A Critically Endangered Species Endemic to Yunnan, China

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A Critically Endangered Species Endemic to Yunnan, China Rescuing Magnolia sinica (Magnoliaceae), a Critically Endangered species endemic to Yunnan, China B IN W ANG,YONGPENG M A ,GAO C HEN,CONGREN L I Z HILING D AO and W EIBANG S UN Abstract Magnolia sinica, a Critically Endangered tree en- Chinese botanists refer to the species as M. sinicum and demic to Yunnan, China, is one of the plant species with also use its common name huagaimu (Sun et al., ). extremely small populations approved by the Yunnan gov- The species is categorized as Critically Endangered on the ernment for urgent rescue action before . Information IUCN Red List, based on limited data suggesting a popula- on the geographical distribution and population size of tion of , mature individuals (Wang & Xie, ; Cicuzza this species had not previously been reported, hindering ef- et al., ; Zheng et al., ). The term ‘plant species with fective conservation. We therefore carried out a survey of extremely small populations’ is used to describe species that the literature and of herbarium specimens, followed by a de- are restricted to a narrow geographical distribution, have tailed field survey and morphological measurements and been subjected to disturbance and other external stress fac- observations of surviving individuals. We located indivi- tors over a long period of time, and whose population size duals in the wild, in eight localities. Two distinguishing has decreased below a critical threshold necessary to prevent morphological characters (tepal colour and tepal number) extinction (Ren et al., ; State Forestry Administration of were revised based on observations of all remaining wild in- China, ; Ma et al., ). Magnolia sinica is one such dividuals that produced flowers and on one -year-old species, and it has been targeted as one of the such species flowering plant in Kunming Botanical Garden. The survival approved by the Yunnan government for urgent rescue ac- rate of individuals propagated from seed for ex situ conser- tion before . Here we () update distribution data for M. vation at the Garden was % over years; of indivi- sinica and reassess the number of wild individuals, () revise duals transplanted to each of two reinforcement sites, the species’ main floral characteristics, and () examine the and , respectively, were alive after years. We propose conservation of the species. two groups of measures to protect M. sinica:() in situ con- We firstly gathered information covering most of servation, population monitoring, and public engagement, Yunnan Province, with a focus on the south-east (including and () ex situ conservation with reinforcement or almost all counties in Wenshan, Honghe: Maguan, Xichou, reintroduction. Malipo, Jinping and Hekou/Pingbian prefectures). We re- viewed Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (Law, ), Keywords Ex situ conservation, extremely small popula- Flora Yunnanica (Law, ) and Flora of China (Xia tions, in situ conservation, Magnolia sinica, morphological et al., ) for information on the species, and examined revision, reinforcement, species distribution all M. sinica specimens in the three major herbaria of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KUN, IBSC, PE) to identify To view supplementary material for this article, please visit potential sites for field verification. We then surveyed for http://dx.doi.org/./S M. sinica during –, using field measurements and participatory rural appraisal (Chambers, , ; Upjohn et al., ). We interviewed people (five mem- agnolia sinica (Law) Noot. (Magnoliaceae), a tree bers of staff at each of four reserves), in particular regarding endemic to China, was first described as M factors affecting the vulnerability of the species. During the Manglietiastrum sinicum Law (Law, ); the type locality field surveys several previously unrecorded individuals of is in broadleaved evergreen forest near Fadou village, M. sinica were discovered, bringing the total number of Xichou County, in south-east Yunnan Province. Most known individuals in the wild to , scattered throughout the prefectures of Wenshan and Honghe in Yunnan (Fig. ) at altitudes of ,–, m. Thirty-six of the BIN WANG*, YONGPENG MA,GAO CHEN,CONGREN LI,ZHILING DAO (Corresponding remaining individuals are in Wenshan prefecture (Table ). author) and WEIBANG SUN (Corresponding author) Kunming Botanical Garden, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, 650201 We collected morphological data for each of the indivi- Yunnan, China. E-mail [email protected], [email protected] duals, and grouped them into eight categories, based on height *Also at: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100049 Beijing, China (H) for smaller individuals and diameter at breast height , $ Received November . Revision requested December . (DBH) for larger individuals: I (H cm), II (H cm, Accepted March . First published online May . and individuals for which DBH can be measured with DBH Oryx, 2016, 50(3), 446–449 © 2015 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605315000435 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 27 Sep 2021 at 09:45:10, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0030605315000435 Rescuing Magnolia sinica 447 FIG. 1 Known locations of Magnolia sinica in China, with the total number of individuals at each location and, in parentheses, the number of these that are within nature reserves. New records are indicated in blue, and previously known populations in black. The shaded rectangle on the inset shows the location of the main map in China. ,. cm), III (DBH .–. cm), IV (DBH .–. cm), nursery affiliated with Kunming Botanical Garden. After V(DBH.– cm), VI (DBH –. cm), VII (DBH years of nursery growth saplings of each batch were .– cm) and VIII (DBH $ cm). There was consider- transplanted to Shangchang (SC and SC) and another able variation in size, implying differences in age. There were saplings of each batch to Xiaoqiaogou (XQG and no seedlings near those adult trees that could have produced XQG). These two reinforcements were monitored by seeds (Fig. ). The height of adult trees (V–VIII) was –. local rangers, who recorded the height, basal diameter and m, and DBH was .– cm; the height of immature trees crown breadth of the saplings. Saplings were also trans- (III–IV) was – m, and DBH was – cm. Our revision of planted to Kunming Botanical Garden, batch (KBG) the floral traits of M. sinica is provided in Supplementary after years of nursery growth and batch (KBG) after Material . years of nursery growth, and both batches were monitored Magnolia sinica in Kunming Botanical Garden can be to record annual growth. Beginning in June we mea- traced to a single introduction event in . Of the indi- sured the growth of batches KBG ( individuals) and viduals introduced to the garden in for ex situ conser- KBG () annually. In June the survival rate of both vation the first flowering (of an individual m in height) batches was %. In the numbers of surviving indivi- occurred in March . During the flowering period duals at the reinforcement sites were (SC) and (March–April) in we performed bagged pollination (XQG) after years, and (SC) and (XQG) after treatments to assess seed-set from self-pollination (n = years. We believe that the low survival rate of these two flowers) and outcrossing (cross-pollination with pollen batches of reintroduced seedlings is attributable to inappro- from a wild tree in Jinping County, n = flowers); as a con- priate handling of the saplings during transplanting (c. % trol flowers were untreated and accessible to natural pol- of the saplings were planted directly without removing the linators. None of the flowers open to pollinators produced plastic bags in which they had been grown, thus hindering any fruit, whereas all hand-pollination experiments showed the young plants from taking root). The annual increments seed-set of .–.% (calculated as the number of suc- of height, basal diameter and crown breadth are in cessfully fertilized ovules producing seed relative to the Supplementary Table S. total number of ovules per flower). The eight follicles that re- Although the species is protected at the national level as sulted from the pollination experiments contained a total of well as locally in Yunnan, it is on the brink of extinction in seeds. At least some of these seeds were viable, as several the wild. The low number of saplings and young trees is lim- germinated after incubation in humid sand for months. iting the potential for regeneration, and the surviving indi- Seeds were collected for ex situ conservation and propa- viduals all occur in remnant populations that are gation from four trees at the type locality in Fadou village, fragmented and comprise too few individuals for natural re- Xichou County, in (Batch ) and in (Batch ; covery. As M. sinica is unlikely to recover naturally, effective Zhang et al., ). Both batches of seeds were sown in a conservation of this species requires intervention. Oryx, 2016, 50(3), 446–449 © 2015 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605315000435 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 27 Sep 2021 at 09:45:10, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0030605315000435 448 Wang Bin et al. TABLE 1 Records of Magnolia sinica in the wild, with locality, geographical coordinates, altitude, and number of individuals in categories III–IV (DBH .–. cm
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