! Adam. Eve.

ADAM: Hey, mate.

EVE: Hey! God - how are you?

GOD: Oh, good - busy. I’ve got to finish all the marine life by Friday. You know, I could really use a day off.

EVE: (noticing the ) Oh, wow, God - what are those?

GOD: Apples. They’re mine. There’s way too much sun upstairs and I need them in mint condition.

ADAM: (to EVE) Hey, well that’s something new and fun, maybe we could have apples tomorrow.

GOD: NO, ADAM! Don’t even think about it. I’m having a potluck dinner party with Poseidon and Ganesh –

EVE: (taking an interest) Oh!

GOD: … You don’t know them! Anyway. I’m making my famous apple pie. So I’ll be needing these apples. All of them... Every single one... So don’t touch them.

EVE: Sure.

ADAM: God, don’t even worry about it, big guy.

GOD: No, but seriously. I can melt you with my mind. It’s not even melting really, I can just wish you out of existence. Poof. Gone. So fucking easy... Well, alright-y. I’d better go grease the baking tray.

GOD goes to exit.

ADAM: Take it easy, God.

GOD: (pondering this)... Yeah.

GOD looks back, shrugs, and exits.

EVE: Man, I like God, but I’m sick of Him turning up without any notice.

ADAM: This stupid tree’s ruining my view of the poison ivy. What am I supposed to watch tonight?

EVE: Yeah. We’re supposed to babysit his tree and we can even try any of the fruit?

4 ADAM: Kind of a dick move.

The log upstage unfurls and reveals itself to be in fact in snake form, camouflaged. He stealthily joins the conversation. At first, neither ADAM nor EVE notice.

SATAN: Yeah. Selfish.

ADAM: Right?

SATAN: Typical.

ADAM: Bloody typical.

EVE: (spotting SATAN) Adam...

ADAM: (spotting SATAN) What the fuck!?

ADAM attempts to ward SATAN away from EVE, who picks up her broom and joins in.

EVE: Shoo! Shoo!

SATAN: Whoa, whoa, whoa –

ADAM: Hey, man - hey! No, thanks. Whatever you’re selling. River stones, waterfalls - we’re good!

EVE Ooh, we could use a new waterfall.

ADAM: I said I’ll fix it!

SATAN: Guys, relax. I’m a neighbor. I live downstairs.