Regional Commissioner’s Office and the Humber Level 6, St Paul’s Place 125 Norfolk Street Sheffield S1 2FJ

The Members and Directors of The Giles The Giles Academy Church Lane Old Leake Boston Lincolnshire PE22 9LD 14 February 2020

Termination Warning Notice to the Members and Directors of The Giles Academy (Trust) in respect of The Giles Academy (Academy)

In accordance with section 2A of the Act 2010i any funding agreement of an academy may be terminated by the Secretary of State where special measures are required to be taken by the academy or the academy requires significant improvement and the Chief Inspector of Ofsted has given notice of that under section 13(3)(a) of the .

I received an Ofsted notification dated 4 February 2020 confirming that The Giles Academy was judged to be inadequate and requires special measures.

In the Ofsted inspection report, Ofsted highlighted a number of concerns, including that: • “The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective. Some pupils say that they do not always feel safe in the . • Senior leaders lack capacity to improve the school. They do not recognise the extent of the school’s weaknesses. • Governors have been too reliant on what senior leaders tell them. They have not challenged leaders to improve behaviour and the quality of education. • Leaders have presided over a culture of poor attendance, low expectation and low aspiration. • The quality of education is not good enough. Senior leaders have not developed a curriculum that is broad enough to meet the needs of all pupils. • Too few pupils learn to improve their behaviour. Incidents of poor behaviour and fixed- term exclusions have increased.”

Having reviewed the report and following discussions with the Chair of the trust, I have significant concerns about the ability of the trust to deliver the required improvements in a rapid and sustained manner.

In making the decision on whether to terminate the funding agreement I will consider any written representations you wish to make.

Please provide me with any representations you have within 15 working days.

I am copying this letter to the National Schools Commissioner, Ofsted, Lincolnshire Local Authority, Matt Warman MP for Boston and and

Yours sincerely

John Edwards Regional Schools Commissioner for East Midlands and the Humber

CC: Dominic Herrington, National Schools Commissioner; Ofsted; Lincolnshire Local Authority; Matt Warman MP for Boston and Skegness and

i Inserted by section 14 of the Education and Adoption Act 2016