Chairman Cllr John Amos 19 February, 2018

Mr Steve Ellis District Council By e-mail: [email protected]

Dear Mr Ellis,

SYWELL PARISH COUNCIL RESPONSE TO THE SCOPING REPORT SUBMITTED TO COUNCIL BY LITCHFIELDS DATED 28TH NOVEMBER 2017 IN RESPECT OF THE LAND AT OVERSTONE GREEN; THE SECOND PHASE OF THE LOCAL SUSTAINABLE URBAN EXPANSION (SUE) TO THE NORTH OF . Introduction Parish Council (SPC) were only made aware of this document indirectly and not notified of its existence by the Borough Council of despite the obvious impact the proposals would have on the village.

SPC accept that the SUE has already been approved and are not objecting to the principal of the SUE, just the implications and impact of the suggested new road connecting on to the Holcot Lane as suggested in the report and as illustrated on the site plan ref PS12110-041-Rev1 which forms part of the scoping document.

Conclusion Having discussed the report in detail SPC have concluded there is no justification for the expansion of the SUE to include this road and any road systems for the SUE could adequately be provided within the approved SUE designated area. SPC will be actively seeking support from the Borough Council of Wellingborough (BCW), Local District Councillors, The Members of Parliament for Daventry and Wellingborough, County Highways (NCH) and other bodies to resist this new road. As and when a planning application is made SPC will be formally objecting to the application in respect of any proposal to provide a road linking on to the Holcot lane.

Issues raised with the report. The SUE was approved on the basis of the original red line boundary. The scoping report red line boundary now includes a proposed new road terminating on to Holcot Lane. The SUE falls fully under the control of the Joint Core Strategy and its associated authorities. Holcot Lane and the suggested new road fall within the Joint Core Strategy area and its associated authorities. There would need to be a full and reasoned explanation at the planning application stage why the SUE should be expanded to include this road. SPC would seek an explanation from BCW if they do not object to the proposed road. The village is already experiencing an increase in traffic flows which will clearly get worse when phase 1 of the SUE begins to become occupied and will further worsen when phase 2 is implemented whatever the road pattern, but would clearly and obviously be much worse if the new road was agreed.

On page P4/50 of the report it states “ A northern vehicular access is proposed, which will link the development to the Sywell Road (wrongly named) and thence towards Kettering.” There is no suggestion that traffic would also seek to use the Holcot Lane to access all routes south including Sywell, Overstone, , Ecton and on to the main town of Wellingborough, the A45 and the M1. This must be taken into account when any traffic assessments are provided at the planning stage. The document states that “the employment land will be accessed directly from the A43 thus delivering a separation of employment and residential traffic movements”. None of the plans in the report suggest how this could be achieved. It seems unrealistic to assume a joint commercial / residential road system could not be engineered to satisfy the site and the approval of NCH.

On page 5/50 of the report the effects of the development will be assessed under a “hierarchy of criteria.” SPC believe the proposed new road would have a substantial adverse effect on the village particularly in respect of traffic through the village, noise generation and the impact on the village conservation area. Any assessments submitted with a planning application must clearly highlight these concerns and how they would be mitigated.

On pages 7/50 to 9/50 of the report reference is made to various planning applications both approved and reasonably foreseeable that should be taken into account in the assessments . Given any forthcoming planning application for the proposal, one of which would need to be made to BCW as the road falls within its district), there is no suggestion that similar approved and reasonably foreseeable applications within the BCW district need to be taken into account. SPC feels that all approved and reasonably foreseeable planning permissions falling within the BCW area that could impact on the SUE need to be taken into account. Likewise the suggested major development at Moulton Heights should also be taken into account.

On page P34/50 of the report covering Heritage it states that “Northamptonshire Historic Environment (NHE) has been consulted for entries within 1 km of the site boundary.” Whilst Sywell old village (conservation area) is not within 1Km of the site (actually 1.6Km) it is sufficiently close to warrant consideration, but only reasonably in respect of noise and traffic.

On page P46/50 of the report reference is made to the Holcot Lane “providing access to Sywell and Sywell Airport.” Holcot Lane provides access to a much wider range of villages in the immediate locality such as Overstone, Mears Ashby, Ecton and and then on to Wellingborough itself, the A45 and the M1. It is the most obvious route for local commuters (of which the northern end of the SUE would be) to access Wellingborough, its employment zones, the railway station, the A45 and the M1. Local commuting use of this road would also include other villages in the Daventry District Council area such as Holcot, and general traffic using the Kettering Road. The traffic analysis must have regard to the local road system and the impact the SUE would have on the villages and beyond.

On page P48/50 of the report it states “that Northampton Railway Station provides the closest mainline station to Overstone Green” Using the AA Route Finder Wellingborough Railway Station is actually closer to the northern end of the SUE than Northampton Railway Station. Wellingborough Railway Station is already a well used service by local residents (and including more distant villages) and is probably quicker and easier to access than Northampton Railway Station. Northampton and Wellingborough stations serve differing London stations. (Euston and St Pancras) and it would be reasonable to expect that each would be used by the SUE rather than simply looking at proximity. Any traffic assessments need to take into account reasonably “obvious” use plus anticipated “shortcutting” along the Holcot Lane.

Comments. Having considered the scoping document SPC have concluded: 1. We do not want the suggested road at all. 2. There is no justification to extend the SUE in to the adjacent Council area. 3. We see no reason why the development could not be served by a new road on to the Kettering Rd and be used by both the commercial and residential elements of the scheme particularly as the suggested new roundabout would also form part of the future planned North Northampton Orbital road. 4. If there is a road access agreed on to the Holcot Lane we would prefer this to be the route for the industrial element only. This would mean lorries would only be able to access onto the A43 as there are restrictions in place to prevent lorries entering Sywell. 5. If the road is approved just for residential traffic (which is in itself unrealistic) can it be engineered to prevent traffic accessing the village? 6. If the road goes ahead we would seek S106 funds to mitigate the obvious increase in traffic, traffic speed and traffic noise within the village.

Yours faithfully,

PP Jim Morton Sywell Parish Council

Correspondence: [email protected]