Headteacher: Mr Guy Swallow BSc, PGCE

22nd July 2021 Dear Parent/Carer,

We have now reached the end of one of the most unusual and, at times, challenging academic years for all of us. The pandemic has continued in some form throughout the past twelve months and has meant that students, staff and parents have had to continually adapt to the ever-changing guidance and national situation. I wanted to start my letter by expressing my pride in our school community for the manner in which we have worked together to keep everyone safe, continue to provide an excellent education for all students and support each other during these difficult and uncertain times. I would like take this opportunity to publicly thank our staff, who have worked tirelessly to educate, support and keep safe the children who attend our school.

End of Term

The academic year will end at 12.30pm today. Students will be able to catch their usual buses at this time and those students eligible for free school meals will receive their food before leaving. Students are welcome to wear PE kit or their school uniform for the remainder of the academic year. Those wearing school uniform may continue to remove their blazers and ties.

Covid-19: Testing and Safety Precautions

We have been provided with guidance in preparation for September by the Department for Education and have made plans for the return to school in September. Given the speed with which the pandemic can change and alter course, we will wait until the week commencing 23rd August before providing further details on the safety measures we have in place for students and staff when they return. This information will be circulated in a letter via Epraise and to parents/carers of Year 7 students to the email addresses we hold on our system.

Prior to students returning in September, we will be inviting all students into school on Thursday 2nd September to complete a Covid-19 test, as the vast majority have done previously. This will then be followed by a second test on either Monday 6th September (Years 8, 9 and 10) or Tuesday 7th September (Years 7 and 11). More information regarding these tests, the times students will be invited into school and the consent form to be completed by new Year 7 parents will be sent over the coming days.

September Return to School

Monday 6th September 2021 will be an INSET day and students will not be in school. On Tuesday 7th September, Year 7 and 11 students will return to school in full uniform and will have a day specifically aimed at their respective year groups. Students should ensure that they are in school between 8.20am and 8.40am to begin the academic year. Years 8, 9 and 10 will return to school on Wednesday 8th September in full uniform between 8.20am and 8.40am.

Whitstone School Academy Trust. A company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales, number 07706741. An exempt charity. Charlton Road, , BA4 5PF T: 01749 345555 e-mail: [email protected] www.whitstoneschool.org

We very much look forward to welcoming our students back to school and seeing our new Year 7 students in their Whitstone School uniform.

As you will have seen in previous communication, I would appreciate your support in ensuring that all students attend school in the correct uniform from the start of the academic year. Recent letters have included the photographs of acceptable and unacceptable uniform for your information. If you would like clarification regarding any items of uniform, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Staffing Update

During the course of this year, we have retained excellent staff members and also appointed skilled colleagues to join us next year. In September, Mrs Rachel Edmunds will join us as Maths Faculty Leader and will replace Mr Neil Elsegood, who has been promoted to Assistant Headteacher at our school. Mrs Edmunds is currently a Deputy Headteacher at a school in Bath and will bring considerable experience and expertise. Mrs Laura Hunt will join us as English Faculty Leader in September after six years in the same role at . Mrs Hunt has real experience in raising outcomes in English, inspiring students in the subject and leading large teams of staff. She will replace Mr Lappin-Cook, who is taking on the role of Assistant Headteacher at .

We will be welcoming Miss Libby Rennie in September, who will take up the vacant position in Design and Technology. Miss Rennie trained with us earlier in the year and knows our students well. We wish Mrs Donna Cox the very best and would like to thank her for covering this position in school since January. We will also be welcoming back one of our trainee teachers, Miss Laila Clark, who will be replacing Mrs Cerin Hodder as Teacher of Science. Mrs Hodder will be leaving to move to Jersey with her husband; we wish them both well on their new venture. It is wonderful to see the benefits of our drive to train and develop the next generation of teachers paying off through the appointment of high quality new staff.

At the start of the new academic year, Dr Chapman and Miss Warde will be going on maternity leave. Dr Chapman will be covered in her absence by Mr Wilf Mitchell, a strong Early Career Teacher and Miss Warde will be covered by Ms. Carrie Przewieslik, who has excellent experience in schools locally. We wish Dr Chapman and Miss Warde the very best and look forward to welcoming them back soon.

This week, we have welcomed back Miss Hannah Wilson to school following her maternity leave; it has been lovely to have her back. We will say goodbye on Thursday to Miss Laura Sheppard, who has been an excellent maternity cover for Miss Wilson.

Additional Bank Holiday

As you may well be aware, 2022 sees the country mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Given that the bank holiday in place to mark this event (3rd June) falls in May half-term, all schools across the country have been asked to select another day to mark this momentous occasion. As a school, we have selected Friday 17th December 2021 as the additional bank holiday, meaning a slightly longer Christmas break. The calendar on our school website and associated term dates has been amended to reflect this one change.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your support during this year. We have achieved so much as a school and could not have done so without your support. Our student attendance is now considerably above the national average, our last two Year 11 cohorts have achieved excellent results in their GCSE and BTEC courses and we have made real progress in our support of individual learners, through the creation of our Ambition Zone and the outdoor alternative provision area. All of this has been achieved during a global pandemic, where with your support, we have managed to keep students, staff and the wider community safe. I am looking forward to the next stage of our journey from September.

I would like to wish you all a safe and enjoyable summer break.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Guy Swallow
