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H2944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 2, 2019 Hitler’s ‘‘Mein Kampf’’ to explain what to remain a free, prosperous, and great separate us from the rest of the world, the big tactic is and nation. especially the world of color, they re- how horrific the consequences can be f vere these chains that bind and bond for those seduced by it. them to this notion. I think it is going Germany’s Socialist Party’s b 1030 to be difficult to separate them, but killed tens of millions of people in the HUMANITARIAN CRISIS CANNOT not impossible. Holocaust and World War II, making it BE SOLVED BY A WALL ALONE I believe that people of goodwill can the most horrific and deadly big lie in always win and that we of goodwill history. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The must continue to preach the message Also, not surprisingly, today’s social- Chair recognizes the gentleman from and gospel of liberty and justice for all. ists tried to revise history by falsely Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. I believe that we can make a dif- claiming the Nazis were not socialists. Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, ference in the lives of people who we Bunk. and still I rise. I rise with love of coun- will never meet and greet. Those per- Mr. Speaker, America can either try in mind and liberty and justice for sons who are trying to get here will learn from history or be doomed to re- all in heart. probably never vote for me. There is no peat it. I rise to remind us of the words of the reason for me to do this other than I By way of background, freedom and great French intellectual, Voltaire, believe in my heart that an injustice is liberty are the essence of free enter- who reminded us that those who can being perpetrated at the border. prise, wherein supply and demand mar- make us believe absurdities can cause Mr. Speaker, it is my belief that this ket forces determine which goods and us to commit atrocities. problem at the border requires greater services are offered and at what prices. Mr. Speaker, I have been to the bor- scrutiny and greater attention from Citizens who produce goods and serv- der. I have seen the security people the American people and from those of ices better, faster, or cheaper thrive, who are there, the Border Patrol offi- us who represent them. It is my belief and everyone benefits from that. cers. They are victims, Mr. Speaker, that if we want to do something about Conversely, socialism is the mortal victims of policies that, unfortunately, this problem, we have to acknowledge enemy of free enterprise. Socialist do not respect the humanity of many that it is a humanitarian crisis that we economies reject liberty, freedom, and people. I have seen the children are dealing with and that the humani- market forces, artificially dictate eco- stacked in cages. I have seen the par- tarian crisis cannot be solved with a nomic activity, and determine which ents grieving. wall alone. We cannot conclude that, if we leave businesses and industries prosper and Mr. Speaker, I know why people are the world alone, it will leave us alone. which do not. In a fully socialist econ- fleeing the countries south of the bor- We are a part of this great world of hu- omy, government owns and controls all der. They are doing so because they manity. There is but one race and that means of production. are, literally, many of them, running is the human race. We must do our part So was Germany’s Socialist Party so- for their lives. They are seeking safe to protect all within the human race, cialists? The founders thought so be- harbor in the United States of America especially our neighbors to the south. cause they called themselves socialists. because we have extended an informal They certainly acted like socialists. invitation by and through our Statue f Germany’s Socialist Party’s of Liberty. We have, with our words and our foundational 25 point platform stated, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The deeds, said to the world that we are in part: Chair recognizes the gentleman from people who you can and who you Plank 13: ‘‘We demand the national- Arizona (Mr. O’HALLERAN) for 5 min- can depend on. ization of all previous associated agen- utes. cies, trusts.’’ Mr. Speaker, I rise with liberty and Mr. O’HALLERAN. Mr. Speaker, I Plank 14: ‘‘We demand a division of justice for all in mind because those rise today to express my strong support profits of all heavy industries.’’ who would want us to believe that ba- for the reauthorization of the Violence Plank 16: ‘‘We demand the . . . imme- bies who are coming here are an invad- Against Women Act. diate communalization of the great ing army, if you will, they are wrong. Since it was first enacted in 1994, the warehouses.’’ Those babies are coming because their Violence Against Women Act has saved Plank 17: ‘‘We demand a land reform mothers believe that they can find countless lives and supported millions . . . for the free expropriation of land safety in our country. of and assault vic- for the purposes of public utility.’’ Mr. Speaker, would anybody deny tims and survivors by funding critical Communalization, land seizure with- that a mother who would send her programs. out compensation, nationalization and child to this country or some distant In February 2019, the Violence government ownership of industry— place, possibly understanding that the Against Women Act expired. This is those are all socialist policies. child could be harmed along the way, unacceptable. It is imperative that we Further, the German Socialist Party can anybody deny that this is being fully reauthorize the Violence Against hated capitalism and free enterprise. done because that mother has such Women Act. A stopgap Violence Nazi propaganda posters stated: ‘‘The great love for that child that she wants Against Women Act does not address maintenance of a rotten industrial sys- her child to have the opportunity to critical issues within the legislation tem has nothing do with nationalism. I have life, liberty, and the pursuit of and would seriously impact the life- can love Germany and hate cap- happiness? saving programs needed across Indian italism.’’ Can anybody deny that these parents Country. Nazi propaganda minister Joseph who come, traversing harm’s way, are Domestic violence affects every com- Goebbels wrote: ‘‘In the final analysis, doing so because they are trying to munity in America. Tribal commu- it would be better for us to go down leave a circumstance that has greater nities, though, face it at an alarmingly with Bolshevism than live in eternal harm? high rate. According to Federal data, slavery under capitalism.’’ Mr. Speaker, I rise with the under- at least 55 percent of American Indian Mr. Speaker, Germany’s socialist standing that Voltaire was right. It is and Alaska Native women have experi- Nazis are a heinous example of the an absurdity to believe that women enced physical violence at an intimate marriage between big lie propaganda and children and people who are fleeing partner’s hands. tactics and socialism, but they are not harm’s way are invaders. We are here to make visible the unac- alone. Soviet Union and Chinese-style I also would remind us of other words ceptable and disparities that socialism also subjugated or of Voltaire. He also reminded us that, women and families across Indian exterminated tens of millions of peo- ‘‘It is difficult to free fools from the Country face when it comes to vio- ple. chains they revere.’’ I would not utilize lence, assault, and . We are here Mr. Speaker, America must learn the word ‘‘fools,’’ but I will say that it to demand action because there are from history. Socialism must lose and is difficult to free people from chains things we can and should do to help free enterprise must win if America is that they revere. Those who want to survivors.

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