3rd Artists’ Biennial 29.07. – at Haus der Kunst 24.09.2017

Künstlerverbund im Haus der Kunst München e.V. 1 3rd Artists’ Biennial at Haus der Kunst 2017

Factor X - The Chromosome of Art


The Biennial, like its predecessor, the Große Kunstausstellung (Great Art Exhibition) is among the major art events in our coun- try. As an exhibition curated by artists, it has a special position, being independent of the conventions of the art market and allowing a view from outside onto its structures and rules.

This is especially true this year, where the question has been posed of what makes the status of an artwork and, accordingly, its price. It is statistically proven that artworks created by women are less valued monetarily than those of men. Some- times labels such as “student of” or “studied in” help to confer a particular attraction to an artist. At the 3rd Artists’ Biennial, how- ever, a largely anonymous presentation of the artworks enables an unbiased view of the mechanics of the art market.

I am very pleased that the Biennial once again broadens its horizon by cooperating with foreign guests. The Netherlands are considered traditionally as a country open for the new, where prejudices play a minor role and artistic freedom can flourish. It will be exiting to see in how far this will be confirmed in the light of the questions posed in this project.

I heartily welcome our Dutch guests to Munich and thank the Künstlerverbund (Artists’ Association) in the Haus der Kunst and all involved for their commitment. And for the visitors to the Biennial, I wish interesting and moving insights into the world of the artists and art.

Horst Seehofer Minister President of and Patron of the Exhibition

2 Introduction

This exhibition invites visitors to reflect on factors which play a role in art and influence how it is perceived and valued. Is the gender of the artist also a factor? How does the chromosome of art make its presence felt?

This question can be combined with a current occasion: 2017 sees the 80th anniversary of the opening of the Haus der Kunst, as well as the first Große Deutsche Kunstausstellung (Great German Art Exhibition). At that time no female artists were included at all.

Despite debates in recent decades, the issue of gender and the arts still seems to be relevant. What significance do genres, materials and techniques have in the attribution of maleness and femaleness? The experience of a work is usually disputed by the gender codes of its authorship.

This exhibition brings the viewer in a tête-à-tête encounter with the work of art and its sensual, physical presence. Some works explicitly portray a particular gender and its associated roles and take a playful approach with ascriptions, idealised images and maskings. Others are more associative in their approach to the issues. An interest in physicality and identity is consistently present.

The biennale welcomes special guest artists from the Netherlands, curated by Alex de Vries.

In the X-Y Box, an experimental, freestanding wall installation featuring open cubes, artists from the Künstlerverbund (Artists’ Association) present their positions on the topic of the biennale Faktor X – das Chromosom der Kunst (Factor X - The Chromo- some of Art).

This short guide supplements a larger exhibition publication with essays and images published by Revolver Publishing.

3 07, 08, 15, 17, 34, 36, 40

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30 33 0909 09 26 Haus der Kunst Munich, west wing, 28.07. – 24.09.2017, subject to modifications

4 west wing Haus der Kunst

01 E. Berg 17 J. Kurek 34 T. Thiel

02 B. Blauth 18 C. Lammers 35 S. Thiemann

03 D. Comani 19 A. Lohr 36 Toffaha

04 T. Dizdar 20 P. Meinfelder 37 S. Trojan

05 J. de Rooij 21 Monaconomad 38 M. van Es

06 N. Ekici 22 J. Muskee 39 L. van Lieshout

07 N. Ekici & 23 H. Oerlemans 40 S. Wagner S. Marcus 24 G. Passens 41 F. Weinold 08 E. Medora 25 S. Peeters 42 A. Witt 09 A. Frydman 26 P. Reill 43 A. Wodtcke 10 K. Gaenssler 27 R. Rottenfusser 44 X-Y Box 11 P. Gilyte 28 A. Rumland 12 J. Hayward 29 C. Schleiffert 13 R. Hendriks 30 P. Senoner 14 J. Hoek 31 E. Simonyi 15 A. Hollywood 32 A. Sijben 16 Y. Koval 33 A. Steig

5 Factor X - The Chromosome of Art

Eike Berg

*1966 in Halle, lives near Munich. eike.qxd8.com Die Sirenen / The Sirens, 2010/2016 The body of the artist appears to Sound installation, two loops on two sets dance in a golden cage, but the of headphones 9:39/9:32 min. video continually adapts to the Dimensions variable given frame.

Daniela Comani

*1965 in Bologna, lives in Berlin. www.danielacomani.net

Scenes from the everyday life of a seemingly typical, harmoniously successful partnership are shown Golden Cage, 2001 – however the artist herself is Single channel video installation recognizable in the roles of both 200 x 115 cm the man and woman.

Birthe Blauth

*1969 in Munich, lives in Munich. www.bblauth.de Eine glückliche Ehe / A Happy Marriage, From classified ads in a rigid, Photographs from the series, since 2003 work in progress robot-like rhythm the desired #4: 2003; #15: 2004, Piezo prints on qualities of men and women are photo rag, each 50 x 60 cm read, alongside with self descrip- #46: 2006, Print on PVC, 200 x 270 cm tions. From the interweaving of voices emerge the actual German ideals of looks, character, behaviour of men and women.

6 A_E

Timur Dizdar

*1975 in Munich, lives in Munich. www.timur-dizdar.com

A chocolate Christmas angel is Ashes to Ashes, 2016 enlarged, cast in porcelain and Pastel drawing, 200 x 300 cm brought to a glowing tempera- ture. DER Engel (the angel), in Rockpool, 2017 German a masculine word, has Pastel drawing, 250 x 220 cm female, harmless attributes but here is black, radiates heat and glows. Nezaket Ekici

*1970 in Kirsehir/TR, lives in Berlin and Stuttgart. www.ekici-art.de

This is an early work of the performance artist: a self-portrait made of soft material that can be changed by the person seated opposite. When one presses on DER Engel,(THE Angel), 2017 the pedals, the face of the bust Porcelain, ceramic pigments, heating changes and different facial element - 1000 ° C, 220V, concrete block expressions appear.

Jacobien de Rooij

*1947 in Rotterdam, lives in Haarlem/NL. www.jacobienderooij.nl Ich und meine Puppe /Me and my Doll, 1998, Performance, installation/sculp- At first glance, the landscapes ture, silicone, steel cable, plaster, wood, seem very realistic. However, they organ board, 165 x 150 x 300 cm are not only external landscapes but above all interior landscapes by the artist. One is absorbed into them as if into an artificial world.

7 Factor X - The Chromosome of Art

Nezaket Ekici Expedition & Shahar Marcus Medora

Shahar Marcus (Shirin Damerji, Claudia Djabbari, *1971 in Petach Tikva/IL. Andrea Faciu, Sandra Filic, Peggy Meinfelder) One sees the artists sharing a meal in the Dead Sea. They This group of Munich artists of eat food, drink wine and break differing national origins, founded bread – always keen to keep the in 2005, presents a group por- unstable balance and not be trait consisting of overlapping carried away by the waves. portraits, thus creating a kind of collective feminine ideal image.

Salt Dinner, 2012 Video performance HD/mov, mp4, 16:9; Expedition Medora, 2015 colour, sound, 3:19 min. Installation, laser printing on transpar- Performers: Nezaket Ekici, ent film, overhead projector, variable Shahar Marcus dimensions Co-director and Photographer: Ben Hertzog Editor: Simha Talalaevsky Assistants: Maya Elyran, Tamar Dekel, Naama Bar-Or Photos by: Maya Elran Anna Produced by Braverman Gallery Tel Aviv Courtesy: Braverman Gallery Tel Aviv Frydman and the artists

*1962 in Ludwigshafen, lives in Munich. www.anna-frydman.com

The drawings show an interest in physicality and an individual state of mind while also discussing violence.

8 E_H

Patricija Gilyte

*1972 in Kaunas/LT, lives in southern and Lithuania. www.patricija-gilyte.net schlagen, (Strike), 2017 hauen, (Hit), 2017 The British painter Lucian Freud drehen, (Turn), 2017 supposedly had at least 14 Watercolour on paper, 140 x 100 cm children. Each one had only one father. By means of satellite dishes and gloves, which switch between everyday objects and creatures, a connection between Katharina the artists’ children is construct- Gaenssler ed.

*1975, lives in Munich. www.katharinagaenssler.de

Renowned for her large-scale photographic installations of rooms from a myriad of individual images, Gaenssler shows early negative montages, photographs of her own body in which her Die ca. 14 Kinder von Lucian Freud, (The interest in the splitting of the Roughly 14 Children of Lucian Freud), image space becomes clear. 2016-2017, Installation (S / M / L gloves, satellite dish), dimensions variable

Julie Hayward

*1968 in Salzburg, lives in Vienna. o.T. (geflügelte Beine), www.juliehayward.com/de/ (Untitled, Winged Legs), 27 x 22 cm o.T. (gekreuzte Beine), The large-scale sculpture I (Untitled, Crossed Legs) 16 x 25 cm wanna go home references o.T. (gespiegelte Beine), organic but also technoid forms. (Untitled, Mirrored Legs), 14,5 x 20,5 cm o.T. (gerade Beine), The black colour enhances the (Untitled, Straight Legs), 22 x 15 cm impression of heavy weight. o.T. (geknotete Beine), (Untitled, Knotted Legs), 17 x 22 cm 2002, Negative montage, printed on ba- ryta paper (1, 2), printed on P90 archive paper (3, 4, 5) 9 Factor X - The Chromosome of Art

Jan Hoek

*1984 in Amsterdam. janhoek.net

Jan Hoek has photographed Chinese people in his bed, homeless people in Africa, drug I wanna go home, 2014 addicts who dream of becoming Sculpture/object, polyester, aluminium models or simply people he finds 120 x 110 x 250 cm through classified ads. His work looks at the “self” and the “other,” traversing borders and the rela- tionship between photographer Rosemin and model. Hendriks

*1968 in Velp/NL. www.roseminhendriks.nl

For over 20 years, Hendriks has been drawing her face, using photographs as starting points. The artist moves away from producing a likeness and moves towards a desired image, always creating new characters (such Kim on ski’s, 2013 as housewife, diva, mother and Photograph, Courtesy Ron Mandos lesbian) and new versions of Gallery herself in abstracted portraits.

Annette Hollywood

*1969 in Mainz, lives in Berlin. www.annettehollywood.com

SORRY CURATOR is staged as a hip-hop battle between the artist o.T., (Untitled), 2015 Charcoal, pastel and curator, in which the artist’s chalk, Contre chalk on paper, 153 x 147 cm idealised concept of life and o.T., (Untitled), 2017Charcoal, pastel chalk, Contre chalk on paper, 171 x 123 cm

10 H_L

creative vision come up against the struggle for recognition and Julia success of the curator. Kurek

*1984 Stettin/PL, lives and works in Szczecin and Gdansk. juliakurek.blogspot.de

Lucha libre, the often grotesque form of wrestling, is part of the cultural identity of Mexico. The artist appears in a dress and SORRY CURATOR, 2008 lucha libre mask in front of the Video, DV, PAL 4:00 Min presidential palace and fights her way through the ranks of the guarding militia to knock at the door. She protests against the arrest and subsequent murder of Yuliia 43 students, who were arrested Koval in a demonstration and never released.

*1979 in Ivano-Frankivsk/UA, lives in Munich. www.yuliiakoval.com

The large-format wall painting responds to spatial conditions and is inspired by the entrances to the ladies’ and gentlemen’s toilets. In a game of colours and shapes, Koval responds to typical colour schemes for women and men.

Lucha libre, (Wrestling), 2015 Video performance

Christoph Lammers

Black Athena, 2017 Acrylic on wall, *1969 in Heidelberg, lives in Munich. Approximately 300 x 1500 cm www.christophlammers.com

Kalymma means veil, a cloth that conceals objects. In genetics,

11 Factor X - The Chromosome of Art it also signifies a matrix of the chromosome. The black-and- white drawing works with polar opposites, while also connecting them. It was created in a three- hour performance in collabora- tion with the pianist Stefan Kling in the Michaeliskirche (Michael’s Church) in Erfurt. Gender, 2017 Cut vinyl on wall paint, 40 x 1800 cm

Peggy Meinfelder

Kalymma, 2015 *1975 in Hildburghausen, Charcoal, flame charring, ink, wax on lives in Munich. canvas, 300 x 600 cm www.peggymeinfelder.de

The photographs are based on a work by Richard Prince from 1979/80, but they are transferred Albert to a different, biographical con- text. The artist produced portraits Lohr of her mother and her two sisters mounted against the backdrop of fashion magazines from the *1949 in Munich, lives in Munich. 1980s. Contrary to Prince, the women are not from the fashion Lohr installs signs near the toilets, world but from everyday life. They which are separated by gender also provide an insight into a and furnished with pictograms. family situation. The signs signify not only female/ male but also the myriad combi- nations, intermediate stages and different models. The viewer is invited to question whether the symbols are fictitious or “real.”

o.T. (Drei Frauen schauen in die gleiche Richtung), (Untitled, Three Women Look in the Same Direction), 2011 Print, 50 x 60 cm

12 L_O


(Almut Determeyer, Heribert Heindl, Andreas Mitterer, Rasso Rottenfusser, Oliver Westerbarkey) www.andreas-mitterer.com/ gestaltung/Monaconomad +II+–+Icke+Icke+Icke Protest, 2017 Oil painting on paper, 200 x 300 cm Monaconomad, a group of artist friends, project faces of well- Wahrheit, (Truth), 2007 known artist personalities onto Oil painting on paper, 210 x 360 cm themselves, while confidently saying “Icke,” which is Berlin dialect for “I,” but also means the same in Dutch. Hester Oerlemans

*1961 in Schijndel/NL, lives in Berlin and Amsterdam. www.hesteroerlemans.com

Oerlemans constructs a boxing ring from belts, and by doing so icke, icke, icke, (I, I, I), 2014 transforms clothing accessories, Performance with video in which personality and gender are expressed, into components of a combat zone. The image of the boxer is also connected with physicality – but whose fists are Jans mutated by organic-like growths? Muskee

*1961 Nieuw-Amsterdam/NL. www.jansmuskee.nl

In monumental drawings, Muskee confronts the viewer with themes such as sexuality, relation- ships, consumption and making pictures – these are partly full DANNY, 2016 of humour and partly disturbing. Colour copies, belts, ceramics, wood, Scenes which may at first glance rope, dimensions variable Installation view project space OZEAN, Berlin seem quotidian and harmless are Photography: Studio Schuurman disrupted.

13 Factor X - The Chromosome of Art

DANNY, 2016 Photo, ceramics 300 x 300 cm Installation view De Pont Stijn Tilburg/NL; Photography: Studio Schuurman Peeters

*1957 in Valkenswaard/NL, lives in Eindhoven Gregor stijnpeeters.com

Passens Stijn practices a form of historical painting that is both contempo- rary and timeless. He draws on *1974 in Berchtesgaden, the painting of the past but also lives in Munichand Buenos Aires. on events and image culture of www.passens.net today, and his own biography. The large-scale sculpture draws from monumental architecture as well as from the film (entitled “King Kong and the White Woman” in the German version), both of which originate in the 1930s. The relationship between the sexes (male, aggressive, wild, ugly as opposed to feminine, passive, civilized, beautiful) is referenced ironically in the background. Grande machine # 2, 2003 Oil and acrylic on linen 260 x 325 cm Photograph: Peter Cox

Peter Reill

*1970 in Kempten, lives in Munich. www.reillplast.de

Kong is back, 2017 The large-scale ironic photo- Scaffolding, roof battens, roofing graphic work shows a Lamborgh- materials, 10 x 8 x 10 m ini as a powerful male status symbol in front of a well-known discount supermarket, whose name is replaced by a brand that also signals status – “art.” The work is located in front of a win- dow on the western façade, thus establishing a connection with the outside.

14 P_S

Andreas Rumland

Lives in Starnberg. www.max-himalaya.de

With his artificial character “Max Himalaya,” Rumland plays with different themes. He places them Centro di Lambo, 2008/2017 in extreme situations such as Direct print on Forex 320 x 140 cm hunting in exotic wild mountain forests or amidst breaking waves – which can also be transferred to the artistic field. Rasso Rottenfusser

*1966 in Munich, lives in Munich. rasso-rottenfusser.de

The installation in the entrance area plays with minimalist sculptures as a product of male Serie Max Himalaya „gestrandet“, rationality but is broken by niches (Max Himalaya “Stranded”), 2015 and additions in which forms of Photograph, 100 x 151 cm perception are questioned. Serie Max Himalaya „Hochziel“, (Max Himalaya “High Target”), 2017 Photograph, 187 x 108 cm

Charlotte Schleiffert

>o.t. cervelat 29/4.7-VII aggregat<, 2017 Chipboard and formwork panels, acrylic, *1967 in Tilburg, lives in Rotterdam. fabric, light, aluminium, paint, fleece, www.charlotteschleiffert.com mirror, etc., dimensions variable, here approx. 927 x 303 x 505 cm Schleiffert’s large, strongly coloured and often very feminine characters seem to jump off the paper. They are however, as their titles inform us, powerful representations of difficult social and political questions.

15 Factor X - The Chromosome of Art

MONOMON, 2007/2016 Bronze cast, enamelled, cryolite glass 205 x 80 x 55 cm

Emö Simonyi

*1943 in Budapest, lives in Munich. , 2012 Paris www.simonyi.net Pastel, acrylic, pencil on paper 300 x 150 cm These large-format figures, with Als de vrijheid mislukt (If Freedom Fails), their expressive colours and their 2017, 310 x 151 cm Mixed media on desire to depict bodies, recall paper, Courtesy Akinci Gallery, the “male” painting of the Neue Amsterdam Wilde (New Savages) of the 1980s. However, they also ques- tion the categories of “female” and “male” painting and also of “painting” and “sculpture” per se. Peter The figures often have female bodies and address couples/ Senoner relationships as subject matter while also offering homages, for example, to Hans Baldung Grien. *1970 in Bolzano, lives in South Tyrol. www.petersenoner.com

The figure is androgynous, technoid (with headphones that look as if they have grown from its body), perfectly modelled and smooth and looks like a futuristic being in which the sexes have been fused. The title makes ref- erence to figures from Japanese animation films.

Jüngling und Tod, (Youth and Death), 2001, cardboard, 280 x 70 x 75 cm

Mutter, (Mother), 1999 Cardboard, 266 x 89 x 65 cm

Adam und Eva, (Adam and Eve), 2001 Cardboard, 280 x 90 x 80 cm

16 S_T

Anja Sijben

*1966, lives in Amsterdam and other cities.

In her extensive series, Sijben KRYPTÓS, 2011/17 looks for the “ideal man,” 1 channel CCTV production (video but this does not lead to typical camera, projector, water bucket, lamp, or well-known clichés. She draws air compressor, hose) Dimensions variable men who, in their own way, have weaknesses and quirks – and this is what makes them lovable. Tamiko Thiel

*1957, lives in Munich. www.tamikothiel.com

Video documentation of the augmented reality installation by Tamiko Thiel, celebrating Damien Ideal man, since 2014 Hirst’s retrospective exhibition Watercolour drawings at the Tate Modern in London in Each 30 x 30 cm 2012. The gold coins are a special edition of the British gold sover- eign for Queen Elizabeth II’s 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Alexander Steig

*1968 in Hanover, lives in Munich. www.alexandersteig.de

Steig creates a constantly changing network of light and dark lines, structures reminiscent All Hail Damien Hirst!, 2012 of chromosome nets. The simple mechanism (light reflections of il- luminated moving water) produc- es associations with procreation and primordial soup.

17 Factor X - The Chromosome of Art

Susanne Toffaha Thiemann (Rasha Ragab + Christoph Nicolaus) Lives and works in Cairo and Munich. *1955 in Kiel, lives in Munich. www.toffaha.org susanne-thiemann.de In the distance, a man leads a [...] Thiemann works on the thin woman on a decorated camel line between the applied arts barefoot across a red carpet, – handicraft- and sculpture. At through abondoned cars and the same time, she does not shy rubbish. Both are dressed in away from heavy loaded themes white. At the same height as such as femininity or domestica- the camera, there is a change of tion, but she does so in a highly perspective; one sees the couple personal way. It struck me that I with the camel from behind, find echos in her work of leading wandering away. feminist artists such as Eva Hesse, Lygia Clark or even Yayoi Kusama. (Chris Dercon)

MEHWAR AL MONIP / CAMEL TRAVEL, 2014 HD video 4:23 min; loop Editing: Timo Michail

Happy, Joyous, Free, 2017 Interwoven plastic tubing, hanging object Stefanie on steel cable, approx. 100 x 40 x 45 cm Trojan Blackbird, 2017 Black plastic tubing, braided threads attached above, 180 x 60 x 65 cm, total height approx. 370 cm *1976 in Neu Ulm, lives in Frankfurt. Photograph: Achim Schäfer www.stefanietrojan.de/art

Many of Trojan’s performanc- es are reminiscent of the “field experiments” of social research. They undermine social interaction and communication, which is determined by a multitude of in- visible but rigid rules and norms, by deliberate violations of those rules – and in doing so, making these rules visible and tangible. (Peter T. Lehnhart) 18 T_V

singular and document a rela- tionship: the moment the father picks the artist up in the car. One does not see the person, only the black car.

FOR SALE Sign, edition of 6 + 2 AP 30 x 40 cm Performance on 8.9.17, 18:00 - 21:00 schmiegsam / cuddlesome 4-week performance, Galerie Royal, Munich C-Print, edition of 3 + 1 AP, 20 x 28 cm, 40 x 50 cm Photography: Petra Schmid Pick ups by my dad, 2017 schweigen / silence Photo collage Performance, watch this hand, shadow- cabinet, de Appel, Amsterdam C-Print, edition of 3 + 1 AP, 28 x 20, 40 x 50 cm Photography: Sands Murray-Wassink zeit raum / spacetime Lotte Action, Los Angeles C-print, edition of 3 + 1 AP van Lieshout 20 x 29, 40 x 50 cm Photography: Notburga Karl

öffentliche toilette / public toilet *1978 in Neerpelt/BE, lives in the 6 day action, Hacking the City, Museum Hague/NL. Folkwang, Essen www.lottevanlieshout.nl C-print, edition of 3 + 1 AP 20 x 29, 40 x 50 cm In her paintings, van Lieshout Photography: Laura Hindelang often starts from her own naked body, from a fantastical, dream- Männer oder Frauen (Men or Women), 2014 Action Campo San Tomà, Venice, like, transformed environment in 7.8.2014, Video: 3:10 min; edition of 6 + 2 which sensations are reflected. AP, Camera: Notburga Karl

Maurice van Es

*1984, lives in Amsterdam. Cerebellum, 2015 www.mauricevanes.nl Oil and acrylic on packaging 300 x 400 cm Everyday situations are recorded Photograph: Janot Laval with a smartphone, repeated moments which are nonetheless

19 Factor X - The Chromosome of Art

Susanne Wagner

*1977, lives in Munich. www.susannewagner.com Wühltisch, 2015 The video refers to a literary Slow motion video, approx. 20 min model – but in the opposite Projector, table (150 x 266 x 66 cm), direction: in the short story How 100 T-shirts (25 in yellow, red, blue and white), IKEA shelf (77 x 77 x 39 cm) to Derive the Maximum Enjoy- ment from Crackers (1964) by Mason Williams, a woman lying on a bed of salad has salad dressing thrown over her. Anna Witt

*1981 in Wasserburg, lives in Vienna. www.annawitt.net

The video sculpture shows a prostitute pole dancing and The Callboy (Kristijan), 2010 the female body as an object, HD video, 4:30 min medially fragmented onto three monitors.

Felix Weinold

*1960, lives in Augsburg. felixweinold.de

The composition of colourful T-shirts in the style of the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian – which is then disrupted by custom- ers’ hands – can be read as a Beat Body, 2016 deconstruction of an abstract/ Video sculpture, 3 monitors, metal pole, sound rational/technical “male” conno- tated image, but also as a socially critical reference to the working conditions of the women who manufacture such mass-pro- duced goods.

20 W

Anne Wodtcke

*1954 in Berlin, lives in Munich and Berlin.

Rhythmically recurring running, beating, dancing with a milk jug – memories of getting milk as a child? Whereby the sound, gener- ated by the shift in use, increas- ingly comes into the foreground.

Milk, 2013 Video performance DV, sound, 6:42 min

21 X-Y Box

Factor X - The Chromosome of Art

22 The X-Y Box, a project by Anna Frydman and An- dreas Rumland, brings together works by various members of the Künstlerverbund (Artists’ Associa- tion) which – adapted to the formal framework of a shadow box system – complement the exhibition theme Factor X – The Chromosome of Art through a wide variety of artistic approaches and also dissociations. The notion of conceptual freedom within the stipulation of the framework offers an opportunity to push the interpretation of feminine and masculine authorship to the background, and to see the cooperation and intermingling of the ex- ponents as a loosening of role-specific attribution. Each artist must work within the dimension of the box, 50 x 50 x 45 cm.

23 X-Y Box 10 22 21 30 20 09 19 29 28 08 18 27 17 07 16 26 06 15 05 14 25 24 04 13 03 12 02 11 01 23



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25 Factor X - The Chromosome of Art

Thanks Imprint

We thank all those involved in This booklet is published to the project, the artists, sponsors, accompany: the team of the Haus der Kunst, particularly , Mar- Factor X - co Graf von Matuschka, Isabella The Chromosome of Art Kredler, Iris Ludwig, Anton Köttl 3rd Artists’ Biennale (technical office), Glenn Rossiter, in the Haus der Kunst Markus Brandenburg, Hans Peter Frank and Tobias Wunderl (tech- Haus der Kunst, Munich nical team), Tim Wolff and Moritz July 29, – September 24, 2017 Friedrich (media team); Matias Becker, Florian Froese-Peek, Alfred Kurz, Torsten Mühlbach, Editing, short texts: Dominik Wandinger (team Albert Coers, Alexander Steig; GregorPassens), the team of Artists the Künstlerverbund; the jury Translation: Oliver Walker and advisory committee, in Copyediting: Courtenay Smith particular Anna Frydman and Patricija Gilyte (conception), Stefanie Unruh, Felicia Leu (or- Design: ganization) and Courtenay Smith suolocco.com (Sabine Bretsch- (curatorial consulting); neider, Andreas Ullrich) Eva Ruhland (webdesign); Bettina Pauly (PR); Hubert Kretschmer, Diana Ebster, © Artists, authors and Georg Eisenreich, Marc Gegen- photographers furtner, Thomas Osterkamp, © for the works of Eike Berg, Heike Salchli, Peter Alexander Birthe Blauth, Daniela Comani, Vermeij, Alex de Vries, Susanne Timur Dizdar, Anna Frydman, Wagner und all volunteers and Patricija Gilyte, Julie Hayward, supporters. Annette Hollywood, Christoph Lammers, Peggy Meinfelder, Gregor Passens, Peter Reill, Rasso Rottenfusser, Alexander Steig, Stefanie Trojan, Susanne Wagner, Anne Wodtcke: VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2017 © icon Verlag Hubert Kretschmer, Munich, 2017 ISBN 978-3-928804-75-2 26 Opening hours: Mon.-Sun. 10:00 am – 6:00 pm, Thurs. 10:00 am – 10:00 pm Fri., 8.9. (Open Art), 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm: performance by S. Trojan

Guided tours: Opening: Sat. 29.7. (with Alex de Vries, in Friday, July 28, 5:00 pm – 8:00 English); Sun. 30.7., 13.8., 10.9., pm, Terrace Galley 24.9. (German), always at 4:00 pm

E. Berg, B. Blauth, Performance: Monaconomad S. Bretschneider, C. Brunetti, Special Guests: artists from the A. Coers, D. Comani, J. de Rooij, Netherlands, curated by Alex de T. Dizdar, N. Ekici, Expedition Vries Medora, D. Frigo, A. Frydman, K. Gaenssler, P. Gerschner, P. Gilyte, E. Götze, Z. Habarta, Patronage: J. Hayward, R. Hendriks, J. Hoek, Ministerpräsident Horst Seehofer A. Hollywood, T. Kanellopoulos, Y. Koval, E. Krebs, M. Krug, J. Kurek., C. Lammers, A. Lohr, A publication by Revolver, Berlin, S. Marcus, P. Meinfelder, edited by Albert Coers and Alex de A. Mitterer, Monaconomads, Vries, with contributions by Larissa J. Muskee, H. Oerlemans, Kikol, Siri Hustvedt, Niña Weijers Jörg G. Passens, S. Peeters, Scheller, Daniel Hornuff, Albert Coers, S. Pittroff, P. Reill, Eva-Maria Troelenberg, Dorothea Frigo R. Rottenfusser, E. Ruhland, and Alex de Vries accompanies the A. Rumland, I. Schicketanz, exhibition. C. Schleiffert, P. Senoner, H. Seyboth, A. Sijben, E. Simonyi, A. Steig, A. Stetka, T. Thiel, Künstlerverbund im Haus der S. Thiemann, Toffaha, S. Trojan, Kunst München e.V. S. Unruh, M. van Es, Prinzregentenstr. 1 L. van Lieshout, D. Verhoeven, 80538 München F. Vogl, S. Wagner, F. Weinold, Tel. +49 (0)89/22 26 55 A. Witt, A. Wodtcke [email protected] www.kvhdk-muc.de

27 Factor X - The Chromosome of Art


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