N rUJ .solltb ~n\es.

1'0. 2.



WEDNESDAY,26 NOVEMBER, 1930. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment. The President took the Chair. Member. Present:- The Honorable Sir John Beverley Peelen, R.C.M.G., K.C., President. The Honorable WilUam Ainsworth, Major-GeIleral the Honorable James Alexander "'he Honorable Carl Adrian Akhurlit, F.I.I.S., Kenneth Mackay, C.B., V.D., a.B.E., '1'110 HOllOr:l.ble Anthony Alexander Alam, 'file HOllorable l{()uert Muhony, 'l'ho Honorablo George Stueber Archer, 'rbe liollorablo Daniel Malone, A.M.LE., The Honorable George Black, (Aust.), The Honorable l!'ranCl,s Stewart Boyce, B.A., 'rhe Honorable Patrick Michael McGirr, LL.B., R .C., '1'he Honorable Sir Alfred William Meeks, The Honorable S ir H enry Yule DraddoD, K.B.K, K.B.E., The Honorable James Mark Minahan, The Honorable William Brennan, 'l'he Honorable Sir James Anderson Murdoch, The Honorable Charles Brill Bridges, R.ll.E., C.M.G., 'rhe Honor-able William Brooks, 'fhe Uonorable Thomas George Murray, The Houorable .If'r::llIcis Henry Bryant, 'l'he Honorable George Nesbitt, The Honorablo Nichola» James Buzacott, 'l'be Honorable Broughton Barnabas O'Uonor, The Honorable Sir Joseph Hector Carruthers, LL.B., R.C.M.G., M.A., LL.D., 'l'he Honorable John Francis O'Regan, The Honorable Joseph Farrar Contes. 'I'he Honorable John Whitehead Percival, The Honorable Stanley LI~wellyn Cole, 'l'he Honorable Robert Pilla.ns, The Honorable J"amcs 1

2. PRESENCE OF THE GOVERNOR :-His Excellency the Governor, having been announced by ihe Usher of the Black Rod, and conducted to his seat by the President, accompanied by other Ye;r:nbers and OfficeJ:s of the Rouse, commandeQ tbe Usher of the Black Rod tf) let thl) Legislative Assemblv knO\\; that it isJI.is.~ xceUency)s pleasure they attend him immediately ~ this Hquse. . And ·the Assembly,·· With tl\eir Speaker and Officers of the House being in . 'attendance .accordingly, 'and seated,_by desire of Hts :E;xcell~Iicy;- ? His ExcellencY reaa the follciwing SPeech;-

H .o.XOR.l.BLE _ ~I.E~!n ER$ (1 ~~ TH~ Lr:G1SL.'.1'1Y£: COt;:-.CIL, X\n Mr.:U.B!::RS OF THE LEOlSw.rlYE A!~S~llB['Y,- ~ 1. It'15 "wrtb..~plealiU!'~ · th~ r ,cilll you togethet fo~;'the di~cn-itii~ 'of your impcrtant duties in thE! first Session of the pr€::ient Parliame!l!.. ,~ 25915 6 MINUTES 01' THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE I.iOOIBLATlVE OOUNCIL. (26 November, 1930.)

2. My Advisers will submit to you measures designed to promote the public welfare in consonance with the wishes of the people as expressed at the General Elections. 3. In accordance with the definite mandate of the people legislation will be submitted to you for the abolition of the Legislative Council.

MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.. - 4. The finnneial position call s for immediate attention and the unsatis­ factory conditions prevailing hl this regard will be brought under your review. }'1:easllJ'6S dil'ected to a solution thereof wi ll be submitted for your early con­ sideration. 5. Yon will be nsked to provide for the financial necessities of the Public Services of the S tate. Estimates of expendi.ture are being framed with a strict regard for economy, and will be laid before you in due ·course.

HONORABLE J\{KMBF.RS Oli' THE I ,EC1SLA'J'H'F: COUNCIL, A~D ME")'"lBF:nS OF THE LEGI S T~A nVE ASSE:.\IBLY,-- G. The problem of the unemployed engages the earnest consideration of my A.dvisers. You will be requested to consider proposals designed to l'emedy the unprecedented volume of unemployment and to minimise t.he dlstre&i )'esulting therefrom. 7. A measure will be introduced to render more eq uitnblc and just the relations existing between the landlord and tenant. S. The Fail' Rents Court will have its power supplemented by legisl<1tion directed, infer alia, to affording <1del)uate protection to tennnts of shops. 9. 'Ihe difficulties confronting mortgagors and others owing to their incapacity to discharge obligations, which may result in foreclosure and the loss of their life's sayings, require that early consideration be given by you to a :Measure ot relie:f. 10. Legislation will be submitted for the purpose of repealing the Western Lands (Amendment) Act passed by the previous Administration. 11. A Bill will be introduced with the object of reorganising the Prickly­ pear Comrriission. 12. Steps win be taken to assemble a -further conference of farmers to make a general l'cview of the position of the indu~try with the object of evolving a. system of organi ~ed marketing and stabilisation of prices. 13. You will be asked to consider proposals for the r"e-cflsting of the jurisdiction and powers of the Industrial Arbitration ICourt with a vi4pw to the restoration of more equitable industrial conditions. 14. A measure to restore the forty-foul' hour working week will be introduced. 15. An amendment of the Coal Mines TIe.gulation Act will be submitted for your consideration. I now invite your earnest consideration of the mattel'S proposed as the subjects of your deliberations, and pray that, under the guidance of Divine Providence, your labours will conduce to the well-being and prosperity of this State. His Excellency being then conducted to the door by the President, accompanied ,by· other Members and Officers of this House,- The Assembly, with their Speaker and Officers of the House, withdrew. The House then adjourned, on motion of Mr. Willis, until Four o'clock, p.m., This Day.

T he House resumed.

3. M EMBERS DECEASF..D--THE HONORABLE ALFRED EDGAR HUNT AND THE HONORABLE JOHN MILDRED CREED, Y.R.C.S., E. :-The President said: U The sad duty "devolves upon me of announcing to the House the decease during the recess "of the Honorable Alfred Edgar Hunt' and the Honorable John Mildred OreeJ, H Y .R.C.S., E., entries to which effect have been duly recorded in the Register U of Members of the Legislative Counci1." (1.) Mr. 'VilEs ).!loved, That this House desires to express and to plaoe on record its deep sense 6£ the 10s5 sustained to the State and this House in the removal by death of the late R onoMb!e Alfred Edgar Hunt, and that the resolution b€ communicated to the relatives of the deceased. And cE:rtain H onorable ME:mbi:r.s h;tving addrE:5Sed thEl HOUSEl in Eulogy of thE f"l.ecea~ed. MEiDlbe·r,- Qu~tion put 9.~~ pa.ssed UJtRllimousiy,-Members and officers of the House standing.. . . ' . - ~ -, 7 lIDfUTES 01' THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE OOUNCILt (26 N avember, 1930.)

(2.) Mr. Willis moyed, That this House desires to express and to place on record its deep sense of the loss sustained to the State and this House in the removal by death of the late Honorable John Mildred Creed, M.R.C.S., E., and that the resolution be communicated to the relatives of the deceased. And certain Honorable Members having addressed the House in eulogy of the deceased Member,- Question put and passed unanirnously,-Members and Officers of the House standing. 4. ASSENT TO BILLS :-The Pl'esident reported and read the following Messages from the Governor, intimating His Excellency's Assent to Bills of last Session;- (1.) Necropolis (Amendment) Bill:- PIDUP GAME, .Message. Go vernor. AI Bill, intituled U An Act to 1'CSt in His Ma;esty certain land at present forming pm'lion of the N eC Topolis~' to amend the Necropolis Act, 1902, and certain other A cts~' and for purposes connected therewith,"-as :finally !passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency lias, in the name of His Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Legislative Coune-il, to be numbered and forwarded to the propel' Officer for GProlment, in the manner required by law. Government House, , 23rd J"ne, 1930. (2.) Cement Centract Ratification Bill:- PIDLIP GAME, ]{essage. Go'vernor, A Bill, intituled (( An Act lo 1'(llify a ceria in co'lt lract made between the Slal!dl1nl Portland Oement UOmlJa11Y Limited (Llld the Alinister for Public Worl.:s relating lo the s/l,pply of cement for the servicc of His ][ajesty/'-ns finally passed by the Legis1ative Council and Assembly, having 'been presented to the • Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name of His Majesty, assented to the said Bill, 'and now transmnts it to the Legislative Council, to be numbered and forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law. Government House, Sydney, 23rd JlIne, 1030. (3,) Racecourses Admission Tax (Amendment) Dill:- PIDUP GAME, lIIessage. • Gove1'1~o1', A Bill, lntituled " An A ct lo aDo'l'd ,'elief -lo cerlrt'in ,'acing clubs in the Newcastle district, m,d irottin!T clubs in the ]I[et l' opCJlitan distl'ict~, to remit ce1'lain taxCtlioll, due i,n 1' eSl)(~rt of the ll [(>tlangle PI11'h: Racecourse, an(l to place in C61'tuin ,'cspecls and fo r cC1'fain p'U1'pO!U!S of c(,1,twin Ads t,hat 1'aceCOU1'se in the l)Osition of a 1'(I CC(,01J.. l'se situate beyond fortt) ?/tiles from the General Post Office, Sydney~' [0 mnend the Racecourses Admission '1'(lX Act~ 192C, and certain other J Acts; and for purposes connected lhC1'ewith: -as finally passed by the Legis~ lative Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency h!ls, in the name of Hi~ Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to tllO T"egislative Council, to be numbered and forwarded to the proper Offi<:::er for enrolment, in the m~lmer required by law. Government House, Sydney, 23rd J"ne, 1930. (4.) Moscheto Island Agreement Ratification Bill :- PHILIP GAME, Message. Governor,

A Bill, intitulcd U A n A ct to ?'ati/!) and P1'ol1ide for C(tl,,'ying out an Agreement entered in·lo belween the Hononrable E1'ncst Albert Buttensha1V, the j1finisie1' for Public l,\,01'],;S o/the State of New i30uth 11'ales, for and on. behalf of His :Majesty, ](,:ng ~ of the on e part, a1t(l lrnper-ial Ohemical Indus· tries of Australia and New Zeala?ld, Limited, a compallY incorp01'ated under the Oompanies Act, 1915, of the State of lTictoriaJ of lhe olAer part, relating to the grantillg to the said company of an option to pU1'chase ][oscheto Island near Newca.stl e~' to amend the Public lVor7.:s ActJ 1912, and certain other Acts~' and for purposes cOn1lected the1'e1Vith 01' incidental theHlo,'~-a5 finally passed by the Legislatiye Council fiD.d Assembly, havjng been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name' of His Majesty, assented to the said Bm, and now transmits it to the Legislative Council, to be numbered and forwarded to the i'rope~' Officer for enro'lment, in the manner required by law. Governmmt Hause, , Sydney, 23~d June, 1930. MINUTES OJ' THF. PROOI!:1IDINOS OJ' TBJ: L¥GISLATIVK (X)UlfCIL. (26 N ••ember, 1930.)

(5.) Government Insurance(Amendment) Bill:- PHILIP GAME, ],fessage. Governor.

A Bill, intituled U A n Act to establish 0./1. account in Special Deposits Account to be known as the Treasury Fire Risks Acco'UlTtt; to pro'vide for the transfer of certain funds lhMeto a11d for the ad11linistra.tion thereof~' to impose certain charges upon the Government 111swra11ce Office of New Bouth Wales; to amend the Government Insurance (Enabling' and Validating) Act, 1927; and for purposes connected therewith/~-as finaUy passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor fO!' the Royal Assent, H is Excellency has, :in the name of His Majesty, assented to the said RiH, and now transmits it to the Legislative Council, to be numbered and forwarded 1...) the proper Officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law Government House, Sydney, 23rd June, 1930. (6.) Superannuation (Amendment) Bill :­ PHILIP GAME, ~JI[essage, Governor, A Bill, intituled " An Act to provide for the payment of ce1'tain sums of money to the State Supera1muation Fund 'by certai11 employers in lieu of the contributicns required to be paid by them uncle1' fhe Superannualion Acts, 1916-1928; for this a.nd othe1· purposes to amend the twirl A cts~' and 101' 1)urposes connected therewith,"-ns fulally passed by the Legislntive Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor for the Royall ssent, His Excellency has, in the Dame oir His Majesty, assented to the said rlll. Bnd now transmits it to the Legislative Council, to be num1bered and fOl"warded to the propel" Officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law, Government IIouse, Sydney, 2Srd June, 1930. (7.) Sydney Harbour Trust (Amendment) Bill:- PHILIP GAME, ],[esso.ge. • Governor.

A Bill, intituIed (t An Act to amend the Sydney Ha1'b011,7' Trust Act, 1900-1928, in c'ertain, respects~o and for purposes connected lhe1"ewitlt/'-as finally passed by tho Legislative Cotmcil amI Assemhly, having been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excel1ency hm;, in the name of His :Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to tllO Legislati\Oc Council, to be numbered and forwarded to the proper Oflicer for clll"ollllent, in the manner • required iby law, Uovernment House, Sydney, 2Srd June, 1930. (8.) Railways (Construction Validation) Bill:- PHILIP GAME, Message. Governor, A Bill, intituled (( An A ct to wl.irlal e lhe cO·l1slnuJ.tio n of cerla.in lines of 1'ailway~· the widening of the llfain Suburban line, Sydney lo Homebtlsh, mid the

taking, acquisition~ or purchase of land in connection. therewifh j ' to vest the saul lines of 1'ailway and such lands in lhe R ailway Commissioners for New SOll,lh Wales~' to validate the closing and removal of a certain overbridge at Hornsby, and the closing to vehictdar lramc of an overbridge at P ennant Hi71s~' i

the Public Worlcs Act, 1912, and lhe Governmenl Railways Actsj 1912·1930; and for purposes connected therewilh,"-as finally passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name of His Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Legislative Council, to be numbered and forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, in the mmlDer l'equired by law. Government House, Sydney, 2Srd June, 1930. (9.) Prevention and Relief of Unemployment Bill:- PHILIP GAME, N essage. Governo-r, A Bill, intituled ((An A.ct to provide for the eslabli,

for purposes connected therewith,"-as finally passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly, baving been presented 10 the Governor for tbe Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in name of His Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to tbe Legislative Council, to be numbered 'Rnd forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law. Government HO'U8e~ Sydney, 23rd June, 1930. (10.) Wade Shire Rates Validation Bill:- PHILIP GAME, Message. Governor. A Bill, intituled " An Act to 1!alidate certain rates for local governm.ent purposes made and levied by the Provisional Oou.ncil of the Wade Shire during the yeAlr' one thousand nine hundred and twent'!l~eight/'-a9 finally passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name of His Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Legislative Oouncil, to be numbered and forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law. Government HO'U8e) Sydney, 25th June, 1930. (11.) Dairies Supervision (Amendment) Bill:- PHILIP GAME, Message. Governor. A Bill, intituled " An Act to am.end the Dairies Supervision Act) 1901, in certain respects; and for purposes connected the1'ewith/'-as finally passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly, having been l)resented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the nama of His Majesty, a'ssented. to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Legislative Council, to be numbered and forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, in the mnnner required by law. Government iro'USe~ Sydney, 25th June, 1930. (12.) Reclamation Bill :- PIDLIP GAME, Message. Gov ernor, A Bill, iutituled U An Act to make pro'vuton for the ree-lamo.tion and improvement of SILbme/'ued and low-lying lands and the car1'Y'i1l>g out of reclama­ tion schemes; Lo constitute a Reclamation Trust and to define ils pOWCJ'S , func­ tions. and dut'ies,' to pro'vide for lhe 1Jesti11g in the trust of certain l'lnds uncl fm' the disposal 0/ la1Jds by the trust; to make provision for the borrowing of moneys by lhe i,'ust u'nd lhe gu,aTantee of the repayment thereof out of the Oonsolidated Reve7l1te 1i'nncl,' to amend lhe Local Government A ct, 1919, and ceTtain othe'f' Acts; and for purpo~'es c01rllccied thcrewith.~'-as finally passed by the Legisla­ tive Oouncil and Asse mbly, having been l)rescnted to the Governor for tbe R-oyal Assent, ilis Excellency has, in the name of His Majesty. assented to the said . BiII, and now transnuts it to the Legislati.ve Council, to be numbered and forwarded to the propel' Officcr for enrolment, in the manner required by law. Government House~ Sydney, 25lh Junc, 1D30, (13.) Farrer Memorial Research Scholarship Fund Bill:- PHILIP GAME, ],tessage. G-overnor. A Bil1, iutitulcd (( An Act lo prolJide for the administration of the Farrer Mem.orial Research Scholarshiz) Fund and lo declare the tru.sts thereof~' to transfer to that FUlld certain moneys; lo ame1Jd lh e. Wheat ],[arketing (Barring of Olaims) Act) 1929; ancl f01' pm'poses connected therewith/I-as finally passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name of His Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Legislative Council, to he numbered and forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law. Government HO'lLSC~ Sydney, 251h J",tO, 1930. (14.) GQvl'rIllllellt Railways (Amendment) Bill:- PHILIP GAME, Message. Governo1'. A Bill, intituled rr An Act fo confer cerla'in furlher z)owel'S on Ihe Ra.ilway OOll'Hl1'ission e1'S for ; to amend lhe Governmenl Railways Acts. 1912-1928, in certain ,'especls; a1ld for purposes connected the1'ewilh~"-as finally 10 lUNUTES OF THE pnOCEEnlNGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNOIL. (26 November, 1930.)

passed by the Legislative Oouncil and Assembly, llaving been prescl:tecl t? the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excel1ency has, in the name of HIs MaJesty, assented to the said 13ill, and noW transmits it to the Legislative Council, to be numbered and forwarded to the propel' Officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law. Government House, Sydney, 25th June, 1930. (15.) Special Deposits (Industrial Undertakings) Amendment BiII:- PHILIP GAME, ][essage. Governor.

A. Bill, intituled (I An Act to pJ'o v-ide f01" the paynwnt of ce1'lain sums out of Special Depos-its Account to the Consolidated Revenue Fund; to vaUdatB certain payments~' to amend the Special Deposits (Indu.strial Undertakings) Act, 1912, and certa;in other Acts~' and fm' purposes conner.ted therewith/'-as finally passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly, llRvillg been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name of His Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Legislative Council, to be numbered and forwarded to the l)roper Officer for enrolment, in the mauner required by law. Government House, Sydney, 25th Juno, 1930. (16.) Centenary Celebration (Amendment) BiII:- PIDLIP GAME, 11[ essage. Governor. A Bill, illtituled « An. Act to vest certa'in land vested in the Chief Ministm' by the Clmte11ary Celeu1'alion A ct (51 YiclO1·ia J'lumbel' 9), in H1·.s ~Maiesty for the purposes of a hospital; to amcmcl the sa:icl Ad; and f01' purposes connected therewith:'-as £nally passed by the Legislative Oouncil and Assembly, having­ been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name of His Majesty, assented to the said Bil], and now transmits it to the I,egislative Oouncil, to be numbered fmd forwarded to t.he propel' Officer for enrolment, in the milnner required by bw. Government House, SyJnay, 25th Juno, 1930. (17.) Deficiency (Revenue) Amendment BilI:- PHILIP GAME, Messaae. GOVlH'1l01', .A. Bm, intituled «An A ct to a'l.J.,llt01' ise ih e issue of a loan to covel' .a­ fm'ther deficiency debt up to the thi1,t1'eth day of J nne, one thousand nine hundred mId twellty- e'ight ~· to provide fol' the ?'CdemlJiion of such lQa.n .: to amend the Deficiency (Revenue) Act, 1929; and for pm'poses connected the1'ewith,"­ as nnalJy passed b,v the Legislative Council [md Assembly, havlng been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name of His Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Legislative Council , to be numbered and forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law. GovC1'/Im.ent H OUSC, Sydney, 25th June, 1930. (18,) Parramatta River (Sutherland-street., Auburn) Bridge BilI:- PlHILIP GAME, Messaae." Governor. A Bill, intitulec1 « An Act to sa11ciion the construction of a B1-idge across the Pa1'1'amatta Ri'vcr a.t So~tlhe1'land-slreet, Aubu1'n,' and for pm'poses con­ nec~ed ihe1'cwith,"-ns finally passed by the Legislative Oouncil and Assembly, hav]~g been 'Pl'esente~ to t~le Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency ' has, III the naJUie of Hls MaJesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Legislative Council, to be numbered and fonv3rded to the proper Officer for eJgolment, in tLe manner required by law. Governm.ent House, Sydnoy, 25th Juno, 1930. (19.) Conveyancing BiII:- .~ " I'HILIP GAME, ][e8,age. Governor .

. A Bill, intityled ,rr An Act .to a.m.,end ,Cfnd consolidale the law of property and 'l.mpl'ove. the pract-lce of conveyancing~' to amend the Oonveyancing Act 1919, the W'l.lls: P1'0~at e a1}d, 4dminis,tmtion Act, ~898, iJw Real Property Act; 1900, the Pubhc W01'k's Act~ 1912, and certajn ot~ie,!, Acls/ ta validate certain 11 lIINUTES OF THE PRQOEEDmGS OF T.E!E LEGISLATIVE OOUNCIL. (26 N Dvember, 1930.) .

matters, and for ptwposes connected therewith/'-as finally passed by the Legis­ lative Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellellcy has, in the name of His Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the I.egislative Council, to be numbered and forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, in 1.ho manner required by law. Gov61'nment House, Sydney, 2i1h June, 1930.

5. NEW ADMINISTRATION :-Ml'. Boyce conveyed congratulations to the Honorable A. O. Willis and the Honorable J. M. Concannon as Members of the now Administration in the Legislative Council. The Honorable Members made their acknowledgments to the House.

PAPERS :-Mr. Concannon laid upon the Table the undermentioned Papel's :­ (1.) Report of the Rivel' Murray Commission for year 1929-1930, (2.) Report of Main Roads Board of New South Wales for year ended 30th June, 1930. (3,) Inscribed Stock Acts, l002-1914-}"'orty-sevcnth Annual Report under, with appendices, (4.) Co-operati\'c Socictics- Hc1l01' t of Hegi ::; tnll' 1'01' yetiI' ended 30th June, 1929. (5.) Friendly Societies and Trade Uniolls-RopOl"t of Heg'istrar for year ended 30th J Ulle, 1929. (6.) Sydney Cricket Groun,d Tl'ust-Statemcnt of Receipts and Expenditure and Balance Sheet for year ended 30th June, 1930. (7.) Housing Act, 1912 (as amended)-Statements of Expenditure prepare:} by (a) Local Government Department and (b) Public Trustee, for year ended 30th June, 1930. _ (8.) Valuation of Land Act, 19I6-Statement of Accounts showing income and expenditure for year ended 30th June, 1930. (9.) Mines Subsidence Act. 1928-First Report and Statement of Accounts for period ended 30th June, 1930. Ordered to be printed. (10.) Public Works Act, 1912, as amended by the Government Railways Amend­ ment Acts, 1916-1924- (a) Notification of Resumption of Easement required for purposes of Rail­ way Traffic between Sydney and South Grafton, for the provision of a Water Supply at Kendall; (b) Land and Easement on Railway L.ine between Sydney and Gwabegar. provision of water supply at Rylstone; (c) Easement for Water Supply on railway between Marrangaroo and Wal­ lerawang; (d) Land for purpose of authorised line of railway from Moss Vale to Port Kembla; (e) ~asements for electrlcity transmission on authorised railway from Tempe to East Hills, (11,) Government Railways (Amendment) Act, 1V30-Statement of Traffic secured to railway transport under, during month ended 31st August, 1930. (12.) Government Railways Act, 1912- By-laws. (13.) Prevention and Relief of Unemployment Act, 1930--Regulations under. (14.) Family Endowment Act, 1927-1930-Amendment of Form 16. (15.) Harbour and Tonnage Rates Act, 1920--Amended regulation No. 72. (16.) Income Tax (Commonwealth) Collection Act, 1923-Amended Forms A and B. (17.) Public Service (Salaries Reduction) Act, 1930-Statement of partial or total exemptions granted under, (18.) Local Government Act, 1919- (a) Certified Copy of an Agreement between Moonem Electricity and De­ velopment Company. Ltd., and Casino Municipal Council, relating to >1. franchise for the supply of electric current within the Municipality, together with a certified copy of an agreement for sale to the said Com­ 'pany of the Council's electric generating plant and reticulation. (b) Certified copy of Agreement between Leslie Franc·is Cooper and Duncan McFarlane, trading as the Bogg-abri El~ c t l'ii.: Light and Power Supply Company, and N amoi Shire Council. relating to a franchise for the supply of electric current within Boggabri UrbRll Area; (c) Ordinances under. (19,) :Land and Valuation Conrt Act, 182!-Rbl0b (2) . (to. ) .J usticeM (FeE- i» Act, l S0±-Arnf'udE:r.l regulations. (2J .) ~u otn 'Ia::: ~\ ran9gemen t }_ct, :::'OJ -l-RE:gulations under. (22.) Y,)tvl' Tr2.:6k Act, 1909,.'1930"':""A.1nended regulations, (23.) \Vest-ern Lands Act., 19 C11- Particulars of leas~s issued under, from 6th May, 1~30,,to 24th November, 1990. 12 If.0itJ'lE8 OY THE PROOEiwm09 o:r THK I&GISLATIVB OOUKOIL. (26 November, 1930.)

(24.) Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913- (a) Gazette notices setting f Ol'tll the mode in which it is proposed to deal with the dedications of certain lands under; (b Notice of intention to declare that C.P. 29/1 Wagga Wagga shall cease to be voidable; (c) Amenned regalations (4), amended forms (11), additional regulations (3), additional forms (3) under. (25.) Commons Regulation Act, 189S-Additional regulation under. (26.) Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913, as amended by the Public Truats Act, 1897-Abstract of Crown Lands intended to be dedicated to' public pur· poses. (27.) Public Works Act, 1912-Notification of Resumptions of land for tho establishment of public recreation grounds at Auburn, lIoss Vale, sup. Lane Cove. (28.) Sydney Corporation Act, 1902 ( eM a,""nded)-By·Laws (3) under. (29.) Careless Use of Fire Act, 1912, as amended by Bush Fires Act, 1930- Regulations under. (30.) Ambulance Transport Service A('t., 1919-Amended rcgulation. (31.) Liabilities and Assets of Banks and Public Companies within the State of New South Wales-Abstracts of for quarters ended 31st March and 30th June, 1930. (32.) Dentists Act, 1912·1927-Amended regulation. (33.) Pharmacy Act, 1897-Amended regulations. (34.) Public Service Act, 1902- (a) Amended substituted new and repealed regulations under; (b) Minute of PubHc Service Board, recommending the appointment, on probation, of lfiss G. E. Williams, lLB., as Medical Officer. Department of Mental H ospitals. (35.) Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act, 1912·1929-ReguI.tions under. (36.) Police Regalation Act, 1899, and Police Regulation (Superannuation) Act, 1906-Amended Police Rules. (37.) Th.atres and Public Halls Act, 100S-Amended regulations under. (38.) Metropolitan Milk Act. 1929-Regulations and By-laws under. (39.) Mining Act, 1006---·Proclamations (6) under. (40.) Metropolitan '\,Vater Sewerage and Drainage Act, 1924-192S---Amendment of By-laws (5) under. (41 .) Rivel' MUl'l'flY Waters Act, 1915-1923- Regulat-ions under.

7. Pro F01~ma Billr-LAw OF EVIDENOE Brr,L:-Yr, Willis having presented a Bill. and moved. That this Bill be now read a first time,- Question put and passed. And Bill, intituled "A Bill 10 amend Ihe law of evidence,"-read a first time.

S. ADDRESS IN REPLY TO GOVERNOR'S OPF.!>.'l,NG SPEEOH :-The President having reported the Speech made This Dny by His Excellency the Governor,- Mr. Pillans moved, and Mr. O'Regan seconded tIle motion. Thnt the following Address be presented by the whole Honse to the Governor. in reply to the Speech which His Excellency had been pleased to make to both Rouses of Pnrlia­ men t, viz. ;-

To Hi~ Excellency Sir PHILIP WOOLCOTT GAME.. Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire-, Kniuht Oommander of the Most HO'Murable , Oompanion of the Distinuuished Service Order, Air Vice-Marshal on the Retired List of the- , Governor of the State 0/ New South Wales and its Dependencies, in the aommonwealth of A ""Iralia. l{..\Y IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY,- We, His Majesty's loyal and dutiful subjects, the Members of the Legis­ lative Council of New South Wales, in ParEament assembled, desire to express our thanks for Your Excellency's Speech, and to assure you of our unfeigned attachment to His Most Gracious Majesty's Throne and Person, 2. We beg to assure :Your Excellency that our earneM consideration will . be given to the measures to be submitted to us. 3'. We join Your . ~xcellency in the . hope that, under the guidance of Divine ProvideuM, qu.1" labours may be so directed as to advance the best interests of the State_ . . Motion made (Mr. Sinclair), and Question, That this Debate ·be now· adjourned until To-morrow,-put and passed.. The House adJ::Hl!n.ei at Tell M!nutes after Sil: c'clcck, p.m." '4Dtil To-:omo!'TcW', at Feur o'clc~1fJ 1'.!!L' '. . . _. - " _ -' . . ' ::. .' ...- -: . W. L. S.- dOOPEE, .' .. ' " ._ ~ ~ . . Clerk of Parliament.. 13 AU:NU'l'1l!s OF tHE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGI S-.LATIVF. OOUNOIL. (26 November, 11}20.)


THURSDAY, 27'1'H NOVE?tfBER, 1930.


1. Mr. WILLIS to move, That the Honorable Broughton Barnabas O'Oonor, LL.B., be Ohairman of Oommittees of the Whole House.

2. Mr. WILJ~ IS to move, That the Standing Orders Committee for the present Session consist of the following Members, viz. :-The President, Mr. BUZRcott, Mr. Dick, Mr. Earp, Mr. Hickey, Mr. Kavanagh, Mr. Robson, Mr. Sinclair, Mr. Waddell and the Mover, with leave to sit during any adjournment, and authority to confer upon subjects of mutual concernment with any Committoo appointed for similar purposes by the Legislative Assembly.

3. Mr. WILLIS to move, That the Libl'sry Committee of this House for the present Session consist of the following Members, viz. :-The President, ' Mr. George Black, Mr. Travers, Mr. Magrath, Mr. Concannon, Mr. Robson, Mr, Sproule, Mr. Coates, Major-General Mackay, and Sir J oseph Carruthers, with leave to sit dW'iug any adjournment, and authority to act jointly with the Library Committee of the Legislative Assembly, in accordance with the resolution of 7th August, 1862.

-4:. Yr. ;WILLIS to move, That the Printing Committee for the present Session consist of the following Members, viz, :-Ml'. G. Black, Mr. Bryant, Mr. Dick, .Mr, Higgins, Mr. Malone, Mr. Brennan, Mr. Travers, Mr. Varley, Mr, Yager, and the Mover, with the following duties and powers, and to whom shall be referred all Petitions presented to the House, and all Papers laid upon the Table as Returns to Addresses 01' Orders of this House. It shall be the duty of such Committee to l'eport from time to time which of the Petitions and Papers referred to them ought, in their' opinion, to be printed, and whether in full or in abstract; and it shall be in the power of the Committee to order such Petitions or Papers, or abstracts thereof, to Ibe prepal'ed for the printer by the Clerk in attendance upon such Oommittee.

6. Mr. WILLIS to move, That the House Committee for the present Session consist of the following Members, viz, :-The President, Mr. Nesbitt, Mr. Malone, Mr, Farrar, :Mr. TYl'rell, Mr. Akhurst, Mr. IOulbert, Mr.. Bridge s, Mr. Kavanagh, and Mr. Buzacott, with leave to sit during any adjournment and authority to act in mattel'S of mutual concernment with any Corrunittee appointed fOl' similar purposes by the Legislative Assembly. e. Mr. WILLIS to move, That, unless othenvise ordered, this House shall meet £01' the despatch of Business at Four o'clock, p,m" on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thul'S­ day in each 'Yeek. 7. Mr. WILLlS to move, That Govel"nment Business shall take precedence 01 General Business on Tuesday and Wednesday, and that ,General Business shall take precedence on Thursday in each week.

8. Mr. ;WILLIS to move, That leave of absence be granted to the Honol"able Michael J 086ph Oonnington for the present Session of Parliament on the ground of ill·health. 9. Mr. WILLIS to move, for leave to bring in a bill to abolish tbe Legislative Oouncil; to amend the Oonstitution Act, 1902, and certain other Acts; to repeal the Oonstitution (Legislative Oouncil) Amendment Act, 1929, and the Oonstitution Further Amendment (Referendum) Act, 1930; and for purposes connected !1!.~.J1wi~

(- 14 lOIfUTES OJ' TIm PROOEBDING8 OF tHR LEGtsLAtrn OOUilOtt... (26 November, 1930,)

ORDER OF THE DAY. 1. Address in Reply to the Governor's Opening '8peecll; resumption of the adj oUl'ned Debate of the Question, on motion of Mr. Pillans, Thnt the folJowin g Adell-ess be presented to the Governor, in reply to the Speech which His F.... ·wellency had been pleased to make to both Houses of Parliament, vjz. :- To His Excellency Sir PHILIP WOOLCOTl' GAlIE~ Kn'iohl G-ra11a. 01'088 of lit e Most Excellent 01'de1' of the Brit-ish Em,pi1'e~ Knight Oomnnander of lhe lJfost Honowrable Order of the Bath.. Oompanion of Lh{]l Distinguished Serv·ice Order, Air Vice-Uarshal on the Reti,'ed List of the Royal Ai,' Farce, Governor of the State of Ne.w South, Wales and its DeperndenC'ies, in the, Oommonwealth of Australia,

MAy IT PLEASE YOUR EXOELLENOY.. - We, His Majesty's loyal and dutiful subjects, the Members of the Legis­ lative Council of New South Wales, in Parliament assembled, desi l'e to e."press our tJJ.anks for Your Excellency's Speech, and to assure you of our unfeigned­ attachment to His Most Gracious Majesty's Throne and Person. 2. We beg to assure Your Excellency that our earnest consideration will be given to the measures to be submitted to us. 3. We join Your Excellency in the hope that, under tlle guidance of Divine Providence, our labours may be so diJ:ected as to advance bhe best interests of the State.
