The Curtain Rises on a New Era for Broadway
$5.95 (U.S.), $6.95 (CAN.), £4.95 (U.K.), Y2,500 (JAPAN) 11.1..11,..1..1.11.1...1..11.1.111 I II In #BXNCCVR 3 -DIGIT 908 #90807GEE374EM002# BLED 780 A06 B0128 001 MAR 02 2 MONTY GREENLY 3740 ELM AVE # A LONG BEACH CA 90807 -3402 THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSWEEKLY OF MUSIC, VIDEO, AND HOME ENTERTAINMENT - APRIL 21, 2001 The Curtain Rises On A New Era For Broadway Atlantic Revives Musical Theater Gains fresh Creativity Even As Some Artists Struggle To Make Voices Heard Dance's Big Beat BY WAYNE HOFFMAN Rent seemed to offer Broadway Now that the dust has settled, ing a show, which makes investors BY MICHAEL PAOLETTA NEW YORK-Five years ago this a way out of the doldrums after insiders have divided opinions and wary of taking creative risks. NEW YORK -Two years ago, week, Rent hit Broadway like a years of declining box office and mixed emotions about the state of New composers are developing Big Beat Records stopped put- meteorite. A modern retelling of daring shows -but they often ting out product. Now, with the Puccini's La Bohème, Rent trans- find themselves consigned to off- imminent release of Plummet's ferred the setting to New York's Broadway or regional theaters. gritty East Village and translat- Record companies are releasing ed the opera into a rock -inspired cast albums from more unusual score. The musical, by a then - shows -but with almost no sup- unknown composer, filled its port from radio, they have trou- BIG stage with then -unheralded ble finding an audience.
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