Alharthy et al. International Journal of Emergency Medicine (2018) 11:57 International Journal of Emergency Medicine

ORIGINALRESEARCH Open Access Public perception of female paramedics at King Abdulaziz Medical City, Nesrin Alharthy1*, Sara Alswaes1, Alanoud Almaziad1, Nourah Alenazi1, Maha Abdallah2 and Moeed Alshehry3

Abstract Background: Although emergency medical service (EMS) providers recognize that both male and female paramedics are necessary, Saudi EMSs are currently fully staffed by men. Cultural bias against care provision by male paramedics to female victims in the absence of male guardians underscores the need for female paramedics. Consequently, we explored public perception of female paramedics at King Abdulaziz Medical City (KAMC), . Method: This observational, cross-sectional study used convenience sampling to assess the perceptions of patients, visitors, and employees at the emergency rooms in KAMC and King Abdullah Specialized Children’s Hospital via self- administered English- and Arabic-language questionnaires. Questionnaire reliability and validity were assessed in a pilot study. Results: Three hundred twelve respondents completed the survey (67.30% men). The sample included 43.27% medical (40% paramedics, 22% physicians, 12% nurses, and 23% other) and 56.73% nonmedical participants, of whom 53% and 63%, respectively, strongly agreed regarding the importance of female paramedics. Moreover, in the male participant group, 6% of medical and 8% of nonmedical participants strongly disagreed with treatment of their female relatives by male paramedics, and 20% of medical and 30% of nonmedical participants declined medical help because female paramedics were unavailable. Conclusions: Respondents rated the importance of trained female paramedics in the EMS system. Most strongly agreed that female and male paramedics had equal patient-management capabilities and skills. Keywords: Emergency medical services, Female paramedic, Public perception, Conservative culture

Background include the administration of medications, placement of An emergency medical service (EMS) is defined as a intravenous lines, and provision of advanced airway comprehensive system involving a network of personnel, management [1]. In addition, paramedics can also per- equipment, and resources established mainly to deliver form complete physical examinations. emergency aid and medical care to the community [1]. EMS providers recognize that the position of para- In many cases, the lives of sick and injured patients medic is not restricted to men. Accordingly, women depend on the rapid responses and competency of EMS must be encouraged to specialize in this field. During professionals [2]. The EMS system mainly comprises a the World War II, women replaced male firefighters dispatcher, emergency medical technician (EMT), para- who served in the military. In the 1950s, the first basic medic, and medical director. EMTs possess basic skills EMT training program in the USA was implemented by (e.g., cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR]), implement the Chicago Fire Department [3]. By the 1970s, women interventions (e.g., administration of oxygen), and treat had become more common in the ranks of regular vol- allergic reactions or asthma attacks. Paramedics are unteer fire departments [4] and have since demonstrated highly educated and have more advanced skillsets, which their ability to participate in the EMS field. In 1978, three female paramedics who had graduated were * Correspondence: [email protected] employed by the Los Angeles Fire Department [5]. 1 College of Applied Medical , King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Patients have the right to either accept or refuse the care Health Sciences, P.O. Box 22490, Riyadh 11426, Saudi Arabia Full list of author information is available at the end of the article offered by paramedics. A 2011 study of the effects of sex

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Alharthy et al. International Journal of Emergency Medicine (2018) 11:57 Page 2 of 5

on patients’ refusal of prehospital care showed that the The current literature was deficient; therefore, we de- frequency of refusal decreased when paramedics were vised a self-administered questionnaire in both English women [6]. The need for female paramedics is increasing and Arabic to identify the public perception of female internationally, particularly in conservative cultures such paramedics in the KSA. A pilot study of 15 paramedic stu- as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), which is known to dents and emergency nurses was conducted to test and hold the utmost respect for traditional customs. In 2015, validate question clarity and logic. To ensure reliability, a Hamma and colleagues reported that up to 17.7% of pa- 5-point Likert scale was used to score the responses. tients in Saudi society would oppose the provision of care byamaleparamedictoafemalepatientintheabsenceof Statistical analyses amaleguardian[7]. In addition, sex differences have led Data were reported as frequencies and percentages for to several complications. For example female student of categorical data, and descriptive were used. one university in Riyadh, who had known heart problems, Percentages represented levels of agreement assessed collapsed after experiencing a heart attack and eventually using the 5-point Likert scale. The Mann-Whitney U died because the male paramedic could not access the test was used to compare the percentages of medical patient on timely fashion [8]. and nonmedical participants who agreed and disagreed Arab Gulf countries have recently begun to address this with the employment of female paramedics. The effect problem. For example, in 2010, various locations in size was declared as significant if p < .05. Cronbach’s α Kuwait allowed female paramedics to work night shifts was used to assess the internal consistency and reliability [9]. In the KSA, Dr. Lubna Al-Ansari, a Saudi consultative of the questionnaire. SPSS version 20 (SPSS, Inc., Chi- council member, described the need for female para- cago, IL, USA) was used to perform statistical analyses. medics in the Saudi Arabian community to Al-Eqtisadiah The study design was in accordance with the princi- Daily. She suggested that women should be trained and ples of the Helsinki Declaration and approved by the re- employed because “the presence of female paramedics will search board at King Abdullah International Medical remove the embarrassment many women face when deal- Research Center. ing with male paramedics” [10]. Female paramedics are urgently needed in the KSA, which is one of the most reli- Results gious and conservative countries and implements strict Three hundred twelve individuals (67.30% men; response rules regarding interaction between men and women. The rate = 80%) participated in the study. Cronbach’s α for the KSA recently began training female paramedics in private internal consistency of the questionnaire was .676, indicat- colleges, and in 2015, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University ing moderate reliability. Participants’ demographic charac- for Health Sciences, a public university, began an EMS teristics are shown in Table 1. The sample included 43.27% training program for women. medical (40% paramedics, 22% physicians, 12% nurses, and In the present study, a survey was conducted to meas- 23% other) and 56.73% nonmedical participants. ure public perception of female paramedics in King The majority of both medical (63%) and nonmedical Abdulaziz Medical City (KAMC), Riyadh. participants (53%) strongly agreed that employing female paramedics was important (Fig. 1). Of the latter, 46.33% Methods strongly agreed that they preferred to receive treatment This observational, cross-sectional study was conducted from female paramedics, 21% were undecided, and in the emergency department of KAMC, at which 300– 2.26% strongly disagreed. In contrast, 24.44% of medical 450 patients are treated daily, and the pediatric emer- employees reported a strong preference for treatment gency department of King Abdullah Specialist Chil- from female paramedics, 48% were undecided, and dren’s Hospital (KASCH), at which 260–400 patients 2.22% strongly disagreed (Fig. 2). Most participants who are treated daily. Furthermore, the study sample in- required the EMS did not refuse care because of a lack cluded EMS providers from the National Guard Health of female paramedics; however, 20% of medical em- Affairs. As per institutional review board approval, a ployees and ≥ 30% of nonmedical participants reported convenience sample included participants from the that they had previously avoided contacting the EMS waiting areas of the KAMC and KASCH emergency because of the lack of female paramedics. In the male care center, Saudi health professionals employed at the participant group, 6.19% of medical personnel and 7.96% KAMC and KASCH, and Saudi EMS personnel. Pa- of nonmedical participants felt that male paramedics tients transferred from the emergency care center re- should not provide care to their wives, mothers, or sis- suscitation unit at KAMC, pediatric patients, illiterate ters; however, 30–40% felt that male paramedics could individuals, and non-Saudi individuals were excluded do so, and 25–30% were undecided (Fig. 3). from the study. Moreover, informed consent was ob- In the analysis, a significant level of agreement regard- tained from all respondents prior to data collection. ing the presence of female paramedics was observed Alharthy et al. International Journal of Emergency Medicine (2018) 11:57 Page 3 of 5

Table 1 Participants’ demographic characteristics and medical personnel’s responses regarding work experience with female paramedics Variable Frequency Percentage Medical Non-medical Total Age (years) 18–20 6 8 14 4.49 21–30 83 83 166 53.20 31–40 40 60 100 32.05 41–50 6 20 26 8.33 > 51 0 6 6 1.92 Total 135 177 312 100 Sex Male 97 113 210 67.30 Female 38 64 102 32.69 Total 135 177 312 100 Level of Primary 0 7 7 2.24 Secondary 0 15 15 4.80 High school 15 76 91 29.16 Bachelor’s degree 83 65 148 47.43 Master’s degree 8 1 9 2.88 PhD 8 2 10 3.20 Other 21 11 32 10.25 Total 135 177 312 100 Current status Employed 101 105 206 66.02 Self-employed 0 9 9 2.88 Looking for work 0 30 30 9.61 A student 34 18 52 16.66 Retired 0 14 14 4.48 Total 135 177 312 100 Percentage 43.27% 56.73% 100% The response of the medical personnel of work experience with female paramedics Question Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree Total Are female paramedics skilled enough to perform 51 (63.75%) 19 (23.75%) 9 (11.25%) 1 (1.25%) 0 (0%) 80 (59.26%) their work? Your level of agreement regarding working with 38 (47.5%) 33 (41.25%) 8 (10%) 0 (0%) 1 (1.25%) 80 (59.26%) female paramedics? between nonmedical and medical participants; further, Recently, a few universities have begun to offer structured there was no significant difference between other med- EMS training to female students. For example, King Saud ical participants and paramedics (Table 2). bin Abdulaziz University for Health has intro- duced an EMS bachelor’s degree program for women, Discussion which is among the first structured curricula in this field EMSs in the KSA currently employ only male paramedics. at a public university. This EMS program aims to provide However, female patients could experience delays in pre- well-trained female paramedics to serve the region. hospital care because of the conservative culture, which Despite these new programs, public knowledge and heightens the need for trained female paramedics. perception of female paramedics had not been explored Alharthy et al. International Journal of Emergency Medicine (2018) 11:57 Page 4 of 5

Fig. 3 Male participants’ agreement with care of female relatives by male paramedics

Fig. 1 Level of agreement that employing female paramedics in Saudi Arabia is important participants indicated strong disagreement with the provision of care to their wives, mothers, and sisters by male paramedics, and they strongly agreed that male previously in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, given its focus on paramedics should be accompanied by female paramedics public perception of female paramedics, our study is to overcome these sex limitations when treating female unique. Our findings indicated that most participants re- patients. alized the importance of employing female paramedics In the KSA, public awareness of this issue has in- in the KSA. Further, public concern regarding the pres- creased following several media reports wherein female ervation of women’s privacy and the cultural and reli- patients experienced serious complications because of gious beliefs common in the KSA were reflected in cultural limitations that delayed the entry of male para- levels of agreement, in that 20 to 30% of participants medics into women-only areas [11]. Most respondents had refused EMS contact in the past because no female reported that female paramedics could easily gain access paramedics were available. to women-only areas and approach female patients in Regarding sex preferences, female participants expressed public places. In addition, most participants agreed that strong agreement with accepting care from female para- female paramedics were capable of handling very sick medics, particularly in critical situations in which the pres- patients, regardless of sex or age. The perceived skills ence of a male paramedic would be inconvenient. The and patient management abilities of female paramedics existing literature also describes the refusal of hospital and in a prehospital setting were examined in a previous other care because of sex preferences [6, 7]. Male study, which showed a lower rate of prehospital care refusal among patients treated by female paramedics, relative to those treated by their male counterparts [6]. Moreover, most participants supported the pursuit of a paramedic career by women, considering cultural limitations. Our questionnaire included a suggestion box, in which participants could suggest limitations such as restricting the roles of female paramedic to women-only areas such as schools, colleges, and women’s health centers. Other participants highlighted the professional dress code and suggested that it should be modest, in accordance with the Islamic re- ligion and traditions of the KSA. Further, participants listed some factors that could affect women’s ability, such as physical fitness, emotional liability, and the ability to work within an uncontrolled crowd. These suggestions indicated that the public is aware of the occupational hazards, particularly those faced by fe- Fig. 2 Preference for care provided by female paramedics in Saudi Arabia male paramedics, in accordance with previous studies Alharthy et al. International Journal of Emergency Medicine (2018) 11:57 Page 5 of 5

Table 2 Comparison of mean scores between medical and nonmedical participants/other medical respondents and paramedic Group Mean ± standard deviation Test used Test statistic P value Medical 1.563 ± 0.664 Mann-Whitney test U = 10,189 .009 Nonmedical 1.435 ± 0.788 Other medical 1.513 ± 0.595 Mann-Whitney test U = 2060 .482 Paramedic 1.636 ± 0.754 that identified sex as a risk factor for post-traumatic Consent for publication stress disorder and occupational violence [12, 13]. Not applicable A local review of the evolution of EMSs in the KSA Competing interests showed that, despite advances in recent years, consider- The authors declare that they have no competing interests. able opportunities remain for further improvement, particularly through increased public awareness and en- Publisher’sNote hanced paramedic education [14]. Our study is unique Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. in that we used a survey to assess public knowledge of and agreement with the existence of female paramedics, Author details 1 as this issue contributes to public concerns regarding College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, P.O. Box 22490, Riyadh 11426, Saudi Arabia. 2Pediatrics sex preferences. Despite the paucity of existing litera- Emergency Department, King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. ture, we examined public perception of female para- 3Emergency Medical Services Program, College of Applied Medical Sciences, medics. 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