Toponymic Guiddline8 1.1. the Geiwati Alphabet

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Toponymic Guiddline8 1.1. the Geiwati Alphabet Warkina Paper No. 60 , Rinth Session i 4.1. Additions being Part of the Name New York, 17-27 Februe 1981 &ends Itexa Ho. 10 I i' 4.2. Addition8 Underlining the Function of e Place \ I 4.3. Addition8 for Distinguishing Places with Identical Names j I - . / 5. Sorbian Names Toponymic Guiddline8 for Czogrephy &I’ the German Democratic i 5.1. Rendering of Geographical Name8 in the Areeb Inhebiteted Repubiic by the Sorbian National Minority Prepared by Dr. E. Heack, Ministry of the Interior, 5.2. The Sorbien Alphabet (Upper Sorbian) Surveying and Mappitig Department, OR I 5. Rule8 Qoverning the Uee of Abbreviation8 Content8 6.1. General Principle8 . 6.2. Abbreviation8 in Place-Names 1. Languages I 1.1. General Remerke ,. ,... 6.3. Forms of Abbreviation8 1.2. The Geiwati Alphabet 0.4. Abbreviation8 for Internal Use / ?/ Oeneral Document6 Used ae e Stieis for the Rendering of 7. Alphabetical List of the Most Common Abbreviations’ Place-Names on Map8 2.1. Chief Document.4 i, Lenguageb 2.2. Other Docilments 8. .- _, 1.1. General Remark8 -cIII---------- / / 3. General Rule8 for the Rendering of Oeographicel Names German in it6 atend&rd form is the sole official language ,. : . 3.1. General Remark8 in the Getian Democratic Republic. In those, area8 of 3.2. The Spelling of Compotindo Dresden end Cottbue Counties which are inhabited by 3.2.1. Witing in One Word citizens of Sorbien nationality Sorbian is officially 362.26 Hyphenating recognized. 3.2.3. Writing of Names es Two or More Words 3.2.4. Use of Route Stroke, Comma snd Diegonel Stroke 1.2. The--m.--wee”--ev German Alphabeta---” 3.2.5; Use of Srackitte and Inverted Commas The German alphabet has 26 letter8 which, in their 3.3. Use of Shortened Names alphabetical order, reed a8 follows: 3.4. Spelling of Dialectal Name8 h H 00 uu :t i I PP vv 4. Principles Governing the Use of Addition8 to Place- J w w :“D k q,l: xx Names eE 1: 8S PF mM n v,r BQ nN tT s . Umlaute ij A, 6 0 end 0 0 8re not specified in the elphabet. - Publioatione by centralized and 10~81 \ etate authorities Iti 8lph8betia81 ifete the umlaut6 1 A, 6 t) end 0.0 appear among on newly denominated or renamed geographic81 objects 8 A, 0 0 end u 0. 1f two ri8mee heve 8n identicel 8pelling - Instruction on the epelling of geographic n8me8 in except for their umlaut dr vowel, the umleut ie lieted after cartographical product% of the German DenioCr8tiC the vowel, such a8 in ‘Darenberg’ and ‘Mrenberg’. The Ch8r8cter Republic, late& edition .S’ cannot be capitalized, it renks 88 ‘88’. / I 2.2. Other Documents .z. General Document8 Used e.a ri ~asia for the Renderinq of Place- --w------_--m-” Name8 on Maps - Handbuch der Naturechutzgebiete der DDR {Handbook of GDE Nature Reeervee), Institute of Geographical Reseerch 8nC 2.1. Chief-m-----c------- Document8 Neture Coneervetion, Berlin 1972-74 - Drtelexikon der Oeut~chep Demokretiechen Republik, 2. Auf- - Sorbiech-deutechee und deutsch-sorbiedhea Ortsnamenver- lege, Berlin 1974 teichn’ie der zweisprachigen Kreise der Oezirke Dresden (Official list of place8 in the Germen Democratic Republic, und Cottbue (Serbian-German and German-Sorbien List of 2nd’ edition, Serlin 1974) * Piece-Name8 in the Bilingual Dietricte of Dreeden and - Verzeiohnia der Gemeinden der Deutechen Demokrstiechen Cottbue Counties), VEB DOmOWifM-Verleg, Dautren 1969 Republik (iiet of place8 of the GeMten Democretic Republic), - Railwey guides, railwey timetables end lists of Deutech published by the GDR Council of tdtnietere, Central Reichebahn (German ,Railwaye) and of the County Due Administretion of Statistice, Berlin 1976 Combines - Verzeichnie der Grte, Orteteile und Wohnpl&% in der Deut- - Groseer Duden (Complete Duden), 19th edition, Leipzig echen Demokretiechen Republik und deren postalieche Bezefch- 1978 nung (Liet of plecee, parts of placee and living plecee in the German Democratic Republic end their poet81 n8me8), 3. General Rules for the Rendering of Geoqraphicel Nemes publiehed by the GDR Council of Minfeters, Minietry of Poet8 3.1. General Remark8 and Telecoamunicatione, Berlin, latest edition ----w-B--“--“-- (only 88 reg8rde the spelling of living place8 not contained Place-Name% ar% spelled in eccordence with the l Drt6lexi- in the above mentioned ‘Offioiel list of plecee’) kon der Deutechen Demokretiechen Republik’ (Official liet of pieces in the German Democretic Republic), 2nd edition, - Map8 of larger ecele8 (a8 regard8 other geogrephical nemee) Berlin, 1974, or it% latest edition. Corrections, if any, published in the Law Gezettee of the German Democratic Republic, have to observed. -5- -6- / The name8 of living *places are epelled in accordance with Am Sahwarzen Busch the “Verreiohnie der Orte, Ortsteile und Wohnpletze in der Neuhaue em Rennweg Oeutschen Demokratiechen Republik und deren poetalfeche Be- ” Carl-von-Ossietzky-StreBe but: teichnung’ (list of placee, part8 of places end living Van-Oseietzky-Strafie .olaceci in the German Democretio Reoublfc. and their Do&al : 3.1.3. fhe letter8 of the Qarman alphabet muet not be distorfed. names) (letedt edition). Thib appliee in particular to ‘0’, whioh must not .be replaced by ‘ee*, e. g.t 3.1.1. 6eographical plaoe-names are ipelled in Iccordanue with / the orthography iri effeot. This rule applie8 also to wrong correct ‘, geographical name8 which were derived from place-names, _ Briessnitz BrieDnitz Bii88leben BiiBleben 6. g.: I Thiebben ThieOen Grot3 Labent but f QroMabenrer See ‘Ueckermgnde but: Ocker, Ockermgnder Heide If only capital letter8 are used for the epelling of a Oelsen butt Olsener see * place-name, the letter ‘0’ ha8 to be replaced by ‘SS’ QF Name8 epelled it, a traditional mode contradicting con- left in it8 small-lettei- form, e. g.: temporary orthogrephy have to be tranbforfhed into Standard L&BNITZ or: Ltl ONITZ Getian, ei g,: MEISSEN or: MEIBEN Auf dem Geetgtt corrected formr Adf dem Geetgt SASSNITZ . or: SABNITZ Genyine dialeotical name8 nrist not be changed If the fully oapitalixed place-name8 epelled with ‘SS’ (bee 3.4,)“ inetead of ‘8’ are trensformed into the ueuel form with only the first letter being capitalized, ‘SS’ ha8 to be 3.1.2. All one-word place-name@ and single words- being part of a traneformed into ‘6’. multiple-word placeynaie have to be capitalized (even if they follow a hyphen or diagonal btroke or a bracket). 3.1.4. Letter mark8 and diacritic8 muet not be replaced by makeshift letter8 or simply neglected, e. g.: Artialea, preposition8 and conjunction8 are bpelled with wrong correct ems11 letters, unless they are the first pert of a name, Grofiraeschen GroOriischen es get Loebe juen LBbe jgn GroBer Jaemunder Bodden Ueckersee Ockereee tieu8 der Jungen Pioniere Thib rule applies al80 to any specific mark8 in word8 of Da8 Ried . a foreign origin, e. g.: Torneu vor der Weide \ * wrong correct 3.2. The Spellinq of Compounds Fucfkpietz ,/ Fu~fkpletz , As regards writing in one word, hyphsnating and eyllabifica- Ch8rite ,’ Cherit6 tion, the spelling o+ geographical name8 CoffQIoesd of severei Lenn88trr Lenneetc. Dzierz~nekietraBe Dtieriy6ekietraBe word8 ie governed by the following rules: 3.1rSr’IP geographic name8 are derived from place-name8 with an : 3.2.1, Writing-e---w -----m---w--in One word adjective (such 88 *GroB-’ , ‘Neu-’ or ‘Klein-‘) ifa front : Geographical nW%tiple-eleaent nemee ere written in one of them, the adjective fom end the det8min8tiVe word 8r8 : word if the determinative word together with the noun 1 written in one word1 the 8dj8CtiV8 r8m8in8 unchanged, 8. g. I; form8 8 compound that ie clesrly arranged, 8, g,: GroB Glienicke GroBglienicker See Dreilinden NeUklO8ter888 not: GroD-Glienicker See Elbsendsteingebirge .Oberspreewild not: Gro6er Glienicker See Napoi8onetein Seid8nbaCht818perre VBlkerschl8ch~denkaal ZigeUn8rberg8 Klein Behnitt Kleinbehnitzer See not: Klein-Behnitzer See not: Kleiner l36hnitzer See 3.2.1!2. Geogrsphical nemee who88 primary and determinetive Neu-Heinde N8Uh8ind8r Se8 element8 are seperated by ‘e8’ or ‘6’ are also written not: Neu-Heinder See in one word, e. g, t not; Neuer Heinder See Landeskrone Ineelaberg 3.1.6c Name8 of geographical object8 conteinfng eurnamee and K6nigeetuhl femily names have to be rendered with all the perticu- Sperlingsberg lerities ettached to them. This eppliee eleo to n8me8 Ending8 end primary word8 of naams written in one word originating from Other languages, including thoee not may be abbreviated if this ehortens the name by et Written in Roman Ch8raCt8r8, 8. g.: le88t tW0 letters. wrong correct Such abbreviated name8 have always to be written in one Georgij-Dimitrov-Allee GeOrgf-Dimitroff-Alle8 Gerhard Hauptmann- Gerh8rt-tl8Uptm8nn-Str8Be w&d, e. g.: StraBe Fichtelberg - Fichtelbg. Ferdinend-Schulze- Ferdinand-Schultze-StreOe Eldekanel - Eldekan. str888 MUhlenbach - Milhlenb. Lodzer Platz )Ibdker Platz Elbeandsteingebirge - Elbsandeteingeb. Straf5e Ueti nad Lebem StraBe det% ned Labem Bernbu rg - Bernb<, NordstraRe - Nordstr. Oberhermsdorf - Oberhermsdf’. --.. _.“..-_-~ . _._ _” -. It abbreviating geographical name8 dietortione them pest Genuine compound words whose firet element coneibte of a d recognition (es tor,Anetanue: Urbach /Urb,/x Gernrode word group (e. g. it such a word group ie compoeed of /Gernr./, Bdzeletein /Derelet./) they should preferably more than two unchanged names (geographic name8 or nemee be written in tuli or4 it neceaearyi eyilabified, of persons) or more than two unchanged nbmes or collectiw nouns) are combined with each other by hyphens, e. g.: Geographical namer, in cartogrephic produote made in the Karl-Marx-Stadt GDR are syllabified for reason8 of epace, better Dder-Spree-Kane1 Geechwister-Scholl-StraOe legibility or the eize of an object. Syllabification ie Dr.-Kurt-Fischer-Platz made according to the orthographic rulee of the German ’ language ae epecitied by Grosser Duden, 27th edition, 1
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