
AgendaEvent: Conference „LA21 moves“ AgendaEvent: 4th Viennese Neighbour's Day AgendaTopic: Network Stadlau AgendaDigital: 100 reasons to go out AgendaParicipation: Participatory group-budget AgendaTopic: Dialogue between generations AgendaOutlook: Exhibition „Die Stadt ist uns nicht egal“

AgendaEvent: Conference „LA21 Vienna moves“

„The Local Agenda 21 is a successful project. It shall be continued beyond 2012 and we will develop it further!” With these words words vice mayor Maria Vassilakou opened the LA21 conference on the 11th of May in the Viennese city hall.

Over 350 participants discussed the value of public participation for a sustainable development in Vienna. Two inputs from came from Günter Berndmeyer who spoke about the “Bürgerkommune Essen” and Christiane Grabe who told us about the project “Wohnquartier4” in Nordrhein-Westfalen.

Afterwards a broad range of LA21 projects presented themselves to the visitors and gave a vivid impression of the way civil participation is working through the LA21. The bottom line of the following panel discussion was that the LA21 establishes a new and cooperative culture of dealing with different interests. A central statement came from Josef Taucher, a politician of the 22nd district, who noticed: “Democracy has to be learned anew by every generation! The Local Agenda 21 opens a room for this learning processes.” Sylvia Carlberg, an active citizen, added: “Therefore it needs long-range processes, a stable infrastructure as well as counseling and moderation.”

Concerning the wishes for the future the vice mayor and the citizens agreed: The LA21 shall be expanded and shall remain an engine for participation in Vienna!

For a documentation of the conference click at

AgendaEvent: 4th Viennese Neighbour's Day

On the 27th of May the 4th Viennese Neighbour's Day took place. The initiative supports the development of social networks and cohesion through a wide range of activities. Through common cooking, celebrating, playing and dancing people get to know each other and new friendships emerge. New ideas are born and people become aware of their collective capacities. On the top of that a lot of politicians participated at the numerous events what gave room for discussions and dialogue. One neighbour's festival took place in the Liechtensteinstraße and covered a gospel chore, Salsa dancing and a flee market. Through this event the Agenda group „Äußere Liechtensteinstraße“ wanted to point out, that there are other forms of using a street than driving a car. In the agenda group „Gehsteig-Guerilleros“ organized a GehsteigFESTIVAL with a disco, a kitchen, a workshop and much more. The goal was to test new and different ways to use public space. In and in Landstraße further neighbour's festivals took place and in a farmer's market with fresh products of the region was held.

On this day the Viennese found themselves in good company: They celebrated together with over 10 million people in over 30 countries worldwide. The initiative has grown massively since it's start in 1999 and the fascination is still unbroken.

The Viennese Neighbour's Day is coordinated by the association Lokale Agenda 21 Wien and is organized together with the Wiener Hilfswerk, the Gebietsbetreuung Stadterneuerung, the Nachbarschafts-Service wohnpartner and the association Wiener Jugendzentren.

www . nachbarschaftstag . at http :// www . european - neighbours - day . com /

AgendaTopic: Network Stadlau

In the network Stadlau the LA21 Plus Donaustadt has gathered citizens, entrepreneurs and representatives of local institutions to enhance communication and life quality in the quarter. The network-approach is one way to deal with such a big district like the Donaustadt. The first projects are a farmer's market and a guidebook for Stadlau.

Farmer's market Stadlau The Farmer's market Stadlau won the idea-contest "Schlau für Stadlau" (clever for Stadlau) and is organized by an Agenda group consisting of local entrepreneurs of the network Stadlau. The opening was on the 29th of April and the market will be held every last Friday of a month. The new supply of local products means a sustainable strengthening of the local economy.

Guidebook Stadlau Another project of the network is a guidebook for Stadlau. It includes useful information about the area like restaurants, cultural activities, shops and much more. The idea emerged because of about 1000 new people working in Stadlau due to the transfer of some departments of the Viennese administration. The guidebook intends to help them to get familiar with the new work environment and to shape the identity of the quarter.

http :// la 21 wien . at / die - la -21- bezirke /22- bezirk / agenda - projekte / stadlau AgendaDigital: 100 reasons to go out

In the framework of the program benefit – intelligent technologies for elderly people - of the federal ministry of traffic, innovation and technology and in cooperation with die Local Agenda 21 Plus the online portal „100 reasons to go out“ was developed. The interactive city map allows the sharing of interesting and useful information about the quarter. Current events, local institutions as well as beautiful places and current activities can be collected and commented - simple and user-friendly.

On the initiative of the LA21 Plus Wieden and Hirschstetten are observed by two editorial teams consisting of citizens, entrepreneurs and politicians.

http ://100 gruende . at

AgendaParicipation: Participatory group-budget

When it comes to money the participation of citizens doesn't has to stop as many international examples testify. One of the most famous is the model of participatory budgeting in Porto Allege, which found a lot of followers all over the world. In respectively in Vienna the discussion is still at the start or maybe hasn't even started yet.

Nevertheless with participatory group-budgets the LA21 Vienna makes first steps toward this direction. Each of the Agenda groups of the LA21 Plus districts Wieden, , Donaustadt and Liesing can autonomously decide about an annual budget of 1.500 €. The money is dedicated to the support of Agenda groups by implementing their projects. They can apply with their ideas and a jury consisting of members of all groups decide about the distribution of the money.

So far the experience is throughout positive. The citizens discuss objectively and intensively about the importance of different ideas and often even prefer other projects over their own. Following this principle a transparent to inform about the photovoltaic power plant on the top of the school Antonkriegergasse, the organization of a GehsteigFESTIVAL, the construction of a community garden and the advertising of a farmer's market was supported.

http :// la 21 wien . at / mehr - wissen / fundgrube / Erfahrungsbericht %20 Partizipatives %20 Gruppenbudget . pdf http :// www . buergerhaushalt . org / http :// maps . google . com / maps / ms ? ie = UTF 8& hl = en & msa =0& msid =210554752554258740073.00045675 b 996 d 14 eb 6 c 3 a & ll =6.839 971,28.205177& spn =170.959424,24.609375& z =1 AgendaTopic: Dialogue between generations

More and more often you hear prognoses and analysis about generations drifting apart. Family structures and living models are changing and some people fear the solidarity and understanding between the generations is at risk. On the other hand numerous Agenda projects are good examples of a successful dialogue.

For instance in the project “My picture of you“ people of different age accompanied each other to their favorite places and made a visual and auditory documentation. What does the every day life of the 76 year old writer Traude Veran look like, which places are of a special meaning to her? The 12 year old Tobias Macke and his friends asked this questions and produced a film about “The child of Alsergrund”.

In Liesing the cooperation of the school Antonkriegergasse and the “Haus am Mühlengrund”, a home for the elderly, lead to two projects. In the project “Traces of life” teenagers interviewed around 60 elderly men and women whose biographies will be published in a book. Within the project „Junior meets Senior“ pupils invite inhabitants of the home to common activities like playing games or going for a walk.

In Donaustadt on the 15th of June 2011 the community garden Norwegerviertel was opened. Common gardening is an easy way to connect people of different generations and (cultural) origins. Three elevated flower beds allow people with limited possibilities of movement to participate in the activities.

In the 8th district inhabitants of different age were invited to tell each other stories of their youth and to give an insight in their experience and backgrounds. Stories about childhood in and the times between and after the wars found an interested audience.

http :// la 21 wien . at / die - la -21- bezirke /9- bezirk / AgendaGruppen / generationen -1 http :// la 21 wien . at / Plone / die - la -21- bezirke /23- bezirk / gruppen / generationendialog -1 http :// la 21 wien . at / die - la -21- bezirke /22- bezirk / agenda - projekte / GemeinschaftsGarten https :// agendajosefstadt . wordpress . com /2011/05/19/ erzahlcafe - kindheit - in - der - josefstadt -2/

AgendaOutlook: Exhibition „Die Stadt ist uns nicht egal“

By dint of 11 examples, many taken of the LA21, the exhibition shows why and what for people are engaging themselves in Vienna. The exhibition will be opened on the 21st of September at 6 pm. at the Planungswerkstatt Wien an will continue until the 15th of December. Additionally every Thursday evening discussions concerning different topics will be held.

More information will be provided in August on