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April 2010

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Abstract Submission and Registration Opening Soon!

September 30 – October 4, 2010

Transcriptional Regulation by Chromatin and RNA Polymerase II Granlibakken Resort, Tahoe City, CA Organizer: Ali Shilatifard Stowers Institute for Medical Research

October 14 – October 17, 2010

Biochemistry and Cell Biology Of ESCRTs in Health and Disease Snowbird Resort, Snowbird, UT Organizer: James Hurley National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Phyllis Hanson Washington University School of Medicine

October 21 – October 24, 2010

Detection and Physiological Evaluation Granlibakken Resort, Tahoe City, CA Organizer: Katalin Medzihradszky University of California, San Francisco Gerald Hart Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

October 28 – October 31, 2010

Secretory and Endocytic Pathways Granlibakken Resort, Tahoe City, CA Organizer: School of Medicine Vivek Malhotra Center for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain contents April 2010 On the cover: Read about the work of Jorge Cham, society news our cover artist, 2 Letters to the Editor and other science cartoons. 16 4 President’s Message Cover image reprinted with permission from Jorge Cham. 6 News from the Hill 9 Washington Update 10 ASBMB Journal Innovations 11 ASBMB Announces Diversity in Science Award 12 Retrospective: Philip Siekevitz (1918 – 2009) Social Media at the Annual Meeting. 13 Retrospective: 23 Marshall Nirenberg (1927 – 2010) 14 Member Spotlight feature stories 16 The Graduate Student Experience, In Four Panels

2010 annual meeting 20 Getting the Most Out of the Annual Meeting 22 Back by Popular Demand: The Annual Meeting Compendia in every issue 23 Sci.comm The ASBMB 2010 special symposia lineup. 28 24 Education 27 Minority Affairs 28 Meetings 32 BioBits asbmb today online 34 Career Insights In this month’s podcast, you can hear JBC Associate Editor Dale Benos talk about a new 36 Lipid News thematic minireview series he is coordinating on the biochemistry of hypertension. To hear this and other podcasts, go to

April 2010 ASBMB Today 1 letters to the editor A monthly publication of The American Society for harm— ironically one of the main rea- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Advice and sons he was chosen to head the ACMD. Officers According to the now ex-chief of the Gregory A. Petsko President Dissent Suzanne R. Pfeffer President-Elect ACMD, he got approval of both the Mark A. Lemmon Secretary lecture slides and text from the relevant Merle S. Olson Treasurer Dear Editor, I would start by saying that “El government department ( Council Members Dafna Bar-Sagi Ruma V. Banerjee Presidente’s” messages are one of the cGo8UV). The lecture was in the public Benjamin F. Cravatt Joan A. Steitz reasons I browse ASBMB Today. I not domain in July 2009, and the sacking Thomas E. Smith Ann M. Stock James A. Wells Adrian Whitty only find myself generally in agree- did not occur until it was published as a briefing pamphlet by the organizers Ex-Officio Members ment with the opinions expressed in Ellis Bell his messages on various subjects, but I at the CCJS in October 2009 (which, I Chair, Education and Professional Development Committee also enjoy his refreshing outspokenness guess, if it had not been at the center Joan W. Conaway on controversial issues (such as on the of the sacking, would have been read Chair, Meetings Committee John D. Scott financial crisis and big pharma, ASBMB by fewer readers than those of ASBMB Chair, Membership Committee Today, May 2009) and his tendency to Today). Craig E. Cameron Chair, Minority Affairs Committee tell the truth to power (i.e., his critiques The transcript (, Laurie S. Kaguni of the former U.S. administration). I which is not bedtime reading, is evi- 2010 Annual Meeting Program Coordinator William C. Merrick was, therefore, surprised to see coy- dently meant for connoisseurs and the Chair, Public Affairs Advisory Committee ness and a nod about the actualité highly referenced. It appears that the Toni M. Antalis Chair, Publications Committee politique from the United Kingdom— assessment that Nutt had delved into Herbert Tabor namely the dismissal of the chief of policy and politics rather than sticking Editor, JBC Ralph A. Bradshaw the Advisory Council on the Misuse of to science (a judgment both the home A. L. Burlingame Drugs (ASBMB Today, Dec. 2009). This secretary and Petsko seem to arrive at) Co-editors, MCP Edward A. Dennis particular case, in my view, is an issue is the result of the last paragraph of the Joseph L. Witztum of academic freedom. It ought to be lecture: Co-editors, JLR an important freedom, particularly for “Another key question we have to ASBMB Today Editorial Advisory Board Alex Toker scientists who advise politicians, and, in address as a society is whether our Chair my view, distinguishes them from being attitude to drugs is driven because of Greg P. Bertenshaw Craig E. Cameron A. Stephen Dahms Irwin Fridovich perceived as politicians. their harms or are we engaging in a Jonathan Gitlin Richard W. Hanson The purpose of my letter is not to moral debate? One thing this govern- Elizabeth A. Komives Bettie Sue Masters ment has done extremely well in the Luke A. O’Neill Duanqing Pei defend David Nutt, who, I am sure, is Carol C. Shoulders Robert D. Wells more than capable of his own defense. last ten years is to cut away much of the ASBMB Today I also do not wish to speculate on moral argument about drug treatments. Nicole Kresge Editor why the home secretary of the United They have moved in the direction of [email protected] Kingdom government decided Nutt was improving access to harm-reduction Nick Zagorski Science Writer [email protected] surplus to requirement. I am writing treatments, an approach that, I think, is Nancy J. Rodnan Director of Publications because I disagree with the implica- wholly endorsed by the scientific com- [email protected] tion of the president’s message that munity and by the medical profession. Barbara Gordon Executive Director [email protected] somehow there are clear dividing lines For reasons that are not clear, the same

Magazine design & production: Amy Phifer between scientific assessment and pol- evidence-based change has not hap- icy advice, particularly when the public pened in relation to the classification For information on advertising, contact Capitol Media Solutions at 800-517-0610 perception of risk and risk assessment of drugs of misuse. I think it should or [email protected] are under consideration. happen, because, while I’m not a moral The reasons given for sacking Nutt philosopher, it seems to me difficult to are in the public domain: publication of defend a moral argument in relation an academic lecture given to the Center to drugs if you don’t apply it to other for Crime and Justice Studies at Kings equally harmful activities.” College, London, in July 2009. Nutt In the context of a lecture that pur- gave the lecture in his capacity as an ports to identify and compare various expert in the area of drug misuse and risks and harm (including devising a

2 ASBMB Today April 2010 letters to the editor

drugs harm ranking), and the audience scientific and religious thought. districts, to give them the information to which it was delivered, I leave it to I feel that we should be doing they need to make science current and the readers of ASBMB Today to decide something to engage the public, to let relevant to their students. I believe that if the offending paragraph is reason them know about the excitement and it is incumbent upon us to engage the enough to justify having an “agenda,” fascination of science. If every college public in this dialogue. In our experi- as Petsko suggests. The debate about and university in the country were to ence, the faculty members are elated to risks afflicting modern existence is develop a lecture series focused on engage in this sort of outreach, and, in fraught with irrationality and politics. science for the public, it would advance our neck of the world, at least, we are It could do without sane, rational men our cause enormously. having great success. advocating for more of its politiciza- Here, in inland Southern Califor- Thomas O. Baldwin tion. I would finish by quoting from nia, where I landed 18 months ago, Dean, College of Natural and the condemned man’s lecture: “I think religious conservatives make up a Agricultural Sciences we need to improve the general under- significant percentage of the popula- University of California, Riverside standing of relative harms. I think we tion. Shortly after arriving, I chal- need to educate people about drug lenged our faculty members to develop harms in relation to the harms of other a five-lecture series on the science Erratum: activities in life, so that it is possible for of evolution. The faculty members The final paragraph in the March them to make sensible decisions about initially were concerned that the public Lipid News article “The Unmask- relative harms.” would either torch the campus or just ing of Plasmalogens: Chlorinated Aamir Ahmed not show up. They wanted to hold the Lipids” contains some factual University College London lectures in a small classroom since they errors. The corrected paragraph were sure that no more than 20 people should read: would attend. I insisted that we use the “In the future, we should university theater, which seats about Engaging consider the significance of the 500. As it turned out, the series was accumulation of chlorinated lipids the Public standing-room-only— people literally filled the aisles— at all five lectures. No produced in humans due to envi- Dear Editor, creationists made grandstand appear- ronmental exposure to RCS (e.g., A recent article in the Texas Tribune ances. Our only demonstrators were cleaning with bleach and exposure reported on a survey revealing that a group of atheists who showed up in swimming pools). Additionally, 51 percent of Texans don’t believe in expecting a fight (wanting to help us, I another oxidant cannon is fired as evolution, and 30 percent believe that suppose). hypobromous acid by eosinophils dinosaurs and humans lived at the The series was so popular that it is and their peroxidase. Yes, parallel same time. Ignorance of basic scientific being replayed this year at our Palm pathways exist for brominated principles has been a national problem Desert campus. I went to one lecture; lipid species produced by acti- for generations, and it isn’t getting once again, the room was completely vated eosinophils. Furthermore, any better. Willingness to embrace the full of people wanting to learn. It was check out the ingredients of some mystical to explain natural phenomena inspiring. This spring, we are doing a soft drinks and sports drinks that seems to be on the increase. series on global climate change. Again, include brominated vegetable oil. I think that we scientists are to we will have five lectures on topics Not only do we produce these blame for much of this lack of scientific ranging from “how we know what we halogenated lipids as a result of understanding. We take the taxpay- think we know” to “how will agri- the cannons of the innate immune ers’ dollars and have a lot of fun doing culture adapt to the changes that we system, but we are likely march- great science, but we seldom take the predict.” time to tell the taxpayers what we The core of these series is the sci- ing through this battlefield with have learned in language that they can ence. No magic, no big words, just sim- self-inflicted daily environmental understand. Most people do not under- ple logic. Intelligent but uninformed and nutritional exposure to reac- stand what science is, let alone what people can understand this stuff. We tive halogenating species and their it is not, and they do not understand are particularly trying to draw in sci- halogenated lipid products.” the fundamental difference between ence teachers from the local school

April 2010 ASBMB Today 3 president’smessage Lost in Translation* By Gregory A. Petsko

rancis Collins, the director of the National Insti- biomedical research into therapies Ftutes of Health (who, I might add, has got off to an for human disease. Many of the big excellent start), made a somewhat provocative remark science projects that I regard as not after assuming his new position last year. Interviewed worth continuing, like the structural for The New York Times in October (Oct. 5, 2009; genomics initiative, aim to advance fundamental knowl-, Collins is quoted as saying, “We’re edge rather than produce direct health benefits, and not the National Institutes of Basic Sciences; we’re the many of the others, like the effort to associate common National Institutes of Health.” This remark came in the genomic polymorphisms with risk for disease, are simply context of Collins’ declared wish to encourage academic not likely to produce significant health benefits no matter researchers to consider commercializing their ideas or pur- their intentions. suing drug development in universities, given the increas- I have no problem with good science, whether it’s ingly barren state of pharmaceutical company labs. large or small, although, I do believe we always must This reminded me of an article I read some time ago, have both sizes and that research driven by the curios- with which I largely agreed, but which made me hop- ity of the individual investigator should be the predomi- ping mad at the same time. It was “Big Biology Is Here nant kind we support. I agreed with Wiley (and Collins), to Stay” by Steven Wiley, a Pacific Northwest National because they were, in fact, making a case for good sci- Laboratory fellow and director of PNNL’s Biomolecu- ence aimed directly at finding cures versus science aimed lar Systems Initiative, and appeared in The Scientist at expanding our basic knowledge of biology— in other ( Subtitled “Why R01-funded Biolo- words, translational research versus basic research. And, gists Should Throw Their Support behind Large-scale that is also precisely why the Wiley article (and the Collins Science Projects,” the premise of the article was that remark) made me angry. It wasn’t what they said. It was “The business of the National Institutes of Health is to the way they chose to talk about it. fund research that improves people’s health, not fund I hate translational research. Now, before you either our personal research projects.” In the article, Wiley applaud or burst a blood vessel, you should know confesses that he originally thought the Human Genome something else: I also hate basic research. Or, to be Project would be a waste of money but now thinks “we precise, I hate the terms “translational research” and were all wrong.” He goes on to say that “Starting new, “basic research.” If there’s a theme, besides the transfor- large-scale research projects was a clear demonstration mative nature of the age of genomics, that runs through that NIH was willing to try new approaches to acceler- the columns I’ve written for the past 10 years, it’s that ate biomedical research… trying to shift funds away from the words we use to describe something are incredibly these large projects will ensure that they do fail, and will important and often get us into all kinds of trouble. We be self-defeating in the long run. We’d better hope these should never have used “therapeutic cloning” to describe projects are successful, and we should do all we can to somatic cell nuclear transfer; having the word “cloning” help them.” in there allowed religious fundamentalists to define the Now, given my well-known views on the ascendancy terms of the debate about embryonic stem cells. We of big science over little science and the increasing ten- should not have let the term “chemical” become a pejora- dency to direct research from the top down by bureau- tive. “Global warming” is a poor phrase to rouse people cratically initiated programs, you may be wondering why to change their ways of life— “climate crisis” might have I say that I largely agree with Wiley’s sentiments. The been much better (and also would have had the virtue of reason is that neither Wiley’s column nor Collins’ remark being alliterative). But, of all the poorly chosen words in really was about big science in the sense that I mean recent scientific history, few are as bad as “translational it. I dislike large-scale, top-down programs; they are research” and “basic research.” referring to projects aimed at translating the findings of How did we allow this purely artificial distinction to

4 ASBMB Today April 2010 president’smessage

dominate our discussion of funding priorities? It’s every- the public that you have to support the Barney Rosen- thing we should avoid. It sets up a dichotomy that is bergs of the world doing things just to satisfy their own bound to confuse the public; it divides us into two war- curiosity to get the cures you want? At least the way ring camps, competing for attention and resources; and it Collins and Wiley talk about research, you can piggy- implies, falsely, that there may be a difference in value in back support for basic research onto the flood of money the kind of work that we do based on its intent. coming in for translating discoveries into therapies. If you We should make this our mantra as life scientists: can’t talk about the two parts of the enterprise that way, There is no such thing as basic research and no such how do you get support for it at all?” thing as translational research. There is only research. The answer, I think, is that we haven’t been making Period. If we must put an adjective in front of it, then let’s the argument for the support of biomedical research as use “biomedical.” But we simply have to stop talking well as we could. Wiley is wrong when he says, “The about our science as though there were different versions business of the NIH is to fund research that improves of it, with different objectives and different implicit worth. people’s health, not fund our personal research projects.” Do you really think that what is called basic research The business of the NIH is to fund both, because they are could exist if the public and its elected officials did not the same thing. But how do we get that point across? believe they would ultimately derive some benefit from it? Next month, I’ll tell you. And what would translational research have to translate if no new fundamental discoveries were made? These two *This article originally appeared in Genome Biology (2010) 11, 107 and was reprinted with permission from BioMed Central. feuding city-states need each other and ought to be united in common cause against the invading empire of igno- rance, superstition and anti-intellectualism. But more than that: They shouldn’t be separate states in the first place. We simply have to stop talking about research as though there were two kinds. There aren’t. When we start to use those divisive terms, we have to check ourselves. ENDO When a scientific official like Collins uses them, we have to urge him not to do so. And we have to make peace within our own community, with both sides in the cur- rent dispute recognizing not only that they need each Job Fair other to survive but that our enterprise is seamless— a continuum from the most basic discovery to its most JUNE 18 - JUNE 21, 2010 practical application. If Barnett Rosenberg hadn’t won- SAN DIEGO, CA CONVENTION CENTER dered what would happen to Escherichia coli cells when E M P L O Y E R S they were placed in an electric field, we never would have • Post jobs on our web site known that cisplatin, which doesn’t have a single atom of • Receive CVs from all registered candidates carbon in it, was a drug that could block cell growth and • Conduct interviews on-site division. But if a number of other scientists hadn’t worked C A N D I D A T E S with him to follow the implications of that observation and • Post your CV on our web site • Receive job descriptions from all registered employers test cisplatin on cancer models in animals, and then to • Participate in interviews on-site fight for its eventual testing on people, testicular cancer Attendance at ENDO 10 is not required. would not be a curable disease, and Lance Armstrong probably would be dead. There is no basic research and no translational research; there is only research, in all of its frustrating, expensive, confusing magnificence. Why should we take one of the greatest monuments to the human spirit and turn it into the Balkans? For more information, visit But, if you agree with me, and I hope you do, you are or call 800-361-3906 probably wondering, “Well how, then, can we explain to

April 2010 ASBMB Today 5 news from the hill Life Sciences and the Issues of Our Time A Public Affairs Symposium You Won’t Want to Miss BY PETER FARNHAM

ontinuing its tradition of staging a premiere sympo- A fourth speaker is being recruited; please visit the Csium on a major public policy issue at each annual ASBMB meeting Web site or the ASBMB Today Web site meeting, the American Society for Biochemistry and for an update. Molecular Biology’s Public Affairs Advisory Committee The NRC report focused on food, the environment, has decided to go global at Experimental Biology 2010 in energy and human health. The ASBMB symposium will Anaheim, Calif., by sponsoring a symposium titled “Life examine ways to meet the challenges outlined in the Sciences and the Issues of Our Time.” report: The symposium’s theme consists of recommenda- • Generate food plants to adapt and grow sus- tions from the National Research Council’s report “A tainably in changing environments. The result will be New Biology for the 21st Century: Ensuring the United a body of knowledge and new tools, technologies and States Leads the Coming Biology Revolution.” The report, approaches that will make it possible to adapt all sorts released this past fall, examined how recent technological of crops for efficient production under different condi- and scientific advances in biological science and the grow- tions, which would help feed a growing world population. ing interdisciplinary collaborations between scientists and • Understand and sustain ecosystem function engineers can be applied to solve major, interrelated and, and biodiversity in the face of rapid change. More heretofore, largely intractable problems confronting a world knowledge and new tools and technologies are needed with declining resources and a growing population. to understand how ecosystems function, to measure The Public Affairs Advisory Committee has arranged ecosystem services, to allow their restoration if dam- a stellar lineup of speakers, starting with the symposium aged and to minimize harmful impacts of human activities chair, Phillip Sharp of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- and climate change. An integrated approach is needed, nology. Sharp, a Nobel laureate, was co-chair of the NRC involving biology, ecology, climatology, hydrology, soil report. (The report’s other co-chairman, Keith Yamamoto science; environmental, civil and system engineering; of the University of California, San Francisco, is a member mathematical modeling techniques and computational of the Public Affairs Advisory Committee and a longtime science. This integration could generate breakthroughs in public citizen of science, serving on numerous National monitoring ecosystem function, identifying ecosystems at Institutes of Health, scientific society and NRC panels.) risk and developing effective interventions to protect and restore ecosystem function. Other speakers include: • Expand sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels. • , a plant biologist at The Pennsylvania Making efficient use of biomass to make biofuels is a sys- State University and longtime ASBMB member, who currently serves as science and technology adviser tems challenge, and this is another example of an area in to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. It also was which the New Biology can make a critical contribution. announced recently that Fedoroff is president-elect of the At its simplest, the system consists of a plant that serves American Association for the Advancement of Science. as the source of cellulose and an industrial process that • Catherine Woteki, a former senior official in the turns the cellulose into a useful product. There are many U.S. Department of Agriculture during the Clinton points in the system that can be optimized. The New administration, who is now a senior executive with Mars Biology offers the possibility of advancing the fundamen- Inc. and is an active member of the American Society for Nutrition. tal knowledge, tools and technology needed to optimize the system by tackling the challenge comprehensively. • Gary Stacy, a plant biologist at the University of Missouri, who chairs the public affairs committee of the American • Understand individual health. The goal of a New Society of Plant Biologists and the Department of Biology approach to health is to make it possible to Energy’s Biological and Environmental Research Advisory monitor an individual’s health and treat any malfunction in Committee. a manner that is tailored to that individual. Between the

6 ASBMB Today April 2010 news from the hill

starting point of an individual’s genome sequence and The symposium will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m., the endpoint of an individual’s health is a web of interact- Sunday, April 25, in room 304A of the Anaheim Conven- ing networks of staggering complexity. The New Biology tion Center. can speed up fundamental understanding of the systems that underlie health, help develop tools and technologies that will lead to more efficient development of therapeu- Peter Farnham ([email protected]) is director of public tics and enable individualized, predictive medicine. affairs at ASBMB.


n 2007, Congress passed a landmark package of “The America COMPETES Act absolutely is vital to Ilegislation, known as the America COMPETES Act, to ensuring future U.S. innovation leadership and prosperity strengthen the nation’s competitive position by stimulat- and security for America’s workers,” said John Castellani, ing scientific research and education. The provisions president of Business Roundtable. redefined the roles of several federal science agencies.1 Business leaders emphasized the importance of provi- Although many of the COMPETES Act programs are sions that would allow for the doubling of the budgets of just beginning, the House Science and Technology Com- key science agencies. mittee already has begun the process of reauthorizing the John Engler, president and chief executive officer legislation before it expires at the end of 2010. Hoping to of the National Association of Manufacturers, said that improve upon the previous bill, the committee has held doubling federal funding for the National Science Foun- numerous hearings since January on various aspects of dation, National Institute of Standards and Technology COMPETES, including its impact on the economy, sci- and the Department of Energy’s Office of Science would ence education and infrastructure. create jobs by building the infrastructure necessary for cutting-edge science and by funding grants that help Economic Impact spur innovation. There appears to be broad consensus among members of Congress that COMPETES is contributing positively to Education America’s economic competitiveness. In testimony before Business leaders also emphasized the importance of the committee on Jan. 20, business leaders expressed COMPETES in promoting education in science, technol- their support for the legislation.2 ogy, engineering and math, or STEM.

April 2010 ASBMB Today 7 news from the hill continued By focusing on increasing the number of American and graduate education. Specifically, he acknowledged students proficient in STEM, “this legislation is moving the NSF’s faculty early-career development program, America in the right direction,” said Thomas J. Dono- known as CAREER, which provides awards for early- hue, president and chief executive officer of the U.S. stage faculty members who successfully integrate Chamber of Commerce, on Jan. 20. research and teaching. During a subsequent hearing on Feb. 4, education experts agreed but recognized the challenges fac- Infrastructure ing STEM education.3 Richard Stephens, senior vice According to senior officials from major research president for human resources at Boeing and chairman institutions, America’s competitiveness also is suffer- of the Aerospace Industries Association work force- ing because of declines in research infrastructure at steering committee, described the attrition of students universities.4 from undergraduate STEM majors and highlighted the “Our nation’s research universities are falling behind dearth of qualified candidates for science and engi- in their ability to provide the physical infrastructure” that neering jobs. is vital to research, said Leslie Tolbert, vice president But, there was no clear consensus about the solu- for research at University of Arizona. tion to STEM education woes. During the committee’s hearing on university infra- Noah Finkelstein, associate professor of physics structure Feb. 23, U.S. Rep. Daniel Lipinski, D-Ill., said education research at the University of Colorado at universities are deferring $3.5 billion in needed renova- Boulder, said that traditional models of classroom edu- tions. Tolbert and other officials concurred, listing hun- cation are no longer appropriate. Although researchers dreds of millions in needed facility updates at each of now know how to improve student learning, new prac- their institutions and detailing their effects on research. tices are not widespread, and more research is needed The NSF provides limited support for univer- to disseminate educational reforms, Finkelstein said. sity infrastructure through programs like the Major Robert Mathieu, director of the Center for the Research Instrumentation program,5 but concern for an Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning at the expanded federal role in providing for research infra- University of Wisconsin-Madison, advocated for the structure was expressed on both sides of the aisle. integration of research and teaching in undergraduate Noting that the NSF’s expertise was in support- ing peer-reviewed, basic research, U.S. Rep. Vernon Ehlers, R-Mich., said that it was not clear that agencies Highlights from the Blotter like the NSF had the knowledge to judge proposals for specialized facilities. The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Policy Blotter posts regular news and commentary about cur- Going Forward rent science-policy issues. Below are some recent highlights. Reauthorizing America COMPETES is the com- You can read more at mittee’s top legislative priority,6 and Chairman Bart • University Infrastructure: Declines and Dollars Gordon, D-Tenn., said he aims to pass the legislation ( During the House Science and through the House by Memorial Day. Using input from Technology Committee’s hearing Feb. 23, senior officials the witnesses at these and other hearings, “the new from major research institutions highlighted declines in legislation is likely to include new programs and policy research infrastructure at universities. direction at NSF, NIST and other agencies relating to • Help Wanted: Federal Science Policy Leaders transformative research innovation, commercialization ( In recent weeks, several and manufacturing,” the committee said in a state- prominent leaders in the science-policy community have ment. announced they will be leaving their positions. • Former FASEB Staffer to Join NIH Leadership Kyle M. Brown ([email protected]) is an ASBMB science ( Pat White, former director policy fellow. of legislative relations for the Federation of American Footnotes Societies for Experimental Biology, has been appointed 1. associate director for legislative policy and analysis at the 2. 3. National Institutes of Health. 4. 5. 6.

8 ASBMB Today April 2010 washington update FASEB Report Finds Summer Research Is a Positive Experience BY JENNIFER A. HOBIN Research Experience Important to Decision to Pursue Further Science Study he Federation of American Societies for Experimen- 100% Ttal Biology recently released a report highlighting the outcomes of an American Recovery and Reinvest- 80% ment Act-funded National Institutes of Health summer 60% research program that enabled NIH-funded investiga- tors to provide hands-on research opportunities to 40% thousands of students and science teachers across the 20% country. The report, “Stimulating Science Education: NIH Summer Research Program Engages Students 0% and Teachers in Science,” is based on a survey of High school Undergraduate more than 600 students and teachers. It found that, students students in addition to creating jobs and advancing research, A majority of high school and undergraduate students indicated the program encouraged students to pursue health- that their summer research experience played an important role in their decision to further their science education. science careers and provided learning and professional development opportunities to science educators. The primary goal of the Recovery Act was to jump- experience was an important factor in that decision. start the economy by creating and preserving jobs Many teachers said they expected to be able to while advancing national priorities, such as improving integrate what they learned during the summer into health and education. NIH allocated $28 million of its their teaching by creating new or revised educational ARRA funds for the Summer Research Experiences content and hands-on learning activities, introducing for Students and Science Educators program, funding new technologies into their labs and classrooms and nearly 3,000 summer jobs in 2009, including positions raising educational standards. They said the experi- for 427 high school students, 2,132 college students ence also gave them more confidence in discussing and 399 science teachers. science careers and related jobs with their students. Students report being able to participate in a variety Science educators also expected the program to of activities, such as presenting research at confer- benefit them professionally by expanding their network ences and writing research reports for publication. of scientists and educators, helping them to identify Roughly half of the undergraduates received advice additional scientific and educational opportunities and about scientific careers or attending graduate school. preparing them for new leadership responsibilities in Both college and high school students reported their school districts. The vast majority of teachers who that it taught them what a career in research is about, responded to the survey reported that they were likely strengthened their research and laboratory skills and to pursue another research opportunity if given the broadened their understanding of scientific literature. chance. The opportunity also boosted their self-confidence and their ability to work independently. Jennifer A. Hobin ([email protected]) is associate director for More than three-quarters of high school student scientific affairs for the Office of Public Affairs at FASEB. respondents planning to major in science reported that their summer research experience played an important role in that decision (Figure 1). Likewise, 66 percent of For more information: undergraduates planning to pursue master’s or doc- To read FASEB’s full report, go to toral degrees in science indicated that their research

April 2010 ASBMB Today 9 asbmbnews ASBMB Journal Innovations BY SARAH CRESPI

his winter, the American Society for Biochemistry and and abstract, improved fonts and formatting plus quick TMolecular Biology’s Journal of Lipid Research and previous/next links to scan by article section make it easy Molecular and Cellular Proteomics both received new to cover an article quickly. homepages, and several new features appeared on their • Reference preview: Hover over a numbered reference in Web sites. The Journal of Biological Chemistry’s Web the full text of an article and get a quick look at the cited author and publication date. site underwent major changes in the fall and continues to evolve. Readers also will find it easier to access MCP’s special collections, which are now linked from the top of all pages JLR Adds Collections in the Web site. In the JLR, you can find new collection pages, such as MCP became an online-only journal in January 2010. Thematic Reviews, Methods Papers, Commentaries and Issues and articles are available as print-on-demand pack- Patient-oriented Papers. The journal’s past series, such as ages. MCP’s online-only format has opened up a new era the 50th Anniversary Compendium, and ongoing thematic for the journal’s cover. Currently, the journal has an ani- series also have a new home at mated cover image. In the future, the options may expand You also can see the JLR-sponsored lectures from 2009 to include interactive graphics. and upcoming lectures for 2010 at about. The journal will undergo updates at the article level JBC Changes TOC and More later this spring. For a sneak peek at the changes in store The JBC’s new table of contents categories are now live. for the JLR Web site, see the latest changes to the MCP You can learn more about these changes in the article Web site below. “JBC: A Call for Papers and a Modest Course Adjustment” in the MCP Switches Platforms January issue of ASBMB Today. MCP got more than just a The new sections are listed here: facelift. In conjunction with its online-content host, HighWire, In response to the increas- MCP has overhauled its Web site ing interdisciplinary nature of to improve navigation and the research, authors also can select user experience. more than one section heading Behind the scenes, we have for an article. If you’d like to keep updated the content encoding up with your favorite topic, you to XML, which allows for more can subscribe to RSS feeds of nimble transitions between dis- the new JBC sections through the plays and meets international standards for accessibility. JBC site or through Amazon for the Kindle. (Search the The articles and table of contents pages offer several Kindle store for “JBC.”) new features: Finally, the JBC now allows authors to use non- • Abstract preview: “Mouse-over” the table of contents Latin characters for their names in article PDFs. (See an and search results pages and get an instant pop-up example at Only characters that preview of the article abstract – without leaving the can be encoded in Unicode, such as Chinese, Japanese, page. Korean and Arabic, are acceptable. At this time, these • Figure expansion: Figure and table thumbnails can be characters are not displayed in the HTML version of enlarged from within the article. the article. • Tag-along navigation: The navigation box follows alongside as the reader scrolls down the article page. Sarah Crespi ([email protected]) is a multimedia • Easier scanning and reading: Better positioning of the title communications specialist at ASBMB.

10 ASBMB Today April 2010 asbmbnews ASBMB Announces Diversity in Science Award BY NICOLE KRESGE

he American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular instant role models to young scientists. TBiology recently announced the creation of a Diver- “As we enter the new millennium and appreciate the sity in Science Award for 2011. abundance of scientific progress made during the last According to the ASBMB Minority Affairs Committee, century, we must take heed that the extent of partici- which established it, “the award will be given to an out- pation in the scientific enterprise by certain groups is standing scientist who has shown a strong commitment regrettably far below the level commensurate with their to the encouragement of underrepresented minorities representation in the general population,” the Minor- to enter the scientific enterprise and/or to the effective ity Affairs Committee said in a statement. “This lack of mentorship of those within it.” representation, of course, is unhealthy for the prosperity The annual award will consist of a plaque, a cash and best interests of our country, as well as for science prize and transportation expenses to present a lecture at in general. We recognize that the ability to engage this the ASBMB annual meeting. The recipient, who need not underrepresented sector of our work force will require, be an ASBMB member, will be selected by the Minority among other interventions, proper mentorship, particu- Affairs Committee. Although the recipient can be from larly by those with whom this sector shares close ethnic any racial or ethnic background, the committee hopes or cultural ties.” that many candidates and future recipients will be from backgrounds underrepresented in the science, technol- Nicole Kresge ([email protected]) is the editor of ASBMB ogy, engineering and mathematics fields, serving as Today.

April 2010 ASBMB Today 11 asbmbnews Retrospective: Philip Siekevitz (1918– 2009) BY NICOLE KRESGE

hilip Siekevitz, a pioneer in cell biology and lumen, finally appearing in the zymogen gran- Pa professor emeritus at The Rockefeller ules that were secreted into the lumen of the University, passed away Dec. 5 at age 91. intestine. Siekevitz was born in Philadelphia Next, Siekevitz and Palade became (1918) and attended the Philadelphia interested in membrane formation College of Pharmacy and Science. and found that various microsomal He became interested in biochem- enzymes had different time courses istry and wanted to go to graduate of appearance in the endoplasmic school, but he was drafted into the reticulum. They demonstrated that Army in his final year of college. there is a turnover of enzymes in the He managed to defer for a year endoplasmic reticulum, with each and graduated in 1942. protein having a characteristic half- After almost four years of life. From this, they inferred the pres- service, Siekevitz enrolled at the ence of a substructure where newly University of California, Berkeley. synthesized enzymes were deposited. Working with David Greenberg, he Also, with Rachele Maggio, they car- studied amino acid metabolism and ried out the first systematic fractionation became one of the first to use radioactive of nuclei, leading to a clean separation of amino acids to look at in vitro protein synthe- nucleoli and nucleoplasm that enabled a new sis using cells and tissue slices. era of biochemical investigation of the nucleus. Siekevitz earned his doctorate in biochemistry in 1949. As an independent member of the Rockefeller faculty, He then joined ’s laboratory at Harvard’s Siekevitz changed the focus of his research to the nervous Massachusetts General Hospital, where he collaborated system and the events that occur at the neural synapse. with Fritz Lipmann, studying mitochondrial biochemistry. By chance, he discovered postsynaptic density, a finding While at Harvard, Siekevitz was among the first to use made a year earlier by Carl Cotman, and became con- subcellular fractions, microsomes, mitochondria and nuclei vinced that the density represented a separate subcellular to look at protein synthesis. Previously, this was done with structure that underlies the postsynaptic membrane. For whole homogenates or tissue slices. His work at Mass the next 16 years, Siekevitz and his colleagues incisively General played an early role in Zamecnik’s successful studied postsynaptic density, determining which proteins development of a system for cell-free protein synthesis. were attached to it. He retired from Rockefeller in 1988. In 1951, Siekevitz became a postdoctoral fellow in Van Siekevitz was elected to the National Academy of Sci- R. Potter’s laboratory at the University of Wisconsin, Madi- ences in 1975 and became the president of the American son, where he studied the regulation of energy metabolism Society for Cell Biology in 1966 and president of the New in mitochondria. York Academy of Sciences in 1976. He was an advocate Three years later, George Palade invited Siekevitz to of the social responsibilities of scientists and a founding work with him at Rockefeller University. He and Palade member of the New York Scientists Committee for Public spent the next 20 years as colleagues. The pair first Information. He was also co-author of one of the first studied the pancreas as a system for protein synthesis textbooks on cell biology, Cell Structure and Function, and secretion and, using radioactive amino acids, showed published in 1963. that the secretory enzymes of the pancreas were first synthesized on ribosomes and then transported across Nicole Kresge ([email protected]) is editor of ASBMB Today. the endoplasmic reticulum membrane into the organelle’s Photo courtesy of Rockefeller University.

12 ASBMB Today April 2010 asbmbnews Retrospective: Marshall Nirenberg (1927– 2010) BY NICOLE KRESGE

arshall Warren Nirenberg, a Nobel Prize- of Biochemistry in Moscow in 1961, but his Mwinning biochemist and geneticist, died talk was largely ignored. Luckily, one of the Jan. 15. He was the first federal employee audience members persuaded the confer- to win a Nobel Prize in physiology or ence leaders to let Nirenberg repeat his medicine, sharing the honor in 1968 lecture in front of a larger audience, with and Robert and, speaking before more than a W. Holley “for their interpretation of thousand people, Nirenberg con- the genetic code and its function in vinced the crowd his findings were protein synthesis.” legitimate. Nirenberg was born in New York Once he made his techniques City in 1927. Early on, he devel- public, Nirenberg set about figur- oped an interest in biology and ing out more of the genetic code. attended the University of Florida But, he had dozens of codons left at Gainesville, earning a Bachelor’s to decipher and was competing of Science in 1948 and a Master of against larger, better-equipped labs. Science in zoology in 1952. During this Faced with the possibility of help- time, he also developed an interest in ing the first NIH scientist win a Nobel biochemistry, which influenced his deci- Prize, many NIH scientists put aside their sion to pursue a doctorate with James Hogg own work to help Nirenberg, and, by 1965, in the department of biological chemistry at the Nirenberg and his colleagues had created a University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Nirenberg received 64-square table containing the genetic code. his degree in 1957. Nirenberg continued to make significant discoveries After graduating, Nirenberg moved to Bethesda, Md., in neurobiology and genetics, studying gene expression, to work at the National Institutes of Health, where he stem-cell differentiation and nervous-system development. would spend the rest of his scientific career. He first did a In addition to the Nobel Prize, he received many awards postdoctoral fellowship with DeWitt Stetten Jr. and William and honors, including the National Medal of Science in Jakoby at the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic 1966 and the National Medal of Honor in 1968. Diseases. Then, in 1960, he became a research biochem- “Despite his reputation for modesty, Dr. Nirenberg ist in the section of metabolic enzymes, headed by Gordon inspired generations of students and scholars who Tompkins. Two years later, he became head of the labora- devoted their careers to studying the ‘code of life,’ genet- tory of biochemical genetics at the National Heart, Lung ics and neurobiology,” said Francis S. Collins, director and Blood Institute. of the NIH. “He not only was a scientist’s scientist, but a Initially, Nirenberg studied sugar transport, glycogen mentor’s mentor. During his life, he was awarded virtu- metabolism and enzyme purification, but he soon changed ally every high honor reserved for science and medicine. his focus to protein synthesis. Working with plant physiolo- Just last fall, in an occasion marked by a symposium in gist Heinrich Matthei, Nirenberg developed a system to his honor, the American Chemical Society designated Dr. observe protein synthesis in vitro and was able to dem- Nirenberg’s work as a National Historic Chemical Land- onstrate the existence of mRNA. The system also allowed mark.” him to determine that a sequence of three uracil bases in a row coded for the amino acid phenylalanine. It was the first Nicole Kresge ([email protected]) is the editor of ASBMB demonstration of the existence of codons. Today. He presented his findings at the International Congress Photo by N. MacVicar, courtesy of the National Institutes of Health.

April 2010 ASBMB Today 13 asbmb member spotlight Corbett Appointed Frey to Give Hammes Lectureship Chairman of Biochemistry Perry A. Frey, professor emeritus of John A. Corbett has been appointed biochemistry at the University of chairman and professor of biochemistry at Wisconsin-Madison Institute for Enzyme The Medical College of Wisconsin. Prior to Research, has been selected to present his appointment, Corbett was at the the second Gordon Hammes American University of Alabama in Birmingham, Chemical Society Biochemistry Lecture at where he was the Nancy R. and Eugene C. the 2010 ACS national meeting in August. Gwaltney family-endowed chair in juvenile The lectureship recognizes an individual diabetes research as well as a professor of who has had a major impact on research medicine and director of the comprehen- at the interface between chemistry and sive diabetes center. biology, particularly in the realm of biochemistry, biological Corbett’s research is directed at uncovering the mechanisms chemistry, molecular biology and biophysics. responsible for diabetes development. His studies are focused Frey has made numerous contributions to enzymology, on the mechanisms regulating metabolic function and health of including establishing the chemical mechanisms for the reac- insulin-secreting beta cells in the pancreas. Corbett’s laboratory tions catalyzed by uridine diphosphate galactose 4 epimerase also is engaged in research focused on inflammation and the and galactose 1 phosphate uridylyltransferase and developing innate immune responses activated during a viral infection. methods for the synthesis of nucleoside pyrophosphorothioates 18 Corbett is also a member of the Journal of Biological with chiral [ O]-labeled phosphorothioate groups and using these Chemistry editorial board. chiral compounds to determine the stereochemical course of enzyme-catalyzed thiophosphoryl transfers. He also carried out important studies on the bond order and charge delocalization Lefkowitz Wins Frontiers at phosphorothioates. And, his studies on the bacterial enzyme of Knowledge Award lysine 2,3-aminomutase provided critical insight into the mecha- nism of action of this member of the large radical SAM superfam- Robert J. Lefkowitz, the James B. Duke ily of enzymes. professor of medicine and biochemistry at Frey also served on the editorial board for the Journal Duke University, has been awarded the Biological Chemistry from 1983 to 1988. BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Biomedicine. According to the foundation, he earned the award “for his Knox Inducted into discoveries of the seven transmembrane receptors (G protein-coupled receptors), the Missouri Academy largest, most versatile and most therapeuti- James R. Knox, professor emeritus of cally accessible receptor signaling system, molecular and cell biology at the University and of the general mechanism of their regulation.” of Connecticut, is one of seven scientists Lefkowitz’s work on G protein-coupled receptors, the largest recently inducted into the Missouri and most pervasive family of cell receptors, began in 1982 with University of Science and Technology the identification of the gene for the β-adrenergic receptor, which Academy of Chemistry and Biochemistry. helps regulate the body’s fight-or-flight response by reacting to The academy was established in epinephrine. Shortly thereafter, he discovered seven additional 2005 to continue the work of the former adrenergic receptors. Those receptors— and all G protein recep- Foundation for Chemical Research, which tors— share a basic structure in which the molecule weaves its was in existence from 1983 through 2005. way back and forth seven times across a cell’s membrane. When The foundation worked with the alumni of the Missouri University the portion of the molecule that lies outside the cell connects with of Science and Technology chemistry department to support the receptor’s favored signaling molecule, the internal portions and enhance the research and teaching goals of the department. of the molecule can trigger the appropriate cellular response. Members of the academy are scientists who have made out- Lefkowitz is also a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. standing contributions to their profession. The BBVA Foundation supports knowledge generation, scien- Knox, who received a Bachelor of Science from the University tific research and the promotion of culture. Its awards are meant of Missouri-Rolla, specializes in physical biochemistry and to recognize and encourage world-class research and artistic molecular biophysics. He has published more than 100 journal creation, prizing contributions of broad impact for their originality articles or book chapters and has given more than 120 invited and theoretical significance. lectures and talks. Knox also served on the editorial board of the Journal of Biological Chemistry. The other six inductees are Bryan E. Breyfogle, Nuran Ercal, Maciej Gazicki-Lipman, Janet Lynn Kavandi, James Stoffer Jr. and Glenn E. Stoner.

14 ASBMB Today April 2010 asbmb member spotlight Please submit member-related news to [email protected]. Liao Honored with Two Shapiro Receives Lifetime AIChE Institute Awards Achievement Award James C. Liao, chancellor’s professor of Lucy Shapiro, director of the Beckman chemical and biomolecular engineering at Center for Molecular and Genetic Medicine the University of California, Los Angeles, at Stanford University, is the recipient of the received two major American Institute of Abbott-American Society for Microbiology Chemical Engineers awards. He was Lifetime Achievement Award. It is ASM’s honored with the James E. Bailey Award premier award for sustained contributions for Outstanding Contributions to the field to the microbiological sciences. of biological engineering and the Alpha Chi Shapiro’s three decades of work on Sigma Award for Chemical Engineering Caulobacter cresentus has provided the Research. most thorough understanding of the cell The James Bailey Award is given to an individual who embod- cycle in bacteria. Her research has shown that the cell is an ies the spirit of James Bailey, one who is a pioneer, a mentor, an integrated system with transcriptional circuitry that is interwoven innovator, an integrator of biology and engineering, a teacher with the three-dimensional deployment of key regulatory and and one who has made a great impact on the field of biological morphological proteins. By using cell biology, molecular genet- engineering. The Alpha Chi Sigma Award is given for outstanding ics, genomic analyses and molecular imaging, Shapiro and her accomplishments in fundamental or applied chemical engineering co-workers have made significant advances in understanding research. three fundamental problems: the complete genetic network that “Professor Liao epitomizes the modern chemical engineer who controls bacterial cell cycle progression, how a dividing cell can uses the power of microorganisms to do new, creative chemistry produce two progeny with different cell fates and how subcel- of consequence for the chemical and fuels industry,” said Gregory lular structures are built at specific sites on the cell and at specific Stephanopoulos of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and times in the cell cycle. Shapiro also discovered two master chair of the board for the Society for Biological Engineering, regulatory proteins, CtrA and GcrA, that are key components of a a technological community within the American Institute of genetic circuit that drives cell-cycle progression and asymmetric Chemical Engineers. “His work has demonstrated how microbial polar morphogenesis in C. cresentus. biocatalysts can be engineered to catalyze bioconversions for the utilization of renewable resources, a major thrust of metabolic and biological engineering.” Wente Named Vice Chancellor, Senior Associate Dean Susan Wente has been named associate Tzagoloff Garners vice chancellor for research and senior Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal associate dean for biomedical sciences at Alexander Tzagoloff, Alan H. Kempner Vanderbilt University. In her new roles, professor of biological sciences at Wente is working with faculty members to Columbia University, has been awarded the enhance communication and nurture the Genetics Society of America’s Thomas progress of Vanderbilt’s research enter- Hunt Morgan Medal for lifetime contribu- prise, while continuing her own research tions in the field of genetics. and teaching duties. Using yeast as a model system, Wente, who is also professor of cell Tzagoloff has defined the biogenesis and and developmental biology, studies the mechanisms involved in function of the mitochondrial respiratory the highly selective, bidirectional exchange of proteins and RNA chain. He was the first to systematically between the nucleus and cytoplasm. She uses yeast, cultured define the nearly 400 nuclear genes (referred to as PET genes) human cells and zebrafish model systems to address three broad required for respiration in yeast. His work has not only influenced questions: (1) How are nuclear pore complexes assembled? (2) yeast researchers but has also affected research in human How do proteins and genetic material move through the nuclear disease, apoptosis and cancer genetics. Through the years, he pore complex? And, (3) how does inositol polyphosphate signal- has developed an extensive collection of yeast strains that he has ing regulate vertebrate development? She and her collaborators generously shared with colleagues worldwide. have made breakthroughs in understanding the mechanisms of The medal is named after Thomas Hunt Morgan, who received assembly, translocation through and regulation of nuclear pore the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work with complexes, as well as the basis of transport-factor interactions Drosophila and his “discoveries concerning the role played by the with the nuclear pore complex proteins. Lab members also have chromosome in heredity.” The GSA established the medal in 1981 discovered a nuclear inositol polyphosphate pathway that is to honor this classical geneticist, who was among those who laid required for efficient mRNA export in both yeast and vertebrate the foundation for modern genetics. cells. This signaling pathway represents a new frontier for regulat- ing gene expression and cell physiology.

April 2010 ASBMB Today 15 featurestory The Graduate Student Experience, In Four Panels BY NICK ZAGORSKI

any people probably have sat through a less-than- Mthrilling class, lecture or seminar and found them- selves doodling in their notebooks. For most, it provides a way to pass the time; for Jorge Cham, it paved the way to a new career— one that graduate students across the world appreciate. For, as the man behind PHD Comics (PHD stands for Piled Higher and Deeper), Cham has helped codify the foibles and frustrations of academia as seen through the eyes of a group of hopeful, though at times hopeless, graduate students— workaholic and chocoholic Cecilia, the exceedingly clever yet exceptionally lazy Mike Slack- enerny, the activist anthropologist Tajel and the perhaps autobiographical “nameless hero.” Over the years, this former university comic strip has grown into a cult favorite in academic circles, letting students laugh at the eccentric world in which they work, but also giving them some perspective and helping them realize that they are not alone. The beauty and appeal of the strip, which began run- ning in October 1997, is that, although it’s ostensibly “We all thought a strip about graduate school would centered on engineering students (Tajel being the excep- work, because it was an untapped area in pop culture,” tion), the comic focuses on general situations to which any Cham says. “And, even though I had only been in graduate current or former graduate student— from anthropology school for a few weeks, the stories I heard from my brother to zoology— can relate. These include the joys of being a and his friends told me that there was a lot of material to teaching assistant, how to scam free food, dating, explain- work with.” ing your project to your parents, trying to find a job and, Of course, Cham soon would learn that “material” first- of course, trying to write that pesky dissertation. hand, and those battle scars are reflected in PHD Comics’ These, and other day-to-day experiences, are quite incisively accurate portrayal of academic life. familiar to Cham. He spent many years producing PHD Of all the “funny-because-it’s-true” elements in the Comics while living the life of an academic, first as a comic strip, the most enduring, and the one that most graduate student at Stanford University, where he designed resonates with readers, is the 600-pound gorilla known as better robotic legs, and later as a postdoctoral fellow at the dissertation. the California Institute of Technology, where he studied “Graduate school is a unique beast, because the dis- neural prosthetics. sertation process— which adviser to pick, what project But, shortly after he arrived at Stanford in 1997, he to work on— is something students begin to cope with at happened to read that the student newspaper was looking Day 1, and yet, the end product is years away,” says Cham. to run a new comic strip; over dinner that night with his “In between, you have this very flexible and open-ended older brother, who was also a Stanford graduate student, schedule that can lead to students carrying around this and some of his friends, PHD Comics was born. sense of guilt. They think: Am I being productive enough?

16 ASBMB Today April 2010 featurestory

Should I go to lab this weekend? What else can I do?” terms of your progress, like, I have to spend so many hours And, with all that uncertainty, adds Cham, often comes a week in lab or get these results by the next lab meeting. procrastination. Because, the truth is, discovery cannot be forced.” The dreaded P-word takes many humorous forms in the That truism can apply to both research findings and comic, whether its Cecilia’s overstressing to the point of personal discovery, as it did for Cham. Although he has becoming unproductive or Slackenerny’s seemingly delib- been an avid reader and collector of comic books his erate efforts to become the eternal graduate student. whole life, and he dabbled in sketching growing up, Cham Beneath the witty exterior, though, Cham hopes to never imagined a career as a cartoonist: Becoming an show that such worries about finishing, which sometimes engineer, in fact, was his childhood dream. can even lead to thoughts of leaving graduate school alto- Although Cham has been out of academia for a few gether, are common and should be taken in stride as part years now— the growing success of PHD Comics, com- of the long and winding doctoral-degree path. bined with increased travel due to his speaking engage- “I always thought that was an important message, ments, eventually led Cham to forgo his research career, because, while the graduate-student life appears very though with no regrets— fans have no reason to worry; social, with plenty of labmates and classmates around you, not only does he still have plenty of his own personal at the same time, trying to get a Ph.D. can be a very isolat- graduate school experiences to draw from, but stories told ing experience, especially in the context of your disserta- on his Web site’s forum page or by attendees at his lectures tion,” he says. “Because it comes down to just you and your give him a continual supply of fresh ideas. And, Cham adviser, and, if something goes wrong, it feels like it’s just promises to keep going until he can’t go anymore. you. But, in truth, it’s not.” For the countless PHD Comics fans who can relate to In 2005, Cham also began taking his message directly the misadventures of these overworked and underpaid to the people, embarking on the first of what would students, that’s joyous news, even if each new comic gives become a series of lectures across the globe. Combining them a way to procrastinate. stories about his comic with some general thoughts about life as a graduate student, the “Power of Procrastination” Going Deeper into the Pile: tour discusses the role of procrastination in the graduate- A Conversation with Jorge Cham school process. ASBMB: Has anyone ever written you or come up to you after Cham’s general belief is that procrastination is neither a lecture and mentioned that PHD Comics was the reason he good nor evil; although, he certainly does not advocate or she decided to go to graduate school? that students procrastinate. “The message I try to convey is Cham: Not really. The funny thing about the comics, I find, that there’s nothing that you should feel you have to do in is that, although they resonate with almost any graduate

April 2010 ASBMB Today 17 feature story continued

student, they generally don’t translate to individuals outside Molecular Manga of academia. However, I did get an e-mail from a high school While PHD Comics and other student who decided to go to college in part due to PHD. He strips use illustration to poke a thought that universities were only meant for lofty people, but little fun at the world of sci- he read my comic and realized that academics were regular ence, comics also can be a people too, so he decided to apply. That e-mail was memo- powerful tool to help teach rable, because one of my big motivations in developing PHD science, turning complex sci- was to use it to portray scientists in an accurate light and not entific terms and concepts into the stereotypes they often are in popular culture. visual forms. That is the idea ASBMB: What sort of questions do you get at your lectures? taken up by No Starch Press Has any question emerged as the most frequently asked? (, Cham: a publishing company dedicated One of the most common questions I get is, “What to, as it says, the finest in geek entertainment. do you do for a living when you are not writing your comic?” Founded in 1994, No Starch Press has primarily dedicated I answer that I left research and do, indeed, do the comic full itself to computing, publishing numerous books that combine time. That generally leads to the very popular follow-up: “What understandable explanations of complex terminology with did my professor think about my decision to draw comics full personality, attitude and style. time?” So, I tell them that my postdoc adviser gave me very Recently, though, it has taken its unique approach of valuable advice. He said not to get caught up in artificial models instruction to the realm of science, with the help of manga— of success; I could choose my own definition of success. That Japanese-style comics that are gaining popularity in Western helped me make my choice to forgo my academic career. culture, especially among younger readers. These illustrated ASBMB: Speaking of that, during the time when you were still tutorials have tackled subjects like calculus, statistics, physics looking to advance in academics, did you worry that your work and molecular biology. with PHD might hinder your chances? For example, employers The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology follows the exploits might think you didn’t like academia or couldn’t devote your of Rin and Ami, who, as a result of skipping their molecular full time to your duties. biology class all semester, are sentenced to summer school on Cham: Yeah, it might have influenced some people’s deci- Professor Moro’s private island. Once there, Moro, his assistant sions, but I tried to look at it from the positive— that PHD Marcus and a special virtual-reality machine give the schoolgirls would give people a chance to see my creative side. At the an up-close and personal tour of molecular biology in action. same time, I didn’t concern myself with it too much, because Written by Masaharu Takemura, a lecturer at the Tokyo I felt very comfortable with my achievements, research and University of Science who has written several books about publications, which I believed should be the main consider- biology, The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology explores tran- ations in finding a job. scription, translation, mitosis, organelle function and even the new advances in genetic engineering— as told in an engaging, ASBMB: Over 13 years, your characters have experienced a visual and story-driven format. lot of growth, such as marriage, kids, even graduation. Do you Learn more about The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology at have a big picture of how PHD will progress, or do you just take it one strip at a time?

Comic Contest Want to try your hand at writ- ing a comic? Come up with a new caption for this PHD Comics panel and submit it in the online version of this article at The winner will receive an ASBMB T-shirt.

18 ASBMB Today April 2010 feature story continued

Cham: It’s a little of both. I definitely do have a vision of Cham: Oh, that’s like asking a parent to pick their favorite where my characters are going and where they’ll end up in life, child. I think if I had a favorite comic strip I would have but, because I don’t have a planned ending date, it leads to a stopped writing long ago. So, that’s one thing that keeps me balancing act; I want to progress the story without ending the going— chasing that elusive favorite. story. So, I frequently finish one strip and have no idea what the next one will say. Nick Zagorski ([email protected]) is a science writer at ASBMB: Of all your strips, do you have a personal favorite? ASBMB.

. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal The Online Science Comic Universe This comic, developed and drawn by Zach Weiner, features humor- Of course, PHD Comics is not alone in the online ous one-off strips that science comic universe; listed below are three poke fun at a variety other strips that have a scientific bent to their of topics, including humor. religion, dating, super- heroes and of course, science.

Lab Bratz This progressive story comic, written by Ed Dunphy and drawn by Max Velati, also centers on the lighter side of academic science as seen through the misadventures of the biology labs of Drs. Chang and Ruby.

XKCD Created by Randall Munroe and known for its minimalist stick-figure art as much as its dry wit, xkcd deals with romance, sarcasm, math and language. (Note: this comic is not for the faint of heart – it occasionally contains adult language and advanced math.)

April 2010 ASBMB Today 19 2010 annual meeting Getting the Most Out of the Annual Meeting BY PETER J. KENNELLY AND JOSEPH PROVOST

t’s, well, big! several-acre expanse where row upon row of posters, each I marked by a unique alphanumeric identifier, alternate When recollecting the first time I entered the main with a colorful kaleidoscope of display booths, where exhibit hall at the American Society for Biochemistry and myriad vendors— equipment manufacturers, publishers, Molecular Biology annual meeting as a graduate student, supply houses, etc.— vie for the attention of the passing my mind often wanders to a scenario from a fantasy- throngs. Every day, a new set of posters is erected, with adventure film. The heroes, in the midst of exploring some the presenters assigned an hour or two during the after- strangely deserted location, suddenly turn the corner or noon to stand next to them and answer the questions of open a door to find a hidden city. There, spread before the curious onlookers. Scattered throughout the conven- them, is a teeming mass of people, colorful banners and tion center are the many halls and smaller rooms in which strange structures filling some vast cave or undersea dome plenary talks, award sessions, symposia, and workshops in which the heroes seek refuge. The heroes are pressed for spanning a wide variety of topics will take place. Other time. They must find within this bewildering maze: a) the functions, such as lunches and various types of social leader of this hidden city, b) the rebels battling to bring gatherings, occur in the convention center and surround- enlightenment to the people, c) a hidden radio, so they ing hotels. can contact their companions, d) some special element In the lobby of the convention center are registration needed to power their crippled spaceship or cure some booths, a mailbox for leaving notes for other participants raging epidemic or e) the location of some critical poster and a set of computers for accessing e-mail. Adorning presentation before it is too late! the lobby, corridors and central hall are banners and While we all know that some fortuitous event or billboards advertising the participating societies, meeting remarkable coincidence will take place to guide our fic- sponsors and events. tional heroes to the object of their quest, a novice confer- The ASBMB meeting begins with a plenary talk on Sat- ence attendee cannot rely on the intervention of a Deus urday evening and proceeds through Wednesday. In addi- ex machina. This article summarizes a few basic practices tion, a number of special events and small conferences that will help the first-time participant successfully navi- on specialized topics take place on Saturday and Sunday. gate the acres of conference center, thousands of posters Among those are the undergraduate poster session, on and hundreds of talks that typify each year’s gathering of Saturday afternoon, which is accompanied by workshops the ASBMB. targeting the participating students and members of the ASBMB Undergraduate Affiliate’s Network, which orga- The Venue nizes this event. For several years, ASBMB has met in concert with other biomedically oriented professional societies at a joint Map Out a Game Plan event called “Experimental Biology.” The sponsoring soci- Preparation is crucial to getting the most out of the eties for Experimental Biology 2010 include the American ASBMB meeting. The sheer volume of topics covered at Association of Anatomists, the American Physiological the meeting requires that multiple oral presentations or Society, the American Society for Investigative Pathology, poster sessions take place concurrently at several locations the American Society for Nutrition and the American throughout the building. It is, thus, important that attend- Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeu- ees search the program to identify the events that are of tics. The attendees are thereby afforded the opportunity to greatest interest to them and determine where and when explore the offerings not only of their “home” societies but they will take place. The prudent attendee also must exam- those of the other participating organizations as well. ine the floor plans for the convention center to determine The geographic hub of the meeting is the main hall, a how to get from one location to the next.

20 ASBMB Today April 2010 Indulge Your Curiosity down. Don’t pack your schedule just to appear busy. Here The No. 1 priority of most meeting attendees is usually to is where budgeting some time to indulge your curiosity maximize their attendance at oral presentations and posters and expand your horizons can help. No need to take frantic covering topics directly related to their work. While this notes for fear of missing out on something relevant to your is a natural and understandable objective, to pursue it to own work. You can sit back and simply listen. the exclusion of all else is to miss a marvelous opportunity Don’t run around trying to visit every vendor and collect to learn about new things and meet new people. Sampling every “freebie” on the first day. Space out your interactions; from the broad spectrum of topics covered at the confer- use them to provide a change of pace. Be selective, lest you ence offers one the opportunity to put aside the pressures end up dragging around a bulging bag of brochures and of deadlines and competition for a moment and experience giveaways like a ball-and-chain. the simple pleasure of satisfying one’s curiosity. Stepping away from the trees to view the forest offers Don’t Be Passive! many practical rewards as well. Students can open their By far, the most enduring benefit of an ASBMB meeting is imaginations and contemplate their future. Where do I a set of newly acquired connections and relationships. The want to go next? What would I like to work on? With whom conference provides a unique opportunity to meet scien- would I like to train? Investigators can step back and view tists from all fields and every corner of the globe. However, their own science from different perspectives: applying new meeting new people and establishing new relationships concepts to the interpretation of their data, imagining new requires active participation. The only real barrier to partici- directions for their research, visualizing novel collabora- pation is your own reluctance to act. Your fellow conferees tions and previously unsuspected applications for new are ready and willing— indeed eager— to answer questions technologies. You can also learn about the best practices for and share their experiences. Like all scientists, they are curi- reaching nontraditional students and mentoring women ous and want to know more about their fellow participants. and undergrads at the ASBMB Minority Affairs Committee Even the most distinguished scientist can still vividly recall symposium on mentoring. These “complimentary skills” his or her own experiences as a student. certainly will pay dividends as you progress through your The meeting provides numerous opportunities for career. Taking advantage of the full breadth of the confer- interaction. At the conclusion of every talk, there are a ence is a good way to refresh both your spirit and imagina- few minutes to answer questions from the audience. Every tion. poster presenter will stand by his or her display at the appointed hour, waiting to discuss his or her work. Posters Research or Education? Do Both! are a wonderful mechanism for first-time attendees to get You also can broaden your experience by attending the involved. In addition, the society has created many inter- education and career sessions and workshops offered by esting opportunities to actively network with your peers: the ASBMB Educational and Professional Development Dance with scientists at the opening reception, run a few Committee. Learn more about the current pedagogy of the miles with your next potential grant reviewer in the 5K Fun classroom and laboratory and find out the latest about new Run or talk to Journal of Biological Chemistry editors at careers and what employers are looking for. Take the time to a special lunchtime discussion. And, finally, there are few prepare yourself for your next teaching assignment or even better opportunities to meet people who offer good advice a new career! and perhaps affect your career than by attending one of the thematic receptions, the minority scientist reception or the Pace Yourself women scientists’ networking reception. Those casual inter- The meeting’s four-day span may seem like a short period of actions can lead to new collaborations and great ideas… all time, but it is remarkably easy to feel run-down long before over a plate of snacks and a drink. And, remember: Don’t it ends. The conference packs each day well beyond over- just sit back and eavesdrop— introduce yourself! flowing with presentations, posters, vendors and interesting people. In addition, most attendees spend the evening hours Peter J. Kennelly ([email protected]) is professor of biochemistry socializing with old and new friends and taking in some at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and Joseph of the sites of the host city. Long hours and high energy Provost ([email protected]) is a professor of chemistry at can take their toll. Build time into your game plan to slow Minnesota State University Moorhead.

April 2010 ASBMB Today 21 2010 annual meeting continued Back by Popular Demand: The Annual Meeting Compendia BY NICK ZAGORSKI

he 2010 American Society for Biochemistry and These meeting compendia offer an excellent primer TMolecular Biology annual meeting in Anaheim, to the scientific themes at this year’s meeting, and we Calif., is coming up soon, and, as everyone makes his or encourage everyone to take a look at them. Hard copies of her final preparations, ASBMB is offering up a taste of the compendia will be available at the annual meeting for things to come with its 2010 annual meeting compendia. your reading pleasure, so keep your eyes open. In keeping with the tradition of these scientific collec- If you don’t get your hands on one, don’t worry; the tions, which started with a single compendium on RNA- compendia also will be available online for free this mediated regulation and noncoding RNA at the 2008 month on the JBC Thematic Collections page (www.jbc. meeting in San Diego, org/site/thematics), where they are also available for print the 2010 compen- on demand. dia highlight recent exciting research in Nick Zagorski ([email protected]) is a science writer at

AmericAn Society for BiochemiStry And moleculAr Biology ASBMB journals that 2010 Annual meeting compendium ASBMB.

relates to the scientific genoMes, pRoteoMes, themes covered at the & DevelopMent meeting. 2010 ASBMB Annual This year, ASBMB Meeting Compendia and has compiled seven compendia, each con- Coordinating Editors taining 10–15 interest- Editors: David Arnosti & Terri Kinzy Protein Synthesis ing and informative jbc MCP Terri Goss Kinzy, articles published protein synthesis, catalysis and turnover theme organizer within the past two Building Protein Complexes years. The articles coincide with select symposia and Michael Washburn, reflect the research topics that will be discussed in the new frontiers in genomics and quantitative proteomics theme presentations. The septet offered this year covers a wide organizer range of fields, from traditional biochemical areas like Nutrient Sensing & Signaling DNA replication, transcription and translation to emerg- Gerald Hart, ing, technology-driven areas like genomics, quantitative metabolism and disease theme organizer proteomics and drug discovery. The choice of included Drug Discovery & Design articles was coordinated with the help of the 2010 annual Adrian Whitty and Peter Tonge, meeting theme organizers. chemical biology and drug discovery theme organizers This year’s compendia also will offer a new element. Initiating DNA Replication and Transcription In addition to showcasing notable Journal of Biological Joseph Reese, Chemistry papers, such as Papers of the Week, Reports chromatin and transcription theme organizer and Faculty of 1000 selections, some compendia will Genomes, Proteomes, & Development feature high-impact articles from ASBMB’s other two David Arnosti, journals: the Journal of Lipid Research and Molecular new frontiers in genomics and quantitative proteomics theme and Cellular Proteomics. organizer By including all three publications, the 2010 compen- Lipids: On the Move dia showcase the diverse breadth of research represented Mary Roberts, by ASBMB members, ASBMB journals and the ASBMB lipid interactions in physiology and disease theme organizer annual meeting.

22 ASBMB Today April 2010 sci.comm Social Media at the Annual Meeting BY NICOLE KRESGE

his year’s meeting offers more ways than ever to Tstay connected and informed. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook and download our iPhone app, and you’ll be able to make the most of your meeting This year, we also will be unveiling the Experimental experience. Biology iPhone application. Available at the end of March from the App Store on iTunes, the app is free for anyone to download onto his or her iPhone or iPod Touch. With the meeting app installed, users will be able to check meeting times and locations on the fly. We’re dispatching a team of ASBMB staff “tweeters” at The app will contain information on the programs for the meeting, and they will be tweeting about sessions, all the societies participating in Experimental Biology. events and changes to the program. Follow us at Having the app also means that you will be able to or with the hashtag #asbmb2010. retrieve dates, times and locations for presentations, You also can get general Experimental Biology meeting poster sessions and information at or with hashtag special events from the #eb10. And, don’t forget to use these hashtags to American Association tweet about the meeting yourself or to upload Twitpics of Anatomists, The from the meeting. American Physiological Society, the American Society for Biochem- istry and Molecular Biology, the American Society for Investigative We will be creating event and discussion threads and Pathology, the Ameri- notifications that you can follow by becoming a can Society for Nutri- member of the ASBMB group on LinkedIn. Joining the tion and the American community also is a good way to meet people inter- Society for Pharmacol- ested in biochemistry and molecular biology and to ogy and Experimental view job postings in your field. Therapeutics. In the coming years, we hope to add meeting apps for other smartphones.

Nicole Kresge ([email protected]) is the editor of ASBMB If you haven’t become a fan of ASBMB on Facebook, Today. you’re going to miss out during the meeting. We’ll be posting photos and video every day on the ASBMB Facebook fan page. You also can write comments For More Information: about the meeting on ASBMB’s “wall” or use the wall ASBMB on Twitter: to ask other ASBMB meeting attendees about places ASBMB LinkedIn group: to eat and fun things to do in Anaheim. Before the ASBMB meeting LinkedIn event: meeting, you can use the Facebook page to set up ASBMB Facebook fan page: carpools or find hotel shares.

April 2010 ASBMB Today 23 education and training ASBMB Inducts Chi Omega Lambda Class of 2010 BY WEIYI ZHAO

ith impeccable academic records and outstanding Natalia Dmitrieva and Maurice B. Burg at the National Wresearch, the 2010 class of the American Society Institutes of Health. I will present the results of my work for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology honor society, at the undergraduate poster session at the ASBMB 2010 Chi Omega Lambda, is a cohort of promising young annual meeting. scientists with big dreams and big hearts. Even in the In addition to my classes and research, I lead science midst of their rigorous academic schedules and busy outreach and education activities in the local community. lives, all of these students have found time to serve their My goal is to excite kids about science and to give tax- local communities. Whether it’s doing science outreach payers (who ultimately support my research) an appre- in schools, tutoring immigrant families in English or ciation of science. I am also involved with the University volunteering at summer camp, these students represent of Arizona ASBMB UAN chapter, through which I helped a smart generation of socially conscious young people to organize an undergraduate research conference for who demonstrate that being great scientists also means the Southwest region. Outside of science, I love running, being good citizens. cycling and puzzles. Here, in their own words, are awe-inspiring stories from four inductees who were unanimously elected into Virzhiniya Lekova Chi Omega Lambda by the ASBMB Undergraduate Affili- University of Richmond ate Network Committee. I grew up in Bulgaria and came to the United States Sarah Edwards when I started college at the University of Arizona University of Richmond. This I am a junior majoring in May, I will be graduating with biochemistry at the Univer- a Bachelor of Science in sity of Arizona. I came to biochemistry and molecular Tucson from Austin. I chose biology. to major in biochemistry, Throughout my under- because I am fascinated by graduate career, I have been the chemical processes that working with glutamate occur in living cells. After dehydrogenase (GDH) and completing my undergradu- using it as model to study ate degree, I plan to con- allostery and protein stability. My first research project tinue my research and focused on the evolution of GDH, working to answer studies in graduate school the questions of how and why GDH went from exhibit- and earn a doctorate in cell ing no allosteric regulation in prokaryotes to exhibiting biology. Ultimately, I aspire to conduct research at a complex allosteric regulation in mammals. In my subse- university or research institute. quent research project, I studied the effects of various I first began doing research during my summers nucleotides on the stability of the enzyme. The highlight in high school and have continued my involvement of my research experience has been presenting my work in research at the University of Arizona. Currently, my at the 2008 and 2009 ASBMB annual meetings. The research in Tsu-Shen Tsao’s laboratory focuses on experience taught me how to effectively communicate developing a method to measure the redox state of the my results to others, helped to build my confidence in endoplasmic reticulum in living cells. This past summer, public speaking and gave me valuable feedback about I studied salt stress on cells under the mentorship of my work.

24 ASBMB Today April 2010 education and training

Outside the classroom and lab, my experiences with Dario Pasalic teaching and my participation in the organization Women University of Arizona in Math and Science have given me a glimpse of what it Much of my childhood was a is like to be a part the science community. The Women nomadic experience. Born in Math and Science organization on campus provides and raised in Bosnia and career guidance to young women. Members regularly Herzegovina until the age of meet with distinguished female scientists who talk about 6, my family and I emigrated the specific challenges that women face in these fields to Germany to escape the and share their coping strategies. I have worked as a tensions of war. Four years teaching volunteer in a physics summer camp for three- later, having explored much year-olds, as an English-as-a-second-language teacher of Europe, we decided to and as a chemistry teaching assistant. The responsibili- move to Arizona, a place I ties involved in teaching stimulated me to quickly learn could finally call home. how to explain even the most complicated chemistry Achieving a higher educa- concepts. But the most important thing I communicated tion has been my dream as a teacher, I believe, is a passion for the material. since an early age, so attending the University of Ari- Teaching really has helped me grow as a scientist. zona was a natural thing to do. Choosing a major was While spending a semester at the University of Edin- more difficult. I eventually decided on biochemistry and burgh in Scotland, I took a course in molecular genetics molecular biophysics. At the University of Arizona, my and was fascinated by the way the field incorporates research focuses on muscular dystrophy, a disease that classical genetics, biochemistry and cell biology in the gradually deteriorates skeletal muscle cells, leading to the discovery of gene-related processes. I remember reading eventual death of the cells and the surrounding tissue. about eukaryotic chromatin packaging structures one Specifically, I study the calpain family of proteins, which night and thinking they are the most awe-inspiring thing are calcium-dependent proteases, and, together with the I’ve ever encountered. I want to explore this microcosm calcium-dependent specific calpain inhibitor, calpastatin, of the gene, and I plan to do molecular genetics research are widely distributed in eukaryotic cells. I have immersed while pursuing a doctorate in molecular biology. myself in my research by attending scientific conferences, In my free time, I like to read nonfiction and enjoy run- joining professional organizations and participating in ning. Running not only gives me a break from intellectual clinical research studies. I will be presenting the results activities but also trains the same “mental muscles” one of my research at the 2010 American Chemical Society needs to do good research— endurance, perseverance conference. and the ability to focus on a goal. I am excited to be On campus, I am heavily involved in several student attending the ASBMB annual meeting again this year and organizations and activities, such as the Peer Mentorship presenting a poster with my most recent research. Program, the Student Members of the American Chemi-

ASBMB Congratulates the Chi Omega Lambda Class of 2010: Andrew DeVilbiss Huidong Yang Michael Ross Travis Wheeler University of Wisconsin- State University of New Providence College Eastern Kentucky La Crosse York at Potsdam University Sarah Edwards Daniel Laurent Jacob Mahoney University of Arizona Tyler Wuthmann University of Wisconsin- University of Wesleyan University Sarah Schreiner La Crosse Wisconsin-La Crosse University of Virzhiniya Lekova Dario Pasalic Jim Ruble Wisconsin-La Crosse University of University of Arizona Grand Valley State Richmond University

April 2010 ASBMB Today 25 firsteducationsecond and continued training continued cal Society-Undergraduate I think it is the most complex, Affiliate Network BioChem- Chi Omega Lambda elegant and powerful system istry organization, and, most was established to in the known universe, and I notably, the first annual “recognize exceptional believe that mathematics is Biological, Engineering and one of the most elegant and Chemical Undergraduate undergraduate juniors powerful tools one can use to Research Conference for the and seniors pursuing a better understand the brain. My Southwest region. The latter love for both mathematics and stands out, because I and degree in the molecular the human brain has motivated several other undergraduates life sciences me to pursue a doctorate in built this conference from theoretical neuroscience and to the ground up— designing eventually become a theoretical the Web site, recruiting students, raising thousands of neuroscientist and teacher. dollars and performing myriad other tasks. This was a My” current research projects investigate the inter- chance to leave a lasting tradition at the University of action between proteins and metal ions. One project Arizona, and it would not have been possible without attempts to clone a potential zinc-binding loop of a the support of the Undergraduate Affiliate Network and zinc-transport protein from a cDNA library. The other is ASBMB. the characterization of the kinetic and thermodynamic Outside of school, I have been volunteering as a parameters of iron binding, oxidation and storage of hospice companion since 2007, and, in the summer of various ferritins, iron transport proteins and iron chela- 2008, I provided aid at a small, rural hospital in Bos- tors. I will be presenting the results of my research at nia and Herzegovina. I also have worked with refugee this year’s ASBMB annual meeting. resettlement agencies locally to assist incoming families When out of the lab, I like to play the recorder, draw through English tutoring, finding suitable housing and and read biographies of scientists as well as Chinese employment and providing them with general support. classical literature. I also enjoy track and field. I am The culmination of these experiences over the past particularly interested in the famous physicist Richard four years has led me to realize that, for me, an ideal Feynman and his books, lectures and jokes. One of my career must be a combination of medicine, research favorite jokes has to do with Ernest Rutherford, who and community involvement. Having spent the past once said, “In science, there is only physics; all the rest four years at the University of Arizona, I could not have is stamp collecting.” Ironically, he won the Nobel Prize asked for a better experience. in chemistry.

Huidong Yang Chi Omega Lambda was established to recognize State University of New York at Potsdam exceptional undergraduate juniors and seniors pursuing I grew up in Suzhou, a degree in the molecular life sciences at a college or China, a city known for its university that is a member of the Undergraduate Affili- classical Chinese gardens, ate Network. For more information about Chi Omega fine silk and green tea. I Lambda, visit am currently a senior at the State University of Weiyi Zhao ([email protected]) is the ASBMB manager of New York at Potsdam, education and professional development. majoring in biochemistry with minors in mathemat- ics and psychology. Poster Presentations My favorite class in col- Many of the Chi Omega Lambda inductees will be pre- lege is linear algebra. The senting their research in the 14th Annual Undergraduate class gave me insight into Poster Competition at the 2010 ASBMB annual meeting in the beauty and ubiquitous applicability of the eigenvalue Anaheim, Calif. Be sure to visit their posters and con- model, particularly in spectral graph theory— for exam- gratulate them on their outstanding achievements. Special ple, its application in Google’s PageRank algorithm. recognition will be given to these students at the meeting. The human brain holds a special fascination for me.

26 ASBMB Today April 2010 minorityaffairs The Importance of Hypertension in Disease BY BENJAMIN S. KO

ven for clinicians and researchers who work with pressures correlate with improved mortality, treatment Ehypertension every day, the scope of the disease is much more than controlling a number. John Flack will is staggering. Hypertension affects some 60 million address the issue in his presentation, “Contemporary Americans and more than 1 billion individuals worldwide. Approaches to Risk Stratification and Treatment.” The disease ranks as the single-most common reason Understanding the goals, strategies and targets for to visit a doctor’s office (1). And, when the relationship hypertension treatment in patients with other co-mor- between hypertension and other diseases is considered, bidities is essential for dealing with the disease. Those the full impact of hypertension becomes clear. issues will be addressed by Shawna Nesbitt, Kenneth According to the World Health Organization, disease A. Jamerson and Jackson Wright as they present their attributable to hypertension is the No. 1 cause of mortality talks “Treatment in the Context of Other Diseases,” in the world (2). Hypertension is a major risk factor for car- “Avoiding Cardiovascular Complications in People Living diac disease and stroke, with an increase in risk for these with Systolic Hypertension, the ACCOMPLISH trial” and ailments with progressively higher blood pressures (3). “Combination Therapies to Treat Hypertensive Patients High blood pressure is the second-leading cause of with CKD.” And, finally, the larger impact of hypertension end-stage renal disease, and its presence increases the in African-Americans will be discussed by Janice Lea rate of progression of all kidney diseases (3). Because of in her presentation “Racial Disparities in Hypertensive this, hypertension will be a central theme at the American Cardiovascular Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease.” Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology meeting Hypertension remains a critical public health con- in Anaheim, with a session titled, “Hypertension: Treat- cern, one that we truly still do not understand. Current ment, Disparities and Molecular Me chanisms.” research, however, is bringing us closer to that goal, Despite the importance of hypertension, our under- giving us insights into the disease’s scope, pathogenesis standing of the disease’s pathogenesis remains poor. and treatment. Given that the various known inherited forms of hyperten- sion have been linked to mutations in kidney-tubule trans- Benjamin S. Ko ([email protected]) is an porters and channels, it is clear that the kidney plays an assistant professor at the University of Chicago. essential role in blood pressure regulation and the patho- References genesis of hypertension. One of the central ion channels 1. Cherry, D. K., Hing, E., Woodwell, D. A., and Rechtsteiner, E. A. (2008) for sodium regulation in the kidney is the epithelial sodium National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2006 Summary. Natl. Health Stat. Report 6, 1–39. channel, which will be discussed by Thomas R. Kley- 2. WHO (2002) The World Health Report 2002- Reducing Risks to Health, Promoting Healthy Life. Rev Ed Ed., World Health Organization Press. man in his presentation “Epithelial Sodium Channels and 3. Chobanian, A. V., Bakris, G. L., Black, H. R., Cushman, W. C., Green, L. A., Hypertension” and David Pearce in his talk, “Regulation Izzo, J. L., Jr., Jones, D. W., Materson, B. J., Oparil, S., Wright, J. T., Jr., and Roccella, E. J. (2003) Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee of Ion Channel Trafficking.” Another key transporter is the on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. Hypertension 42, 1206–1252. sodium chloride co-transporter, which Robert Hoover will cover in “Mechanisms of Hormonal Regulation of the Sodium Chloride Co-transporter.” Although a number of agents are now at our dis- For More Information posal for therapies, treatment of hypertension remains To learn more about hypertension, see the Journal of inadequate. According to National Health and Nutrition Biological Chemistry minireview series “Biochemistry in Examination Survey data, only one in three hypertensive Hypertension” at Americans has well-controlled blood pressure (3). Well- The program for the hypertension session at the controlled, in this sense, is defined as a blood pressure annual meeting can be found at reading of less than 140/90 mmHg. While lower blood

April 2010 ASBMB Today 27 asbmbmeetings

The meeting will feature key- note speaker Robert E. Kingston of Special Harvard Medical School, who will discuss his recent findings regarding Symposia the molecular machinery required for proper transcriptional silencing lthough its annual meeting by the ATP-dependent remodeling A provides a great opportu- complexes and by complexes in the nity to experience a wide range Transcriptional Polycomb-group of proteins. of exciting science and meet Regulation by The sessions will cover findings in many people, the American transcriptional initiation, elongation Society for Biochemistry and Chromatin and and termination and the role of RNA Molecular Biology understands RNA Polymerase II polymerase II, its C-terminal domain that sometimes science needs and the associated factors in this BY ALI SHILATIFARD a more intimate setting. For process. The roles of chromatin and that reason, the society estab- Eukaryotic DNA is chromosomes, their interacting pro- lished smaller special symposia several meters long teins and post-translational modifica- programs with specific themes and must be packaged tions, their numerous transcriptional every fall. The special symposia into chromatin in a way properties and their role in develop- provide an excellent means for that enables the RNA ment also will be addressed. researchers in underrepresented Shilatifard polymerase II machinery Several talks also will be cho- or emerging scientific fields to to access the genes. sen from submitted abstracts. The discuss the latest science and Despite the fact that the process applications accepted for poster network. And, although the underlies all gene expression, which presentations also will compete for symposia can be considered is fundamental to development and two $1,000 awards. small meetings, there is noth- differentiation, we still possess only Due to space limitations, we ing small about the science; the rudimentary knowledge about genome anticipate an oversubscription for this quality of the meeting organiz- ers, presenters and program- packaging and how the transcrip- meeting. If that happens, we will make ming is second to none. tional machinery and its regulatory a concerted effort to ensure that each This year, the symposia will factors interact with the gene-coding research group wishing to participate explore the biochemistry of sequences. is represented. The status of all sub- membrane traffic, the endo- Eukaryotic RNA polymerase II mitted abstracts will be posted on the somal sorting complex required chromatin plays a pivotal role in ASBMB Web site by mid-September. for transport (ESCRT) system, regulating gene expression. A central See you in Tahoe! the detection and evaluation of challenge to current research is to post-translational modifications determine how RNA polymerase II Ali Shilatifard ([email protected]) is an and the role of chromatin and coordinates the synthesis of mes- investigator at the Stowers Institute for RNA polymerase II in transcrip- senger RNA, resulting in proper Medical Research. tional regulation. The symposia development and cellular regulation. will be held between Sept. 30 Given the implications of defining Transcriptional Regulation and Oct. 31 in Lake Tahoe, the molecular mechanisms of gene by Chromatin and RNA Calif., or Snowbird, Utah. More expression by chromatin and RNA Polymerase II details on each meeting are polymerase II, and its impact on our Sept. 30 – Oct. 4, 2010 presented below. We also will understanding of cellular develop- Granlibakken, Lake Tahoe, Calif. be producing a journal compen- ment and disease pathogenesis, Abstract and registration deadline: dium to go with each sympo- Aug. 1, 2010 ASBMB is bringing together inves- For more information, visit: sium, so be on the lookout for tigators from a variety of research those in the fall. areas for a focused meeting on Regulation2010 transcriptional regulation.

28 ASBMB Today April 2010 asbmbmeetings

unidentified and for which nothing is the biogenesis of the Golgi appara- known about how proteins are sorted tus, and how are large cargos, such into them. In the endoplasmic reticu- as collagen, transported across and lum, for example, a nonglycosylated, from these membranes? How are cytoplasmic viral protein recently was regulated-secretory products pack- found to be among the most rapidly aged into transport vesicles that are secreted proteins, suggesting that not distinct from those carrying cell- all cargos require specific receptors surface receptors? How are recep- Biochemistry for trafficking. There also is evidence tors that need to be downregulated of Membrane that, in some cases, vesicle docking actually incorporated into the lumens Traffic: Secretory is linked directly to the vesicle forma- of multivesicular endosomes? How tion process. These observations is cargo sorted during the process and Endocytic bring to mind questions like: How of autophagy, and how do autopha- Pathways is it that vesicles form, containing gosomes release exosomes from not only the correct cargos, but also cells? How do pathogens hijack these BY SUZANNE PFEFFER AND VIVEK MALHOTRA the necessary proteins to drive their processes for their survival and pro- docking and fusion? How is vesicle pogation? By defining these events Many scientists are car- uncoating regulated, and where does in precise molecular detail, we hope rying out outstanding it take place? to identify novel and precise targets biochemistry in hopes Many of the proteins that drive for future intervention in a number of of defining the precise membrane traffic are cytosolic fac- pathological states. molecular events that tors that are recruited coordinately Thus, we invite all biochemists, Pfeffer drive the transport of to different cellular membranes to molecular cell biologists, structural membrane proteins provide those membrane surfaces and systems biologists, proteomicists from one compartment with distinct functionalities. We need and biophysicists to join us to learn to another in eukary- to define the precise nature of each as much as we can about such an otic cells. This meeting of these distinct membrane microdo- entirely underexplored, fascinating seeks to bring together mains before we can fully understand and important research area. Student Malhotra those interested in how cells are able to sort, secrete and postdoctoral fellows especially understanding how and internalize proteins. are encouraged to attend. molecules drive the secretory and Transport vesicles engage molecu- endocytic pathways and allow them lar motors that rely on either the actin- Suzanne Pfeffer ([email protected]) is to share recent breakthroughs and or microtubule-based cytoskeletons a biochemistry professor at the Stanford discuss controversies. Unlike most and can move in opposite directions. University School of Medicine, and Vivek research conferences, the majority of How do cells regulate these motors to Malhotra ([email protected]) is at the oral presentations at this meet- accomplish targeted delivery of trans- the Center for Genomic Regulation in ing will be solicited from submitted port vesicles? How are target mem- Barcelona, Spain. abstracts – to ensure that those who branes recognized? The structures are really interested in membrane of tethering factors are beginning to traffic will have an opportunity to become available, but almost nothing Biochemistry of Membrane Traffic: Secretory and contribute to what we hope will be an is known about how vesicles recog- Endocytic Pathways excellent program. nize and first engage their unique tar- Oct. 28 – 31, 2010 For the past 30 years, research gets. And, despite an enormous body Granlibakken Resort, Lake Tahoe, has revealed many of the proteins of work on the SNARE proteins that Calif. that participate in transport vesicle drive membrane fusion, little is known Short talk and poster abstract deadline: July 1, 2010 formation – cargo selection, mem- about how active SNARE complexes Early registration deadline: brane curving and vesicle coating. are formed and how their formation is July 30, 2010 But, there remain many pathways regulated. For more information, visit: for which the transport carriers are What is the molecular basis for

April 2010 ASBMB Today 29 asbmbfirstsecond meetings continued continued tions of PTMs and lively discussions Medical Research Foundation will of new concepts and approaches. describe his novel work on the Most of the talks will be selected enzymology, biology and functions from abstracts submitted by par- of tyrosine sulfation. ticipants, allowing discussion of the • Akhilesh Pandey of the Johns most recent and exciting develop- Hopkins University School of Medicine will share his findings ments within the field. However, and views with respect to there are several scheduled presen- PTMs and signaling and recent Post-translational tations: developments in databases for • Tony Hunter of the Salk Institute system analyses of PTM biology. Modifications: will present the keynote lecture on • Tony Pawson of the Samuel the role of protein phosphorylation Detection and Lunenfeld Research Institute and other PTMs in the regulation will lecture on mechanisms Physiological of cell growth and cell division. that underlie intracellular signal Evaluation • Alma Burlingame of the University transduction by modular-protein BY KATALIN MEDZIHRADSZKY AND of California, San Francisco, domains. will describe his work on the GERALD W. HART • Pierre Thibault of the Université development of state-of-the- With the completion de Montreal will talk about high art methodologies in mass field asymmetric waveform ion of the human genome spectrometry to study O-GlcNAc mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) and rapid progress modifications and the GlcNAc/ and phosphorylation and about in understanding the phosphorylation interplay. his recent work on protein proteome, it now is • Brent Martin of the Scripps sumoylation. Medzihradszky clear that the next Research Institute will discuss phase of molecular novel approaches for large-scale Based on the enormous success bioscience largely will, analyses of protein palmitoylation of the first meeting held two years by necessity, focus in mammalian cells. ago in Lake Tahoe, this meeting not on post-translational • Robert Chalkley of the University only will benefit newcomers to the modifications (PTMs) of California, San Francisco, will field of PTMs but it also will provide describe innovative developments Hart and their regulation a forum for sharing breakthroughs of protein functions. using database searches for in both methodology and biology for analysis of PTMs. There are more than 400 known established investigators. PTMs, and, almost without excep- • Richard D. Cummings of the Emory University School tion, virtually all polypeptides are Katalin Medzihradszky ([email protected]. of Medicine will present his post-translationally modified. Given edu) is a professional research chemist pioneering work on the roles of the relatively small number of genes complex protein-bound glycans in at the University of California, San and polypeptides in complex organ- cell adhesion, development and Francisco, and Gerald W. Hart (gwhart@ isms, PTMs create the enormous microbial or viral pathogenesis. is an investigator at Johns and highly dynamic structural and • Donald F. Hunt of the University Hopkins University. functional diversity required to regu- of Virginia will discuss his work late essential cellular functions. In on the development of new methods and instrumentation recent years, the technologies used Post-translational to quantitatively study PTMs at the for the characterization of post- Modifications: Detection molecular and structural level have translational modifications and and Physiological their application to epigenetics. developed rapidly, particularly in the Evaluation area of mass spectrometry. This • Stuart A. Lipton of the Burnham Oct. 21 – 24, 2010 biannual meeting brings together Institute for Medical Research will Granlibakken, Lake Tahoe, Calif. present his work on the molecular Short talk and poster abstract leading experts in the study of a mechanisms of neurodegenerative submission deadline: Sept. 15, 2010 wide variety of different PTMs to diseases and stroke, including his Early registration deadline: Aug. 15, 2010 allow cross-fertilization, presentation discovery of the roles of protein of the most exciting breakthroughs in For more information, visit: S-nitrosylation. the methodology and biological func- • Kevin L. Moore of the Oklahoma

30 ASBMB Today April 2010 asbmbfirstsecond meetings continued continued in Cambridge, U.K., in 2008. Polling signal transduction and cancer, which of the field within the United States will be highlighted in the session on and Canada made clear that there receptor downregulation and can- was a strong desire to sustain the cer. The emerging role of ESCRTs in momentum built at that meeting and autophagy will be explored in both this to involve greater numbers of younger session and the subsequent session. North American researchers. This fall’s The clinical implications of ESCRT ASBMB-sponsored meeting will fill dysfunction extend to several classes Biochemistry and this need and will be a must-attend for of disease – but most prominently to Cell Biology of endolysosomal-trafficking specialists, neurological diseases. The last session structural biologists and membrane will be, to our knowledge, the first con- ESCRTs in Health biophysicists interested in ESCRT ference session to focus on ESCRTs in and Disease mechanism, and cell biologists, virolo- neurological disease. gists and clinical researchers inter- We are very pleased to have Jen- BY JAMES HURLEY AND PHYLLIS HANSON ested in cell division, autophagy, viral nifer Lippincott-Schwartz present the budding and neurological diseases. keynote lecture. She is one of the The endosomal sort- The meeting will begin with a world’s leading cell biologists and is ing complex required session on the fundamental mecha- best known for her work on the Golgi for transport (ESCRT) nisms and structures that underpin apparatus and for co-developing the system is a conserved ESCRT action and will continue with photoactivated localization microscopy pathway for membrane five sessions on the roles of ESCRTs (PALM) technique for superresolution Hurley budding and scission in various aspects of cell function and microscopy. Jennifer’s lectures are well with roles in endoly- disease. The role of ESCRTs in cargo known for their high-energy, beautiful sosomal sorting and sorting and multivesicular-body bio- images and movies and paradigm- receptor downregula- genesis will be addressed in the first of challenging insights. tion, autophagy, the the five sessions. The session will fea- We appreciate that these are egress of enveloped ture several speakers who pioneered challenging times for funding, and, Hanson viruses, including HIV-1, early ESCRT studies and will illustrate by keeping the meeting short and and cell division. ESCRT how far the field has come and set centrally located, we hope to keep research has been central to the the stage for the sessions on “newer” costs down. For those who are not endosome-to-lysosome sorting field roles for ESCRTs. Much of the more able to attend the meeting, we will since the discovery of the ESCRTs recent attention to the ESCRT system have an archived webcast of the almost a decade ago. More recently, has come from the fact that they are sessions. ESCRT research has become impor- required for the detachment of viral tant to other areas: Elucidating ESCRT buds from the plasma membrane of James Hurley ([email protected]) is at the function is increasingly important in infected human cells. The session on National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive understanding the budding of envel- HIV-1 will feature talks by two of the and Kidney Diseases, and Phyllis Hanson oped viruses, and, defects in the co-discoverers of this role and will ([email protected]) is an associate ESCRT pathway have been implicated be chaired by another pioneer in the professor at the Washington University in neurological diseases. Thus, the area. The key finding in ESCRT biol- School of Medicine. short conference on ESCRTs will span ogy in 2007 was the complex’s role in ESCRT-ology, from basic biophysical severing the narrow membrane neck Biochemistry and Cell and structural mechanisms, all the way connecting dividing cells at the last Biology of ESCRTs in to the clinic. stage of mammalian cytokinesis. The Health and Disease Despite their expanding numbers, session on development and cell divi- Oct. 14 – 17, 2010 North American ESCRT researchers sion will feature the leaders in this area Snowbird Resort, Snowbird, Utah Short talk and poster abstract never have had a dedicated ESCRT and will highlight the roles of ESCRTs submission deadline: July 30, 2010 conference. Worldwide, there has in development in plants and other Early registration deadline: been only one symposium on the organisms. The junction of recep- July 30, 2010 For more information, visit: topic, a two-day conference organized tor endocytosis and endolysosomal by the Biochemical Society and held sorting has important implications for

April 2010 ASBMB Today 31 biobits asbmb journal science

Coordinating A Very Close T-box Expression Alanine Shave The transcription factor Pitx2 is critical for the devel- Many proteins self-assemble into larger, multisub- opment of multiple tissues and organs by promoting unit complexes held together by protein-protein proper body-wall formation and closure, although interactions. Although the interfaces between sub- how Pitx2 influences these events is unclear. A likely units are often quite large, the binding energies usu- mechanism might involve the regulation of the T-box ally are localized to a few “hot-spot” residues, thus family of developmental transcription factors. In this providing key pharmaceutical targets. In this study, study, the researchers examined abdominal tissue in the researchers used Escherichia coli bacteriofer- 10.5-day-old mouse embryos and identified seven ritin (BFR), a cage protein composed of 24 subunits, T-box genes as targets of Pitx2 at various locations; as a model to identify key amino acid residues that Tbx4, Tbx15 and Mga were activated by Pitx2 while control self-assembly and protein stability. They Tbx1, Tbx2, Tbx5 and Tbx6 were repressed. Chro- first identified matin analysis revealed that Pitx2 bound to multiple nine potential sites around these genes, both upstream and within hot-spot residues introns, along with selected co-repressors or co-ac- by inspecting tivators. Pixt2-dependent occupancy of co-repres- the BFR crystal sors generally resulted in reduced acetylation levels structure and of several T-box genes, whereas Pitx2-dependent then designed, occupancy of co-activators showed less consistent expressed and chromatin patterns, purified alanine suggesting they mutants at these operate in a more site- sites for a shav- Native PAGE shows that bacterioferritin localized or indirect ing mutagen- mutants R30A, R61A, Y114A and E128A exhibit no detectable 24-mers. mechanism. Although esis study. Four Pitx2 is part of a com- residues— Arg-30, Arg-61, Tyr-114 and Glu-128— plex gene network, shut down formation of the 24-mer complex when and likely regulates mutated and led to the formation of a cooperatively organ development folded dimer. This suggests that these residues are through other signal- crucial “switch residues” that promote higher-order ing pathways, these assembly. These findings provide an excellent start- Tbx1, Tbx2, Tbx5 and Tbx6 show studies provide the ing point for future work analyzing how structure re- upregulated spatial expression in groundwork to better lates to function in supramolecular proteins as well Pitx2-deficient mutant embryos as for the design of drugs to disrupt protein self- (highlighted by arrows and an understand abdominal asterisk). wall defects. assembly and novel protein nanostructures.

Pitx2-dependent Occupancy by Histone Alanine Shaving Mutagenesis to Determine Deacetylases Is Associated with T-box Key Interfacial Residues Governing the Gene Regulation in Mammalian Assembly of a Nanocage Maxiferritin Abdominal Tissue Yu Zhang, Siti Raudah Mohamed Lazim, Traci Hilton, Michael K. Gross and Huihian Teo, Gwenda W. S. Teo, Rongli Fan, Chrissa Kioussi Xiaoming Sun and Brendan P. Orner J. Biol. Chem., published online Feb. 3, 2010 J. Biol. Chem., published online Feb. 5, 2010

32 ASBMB Today April 2010 biobits asbmb journal science For more ASBMB journal highlights go to

Retinoids and CYPs Sequencing Cytochrome P450s (CYPs) are known for their im- Imperfection portant roles in metabolizing both xenobiotic drugs Database search algorithms are the primary means and endogenous compounds. Several members of of identifying mass spectra data. However, these this family are believed to metabolize vitamin A and methods are limited to spectra whose peptides are its derivative, retinoic acid (RA). In this study, the present in the database, preventing the identification authors characterized CYP2C22 from rat, a member of peptides from mutated or alternatively spliced of the CYP2C family that shares homology to human sequences. For example, antibodies confound CYP2C8 and CYP2C9. They found that CYP2C22 standard identification techniques, because they are products of somatic hypermutations and large- scale genome rearrangements. A variety of search methods has been developed to allow for sequence variations, but even those tools still require a ho- mologous peptide as a template. Another approach is de novo identification of peptide sequences,which does not require a protein database, but may have CYP2C22 mRNA transcripts barely are detectable in the liver of vitamin A-deficient rats (left) but, upon treatment with vitamin A, lower accuracy. In this study, the authors present a increased dramatically (right). novel approach, called GenoMS, that draws on the strengths of both methods. Protein-sequence tem- was expressed almost exclusively in hepatocytes, plates first are identified using a database search where it was quite abundant. CYP2C22 mRNA was tool, and the templates are then used to recruit, upregulated by all-trans-RA and the nonmetaboliz- align and sequence the regions of the target protein able at-RA analog am580, whereas in human hepa- that are either missing or divergent from the data- tocytes, at-RA increased the expression of CYP2C9 base. The authors used the approach to reconstruct but not CYP2C8. Analysis of the CYP2C22-promot- the full protein sequence for the antibody raised er region revealed an RA-response element in the against the B- and T-cell lymphocyte attenuator distal-flanking region; this region could bind to the molecule (aBTLA) using both protein and genomic nuclear hormone receptors RAR and RXR and was templates; in each instance, the sequence was more required for transcriptional activation in response than 97 percent accurate. to RA treatment. In metabolic assays, 9-cis-RA was revealed to be an especially strong competitor for at-RA, though 9-cis-RA was not converted to other metabolites by the enzyme, suggesting it functions as an inhibitor but apparently not as a competitive substrate. Together, this work provides additional insight into the role of the CYP2C family in retinoid metabolism. Reconstruction of the aBTLA heavy and light chains from protein-template databases with GenoMS.

Liver-specific Cytochrome P450 CYP2C22 Is a Direct Target of Retinoic Acid and Template Proteogenomics: Sequencing Whole a Retinoic Acid-metabolizing Enzyme Proteins Using an Imperfect Database in Rat Liver Natalie E. Castellana, Victoria Pham, David Linxi Qian, Reza Zolfaghari and A. Catharine Ross Arnott, Jennie R. Lill and Vineet Bafna Mol. Cell Proteomics, published online Feb. 17, 2010 J. Lipid Res., published online Feb. 10, 2010

April 2010 ASBMB Today 33 careerinsights Functional Résumé Writing Tips for Life Scientists BY CLIFFORD S. MINTZ

ike it or not, writing a care- cants. Therefore, an applicant’s or when looking for a new job to Lfully constructed résumé or qualifications, skills and personal advance your career. When crafting curriculum vitae is a vital part of attributes must jump off of the paper a chronological résumé, list work any successful job search. Inex- to catch a reader’s attention. This experience from the most recent to perienced job seekers hastily tend can be accomplished easliy by using past. In contrast, functional résumés to craft résumés without paying bold type, headings, underlining, offer content based on skills and much attention to format, style or bullets and varied font sizes. Avoid are most effective for individuals content and then wonder why they using paragraphs, because they seeking career changes. Functional can’t land interviews. The best are dense and difficult to navigate. résumés should present your skills in way to approach résumé writing However, overuse of visual callout the order of importance for the new is to think of a résumé as a work techniques also can overwhelm career you are pursuing. of art— something that requires a readers, so be judicious about their It is important to include only lot of thought, creativity and atten- placement and frequency of use. information relevant to the position to tion to detail. As one well-known Powerful, action-oriented, emo- which you are applying. Unrelated job professional recruiter and job-search tional words produce strong, posi- titles or skills sometimes can con- expert put it, “Trying to find a job tive impressions. Unfortunately, we fuse hiring managers and, in some without a smart, well-crafted résumé scientists have been trained to write instances, cause them to pass on is like showing up for dinner at a in passive voice. That being said, qualified candidates. As mentioned fancy restaurant in a T-shirt and try to resist using passive voice, and above, most hiring managers are cutoffs. They won’t let you in.” sell yourself as much as possible! simply too busy to read all of the CVs It is important to think of a that receive. Résumés that are cho- résumé as a personal marketing Objective or Summary sen for further consideration typically brochure that will either help land Statement are the ones that contain pertinent, face-to-face interviews or turn a job I am sure that somebody has job-specific information presented in search into a long and frustrating told you at one time or another to a straightforward manner. process. include an “objective” or “goal” on If you have switched jobs fre- The primary goal of a résumé your résumé. Objectives and goals quently or have gaps in your experi- is to show prospective employers tend to be boring, vague and pas- ence, put the dates of employment how you are different from other sive. Instead, I recommend that in the far right-hand column of the applicants and why you should be you craft a vibrant, action-oriented, résumé, or hide the job changing by considered a viable candidate. While can-do “summary of qualifications” combining or grouping jobs. Also, I can’t guarantee that following these section that reflects and highlights employment dates should be listed tips will result in a job interview, they why you are a right-fit candidate. as years and not exact start and will help you to craft a job-worthy CV. stop dates. Professional Experience Writing Tips Résumés and CVs can be con- Tailoring Your Résumé Hiring managers, professional structed either chronologically or A résumé is not just a list of what recruiters and human-resource functionally. Chronological résumés, you have done and where you have professionals quickly tend to scan which are most common, list con- been. It is an opportunity to present résumés and make snap judg- tent in temporal order and should and highlight your skills and how ments about the viability of appli- be used for either lateral job moves those skills translate into making you

34 ASBMB Today April 2010 careerinsights

the right candidate. Quantifying or ing your lowest degree first and you may not think your publication playing up achievements and using ending with your most advanced list is long enough to warrant con- strong, definitive statements elevate degree or educational experience. sideration. and authenticate you. The name and location of the institu- Never send your references For each position you apply for, it tion that awarded the degree and to prospective employers unless is important to list all experience (in your major or area of expertise also they ask for them. Simply indicate the order of perceived importance) should be listed. It is reasonable to somewhere on your résumé/CV relevant to the hiring manager. list the names of your graduate or that references are available upon Carefully reviewing job descriptions postdoctoral advisers if you think it request. However, for most academic will allow you to quickly and easily will help your candidacy. jobs, it is customary for search com- identify those things that are most You also may want to include mittees to request references at the important. What is seen first usually your thesis title if you wrote a mas- beginning of the application pro- means the most! ter’s or doctoral thesis. It is not nec- cess. For industrial jobs, references When necessary, résumés should essary to list the dates your degrees generally are not requested unless an be tailored so that your skill sets and were awarded— by listing dates, employer is interested in a candidate. accomplishments match what was an employer may be able to deduce Finally, it is important to under- stated in the job description. This your age. While this may not be a stand that a well thought-out and means it is highly unlikely that you bad thing for entry-level employees, carefully crafted résumé/CV is will be able to use the same résumé/ it may hinder more experienced job a necessary first step in the job CV for all the jobs in which you seekers from securing new posi- hunt. Poorly organized CVs that are interested. To insure success, I tions. contain spelling and grammatical highly recommend you take the time Membership in professional soci- errors are certain to eliminate you to tailor each résumé/CV that you eties, organizations or clubs should as a candidate. With this in mind, submit. be listed in a section that is separate before you send out your résumé from your educational background. or CV, make sure that it has been Odds and Ends Invited lectures or presentations spell-checked and reviewed by Many people say résumés should also may be listed under a separate a friend or colleague. In today’s be no longer than one or two pages. heading. It is important to list extra- economy and highly competi- While this may be the convention for curricular activities or specialized tive life sciences job market, small many fields, it is certainly not appli- skill sets you think may be relevant. mistakes may lead to or perpetu- cable to CVs or scientific résumés. All of your publications should be ate unemployment! However, it is a good idea to limit the listed on the last page of your CV in length of your CV/résumé, because, a section titled “publications.” This Clifford S. Mintz (cliff@biocrowd. outside of academic circles, nobody section should be divided into sub- com) is a freelance writer, blogger and has the time nor the inclination to sections and appear in the following speaker at career fairs and professional read a CV that is half an inch thick! order: 1) peer-reviewed publications; meetings. When I was working as a profes- 2) chapters, books and reviews and sional recruiter, it typically took me 3) oral and poster presentations. a minute or less after scanning a However, if you are a mid-career résumé/CV to determine whether I professional, I strongly recommend had identified a right-fit candidate. that you list only peer-reviewed pub- Meet the author Candidates whose CVs are too long, lications, review articles, books and Clifford S. Mintz will be at the verbose or difficult to decipher rarely book chapters and eschew the oral ASBMB annual meeting, working make it to the interview stage. I sub- and poster presentations sections. as part of the FASEB careers team, scribe to the notion that less is more Manuscripts that are in press should giving talks and doing résumé and simple is elegant! be listed. That being said, I don’t critiques. For more information, go When listing your educational think it is appropriate to include sub- to background, I recommend present- mitted manuscripts— this signals

April 2010 ASBMB Today 35 lipid news What Can Plant Models Teach Us About Lipid Trafficking? BY CHRISTOPH BENNING

lants are important to most life forms on Earth, Pbecause they produce the oxygen in the atmo- sphere, fix carbon dioxide and provide reduced carbon to sustain heterotrophic organisms, including humans. Plants are even the source of fossil and renewable fuels that power our cars, all courtesy of photosynthesis. To accomplish this feat, plant cells harbor chloroplasts, The protein was named by our collaborators, which have one of the most extensive membrane sys- Michel Caboche and his co-workers, after a cepha- tems found in nature, the photosynthetic membrane. lopod inspired by the Arabidopsis ago1 mutant pheno- What may surprise people is that these membranes type. For those interested in learning more about the contain mostly nonphosphorous galactoglycerolipids, promise of Arabidopsis as a model, a special issue of because sessile plants need to conserve phosphorus The Plant Journal entitled “Arabidopsis: A Rich Harvest (1). Given that plant, algal and photosynthetic bacterial 10 Years after Completion of the Genome Sequence” biomass is greater than that of heterotrophic organisms, was published March 2010 (Vol. 61, issue 6). Articles in these galactoglycerolipids are more prevalent in the the issue are freely available for downloading at www. global biosphere than phospholipids. and are accompanied by a pod- To make the lipids of the photosynthetic membrane, cast on the Web site with testimonials from scientists there is a division of labor between the endoplasmic that illustrate why Arabidopsis has emerged as a model reticulum and the chloroplast, requiring the exchange equal to E. coli, yeast, Drosophila or Caenorhabditis. of lipid precursors across multiple membranes (2). Mechanisms of nonvesicular transfer of lipids Arabidopsis, which had its genome published 10 years between membranes of different organelles are poorly ago (3), has promised to be a model for the discovery understood in any organism, yet they are essential to the of components of the underlying transport machin- development, maintenance and health of all eukaryotic ery. Already, mutants of Arabidopsis have led to the cells. Any eukaryotic model that promises new insights identification of an ATP-binding cassette transporter is welcome, including the little weed that has already hypothesized to carry phosphatidic acid (2), because proven it could. one of the subunits specifically binds this phospho- lipid (4). This protein contains a mammalian cell-entry Christoph Benning ([email protected]) is a professor of domain present in mycobacterial cell surface proteins. biochemistry and molecular biology at Michigan State Most Gram-negative bacteria also have orthologs of University. He is also the editor-in-chief of The Plant Journal. the transporter, which, in Escherichia coli, was recently References proposed to be involved in maintaining the asymmetry 1. Benning, C., and Ohta, H. (2005) Three Enzyme Systems for of the outer cell membrane (5). Galactoglycerolipid Biosynthesis Are Coordinately Regulated in Plants. J. Biol. Chem. 2397–2400. Is this an isolated example for discoveries in Arabi- 2. Benning, C. (2009) Mechanisms of Lipid Transport Involved in Organelle Biogenesis in Plant Cells. Annu. Rev. Cell. Dev. Biol. 25, 71– 91. dopsis that can advance our general understanding of 3. The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (2000) Analysis of the Genome Sequence fundamental cell biological processes? Hardly so, as of the Flowering Plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 408, 796– 815. 4. Lu, B., and Benning, C. (2009) A 25-Amino Acid Sequence of the recently pointed out by Alan Jones and his colleagues Arabidopsis TGD2 Protein Is Sufficient for Specific Binding of Phosphatidic (6). A noticeable example is the ago1 mutant of Arabi- Acid. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 17420 –17427. 5. Malinverni, J. C., and Silhavy, T. J. (2009) An ABC Transport System that dopsis, isolated by my former graduate student Karen Maintains Lipid Asymmetry in the Gram-negative Outer Membrane. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106, 8009 – 8014. Bohmert. She discovered the founding member of 6. Jones, A. M. et al. (2008) The Impact of Arabidopsis on Human Health: the ARGONAUTE family (7) now known to be involved Diversifying our Portfolio. Cell 133, 939 – 943. 7. Bohmert K et al. (1998) AGO1 Defines a Novel Locus of Arabidopsis in gene-silencing pathways guided by small RNAs. Controlling Leaf Development. EMBO J 17, 170 –180.

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little validation or wait for 158 — gene-synthesis? 106 — 79 — TrueORF Gold delivers quality and 48 — promptness in one tube. Each clone is validated for proper protein 35 — expression via western blot, and 23 — supplied as highly purified plasmid HEK293 were transfected with DNA using ion-exchange columns. L) empty vector R) TrueORF for TrueORF Gold is the most reliable and Myc/DDK-tagged hTERT(Cat# RC217436). The lysates were convenient cDNA clone for protein analyzed using anti-DDK antibody to show over-expression of hTERT. expression and functional study. *DDK is the same as FLAG.

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