… a symmetrical, compact, strong, upstanding, merry & active dog MARCH 2014 NEWSLETTER of the Eastern English Springer Spaniel Club It’s still that time of year again, membership dues, futurity nominations, Specialty catalog advertisements, yearly dog awards, contributions to the trophy fund and collection of raffle contributions. You will find all the necessary forms in this newsletter. Please take notice that membership renewal payment was due March 1st. Contact our new Membership Chair, Crickett Redmond Kerrebock,
[email protected] with any questions. Contributing to the trophy fund is a simple, yet wonderful way of showing your commitment to the club and our specialty show. Whether you choose to make a general donation or would like to sponsor a specific trophy, your generosity is greatly appreciated. Donating a trophy in honor or in memory of a beloved family member is a thoughtful means of expressing gratitude for all our dogs mean to us. Donations are listed in the show catalog, which in itself becomes a great memento. We want to encourage every member to take part in this important aspect of our show. Thank you! Also keep up the good work with the ads for the specialty catalog. Pat Kearney has taken on this task and is hoping for a banner year. They really dress up the catalog and they also give you the opportunity to show off and brag a little. You will also be hearing from out raffle committee, headed by Cheryl Giampapa, who will be looking for donations and helpers for the specialty raffle. As always these volunteers will be putting in countless hours but they needs your donations and time to make it successful.