Genius of Report Temperate BMY 580 Fall 2016 Image©Michelle Fehler Table of Contents Introduction What is Biomimicry? Why Genius of Place?

Biome Short Natural History of Place Key Biome Operating Conditions

Challenges Focus – Airport Functions and Challenges

Biology to Design Principle Storm Water Strategies Strategies Energy Strategies Design Applications


Image flickr@SangTrinh Image©Michelle Fehler Introduction What is Biomimicry? Why Genius of Place? What is Biomimicry?

Practice of Biomimicry The practice of Biomimicry is based on the premise that after 3.8 billion years of evolution, nature has figured out how to do everything we want to do as humans in a way that fits into the operating conditions on this planet (i.e. the biotic and abiotic constraints and interactions). By emulating nature’s design principles, we can bring about more sustainable and innovative solutions to human design challenges. A distinguishing feature of the Biomimicry Thinking processes is asking “What do we want our design to do?” rather than “What do we want our design to be?” The former question expands the possible solution space to include more innovative thinking. Using this method, it is possible to identify the core function that our design needs to perform and allows us to ask “What biological strategies accomplish the same function?” Image©Michelle Fehler Why Genius of Place?

Genius of Place Study A Genius of Place study is a practice in Biomimicry that investigates the operating conditions unique to a specific place and the adaptations that local organisms have developed in response. By asking how our challenges have been solved by organisms and in this place, we are able to develop our own, locally-attuned design strategies based on these natural guides and models.

The practice of looking locally for inspiration has been long practiced by indigenous cultures and, more recently, has been adopted by landscape designers. A Genius of Places study reveals to us how we can design solutions to fit into the surrounding landscape, rather than on it.

Image©Michelle Fehler Biome Short Natural History of Place Key Biome Operating Conditions Temperate Coniferous Rainforest –

Ecoregion Central Pacific Coastal

Eco code NA0510

Ecosystem/Zone Coastal Douglas Fir

Size 28,500 square miles

Conservation Status Critically endangered

Image flickr@SangTrinh Image©Michelle Fehler Natural History

Over the past 30,000 and 10,000 years ago, glaciers have sculpted the landscape of British Columbia. Present day Island constitutes the northern limit of the Central Pacific Coastal Forest (CPCF), part of the Temperate Coniferous Biome. This biome represents close to 25 percent of the world’s temperate (Langlois 2014), playing a very important role in regional and global with its capacity to sequester and store great amounts of carbon. The CPCF ecoregion includes a variety of spanning forests, bogs, streams and rivers, salt marshes, estuaries, mud flats, beaches, and tide pools (WWF, 2016).

Image google maps The forests of are characterized by large , substantial woody debris, luxuriant growths of and lichens on trees, and abundant and herbs on the forest floor (WWF 2016). In Temperate Rainforest, there is a high demand for nitrogen in relatively marginal (Rennenberg & Dannenmann, 2015), leading to patterns in the for the retention and absorption of this nutrient. The hydrologic cycle is the most important ecological process influencing the forest dynamics near Victoria. This region receives 1.5 – 3.5 meters of per year, with most arriving during the winter months as . Cool, moist air coming off the ocean generates frequent cloud cover and fog, which also contributes to moisture. Temperature, in this temperate , does not experience dramatic variation, with a mean annual temperature of 8.5°C and variations of +/- 5°C in summer and winter.

Image©DimiriSmirnoff It is important to consider the relationship between the land and sea when evaluating the terrestrial environment. For example, salmon have an influential impact on forest productivity. They migrate from the ocean to the streams in which they spawned. Many mammals, birds and invertebrates feed on these salmon during their return, not only nourishing themselves, but also the forests in which the salmon carcasses are left (Lackey 2001).

In the coastal waters, nutrient upwelling supports a rich biodiversity, both in and above the water. These marine organisms have adapted to regulate temperature and salinity, feed off nutrients and small food particles, withstand storm forces, and navigate long distances. Organisms in the – the boundary between land and sea – must contend with a host of challenges, including prolonged exposure to the air, large fluctuations in temperature and salinity, extremes in wave action, as well as predation (CRD 2013).

Images©DimitriSmirnoff Key Operating Conditions

▪ Abundance of Precipitation

▪ Nutrient Absorption and Retention

▪ Migration and Navigation

▪ Thermoregulation

Image©Michelle Fehler The Challenges 1. Stormwater quality monitoring 2. Fog navigation 3. Alternative / Reduced Energy Focus: Victoria Airport

Victoria, BC Canada

Image © Functions and Challenges

Stormwater runoff from the airport is Airplanes experience difficulty landing in As part of a program to reduce energy contaminated with suspended solids, foggy conditions due to limited visibility. consumption and costs, the Victoria metals, oils, nutrients, and pH changing This sometimes requires several Airport Authority is interested in adopting compounds, which negatively affect the attempts over the day as passengers are new strategies for energy conservation surrounding habitats. The VAA is repeatedly flown from their original and generation. responsible for reducing concentrations destination to Victoria. This results in of these pollutants. greater fuel consumptions and travel disruption.

Functions Functions Functions ● How does nature absorb large ● How does nature navigate ● How does nature maintain volumes of fluid? without vision? temperature? ● How does nature use signals to ● How does nature capture or ● How does nature generate thermal accurately orient? filter (solid particles, heavy energy? ● How does nature condense fog? metals, chemical compounds)? ● How does nature gather light energy? Storm Water Quality Biology to Design Nurse Logs Peat Woody Debris Glass Sponge Fauna and Flora Ecosystem Salp Thale Cress White Rot Fungi Nurse logs

Operating Condition/Challenge Excess Moisture - Storm water quality

Function Store water

Strategy Nurse logs retain water that slowly leaches out

Image©DimitriSmirnoff Mechanism

Fallen trees (nurse logs and nurse stumps) facilitate succession by providing a platform for other organisms to grow on. Mosses, microorganisms, , and seedlings absorb the sequestered nutrients in the old wood, as well as the moisture carrying capacity of the fiber of the dead wood cells. For a given amount of water that comes in contact with such wood, 47-70% evaporates, 18-35% flows through and is leached out; 3-29% funs off the surface, and 3-11 % is absorbed. When dry wood takes up moisture it fills the empty cell walls and cell cavities known as “fiber saturation”. Fibrous material may hold 15-30% moisture content.

Image©Michelle Fehler Design Principle

Tubular and porous matrix holds moisture in cellular units and interstitial spaces.

Possible application areas

1. Design for more absorptive spill booms 2. Permanent spillway barrier Peat Moss (Sphagnum)

Operating Condition/Challenge Excess Moisture - Storm water quality

Function Absorb water

Strategy Structure of peat moss logs water and facilitates microbial communities that break down chemicals and particles

Image©DimitriSmirnoff Mechanism

Peat moss soils are highly complex, porous material capable of absorbing 20x its volume in water. Peat pores can be up to 5mm in diameter but shrink as the material is compressed and dries. Pores can either be open and connected, dead-ended, or isolated, with water being mobile in the first kind of pore and being immobile (stored) in the second and third kind. Peat’s mobile and immobile regions within the pores impacts the movement of not only water but also solutes, creating microhabitats for various types of microorganisms capable of breaking down various compounds. Design principle

A matrix of connected and dead-ended tubes (<5mm in diameter) absorbs 20x of its volume in water and creates regions of hydraulic mobility and immobility which facilitates solute transport and microhabitats for microorganisms that break down organic compounds.

Possible application areas

1. Roadway design to absorb and breakdown contaminated runoff 2. Overflow berm design to facilitate bio-assisted breakdown of organic pollutants Woody Debris Operating Condition/Challenge Excess Moisture - Storm water quality

Function Filter small particles

Strategy Research estimates that organic dams retain fine and coarse particulate matter by 500%. Woody debris in streams both slows the flow of water and supports biological and mycorrhizal activity.

Mechanism Fallen trees, branches and leaves in waterways slow the flow of water and filter particulate matter. Variation in size, shape, species and age of materials creates different rates of decomposition allowing for multiple types of reactions and niches for a variety of organisms. Mycorrhizal communities colonize woody debris further filtering and detoxifying through enzymatic activity, chemical bonding and adhesive bridging with exopolymers Image© resulting from decomposition. As log decay advances, carbon is mineralized at a greater rate so that other elements are conserved for recycling within the forest ecosystem. Design Principle

Porous, and rough biodegradable materials of varying sizes and shapes that decompose at different rates are placed as a quasi-barrier across flow of fluids to create filtering capacity. Enzymatic activity aids in the process.. The rough surface of the materials act as binding sites for adsorption of toxins through chemical bonding(coagulation), adhesive bridging of exopolymers(flocculation) or both.

Possible application areas

1. A filtering mechanism mimicking woody debris could be placed at outfalls around the VAA property to catch contaminants in runoff that would otherwise persist into stormwater and waterways. 2. An industrial scale outdoor water vacuum could be created with filters mimicking the woody debris so that runways could be vacumned at the de-icing sites. 3. Ropes could be created with rough and variable materials to mimic the woody debris and be placed as edging along runways to filter runoff as it moves towards surrounding “greenspace”. Glass sponge - Venus flower basket (Euplectella)

Operating Condition/Challenge Excess Moisture - Storm water quality

Function Filter small particles

Strategy The glass sponges use the natural meshes in their surface area to filter bacteria to eat and silica out of the water to make “spicules” that form their skeletons.

Mechanism A single sponge is estimated to filter 9000 litres a day but since they tend to exist in reefs, they have a significant impact on water quality. Water enters through incurrent pores aided by collar cells that have a “whip-like” feature and collar to create a current. The collar cells line the interior chamber and the flagella move in sync. The water exits out the top of the sponge through excurrent pores. Oxygen is also circulated and bacteria are removed through the channels and chambers.

Image sharonhs-taxa-2013 Design Principle

Porous, and filamented shape placed in water flow with interior moving mechanism to invite circulation of fluid through structure. Small lattice-shaped openings filter out particles.

Possible application areas

1. A filtering mechanism (rope?) mimicking the glass sponge could be placed in runway runoff holding tanks to clean the water and reclaim glycol and other substances. 2. Air filters could be created mimicking the design of the glass sponge around the perimeter of the airport to filter air of particulates from airplane exhaust that otherwise permeate the surrounding properties. 3. A biodegradable fabric/mat with a weave mimicking the cross hatching pattern of the pores of the glass sponge could be laid over the grass on runways to adsorb heavy metals that would otherwise be making their way into the ground water. Soil fauna and flora ecosystem

Challenge/Operating Condition Storm water quality – abiotic condition of overabundance of water

Function Chemically break down particles from liquids (water)

Strategy Manage toxins in water by a large diversity of organism that each have a different method of breaking down compounds. Mechanism

Various toxins traveling through soil can be broken down by the diversity of organisms present. Each fungi and bacteria, for example, specialize in a different chemical reaction to break down compounds such as carbohydrates, proteins, and convert them into inorganic material such as nitrate that plants need. It does this in a 3-level approach:

1. Microfauna, (nematodes, and protozoa) live in liquids near pores in the soil and help with moving the breakdown process along. 2. Mesofauna such as invertebrates like mites and springtails can be found in air pockets in the soil and digest mostly fungi. 3. Macrofauna organisms such as earthworms, termites, beetles, and ants help shift the structure of the soil helping water find its way through the system as well as aerate the soil.

This diversification of organisms in the soil can break down high levels and a wide spectrum of chemicals and turn it into beneficial building blocks for other living organisms (asknature). Their services include decomposition of compounds, sequester nitrogen, fix nitrogen, enhance soil porosity and reduce runoff. “The removal rates of pollutants, number of soil microbes, and activities of soil enzymes in planted were higher than those in unplanted wetland” (Huang, et al, 2012) Design Principle

Toxins are managed through a 3-tier-process of shifting/mixing, absorbing and breaking down.

Possible application areas

1. Macro structure of a system that holds a filtering system that has 3 levels for various sizes or particles 2. Cylindrical filtering system built into ground (or runway) to capture storm water 3. Enhance existing rain garden system around the airport by filtering out toxic particles before it reaches the natural system Salp (Thetys) “vacuum cleaners of the ocean”

Challenge/Operating Condition Storm water quality - abiotic condition of overabundance of water

Function Filter particles from liquids (water)

Strategy Slow fluid flow and line a filtering mesh with sticky mucus in order to catch tiniest particles to tap into an abundant and often ignored food supply Mechanism

Salp take up food by pumping water slowly through a mesh that is lined with a sticky mucus, allowing it to pick up phytoplankton and other small particles. They then absorb the nutritious particles from the water before expelling the rest, which also serves as a propelling force forward for movement (themarinedetective). The digestive net has openings at the size of 1.5-microns, however, they mostly eat smaller particles than that, down to bacteria size (10-6 - 10-9) (Bone, et al, 2000). Their mucus lining of the endostyle causes the tiniest particles to stick to it so that the salp can absorb them.

Their fecal pellets contain mostly CO2 that are heavier than the water, and therefore drop to the bottom of the ocean floor, in essence sequestering Co2 from the ocean’s surface and allowing it to be stored at the bottom of the ocean. Design Principle

Mesh filter with a gel-like surface captures smallest particles from slowly moving water that is pumped across

Possible application areas

1. Adding a gel-like surface to a filtering system that catches the smallest particles 2. Sticky component (microfilm or protruding small strings) added to a filter that is biodegradable (compostable) 3. Temporary surface coating to which small particles stick to that can then be rolled up and biodegraded Thale Cress (Arabidopsis thaliana)

Challenge/Operating Condition Stormwater Quality How does nature manage chemical contamination?

Function Capture neutralize heavy metals

Strategy The release of compounds that bind the metal ions preventing from entering the ’s cells, as well as neutralizing and sequestering the ones already in Mechanism

Thale Cress has evolved different mechanisms to minimize exposure to non-essential heavy metals (nickel, lead, cadmium, and mercury). This is done in two steps where the plant blocks, pumps out and stores these toxic compounds. 1) (Preventive measures) the plant releases chelating agents into the soil which form molecular “cages” around the metal ions making them too bulky to fit through slim ion channels in the cells’ protective outer cell wall. At the same time, compounds in the cell wall (histidyl groups, pectic sites, and certain carbohydrates) bind to the metal ions and restrict them to the apoplast ( 2) (Corrective measures) When metal ions do get into the cell, efflux pumps (heavy metal ATPases and HMAs) actively pump metal ions out of the cells and back into the soil or into vacuoles where they are effectively sequestered ( Design Principle

Hydrophilic structure that layers molecular cages that sequester metal ions, while letting water and other molecules pass through (selective uptake)

Possible application areas

1. Filter that captures and stores metal ions coming from different toxic products used in aircraft maintenance which are washed away and mixed when collecting stormwater 2. Nutrient control system that can detect and balance the amount of organic and inorganic compounds mixed in water White rot fungi

Challenge/Operating Condition Stormwater Quality How does nature manage chemical toxicity?

Function Chemically break down water pollutants

Strategy Hydrocarbon breakdown process based on small structures containing lignin peroxidase enzymes that capture and detoxify petroleum based fuels, oils and other toxic compound molecules mixed with rain water Mechanism

Several species of white rot fungi such as the oyster mushroom - Pleurotus ostreatus, Phanerochaete chrysosporium and laevis, have the ability to metabolize and oxidize polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), reducing their toxic, mutagenic, or carcinogenic properties, and thus detoxifying the PAHs. These fungi produce extracellular non-specific enzymes (lignin peroxidase) that can degrade up to 80-95% of all PAHs after 80 days (Steffen and Shubert 2007) in a process called mineralization, where metabolites are fully broken down into carbon dioxide (Mai et al. 2004). Mineralization = decomposition or oxidation of the chemical compounds in organic matter into plant-accessible forms (Wikipedia 2016). Design Principle

Hydrocarbon breakdown phase that captures and detoxifies petroleum based fuels, oils and other toxic compound molecules mixed with rain water

Possible application areas

1. Filtering process where toxic compounds (e.g PAHs in petroleum-based fuels and oils used for aircraft maintenance) mixed in rainwater are detoxified and stored apart from stormwater 2. Soap containing enzymes that can break down hydrocarbons coming from oil and fuel spills. This soap can be used when cleaning the surface where the spill happened to prevent these toxic compounds from mixing and being washed away with rainwater. Fog Navigation Biology to Design Owl Wandering Shrew Three-spined Stickleback Albatross Epiphyte Tick Salmon Douglas Fir Owl (Strigiformes)

Operating Condition/Challenge Fog - Fog Visibility

Function Determine precise location using sound

Image©GalliasM_WikiCC Strategy Owls identify prey location in the dark using sound Mechanism

Sounds is often used in nature as a means for spatial-location. To pinpoint a source, it is helpful to receive the sound in two, slightly different places. Similar to the way bifocal sight works, binaural hearing depend on differences in the amplitude of sound and its arrival time. Hearing range and neuronal processing also play a role. Like many animals, owl ears are located on two sides of the skull, allowing them to recognize whether a sound is coming from the left or right. What makes owls hearing so precise is that they can tell whether a sound is coming from above or below. This is made because their ears are asymmetrically positioned in the vertical plane - meaning that one is high and one is low on the bird’s skull. As a result, sounds coming from above the horizon are louder in one ear while sounds from below the horizon are louder in the other ear. This adds an extra level of resolution for pinpointing a prey’s location. Design principle

Sound sensors placed asymmetrically in both the horizontal and vertical plane relative to each other increase the precision of Sound targeting the sound source Δ time of sound Antenna arrival

Possible application areas

1. Better positioning of sensors on planes to facilitate special identification of horizon line 2. Ground sensors placed asymmetrically to better identify Sound Source location of plane and relay positioning Wandering Shrew (Sorex vagrans)

Operating Condition/Challenge Fog - Fog Visibility

Function Sense spacial surroundings

Strategy Image© Wandering Shrew (Sorex Vagrans) uses self generated sound echo to orient itself Mechanism

Echolocation is an active mechanism for sensing the environment based on sounds. Sound is generated from a source and the echos are received and processed. A three dimensional image can be created based on the range and direction of the sound. Most developed in bats, echolocation is used by a variety of animals including toothed whales, some birds, and shrews. The Wandering Shrew emits a variety a high pitched twitter while exploring foreign surroundings or foraging. Design principle

Reception of sound waves echoes is used to generate a 3D image of spacial environment. Object

Possible application areas

1. New radar-like technology 2. Using existing sounds and their echos for spatial location Sender Receiver Three Spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)

Challenge/Operating condition Navigate in fog - abiotic condition of water vapor How does nature navigate in low visibility?

Function Process information > Navigate through water

Strategy Three-spined sticklebacks outer skin is lined with neuromasts, grooves with movement sensitive cells that provide information about water movement.


Sticklebacks have superficial neuromasts that detect motion in water for navigation purposes. Those lateral line systems allow the fish to feel water movement, giving information about nearby objects. The fish’s body shows horizontal grooves filled with neuromasts, tiny sensory organs. These organs consist of hairy cells that are combined by a capula, a triangluar and jelly-like surface. These capulae are stimulated by the water ripples initially started by the movement of the fish, and then sent back by the surrounding environment. The nerve endings that are attached to the capulae send the signal back to the fish to help navigate through dim-light underwater areas. Design Principle

Grooves lined with hair-like receptors (sensor) can sense waves of liquid (signal).

Close-up of sensors inside groove. Small hair-like protrusions catch air Frontal view of surface movement to sense surrounding area. Side section showing with grooves The receptor sends signal back to indentation of grooves central navigation system.

Possible application areas

1. Combine with sound to create a mechanism to sense ambient noise as well as movement 2. Measuring density of moisture in the air aka fog (know when the fog is coming or dissipating) Seabirds – Albatross (Phoebastria nigripes)

Challenge/Operating condition Navigate in fog - abiotic condition of water vapor How does nature navigate in low visibility?

Function Process information > Navigate without visual cues

Strategy Seabirds take olfactory cues from ocean organisms to provide them with information about their location in relation to space Mechanism

Sea birds such as albatrosses and petrels migrate long distances over flat featureless oceans. In order to find their way, one of their navigational tools is to receive olfactory cues from phytoplankton. The smells provide cues about bathymetric features such as under water depths and shelves. The birds can therefore create a olfactory map that provides information about the location of the bird (Nevitt&Bonadonna, 2005). Ocean surface

“...we have previously identified dimethyl sulphide (DMS) as a biogenic cue that contributes to the natural olfactory landscape over the ocean” ~ Nevitt&Bonadonna, 2005 Design Principle

Spacial positioning informed by the sensing of intermediary cues that correspond with terrain Moving sensors receiving cues from the terrain below to provide information about spatial positioning

Possible application areas

1. Vibration or sound sensing mechanism to be able to tell what is underneath (land, sand, water, concrete, mountain) 2. Positioned tagging signals that communicate with the sensor flying above to pinpoint location (akin to Geiger counter beeping to communicate) Atmospheric Tillandsia (Epiphyte)

Challenge/Operating condition Manage fog - abiotic condition of water vapor

Function Capture / Adsorb > Water vapor out of fog

Strategy “Narrow-leaf syndrome” plus rosette growth habit increases fog interception efficiency


Epiphytic plants’ leaves that are distributed in a spiral fashion or rosette formation are separated between 137.5º angles making leaves avoid overlapping. This leaf arrangement enables the plant to capture both fog and sunlight in a more efficient way. The total amount of fog intercepted in rosette plants increases as a result of having larger numbers of narrowed or thinner leaves. Thereby increases the total leaf area exposed to fog, while narrow leaves maximized interception efficiency (measured as interception per unit area).

Design principle

A fog-absorbent structure containing large amounts of hydrophilic microfilaments unfolding in a rosette fashion that maximizes water vapor adsorption

Possible application areas

1. Fog collecting forms placed on high structures in spaces around runways to reduce the moisture content of the air (dehumidifier). 2. Cylindrical structure with long narrowed microfilaments that adsorbs water vapor out of fog 3. This structures could leverage from wind power produced by airplanes when taking off or landing, producing mechanical energy when spinning. Western black-legged tick (Ixodes pacificus)

Challenge/Operating condition Manage fog - abiotic condition - water vapor

Function Capture / Absorb > Water vapor out of fog

Strategy Hydrophilic solution that captures water vapor from the atmosphere


The tick re-hydrates using a three-step process: 1) Detection of high humidity in the air using sensible receptors located in its foremost pair of legs. 2) Secretion of a hygroscopic salt solution from its mouth.The solution dries when there is a low ambient humidity, turning into a crystalline substance. 3) When the humidity increases (+43% relative humidity) the solution dissolves and then it is swallowed back by the tick.

Design principle

Water vapor monitoring and capture system that senses humidity in the air and to then release of a substance that absorbs water out of fog and into a storage container

Possible application areas

1. Mechanism for the releasing of hygroscopic gel based on levels of humidity in the environment 2. Microfilaments that secrete a water-absorbent substance using the principle of osmosis to take in atmospheric humidity. Once absorbed, water is extracted or filtered replenishing the compounds capacity to absorb atmospheric moisture 3. Desiccant resin-like material applied in thermic glass windows, that absorbs moisture from the air contained in between the layers of the glass Salmon– Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) Challenge/Operating condition Navigate in fog - abiotic condition of water vapor How does nature navigate in low visibility?

Function Process information > Navigate without visual cues

Strategy Salmon use magnetoreception to take a reading of the earth’s magnetic field as they leave their natal stream which allows them to recognize it when they navigate back to the stream to spawn years later.

Mechanism “Salmon have one of the strongest cases for mechanical geomagnetic reception in fish.” Salmon imprint the specific characteristics of the “magnetic signature” as they first enter the sea from their native stream(geomagnetic imprinting). At a key ratio of 1 to 10,000, individual cells in the nose tissue of the salmon contain clusters of Magnetite crystals which rotate together in response to the surrounding magnetic field. These cells act as “microscopic compass needles”. “The brain coordinates combined chemical, magnetic, and other Image information, enabling the fish to successfully navigate.”(Winklhofer, 2012) Design principle

Magnetic material encased in conductive medium is distributed at a ratio of 1:10000 within a signalling circuit of a moving object. Exterior magnetic fields create torque on magnetic material which in turn signals re-orientation of the moving object.

Torque from exterior Possible application areas magnetic source

1. Small magnetite crystals could be added at a ratio of 1/10000 bits of gravel in the runway material exerting a v weak but discernable magnetic force so that incoming aircraft with a magnetic sensor would be able to gauge their height in relationship to the runway based on the strength of the pull created between the magnetite crystals and the Magnetic Material magnetic sensor. 2. Microscopic magnetite granules could be infused into the paint used on nose of the aircraft connected to a signalling mechanism that would pick up a weak magnetic signal from the ground allowing the pilot to gauge a specific distance from the ground. Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Challenge/Operating condition Harvest water from fog - abiotic condition of water vapor

Function Distribute resources

Strategy The leaves or needles of coniferous trees such as the Douglas Fir and Red Cedar both absorb fog into their leaves and send it into their roots as well as creating a fog drip by allowing fog to condense on the needles and drip down to the ground below.

Mechanism The low settling velocities of fog droplets allow them to travel in the wind where they are intercepted by the and flow along the stem to the ground or drip from the foliage and branches through canopy openings. Sharp angles and needle type leaves seem to enhance the Image amount of fog transported to the ground. Pocketed surface of needles is both hydrophobic and hydrophilic Design Principle

Multiple Spiny or filamented structures arranged with angles pointing towards the ground facilitates fog drip.

Fog is intercepted and condensed on vertical structures on hillsides Fine, low velocity or near the coast. Spines or filaments have rough or pocketed droplets surface promoting condensation of water and subsequent easy dripping.

Possible application areas Pocketed Angles facilitate surface 1. Fencing around the airport perimeter with downward facing dripping down facilitates angles designed both into the structure and mesh between condensation structural elements could aid in harvesting fog for and beading surrounding waterways in dry summers. This would both enhance water levels and aid in dilution of runoff containing contaminants. 2. The airport itself could be wrapped in a covering woven with downward facing angles to optimize the height of the airport in intercepting and harvesting fog droplets. Alternative/Reduced Energy Biology to Design Skunk Plant Seal Lobster Tuna Squid Alpine Sandwort Black Truffle Bull Kelp Skunk Cabbage (Lysichiton americanus)

Operating Condition/Challenge Temperature Variation - Energy Reduction

Function Generate Heat

Strategy Skunk plant generates heat in early spring to melt through early snow for early blooming Mechanism

The Skunk Cabbage beats the early spring frost by generating heat when temperatures fall below freezing. The Skunk Cabbage take advantage of an already existing metabolic pathways, which normally generates chemical energy, to produce thermal energy. Thermogenesis occurs due to proteins in the cells’ mitochondrial inner membrane, which dissipate energy from the proton gradient that is built up by regular respiration (energy metabolism) results in heat production (Onda et al. 2016). By coopting and adding on to an already existing chemical pathway, the capacity to generate heat requires only a slight modification. Ultimately, this trait allows it to avoid damage from frost, melt through the snow, flower earlier, and volatilize and spread the scent that attracts pollinators. Design principle

Co-option of an existing mechanism for energy generation of one form for generation of energy in another form as needed.

Possible application areas

1. Identify ways of using the same fuel source to generate various types of energy 2. Convert existing energy generation systems into new, more sustainable systems Seal (Pinnipeds)

Operating Condition/Challenge Temperature Variation - Energy Reduction

Function Prevent Loss of Heat

Strategy Image©DimitriSmirnoff Seals vary the thickness of their blubber depending on seasonal insulation needs Mechanism

Seals must contend with cold water temperatures. One strategy they employ to stay warm is a layer of fat (blubber) that acts as insulation. It has one third the heat conductivity of water. The thickness of this blubber does not stay constant. The thickness varies by season with more fat during the breeding season and leaner seals during molding and mating. Design Principle

Insulation thickness is dynamic according to changing needs

Possible application areas

1. Create insulation with a adjustable effectiveness to accommodate different insulation needs over time 2. Add/remove insulation systems based on thermoregulatory needs Anomuran Squat Lobster (Munida quadrispina)

Challenge/Operating Condition Energy Reduction – abiotic condition (light) How does nature illuminate?

Function Capture energy > Modify energy (light)

Strategy Propagating light through pillars with mirror-like surfaces to focus light onto retina


The eyes of the squat lobster are adapted for dim light conditions. Organisms who rely on their visual sense in low light conditions often have superpositioned eyes, meaning compounded eyes (Björn, 2008). In the lobster’s case, incoming light travels through multiple radially arranged orthogonal planes that have a length of 2–3x their width. The depth of the tubes ensures that the light is reflected twice (to prevent inversion) but no more than twice. This allows for an erect image to arrive at the retina rather than an inverted one as it is for humans. There is also a weak lens in the cornea of the eye that pre-focuses the light to make the light beam more narrow and concentrated, therefore using a wider angle of the light source (

Image flickr@gwakimoto Design Principle

Orthogonal tubes with inner mirror-like surfaces reflect light in order to focus a wide spectrum of light sources onto a smaller surface.

Incoming light

Possible application areas

1. Focusing light for illumination inside the airport Tubular structures 2. Concentrating light onto solar panels in low-light conditions 3. Improved and more effective Solar tubes

Focused light Albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga)

Challenge/Operating Condition Energy Reduction – abiotic condition (light) How does nature maintain temperature?

Function Protect from abiotic pressures (Temperature)

Strategy (what are they doing?) Conserve metabolic heat through retia mirabilia to elevate internal temperature to manage colder ambient water temperatures


Endotherms such as the Albacore Tuna fish can elevate their cranial temperature to above ambient water temperatures. By leveraging extraocular muscle activity, retia mirabilia, counter-current heat exchangers, captures and conserve metabolic heat and therefore elevate internal temperature in the organism by 9–20 degree celsius (

Countercurrent heat exchange is a pattern often found in nature where the incoming flow of liquid or air gets heated by the outflowing stream. This regional endothermy is an adaptation to cold water temperatures. Design Principle

Leverage mechanical energy through countercurrent heat exchange to maintain temperature.

Possible application areas

1. Passive energy to save energy input (such as heat) 2. Capture wasted heat/energy to be input into the system 3. Leveraging wasted heat produced by mechanical processes Humboldt Squid (Dosidicus gigas)

Challenge/Operating Condition Alternative Energy / Energy Reduction How does nature manage coloration in the presence of environmental stimulus? How does nature manage/respond to an environmental stimulus?

Function Protect from abiotic factors - Manage coloration and temperature

Process information - Environmental cues - Light (visible and non-visible spectrum), atmospheric conditions (temperature), and shape and patterns.

Strategy Pigment cells expand and contract in waves of emotion reacting to environmental stimulus


The nervous system of Humboldt squids controls the instantaneous aggregation or dispersion of pigment-containing cells called Chromatophores. Chromatophores are like small elastic balloons of colored pigment surrounded by the spokes of radial muscles. The balloon is stretched by contraction of the radial muscles so that the color is displayed as a circular or polygonal spot. When the muscles relax, the elastic balloons contract to a tiny dot so that the color is not visible. This is how the colored dots can be turned on and off.. Chromatophores come in different colors, grading through yellow to orange, red, dark brown and black. They can be less than 0.3 mm across and can occur in very high densities, resulting in high-resolution body patterns. Design principle

Pigmented cells that instantaneously expand and contract in relation to environmental stimulus, thus shifting from one color to the other

Possible application areas

1. Microfilm of pigmented cells that regulate light permeability, radiative heat transfer and/or isolation in transparent surfaces (e.g. application between layers of glass window in its manufacturing process or application to already existing glass windows) when controlling the expansion and contraction of dark colored cells 2. Exterior paints or coatings with the ability to change color in relation to the amount of sunlight hitting the surface to regulate Alpine Sandwort (Minuartia Obtusiloba)

Challenge/Operating Condition Alternative Energy / Energy Reduction How does nature manage temperature?

Function Moderate

Strategy Retention of moisture and temperature when forming dense dark pads


This is a low plant that forms mats or clumps and bearing small thimble-shaped flowers with curving white petals. When grouped tightly they form dense pads that can cover rocks, fallen trees, and the forest floor, and are able to “retain moisture and temperature by creating a collective temperature microclimate” (Tributsch 1984;186). It's darkly pigmented leaves oriented perpendicular to sunlight reduce reflection and increase heat gain by radiation. Its compact hemispherical growth form decreases exposure of plant surfaces to the wind, thus having low convective heat loss. Design principle

Structures that group together to form a continuous thermo-regulating surface that increase radiative heating and decrease convective heat loss to the wind and low temperatures

Possible application areas

1. Modulable panels that can be lined up in the interior of the terminal to gain heat from sunlight, acting as transportable or rolling Trombe walls that regulate the airport’s internal temperature, reducing heating cost expenses 2. Thermal radiative storage and transfer mechanism in modulable panels placed in the inner sections between runways that can liberate heat captured from sunlight to dissipate fog near the runways Black truffle (Tuber melanosporum)

Challenge/Operating condition Alternative energy/Energy Reduction

Function Convert Energy

Strategy Melanin occurring in the cells walls absorbs ultraviolet rays and dissipates them - changing the heat energy into chemical energy once it has been downgraded. They convert light to metabolic energy creating the capacity to recycle metabolites over a longer period of time. Researchers think of it as an electronic-ionic hybrid conductor and are exploring whether it functions in a manner similar to energy harvesting pigments like chlorophyll. Melanin is a naturally occurring biopolymer.

Mechanism Both ions and electrons play an important role. “Melanin is able to Image ‘talk’ to both electronic and ionic control circuitry and hence can provide that connection role”. When melanin is at a neutral PH it only conducts when hydrated because it drives the production of electrons and ions. The slightly acidic nature of melanin plays a role. Design Principle

Dark pigment traps UV light rays and absorbs heat energy which can then be converted into electrical energy.

Heat absorbing surface of UV rays

Possible application areas

1. An energy signaling system could be installed underneath runways and airport parking lots for the heat energy to be harvested from the darker stone surfaces heated up from the sun and moving vehicles. Friction and pressure might also be harvested by this system to create electrical energy. 2. Black hoses could be installed on the VAA rooftops with water circulating through them. The heat from the water could be harvested to warm the air inside the airport. Bull Kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) Challenge/Operating condition Alternative energy/Energy Reduction

Function Capture energy from movement

Strategy It has a hollow gas filled (carbon monoxide) light-weight stem(stipe) and balloon at the top with fronds that float with the direction of the current. The flexible stipe absorbs compressive and tensile stress in its’ tissues and at its’ base. When the forces are too strong, it lies down. The bull kelp’s form moves with the currents, staying anchored to the ocean floor with a root-like system called a holdfast that balances the many vertical and lateral forces created by the currents and wave action.

Mechanism The structure and design of the bull kelp optimizes its capacity to move with lateral and undulating forces because of 3 factors: Image©DimitriSmirnoff 1. The fronds respond to the direction of the ocean currents and waves. 2. Its flexible, hollow and gas filled stipe maximizes buoyancy and maneuverability. 3. The radiative holdfast anchoring system can absorb forces from all directions. Design Principle

An anchored light-weight, gas filled, flexible tube which balloons at the tip to float. Long ribbons (roughly 2/3rd the length of the tube) extend from the tip which respond the direction of lateral forces (wind).

The mechanical energy is harnessed through a signalling system to the anchored base where it is converted into electrical energy. Long ribbons may also harvest solar energy for conversion into electrical energy. Tubes can be arranged in groups to maximize flow and drag. The arrangement needs to account for potential tangling of ribbons.

Possible application areas

1. By mimicking the stem and frond form of the bull kelp secured to the ground with a energy harvesting electrical system similar to the wind turbine, an installation of festive looking moving balloons with streamers could leverage the lateral forces created by wind on a vast open space and speeding aircrafts to create electrical energy and welcome/send off PV cells visitors. 2. The same idea could be installed somewhat further away from the airport, perhaps as part of the fences to deter wildlife as an added function. Perhaps just the fronds would create a lighter weight, less complicated device – almost as if harvesting the Circular base to manage forces from all directions movement of laundry on a clothes line. Design Applications Stormwater filtration Sensing Tarmack Fog glasses EpiphyTick Harvester Focus Flower Hot Air Equalizer Heliotropic Windows Thermodynamic glazing Stormwater filtration (Soil, Peat) Large amounts of precipitation are captured each year from runways, aprons and other areas of VIA. This stormwater runoff is mixed with different contaminants that mainly come from various products used in aircraft maintenance. Suspended Infiltrated or stored solids, metals, oils, nutrients, and pH changing compounds, are examples of such which negatively affect the surrounding habitats and the main target of this stormwater filtration system.

Life’s Principles ● Break down products into benign constituents ● Use multi-functional design ● Recycle all materials ● Leverage cyclic processes ● Cultivate cooperative relationships Sensing tarmack (Albatross, Salmon)

Due to heavy fog that obscures a pilot's view of the runway, planes are unable to land under such conditions. As a result they waste time and fuel returning to their point of origin or alternate airport. Planes also depend on visibility during take off. The moment when take off can be aborted is highly depending on knowing how much runway is left.

We propose a runway sensing system where instrumentation in the plane tracks sensors in the runway itself. Both pattern and density of this material or these devices provides feedback on how far away from the end and end of the runway the plane is positioned.

Life’s Principles ● Be Locally Attuned and Responsive ● Use Feedback Loops Fog glasses (Lobster)

Special lenses with tubular structures that focus reflected light onto focal surface at different points. The lens can combine all information to help the pilot to discern topography in low visibility conditions.

Life’s Principles ● Readily Available Energy ● Reshuffle Information ● Combine Modular and Nested Components EpiphyTick Harvester (Tick, Bull Kelp, Epiphyte) Salt substance attracts water- Hygroscopic

This multifunctional design captures energy from movement created by Structures around airport perimeter Pocketed the wind and converts it into move with wind currents. Mechanical surface is energy is captured at base by sensory electrical energy for use at the hydrophobic plate and transformed into electricity. airport.

Fog is harvested with a filamented Fog is harvested by filamented and textured structure which puts the top arranged in rosette water into local streams and formation. Fog drips down shaft to underground waterways creating a source of fresh collection system water to dilute other microcontaminants and to amplify Springy base captures flow in times of dry weather. lateral, tensile and undulating forces

Life’s Principles ● Use Low Energy Processes ● Use Readily Available Resources and Energy ● Use Multifunctional Design Focus Flower (Skunk Cabbage, Lobster)

Fog is an important factor that contributes to greater fuel consumption and travel disruption when limiting visibility as aircrafts approach landing.

This nature inspired application consists on tubular reflector units Light and Heat Energy within a parabolic shape that focuses Capture and Transfer light on object at center which collects heat and light energy which Capture Transfer = Fog dissipation is then projected onto the runway to mitigate low lying fog, thus enhancing visibility.

Life’s Principles ● Readily Available Energy ● Reshuffle Information ● Combine Modular and Nested Components Various facilities within the airport produce heat through Hot Air Equalizer mechanical, digital or other processes (i.e. computer (Tuna) servers, moving baggage machinery, etc.). Warm air from those locations can be used to heat outside air by use of a countercurrent heat exchange system. The cool outside air is heated up by traveling aside the warmer air channels.

Furthermore, the warm air can be routed to cooler areas of the airport in order to reduce additional heating input. Lastly, the excess warm air can be funneled through pipes underground (where it maintains its temperature) to air vents that line the runway in order to evaporate fog whenever needed.

Life’s Principles ● Use low energy processes ● Use multi-functional design ● Recycle all materials Heliotropic windows (Lobster) Windows that consist of tiny square and elongated hollow tubes that follow the sun angle in order to focus maximum light into the interior of a building. They are connected to a computer software that tracks the sun angles and feeds the information as feedback into the system. In areas where there is too much light, or too much heat, the tubes can be manually pointed away from the sun in order to reduce exposure to short waves.

Life’s Principles ● Use low energy processes ● Use feedback loops ● Self-organize ● Leverage cyclic processes Thermodynamic glazing (Seal, Squid) Even in a with mild seasonal temperature variations, By day, material shrinks building temperatures must be and pores increase in size regulated for human comfort. Often letting in more light, UV, this is through an energy intensive and IR. HVAC system.

Window installations have tradeoffs because although, in winter, heat is let in during the day, but it is lost at night (vice versa during summer).

We suggest a dynamic window coating that changes shape (either active or passive mechanism, i.e transition lenses/electrical charge change). Increases light and heat gain through windows by day and reduce loss by night. By night, material shrinks and pores decrease in size Life’s Principles letting in more light, UV, ● Leverage Cyclic Processes and IR. ● Be Resource (energy) Efficient Next Steps We hope that this report highlights the promise for the Victoria Airport Authority looking for inspiration to the local biological forms, processes and systems of Vancouver Island. The biome naturally contains many organisms who have solved the challenges the Victoria Airport Authority faces. This report represents a preliminary exploration of the airport’s challenges and natural inspirations. We have only scratched the surface of possible biological mentors found in the Temperate Rainforests of Vancouver Island. We look forward to presenting our research and design ideas to contribute to the efficiency, effectiveness and environmental performance of their systems and operations. The Team

Anne-Marie Daniel Dimitri Smirnoff

A mediator and biomimic living on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. Dimitri is a biologist and biomimic based in San Francisco, . Anne-Marie seeks to identify the interests, needs and functions at play, to craft Biomimicry connects his interest in understanding how nature works to his a solution that is truly a win-win for the client and the planet. passion for finding solutions to the different problems our species faces. Dimitri is currently studying for a Masters in Biomimicry, Biomimicry Professional Certification, is a content editor on Ask Nature and is perusing [email protected] invertebrate research at the California Academy of Sciences. [email protected] The Team

José Menchelli Michelle Fehler

Jose is an architect and urban designer that focuses in sustainable development Michelle is a visual communicator who became conflicted about the wasteful and systemic thinking strategies applied to regenerative design. He has behavior that is associated with graphic design. Believing that there is a better participated in a variety of workshops such as “bamboo construction”, “carbon way to help businesses be heard and seen, she decided to pursue a Master's in farming”, and “permaculture design certificate (PDC)” which have enabled him to Interaction Design with a focus on Biomimetic Graphic Design. Currently, she is experiment with design in relation to symbiotic dynamics found in nature. At the part of the faculty at the Design School at ASU teaching Visual Communication present moment, he is part of the MS in Biomimicry program at ASU, where he as well as Biomimicry. aims to further develop his creative process based on nature's knowledge, in order to create innovative solutions to human design challenges. [email protected] [email protected] Thank You! We are grateful for the guidance and feedback by our professor Marie Zanowick-Bourgeois as well as our Teaching Assistant Jo Fleming. We also would like to thank the Redwood team (Victoria Keziah, Zeynep Arhon, Colleen Mahoney and Joseph McIlwain) for a productive brainstorm session. We thank the Victoria Airport Authority for sharing their challenges with us and continuing to pursue more sustainable operations which harmonize with natural systems for the benefit of the whole community. Lastly, we are in awe and feel forever indebted to all the amazing organisms that showed us the possibilities of genius adaptations. We hope we can follow their lead and find solutions that are similarly elegant and create conditions conducive to life. Storm Water Strategies References Nurse Logs

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